ABINIT/m_ioarr [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module provides routines to read/write arrays given on the FFT mesh (densities, potentials ...).
  The code supports both Fortran files as well as netcdf files in a transparent way.
  The appropriate IO layer is selected from files extensions: netcdf primitives are used if the
  file ends with `.nc`. If all the other cases we read/write files in Fortran format.
  MPI-IO primitives are used when the FFT arrays are MPI distributed.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR, MVer, MT, MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


20 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
21 #include "config.h"
22 #endif
24 #include "abi_common.h"
26 MODULE m_ioarr
28  use defs_basis
29  use m_abicore
30  use m_xmpi
31  use m_wffile
32  use m_errors
33  use m_nctk
34  use m_dtset
35  use m_crystal
36  use m_ebands
37  use m_hdr
38  use m_pawrhoij
39 #ifdef HAVE_MPI2
40  use mpi
41 #endif
42  use netcdf
44  use defs_abitypes,   only : mpi_type
45  use defs_datatypes,  only : ebands_t
46  use defs_wvltypes,   only : wvl_denspot_type
47  use m_time,          only : cwtime, cwtime_report, timab
48  use m_io_tools,      only : iomode_from_fname, iomode2str, open_file, get_unit
49  use m_fstrings,      only : sjoin, itoa, endswith, ltoa
50  use m_numeric_tools, only : interpolate_denpot
51  use m_geometry,      only : metric
52  use m_mpinfo,        only : destroy_mpi_enreg, ptabs_fourdp, initmpi_seq
53  use m_distribfft,    only : init_distribfft_seq
54  use m_fourier_interpol,only : fourier_interpol
56  implicit none
58 #ifdef HAVE_MPI1
59  include 'mpif.h'
60 #endif
62  private
64  public :: ioarr                     ! Read or write rho(r) or v(r), either ground-state or response-functions.
65  public :: fftdatar_write            ! Write an array in real space. IO library is automatically selected
66                                      ! from the file extension and the number of FFT processors:
67  public :: fftdatar_write_from_hdr   ! Write an array in real-space to file plus crystal_t and ebands_t
68  public :: read_rhor                 ! Read rhor from DEN file.
69  public :: fort_denpot_skip          ! Skip the header and the DEN/POT records (Fortran format)
71  private :: denpot_spin_convert      ! Convert a density/potential from a spin representation to another
73 CONTAINS  !====================================================================================================

m_ioarr/denpot_spin_convert [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




  Convert a density/potential from a spin representation to another


  denpot_in(:,nspden_in)=input density//potential
  nspden_in=number of spin-component of the input density/potential
  fform=file format (density or potential)
  [istart_in]= --optional-- starting index in the denpot_in array; default is 1
  [istart_out]= --optional-- starting index in the denpot_out array; default is 1
  [nelem]= --optional-- number of elements to copy from denpot_in to denpot_out; default is all


  denpot_out(:,nspden_out)=output density//potential
  nspden_out=number of spin-component of the output density/potential


  More explicitely:
    We copy denpot_in(istar_in+1:istart_in+nelem,:)
       into denpot_out(istart_out+1:istart_out+nelem,:)


1313 subroutine denpot_spin_convert(denpot_in,nspden_in,denpot_out,nspden_out,fform,&
1314 &                              istart_in,istart_out,nelem) ! optional arguments
1316 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1317 !scalars
1318  integer,intent(in) :: nspden_in,nspden_out,fform
1319  integer,intent(in),optional :: istart_in,istart_out,nelem
1320 !arrays
1321  real(dp),intent(in) :: denpot_in(:,:)
1322  real(dp),intent(out) :: denpot_out(:,:)
1324 !Local variables-------------------------------
1325  integer :: iend_in,iend_out,ispden,my_istart_in,my_istart_out,my_nelem
1326  character(len=500) :: msg
1328 ! *********************************************************************
1330 !Optional arguments
1331  my_istart_in=1;if (present(istart_in)) my_istart_in=istart_in
1332  my_istart_out=1;if (present(istart_out)) my_istart_out=istart_out
1333  iend_in=size(denpot_in,1) ; iend_out=size(denpot_out,1)
1334  my_nelem=min(iend_in-my_istart_in+1,iend_out-my_istart_out+1)
1335  if (present(nelem)) my_nelem=nelem
1337 !Checks
1338  if (size(denpot_in,2)/=nspden_in) then
1339    msg='size(denpot_in,2)/=nspden_in!'
1340    ABI_BUG(msg)
1341  end if
1342  if (size(denpot_out,2)/=nspden_out) then
1343    msg='size(denpot_out,2)/=nspden_out!'
1344    ABI_BUG(msg)
1345  end if
1346  if (my_istart_in+my_nelem-1>size(denpot_in,1)) then
1347    msg='istart_in+nelem>size(denpot_in,1)!'
1348    ABI_BUG(msg)
1349  end if
1350  if (my_istart_out+my_nelem-1>size(denpot_out,1)) then
1351    msg='istart_out+nelem>size(denpot_out,1)!'
1352    ABI_BUG(msg)
1353  end if
1355 !Simple copy if the number of spin-components is unchanged...
1356  if (nspden_in==nspden_out) then
1357    do ispden=1,nspden_in
1358      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,ispden)= &
1359 &      denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,ispden)
1360    end do
1361    return
1362  end if
1364 !...otherwise, we need to convert.
1365  if ((fform-1)/2==25) then
1367 !  First case: DENSITY
1369    if      (nspden_in==1.and.nspden_out==2) then
1370      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1371      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)*half
1372    else if (nspden_in==1.and.nspden_out==4) then
1373      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1374      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=zero
1375      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,3)=zero
1376      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,4)=zero
1377    else if (nspden_in==2.and.nspden_out==1) then
1378      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1379    else if (nspden_in==2.and.nspden_out==4) then
1380      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1381      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=zero
1382      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,3)=zero
1383      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,4)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,2)*two &
1384 &                                                        -denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem,1)
1385    else if (nspden_in==4.and.nspden_out==1) then
1386      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1387    else if (nspden_in==4.and.nspden_out==2) then
1388      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1389      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)*half &
1390 &                                                        +denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,4)*half
1391    end if
1393  else
1395 !  Second case: POTENTIAL
1397    if      (nspden_in==1.and.nspden_out==2) then
1398      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1399      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1400    else if (nspden_in==1.and.nspden_out==4) then
1401      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1402      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1403      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,3)=zero
1404      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,4)=zero
1405    else if (nspden_in==2.and.nspden_out==1) then
1406      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)*half &
1407 &                                                        +denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,2)*half
1408    else if (nspden_in==2.and.nspden_out==4) then
1409      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1410      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,2)
1411      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,3)=zero
1412      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,4)=zero
1413    else if (nspden_in==4.and.nspden_out==1) then
1414      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)*half &
1415 &                                                        +denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,2)*half
1416    else if (nspden_in==4.and.nspden_out==2) then
1417      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,1)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,1)
1418      denpot_out(my_istart_out:my_istart_out+my_nelem-1,2)=denpot_in(my_istart_in:my_istart_in+my_nelem-1,2)
1419    end if
1421  end if
1423 end subroutine denpot_spin_convert

m_ioarr/fftdatar_write [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




 Write an array in real space on the FFT box to file.
 The array can be real or complex depending on cplex
 IO library is automatically selected from the file extension and the number of FFT processors:

   1) If path ends with ".nc", the netcdf library is used else Fortran format.

