ABINIT/defs_datatypes [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 This module contains definitions important structured datatypes for the ABINIT package.
 If you want to add one new datatype, please, examine first whether
 another datatype might meet your need (e.g. adding some records to it).
 Then, if you are sure your new structured datatype is needed,
 write it here, and DOCUMENT it properly (not all datastructure here are
 well documented, it is a shame ...).
 Do not forget: you will likely be the major winner if you document properly.
 Proper documentation of a structured datatype means:

  (1) Mention it in the list just below
  (2) Describe it in the NOTES section
  (3) Put it in alphabetical order in the the main section of this module
  (4) Document each of its records, except if they are described elsewhere
      (this exception is typically the case of the dataset associated with
      input variables, for which there is a help file)

 List of datatypes:
 * ebands_t: different information about the band structure
 * pseudopotential_type: for norm-conserving pseudopotential, all the information
 * pspheader_type: for norm-conserving pseudopotentials, the header of the file


 Copyright (C) 2001-2024 ABINIT group (XG)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .


35 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
36 #include "config.h"
37 #endif
39 #include "abi_common.h"
41 module defs_datatypes
43  use defs_basis
45  implicit none

defs_datatypes/ebands_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




 It contains different information about the band structure: eigenenergies, residuals, derivative of occupation
 numbers vs energy in case of metallic occupations and Brillouin zone according to the context: k points,
 occupation numbers, storage mode of wavefunctions, weights ...
 For example, the initial Brillouin zone, set up in the dataset, will be treated in the response function part of
 the code, to give a reduced Brillouin zone different from the original one, due to the breaking of the symmetries
 related to the existence of a wavevector, or the lack of time-reversal invariance.


 64  type ebands_t
 66   integer :: bantot                ! Total number of bands (sum(nband(:))
 67   integer :: ivalence              ! Highest valence band index (useful when occopt=9 only)
 68   integer :: mband                 ! Max number of bands i.e MAXVAL(nband) (to dimension arrays)
 69   integer :: nkpt                  ! Number of k points
 70   integer :: nspinor               ! 1 for collinear, 2 for noncollinear.
 71   integer :: nsppol                ! Number of spin-polarizations
 72   integer :: ntemp                 ! Number of temperatures
 73   integer :: occopt                ! Occupation option, see input variable.
 75   real(dp) :: entropy              ! Entropy associated with the smearing (adimensional)
 76   real(dp) :: fermie               ! Fermi energy ! CP: when occopt = 9, fermi energy of the quasi-FD distribution of excited
 77 ! electrons in the conduction bands above ivalence
 78   real(dp) :: fermih               ! Fermi energy of the excited holes in the valence bands <= ivalence (occopt = 9 only)
 79   real(dp) :: nelect               ! Number of electrons.
 80   real(dp) :: ne_qFD               ! Number of electrons excited in the bands > ivalence (occopt = 9 only)
 81   real(dp) :: nh_qFD               ! Number of holes     excited in the bands <=ivalence (occopt = 9 only)
 82   real(dp) :: tphysel              ! Physical temperature of electrons.
 83   real(dp) :: tsmear               ! Temperature of smearing.
 84   !real(dp) :: max_occ             ! Spin degeneracy factor: max_occ = two / (self%nspinor * self%nsppol)
 86   !real(dp) :: spinmagntarget
 87   ! TODO This should be set via dtset%spinmagntarget to simplify the API.
 89   integer,allocatable :: istwfk(:)
 90   ! istwfk(nkpt)
 91   ! Storage mode at each k point.
 93   integer,allocatable :: nband(:)
 94   ! nband(nkpt*nsppol)
 95   ! Number of bands at each k point and spin-polarisation.
 97   integer,allocatable :: npwarr(:)
 98   ! npwarr(nkpt)
 99   ! Number of plane waves at each k point.
101   real(dp),allocatable :: kptns(:,:)
102   ! kptns(3,nkpt)
103   ! k-point vectors.
105   real(dp),allocatable :: eig(:,:,:)
106   ! eig(mband,nkpt,nsppol)
107   ! Eigenvalues of each band.
109   real(dp),allocatable :: linewidth(:,:,:,:)
110   ! linewidth(itemp,mband,nkpt,nsppol)
111   ! Linewidth of each band
112   ! MG: TODO: This array should be removed (I think Yannick introduced it, see also Ktmesh)
114   real(dp),allocatable :: occ(:,:,:)
115   ! occ(mband, nkpt, nsppol)
116   ! occupation of each band.
118   real(dp),allocatable :: doccde(:,:,:)
119   ! doccde(mband, nkpt, nsppol)
120   ! derivative of the occupation of each band wrt energy (needed for RF).
122   real(dp),allocatable :: wtk(:)
123   ! wtk(nkpt)
124   ! weight of each k point, normalized to one.
126   integer :: kptopt
127   ! Option used for k-point generation.
129   integer :: nshiftk_orig, nshiftk
130   ! original number of shifts given in input and the actual value (changed in inkpts)
132   real(dp) :: cellcharge
133   ! nelect = zion - cellcharge
134   ! Extra charge added to the unit cell when performing GS calculations
135   ! To treat a system missing one electron per unit cell, charge is set to +1.
136   ! When reading the band structure from an external file,
137   ! charge is mainly used as metadata describing the GS calculation that procuded the ebands_t object.
138   ! To simulate doping in a post-processing tool, use ebands_set_extrael that defines the value of %extra_el.
139   ! and changes %nelect, accordingly.
141   real(dp) :: extrael = zero
142   ! Extra number of electrons.
143   ! This variable is mainly used to simulate doping in the rigid band approximation.
144   ! Set by ebands_set_extrael method.
146   integer :: kptrlatt_orig(3,3), kptrlatt(3,3)
147   ! Original value of kptrlatt and value after the call to inkpts
149   real(dp),allocatable :: shiftk_orig(:,:)
150   ! shiftk_orig(3, nshiftk_orig)
151   ! original shifts given in input (changed in inkpts).
153   real(dp),allocatable :: shiftk(:,:)
154   ! shiftk(3, nshiftk)
156  end type ebands_t

