ABINIT/lruj [ Programs ]

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  Linear Response U and J:
  Determines Hubbard U or Hund's J from series of *DS*
  files containing information regarding the perturbation applied to a particular
  atom and the resulting occupations/magnetizations. The procedure implemented
  is that of the SCF linear response for the Hubbard U (Phys. Rev. B 71,035105)
  and the Hund's J (Phys. Rev. B 98, 235157) parameters.
  This protocol was coded up in November 2022 by Lorien MacEnulty (,
  doctoral researcher in the Quantum Theory of Materials group (
  at Trinity College Dublin, headed by Dr. David O'Regan.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (LMac)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .
  For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  Executed as ./lruj * FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ... [--d 5] [--help] [--version]
  --d <n> = Command line argument: highest degree of intended polynomial fits
  *DS* files = gives data from perturbative Abinit calculations


  std_out = log file


 33 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 34 #include "config.h"
 35 #endif
 37 #include "abi_common.h"
 40 program lruj
 42  use defs_basis
 43  use m_xmpi
 44  use m_abicore
 45  use m_errors
 46  use m_argparse
 47  use m_crystal
 48  use netcdf
 49  use m_nctk
 50  use m_yaml
 52  use m_build_info,    only : abinit_version
 53  use m_fstrings,      only : itoa, sjoin, ltoa
 54  use m_specialmsg,    only : specialmsg_getcount, herald
 55  use m_numeric_tools, only : polynomial_regression
 56  use m_sort,          only : sort_dp
 57  use m_common,        only : crystal_from_file
 58  use m_mpinfo,        only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
 59  use m_paw_uj,        only : pawuj_ini,pawuj_free,pawuj_det, macro_uj_type
 61  implicit none
 63 !Local variables-------------------------------
 65 !scalars
 66  integer,parameter                  :: master=0
 67  integer                            :: nproc,my_rank,comm
 68  logical                            :: iam_master
 70  integer                            :: ncid,nnat,natom,prtvol,nargs,nfiles,ndtpawuj,degarg
 71  integer                            :: ndata,nspden,macro_uj,pawujat,dmatpuopt
 72  integer                            :: degree,mdegree,ii,ipert
 73  real(dp)                           :: diem,ph0phiint,signum,Ha2eV !diemix, diemixmag,
 74  type(yamldoc_t)                    :: ydoc
 75  !type(crystal_t)                    :: cryst
 77 !arrays
 78  integer, allocatable               :: iperm(:),pawujat_file(:),macrouj_file(:),dmatpuopt_file(:)
 79  real(dp), allocatable              :: diem_file(:),ph0phiint_file(:),nspden_file(:)
 81  real(dp), allocatable              :: perts(:),occs0(:),occs(:)
 82  real(dp), allocatable              :: uj_perts(:),luocc(:,:),luocc_nnat(:,:)
 83  real(dp), allocatable              :: chi0coeffs(:),chicoeffs(:),chi0(:),chi(:),hubpar(:)
 84  real(dp), allocatable              :: chi0err(:),chierr(:),hubparerr(:)
 86 !characters
 87  character(len=1)                   :: parname
 88  character(len=5)                   :: degreename
 89  character(len=12)                  :: regname
 90  character(len=14)                  :: occmag
 91  character(len=24)                  :: codename
 92  character(len=30)                  :: diem_token
 93  character(len=500)                 :: message,arg,msg,pertname
 94  character(len=fnlen),allocatable   :: file_paths(:)
 97 !##########################################################################################################
 98 !##################################  Set up MPI architecture (unused)  ####################################
100  !Change communicator for I/O (mandatory!)
101  call abi_io_redirect(new_io_comm=xmpi_world)
103  !Initialize MPI (not used but necessary)
104  call xmpi_init()
105  comm = xmpi_world
106  nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
107  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
108  iam_master = (my_rank == master)
110  !Initialize memory profiling if it is activated
111  !if a full abimem.mocc report is desired, set the argument of abimem_init to "2" instead of "0"
112  !note that abimem.mocc files can easily be multiple GB in size so don't use this option normally
114  call abimem_init(0)
115 #endif
117  !No MPI functionality needed for main procedure.