   2) If nproc_fft > 1, parallel IO is used (if available)


 varname=Name of the variable to write (used if ETSF-IO).
 path=File name
 hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
 crystal<crystal_t>= data type gathering info on symmetries and unit cell (used if etsf_io)
 ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 cplex=1 for real array, 2 for complex
 nfft=Number of FFT points treated by this node.
 nspden=Number of spin-density components.
 datar(cplex*nfft,nspden)=array on the real space FFT grid.
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 [ebands]<ebands_t>=data type with energies and occupations (used if etsf_io)


  Only writing


   The string passed to fftdatar_write (first argument) gives the name used to store the data in the netcdf file
   The function varname_from_fname defined in the module m_hdr.F90 gives the mapping between the Abinit
   file extension and the netcdf name e.g. --> vxc
   This function is used in cut3d so that we can immediately select the data to analyze without having
   to prompt the user
   Remember to update varname_from_fname if you add a new file or if you change the name of the variable.

   fform i.e. the integer specification for data type is automatically initialized from varname.


674 subroutine fftdatar_write(varname,path,iomode,hdr,crystal,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden,datar,mpi_enreg,ebands)
676 !Arguments ------------------------------------
677 !scalars
678  integer,intent(in) :: iomode,cplex,nfft,nspden
679  character(len=*),intent(in) :: varname,path
680  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
681  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: crystal
682  type(ebands_t),optional,intent(in) :: ebands
683  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
684 !arrays
685  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
686  real(dp),intent(inout) :: datar(cplex*nfft,nspden)
687  !type(pawrhoij_type),optional,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij_all(hdr%usepaw*crystal%natom)
689 !Local variables-------------------------------
690 !!scalars
691  integer,parameter :: master=0
692  integer :: n1,n2,n3,comm_fft,nproc_fft,me_fft,iarr,ierr,ii,ispden,unt,mpierr,fform
693  integer :: i3_glob,my_iomode
694  integer(kind=XMPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: hdr_offset,my_offset,nfft_tot
695  integer :: ncid,ncerr
696  character(len=fnlen) :: file_etsf
697  real(dp) :: cputime,walltime,gflops
698  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
699  type(abifile_t) :: abifile
700 !arrays
701  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:),fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
702  integer(XMPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: bsize_frecord(nspden)
704 ! *************************************************************************
706  abifile = abifile_from_varname(varname)
707  if (abifile%fform == 0) then
708     ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find any abifile object associated to varname:", varname))
709  end if
710  ! Get fform from abifile. TODO: check file extension
711  fform = abifile%fform
713  comm_fft = mpi_enreg%comm_fft; nproc_fft = xmpi_comm_size(comm_fft); me_fft = mpi_enreg%me_fft
714  n1 = ngfft(1); n2 = ngfft(2); n3 = ngfft(3); nfft_tot = n1*n2*n3
716  ! Select iomode
717  ! Use Fortran IO if nproc_fft 1, in principle this is not needed because the
718  ! MPI-IO code should produce binary files that are readable with Fortran-IO
719  ! but it seems that NAG uses its own binary format
720  my_iomode = iomode
721  if (my_iomode /= IO_MODE_ETSF .and. nproc_fft == 1) my_iomode = IO_MODE_FORTRAN
722  if (nproc_fft > 1 .and. my_iomode == IO_MODE_FORTRAN) my_iomode = IO_MODE_MPI
724  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(ch10, "fftdatar_write: About to write data to:", path, "with iomode:",iomode2str(my_iomode)))
725  call cwtime(cputime, walltime, gflops, "start")
727  ! Get MPI-FFT tables from input ngfft
728  call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,n2,n3,fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
730  select case (my_iomode)
731  case (IO_MODE_FORTRAN)
732    ABI_CHECK(nproc_fft == 1, "MPI-IO must be enabled when FFT parallelism is used")
733    if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form='unformatted', status='unknown', action="write") /= 0) then
734      ABI_ERROR(msg)
735    end if
736    call hdr%fort_write(unt, fform, ierr)
737    ABI_CHECK(ierr==0,"ierr !=0")
738    do ii=1,nspden
739      write(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (datar(iarr,ii), iarr=1,cplex * nfft)
740    end do
741    close(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
743    ! Write PAW rhoij
744    !call pawrhoij_io(hdr%pawrhoij,unit,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%nspden,hdr%lmn_size,hdr%typat,headform,"Write")
745    !call pawrhoij_io(rhoij_ptr,ncid,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%nspden,hdr%lmn_size,hdr%typat,&
746    !                 HDR_LATEST_HEADFORM,"Write",form="netcdf")
748 #ifdef HAVE_MPI_IO
749  case (IO_MODE_MPI)
750    ! Find the first z-plane treated by this node.
751    ! WARNING: Here I assume that the z-planes in real space
752    ! are distributed in contiguous blocks (as usually done in MPI-FFT)
753    do i3_glob=1,n3
754      if (me_fft == fftn3_distrib(i3_glob)) exit
755    end do
756    ABI_CHECK(i3_glob /= n3 +1, "This processor does not have z-planes!")
758    ! Master writes the header.
759    if (me_fft == master) call hdr%write_to_fname(path, fform)
760    call xmpi_barrier(comm_fft) ! TODO: Non-blocking barrier.
762    call MPI_FILE_OPEN(comm_fft, path, MPI_MODE_RDWR, xmpio_info, unt, mpierr)
763    ABI_CHECK_MPI(mpierr,"MPI_FILE_OPEN")
765    ! Skip the header and get the offset of the header
766    call hdr_mpio_skip(unt,fform,hdr_offset)
767    !write(std_out,*)"i3_glob, nfft, hdr_offset,",i3_glob,nfft,hdr_offset,fftn3_distrib == me_fft
769    ! Each proc writes a contiguous slice of the nspden records.
770    ! my_offset is the position inside the Fortran record.
771    do ispden=1,nspden
772      my_offset = hdr_offset + xmpio_bsize_frm + ((ispden - 1) * 2 * xmpio_bsize_frm) + &
773      ((i3_glob-1) * cplex * n1 * n2 * xmpi_bsize_dp)  + ((ispden-1) * cplex * nfft_tot * xmpi_bsize_dp)
774      call MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL(unt,my_offset,datar(:,ispden),cplex*nfft,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,mpierr)
776    end do
778    ! master writes the fortran record markers.
779    if (me_fft == master) then
780      bsize_frecord = cplex * nfft_tot * xmpi_bsize_dp
781 #if 1
782      my_offset = hdr_offset
783      do ispden=1,nspden
784        call xmpio_write_frm(unt,my_offset,xmpio_single,bsize_frecord(ispden),mpierr)
785        ABI_CHECK_MPI(mpierr,"xmpio_write_frm")
786      end do
787 #else
788      ! TODO: Understand why this code does not work!
789      call xmpio_write_frmarkers(unt,hdr_offset,xmpio_single,nspden,bsize_frecord,ierr)
790      ABI_CHECK(ierr==0, "xmpio_write_frmarkers")
791 #endif
792    end if
794    call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(unt,mpierr)
795    ABI_CHECK_MPI(mpierr,"FILE_CLOSE!")
797    ! Add full pawrhoij datastructure at the end of the file.
798    !if (present(pawrhoij_all) .and. me_fft == master .and. hdr%usepaw == 1) then
799    !  if (open_file(path, msg, newunit=unt, form='unformatted', status='old', action="write", access="append") /= 0) then
800    !    ABI_ERROR(msg)
801    !  end if
802    !  call pawrhoij_io(pawrhoij_all,un,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%nspden,hdr%lmn_size,hdr%typat,hdr%headform,"Write")
803    !  close(unt)
804    !end if
805 #endif
807  case (IO_MODE_ETSF)
808    file_etsf = nctk_ncify(path)
810    ! Write datar.
811    ncerr = nctk_write_datar(varname,file_etsf,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden, &
812    comm_fft,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local,datar,action="create")
813    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
814    call xmpi_barrier(comm_fft)
816    ! Master writes the header.
817    if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm_fft) == master) then
818      NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(ncid, file_etsf, xmpi_comm_self))
819      NCF_CHECK(hdr%ncwrite(ncid, fform, nc_define=.True.))
820      ! Add information on the crystalline structure.
821      NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
822      if (present(ebands)) then
823        NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands, ncid))
824      end if
826      ! Add full pawrhoij datastructure.
827      !if (present(pawrhoij_all) .and. me_fft == master .and. hdr%usepaw == 1) then
828      !  call pawrhoij_io(pawrhoij_all,ncid,hdr%nsppol,hdr%nspinor,hdr%nspden,hdr%lmn_size,hdr%typat,hdr%headform,"Write", form="netcdf")
829      !end if
831      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
832    end if
834  case default
835    ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Wrong iomode:",itoa(my_iomode)))
836  end select
838  call cwtime_report(" IO operation", cputime, walltime, gflops)
840  return
842  ! Handle Fortran IO error
843 10 continue
844  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
846 end subroutine fftdatar_write

