ABINIT/m_outscfcv [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2005-2024 ABINIT group (XG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 #include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "abi_common.h"
21 module m_outscfcv
23  use defs_basis
24  use defs_wvltypes
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_sort
27  use m_efield
28  use m_errors
29  use m_xmpi
30  use m_mpinfo
31 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
32  use netcdf
33 #endif
34  use m_nctk
35  use m_hdr
36  use m_plowannier
37  use m_splines
38  use m_ebands
39  use m_dtset
40  use m_dtfil
42  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
43  use defs_abitypes,      only : MPI_type
44  use m_time,             only : timab
45  use m_io_tools,         only : open_file
46  use m_fstrings,         only : strcat, endswith
47  use m_geometry,         only : bonds_lgth_angles
48  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type,electronpositron_calctype
49  use m_oper,             only : oper_type,init_oper,destroy_oper
50  use m_crystal,          only : crystal_init, crystal_t, prt_cif
51  use m_results_gs,       only : results_gs_type, results_gs_ncwrite
52  use m_ioarr,            only : ioarr, fftdatar_write
53  use m_nucprop,          only : calc_efg,calc_fc
54  use m_outwant,          only : outwant
55  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type
56  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type, simp_gen, bound_deriv
57  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
58  use m_paw_an,           only : paw_an_type
59  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type
60  use m_paw_mkrho,        only : denfgr
61  use m_pawfgrtab,        only : pawfgrtab_type
62  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_nullify, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free
63  use m_pawcprj,          only : pawcprj_type
64  use m_pawfgr,           only : pawfgr_type
65  use m_paw_dmft,         only : paw_dmft_type,init_dmft,destroy_dmft,print_dmft
66  use m_paw_optics,       only : optics_paw,optics_paw_core
67  use m_paw_tools,        only : pawprt
68  use m_numeric_tools,    only : simpson_int
69  use m_epjdos,           only : dos_calcnwrite, partial_dos_fractions, partial_dos_fractions_paw, &
70                                 epjdos_t, epjdos_new, prtfatbands, fatbands_ncwrite
71  use m_paral_atom,       only : get_my_atmtab, free_my_atmtab
72  use m_io_kss,           only : outkss
73  use m_multipoles,       only : multipoles_out, out1dm
74  use m_mlwfovlp_qp,      only : mlwfovlp_qp
75  use m_paw_mkaewf,       only : pawmkaewf
76  use m_dens,             only : mag_penalty_e, calcdenmagsph, prtdenmagsph
77  use m_mlwfovlp,         only : mlwfovlp
78  use m_datafordmft,      only : datafordmft
79  use m_mkrho,            only : read_atomden
80  use m_positron,         only : poslifetime, posdoppler
81  use m_optics_vloc,      only : optics_vloc
82  use m_green,            only : green_type,compute_green,&
83                                 fourier_green,print_green,init_green,destroy_green,init_green_tau
84  use m_self,             only : self_type,initialize_self,rw_self,destroy_self,destroy_self,selfreal2imag_self
85  use m_paw_correlations, only : loc_orbmom_cal
87  implicit none
89  private

ABINIT/outscfcv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Output routine for the scfcv.F90 routine


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions (see also side effects)
  compch_fft=compensation charge, from FFT grid
  compch_sph=compensation charge, from sphere
  cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)=<p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk>
          and each |p_lmn> non-local projector. See also side effects
  dimcprj(natom*usecprj)=array of dimensions of array cprj (not ordered)
  dmatpawu= fixed occupation matrix of correlated orbitals (DFT+U or DMFT only)
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  ecut=cut-off energy for plane wave basis sphere (Ha)
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  elfr(nfft,nspden(+1))=electron localization function, real space.
   (+1) if spin-polarized in order to get total, spin up and spin down elf
  etotal=total energy
  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  grhor(nfft,nspden,3)= gradient of electron density in electrons/bohr**4, real space
  hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  intgres(nspden,natom)=integrated residuals from constrained DFT. They are also Lagrange parameters, or gradients with respect to constraints.
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  lrhor(nfft,nspden)= Laplacian of electron density in electrons/bohr**5, real space
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*my_nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfftc=maximum size of 1D FFTs for the PAW coarse grid
  mkmem =number of k points treated by this node.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpw=maximum dimensioned size of npw.
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  natom=number of atoms in cell.
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor) (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  nhat(nfft,nspden*usepaw)= compensation charge density  (PAW)
  nkpt=number of k points.
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis at this k point
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupation number for each band (usually 2) for each k.
  paw_an(my_natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgr(natom) <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom) <type(pawfgrtab_type)> tables on PAW fine grid
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  paw_ij(my_natom) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
            note:structure factors are given on the coarse grid for PAW
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  results_gs <type(results_gs_type)>=results (energy and its components,
     forces and its components, the stress tensor) of a ground-state computation
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=total electron density in electrons/bohr**3, real space.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
  taur(nfft,nspden)=total kinetic energy density in bohr**(-5), real space.
  ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr**3)
  usecprj=1 if cprj datastructure has been allocated
  vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=xc potential
  vtrial(nfft,nspden)=the trial potential = vxc + vpsp + vhartr, roughly speaking
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction (bohr^-3)
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  (only writing, printing)


  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation
  If prtwant==3 the following quantitities are updated using the unitary transformation
  defining the QP amplitudes in terms of the KS basis set:
   cg(2,mcg)=planewave coefficients of wavefunctions.
   cprj(natom,mcprj*usecpyj)=<p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each |p_lmn> non-local projector


   The string passed to fftdatar_write (first argument) gives the name used to store the data in the netcdf file
   The function  varname_from_fname defined in the module m_hdr.F90 gives the mapping between the Abinit
   file extension and the netcdf name e.g. --> vxc
   This function is used in cut3d so that we can immediately select the data to analyze without having
   to prompt the user. Remember to update varname_from_fname if you add a new file or if you change the
   name of the variable.