118  if (my_rank /= master) goto 100
120 !##########################################################################################################
121 !######################################  Read command line options  #######################################
123  !Count arguments and number of files (= #perturbations)
124  nargs = command_argument_count()
125  ABI_MALLOC(file_paths, (nargs))
126  nfiles = 0
127  do ii=1,nargs
128    call get_command_argument(ii, arg)
129    if (arg(1:1) == "-") exit
130    nfiles = nfiles + 1
131    file_paths(nfiles) = trim(arg)
132  end do
134  !Assess options
135  do ii=1,command_argument_count()
136    call get_command_argument(ii, arg)
137    if (arg == "--version") then
138      write(std_out,"(a)") trim(abinit_version); goto 100
139    else if (arg == "-h" .or. arg == "--help") then
140      !Document the options.
141      call lruj_show_help()
142      goto 100
143    end if
144  end do
146  !If no files found, exit program.
147  if (nfiles == 0) then
148    write(std_out, *) "Empty file list!"
149    goto 100
150  end if
152  !Get other options from the CLI. e.g. --prtvol 0 -d 3.0
153  !Should be documented in lruj_show_help
154  ABI_CHECK(get_arg("prtvol", prtvol, msg, default=0) == 0, msg)
155  ABI_CHECK(get_arg("d", degarg, msg, default=1) == 0, msg)
157  !Print header
158  codename='LRUJ'//repeat(' ',18)
159  call herald(codename, abinit_version, std_out)
161 !##########################################################################################################
162 !######################################  Read *DSi* files  ########################################
164  ABI_MALLOC(uj_perts,(nfiles))
165  ABI_MALLOC(macrouj_file, (nfiles))
167  !Read perturbation strengths, parameter type, #spins and #atoms
168  !from each file.
169  do ii=1,nfiles
170    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, file_paths(ii), xmpi_comm_self))
171    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("uj_pert"), uj_perts(ii)))
172    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("macro_uj"), macrouj_file(ii)))
173    macro_uj=macrouj_file(1)
174    !Make sure ndtpawuj is always 4.
175    NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "ndtpawuj", ndtpawuj))
176    ABI_CHECK_IEQ(ndtpawuj, 4, "Wrong ndtpawuj")
177    NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "nspden", nspden))
178    NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "nnat", nnat))
179    NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(ncid, "natom", natom))
180    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
181  end do
183  !Sort files by perturbation magnitude.
184  ABI_MALLOC(iperm, (nfiles))
185  iperm = [(ii, ii=1,nfiles)]
186  call sort_dp(nfiles, uj_perts, iperm, tol12)
187  file_paths(1:nfiles) = file_paths(iperm(:))
188  ABI_FREE(iperm)
190  !Allocate main data-holding arrays.
191  ABI_MALLOC(luocc, (ndtpawuj, nfiles))
192  ABI_MALLOC(luocc_nnat, (ndtpawuj, nnat))
193  ABI_MALLOC(pawujat_file, (nfiles))
194  ABI_MALLOC(diem_file, (nfiles))
195  ABI_MALLOC(dmatpuopt_file, (nfiles))
196  ABI_MALLOC(ph0phiint_file, (nfiles))
197  ABI_MALLOC(nspden_file, (nfiles))
199  !Set macro_uj-specific variables, strings and constants.
200  Ha2eV=27.2113961318d0
201  if (macro_uj==4) then         !Calculation of the Hunds J parameter
202    diem_token="diemixmag"     !Unscreened response in Hund's J impacted by diemixmag
203    pertname='beta '           !Hund's J perturbation: +beta to spin up, -beta to down
204    parname='J'
205    occmag='Magnetizations'    !Magnetic moments are monitored.
206    signum=-1.0d0              !Hund's J is -1*(1/chi0-1/chi)
207  else
208    diem_token="diemix"        !Unscreened response in Hubbard U impacted by diemix
209    pertname='alpha'           !Hubbard U perturbation; applied equally to spins up and down
210    parname='U'
211    occmag='  Occupations'     !Total occupation is monitored.