m_ioarr/fftdatar_write_from_hdr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




 Write an array in real space on the FFT box to file.
 crystal and ebands are constructed from the Abinit header.


 This routine will be removed when crystal_t and ebands_t will become standard objects
 available in the GS/DFPT part.


 [eigen](mband*hdr%nkpt*hdr%nsppol)=GS eigenvalues
 See fftdatar_write for the meaning of the other variables.



871 subroutine fftdatar_write_from_hdr(varname,path,iomode,hdr,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden,datar,mpi_enreg,eigen)
873 !Arguments ------------------------------------
874 !scalars
875  integer,intent(in) :: iomode,cplex,nfft,nspden
876  character(len=*),intent(in) :: varname,path
877  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
878  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
879 !arrays
880  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
881  real(dp),intent(inout) :: datar(cplex*nfft,nspden)
882  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: eigen(:)
884 !Local variables-------------------------------
885 !!scalars
886  integer :: mband
887  type(crystal_t) :: crystal
888  type(ebands_t) :: ebands
889 !arrays
890  real(dp),allocatable :: ene3d(:,:,:)
892 ! *************************************************************************
894  crystal = hdr%get_crystal()
896  if (present(eigen)) then
897      mband = maxval(hdr%nband)
898      ABI_CHECK(size(eigen) ==  mband * hdr%nkpt * hdr%nsppol, "Wrong size(eigen)")
899      ABI_MALLOC(ene3d, (mband, hdr%nkpt, hdr%nsppol))
900      call unpack_eneocc(hdr%nkpt, hdr%nsppol, mband, hdr%nband, eigen, ene3d)
901      ebands = ebands_from_hdr(hdr, mband, ene3d)
902      ABI_FREE(ene3d)
904     call fftdatar_write(varname,path,iomode,hdr,crystal,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden,datar,mpi_enreg,ebands=ebands)
905     call ebands_free(ebands)
906  else
907     call fftdatar_write(varname,path,iomode,hdr,crystal,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden,datar,mpi_enreg)
908  end if
910  call crystal%free()
912 end subroutine fftdatar_write_from_hdr

m_ioarr/fort_denpot_skip [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




  Skip the header and the DEN/POT records. Mainly used to append data to a pre-existent file.
  Return exit code.


  unit=Fortran unit number (already opened in the caller).
  msg=Error message if ierr /= 0


1253 integer function fort_denpot_skip(unit, msg) result(ierr)
1255 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1256  integer,intent(in) :: unit
1257  character(len=*),intent(out) :: msg
1259 !Local variables-------------------------------
1260  integer :: ii,fform,nspden
1261  type(hdr_type) :: hdr
1263 ! *********************************************************************
1265  ierr = 1
1266  call hdr_fort_read(hdr, unit, fform)
1267  if (fform == 0) then
1268     msg = "hdr_fort_read returned fform == 0"; return
1269  end if
1271  nspden = hdr%nspden
1272  call hdr%free()
1274  ! Skip the records with v1.
1275  do ii=1,nspden
1276    read(unit, iostat=ierr, iomsg=msg)
1277    if (ierr /= 0) return
1278  end do
1280  ierr = 0
1282 end function fort_denpot_skip

m_ioarr/ioarr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




 Read or write rho(r) or v(r), either ground-state or response-functions.
 If ground-state, these arrays are real, if response-functions, these arrays are complex.
 (in general, an array stored in unformatted form on a real space fft grid).
 rdwr=1 to read, 2 to write

 This subroutine should be called only by one processor in the writing mode


 (some may be output)
    0 for FORTRAN_IO
    3 for ETSF_IO
    4 for MPI_IO
 cplex=1 for real array, 2 for complex
 nfft=Number of FFT points treated by this node.
 ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
 dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
 fform=integer specification for data type:
   2 for wf; 52 for density; 102 for potential
   old format (prior to ABINITv2.0): 1, 51 and 101.
 fildata=file name
 hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  if rdwr=1 , used to compare with the hdr of the read disk file
  if rdwr=2 , used as the header of the written disk file
 mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
 rdwr=choice parameter, see above
 rdwrpaw=1 only if rhoij PAW quantities have to be read (if rdwr=1)
 [single_proc]=True if only ONE MPI process is calling this routine. This usually happens when
   master calls ioarr to read data that is then broadcasted in the caller. Default: False.
   Note that singleproc is not compatible with FFT parallelism because nfft is assumed to be
   the total number of points in the FFT mesh.