 195 subroutine outscfcv(atindx1,cg,compch_fft,compch_sph,cprj,dimcprj,dmatpawu,dtfil,dtset,&
 196 & ecut,eigen,electronpositron,elfr,etotal,gmet,gprimd,grhor,hdr,intgres,kg,&
 197 & lrhor,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,mpw,my_natom,natom,&
 198 & nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nhat,nkpt,npwarr,nspden,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,n3xccc,occ,&
 199 & paw_dmft,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,paw_an,paw_ij,&
 200 & prtvol,psps,results_gs,rhor,rprimd,&
 201 & taur,ucvol,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,wvl_den,xccc3d,xred)
 203 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 204 !scalars
 205  integer,intent(in) :: mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpsang,mpw,n3xccc,my_natom,natom,nfft
 206  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,nspden,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,prtvol,usecprj
 207  real(dp),intent(in) :: compch_fft,compch_sph,ecut,ucvol
 208  real(dp),intent(inout) :: etotal
 209  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
 210  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 211  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 212  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 213  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
 214  type(paw_dmft_type), intent(inout)  :: paw_dmft
 215  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 216  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
 217  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 218  type(results_gs_type),intent(in) :: results_gs
 219  type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(in) :: wvl_den
 220 !arrays
 221  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),dimcprj(natom*usecprj)
 222  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),npwarr(nkpt)
 223  real(dp),intent(in) :: dmatpawu(:,:,:,:),eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
 224  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3)
 225  real(dp),intent(in) :: intgres(:,:) ! (nspden,natom) if constrainedDFT otherwise (nspden,0)
 226  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
 227  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),vhartr(nfft),xccc3d(n3xccc)
 228  real(dp),intent(in) :: vpsp(nfft)
 229  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg)
 230  real(dp),intent(inout) :: nhat(nfft,nspden*psps%usepaw)
 231  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: rhor(nfft,nspden),vtrial(nfft,nspden)
 232  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vxc(nfft,nspden),xred(3,natom)
 233  real(dp),pointer :: elfr(:,:),grhor(:,:,:),lrhor(:,:),taur(:,:)
 234  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)
 235  type(paw_an_type),intent(inout) :: paw_an(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 236  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(in) :: pawfgrtab(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 237  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 238  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 239  type(pawrhoij_type),target,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 240  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 242 !Local variables-------------------------------
 243 !scalars
 244  integer,parameter :: master=0,cplex1=1,fform_den=52,rdwr2=2,rdwrpaw0=0
 245  integer :: bantot,fform,collect,timrev
 246  integer :: accessfil,coordn
 247  integer :: ii,ierr,ifft,ikpt,ispden,isppol,itypat
 248  integer :: me_fft,n1,n2,n3
 249  integer :: ifgd, iatom, iatom_tot,nradint
 250  integer :: me,my_natom_tmp
 251  integer :: occopt
 252  integer :: prtnabla
 253  integer :: pawprtden
 254  integer :: iband,nocc,spacecomm,comm_fft,tmp_unt,nfft_tot
 255  integer :: my_comm_atom
 256  integer :: opt_imagonly
 257  integer :: indsym(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom)
 258 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 259  integer :: ncid
 260 #endif
 261  real(dp) :: norm,occ_norm,unocc_norm
 262  real(dp) :: rate_dum,rate_dum2
 263  real(dp) :: yp1, ypn, dr
 264  character(len=500) :: msg
 265  character(len=fnlen) :: fname
 266 !arrays
 267  integer, allocatable :: isort(:)
 268  integer, pointer :: my_atmtab(:)
 269  real(dp) :: tsec(2),nt_ntone_norm(nspden),rhomag(2,nspden)
 270  real(dp),allocatable :: eigen2(:)
 271  real(dp),allocatable :: elfr_down(:,:),elfr_up(:,:),intgden(:,:)
 272  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_paw(:,:),rhor_paw_core(:,:),rhor_paw_val(:,:),vpaw(:,:),vwork(:,:)
 273  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_n_one(:,:),rhor_nt_one(:,:),ps_norms(:,:,:)
 274  real(dp), allocatable :: doccde(:)
 275  real(dp), allocatable :: vh1spl(:)
 276  real(dp), allocatable :: vh1_interp(:)
 277  real(dp), allocatable :: vh1_integ(:)
 278  real(dp), allocatable :: vh1_corrector(:)
 279  real(dp), allocatable :: radii(:)
 280  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: rho_ptr(:,:)
 281  type(pawrhoij_type) :: pawrhoij_dum(1)
 282  !type(pawrhoij_type) :: pawrhoij_dum(0)
 283  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_all(:)
 284  logical :: remove_inv
 285  logical :: paral_atom, paral_fft, my_atmtab_allocated
 286  real(dp) :: e_zeeman
 287  real(dp) :: dmatdum(0,0,0,0)
 288  real(dp) :: e_fermie, e_fermih
 289  type(oper_type) :: dft_occup
 290  type(crystal_t) :: crystal
 291  type(ebands_t) :: ebands
 292  type(epjdos_t) :: dos
 293  type(plowannier_type) :: wan
 294  type(self_type) :: selfr
 295  type(self_type) :: self
 296  type(green_type) :: greenr
 298 ! *************************************************************************
 302  call timab(1150,1,tsec) ! outscfcv
 303  call timab(1151,1,tsec) ! outscfcv(preparation)
 305  if ((usecprj==0.or.mcprj==0).and.psps%usepaw==1.and. &
 306      (dtset%prtwant==2.or.dtset%prtwant==3.or.dtset%prtnabla>0.or.dtset%prtdos==3 &
 307      .or.dtset%kssform==3.or.dtset%pawfatbnd>0.or.dtset%pawprtwf>0)) then
 308    write (msg,'(5a)')&
 309 &   'cprj datastructure must be allocated',ch10,&
 310 &   'with options prtwant=2,3, prtnabla>0, prtdos>3, kssform==3, pawfatbnd>0, pawprtwf>0',ch10,&
 311 &   'Action: change pawusecp input keyword.'
 312    ABI_ERROR(msg)
 313  end if
 315  ! Parameters for MPI-FFT
 316  n1 = ngfft(1); n2 = ngfft(2); n3 = ngfft(3); nfft_tot = product(ngfft(1:3))
 317  comm_fft = mpi_enreg%comm_fft
 318  me_fft = xmpi_comm_rank(comm_fft)
 319  paral_fft = (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1)
 321  spacecomm = mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 322  me = xmpi_comm_rank(spacecomm)
 324  paral_atom=(my_natom/=natom)
 325  my_comm_atom = mpi_enreg%comm_atom
 326  nullify(my_atmtab)
 327  if (paral_atom) then
 328    call get_my_atmtab(mpi_enreg%comm_atom, my_atmtab, my_atmtab_allocated, paral_atom,natom,my_natom_ref=my_natom)
 329  else
 330    ABI_MALLOC(my_atmtab, (natom))
 331    my_atmtab = (/ (iatom, iatom=1, natom) /)
 332    my_atmtab_allocated = .true.
 333  end if
 335  ! Initialize two objects to facilitate the propagation of info.
 336  ! These objects should used more frequently, actually they should
 337  ! become basic objects used in abinit.
 339  ! Crystalline structure.
 340  remove_inv=.false.
 341  if (dtset%nspden==4 .and. dtset%usedmft==1) remove_inv=.true. ! MG: why this?
 343  timrev = 2; if (any(dtset%kptopt == [3, 4])) timrev= 1
 344  call crystal_init(dtset%amu_orig(:,1),crystal,dtset%spgroup,natom,dtset%npsp,ntypat, &
 345    dtset%nsym,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl,timrev,&
 346    dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%nsppol==1,remove_inv,hdr%title,&
 347    dtset%symrel,dtset%tnons,dtset%symafm)
 349  ! Electron band energies.
 350  bantot= dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
 351  ABI_CALLOC(doccde, (bantot))
 352  call ebands_init(bantot,ebands,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
 353    doccde,eigen,hdr%istwfk,hdr%kptns,hdr%nband,&
 354    hdr%nkpt,hdr%npwarr,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%tphysel,hdr%tsmear,hdr%occopt,hdr%occ,hdr%wtk,&
 355    hdr%cellcharge, hdr%kptopt, hdr%kptrlatt_orig, hdr%nshiftk_orig, hdr%shiftk_orig, &
 356    hdr%kptrlatt, hdr%nshiftk, hdr%shiftk)
 358  ABI_FREE(doccde)
 360  ebands%fermie  = results_gs%energies%e_fermie
 361  e_fermie = results_gs%energies%e_fermie
 362  ebands%fermih  = results_gs%energies%e_fermih
 363  e_fermih = results_gs%energies%e_fermih
 364  ebands%entropy = results_gs%energies%entropy
 366  ! YAML output
 367  if (me == master) then
 368    call results_gs%yaml_write(ab_out, cryst=crystal, info="Summary of ground state results",&
 369 &   occopt=dtset%occopt, with_conv=(dtset%nstep > 0) )
 370  end if
 372  call timab(1151,2,tsec)
 374 !wannier interface
 375  call timab(1152,1,tsec)
 377  if (dtset%prtwant==2) then
 379    call mlwfovlp(crystal, ebands, hdr, atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,dtfil,eigen,gprimd,kg,&
 380 &   mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,natom,&
 381 &   nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,npwarr,nsppol,ntypat,occ,&
 382 &   pawang,pawrad,pawtab,prtvol,psps,rprimd,ucvol,xred)
 384  else if (dtset%prtwant==3) then
 386 !  Convert cg and eigen to GW quasiparticle wave functions and eigenvalues in mlwfovlp_qp
 387    ABI_MALLOC(eigen2,(mband*nkpt*nsppol))
 388    eigen2=eigen
 390    call mlwfovlp_qp(cg,cprj,dtset,dtfil,eigen2,mband,mcg,mcprj,mkmem,mpw,natom,&
 391 &   nkpt,npwarr,nspden,nsppol,ntypat,Hdr,pawtab,rprimd,MPI_enreg)
 393 !  Call Wannier90
 394    call mlwfovlp(crystal, ebands, hdr, atindx1,cg,cprj,dtset,dtfil,eigen2,gprimd,kg,&
 395 &   mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,natom,&
 396 &   nattyp,nfft,ngfft,nkpt,npwarr,nsppol,ntypat,occ,&
 397 &   pawang,pawrad,pawtab,prtvol,psps,rprimd,ucvol,xred)
 399 !  this is the old implementation, risky due to unpredictable size effects
 400 !  now eigen is not overwritten, one should use other ways to print the GW corrections
 401 !  eigen=eigen2
 402    ABI_FREE(eigen2)
 403  end if !prtwant
 405  call timab(1152,2,tsec)
 406  call timab(1153,1,tsec)
 408  occopt=dtset%occopt
 410  prtnabla=dtset%prtnabla
 411  pawprtden=dtset%prtden-1
 413  spacecomm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell; me=xmpi_comm_rank(spacecomm)
 414  comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
 415  paral_atom=(my_natom/=natom)
 417 !Warnings :
 418 !- core charge is excluded from the charge density;
 419 !- the potential is the INPUT vtrial.