212    signum=1.0d0               !Hubbard U is 1*(1/chi0-1/chi)
213  end if
215  !Allocate perturbation and occupation arrays. Set the first
216  !to the unperturbed case (i.e., when perturbation=0.0d0).
217  ABI_MALLOC(perts,(0:nfiles))
218  ABI_MALLOC(occs0,(0:nfiles))
219  ABI_MALLOC(occs,(0:nfiles))
220  perts(0)=0.0d0               !Unperturbed case.
222  write(std_out,'(a,i2)') ' Number of perturbations detected: ',nfiles
224  !Open files and read in the relevant data.
225  do ii=1,nfiles
226    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, file_paths(ii), xmpi_comm_self))
227    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("pawujat"), pawujat_file(ii)))
228    pawujat=pawujat_file(1)
229    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("nspden"), nspden_file(ii)))
230    nspden=nspden_file(1)
231    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("luocc"), luocc_nnat))
232    luocc(:,ii) = luocc_nnat(:,pawujat)
233    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid(diem_token), diem_file(ii)))
234    diem=diem_file(1)
235    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("dmatpuopt"), dmatpuopt_file(ii)))
236    dmatpuopt=dmatpuopt_file(1)
237    NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(ncid, vid("ph0phiint"), ph0phiint_file(ii)))
238    ph0phiint=ph0phiint_file(1)
239    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
240    !Testing if the unperturbed occupancies are equal across each run. If they
241    !aren't, then exit. If they are equal, then save them in appropriate arrays.
242    if ((ii>1).and.((occs0(0)/=luocc(1,ii)).or.(occs(0)/=luocc(2,ii)))) then
243      write(std_out,'(a)') "ERROR: Unperturbed ground state occupations across LRUJ datasets are not equal."
244      write(std_out,'(a)') "Check the consistency of input variables in your perturbative calculations:"
245      write(std_out,'(a)') "    1. Are they each reading in the same WFK file?"
246      write(std_out,'(a)') "    2. Are macro-uj, pawujat, dmatpuopt, diemix(mag) consistent"
247      write(std_out,'(a)') "       across all perturbations?"
248      write(std_out,'(a)') "If not, relaunch perturbative Abinit calculations, then"
249      write(std_out,'(2a)') "reexecute lruj utility. Exiting.",ch10
250      goto 100
251    else
252      perts(ii)=uj_perts(ii)*Ha2eV
253      occs0(0)=luocc(1,ii)
254      occs(0)=luocc(2,ii)
255      occs0(ii)=luocc(3,ii)
256      occs(ii)=luocc(4,ii)
257    end if
258  end do
260 !##########################################################################################################
261 !####################################  Tests on input information  ########################################
263  !Tests if we have enough data points (at least 3) to conduct distinct regression.
264  ndata=nfiles+1
265  write(std_out,'(a,i2,a)') ' Including unperturbed state, we have ',ndata,' data points.'
266  if (ndata==0) then
267    ABI_ERROR('No linear response data points found.')
268  else if (ndata==1) then
269    msg = sjoin('Only one data point found. This utility needs',ch10,&
270     'at least three (3) data points (two non-zero perturbations and one unperturbed) to compute',ch10,&
271     'the Hubbard parameter.')
272   ABI_ERROR(msg)
273  else if (ndata==2) then
274    msg = sjoin('Only two data points found. The scalar Hubbard Parameter from',ch10,&
275     'the two-point linear regression scheme has already been printed in your .abo file. Try bashing',ch10,&
276     '==>   grep "two-point regression" <run_name.abo> ',ch10,'to find the result of this calculation.')
277   ABI_ERROR(msg)
278  end if
280  !pawujat consistency check.
281  if (any(pawujat_file /= pawujat_file(1))) then
282    msg = sjoin("Found different values of pawujat in files: ", ltoa(pawujat_file),ch10,&
283          "Perturbed atom has to be consistent across perturbations to compute U or J.")