  (see side effects)


 arr(cplex*nfft,nspden)=array on real space grid, returned for rdwr=1, input for rdwr=2
 etotal=total energy (Ha), returned for rdwr=1
 === if rdwrpaw/=0 ===
  pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data


128 subroutine ioarr(accessfil,arr,dtset,etotal,fform,fildata,hdr,mpi_enreg, &
129 &                ngfft,cplex,nfft,pawrhoij,rdwr,rdwrpaw,wvl_den,single_proc)
131 !Arguments ------------------------------------
132 !scalars
133  integer,intent(in) :: accessfil,cplex,nfft,rdwr,rdwrpaw
134  integer,intent(inout) :: fform
135  real(dp),intent(inout) :: etotal
136  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fildata
137  logical,optional,intent(in) :: single_proc
138  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
139  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
140  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
141  type(wvl_denspot_type),optional, intent(in) :: wvl_den
142 !arrays
143  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
144  real(dp),intent(inout),target :: arr(cplex*nfft,dtset%nspden)
145  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(:)
147 !Local variables-------------------------------
148  integer :: ncid,ncerr
149  character(len=fnlen) :: file_etsf
150 #ifdef HAVE_BIGDFT
151  integer :: i,i1,i2,i3,ia,ind,n1,n2,n3
152  integer :: zindex,zstart,zstop
153 #endif
154 !scalars
155  integer,parameter :: master=0
156  logical,parameter :: ALLOW_FFTINTERP=.True.
157  logical :: need_fftinterp,icheck_fft,qeq0
158  integer :: in_unt,out_unt,nfftot_in,nfftot_out,nspden,ncplxfft
159  integer :: iomode,fform_dum,iarr,ierr,ispden,me,me_fft,comm_fft
160  integer :: comm_cell,usewvl,unt
161  integer :: restart,restartpaw,spaceComm,spaceComm_io
162  real(dp) :: cputime,walltime,gflops
163  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
164  character(len=fnlen) :: my_fildata
165  character(len=nctk_slen) :: varname
166  type(hdr_type),target :: hdr0
167  type(wffile_type) :: wff
168  type(MPI_type) :: MPI_enreg_seq
169 !arrays
170  integer :: ngfft_in(18),ngfft_out(18)
171  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:),fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
172  real(dp), ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: arr_file(:,:),my_density(:,:)
173  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_file(:,:),rhog_in(:,:),rhor_out(:,:),rhog_out(:,:)
174  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer:: pawrhoij__(:)
176 ! *************************************************************************
180  ncplxfft = cplex*nfft
182  restartpaw=0
183  my_fildata = fildata
184  nspden = dtset%nspden; usewvl = dtset%usewvl
186  ! Check validity of arguments--only rho(r) (51,52) and V(r) (101,102) are presently supported
187  if ( (fform-1)/2 /=25 .and. (fform-1)/2 /=50 ) then
188    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')' Input fform= ',fform,' not allowed.'
189    ABI_BUG(msg)
190  end if
192  ! Print input fform
193  if ( (fform-1)/2==25 .and. rdwr==1) then
194    msg = ' ioarr: reading density data '
195  else if ( (fform-1)/2==25 .and. rdwr==2) then
196    msg = ' ioarr: writing density data'
197  else if ( (fform-1)/2==50 .and. rdwr==1) then
198    msg = ' ioarr: reading potential data'
199  else if ( (fform-1)/2==50 .and. rdwr==2) then
200    msg = ' ioarr: writing potential data'
201  end if
202  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
204  call wrtout(std_out, 'ioarr: file name is: '//TRIM(fildata))
206  if (accessfil == IO_MODE_ETSF) then ! Initialize filename in case of ETSF file.
207    file_etsf = nctk_ncify(fildata)
208    call wrtout(std_out,sjoin('file name for ETSF access: ', file_etsf))
209  end if
211 !Some definitions for MPI-IO access
212  spaceComm = mpi_enreg%comm_cell
213  comm_cell = mpi_enreg%comm_cell
214  comm_fft = mpi_enreg%comm_fft
216  if (accessfil == 4) then
217    iomode=IO_MODE_MPI
218    if (rdwr==1) then
219      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
220    else
221      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
222    end if
223    me=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
224    if (mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1) then
225      me_fft=mpi_enreg%me_fft
226      spaceComm_io=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
227    else
228      me_fft=0
229      spaceComm_io=xmpi_comm_self
230    end if
231  end if
232  if (usewvl==1) then
233    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
234    me=xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)
235  end if
237  ! Change communicators and ranks if we are calling ioarr with one single processor.
238  if (present(single_proc)) then
239    if (single_proc) then
240      spaceComm = xmpi_comm_self
241      spaceComm_io = xmpi_comm_self
242      ABI_CHECK(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft == 1, "single_proc cannot be used when nproc_fft > 1")
243      comm_cell = xmpi_comm_self
244      comm_fft = xmpi_comm_self
245      me = 0
246    end if
247  end if
249 !=======================================
250 !Handle input from disk file
251 !=======================================
253  call cwtime(cputime, walltime, gflops, "start")
255  if (rdwr==1) then
256    if (accessfil == 0 .or. accessfil == 4) then
258      ! Here master checks if the input rho(r) is given on a FFT mesh that quals
259      ! the one used in the run. If not, we perform a Fourier interpolation, we write the
260      ! interpolated rho(r) to a temporary file and we use this file to restart.
261      if (ALLOW_FFTINTERP .and. usewvl==0) then
262        need_fftinterp = .False.; icheck_fft = .True.
263        ! only master checks the FFT mesh if MPI-IO. All processors read ngfft if Fortran-IO
264        ! Note that, when Fortran-IO is used, we don't know if the routine is called
265        ! by a single processor or by all procs in comm_cell hence we cannot broadcast my_fildata
266        ! inside spaceComm as done if accessfil == 4
267        if (accessfil == 4) icheck_fft = (xmpi_comm_rank(spaceComm)==master)
269        if (icheck_fft) then
270          if (open_file(fildata,msg,newunit=in_unt,form='unformatted',status='old') /= 0) then
271            ABI_ERROR(msg)
272          end if
274          call hdr_io(fform_dum,hdr0,rdwr,in_unt)
275          need_fftinterp = (ANY(hdr%ngfft/=hdr0%ngfft) )
276          qeq0=(hdr%qptn(1)**2+hdr%qptn(2)**2+hdr%qptn(3)**2<1.d-14)
277          ! FIXME: SHould handle double-grid if PAW
278          nfftot_in = product(hdr0%ngfft(1:3))
279          nfftot_out = product(hdr%ngfft(1:3))
281          if (need_fftinterp) then
282            write(msg, "(2a,2(a,3(i0,1x)))")&
283             "Will perform Fourier interpolation since in and out ngfft differ",ch10,&
284             "ngfft in file: ",hdr0%ngfft,", expected ngfft: ",hdr%ngfft
285            ABI_WARNING(msg)
287            ! Read rho(r) from file, interpolate it, write data and change fildata