 421  if (iwrite_fftdatar(mpi_enreg) .and. dtset%usewvl==0) then
 423    ! output the density.
 424    if (dtset%prtden/=0) then
 425      if (dtset%positron/=1) rho_ptr => rhor
 426      if (dtset%positron==1) rho_ptr => electronpositron%rhor_ep
 427      call fftdatar_write("density",dtfil%fnameabo_app_den,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 428      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rho_ptr,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 430      if (dtset%positron/=0) then
 431        if (dtset%positron/=1) rho_ptr => electronpositron%rhor_ep
 432        if (dtset%positron==1) rho_ptr => rhor
 433        fname = trim(dtfil%fnameabo_app_den)//'_POSITRON'
 434        if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) fname = strcat(fname, ".nc")
 435        call fftdatar_write("positron_density",fname,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 436        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rho_ptr,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 437      end if
 438    end if
 440  else if (dtset%usewvl == 1 .and. dtset%prtden /= 0) then
 441    !if iomode == 2 then set all outputs to netcdf format
 442    !if iomode == 3 then set all outputs to ETSF format
 443    accessfil = 0
 444    if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) accessfil = 3
 445    if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_MPI) accessfil = 4
 446    fform = fform_den
 447     ! Write wavelet DEN. Note however that this should be delegate to separated Bigdft routines.
 448     ! a lot of stuff written in outscf does not make sense if usewvl==0
 449    call ioarr(accessfil,rhor,dtset,etotal,fform,dtfil%fnameabo_app_den, &
 450    hdr,mpi_enreg,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,pawrhoij_dum,rdwr2,rdwrpaw0,wvl_den)
 451  end if ! if master
 453 !! MS - Printing of PAWDEN parallellised and several possible options included
 454 !We output the total electron density in the PAW case
 455 !this requires removing nhat from rhor and making PAW on-site corrections
 456  if (pawprtden>0 .and. psps%usepaw==1) then
 457 !  pawprtden 1 --> output PAW valence density
 458 !  "     2 --> output PAW valence+core density
 459 !  "     3 --> output core, valence and full atomic protodensity
 460 !  "     4 --> options 1+3
 461 !  "     5 --> options 2+3
 462 !  "     6 --> output all individual PAW density contributions
 463    if (pawprtden/=3) then ! calc PAW valence density
 464      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_paw,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 465      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_n_one,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 466      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_nt_one,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 467 !    If the communicator used for denfgr is kpt_comm, it is not compatible with paral_atom
 468      if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==0.and.my_natom/=natom) then
 469        my_natom_tmp=natom
 470        ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_all,(natom))
 471        call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_all)
 472        call pawrhoij_copy(pawrhoij,pawrhoij_all,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
 473 &       keep_cplex=.false.,keep_qphase=.false.,keep_itypat=.false.,keep_nspden=.false.)
 474      else
 475        my_natom_tmp=my_natom
 476        pawrhoij_all => pawrhoij
 477      end if
 478      if (pawprtden/=6) then
 479        call denfgr(atindx1,gmet,comm_fft,my_natom_tmp,natom,nattyp,ngfft,nhat,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,nspden,&
 480 &       ntypat,pawfgr,pawrad,pawrhoij_all,pawtab,prtvol,rhor,rhor_paw,rhor_n_one,&
 481 &       rhor_nt_one,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,&
 482 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 483      else
 484        call denfgr(atindx1,gmet,comm_fft,my_natom_tmp,natom,nattyp,ngfft,nhat,dtset%nspinor,nsppol,nspden,&
 485 &       ntypat,pawfgr,pawrad,pawrhoij_all,pawtab,prtvol,rhor,rhor_paw,rhor_n_one,&
 486 &       rhor_nt_one,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,&
 487 &       abs_n_tilde_nt_diff=nt_ntone_norm,znucl=dtset%znucl,&
 488 &       comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
 489      end if
 490      if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==0.and.my_natom/=natom) then
 491        call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij_all)
 492        ABI_FREE(pawrhoij_all)
 493      end if
 495      if (prtvol>9) then  ! Check normalisation
 496        norm = SUM(rhor_paw(:,1))*ucvol/PRODUCT(pawfgr%ngfft(1:3))
 497        call xmpi_sum(norm,comm_fft,ierr)
 498        write(msg,'(a,F8.4)') '  PAWDEN - NORM OF DENSITY: ',norm
 499        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 500      end if
 501    end if
 503    if (pawprtden>1.AND.pawprtden<6) then ! We will need the core density
 504      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_paw_core,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 505      call read_atomden(mpi_enreg,natom,pawfgr%nfft,pawfgr%ngfft,nspden,ntypat,rhor_paw_core,&
 506 &     dtset%typat,rprimd,xred,prtvol,file_prefix='core   ')
 508      if (prtvol>9) then  ! Check normalisation
 509        norm = SUM(rhor_paw_core(:,1))*ucvol/PRODUCT(pawfgr%ngfft(1:3))
 510        call xmpi_sum(norm,comm_fft,ierr)
 511        write(msg,'(a,F8.4)') '  ATMDEN - NORM OF CORE DENSITY: ', norm
 512        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 513      end if
 514    end if
 516    if (pawprtden>2.AND.pawprtden<6) then ! We will need the valence protodensity
 517      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_paw_val,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 518      call read_atomden(mpi_enreg,natom,pawfgr%nfft,pawfgr%ngfft,nspden,ntypat,rhor_paw_val,&
 519 &     dtset%typat,rprimd,xred,prtvol,file_prefix='valence')
 521      if (prtvol>9) then ! Check normalisation
 522        norm = SUM(rhor_paw_val(:,1))*ucvol/PRODUCT(pawfgr%ngfft(1:3))
 523        call xmpi_sum(norm,comm_fft,ierr)
 524        write(msg,'(a,F8.4)') '  ATMDEN - NORM OF VALENCE PROTODENSITY: ', norm
 525        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 526      end if
 527    end if
 529    if (iwrite_fftdatar(mpi_enreg)) then
 530      if (pawprtden/=3) then
 531        if (pawprtden==2.or.pawprtden==5) rhor_paw = rhor_paw + rhor_paw_core
 532 !      PAWDEN
 533        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor",dtfil%fnameabo_app_pawden,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 534        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_paw,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 535      end if
 537      if (pawprtden>2.AND.pawprtden<6) then
 538        ! ATMDEN_CORE
 539        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_core",dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_core,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 540        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_paw_core,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 542        ! valence protodensity. ATMDEN_VAL
 543        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_val",dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_val,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 544        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_paw_val,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 546        ! full protodensity. ATMDEN_FULL
 547        rhor_paw_val = rhor_paw_val + rhor_paw_core
 548        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_full",dtfil%fnameabo_app_atmden_full,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 549        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_paw_val,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 550      end if
 552      if (pawprtden==6) then ! Print all individual contributions to the density
 553        ! N_TILDE - N_HAT
 554        ! Use rhor_paw_val as temporary array
 555        if (.not.allocated(rhor_paw_val))  then
 556          ABI_MALLOC(rhor_paw_val,(pawfgr%nfft,nspden))
 557        end if
 558        rhor_paw_val = rhor - nhat
 560        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_ntilde_minus_nhat",dtfil%fnameabo_app_n_tilde,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 561        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_paw_val,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 563 !      N_ONSITE
 564        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_n_one",dtfil%fnameabo_app_n_one,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 565        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_n_one,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 567 !      N_TILDE_ONSITE
 568        call fftdatar_write("pawrhor_nt_one",dtfil%fnameabo_app_nt_one,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 569        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor_nt_one,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 571      end if ! All indivdual density cont.