284   ABI_ERROR(msg)
285  end if
287  !dmatpuopt consistency check
288  if (any(dmatpuopt_file /= dmatpuopt_file(1))) then
289    msg = sjoin("Found different values of dmatpuopt in files: ", ltoa(dmatpuopt_file),ch10,&
290            "PAW projector must be consistent across perturbations to compute U or J.")
291   ABI_ERROR(msg)
292  end if
294  !macro_uj consistency check
295  if (any(macrouj_file /= macrouj_file(1))) then
296    msg = sjoin("Found different values of macro_uj in files: ",ltoa(macrouj_file),ch10,&
297            "Perturbation protocol and occupancy monitoring must be consistent to compute U or J.")
298   ABI_ERROR(msg)
299  end if
301  !diemix/diemixmag consistency check
302  if (any(diem_file /= diem_file(1))) then
303    msg = sjoin("Found different values of mixing constant in files: ",ltoa(diem_file),ch10,&
304           "Unscreened response functions will factor into U (J) incorrectly.")
305   ABI_ERROR(msg)
306  end if
308  !Tests consistency of macro_uj, then writes message about macro_uj procedure selected.
309  !Also assigns Hubbard parameter-specific variables.
310  if (nspden==1) then
311    write(message,'(a)') ' Determination of U-parameter for unpolarized structure (non standard)'
312  else if (macro_uj==1.and.nspden==2) then
313    write(message,'(a)') ' Standard determination of the Hubbard U parameter.'
314  else if (macro_uj==2.and.nspden==2) then
315    write(message,'(a)') ' Determination of parameter on single spin channel (experimental)'
316    pertname='Pert. '
317  else if (macro_uj==3.and.nspden==2) then
318    parname='J'
319    pertname='Pert. '
320    write(message,'(a)') ' Determination of (not Hunds) J-parameter on single spin channel (experimental)'
321  else if (macro_uj==4.and.nspden==2) then
322    write(message,'(a)') ' Hunds J determination, implemented by L. MacEnulty August 2021'
323  end if
324  call wrtout(std_out,message)
326  !Tests compatibility of nspden and macro_uj
327  if (macro_uj>1.and.nspden==1) then
328    msg = sjoin('U on a single spin channel (or J) can only be determined for nspden=2 ,',ch10,&
329     'Cannot calculate the chosen Hubbard parameter.')
330    ABI_ERROR(msg)
331  end if
333  !Tests if perturbations are too small.
334  if (maxval(abs(uj_perts))<0.00000001) then
335    msg = sjoin('Perturbation magnitudes are too small.',ch10,&
336      'Rerun perturbative Abinit calculations with pawujv >> 1d-8.')
337    ABI_ERROR(msg)
338  end if
340 !##########################################################################################################
341 !###############################  Calculation of the Response Functions  ##################################
343  !Test compatibility of polynomial degree (if present as an argument) with
344  !number of data points. Otherwise, default to the following:
345  !If we have 3 data points, conduct at maximum a linear regression.
346  !If 4 data points, conduct linear and quadratic regressions.
347  !If more than 5 data points, conduct linear, quadratic and cubic regressions.
348  if (degarg/=1) then
349    if (degarg>ndata-2) then
350      write(std_out,'(4a,i2,3a,i2,2a)') ch10,' ERROR: Your chosen polynomial degree is too large. The resulting',ch10,&
351 &       ' parameters will certainly be overfitted. Either conduct ',degarg+1,' perturbations,',ch10,&
352 &       ' or execute this utility again with --d',ndata-2,' or smaller. Exiting program.',ch10
353      goto 100
354    else
355      mdegree=degarg
356    end if
357  else !Default max polynomial degree
358    if (ndata<=4) then
359      mdegree=ndata-2
360    else
361      mdegree=3
362    end if
363  end if
364  write(std_out,'(a,i2)') ' Maximum degree of polynomials analyzed: ',mdegree
366  !Write warning about response matrices
367  write(std_out,'(5a)') ' NOTE: Unlike the ujdet utility, lruj treats the ',ch10,&
368 ' response functions as scalars, not matrices!',ch10,&
369 ' See lruj tutorial for more information.'