288            ABI_MALLOC(rhor_file, (cplex*nfftot_in, hdr0%nspden))
289            ABI_MALLOC(rhog_in, (2, nfftot_in))
290            ABI_MALLOC(rhor_out, (cplex*nfftot_out, hdr0%nspden))
291            ABI_MALLOC(rhog_out, (2, nfftot_out))
293            do ispden=1,hdr0%nspden
294              read(in_unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (rhor_file(iarr,ispden), iarr=1,cplex*nfftot_in)
295            end do
297            ngfft_in = dtset%ngfft; ngfft_out = dtset%ngfft
298            ngfft_in(1:3) = hdr0%ngfft(1:3); ngfft_out(1:3) = hdr%ngfft(1:3)
299            ngfft_in(4:6) = hdr0%ngfft(1:3); ngfft_out(4:6) = hdr%ngfft(1:3)
300            ngfft_in(9:18) = 0; ngfft_out(9:18) = 0
301            ngfft_in(10) = 1; ngfft_out(10) = 1
303            call initmpi_seq(MPI_enreg_seq)
304            ! Which one is coarse? Note that this part is not very robust and can fail!
305            if (ngfft_in(2) * ngfft_in(3) < ngfft_out(2) * ngfft_out(3)) then
306              call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'c',ngfft_in(2),ngfft_in(3),'all')
307              call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'f',ngfft_out(2),ngfft_out(3),'all')
308            else
309              call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'f',ngfft_in(2),ngfft_in(3),'all')
310              call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'c',ngfft_out(2),ngfft_out(3),'all')
311            end if
313            call fourier_interpol(cplex,hdr0%nspden,0,0,nfftot_in,ngfft_in,nfftot_out,ngfft_out,&
314             MPI_enreg_seq,rhor_file,rhor_out,rhog_in,rhog_out)
316            call destroy_mpi_enreg(MPI_enreg_seq)
318            ! MG Hack: Change fildata so that we will use this file to read the correct rho(r)
319            ! FIXME: This should be done in a cleaner way!
320            my_fildata = trim(fildata)//"__fftinterp_rhor__"
321            if (my_fildata == fildata) my_fildata = "__fftinterp_rhor__"
322            if (open_file(my_fildata,msg,newunit=out_unt,form='unformatted',status='unknown') /= 0) then
323              ABI_ERROR(msg)
324            end if
325            call hdr_io(fform_dum,hdr,2,out_unt)
326            do ispden=1,hdr0%nspden
327              write(out_unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (rhor_out(iarr,ispden),iarr=1,cplex*nfftot_out)
328            end do
329            close(out_unt)
331            ABI_FREE(rhor_file)
332            ABI_FREE(rhog_in)
333            ABI_FREE(rhor_out)
334            ABI_FREE(rhog_out)
335          end if ! need_fftinterp
337          call hdr0%free()
338          close(in_unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
339        end if ! master
340        if (accessfil == 4) call xmpi_bcast(my_fildata,master,spaceComm,ierr)
341      end if
343      if (accessfil == 4) then
344        unt = get_unit()
345        call WffOpen(iomode,spaceComm,my_fildata,ierr,wff,0,me,unt,spaceComm_io)
346        call hdr_io(fform_dum,hdr0,rdwr,wff)
347        ! Compare the internal header and the header from the file
348        call hdr_check(fform,fform_dum,hdr,hdr0,'COLL',restart,restartpaw)
350      else
351        if (open_file(my_fildata, msg, newunit=unt, form="unformatted", status="old", action="read") /= 0) then
352          ABI_ERROR(msg)
353        end if
354        ! Initialize hdr0, thanks to reading of unwff1
355        call hdr_io(fform_dum,hdr0,rdwr,unt)
356        ! Compare the internal header and the header from the file
357        call hdr_check(fform,fform_dum,hdr,hdr0,'COLL',restart,restartpaw)
358      end if
359      etotal=hdr0%etot
361      ! NOTE: should check that restart is possible !!
362      !call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
364      ! If nspden[file] /= nspden, need a temporary array
365      if (hdr0%nspden/=nspden) then
366        ABI_MALLOC(arr_file,(cplex*nfft,hdr0%nspden))
367      else
368        arr_file => arr
369      end if
371      ! Read data
372      do ispden=1,hdr0%nspden
373        if(accessfil == 4) then
374          call xderiveRRecInit(wff,ierr)
375          call xderiveRead(wff,arr(1:ncplxfft,ispden),ncplxfft,spaceComm_io,ierr)
376          call xderiveRRecEnd(wff,ierr)
378          !call xmpio_read_dp(mpi_fh,offset,sc_mode,ncount,buf,fmarker,mpierr,advance)
379          !do idat=1,ndat
380          !  do i3=1,n3
381          !    if( fftn3_distrib(i3) == me_fft) then
382          !      i3_local = ffti3_local(i3)
383          !      i3_ldat = i3_local + (idat - 1) * nd3proc
384          !      do i2=1,n2
385          !        frbase=n1*(i2-1+n2*(i3_local-1)) + (idat - 1) * nfft
386          !        do i1=1,n1
387          !          fofr(i1+frbase)=workr(1,i1,i2,i3_ldat)
388          !        end do
389          !      end do
390          !    end if
391          !  end do
392          !end do
394        else
395          read(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (arr_file(iarr,ispden),iarr=1,ncplxfft)
396        end if
397      end do
399      if (accessfil == 4) then
400        call wffclose(wff,ierr)
401      else
402        close (unit=unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
403      end if
405    else if (accessfil == 3) then
407      ! Read the header and broadcast it in comm_cell
408      ! FIXME: Use xmpi_comm_self for the time-being because, in loper, ioarr
409      ! is called by me==0
410      call hdr_read_from_fname(hdr0, file_etsf, fform_dum, comm_cell)
411      !call hdr_read_from_fname(hdr0, file_etsf, fform_dum, xmpi_comm_self)
412      ABI_CHECK(fform_dum/=0, "hdr_read_from_fname returned fform 0")
414      ! Compare the internal header and the header from the file
415      call hdr_check(fform, fform_dum, hdr, hdr0, 'COLL', restart, restartpaw)
417      ! If nspden[file] /= nspden, need a temporary array
418      if (hdr0%nspden /= nspden) then
419        ABI_MALLOC(arr_file,(cplex*nfft,hdr0%nspden))
420      else
421        arr_file => arr
422      end if
424      if (usewvl == 1) then
425        ! Read the array
426        if (fform==52) then ! density
427          varname = "density"
428        else if (fform==102) then ! all potential forms!!!!
429          varname = "exchange_correlation_potential"
430        end if
432        ! Open the file
433        NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, file_etsf, xmpi_comm_self))
434        NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, varname), arr_file))
435        NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
436      else
437        ! Get MPI-FFT tables from input ngfft
438        call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
440        ! Get the name of the netcdf variable from the ABINIT extension and read data.
441        varname = varname_from_fname(file_etsf)
442        ncerr = nctk_read_datar(file_etsf,varname,ngfft,cplex,nfft,hdr0%nspden,comm_fft,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local,arr)
