ABINIT/anaddb [ Programs ]

[ Top ] [ Programs ]




 Main routine for analysis of the interatomic force constants and associated properties.


 Copyright (C) 1999-2021 ABINIT group (XG,DCA,JCC,CL,XW,GA,MR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  (main routine)


  (main routine)





  40 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
  41 #include "config.h"
  42 #endif
  44 #include "abi_common.h"
  46 program anaddb
  48  use defs_basis
  49  use m_build_info
  50  use m_xmpi
  51  use m_xomp
  52  use m_abicore
  53  use m_errors
  54  use m_argparse
  55  use m_ifc
  56  use m_ddb
  57  use m_ddb_hdr
  58  use m_phonons
  59  use m_gruneisen
  60  use m_supercell
  61  use iso_c_binding
  62  use m_nctk
  63 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
  64  use netcdf
  65 #endif
  67  use m_io_tools,       only : open_file, flush_unit
  68  use m_fstrings,       only : int2char4, itoa, sjoin, strcat, inupper
  69  use m_specialmsg,     only : specialmsg_getcount, herald
  70  use m_time,           only : asctime, timein, timab, cwtime, cwtime_report
  71  use m_parser,         only : instrng
  72  use m_dtfil,          only : isfile
  73  use m_anaddb_dataset, only : anaddb_init, anaddb_dataset_type, anaddb_dtset_free, outvars_anaddb, invars9
  74  use m_ddb_interpolate, only : ddb_interpolate
  75  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
  76  use m_dynmat,         only : gtdyn9, dfpt_phfrq, dfpt_prtph
  77  use m_elphon,         only : elphon
  78  use m_harmonic_thermo,only : harmonic_thermo
  79  use m_thmeig,         only : thmeig
  80  use m_symfind,        only : symanal
  81  use m_raman,          only : ramansus, electrooptic
  82  use m_ddb_diel,       only : ddb_diel
  83  use m_relaxpol,       only : relaxpol
  84  use m_ddb_elast,      only : ddb_elast
  85  use m_ddb_piezo,      only : ddb_piezo
  86  use m_ddb_internalstr, only : ddb_internalstr
  87  use m_ddb_flexo
  89  implicit none
  91 !Local variables-------------------------------
  92  integer :: msym !  msym =maximum number of symmetry elements in space group
  93 !Define input and output unit numbers (some are defined in defs_basis -all should be there ...):
  94  integer,parameter :: ddbun=2,master=0 ! FIXME: these should not be reserved unit numbers!
  95  integer,parameter :: rftyp4=4
  96  integer :: comm,iatom,iblok,iblok_stress,iblok_epsinf,iblock_quadrupoles, idir,ii,index
  97  integer :: ierr,iphl2,lenstr,lwsym,mtyp,mpert,msize,natom
  98  integer :: nsym,ntypat,usepaw,nproc,my_rank,ana_ncid,prt_internalstr
  99  logical :: iam_master
 100  integer :: rfelfd(4),rfphon(4),rfstrs(4),ngqpt_coarse(3)
 101  integer :: count_wminmax(2)
 102  integer,allocatable :: d2flg(:)
 103  real(dp) :: etotal,tcpu,tcpui,twall,twalli !,cpu, wall, gflops
 104  real(dp) :: epsinf(3,3),dielt_rlx(3,3)
 105  real(dp) :: compl(6,6),compl_clamped(6,6),compl_stress(6,6)
 106  real(dp) :: elast(6,6),elast_clamped(6,6),elast_stress(6,6)
 107  real(dp) :: red_ptot(3),pel(3)
 108  real(dp) :: piezo(6,3),qphnrm(3),qphon(3,3),strten(6),tsec(2)
 109  real(dp) :: wminmax(2)
 110  real(dp),allocatable :: d2cart(:,:),dchide(:,:,:),lst(:)
 111  real(dp),allocatable :: dchidt(:,:,:,:),displ(:),eigval(:,:)
 112  real(dp),allocatable :: eigvec(:,:,:,:,:),fact_oscstr(:,:,:),instrain(:,:)
 113  real(dp),allocatable :: gred(:,:),phfrq(:)
 114  real(dp),allocatable :: rsus(:,:,:)
 115  real(dp),allocatable :: zeff(:,:,:)
 116  real(dp),allocatable :: qdrp_cart(:,:,:,:)
 117  character(len=10) :: procstr
 118  character(len=24) :: codename, start_datetime
 119  character(len=strlen) :: string, raw_string
 120  character(len=fnlen) :: filnam(8),elph_base_name,tmpfilename, phibz_prefix
 121  character(len=500) :: msg
 122  type(args_t) :: args
 123  type(anaddb_dataset_type) :: inp
 124  type(phonon_dos_type) :: Phdos
 125  type(ifc_type) :: Ifc,Ifc_coarse
 126  type(ddb_type) :: ddb
 127  type(ddb_type) :: ddb_lw
 128  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr
 129  type(asrq0_t) :: asrq0
 130  type(crystal_t) :: Crystal
 131  type(supercell_type), allocatable :: thm_scells(:)
 132 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 133  integer :: phdos_ncid, ncerr
 134 #endif
 136 !******************************************************************
 138  ! Change communicator for I/O (mandatory!)
 139  call abi_io_redirect(new_io_comm=xmpi_world)
 141  ! Initialize MPI
 142  call xmpi_init()
 144  ! MPI variables
 145  comm = xmpi_world; nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
 146  iam_master = (my_rank == master)
 148  ! Parse command line arguments.
 149  args = args_parser(); if (args%exit /= 0) goto 100
 151  ! Initialize memory profiling if activated at configure time.