defs_datatypes/nctab_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




  This object contains TABulated data for NC pseudopotentials
  It follows the conventions used in pawtab so that we can reuse
  the PAW routines for the treatment of model core change as well
  as the code in the atm2fft routines used to build approximated densities
  from atomic quantities. Methods are defined in m_psps.


222  type,public :: nctab_t
224    integer :: mqgrid_vl = 0
225    ! Number of points in the reciprocal space grid on which
226    ! the radial functions are specified (same grid as the one used for the local part).
228    ! TODO
229    !integer :: mqgrid_ff = 0
231    logical :: has_tvale = .False.
232     ! True if the norm-conserving pseudopotential provides the atomic pseudized valence density.
233     ! If alchemy, has_tvale is True only if all the mixed pseudos
234     ! have the valence charge in the pseudopotential file.
236    logical :: has_tcore = .False.
237     ! True if the norm-conserving pseudopotential has the model core-charge for NLCC.
238     ! If alchemy, has_tcore is True if at least one of the mixed pseudos has NLCC.
239     ! See also tcorespl
241    real(dp) :: dncdq0 = zero
242     ! Gives 1/q d(tNcore(q))/dq for q=0
243     ! (tNcore(q) = FT of pseudo core density)
245    real(dp) :: d2ncdq0 = zero
246     ! Gives contribution of d2(tNcore(q))/d2q for q=0
247     ! \int{(16/15)*pi^5*n(r)*r^6* dr}
248     ! (tNcore(q) = FT of pseudo core density)
250    real(dp) :: dnvdq0 = zero
251     ! Gives 1/q d(tNvale(q))/dq for q=0
252     ! (tNvale(q) = FT of pseudo valence density)
254    real(dp), allocatable :: tvalespl(:,:)
255     ! tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)
256     ! Gives the pseudo valence density in reciprocal space on a regular grid
257     ! Initialized only if has_nctvale(itypat)
259    real(dp), allocatable :: tcorespl(:,:)
260     ! tcorespl(mqgrid_vl,2)
261     ! Gives the pseudo core density in reciprocal space on a regular grid.
262     ! tcorespl is **always** allocated and initialized with zeros if not has_tcore
263     ! A similar approach is used in PAW.
265    integer :: num_tphi = 0
266    ! Number of pseudo atomic orbitals. 0 if pseudo does not provide them
268    logical :: has_jtot = .False.
269    ! True if tpsi are given in terms of j (relativistic pseudo with SOC)
271    real(dp), allocatable :: tphi_qspl(:,:,:)
272     ! (mqgrid_ff, 2, num_tphi)
273     ! Form factors for the pseudo wavefunctions.
275    integer,allocatable :: tphi_n(:), tphi_l(:)
276     ! (num_tphi) arrays giving n, l
278    real(dp),allocatable :: tphi_jtot(:)
279     ! (num_tphi) array with jtot.
281    real(dp),allocatable :: tphi_occ(:)
282     ! (num_tphi) array with atomic occupancies taken from pseudo.
284  end type nctab_t