 572    end if ! if master
 574    ABI_SFREE(rhor_paw)
 575    ABI_SFREE(rhor_paw_core)
 576    ABI_SFREE(rhor_paw_val)
 577    ABI_SFREE(rhor_n_one)
 578    ABI_SFREE(rhor_nt_one)
 580  end if ! if paw+pawprtden
 582  call timab(1153,2,tsec)
 583  call timab(1154,1,tsec)
 585  ! Output of the GSR file (except when we are inside mover)
 586 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 587  ! Temporarily disable for CRAY
 588 #ifndef FC_CRAY
 589  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtgsr == 1 .and. dtset%usewvl == 0) then
 590    !.and. (dtset%ionmov /= 0 .or. dtset%optcell /= 0)) then
 591    fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
 593    ! Write crystal and band structure energies.
 594    !call timab(1190,1,tsec)
 595    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self))
 596    !call timab(1190,2,tsec)
 598    !call timab(1191,1,tsec)
 599    NCF_CHECK(hdr%ncwrite(ncid, fform_den, spinat=dtset%spinat, nc_define=.True.))
 600    !call timab(1191,2,tsec)
 602    !call timab(1192,1,tsec)
 603    NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
 604    !call timab(1192,2,tsec)
 606    !call timab(1193,1,tsec)
 607    NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands, ncid))
 608    !call timab(1193,2,tsec)
 610    ! Add energy, forces, stresses
 611    !call timab(1194,1,tsec)
 612    NCF_CHECK(results_gs_ncwrite(results_gs, ncid, dtset%ecut, dtset%pawecutdg))
 613    !call timab(1194,2,tsec)
 615    !call timab(1195,1,tsec)
 616    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
 617    !call timab(1195,2,tsec)
 618  end if
 619 #endif
 620 #endif
 622  call timab(1154,2,tsec)
 623  call timab(1155,1,tsec)
 625  ! Output of VCLMB file
 626  ! The PAW correction has to be computed here (all processors contribute)
 627  if (psps%usepaw > 0 .AND. dtset%prtvclmb>0) then
 628    nradint = 1000 ! radial integration grid density
 629    ABI_MALLOC(vpaw,(nfft,nspden))
 630    vpaw(:,:)=zero
 631    if (me == master .and. my_natom > 0) then
 632      if (paw_an(1)%cplex > 1) then
 633        ABI_WARNING('cplex = 2 : complex hartree potential in PAW spheres. This is not coded yet. Imag part ignored')
 634      end if
 635    end if
 637    do ispden=1,nspden
 638      ! for points inside spheres, replace with full AE hartree potential.
 639      ! In principle the correction could be more subtle (not spherical)
 640      do iatom=1,my_natom
 641        iatom_tot=iatom;if (paral_atom) iatom_tot=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab(iatom)
 642        itypat=dtset%typat(iatom_tot)
 644        ABI_MALLOC(vh1spl,(paw_an(iatom)%mesh_size))
 645        ABI_MALLOC(vh1_corrector,(paw_an(iatom)%mesh_size))
 646        ABI_MALLOC(vh1_interp,(pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd))
 647        ABI_MALLOC(radii,(pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd))
 648        ABI_MALLOC(isort,(pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd))
 649        ! vh1 vht1 contain the spherical first moments of the Hartree potentials, so re-divide by Y_00 = sqrt(four_pi)
 650        vh1_corrector(:) = (paw_an(iatom)%vh1(:,1,ispden)-paw_an(iatom)%vht1(:,1,ispden)) / sqrt(four_pi)
 652        ! get end point derivatives
 653        call bound_deriv(vh1_corrector, pawrad(itypat), pawrad(itypat)%mesh_size, yp1, ypn)
 654        ! spline the vh1 function
 655        ! NB for second argument of vh1: only first moment lm_size appears to be used
 656        ! NB2: vh1 can in principle be complex - not sure what to do with the imaginary part. Ignored for now.
 657        call spline(pawrad(itypat)%rad, vh1_corrector, paw_an(iatom)%mesh_size, yp1, ypn, vh1spl)
 659        do ifgd = 1, pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd
 660          ! get radii for this point
 661          isort(ifgd) = ifgd
 662          radii(ifgd) = sqrt(sum(pawfgrtab(iatom)%rfgd(:,ifgd)**2))
 663        end do
 665        if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd/=0) then
 666        ! spline interpolate the vh1 value for current radii
 667          call sort_dp(pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd, radii, isort, tol12)
 668          call splint(pawrad(itypat)%mesh_size, pawrad(itypat)%rad, &
 669 &         vh1_corrector, vh1spl, pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd, radii,  vh1_interp, ierr)
 670        end if
 672        norm=SUM(vh1_interp)*ucvol/PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
 673        call xmpi_sum(norm,comm_fft,ierr)
 674        write(msg,'(a,i6,a,E20.10)') ' sum of Hartree correction term on fft grid of atom : ', iatom, ' = ', norm
 675        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 677        if (pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd/=0) then
 678          vpaw(pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(isort(1:pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd)),ispden) = &
 679 &         vpaw(pawfgrtab(iatom)%ifftsph(isort(1:pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd)),ispden) + &
 680 &         vh1_interp(1:pawfgrtab(iatom)%nfgd)
 681        end if
 683        ! get integral of correction term in whole sphere
 684        ABI_FREE(radii)
 685        ABI_FREE(vh1_interp)
 687        ABI_MALLOC(radii,(nradint))
 688        ABI_MALLOC(vh1_interp,(nradint))
 690        ABI_MALLOC(vh1_integ,(nradint))
 691        dr = pawrad(itypat)%rad(paw_an(iatom)%mesh_size) / dble(nradint)
 692        do ifgd = 1, nradint
 693          radii(ifgd) = dble(ifgd-1)*dr
 694        end do
 696        ! spline interpolate the vh1 value for current radii
 697        call splint(pawrad(itypat)%mesh_size, pawrad(itypat)%rad, &
 698 &       vh1_corrector, vh1spl, nradint, radii,  vh1_interp, ierr)
 700        do ifgd = 1, nradint
 701          vh1_interp(ifgd) = vh1_interp(ifgd)*radii(ifgd)**2
 702        end do
 704        call simpson_int(nradint, dr, vh1_interp, vh1_integ)
 705        write(msg,'(a,i6,a,E20.10)') ' integral of Hartree correction term in sphere of atom: ', iatom, &
 706 &       ' = ', vh1_integ(nradint)*four*pi
 707        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 709        ABI_FREE(vh1spl)
 710        ABI_FREE(vh1_corrector)
 711        ABI_FREE(vh1_interp)
 712        ABI_FREE(vh1_integ)
 713        ABI_FREE(radii)
 714        ABI_FREE(isort)
 715      end do ! iatom
 716    end do !ispden
 717    call xmpi_sum_master(vpaw,master,mpi_enreg%comm_atom,ierr)
 718    if (.not.iwrite_fftdatar(mpi_enreg)) then
 719      ABI_FREE(vpaw)
 720    end if
 721  end if ! if paw - add all electron vhartree in spheres
 723  call timab(1155,2,tsec)
 725  if (iwrite_fftdatar(mpi_enreg)) then
 727    call timab(1156,1,tsec)
 729    ! output the electron localization function ELF
 730    if (dtset%prtelf/=0) then
 731      call fftdatar_write("elfr",dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 732      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,elfr,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 734      if (nspden==2)then
 735        ABI_MALLOC(elfr_up,(nfft,nspden))
 736        elfr_up(:,:) = zero
 737        do ifft=1,nfft
 738          elfr_up(ifft,1) = elfr(ifft,2)
 739        end do