443        NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
444      end if
446    else
447      write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')'Bad value for accessfil', accessfil, ' on read '
448      ABI_BUG(msg)
449    end if
451    call wrtout(std_out,sjoin("data read from disk file: ", fildata))
453    etotal=hdr0%etot
455    ! Possibly need to convert the potential/density spin components
456    if (hdr0%nspden/=nspden) then
457      call denpot_spin_convert(arr_file,hdr0%nspden,arr,nspden,fform)
458      ABI_FREE(arr_file)
459    end if
461    ! Eventually copy (or distribute) PAW data
462    if (rdwrpaw==1.and.restartpaw/=0) then
463      pawrhoij__ => hdr0%pawrhoij  ! Trick needed by nvhpc 23.9
464      if (size(pawrhoij__) /= size(pawrhoij)) then
465        call pawrhoij_copy(hdr0%pawrhoij,pawrhoij,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab, &
466                           keep_nspden=.true.)
467      else
468        call pawrhoij_copy(hdr0%pawrhoij,pawrhoij,keep_nspden=.true.)
469      end if
470    end if
472    if (accessfil == 0 .or. accessfil == 3 .or. accessfil == 4) call hdr0%free()
474  ! =======================================
475  ! Set up for writing data
476  ! =======================================
477  else if (rdwr==2) then
479 !  In the wavelet case (isolated boundary counditions), the
480 !  arr array has a buffer that we need to remove.
481    if (usewvl == 1) then
482 #ifdef HAVE_BIGDFT
483      zindex = wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(me, 3)
484      if (wvl_den%denspot%rhod%geocode == 'F') then
485        n1 = (wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(1) - 31) / 2
486        n2 = (wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(2) - 31) / 2
487        n3 = (wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims(3) - 31) / 2
488        zstart = max(15 - zindex, 0)
489        zstop  = wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(me, 2) + &
490 &       wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(me, 4) - &
491 &       max(zindex + wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(me, 2) &
492 &       - 2 * n3 - 15, 0)
493      else
494        ABI_ERROR('ioarr: WVL not implemented yet.')
495      end if
496      if (zstop - zstart + 1 > 0) then
497 !      Our slab contains (zstop - zstart + 1) elements
498        ABI_MALLOC(my_density,((n1*2)*(n2*2)*(zstop-zstart),nspden))
499 !      We copy the data except the buffer to my_density
500        ind = 0
502        do i3 = zstart, zstop - 1, 1
503          ia = (i3 - 1) * dtset%ngfft(1) * dtset%ngfft(2)
504          do i2 = 0, 2 * n2 - 1, 1
505            i = ia + (i2 + 14) * dtset%ngfft(1) + 14
506            do i1 = 0, 2 * n1 - 1, 1
507              i   = i + 1
508              ind = ind + 1
509              my_density(ind, :) = arr(i, :)
510            end do
511          end do
512        end do
513      else
514        nullify(my_density)
515      end if
516 #else
518      if(.false. .and. present(wvl_den))then
519        write(std_out,*)' One should not be here'
520      endif
521 #endif
522    end if
524    ! Make sure ngfft agrees with hdr%ngfft.
525    if (usewvl == 0) then
526      if (any(ngfft(:3) /= hdr%ngfft(:3))) then
527        write(msg,"(2(a,3(1x,i0)))")"input ngfft: ",ngfft(:3),"differs from  hdr%ngfft: ",hdr%ngfft(:3)
528        ABI_ERROR(msg)
529      end if
530    end if
532    if (accessfil == 0 .or. accessfil == 4) then
533      if(accessfil == 4) then
534        unt = get_unit()
535        call WffOpen(iomode,spaceComm,fildata,ierr,wff,0,me,unt)
536        call hdr_io(fform,hdr,rdwr,wff)
537      else
538        if (open_file(fildata, msg, newunit=unt, form='unformatted', status='unknown', action="write") /= 0) then
539          ABI_ERROR(msg)
540        end if
542        ! Write header
543        call hdr_io(fform,hdr,rdwr,unt)
544      end if
546      ! Write actual data
547      do ispden=1,nspden
548        if(accessfil == 4) then
549          call xderiveWRecInit(wff,ierr,me_fft)
550          call xderiveWrite(wff,arr(1:ncplxfft,ispden),ncplxfft,spaceComm_io,ierr)
551          call xderiveWRecEnd(wff,ierr,me_fft)
552        else
553          if (usewvl == 0) then
554            write(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (arr(iarr,ispden),iarr=1,ncplxfft)
555          else
556            write(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (my_density(iarr,ispden),iarr=1,size(my_density, 1))
557          end if
558        end if
559      end do
561      if(accessfil == 4) then
562        call WffClose(wff,ierr)
563      else
564        close(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)
565      end if
567    else if ( accessfil == 3 ) then
569      ! Master in comm_fft creates the file and writes the header.
570      if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm_fft) == 0) then
571        call hdr%write_to_fname(file_etsf, fform)
572      end if
573      call xmpi_barrier(comm_fft)
575      ! Write the array
576      if (usewvl == 0) then
577        ! Get MPI-FFT tables from input ngfft
578        call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,ngfft(2),ngfft(3),fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
580        varname = varname_from_fname(file_etsf)
581        ncerr = nctk_write_datar(varname,file_etsf,ngfft,cplex,nfft,nspden,comm_fft,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local,arr)
582        NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
583      else
584        NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(ncid, file_etsf, xmpi_comm_self))
586        if (fform==52) then ! density
587          varname = "density"
588          if (usewvl == 0) then
589            NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, varname), arr))
590          else
591            NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, varname), my_density))
592          end if
593        else if (fform==102) then ! all potential forms!!!!
594          varname = "exchange_correlation_potential"
595          NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, varname), arr))
596        end if
598        NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
599      end if
601    else
602      write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')'Bad value for accessfil', accessfil, ' on write '
603      ABI_ERROR(msg)
604    end if
606    if (usewvl == 1 .and. associated(my_density)) then
607      ABI_FREE(my_density)
608    end if
610    call wrtout(std_out,sjoin(' Data written to disk file:', fildata))
612  else
613    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')'Called with rdwr = ',rdwr,' not allowed.'
614    ABI_BUG(msg)
615  end if
617  call cwtime_report(" IO operation", cputime, walltime, gflops)
621  return
623  ! Handle Fortran IO error
624 10 continue
625  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
627 end subroutine ioarr