defs_datatypes/pseudopotential_gth_type [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




 This structure is a sub-structure of pseudopotential_type used to
 store parameters from the GTH pseudo-potentials. All arrays have
 indices running on 1:npsp for each read pseudo-file. The 'set' array
 is a check array, since several different pseudo can be used in a simulation
 it set a flag for each npsp if params have been set or not. This is
 redundant with psps%pspcod in the way that when psps%pspcod(i) is 2,
 then gth_params%set(i) is .true.. GTH pseudo previous to wavelets introduction
 doesn't have geometric information. These have been added on the last line.
 It is three radius information, the %hasGeometry flag is there to know
 which kind of pseudo has been read.


179  type pseudopotential_gth_type
181 ! WARNING: if you modify this datatype, please check whether there might be creation/destruction/copy routines,
182 ! declared in another part of ABINIT, that might need to take into account your modification.
184   real(dp), allocatable :: psppar(:, :, :)
185    ! These are {rloc, C(1...4)} coefficients for psppar(0, :, :) indices,
186    ! Followed by the h coefficients for psppar(1:2, :, :) indices.
187    !  size (0:2, 0:4, npsp)
189   real(dp), allocatable :: radii_cf(:, :)
190    ! Cut-off radii for core part and long-range part.
191    ! radii_cf(:, 1) is for the long-range cut-off and
192    ! radii_cf(:, 2) is for the core cut-off. size (npsp, 2)
194   real(dp), allocatable :: psp_k_par(:, :, :)
195    ! Spin orbit coefficients in HGH/GTH formats: k11p etc... see psp3ini.F90
196    !   dimension = num l channels, 3 coeffs, num psp = (1:lmax+1,1:3,npsp)
198   logical, allocatable :: hasGeometry(:)
199    ! Flag for geometric information in the pseudo. size (npsp)
201   logical, allocatable :: set(:)
202    ! Consistency array, used for checking size (npsp)
204  end type pseudopotential_gth_type

defs_datatypes/pseudopotential_type [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




 This structured datatype contains all the information about one
 norm-conserving pseudopotential, including the description of the local
 and non-local parts, the different projectors, the non-linear core correction ...