 152  ! if a full report is desired, set the argument of abimem_init to "2" instead of "0" via the command line.
 153  ! note that the file can easily be multiple GB in size so don't use this option normally
 155  call abimem_init(args%abimem_level, limit_mb=args%abimem_limit_mb)
 156 #endif
 158  ! Initialisation of the timing
 159  call timein(tcpui,twalli)
 161  if (iam_master) then
 162    codename='ANADDB'//repeat(' ',18)
 163    call herald(codename,abinit_version,std_out)
 164  end if
 166  start_datetime = asctime()
 168  ! Zero out all accumulators of time and init timers
 169  call timab(1, 0, tsec)
 171  ! Initialise the code: write heading, and read names of files.
 172  if (iam_master) call anaddb_init(args%input_path, filnam)
 173  call xmpi_bcast(filnam, master, comm, ierr)
 175  ! make log file for non-master procs
 176  if (.not. iam_master) then
 177    call int2char4(my_rank, procstr)
 178    ABI_CHECK((procstr(1:1)/='#'),'Bug: string length too short!')
 179    tmpfilename = trim(filnam(2)) // "_LOG_P" // trim(procstr)
 180    if (open_file(tmpfilename, msg, unit=std_out, form="formatted", action="write") /= 0) then
 181      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 182    end if
 183  end if
 185 !******************************************************************
 187  ! Must read natom from the DDB before being able to allocate some arrays needed for invars9
 188  call ddb_hdr_open_read(ddb_hdr,filnam(3),ddbun,DDB_VERSION,comm=comm, dimonly=1)
 190  natom = ddb_hdr%natom
 191  ntypat = ddb_hdr%ntypat
 192  mtyp = ddb_hdr%mblktyp
 193  usepaw = ddb_hdr%usepaw
 195  call ddb_hdr%free()
 197  mpert = natom + MPERT_MAX
 198  msize = 3*mpert*3*mpert; if (mtyp==3) msize = msize*3*mpert
 200  ! Read the input file, and store the information in a long string of characters
 201  ! strlen from defs_basis module
 202  if (iam_master) then
 203    call instrng(filnam(1), lenstr, 1, strlen, string, raw_string)
 204    ! To make case-insensitive, map characters to upper case.
 205    call inupper(string(1:lenstr))
 206  end if
 208  call xmpi_bcast(string, master, comm, ierr)
 209  call xmpi_bcast(raw_string, master, comm, ierr)
 210  call xmpi_bcast(lenstr, master, comm, ierr)
 212  ! Save input string in global variable so that we can access it in ntck_open_create
 213  INPUT_STRING = raw_string
 215  ! Read the inputs
 216  call invars9(inp, lenstr, natom, string)
 218  if (args%dry_run /= 0) then
 219    call wrtout(std_out, "Dry run mode. Exiting after have read the input")
 220    goto 100
 221  end if
 223  ! Open output files and ab_out (might change its name if needed)
 224  ! MJV 1/2010 : now output file is open, but filnam(2) continues unmodified
 226  ! so the other output files are overwritten instead of accumulating.
 227  if (iam_master) then
 228    tmpfilename = filnam(2)
 229    call isfile(tmpfilename,'new')
 230    if (open_file(tmpfilename,msg,unit=ab_out,form='formatted',status='new') /= 0) then
 231      ABI_ERROR(msg)
 232    end if
 233    rewind (unit=ab_out)
 234    call herald(codename,abinit_version,ab_out)
 236    ! Echo the inputs to console and main output file
 237    call outvars_anaddb(inp,std_out)
 238    call outvars_anaddb(inp,ab_out)
 239  else
 240    ab_out = dev_null
 241  end if
 243 !******************************************************************
 244 !******************************************************************
 245 ! Read the DDB information, also perform some checks, and symmetrize partially the DDB
 246  write(msg, '(a,a)' )' read the DDB information and perform some checks',ch10
 247  call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 249  call ddb_from_file(ddb,filnam(3),inp%brav,natom,inp%natifc,inp%atifc, ddb_hdr, crystal, comm, prtvol=inp%prtvol)
 250  call ddb_hdr%free()
 251  nsym = Crystal%nsym
 253  ! MR: a new ddb is necessary for the longwave quantities due to incompability of it with authomatic reshapes
 254  ! that ddb%val and ddb%flg experience when passed as arguments of some routines
 255  if (mtyp==33) then
 256    call ddb_lw_copy(ddb,ddb_lw,mpert,natom,ntypat)
 257  end if
 259  ! Acoustic Sum Rule
 260  ! In case the interatomic forces are not calculated, the
 261  ! ASR-correction (asrq0%d2asr) has to be determined here from the Dynamical matrix at Gamma.
 262  asrq0 = ddb%get_asrq0(inp%asr, inp%rfmeth, crystal%xcart)
 264  ! TODO: This is to maintain the previous behaviour in which all the arrays were initialized to zero.
 265  ! In the new version asrq0%d2asr is always computed if the Gamma block is present
 266  ! and this causes changes in [v5][t28]
 267  if (.not. (inp%ifcflag==0 .or. inp%instrflag/=0 .or. inp%elaflag/=0)) then
 268    asrq0%d2asr = zero
 269    if (asrq0%asr==3.or.asrq0%asr==4) then
 270      asrq0%singular = zero; asrq0%uinvers = zero; asrq0%vtinvers = zero
 271    end if
 272  end if
 274  ! Open the netcdf file that will contain the anaddb results
 275  ana_ncid = nctk_noid
 276  if (iam_master) then
 277 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 278    NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ana_ncid, trim(filnam(8))//"", xmpi_comm_self), "Creating")
 279    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ana_ncid, [ &
 280        nctkdim_t('number_of_atoms', natom), &
 281        nctkdim_t('natom3', 3 * natom), &
 282        nctkdim_t('number_of_phonon_modes', 3 * natom), &
 283        nctkdim_t('anaddb_input_len', lenstr) &
 284    ], defmode=.True.)