m_ioarr/read_rhor [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ioarr ] [ Functions ]




  Read the DEN file with name fname reporting the density on the real FFT mesh
  specified through the input variable ngfft. If the FFT mesh asked in input and that found
  on file differ, the routine performs a FFT interpolation and renormalize the density so that it
  integrates to the correct number of electrons. The interpolation is done only for NC.
  For PAW, this is not possible because one should include the onsite contribution so this task
  is delegated to the caller.


 fname=Name of the file
 cplex=1 if array is real, 2 if complex e.g. DFPT density.
 nspden=Number of spin density components.
 nfft=Number of FFT points (treated by this processor)
 ngfft(18)=Info on the FFT mesh.
 pawread= 1 if pawrhoij should be read from file, 0 otherwise. Meaningful only if usepaw==1.
 mpi_enreg<MPI_type>=Information about MPI parallelization
 comm=MPI communicator. See notes
 [check_hdr] <type(hdr_type)>=Optional. Used to compare with the hdr read from disk file
   The routine will abort if restart cannot be performed.
 [allow_interp]=If True, the density read from file will be interpolated if the mesh differs from the one
   expected by the caller. This option is usually used in **self-consistent** calculations.
   If False (default), the code stops if the two meshes are different.


 orhor(cplex*nfft,nspden)=The density on the real space mesh.
 ohdr=Abinit header read from file.
 pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data. only
   if pawread==1. The arrays is supposed to be already allocated in the caller and its
   size must be consistent with the MPI communicator comm.


   if xmpi_comm_size(comm) == 1, nfft shall be equal to nfftot, and len(pawrhoij) == natom
   This means that one can call this routine with

     if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) == 0) call read_rhor(...., comm=xmpi_comm_self)

   to get the full array and pawrhoij(natom) on the master node.

   if xmpi_comm_size(comm) > 1, nfft represents the number of FFT points treated by this processor,
   and pawrhoij is dimensioned with my_natom
   All the processors inside comm and comm_atom should call this routine.