300  type pseudopotential_type
302 ! WARNING: if you modify this datatype, please check whether there might be creation/destruction/copy routines,
303 ! declared in another part of ABINIT, that might need to take into account your modification.
305 ! Integer scalars
306   integer :: dimekb
307    ! Dimension of Ekb
308    ! ->Norm conserving : Max. number of Kleinman-Bylander energies for each atom type
309    !                     dimekb=lnmax (lnmax: see this file)
310    ! ->PAW : Max. number of Dij coefficients connecting projectors for each atom type
311    !                     dimekb=lmnmax*(lmnmax+1)/2 (lmnmax: see this file)
313   integer :: lmnmax
314    !  If useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps (lnproj)
315    !  If useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps (lmnproj)
316    !  If mpspso is 2, lmnmax takes into account the spin-orbit projectors,
317    !  so, it is equal to the max of lmnprojso or lnprojso, see pspheader_type
319   integer :: lnmax
320    !  Max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
321    !  If mpspso is 2, lmnmax takes into account the spin-orbit projectors,
322    !  so, it is equal to the max of lnprojso, see pspheader_type
324   integer :: mproj
325    ! Maximum number of non-local projectors over all angular momenta and type of psps
326    ! 0 only if all psps are local
328   integer :: mpsang
329    ! Highest angular momentum of non-local projectors over all type of psps.
330    ! shifted by 1: for all local psps, mpsang=0; for largest s, mpsang=1,
331    ! for largest p, mpsang=2; for largest d, mpsang=3; for largest f, mpsang=4
332    ! This gives also the number of non-local "channels"
334   integer :: mpspso
335    ! mpspso is set to 1 if none of the psps is used with a spin-orbit part (that
336    !  is, if the user input variable so_psp is not equal to 1 in at least one case
337    ! otherwise, it is set to 2
339   integer :: mpssoang
340    ! Maximum number of channels, including those for treating the spin-orbit coupling
341    ! when mpspso=1, mpssoang=mpsang
342    ! when mpspso=2, mpssoang=2*mpsang-1
344   integer :: mqgrid_ff
345    ! Number of points in the reciprocal space grid on which
346    ! the radial functions ffspl are specified
348   integer :: mqgrid_vl
349    ! Number of points in the reciprocal space grid on which
350    ! the radial functions vlspl are specified
352   integer :: mtypalch
353    ! Maximum number of alchemical pseudo atoms. If non-zero,
354    ! the mechanism to generate mixing of pseudopotentials is activated
356   integer :: npsp
357    ! Number of types of pseudopotentials
359   integer :: npspalch
360    ! Number of types of pseudopotentials used for alchemical purposes
362   integer :: ntypat
363    ! Number of types of atoms (might be alchemy wrt pseudopotentials)
365   integer :: ntypalch
366    ! Number of types of alchemical pseudoatoms
368   integer :: ntyppure
369    ! Number of types of pure pseudoatoms
371   integer :: n1xccc
372    ! Number of radial points for the description of the pseudo-core charge
373    ! (in the framework of the non-linear XC core correction)
375   integer :: optnlxccc
376    ! Option for the choice of non-linear XC core correction treatment (see the input variable)
377    ! Used only for FHI pseudos.
379   integer :: positron
380    ! Option for the choice of type of GS calculation (electron or positron)
382   integer :: usepaw
383    ! if usepaw=0 , use norm-conserving psps part of the code
384    ! is usepaw=1 , use paw part of the code
386   integer :: usewvl
387    ! if usewvl=0 ,  plane waves
388    ! is usewvl=1 ,  wavelets
390   integer :: useylm
391    ! governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
392    !   1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
394 ! Logical scalars
395   logical :: vlspl_recipSpace
396    ! governs if vlspl is compute in reciprocal space or in real
397    ! space (when available).
399 ! Integer arrays
400   integer, allocatable :: algalch(:)
401    ! algalch(ntypalch)
402    ! For each type of pseudo atom, the algorithm to mix the pseudopotentials
404   integer, allocatable :: indlmn(:,:,:)
405    ! indlmn(6,lmnmax,ntypat)
406    ! For each type of psp,
407    ! array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,spin for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
408    !                                or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
409    ! NB: spin is used for NC pseudos with SOC term: 1 if scalar term (spin diagonal), 2 if SOC term.
411   integer, allocatable :: pspdat(:)
412    ! pspdat(ntypat)
413    ! For each type of psp, the date of psp generation, as given by the psp file