 740 !      ELF_UP
 741        call fftdatar_write("elfr_up",dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf_up,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 742        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,elfr_up,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 744        ABI_MALLOC(elfr_down,(nfft,nspden))
 745        elfr_down(:,:) = zero
 746        do ifft=1,nfft
 747          elfr_down(ifft,1) = elfr(ifft,3)
 748        end do
 749 !      ELF_DOWN'
 750        call fftdatar_write("elfr_down",dtfil%fnameabo_app_elf_down,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 751        crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,elfr_down,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 753        ABI_FREE(elfr_up)
 754        ABI_FREE(elfr_down)
 755      end if
 756    end if
 758    call timab(1156,2,tsec)
 759    call timab(1157,1,tsec)
 761 !  We output the gradient of density
 762    if (dtset%prtgden/=0) then
 764      call fftdatar_write("grhor_1",dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden1,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 765      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,grhor(:,:,1),mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 767      call fftdatar_write("grhor_2",dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden2,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 768      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,grhor(:,:,2),mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 770      call fftdatar_write("grhor_3",dtfil%fnameabo_app_gden3,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 771      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,grhor(:,:,3),mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 772    end if
 774    call timab(1157,2,tsec)
 775    call timab(1158,1,tsec)
 777 !  We output the total kinetic energy density KDEN
 778    if (dtset%prtkden/=0) then
 779      call fftdatar_write("kinedr",dtfil%fnameabo_app_kden,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 780      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,taur,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 781    end if
 783    call timab(1158,2,tsec)
 784    call timab(1159,1,tsec)
 787 !  We output the Laplacian of density
 788    if (dtset%prtlden/=0) then
 789      call fftdatar_write("laprhor",dtfil%fnameabo_app_lden,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 790      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,lrhor,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 791    end if
 793    call timab(1159,2,tsec)
 794    call timab(1160,1,tsec)
 796 !  POT
 797    if (dtset%prtpot>0) then
 798      call fftdatar_write("vtrial",dtfil%fnameabo_app_pot,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 799      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vtrial,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 800    end if
 802 !  EIG
 803 #if defined HAVE_NETCDF
 804    if (dtset%prteig==2 .and. me == master) then
 805      fname=trim(dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig)//'.nc'
 806      call write_eig(eigen,e_fermie,fname,dtset%kptns,dtset%mband,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,&
 807 &     results_gs%shiftfactor_extfpmd) ! Optional arguments
 808    end if
 809 #endif
 811    call timab(1160,2,tsec)
 812    call timab(1161,1,tsec)
 814    if (dtset%prtgeo>0) then
 815      coordn=dtset%prtgeo
 816      call bonds_lgth_angles(coordn,dtfil%fnameabo_app_geo,natom,psps%ntypat,&
 817       rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%znucl)
 818    end if
 820    if (dtset%prtcif > 0) then
 821      call prt_cif(dtset%brvltt, dtfil%fnameabo_app_cif, natom, dtset%nsym, dtset%ntypat, rprimd, &
 822       dtset%spgaxor, dtset%spgroup, dtset%spgorig, dtset%symrel, dtset%tnons, dtset%typat, xred, dtset%znucl)
 823    end if
 825    call timab(1161,2,tsec)
 826    call timab(1162,1,tsec)
 828 !  STM
 829    if (dtset%prtstm/=0) then
 830      call fftdatar_write("stm",dtfil%fnameabo_app_stm,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 831      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,rhor,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 832    end if
 834    call timab(1162,2,tsec)
 835    call timab(1163,1,tsec)
 837    if (dtset%prt1dm>0) then
 838      call out1dm(dtfil%fnameabo_app_1dm,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,ngfft,nspden,psps%ntypat,&
 839 &     rhor,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,vtrial,xred,dtset%znucl)
 840    end if
 842    call timab(1163,2,tsec)
 843    call timab(1164,1,tsec)
 845 !  VHA
 846    if (dtset%prtvha>0) then
 847      ABI_MALLOC(vwork,(nfft,nspden))
 848      do ispden=1,nspden
 849        vwork(:,ispden)=vhartr(:)
 850      end do
 852      call fftdatar_write("vhartree",dtfil%fnameabo_app_vha,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 853      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vwork,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 855      ABI_FREE(vwork)
 856    end if
 858 !  VPSP
 859    if (dtset%prtvpsp>0) then
 860      ABI_MALLOC(vwork,(nfft,nspden))
 861      do ispden=1,nspden
 862        vwork(:,ispden)=vpsp(:)
 863      end do
 865      call fftdatar_write("vpsp",dtfil%fnameabo_app_vpsp,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 866      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vwork,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 868      ABI_FREE(vwork)
 869    end if
 871 ! VCouLoMB
 872    if (dtset%prtvclmb>0) then
 874      ABI_MALLOC(vwork,(nfft,nspden))
 875      do ispden=1,nspden
 876        vwork(:,ispden)=vpsp(:)+vhartr(:)
 877      end do
 878      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 879        do ispden=1,nspden
 880          vwork(:,ispden)=vwork(:,ispden)+vpaw(:,ispden)
 881        end do
 882        ABI_FREE(vpaw)
 883      end if
 885      call fftdatar_write("vhartree_vloc",dtfil%fnameabo_app_vclmb,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 886 &     crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vwork,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 888 !TODO: find out why this combination of calls with fftdatar_write then out1dm fails on buda with 4 mpi-fft procs (np_spkpt 1).
 889 !      For the moment comment it out. Only DS2 of mpiio test 27 fails
 890 !     call out1dm(dtfil%fnameabo_app_vclmb_1dm,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,ngfft,nspden,psps%ntypat,&
 891 !&         rhor,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,vwork,xred,dtset%znucl)
 893 ! TODO: add TEM phase with CE = (2 pi / lambda) (E+E0)/(E(E+2E0)) from p.49 of RE Dunin Borkowski 2004 encyclopedia of nanoscience volume 3 pp 41-99
 894 !   where E is energy of electron, E0 rest mass, lambda the relativistic wavelength
 895 !   values of CE at 200 300 and 1000 kV:  7.29e6  6.53e6   5.39e6 rad / V / m
 896 !   vertical integral of vclmb * c / ngfft(3) / cross sectional area factor (= sin(gamma))
 897 !      * 0.5291772083e-10*27.2113834 to get to SI
 898 !      * CE factor above
 899 !   should be done for each plane perpendicular to the axes...