 965 subroutine read_rhor(fname, cplex, nspden, nfft, ngfft, pawread, mpi_enreg, orhor, ohdr, pawrhoij, comm, &
 966                      check_hdr, allow_interp) ! Optional
 968 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 969 !scalars
 970  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,pawread,comm
 971  character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname
 972  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 973  type(hdr_type),intent(out) :: ohdr
 974  type(hdr_type),optional,intent(in) :: check_hdr
 975  logical,optional,intent(in) :: allow_interp
 976 !arrays
 977  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
 978  real(dp),intent(out) :: orhor(cplex*nfft,nspden)
 979  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(:)
 981 !Local variables-------------------------------
 982 !scalars
 983  integer,parameter :: master=0
 984  integer :: unt,fform,iomode,my_rank,mybase,globase,cplex_file
 985  integer :: ispden,ifft,nfftot_file,nprocs,ierr,i1,i2,i3,i3_local,n1,n2,n3
 986  integer,parameter :: fform_den=52
 987  integer :: restart, restartpaw
 988  integer :: ncerr
 989  real(dp) :: ratio,ucvol
 990  real(dp) :: cputime,walltime,gflops
 991  logical :: need_interp,have_mpifft,allow_interp__
 992  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
 993  character(len=fnlen) :: my_fname
 994  character(len=nctk_slen) :: varname
 995 !arrays
 996  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:),fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
 997  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
 998  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_file(:,:),rhor_tmp(:,:)
 999  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: pawrhoij_file(:)
1001 ! *************************************************************************
1003  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1004  n1 = ngfft(1); n2 = ngfft(2); n3 = ngfft(3); have_mpifft = (nfft /= product(ngfft(1:3)))
1005  allow_interp__ = .False.; if (present(allow_interp)) allow_interp__ = allow_interp
1007  call timab(1280,1,tsec)
1008  call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" About to read data(r) from:", fname), do_flush=.True.)
1009  call cwtime(cputime, walltime, gflops, "start")
1011  ! Master node opens the file, read the header and the FFT data
1012  ! This approach facilitates the interpolation of the density if in_ngfft(1:3) /= file_ngfft(1:3)
1013  if (my_rank == master) then
1014    my_fname = fname
1015    if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(my_fname, msg) /= 0 ) then
1016      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1017    end if
1019    iomode = iomode_from_fname(my_fname)
1020    select case (iomode)
1023      if (open_file(my_fname, msg, newunit=unt, form='unformatted', status='old', action="read") /= 0) then
1024        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1025      end if
1027      call hdr_fort_read(ohdr, unt, fform)
1029      ! Check important dimensions.
1030      ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, sjoin("fform == 0 while reading:", my_fname))
1031      !if (fform /= fform_den) then
1032      !  write(msg, "(3a, 2(a, i0))")' File: ',trim(my_fname),ch10,' is not a density file. fform: ',fform,", expecting: ", fform_den
1033      !  ABI_WARNING(msg)
1034      !end if
1035      cplex_file = 1
1036      if (ohdr%pertcase /= 0) then
1037        cplex_file = 2; if (ohdr%qptn(1)**2 + ohdr%qptn(2)**2 + ohdr%qptn(3)**2 <1.d-14) cplex_file= 1
1038      end if
1039      ABI_CHECK(cplex_file == cplex, "cplex_file != cplex")
1041      ! Read FFT array (full box)
1042      nfftot_file = product(ohdr%ngfft(:3))
1043      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_file, (cplex*nfftot_file, ohdr%nspden))
1044      do ispden=1,ohdr%nspden
1045        read(unt, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) (rhor_file(ifft,ispden), ifft=1,cplex*nfftot_file)
1046      end do
1047      close(unt)
1049    case (IO_MODE_ETSF)
1050      NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(unt, my_fname, xmpi_comm_self))
1051      call hdr_ncread(ohdr, unt, fform)
1053      ! Check important dimensions.
1054      ABI_CHECK(fform /= 0, sjoin("fform == 0 while reading:", my_fname))
1055      !if (fform /= fform_den) then
1056      !  write(msg, "(2a, 2(a, i0))")' File: ',trim(my_fname),' is not a density file: fform= ',fform,", expecting:", fform_den
1057      !  ABI_WARNING(msg)
1058      !end if
1060      cplex_file = 1
1061      if (ohdr%pertcase /= 0) then
1062        cplex_file = 2; if (ohdr%qptn(1)**2 + ohdr%qptn(2)**2 + ohdr%qptn(3)**2 <1.d-14) cplex_file= 1
1063      end if
1064      ABI_CHECK(cplex_file == cplex, "cplex_file != cplex")
1066      ! Read FFT array (full box)
1067      nfftot_file = product(ohdr%ngfft(:3))
1068      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_file, (cplex*nfftot_file, ohdr%nspden))
1070      varname = varname_from_fname(my_fname)
1071      ncerr= nf90_get_var(unt, nctk_idname(unt, varname), rhor_file, &
1072                         count=[cplex, ohdr%ngfft(1), ohdr%ngfft(2), ohdr%ngfft(3), ohdr%nspden])
1073      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1074      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(unt))
1076    case default
1077      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Wrong iomode:", itoa(iomode)))
1078    end select
1080    need_interp = any(ohdr%ngfft(1:3) /= ngfft(1:3))
1081    if (need_interp) then
1082      msg = sjoin("Different FFT meshes. Caller expects:", ltoa(ngfft(1:3)), &
1083                  ". File: ", ltoa(ohdr%ngfft(1:3)), ". Need to perform interpolation.")
1084      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
1085      if (.not. allow_interp__) then
1086        write(msg, "(5a)") &
1087         " Cannot continue as allow_interp = .False. ", ch10, &
1088         " Please set ngfft to: ", trim(ltoa(ohdr%ngfft(1:3))), " in the input file"
1089        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1090      end if
1092      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_tmp, (cplex*product(ngfft(1:3)), ohdr%nspden))
1093      call timab(1281,1,tsec)
1094      call interpolate_denpot(cplex, ohdr%ngfft(1:3), ohdr%nspden, rhor_file, ngfft(1:3), rhor_tmp)
1095      call timab(1281,2,tsec)
1097      ohdr%ngfft(1:3) = ngfft(1:3)
1098      nfftot_file = product(ohdr%ngfft(:3))
1099      ABI_FREE(rhor_file)
1100      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_file, (cplex*nfftot_file, ohdr%nspden))
1101      rhor_file = rhor_tmp
1102      ABI_FREE(rhor_tmp)
1104      ! Renormalize charge to avoid errors due to the interpolation.
1105      ! Do this only for NC since for PAW we should add the onsite contribution.
1106      ! This is left to the caller.
1107      !if (ohdr%usepaw == 0) then
1108      if (ohdr%usepaw == 0 .and. fform == fform_den) then
1109        call metric(gmet, gprimd, -1, rmet, ohdr%rprimd, ucvol)
1110        ratio = ohdr%nelect / (sum(rhor_file(:,1))*ucvol/ product(ngfft(1:3)))
1111        rhor_file = rhor_file * ratio
1112        write(msg,'(a,f8.2,a,f8.4)')' Expected nelect: ',ohdr%nelect,' renormalization ratio: ',ratio
1113        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1114      end if
1115    end if ! need_interp
1117    ! Read PAW Rhoij
1118    if (ohdr%usepaw == 1) then
1119      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_file, (ohdr%natom))
1120      call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_file)
1121      call pawrhoij_alloc(pawrhoij_file, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%cplex_rhoij, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nspden, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nspinor, &
1122          ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nsppol, ohdr%typat, lmnsize=ohdr%lmn_size, qphase=ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%qphase)
1123      call pawrhoij_copy(ohdr%pawrhoij, pawrhoij_file)
1124    end if
1126   ! Check that restart is possible !
1127   ! This check must be done here because we may have changed hdr% if need_interp
1128   if (present(check_hdr)) then
1129     ! FIXME: Temporary hack: fform_den to make hdr_check happy!
1130     call hdr_check(fform_den, fform_den, check_hdr, ohdr, "COLL", restart, restartpaw)
1131     !call hdr_check(fform_den, fform, check_hdr, ohdr, "COLL", restart, restartpaw)
1132   end if
1134  end if ! master
1136  if (nprocs == 1) then
1137    if (ohdr%nspden == nspden) then
1138      orhor = rhor_file
1139    else
1140      call denpot_spin_convert(rhor_file,ohdr%nspden,orhor,nspden,fform)
1141    end if
1142    if (pawread == 1) call pawrhoij_copy(pawrhoij_file, pawrhoij, keep_nspden=.true.)
1144  else
1145    call ohdr%bcast(master, my_rank, comm)
1146    call xmpi_bcast(fform, master, comm, ierr)
1148    ! Eventually copy (or distribute) PAW data
1149    if (ohdr%usepaw == 1 .and. pawread == 1) then
1150      if (my_rank /= master) then
1151        ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij_file, (ohdr%natom))
1152        call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij_file)
1153        call pawrhoij_alloc(pawrhoij_file, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%cplex_rhoij, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nspden, ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nspinor, &
1154             ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%nsppol, ohdr%typat, lmnsize=ohdr%lmn_size, qphase=ohdr%pawrhoij(1)%qphase)
1155      end if
1156      if (size(ohdr%pawrhoij) /= size(pawrhoij)) then
1157        call pawrhoij_copy(ohdr%pawrhoij,pawrhoij,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab, &
1158                           keep_nspden=.true.)
1159      else
1160        call pawrhoij_copy(ohdr%pawrhoij,pawrhoij, keep_nspden=.true.)
1161      end if
1162    end if
1164    if (my_rank /= master) then
1165      nfftot_file = product(ohdr%ngfft(1:3))
1166      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_file, (cplex*nfftot_file, ohdr%nspden))
1167    end if
1168    call xmpi_bcast(rhor_file, master, comm,ierr)
1170    if (have_mpifft) then
1171      ! Extract slice treated by this MPI-FFT process.
1172      call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg, ngfft(2), ngfft(3), fftn2_distrib, ffti2_local, fftn3_distrib, ffti3_local)
1173      if (ohdr%nspden==nspden) then
1174        do ispden=1,nspden
1175          do i3=1,n3
1176            if (fftn3_distrib(i3) /= mpi_enreg%me_fft) cycle
1177            i3_local = ffti3_local(i3)
1178            do i2=1,n2
1179              mybase = cplex * (n1 * (i2-1 + n2*(i3_local-1)))
1180              globase = cplex * (n1 * (i2-1 + n2*(i3-1)))
1181              do i1=1,n1*cplex
1182                orhor(i1+mybase,ispden) = rhor_file(i1+globase,ispden)
1183              end do
1184            end do
1185          end do
1186        end do
1187      else
1188        do i3=1,n3
1189          if (fftn3_distrib(i3) /= mpi_enreg%me_fft) cycle
1190          i3_local = ffti3_local(i3)
1191          do i2=1,n2
1192            mybase  = 1 + cplex * (n1 * (i2-1 + n2*(i3_local-1)))
1193            globase = 1 + cplex * (n1 * (i2-1 + n2*(i3-1)))
1194            call denpot_spin_convert(rhor_file,ohdr%nspden,orhor,nspden,fform,&
1195                                     istart_in=globase,istart_out=mybase,nelem=n1*cplex)
1196          end do
1197        end do
1198      end if
1199    else
1200      if (ohdr%nspden==nspden) then
1201        orhor = rhor_file
1202      else
1203        call denpot_spin_convert(rhor_file,ohdr%nspden,orhor,nspden,fform)
1204      end if
1205    end if
1206  end if ! nprocs > 1
1208  ABI_FREE(rhor_file)
1210  if (allocated(pawrhoij_file)) then
1211    call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij_file)
1212    ABI_FREE(pawrhoij_file)
1213  end if
1215 ! Non-collinear magnetism: avoid zero magnetization, because it produces numerical instabilities
1216 ! Add a small real to the magnetization
1217  if (nspden==4) orhor(:,4)=orhor(:,4)+tol14
1218  if (ohdr%usepaw==1.and.size(pawrhoij)>0) then
1219    if (pawrhoij(1)%nspden==4) then
1220      do i1=1,size(pawrhoij)
1221        pawrhoij(i1)%rhoijp(:,4)=pawrhoij(i1)%rhoijp(:,4)+tol10
1222      end do
1223    end if
1224  end if
1226  call timab(1280,2,tsec)
1227  call cwtime_report(" read_rhor", cputime, walltime, gflops)
1228  return
1230  ! Handle Fortran IO error
1231 10 continue
1232  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
1234 end subroutine read_rhor