415   integer, allocatable :: pspcod(:)
416    ! pspcod(npsp)
417    ! For each type of psp, the format -or code- of psp generation,
418    !  as given by the psp file
420   integer, allocatable :: pspso(:)
421    ! pspso(npsps)
422    ! For each type of psp,
423    ! 1 if no spin-orbit component is taken into account
424    ! 2 if a spin-orbit component is used
426   integer, allocatable :: pspxc(:)
427    ! pspxc(npsps)
428    ! For each type of psp, the XC functional that was used to generate it,
429    ! as given by the psp file
431 ! Real (real(dp)) arrays
433   real(dp), allocatable :: ekb(:,:)
434    ! ekb(dimekb,ntypat*(1-usepaw))
436    !    (Real) Kleinman-Bylander energies (hartree)
437    !           for number of basis functions (l,n) (lnmax)
438    !           and number of atom types (ntypat)
439    ! NOTE (MT):
440    !   ekb (norm-conserving) is now diagonal (one dimension lnmax);
441    !   it would be easy to give it a second (symmetric) dimension by putting
442    !   dimekb=lnmax*(lnmax+1)/2 in the place of dimekb=lmnmax.
444   real(dp), allocatable :: ffspl(:,:,:,:)
445    ! ffspl(mqgrid_ff,2,lnmax,ntypat)
446    ! Gives, on the radial grid, the different non-local projectors,
447    ! in both the norm-conserving case, and the PAW case
449   real(dp), allocatable :: mixalch(:,:)
450    ! mixalch(npspalch,ntypalch)
451    ! Mixing coefficients to generate alchemical pseudo atoms
453   real(dp), allocatable :: qgrid_ff(:)
454    ! qgrid_ff(mqgrid_ff)
455    ! The coordinates of all the points of the radial grid for the nl form factors
457   real(dp), allocatable :: qgrid_vl(:)
458    ! qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)
459    ! The coordinates of all the points of the radial grid for the local part of psp
461   real(dp), allocatable :: vlspl(:,:,:)
462    ! vlspl(mqgrid_vl,2,ntypat)
463    ! Gives, on the radial grid, the local part of each type of psp.
465   real(dp), allocatable :: dvlspl(:,:,:)
466    ! dvlspl(mqgrid_vl,2,ntypat)
467    ! Gives, on the radial grid, the first derivative of the local
468    ! part of each type of psp (computed when the flag 'vlspl_recipSpace' is true).
470   real(dp), allocatable :: xcccrc(:)
471    ! xcccrc(ntypat)
472    ! Gives the maximum radius of the pseudo-core charge, for each type of psp.
474   real(dp), allocatable :: xccc1d(:,:,:)
475    ! xccc1d(n1xccc*(1-usepaw),6,ntypat)
476    ! Norm-conserving psps only
477    ! The component xccc1d(n1xccc,1,ntypat) is the pseudo-core charge
478    ! for each type of atom, on the radial grid. The components
479    ! xccc1d(n1xccc,ideriv,ntypat) give the ideriv-th derivative of the
480    ! pseudo-core charge with respect to the radial distance.
482   real(dp), allocatable :: zionpsp(:)
483    ! zionpsp(npsp)
484    ! For each pseudopotential, the ionic pseudo-charge
485    ! (giving raise to a long-range coulomb potential)
487   real(dp), allocatable :: ziontypat(:)
488    ! ziontypat(ntypat)
489    ! For each type of atom (might be alchemy wrt psps), the ionic pseudo-charge
490    ! (giving raise to a long-range coulomb potential)
492   real(dp), allocatable :: znuclpsp(:)
493    ! znuclpsp(npsp)
494    ! The atomic number of each pseudopotential
496   real(dp), allocatable :: znucltypat(:)
497    ! znucltypat(ntypat)
498    ! The atomic number of each type of atom (might be alchemy wrt psps)
500 ! Character arrays
501   character(len=fnlen), allocatable :: filpsp(:)
502    ! filpsp(npsps)
503    ! The filename of the pseudopotential
505   character(len=fnlen), allocatable :: title(:)
506    ! title(npsp)
507    ! The content of first line read from the psp file
509   character(len=md5_slen), allocatable :: md5_pseudos(:)
510   ! md5pseudos(npsp)
511   ! md5 checksums associated to pseudos (read from file)
513   type(pseudopotential_gth_type) :: gth_params
514    ! Types for pseudo-potentials that are based on parameters. Currently, only
515    ! GTH are supported (see pseudopotential_gth_type). To add one, one should
516    ! create an initialisation method and a destruction method in 02psp (see
517    ! psp2params.F90). These methods are called in driver().
519    type(nctab_t),allocatable :: nctab(:)
520    ! nctab(ntypat)
521    ! Tables storing additional data for NC pseudopotentials that are not always avaiable if every psp format.
522    ! We try to mimim pawtab as much as possible so that we can reuse PAW routines in the NC context.
524    integer :: nc_xccc_gspace = 0
525    ! NC pseudos only. Set to 1 if the non-linear core correction should
526    ! be treated in G-space similarly to the approach used for PAW.
528  end type pseudopotential_type