 900      ABI_FREE(vwork)
 901    end if ! prtvclmb
 904 !  VHXC
 905    if (dtset%prtvhxc>0) then
 906      ABI_MALLOC(vwork,(nfft,nspden))
 907      do ispden=1,nspden
 908        vwork(:,ispden)=vhartr(:)+vxc(:,ispden)
 909      end do
 911      call fftdatar_write("vhxc",dtfil%fnameabo_app_vhxc,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 912 &     crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vwork,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 914      ABI_FREE(vwork)
 915    end if
 917 !  VXC
 918    if (dtset%prtvxc>0) then
 919      call fftdatar_write("exchange_correlation_potential",dtfil%fnameabo_app_vxc,dtset%iomode,hdr,&
 920      crystal,ngfft,cplex1,nfft,nspden,vxc,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
 921    end if
 923    call timab(1164,2,tsec)
 925  end if ! if iwrite_fftdatar
 927  call timab(1165,1,tsec)
 929 !Generate DOS using the tetrahedron method or using Gaussians
 930 !FIXME: Should centralize all calculations of DOS here in outscfcv
 931  if (dtset%prtdos>=2.or.dtset%pawfatbnd>0) then
 932    dos = epjdos_new(dtset, psps, pawtab)
 934    if (dos%partial_dos_flag>=1 .or. dos%fatbands_flag==1)then
 935      ! Generate fractions for partial DOSs if needed partial_dos 1,2,3,4  give different decompositions
 936      collect = 1 !; if (psps%usepaw==1 .and. dos%partial_dos_flag /= 2) collect = 0
 937      if ((psps%usepaw==0.or.dtset%pawprtdos/=2) .and. dos%partial_dos_flag>=1) then
 938        call partial_dos_fractions(dos,crystal,dtset,eigen,occ,npwarr,kg,cg,mcg,collect,mpi_enreg)
 939      end if
 941      if (psps%usepaw==1 .and. dos%partial_dos_flag /= 2) then
 942 !      TODO: update partial_dos_fractions_paw for extra atoms - no PAW contribution normally, but check bounds and so on.
 943        call partial_dos_fractions_paw(dos,cprj,dimcprj,dtset,mcprj,mkmem,mpi_enreg,pawrad,pawtab)
 944      end if
 946    else
 947      dos%fractions(:,:,:,1)=one
 948    end if
 950 !  Here, print out fatbands for the k-points given in file appended _FATBANDS
 951    if (me == master .and. dtset%pawfatbnd>0 .and. dos%fatbands_flag==1) then
 952      call prtfatbands(dos,dtset,ebands,dtfil%fnameabo_app_fatbands,dtset%pawfatbnd,pawtab)
 953    end if
 955 !  Here, computation and output of DOS and partial DOS  _DOS
 956    if (dos%fatbands_flag == 0 .and. dos%prtdos /= 4) then
 957      call dos_calcnwrite(dos,dtset,crystal,ebands,dtfil%fnameabo_app_dos,spacecomm)
 958    end if
 960 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 961    ! Write netcdf file with dos% results.
 962    if (me == master) then
 963      fname = trim(dtfil%filnam_ds(4))//''
 964      NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self))
 965      call fatbands_ncwrite(dos, crystal, ebands, hdr, dtset, psps, pawtab, ncid)
 966      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
 967    end if
 968 #endif
 970    call dos%free()
 971  end if ! prtdos > 1
 973  call timab(1165,2,tsec)
 974  call timab(1166,1,tsec)
 976 !Output of integrated density inside atomic spheres
 977  if ((dtset%prtdensph==1.and.dtset%usewvl==0) .or. sum(abs(dtset%zeemanfield)) > tol10) then
 978    ABI_MALLOC(intgden,(nspden,natom))
 979    call calcdenmagsph(mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,ngfft,nspden,&
 980 &   ntypat,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhor,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,1,cplex1,intgden=intgden,rhomag=rhomag)
 981 !  for rhomag:
 982 !    in collinear case component 1 is total density and 2 is _magnetization_ up-down
 983 !    in non collinear case component 1 is total density, and 2:4 are the magnetization vector
 985    if (dtset%prtdensph==1.and.dtset%usewvl==0) then
 986      if(all(dtset%constraint_kind(:)==0))then
 987        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgden,natom,nspden,ntypat,ab_out,1,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat)
 988        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgden,natom,nspden,ntypat,std_out,1,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat)
 989      else
 990        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgden,natom,nspden,ntypat,ab_out,1,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat,dtset%ziontypat)
 991        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgden,natom,nspden,ntypat,std_out,1,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat,dtset%ziontypat)
 992      endif
 993      if(any(dtset%constraint_kind(:)/=0))then
 994        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgres,natom,nspden,ntypat,ab_out,21,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat)
 995        call prtdenmagsph(cplex1,intgres,natom,nspden,ntypat,std_out,21,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhomag,dtset%typat)
 996      endif
 997    end if
 999 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if prt_lorbmag value is equal 1 and the calculations are noncollinear then the local orbital magnetic moments are calculated
1000 if (dtset%prt_lorbmag==1) then
1002     if ((dtset%nspinor .ne. 2) .and. (dtset%nsppol .ne.4)) then
1003         write (msg,'(a)')" "
1004         call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1005         write (msg,'(a)')"WARNING*"
1006         call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1007         write (msg,'(a)')"prt_lorbmag=1, To calcualte orbital magnetisation, calculations need to be noncollinear"
1008         call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1009     else
1010         if (dtset%usepawu .ne. 0)then
1011             call loc_orbmom_cal(1,0,dmatdum,0,0,indsym,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%natpawu,&
1012             &   dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,dtset%ntypat,paw_ij,pawang,pawrad,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1013             &   pawrhoij,pawtab,dtset%spinat,dtset%symafm,dtset%typat,0,dtset%usepawu,&
1014             &   mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1015         else
1016             write (msg,'(a)')" "
1017             call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1018             write (msg,'(a)')"WARNING*"
1019             call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1020             write (msg,'(a)')"prt_lorbmag=1, To calcualte orbital magnetisation LDA+U calculations should be activated"
1021             call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1022         end if
1023      endif
1024    end if
1026    if (sum(abs(dtset%zeemanfield)) > tol10) then
1027      if(nspden==2)then
1028        e_zeeman = -half*rhomag(1,2)*dtset%zeemanfield(3)
1029        write (msg, "(a,E20.10,a)") " Collinear magnetization ", rhomag(1,2), &
1030 &            " (in # of spins, without 1/2 for magnetic moment) "
1031        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1032      else if(nspden==4)then
1033        e_zeeman = -half * (dtset%zeemanfield(1)*rhomag(1,2)& ! x
1034 &                         +dtset%zeemanfield(2)*rhomag(1,3)& ! y
1035 &                         +dtset%zeemanfield(3)*rhomag(1,4)) ! z
1036        write (msg, "(a,3E20.10,a)") " Magnetization vector ", rhomag(1,2:4), &
1037 &            " (in # of spins, without 1/2 for magnetic moment) "
1038        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1039      end if
1040 !TODO: this quantity should also be calculated in rhotov, and stored in
1041 !    results_gs%energies%e_zeeman, but for the moment it comes out 0
1042      write (msg, "(a,E20.10,a)") " Zeeman energy -m.B = ", e_zeeman, " Ha"
1043      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1044    end if
1045    ABI_SFREE(intgden)
1046  end if
1048  call timab(1166,2,tsec)
1049  call timab(1167,1,tsec)
1051  if (dtset%magconon /= 0) then
1052 !  calculate final value of terms for magnetic constraint: "energy" term, lagrange multiplier term, and atomic contributions
1053    call mag_penalty_e(dtset%magconon,dtset%magcon_lambda,mpi_enreg,&
1054 &   natom,nfft,ngfft,nspden,ntypat,dtset%ratsm,dtset%ratsph,rhor,rprimd,dtset%spinat,dtset%typat,xred)
1055  end if
1057  call timab(1167,2,tsec)
1058  call timab(1168,1,tsec)
1060 !If PAW, provide additional outputs
1061  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1062 !  Output of compensation charge
1063    if (dtset%nstep>0.or.dtfil%ireadwf/=0) then
1064      write(msg, '(4a)' )ch10,' PAW TEST:',ch10,&
1065 &     ' ==== Compensation charge inside spheres ============'
1066      if (compch_sph>-1.d4.and.compch_fft>-1.d4) &
1067 &     write(msg, '(3a)' ) trim(msg),ch10,' The following values must be close to each other ...'