371  !Allocate the response and error arrays
372  ABI_MALLOC(chi0err,(mdegree))
373  ABI_MALLOC(chierr,(mdegree))
374  ABI_MALLOC(chi0,(mdegree))
375  ABI_MALLOC(chi,(mdegree))
376  ABI_MALLOC(hubpar,(mdegree))
377  ABI_MALLOC(hubparerr,(mdegree))
379 !Start to write information in YAML format to plot with AbiPY
380 ydoc = yamldoc_open('LRUJ_Abipy_Plots') !, width=11, real_fmt='(3f8.3)')
381 call ydoc%add_int("natom",natom)
382 call ydoc%add_int("ndata",ndata)
383 call ydoc%add_int("pawujat",pawujat)
384 call ydoc%add_int("macro_uj",macro_uj)
385 call ydoc%add_string("diem_token",diem_token)
386 call ydoc%add_real("diem",diem)
388  !For all regressions, call subroutine to calculate polynomial fit for chi0 and chi.
389  do degree=1,mdegree
390    ABI_MALLOC(chi0coeffs,(degree+1))
391    ABI_MALLOC(chicoeffs,(degree+1))
392    call polynomial_regression(degree,ndata,perts,occs0,chi0coeffs,chi0err(degree))
393    call polynomial_regression(degree,ndata,perts,occs,chicoeffs,chierr(degree))
395    !YAML doc information on regression coefficients
396    write(message, '(a,i0)' ) 'chi0_coefficients_degree',degree
397    call ydoc%add_real1d(message,chi0coeffs)
398    write(message, '(a,i0)' ) 'chi_coefficients_degree',degree
399    call ydoc%add_real1d(message,chicoeffs)
401    chi0(degree)=chi0coeffs(2)/diem         !The derivative of all polynomial regressions
402    chi(degree)=chicoeffs(2)                !at pert=0.0 is just the second coefficient.
403    chi0err(degree)=chi0err(degree)/diem    !Chi0 error divided by diem also.
404    hubpar(degree)=signum*(1.0d0/chi0(degree)-1.0d0/chi(degree))
405    hubparerr(degree)=sqrt((chi0err(degree)/chi0(degree))**2+(chierr(degree)/chi(degree))**2)
406    ABI_FREE(chi0coeffs)
407    ABI_FREE(chicoeffs)
408  end do
410 !##########################################################################################################
411 !#############################  Printing information on Hubbard Parameters ################################
413  !Printing relevant information about the Hubbard parameter just calculated.
414  write(message,'(3a)') ch10,ch10, &
415    '*************************************************************************************************'
416  call wrtout(std_out,message)
417  write(message,'(4a)') &
418      '**************************************  Linear Response ',parname,'  **************************************',ch10
419  call wrtout(std_out,message)
420  write(message, '(a,i4)' ) ' Total number of atoms: ',natom
421  call wrtout(std_out,message)
422  write(message, '(a,i4)' ) ' Index of perturbed atom: ',pawujat
423  call wrtout(std_out,message)
424  write(message, '(a,i4)' ) ' Value of macro_uj:  ',macro_uj
425  call wrtout(std_out,message)
426  write(message, '(a,i4)' ) ' Value of dmatpuopt:  ',dmatpuopt
427  call wrtout(std_out,message)
428  write(message, '(a,f6.3)' ) ' Mixing constant factored out of Chi0:  ',diem
429  call wrtout(std_out,message)
430  write(message, '(a,f12.5,2a)' )&
431      ' Percentage of AE orbital within the PAW sphere of perturbed subspace: ',ph0phiint*100.00,'%',ch10
432  call wrtout(std_out,message)
434  write(message, fmt='(10a)')'  Perturbations         ',occmag,ch10,&
435 ' --------------- -----------------------------',ch10,&
436 '    ',trim(pertname),' [eV]     Unscreened      Screened',ch10,&
437 ' --------------- -----------------------------'
438  call wrtout(std_out,message)
439  do ipert=1,nfiles
440    if ((perts(ipert)>0.0d0).and.(perts(ipert-1)<0.0d0)) then
441      write(message, fmt='(3f15.10)') perts(0),occs0(0),occs(0)
442      call wrtout(std_out,message)
443    end if
444    write(message, fmt='(3f15.10)') perts(ipert),occs0(ipert),occs(ipert)
445    call wrtout(std_out,message)
446  end do
448  write(message, fmt='(11a)') '                                                                       RMS Errors',&