 285    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 286    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ana_ncid, [ &
 287      nctkarr_t("anaddb_input_string", "char", "anaddb_input_len") &
 288    ])
 289    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 290    !NCF_CHECK(nctk_defnwrite_ivars(ana_ncid, ["anaddb_version"], [1]))
 291    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ana_ncid))
 292    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, "anaddb_input_string"), string(:lenstr)))
 293    NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ana_ncid))
 294 #endif
 295  end if
 297  ! Calculation of Grunesein parameters.
 298  if (inp%gruns_nddbs /= 0) then
 299    call gruns_anaddb(inp, filnam(2), comm)
 300    goto 50
 301  end if
 303  ABI_MALLOC(instrain,(3*natom,6))
 304  ABI_MALLOC(d2cart,(2,msize))
 305  ABI_MALLOC(displ,(2*3*natom*3*natom))
 306  ABI_MALLOC(eigval,(3,natom))
 307  ABI_MALLOC(eigvec,(2,3,natom,3,natom))
 308  ABI_MALLOC(phfrq,(3*natom))
 309  ABI_MALLOC(zeff,(3,3,natom))
 310  ABI_MALLOC(qdrp_cart,(3,3,3,natom))
 312 !**********************************************************************
 313 !**********************************************************************
 315  ! Get Quadrupole tensor
 316  iblock_quadrupoles = 0
 317  qdrp_cart=zero
 318  if (mtyp==33) then
 319    write(msg,'(2a,(80a),2a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80)
 320    call wrtout([ab_out,std_out],msg,'COLL')
 321    lwsym=1
 322    iblock_quadrupoles = ddb_lw%get_quadrupoles(lwsym,33,qdrp_cart)
 323  end if
 325  ! The default value is 1. Here we set the flags to zero if Q* is not available.
 326  if (iblock_quadrupoles == 0) then
 327    inp%dipquad = 0
 328    inp%quadquad = 0
 329  end if
 331  ! Get the electronic dielectric tensor (epsinf) and Born effective charges (zeff)
 332  ! (initialized to one_3D and zero if the derivatives are not available in the DDB file)
 333  iblok = ddb%get_dielt_zeff(crystal,inp%rfmeth,inp%chneut,inp%selectz,epsinf,zeff)
 335  ! Try to get epsinf, in case just the DDE are present
 336  if (iblok == 0) then
 337    iblok_epsinf = ddb%get_dielt(inp%rfmeth,epsinf)
 338  end if
 340  !if (iblok_epsinf==0) then
 341  if (epsinf(1,1)==one .and. epsinf(2,2)==one .and. epsinf(3,3)==one) then
 342    write(msg,'(5a)') ch10,&
 343      ' The DDB file does not contain the derivatives w.r.t. electric field perturbation. ',ch10,&
 344      ' The program will continue by setting the electronic dielectric tensor to 1. ',ch10
 345   ! call wrtout([ab_out], msg)
 346    ABI_WARNING(msg)
 347  end if
 349  if (my_rank == master) then
 350 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 351    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ana_ncid, [&
 352    nctkarr_t('emacro_cart', "dp", 'number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions'),&
 353    nctkarr_t('quadrupoles_cart', "dp", 'three, three, three, number_of_atoms'),&
 354    nctkarr_t('becs_cart', "dp", "number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_atoms")],&
 355    defmode=.True.)
 356    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 357    ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ana_ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: &
 358        "asr", "chneut", "dipdip", "symdynmat", "dipquad", "quadquad"])
 359    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 361    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ana_ncid))
 362    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, 'emacro_cart'), epsinf))
 363    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, 'quadrupoles_cart'), qdrp_cart))
 364    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, 'becs_cart'), zeff))
 365    ncerr = nctk_write_iscalars(ana_ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: &
 366      "asr", "chneut", "dipdip", "symdynmat", "dipquad", "quadquad"], &
 367      [inp%asr, inp%chneut, inp%dipdip, inp%symdynmat, inp%dipquad, inp%quadquad])
 368    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 369 #endif
 370  end if
 372 !***************************************************************************
 373 ! Structural response at fixed polarization
 374 !***************************************************************************
 375  if (inp%polflag == 1) then
 376    ABI_MALLOC(d2flg, (msize))
 378    if(iblok/=0)then
 379      ! Save the second-order derivatives
 380      d2cart(1:2,1:msize) = ddb%val(1:2,1:msize,iblok)
 381      d2flg(1:msize) = ddb%flg(1:msize,iblok)
 383    else
 384      ! the gamma blok has not been found
 385      if (inp%relaxat==0 .and. inp%relaxstr==0) then
 386        ! The gamma blok is not needed
 387        d2cart(1:2,1:msize)=zero
 388        d2flg(1:msize)=1
 389      else
 390        ! There is a problem !
 391        write(msg, '(7a)' )&
 392         'The dynamical matrix at Gamma is needed, in order to perform ',ch10,&
 393         "relaxation at constant polarisation (Na Sai's method)",ch10,&
 394         'However, this was not found in the DDB.',ch10,&
 395         'Action: complete your DDB with the dynamical matrix at Gamma.'