1068      if (compch_sph>-1.d4) write(msg, '(3a,f22.15)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
1069 &     ' Compensation charge over spherical meshes = ',compch_sph
1070      if (compch_fft>-1.d4) then
1071        if (pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
1072          write(msg, '(3a,f22.15)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
1073 &         ' Compensation charge over fine fft grid    = ',compch_fft
1074        else
1075          write(msg, '(3a,f22.15)' ) trim(msg),ch10,&
1076 &         ' Compensation charge over fft grid         = ',compch_fft
1077        end if
1078      end if
1079      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1080    end if
1081 !  Output of pseudopotential strength Dij and augmentation occupancies Rhoij
1082    call pawprt(dtset,my_natom,paw_ij,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1083 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
1084 &   electronpositron=electronpositron)
1085  end if
1087  call timab(1168,2,tsec)
1088  call timab(1169,1,tsec)
1091 !PAW + output for optical conductivity   _OPT and _OPT2
1092  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.prtnabla>0) then
1093    if (prtnabla==1.or.prtnabla==2) then
1094      call optics_paw(atindx1,cg,cprj,dimcprj,dtfil,dtset,eigen,gprimd,hdr,kg,&
1095 &     mband,mcg,mcprj,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,mpw,natom,nkpt,npwarr,nsppol,pawang,&
1096 &     pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,psps%znuclpsp)
1097    end if
1098    if (prtnabla==2.or.prtnabla==3) then
1099      call optics_paw_core(atindx1,cprj,dimcprj,dtfil,dtset,eigen,psps%filpsp,hdr,&
1100 &     mband,mcprj,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,natom,nkpt,nsppol,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1101 &     psps%znuclpsp)
1102    end if
1103  end if
1104  if (prtnabla<0) then
1105    ! TODO: This routine is not tested but it's used in production.
1106    call optics_vloc(cg,dtfil,dtset,eigen,gprimd,hdr,kg,&
1107 &   mband,mcg,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,nkpt,npwarr,nsppol)
1108  end if
1110  call timab(1169,2,tsec)
1111  call timab(1170,1,tsec)
1113 !Optionally provide output for AE wavefunctions (only for PAW)
1114  if (psps%usepaw==1 .and. dtset%pawprtwf==1) then
1115    ABI_MALLOC(ps_norms,(nsppol,nkpt,mband))
1117    call pawmkaewf(dtset,crystal,ebands,my_natom,mpw,mband,mcg,mcprj,nkpt,mkmem,nsppol,Dtset%nband,&
1118 &   Dtset%istwfk,npwarr,Dtset%kptns,Dtset%ngfftdg,kg,dimcprj,pawfgrtab,&
1119 &   Pawrad,Pawtab,Hdr,Dtfil,cg,Cprj,&
1120 &   MPI_enreg,ierr,pseudo_norms=ps_norms,set_k=dtset%pawprt_k,set_band=dtset%pawprt_b,&
1121 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1123    if (dtset%pawprt_b==0) then
1124      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), '_PAWSTAT')
1125      if (open_file(fname, msg,newunit=tmp_unt,status='unknown',form='formatted') /= 0) then
1126        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1127      end if
1128      write(tmp_unt,'(5a)') '# This file contains the statistics on the cancellation of',ch10,&
1129 &     '# the onsite pseudo component of the all-electron wavefunction',ch10,&
1130 &     '# with the plane wave part'
1131      ii = 0
1132      do isppol=1,nsppol
1133        write(tmp_unt,'(a,i0)') '# isppol = ',isppol
1134        do ikpt=1,nkpt
1135          write(tmp_unt,'(a,i0)') '# ikpt = ',ikpt
1136          write(tmp_unt,'(a)') '#    band      norm'
1137          occ_norm = zero; unocc_norm = zero; nocc = 0
1138          do iband=1,dtset%nband(ikpt + (isppol-1)*nkpt)
1139            ii = ii + 1
1140            write(tmp_unt,'(i8,ES16.6)') iband,ps_norms(isppol,ikpt,iband)
1141            if (abs(occ(ii)) <= tol16) then
1142              unocc_norm = unocc_norm + ps_norms(isppol,ikpt,iband)
1143            else
1144              occ_norm = occ_norm + ps_norms(isppol,ikpt,iband)
1145              nocc = nocc + 1
1146            end if
1147          end do
1148          if(mband/=nocc)then
1149            write(tmp_unt,'(2(a,ES16.6))') '# occ average: ',occ_norm/real(nocc),&
1150 &           ' unocc average: ',unocc_norm/real(mband-nocc)
1151          else
1152            write(tmp_unt,'(2(a,ES16.6))') '# occ average: ',occ_norm/real(nocc)
1153          end if
1154        end do
1155      end do
1156      close(tmp_unt)
1157    end if
1158    ABI_FREE(ps_norms)
1159  end if
1161  call timab(1170,2,tsec)
1162  call timab(1171,1,tsec)
1164  if(dtset%plowan_compute>0 .and. dtset%plowan_compute<10) then
1165    write(msg,'(2a,i3)') ch10,&
1166 &   ' ====================================================================================== '
1167    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1168    write(msg,'(2a,i3)') ch10,&
1169 &   ' == Start computation of Projected Local Orbitals Wannier functions == ',dtset%nbandkss
1170    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1172 !  ==  compute psichi
1174    call init_plowannier(dtset%plowan_bandf,dtset%plowan_bandi,dtset%plowan_compute,&
1175 &   dtset%plowan_iatom,dtset%plowan_it,dtset%plowan_lcalc,dtset%plowan_natom,&
1176 &   dtset%plowan_nbl,dtset%plowan_nt,dtset%plowan_projcalc,dtset%acell_orig,&
1177 &   dtset%kptns,dtset%nimage,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%wtk,dtset%dmft_t2g,wan)
1178    call compute_coeff_plowannier(crystal,cprj,dimcprj,dtset,eigen,e_fermie,&
1179 &   mpi_enreg,occ,wan,pawtab,psps,usecprj,dtfil%unpaw,pawrad,dtfil)
1180    if (me==master) then
1181      call print_plowannier(wan)
1182    endif
1183    call destroy_plowannier(wan)
1184  end if
1186  call timab(1171,2,tsec)
1187  call timab(1172,1,tsec)
1189 !Optionally provide output for the GW part of ABINIT
1190  if (dtset%nbandkss/=0) then
1191    ! Use DMFT to compute wannier function for cRPA calculation.
1192    if(dtset%usedmft==1) then
1193      write(msg,'(2a,i3)') ch10,&
1194 &     '  Warning: Psichi are renormalized in datafordmft because nbandkss is used',dtset%nbandkss
1195      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1196      call init_dmft(dmatpawu,dtset,e_fermie,dtfil%fnameabo_app,&
1197 &     dtfil%filnam_ds(3),dtset%nspinor,paw_dmft,pawtab,psps,dtset%typat)
1198      call print_dmft(paw_dmft,dtset%pawprtvol)
1200 !    ==  compute psichi
1201      call init_oper(paw_dmft,dft_occup)
1203      call datafordmft(crystal,cprj,dimcprj,dtset,eigen,e_fermie &
1204 &     ,dft_occup,dtset%mband,dtset%mband,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,&
1205 &     dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,occ,&
1206 &     paw_dmft,paw_ij,pawang,pawtab,psps,usecprj,dtfil%unpaw,dtset%nbandkss)
1208      opt_imagonly=0
1209      if(paw_dmft%dmft_solv>=5) opt_imagonly=1
1212      ! Compute k-resolved spectral function in DMFT.
1213      if(dtset%dmft_kspectralfunc==1) then
1214       ! Initialize self on real axis
1215        call initialize_self(selfr,paw_dmft,wtype='real')
1217       ! Initialize self on  imag axis
1218        call initialize_self(self,paw_dmft)
1220       ! Initialize green on real axis
1221        call init_green(greenr,paw_dmft,opt_oper_ksloc=3,wtype='real')
1223       ! Read self energy in imag. Matsubara freq (for double counting
1224       ! and limit at high frequency)
1225        call rw_self(self,paw_dmft,prtopt=5,opt_rw=1,opt_stop=1)
1227       ! Read self energy on real axis obtained from Maxent
1228        call rw_self(selfr,paw_dmft,prtopt=5,opt_rw=1,opt_imagonly=opt_imagonly, &
1229      & opt_selflimit=self%oper(self%nw)%matlu,opt_hdc=self%hdc%matlu,pawang=pawang,cryst_struc=crystal)
1231       ! Check: from self on real axis, recompute self on Imaginary axis.