449    ch10,'                                                         ---------------------------------------',ch10,&
450    ' Regression   Chi0 [eV^-1]   Chi [eV^-1]      ',parname,' [eV]    | Chi0 [eV^-1]  Chi [eV^-1]     ',parname,&
451    ' [eV]',ch10,'--------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------'
452  call wrtout(std_out,message)
453  do degree=1,mdegree
454    if (degree==1) then
455      regname=' Linear:    '
456    else if (degree==2) then
457      regname=' Quadratic: '
458    else if (degree==3) then
459      regname=' Cubic:     '
460    else
461      write(degreename,'(i2)') degree
462      regname=' Degree'//trim(degreename)//' : '
463    end if
464    write(message,fmt='(a,3f14.7,a,3f13.7)') regname,chi0(degree),chi(degree),hubpar(degree),&
465      '  |',chi0err(degree),chierr(degree),hubparerr(degree)
466    call wrtout(std_out,message)
467  end do
469  write(message,'(3a)') &
470    '*************************************************************************************************',ch10,&
471    '*************************************************************************************************'
472  call wrtout(std_out,message)
475 !##########################################################################################################
476 !############################################  Deallocations ##############################################
479  ABI_FREE(perts)
480  ABI_FREE(occs0)
481  ABI_FREE(occs)
482  ABI_FREE(luocc_nnat)
483  ABI_FREE(pawujat_file)
484  ABI_FREE(diem_file)
485  ABI_FREE(dmatpuopt_file)
486  ABI_FREE(ph0phiint_file)
487  ABI_FREE(macrouj_file)
488  ABI_FREE(nspden_file)
489  ABI_FREE(chi0err)
490  ABI_FREE(chierr)
491  ABI_FREE(chi0)
492  ABI_FREE(chi)
493  ABI_FREE(hubpar)
494  ABI_FREE(hubparerr)
495  ABI_FREE(luocc)
496  ABI_FREE(uj_perts)
497  ABI_FREE(file_paths)
499  !Ending herald.
500  write(std_out,*) ch10,'Linear Response UJ (LRUJ) program complete. Live long and prosper. ~LMac',ch10
502  call ydoc%write_and_free(std_out)
504  ! Writes information on file about the memory before ending mpi module, if memory profiling is enabled
505  call abinit_doctor("__lruj")
507  100 call xmpi_end()
509 !##########################################################################################################
510 !#####################################  Subroutines and Functions  ########################################
512 contains
514 !  Show command line help
515 subroutine lruj_show_help()
517   write(std_out,"(a)")" "
518   write(std_out,"(a)")"           Linear Response Hubbard U and Hund's J (LRUJ) Utility"
519   write(std_out,"(a)")"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
520   write(std_out,"(a)")"To execute the LRUJ utility, execute: "
521   write(std_out,"(a)")"   ./lruj  FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ... [options]"
522   write(std_out,"(2a)")"             ^ input files must be from Abinit run",ch10
523   write(std_out,"(a)")" --version              Show version number and exit."
524   write(std_out,"(a)")" -h, --help             Show this help and exit."
525   write(std_out,"(a)")" --d <n>                Set the maximum degree n polynomial calculated for"
526   write(std_out,"(a)")"                           the response functions chi and chi0."
527   write(std_out,"(a)")"                           (i.e., 1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic, etc.)"
528   write(std_out,"(a)")"                           NOTE: a degree n polynomial will require at minimum"
529   write(std_out,"(a)")"                           n+2 points (n+1 perturbations and the unperturbed"
530   write(std_out,"(a)")"                           case) or more so as to avoid overfitting."
532 end subroutine lruj_show_help
534 ! Function to simplify reading in of variables from netcdf files.
535 integer function vid(vname)
536   character(len=*),intent(in) :: vname
537   vid = nctk_idname(ncid, vname)
538 end function vid
540 end program lruj