 396        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 397      end if
 398    end if ! iblok not found
 400    ! Extract the block with the total energy
 401    if (ddb%get_etotal(etotal) == 0) then
 402      ABI_ERROR("DDB file does not contain GS etotal")
 403    end if
 405    ! Extract the block with the gradients
 406    ABI_MALLOC(gred, (3,natom))
 407    qphon(:,:) = zero; qphnrm(:) = zero
 408    rfphon(:) = 0; rfstrs(:) = 0; rfelfd(:) = 2
 409    if (inp%relaxat == 1) rfphon(:) = 1
 410    if (inp%relaxstr == 1) rfstrs(:) = 3
 412    call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,rftyp4)
 414    if (inp%relaxat == 1) then
 415      index = 0
 416      do iatom = 1, natom
 417        do idir = 1, 3
 418          index = index + 1
 419          gred(idir,iatom) = ddb%val(1,index,iblok)
 420        end do
 421      end do
 422    end if
 424    pel(1:3) = ddb%val(1,3*natom+4:3*natom+6,iblok)
 426    if (inp%relaxstr == 1) then
 427      index = 3*natom + 6
 428      do ii = 1, 6
 429        index = index + 1
 430        strten(ii) = ddb%val(1,index,iblok)
 431      end do
 432    end if
 434    ! when called from here red_ptot is not set! So set it to zero
 435    red_ptot(:)=zero
 437    call relaxpol(Crystal,d2flg,d2cart,etotal,gred,inp%iatfix,&
 438 &   ab_out,inp%istrfix,mpert,msize,inp%natfix,natom,&
 439 &   inp%nstrfix,pel,red_ptot,inp%relaxat,inp%relaxstr,&
 440 &   strten,inp%targetpol,usepaw)
 442    ABI_FREE(gred)
 443    ABI_FREE(d2flg)
 444  end if
 446 !***************************************************************************
 447 ! Compute non-linear optical susceptibilities and, if inp%nlflag < 3,
 448 ! First-order change in the linear dielectric susceptibility induced by an atomic displacement
 449 !***************************************************************************
 450  if (inp%nlflag > 0) then
 451    ABI_MALLOC(dchide, (3,3,3))
 452    ABI_MALLOC(dchidt, (natom,3,3,3))
 453    ABI_MALLOC(rsus, (3*natom,3,3))
 455    if (ddb%get_dchidet(inp%ramansr,inp%nlflag,dchide,dchidt) == 0) then
 456      ABI_ERROR("Cannot find block corresponding to non-linear optical susceptibilities in DDB file")
 457    end if
 459    ! Save to the netcdf
 460    if (my_rank == master) then
 461 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 462      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ana_ncid, [nctkarr_t("dchide", "dp", "three, three, three")], defmode=.True.)
 463      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 464      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ana_ncid))
 465      NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, "dchide"), dchide))
 467      ! dchidt only present if nlflag==1 or 2
 468      if (inp%nlflag < 3) then
 469        ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ana_ncid, [nctkarr_t("dchidt", "dp", &
 470        "number_of_atoms, three, three, three")], defmode=.True.)
 471        NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
 472        NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ana_ncid))
 473        NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ana_ncid, nctk_idname(ana_ncid, "dchidt"), dchidt))
 474      end if
 475 #endif
 476    end if
 478  end if ! nlflag
 480 !**********************************************************************
 481 ! Interatomic Forces Calculation
 482 !**********************************************************************
 483  if (inp%ifcflag ==1) then
 484    ! ifc to be calculated for interpolation
 485    write(msg, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 486     ' Calculation of the interatomic forces ',ch10
 487    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 489 ! TODO : check if this wrtout should be removed in latest merge 17 feb 2017
 490    call timein(tcpu,twall)
 491    write(msg, '(a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a)' )'-begin at tcpu',tcpu-tcpui,'  and twall',twall-twalli,' sec'
 492    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 494    if (any(inp%qrefine(:) > 1)) then
 495      ! Gaal-Nagy's algorithm in PRB 73 014117 [[cite:GaalNagy2006]]
 496      ! Build the IFCs using the coarse q-mesh.
 497      do ii = 1, 3
 498        ngqpt_coarse(ii) = inp%ngqpt(ii) / inp%qrefine(ii)
 499      end do
 500      call ifc_init(Ifc_coarse,Crystal,ddb,&
 501        inp%brav,inp%asr,inp%symdynmat,inp%dipdip,inp%rfmeth,ngqpt_coarse,inp%nqshft,inp%q1shft,epsinf,zeff,qdrp_cart,&
 502        inp%nsphere,inp%rifcsph,inp%prtsrlr,inp%enunit,comm,dipquad=inp%dipquad,quadquad=inp%quadquad)
 504      ! Now use the coarse q-mesh to fill the entries in dynmat(q)
 505      ! on the dense q-mesh that cannot be obtained from the DDB file.
 506      call ifc_init(Ifc,Crystal,ddb,&
 507       inp%brav,inp%asr,inp%symdynmat,inp%dipdip,inp%rfmeth,inp%ngqpt(1:3),inp%nqshft,inp%q1shft,epsinf,zeff,qdrp_cart,&
 508       inp%nsphere,inp%rifcsph,inp%prtsrlr,inp%enunit,comm,Ifc_coarse=Ifc_coarse,dipquad=inp%dipquad,quadquad=inp%quadquad)
 509      call Ifc_coarse%free()
 511    else
 512      call ifc_init(Ifc,Crystal,ddb,&
 513        inp%brav,inp%asr,inp%symdynmat,inp%dipdip,inp%rfmeth,inp%ngqpt(1:3),inp%nqshft,inp%q1shft,epsinf,zeff,qdrp_cart,&
 514        inp%nsphere,inp%rifcsph,inp%prtsrlr,inp%enunit,comm,dipquad=inp%dipquad,quadquad=inp%quadquad)
 515    end if
 517    call ifc%print(unit=std_out)
 519    ! Compute speed of sound.