defs_datatypes/pspheader_paw_type [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




 The pspheader_paw_type structured datatype gather additional information
 about a PAW pseudopotential file, from its header.


543  type pspheader_paw_type
545 ! WARNING: if you modify this datatype, please check whether there might be creation/destruction/copy routines,
546 ! declared in another part of ABINIT, that might need to take into account your modification.
548 ! WARNING: Also pay attention to subroutine pspheads_comm, which broadcasts this datatype.
550   integer :: basis_size    ! Number of elements of the wf basis ((l,n) quantum numbers)
551   integer :: l_size        ! Maximum value of l+1 leading to a non zero Gaunt coefficient
552   integer :: lmn_size      ! Number of elements of the paw basis
553   integer :: mesh_size     ! Dimension of (main) radial mesh
554   integer :: pawver        ! Version number of paw psp format
555   integer :: shape_type    ! Type of shape function
556   real(dp) :: rpaw         ! Radius for paw spheres
557   real(dp) :: rshp         ! Cut-off radius of shape function
559  end type pspheader_paw_type

defs_datatypes/pspheader_type [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ defs_datatypes ] [ Types ]




 The pspheader_type structured datatype gather different information
 about a pseudopotential file, from its header.


574  type pspheader_type
576 ! WARNING: if you modify this datatype, please check whether there might be creation/destruction/copy routines,
577 ! declared in another part of ABINIT, that might need to take into account your modification.
578 ! WARNING: Also pay attention to subroutine pspheads_comm, which broadcasts this datatype.
580   integer :: nproj(0:3) ! number of scalar projectors for each angular momentum
582   integer :: nprojso(3) ! number of spin-orbit projectors for each angular momentum
584   integer :: lmax       ! maximum l quantum number (-1 if only local)
585                         ! Example : s only       -> lmax=0
586                         !           s and p      -> lmax=1
587                         !           s,p,d        -> lmax=2
589   integer :: pspcod
590     ! code number of the pseudopotential
592   integer :: pspdat
593     ! date of generation of the pseudopotential
595   integer :: pspxc
596     ! exchange-correlation functional
598   integer :: pspso
599     ! spin-orbit characteristics
600     ! 0 if pseudo does not support SOC, 1 or 2 if SOC terms are available in the pp file.
601     ! Note that one could have a pseudo with SOC terms but ignore the SOC contribution
602     ! For example, it's possible to use nspinor=2 and set so_psp to 0 in the input file
603     ! or perform a run with nspinor=1 with pseudos containing SOC terms.
605   integer :: usewvl
606    ! if usewvl=0 ,  plane waves
607    ! is usewvl=1 ,  wavelets
609   integer :: xccc
610     ! =0 if no XC core correction, non-zero if XC core correction
612   real(dp) :: zionpsp
613     ! charge of the ion made of core electrons only
615   real(dp) :: znuclpsp
616     ! atomic number of the nuclei
618   real(dp) :: GTHradii(0:4)
619     ! Radii values for GTH (and HGH) family potentials
621   character(len=fnlen) :: filpsp
622     ! name of the psp file
624   character(len=fnlen) :: title
625     ! content of first line read from the psp file
627   character(len=md5_slen) :: md5_checksum = md5_none
628     ! md5 checksum read from file.
630   type(pspheader_paw_type) :: pawheader
631     ! only for PAW psps ; see m_pawpsp.
633  end type pspheader_type