1232        call selfreal2imag_self(selfr,self,paw_dmft%filapp)
1234       !  paw_dmft%fermie=hdr%fermie ! for tests
1235        write(std_out,*) "    Fermi level is",paw_dmft%fermie
1237        ! selfr does not have any double couting in self%hdc
1238        ! hdc from self%hdc has been put in real part of self in rw_self.
1239        ! For the DFT BS: use opt_self=0 and fermie=fermie_dft
1241       ! Compute green  function on real axis
1242        call compute_green(crystal,greenr,paw_dmft,pawang,1,selfr,&
1243 &       opt_self=1,opt_nonxsum=0)
1245       !write(6,*) "compute green done"
1246        if(me==master) then
1247          if(dtset%kptopt<0) then
1248            ! k-resolved Spectral function
1249            call print_green("from_realaxisself",greenr,5,paw_dmft,&
1250 &           pawprtvol=3,opt_wt=1)
1251          else
1252            ! DOS Calculation
1253            call print_green("from_realaxisself",greenr,4,paw_dmft,&
1254 &           pawprtvol=3,opt_wt=1)
1255          endif
1256         !write(6,*) "print green done"
1257        endif
1259        call destroy_green(greenr)
1260        call destroy_self(selfr)
1261        call destroy_self(self)
1262      endif
1263      call destroy_dmft(paw_dmft)
1264      call destroy_oper(dft_occup)
1265    end if
1267    call outkss(crystal,dtfil,dtset,ecut,gmet,gprimd,hdr,&
1268 &   dtset%kssform,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftc,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpsang,mpw,natom,natom,&
1269 &   nfft,nkpt,npwarr,nspden,nsppol,nsym,psps%ntypat,occ,pawtab,pawfgr,paw_ij,&
1270 &   prtvol,psps,rprimd,vtrial,xred,cg,usecprj,cprj,eigen,ierr)
1271    if (ierr/=0) then
1272      ABI_WARNING("outkss returned a non zero status error, check log")
1273    end if
1274  end if
1276  call timab(1172,2,tsec) ! outscfcv(gw)
1278  if (electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)/=0) then
1280 !  Optionally provide output for  positron life time calculation
1281    call timab(1173,1,tsec)
1282    call poslifetime(dtset,electronpositron,gprimd,my_natom,&
1283 &   mpi_enreg,n3xccc,nfft,ngfft,nhat,1,pawang,&
1284 &   pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,rate_dum,rate_dum2,&
1285 &   rhor,ucvol,xccc3d)
1286    call timab(1173,2,tsec)
1288 !  Optionally provide output for momentum distribution of annihilation radiation
1289    if (dtset%posdoppler>0) then
1290      call timab(1174,1,tsec)
1291      call posdoppler(cg,cprj,crystal,dimcprj,dtfil,dtset,electronpositron,psps%filpsp,&
1292 &     kg,mcg,mcprj,mpi_enreg,my_natom,n3xccc,nfft,ngfft,nhat,npwarr,&
1293 &     occ,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,rhor,xccc3d)
1294      call timab(1174,2,tsec)
1295    end if
1296  end if
1298 !Optionally provide output for WanT
1299  if (dtset%prtwant==1) then
1300    call timab(1175,1,tsec)
1301    ! WARNING: mpi_enreg not used --> MPI is not supported
1302    call outwant(dtset,eigen,cg,kg,npwarr,mband,mcg,nkpt,nsppol,mkmem,mpw,dtset%prtwant)
1303    call timab(1175,2,tsec)
1304  end if
1306 !Optionally provide output for electric field gradient calculation
1307  if (dtset%nucefg > 0) then
1308    call timab(1176,1,tsec)
1309    call calc_efg(mpi_enreg,my_natom,natom,nfft,ngfft,nhat,nspden,dtset%nsym,dtset%nucefg,&
1310 &   ntypat,paw_an,pawang,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
1311 &   dtset%ptcharge,dtset%quadmom,rhor,rprimd,dtset%symrel,&
1312 &   dtset%tnons,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps%zionpsp,&
1313 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1314    call timab(1176,2,tsec)
1315  end if
1317 !Optionally provide output for Fermi-contact term at nuclear positions
1318  if (dtset%nucfc > 0) then
1319    call timab(1177,1,tsec)
1320    call calc_fc(my_natom,natom,nspden,ntypat,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,dtset%typat,psps%usepaw,&
1321 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1322    call timab(1177,2,tsec)
1323  end if
1325  ! Output electron bands.
1326  if (me == master .and. dtset%tfkinfunc==0) then
1327    call timab(1178,1,tsec)
1328    if (size(dtset%kptbounds, dim=2) > 0) then
1329      call ebands_write(ebands, dtset%prtebands, dtfil%filnam_ds(4), kptbounds=dtset%kptbounds)
1330    else
1331      call ebands_write(ebands, dtset%prtebands, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
1332    end if
1333    call timab(1178,2,tsec)
1334  end if
1336 !Optionally provide Xcrysden output for the Fermi surface (Only master writes)
1337  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtfsurf == 1) then
1338    call timab(1179,1,tsec)
1339    if (ebands_write_bxsf(ebands,crystal,dtfil%fnameabo_app_bxsf) /= 0) then
1340      msg = "Cannot produce BXSF file with Fermi surface, see log file for more info"
1341      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1342      call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
1343    end if
1344    call timab(1179,2,tsec)
1345  end if ! prtfsurf==1
1347 !output nesting factor for Fermi surface (requires ph_nqpath)
1348  if (me == master .and. dtset%prtnest>0 .and. dtset%ph_nqpath > 0) then
1349    call timab(1180,1,tsec)
1350    ierr = ebands_write_nesting(ebands,crystal,dtfil%fnameabo_app_nesting,dtset%prtnest,&
1351      dtset%tsmear,dtset%fermie_nest,dtset%ph_qpath(:,1:dtset%ph_nqpath),msg)
1352    if (ierr /= 0) then
1353      ABI_WARNING(msg)
1354      call wrtout(ab_out, msg)
1355    end if
1356    call timab(1180,2,tsec)
1357  end if ! prtnest=1
1359  if (dtset%prtdipole == 1) then
1360    call timab(1181,1,tsec)
1361    call multipoles_out(rhor,mpi_enreg,natom,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,dtset%ntypat,rprimd,&
1362      dtset%typat,ucvol,ab_out,xred,dtset%ziontypat)
1363    call timab(1181,2,tsec)
1364  end if
1366  ! BoltzTraP output files in GENEric format
1367  if (dtset%prtbltztrp == 1 .and. me==master)then
1368    call timab(1182,1,tsec)
1369    call ebands_prtbltztrp(ebands, crystal, dtfil%filnam_ds(4))
1370    call timab(1182,2,tsec)
1371  endif
1373  ! Band structure interpolation from eigenvalues computed on the k-mesh.
1374  if (nint(dtset%einterp(1)) /= 0 .and. dtset%kptopt > 0) then
1375    call timab(1183,1,tsec)
1376    call ebands_interpolate_kpath(ebands, dtset, crystal, [0, 0], dtfil%filnam_ds(4), spacecomm)
1377    call timab(1183,2,tsec)
1378  end if
1380  ABI_SFREE_PTR(elfr)
1381  ABI_SFREE_PTR(grhor)
1382  ABI_SFREE_PTR(lrhor)
1384  call crystal%free()
1385  call ebands_free(ebands)
1387  ! Destroy atom table used for parallelism
1388  call free_my_atmtab(my_atmtab,my_atmtab_allocated)
1390  call timab(1150,2,tsec) ! outscfcv
1392  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1394 end subroutine outscfcv