 520    if (inp%vs_qrad_tolkms(1) > zero) then
 521      call ifc%speedofsound(crystal, inp%vs_qrad_tolkms, ana_ncid, comm)
 522    end if
 524    ! Print analysis of the real-space interatomic force constants
 525    ! TODO: ifc_out should not have side effects
 526    if (my_rank == master .and. inp%ifcout/=0) then
 527      call ifc%write(inp%ifcana,inp%atifc,inp%ifcout,inp%prt_ifc,ana_ncid)
 528    end if
 529  end if
 531 !***************************************************************************
 532 ! Electron-phonon section
 533 !***************************************************************************
 534  if (inp%elphflag == 1) then
 535    call elphon(inp,Crystal,Ifc,filnam,comm)
 536  end if
 538 !***************************************************************************
 540  if (sum(abs(inp%thermal_supercell))>0 .and. inp%ifcflag==1) then
 541    ABI_MALLOC(thm_scells, (inp%ntemper))
 542    call zacharias_supercell_make(Crystal, Ifc, inp%ntemper, inp%thermal_supercell, inp%tempermin, inp%temperinc, thm_scells)
 543    call zacharias_supercell_print(filnam(8), inp%ntemper, inp%tempermin, inp%temperinc, thm_scells)
 544  end if
 546 !***************************************************************************
 547 ! Phonon density of states calculation, Start if interatomic forces have been calculated
 548 !***************************************************************************
 549  if (inp%ifcflag==1 .and. any(inp%prtdos==[1, 2])) then
 550    write(msg,'(a,(80a),4a)')ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,' Calculation of phonon density of states ',ch10
 551    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 553    ! Only 1 shift in q-mesh
 554    wminmax = zero
 555    phibz_prefix = ""
 556    !phibz_prefix = "freq_displ" ! Uncomment this line to activate output of PHIBZ
 557    do
 558      call mkphdos(Phdos, Crystal, Ifc, inp%prtdos, inp%dosdeltae, inp%dossmear, inp%ng2qpt, 1, inp%q2shft, &
 559          phibz_prefix, wminmax, count_wminmax, comm, dos_maxmode=inp%dos_maxmode)
 560      if (all(count_wminmax == 0)) exit
 561      wminmax(1) = wminmax(1) - abs(wminmax(1)) * 0.05
 562      wminmax(2) = wminmax(2) + abs(wminmax(2)) * 0.05
 563      call phdos%free()
 564      write(msg, "(a, 2f8.5)")"Initial frequency mesh not large enough. Recomputing PHDOS with wmin, wmax: ",wminmax
 565      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 566    end do
 568    if (iam_master) then
 569      call phdos%print_msqd(filnam(8), inp%ntemper, inp%tempermin, inp%temperinc)
 570      call phdos%print(strcat(filnam(8), "_PHDOS"))
 571      call phdos%print_debye(Crystal%ucvol)
 572      call phdos%print_thermo(strcat(filnam(8), "_THERMO"), inp%ntemper, inp%tempermin, inp%temperinc)
 574 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 575      ncerr = nctk_open_create(phdos_ncid, strcat(filnam(8), ""), xmpi_comm_self)
 576      NCF_CHECK_MSG(ncerr, "Creating file")
 577      NCF_CHECK(Crystal%ncwrite(phdos_ncid))
 578      call phdos%ncwrite(phdos_ncid)
 579      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(phdos_ncid))
 580 #endif
 581    end if
 583    call phdos%free()
 584  end if
 586  if (iam_master .and. inp%ifcflag==1 .and. inp%outboltztrap==1) then
 587    call ifc%outphbtrap(Crystal, inp%ng2qpt, 1, inp%q2shft, filnam(8))
 588  end if
 590  ! Phonon density of states and thermodynamical properties calculation
 591  ! Start if interatomic forces and thermal flags are on
 592  if (inp%ifcflag==1 .and. any(inp%thmflag==[1,2])) then
 594    write(msg, '(a,(80a),a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 595     ' Calculation of phonon density of states, ',ch10,&
 596     '    thermodynamical properties, ',ch10,&
 597     '    and Debye-Waller factors.',ch10
 598    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 600    if (inp%thmflag==1) then
 601      call harmonic_thermo(Ifc,Crystal,ddb%amu,inp,ab_out,filnam(8),comm)
 603    else if (inp%thmflag==2) then
 604      write(msg, '(a,(80a),a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,' Entering thm9 routine with thmflag=2 ',ch10
 605      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 606      call harmonic_thermo(Ifc,Crystal,ddb%amu,inp,ab_out,filnam(8),comm,thmflag=inp%thmflag)
 607    end if
 608  end if
 610 !**********************************************************************
 611 ! Treat the first list of vectors (without non-analyticities)
 612 ! (print the phonon freq. at each qpt (and eigenvectors if asked by the user)
 613 ! and the mode characters (Gamma only as of 12.04.2020)
 614 !**********************************************************************
 615  call mkphbs(Ifc,Crystal,inp,ddb,asrq0,filnam(8),comm)
 618  ! Interpolate the DDB onto the first list of vectors and write the file.
 619  if (inp%prtddb == 1 .and. inp%ifcflag == 1) then
 620    call ddb_hdr_open_read(ddb_hdr,filnam(3),ddbun,DDB_VERSION)
 621    close(ddbun)
 622    call ddb_interpolate(Ifc,Crystal,inp,ddb,ddb_hdr,asrq0,filnam(8),comm)
 623    call ddb_hdr%free()
 624  end if
 627 !***********************************************************************
 628 ! Thermal flags
 629 !***********************************************************************
 631  if (inp%thmflag>=3 .and. inp%thmflag<=8) then
 632    elph_base_name=trim(filnam(8))//"_ep"
 633    call thmeig(inp,ddb,Crystal,elph_base_name,filnam(5),ddbun,ab_out,natom,mpert,msize,asrq0%d2asr,comm)
 634  end if
 637 !**********************************************************************
 638 ! q=Gamma quantities (without non-analycities):
 639 ! - Dielectric constant calculations (diefalg options)
 640 ! and related properties: mode effective charges, oscillator strength
 641 ! - Raman tensor (at q=0 with only TO modes) and EO coef. (nlflag)
 642 !**********************************************************************
 644  ABI_MALLOC(fact_oscstr, (2,3,3*natom))
 645  ABI_MALLOC(lst,(inp%nph2l+1))
 646  lst(:)=zero
 648  ! Print the electronic contribution to the dielectric tensor
 649  ! It can be extracted directly from the DDB if perturbation with E-field is present
 650  if ((inp%dieflag/=0 .and. inp%dieflag/=2) .or. inp%nph2l/=0 .or. inp%nlflag==1) then
 652   !***************************************************************
 653   ! Generates the dynamical matrix at Gamma
 654   ! TODO: Check if we can avoid recomputing the phonon freq and eigendispla at Gamma becasue
 655   ! it is already done before in this routine. (EB)
 656   ! The problem is that it is done through mkphbs, which has only printing and does not retrun anything as out... (EB)
 658   qphon(:,1)=zero; qphnrm(1)=zero
 659   ! Generation of the dynamical matrix in cartesian coordinates
 660   if (inp%ifcflag==1) then
 661     ! Get d2cart using the interatomic forces and the
 662     ! long-range coulomb interaction through Ewald summation
 663     call gtdyn9(ddb%acell,Ifc%atmfrc,epsinf,Ifc%dipdip,&
 664       Ifc%dyewq0,d2cart,Crystal%gmet,ddb%gprim,mpert,natom,&
 665       Ifc%nrpt,qphnrm(1),qphon,Crystal%rmet,ddb%rprim,Ifc%rpt,&
 666       Ifc%trans,Crystal%ucvol,Ifc%wghatm,Crystal%xred,zeff,qdrp_cart,Ifc%ewald_option,xmpi_comm_self,&
 667       dipquad=Ifc%dipquad,quadquad=Ifc%quadquad)
 669   else if (inp%ifcflag==0) then
 670     ! Look after the information in the DDB
 671     rfphon(1:2)=1; rfelfd(1:2)=2; rfstrs(1:2)=0
 672     call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,inp%rfmeth)
 673     ! Copy the dynamical matrix in d2cart
 674     d2cart(:,1:msize)=ddb%val(:,:,iblok)
 675     ! Eventually impose the acoustic sum rule
 676     call asrq0%apply(natom, mpert, msize, crystal%xcart, d2cart)
 678   end if ! end of the generation of the dynamical matrix at gamma.
 679   !***************************************************************
 681   ! Calculation of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix
 682   call dfpt_phfrq(ddb%amu,displ,d2cart,eigval,eigvec,Crystal%indsym,&
 683     mpert,msym,natom,nsym,ntypat,phfrq,qphnrm(1),qphon,&
 684     Crystal%rprimd,inp%symdynmat,Crystal%symrel,Crystal%symafm,Crystal%typat,Crystal%ucvol)
 686   ! calculation of the oscillator strengths, mode effective charge and
 687   ! dielectric tensor, frequency dependent dielectric tensor (dieflag)
 688   ! and mode by mode decomposition of epsilon if dieflag==3
 689   if (inp%dieflag/=0) then
 690     !if (iblok_epsinf==0) then
 691     if (epsinf(1,1)==one .and. epsinf(2,2)==one .and. epsinf(3,3)==one) then
 692       write(msg,'(7a)') ch10,&
 693        ' The DDB file does not contain the derivatives w.r.t. electric field perturbation. ',ch10,&
 694        ' This is mandatory to calculate the dielectric constant,',ch10,&
 695        ' Please check your DDB file or use dieflag=0.',ch10
 696       ABI_ERROR(msg)
 697     end if
 699     write(msg, '(a,(80a),a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10
 700     call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 702     call ddb_diel(Crystal,ddb%amu,inp,dielt_rlx,displ,d2cart,epsinf,fact_oscstr,&
 703       ab_out,lst,mpert,natom,0,phfrq,comm,ana_ncid)
 704   end if
 706 end if ! dieflag!=0 or inp%nph2l/=0
 709 !**********************************************************************
 710 ! Non-linear response: electrooptic and Raman (q=Gamma, TO modes only)
 711 !**********************************************************************
 712 ! if (inp%nlflag > 0) then
 713 !   ABI_MALLOC(rsus, (3*natom,3,3))
 714 ! end if
 716  if (inp%nlflag==1) then
 717    ! Raman susceptibilities for the 1st list (only TO  modes at q=Gamma)
 718    call ramansus(d2cart,dchide,dchidt,displ,mpert,natom,phfrq,qphon,qphnrm(1),rsus,Crystal%ucvol)
 720 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 721    if (my_rank == master) then
 722      call nctk_defwrite_raman_terms(ana_ncid, natom, rsus, phfrq)
 723    end if
 724 #endif
 726    ! EO coef:
 727    call electrooptic(dchide,inp%dieflag,epsinf,fact_oscstr,natom,phfrq,inp%prtmbm,rsus,Crystal%ucvol)
 728 end if ! condition on nlflag
 730 !**********************************************************************
 731 ! Calculation of properties associated to the second list of wv: nph2l/=0
 732 ! (can include non-analyticities in the DM)
 733 !**********************************************************************
 735  if (inp%nph2l/=0) then
 737    write(msg, '(a,(80a),a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,' Treat the second list of vectors ',ch10
 738    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 740    if (my_rank == master) then
 741 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 742      iphl2 = 0
 743      call nctk_defwrite_nonana_terms(ana_ncid, iphl2, inp%nph2l, inp%qph2l, natom, phfrq, displ, "define")
 744      if (inp%nlflag == 1) then
 745        call nctk_defwrite_nonana_raman_terms(ana_ncid, iphl2, inp%nph2l, natom, rsus, "define")
 746      end if
 747 #endif
 748    end if
 749 !  Get the log of product of the square of the phonon frequencies without non-analyticities (q=0)
 750 !  For the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation, it is stored in lst(nph2+1)
 751    if (inp%dieflag/=2 .and. inp%dieflag/=0) then
 752      do ii=4,3*natom
 753        lst(inp%nph2l+1)=lst(inp%nph2l+1)+2*log(phfrq(ii))
 754      end do
 755    end if
 757    ! Examine every wavevector of this list
 758    do iphl2=1,inp%nph2l
 760      ! Initialisation of the phonon wavevector
 761      qphon(:,1)=inp%qph2l(:,iphl2)
 762      qphnrm(1)=inp%qnrml2(iphl2)
 764      !TODO: Quadrupole interactions need to be incorporated here (MR)
 766      ! Calculation of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix
 767      ! for the second list of wv (can include non-analyticities if q/=0)
 768      call dfpt_phfrq(ddb%amu,displ,d2cart,eigval,eigvec,Crystal%indsym,&
 769        mpert,msym,natom,nsym,ntypat,phfrq,qphnrm(1),qphon,Crystal%rprimd,inp%symdynmat,&
 770        Crystal%symrel,Crystal%symafm,Crystal%typat,Crystal%ucvol)
 772      ! Write the phonon frequencies for the second list of wv (can include non-analyticities if q/=0)
 773      call dfpt_prtph(displ,inp%eivec,inp%enunit,ab_out,natom,phfrq,qphnrm(1),qphon)
 774      ! TODO: Mode effective charge could be printed here for LO modes (EB)
 776      if (my_rank == master) then
 777 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 778        ! Loop is not MPI-parallelized --> no need for MPI-IO API.
 779        call nctk_defwrite_nonana_terms(ana_ncid, iphl2, inp%nph2l, inp%qph2l, natom, phfrq, displ, "write")
 780 #endif
 781      end if
 783      !  Get the log of product of the square of the phonon frequencies with non-analyticities (q-->0)
 784      !  For the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation
 785      ! The fourth mode should have positive frequency otherwise there is an instability: LST relationship should not be evaluated
 786      ! Isn't it tested somewhere else (i.e. stop of the code if there are imaginary freq.)? (EB)
 787      if (inp%dieflag/=2 .and. inp%dieflag/=0) then
 788        do ii=4,3*natom
 789          lst(iphl2)=lst(iphl2)+2*log(phfrq(ii))
 790        end do
 791      end if
 793      ! Write Raman susceptibilities for the 2nd list (can includes LO modes if q/=0 0 0)
 794      if (inp%nlflag == 1) then
 795        call ramansus(d2cart,dchide,dchidt,displ,mpert,natom,phfrq,qphon,qphnrm(1),rsus,Crystal%ucvol)
 796 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 797        if (my_rank == master) then
 798          call nctk_defwrite_nonana_raman_terms(ana_ncid, iphl2, inp%nph2l, natom, rsus, "write")
 799        end if
 800 #endif
 801      end if !nlflag=1 (Raman suscep for the 2nd list of wv.)
 802    end do ! iphl2
 804    ! Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation:
 805    if (inp%dieflag/=2 .and. inp%dieflag/=0) then
 806      call ddb_diel(Crystal,ddb%amu,inp,dielt_rlx,displ,d2cart,epsinf,fact_oscstr,&
 807        ab_out,lst,mpert,natom,inp%nph2l,phfrq,comm,ana_ncid)
 808    end if
 809  end if ! nph2l/=0
 810  ! End of second list of wv stuff (nph2l/=0)
 813  ABI_FREE(fact_oscstr)
 814  ABI_FREE(lst)
 815  if (inp%nlflag > 0) then
 816    ABI_FREE(rsus)
 817    ABI_FREE(dchide)
 818    ABI_FREE(dchidt)
 819  end if
 821 !**********************************************************************
 822 ! Linear response with strain: elastic, piezo, etc
 823 !**********************************************************************
 825  if (inp%instrflag/=0) then
 826    ! Here treating the internal strain tensors at Gamma point
 827    write(msg, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 828     ' Calculation of the internal-strain  tensor',ch10
 829    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 831    if (inp%instrflag==1) then
 832      call wrtout(std_out, 'instrflag=1, so extract the internal strain constant from the 2DTE')
 834      ! looking after the no. of blok that contains the internal strain tensor
 835      qphon(:,1)=zero; qphnrm(1)=zero
 836      rfphon(1:2)=0; rfelfd(1:2)=0; rfstrs(1:2)=3
 838      call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,inp%rfmeth)
 839      if (iblok == 0) then
 840        ABI_ERROR("DDB file must contain both uniaxial and shear strain for piezoelectric, Check your calculations")
 841      end if
 843      ! then print the internal stain tensor
 844      prt_internalstr=2
 845      call ddb_internalstr(inp%asr,ddb%val,asrq0%d2asr,iblok,instrain,ab_out,mpert,natom,ddb%nblok,prt_internalstr)
 846    end if
 847  end if ! internal strain
 849 !**********************************************************************
 851  if (inp%elaflag/=0) then
 852    ! here treating the elastic tensors at Gamma Point
 853    write(msg, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a,a,a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 854     ' Calculation of the elastic and compliances tensor (Voigt notation)',ch10
 855    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 857    if (any(inp%elaflag == [1,2,3,4,5])) then
 858      call wrtout(std_out, 'so extract the elastic constant from the 2DTE')
 860      ! look after the blok no. that contains the stress tensor
 861      qphon(:,1)=zero; qphnrm(1)=zero
 862      rfphon(1:2)=0; rfelfd(1:2)=0; rfstrs(1:2)=0
 864      call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,rftyp4)
 865      iblok_stress=iblok
 867      ! look after the blok no.iblok that contains the elastic tensor
 868      qphon(:,1)=zero; qphnrm(1)=zero
 869      rfphon(1:2)=0; rfelfd(1:2)=0; rfstrs(1:2)=3
 871      ! for both diagonal and shear parts
 872      call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,inp%rfmeth)
 873      if (iblok == 0) then
 874        ABI_ERROR("DDB file must contain both uniaxial and shear strain when elaflag != 0, Check your calculations")
 875      end if
 877      ! print the elastic tensor
 878      call ddb_elast(inp,crystal,ddb%val,compl,compl_clamped,compl_stress,asrq0%d2asr,&
 879        elast,elast_clamped,elast_stress,iblok,iblok_stress,&
 880        instrain,ab_out,mpert,natom,ddb%nblok,ana_ncid)
 881    end if
 882  end if ! elastic tensors
 884 !**********************************************************************
 886  if (inp%piezoflag/=0 .or. inp%dieflag==4 .or. inp%elaflag==4) then
 887    ! here treating the piezoelectric tensor at Gamma Point
 888    write(msg, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a,a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 889    ' Calculation of the tensor related to piezoelectric effetc',ch10,&
 890    '  (Elastic indices in Voigt notation)',ch10
 891    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 893    if (any(inp%piezoflag == [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) .or. inp%dieflag==4 .or.inp%elaflag==4) then
 894      call wrtout(std_out, 'extract the piezoelectric constant from the 2DTE')
 896      ! looking for the gamma point block
 897      qphon(:,1)=zero; qphnrm(1)=zero
 898      rfphon(1:2)=0; rfelfd(1:2)=0; rfstrs(1:2)=3
 900      ! for both diagonal and shear parts
 901      call ddb%get_block(iblok,qphon,qphnrm,rfphon,rfelfd,rfstrs,inp%rfmeth)
 902      if (iblok == 0) then
 903        ABI_ERROR("DDB file must contain both uniaxial and shear strain for piezoelectric, Check your calculations")
 904      end if
 906      ! then print out the piezoelectric constants
 907      call ddb_piezo(inp,ddb%val,dielt_rlx,elast,iblok,instrain,ab_out,mpert,natom,ddb%nblok,piezo,Crystal%ucvol,ana_ncid)
 908    end if
 909  end if
 911 !**********************************************************************
 912 ! Flexoelectric response
 913 !**********************************************************************
 915  if (inp%flexoflag/=0 ) then
 916    ! Here treating the flexoelectric tensor
 917    write(msg, '(a,a,(80a),a,a,a,a)') ch10,('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 918    ' Calculation of the tensors related to flexoelectric effect',ch10
 919    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 921    ! Compute and print the contributions to the flexoelectric tensor
 922    call ddb_flexo(inp%asr,asrq0%d2asr,ddb,ddb_lw,crystal,filnam(3),inp%flexoflag,inp%prtvol,zeff)
 923  end if
 925 !**********************************************************************
 927  ! Free memory
 928  ABI_FREE(displ)
 929  ABI_FREE(d2cart)
 930  ABI_FREE(eigval)
 931  ABI_FREE(eigvec)
 932  ABI_FREE(phfrq)
 933  ABI_FREE(zeff)
 934  ABI_FREE(qdrp_cart)
 935  ABI_FREE(instrain)
 937  50 continue
 939  call asrq0%free()
 940  call ifc%free()
 941  call crystal%free()
 942  call ddb%free()
 943  call anaddb_dtset_free(inp)
 944  call thermal_supercell_free(inp%ntemper, thm_scells)
 945  call ddb_lw%free()
 947  if (sum(abs(inp%thermal_supercell))>0 .and. inp%ifcflag==1) then
 948    ABI_FREE(thm_scells)
 949  end if
 951  ! Close files
 952  if (iam_master) then
 953 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 954    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ana_ncid))
 955 #endif
 956  end if
 958  call timein(tcpu,twall)
 959  tsec(1)=tcpu-tcpui; tsec(2)=twall-twalli
 960  write(msg, '(a,i4,a,f13.1,a,f13.1)' )' Proc.',my_rank,' individual time (sec): cpu=',tsec(1),'  wall=',tsec(2)
 961  call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 963  if (iam_master) then
 964    write(ab_out, '(a,a,a,i4,a,f13.1,a,f13.1)' )'-',ch10,&
 965     '- Proc.',my_rank,' individual time (sec): cpu=',tsec(1),'  wall=',tsec(2)
 966  end if
 968  call xmpi_sum(tsec,comm,ierr)
 970  write(msg, '(a,(80a),a,a,a,f11.3,a,f11.3,a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
 971   ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
 972    '+Total cpu time',tsec(1),'  and wall time',tsec(2),' sec',ch10,ch10,&
 973    ' anaddb : the run completed succesfully.'
 974  call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 976  if (iam_master) then
 977    ! Write YAML document with the final summary.
 978    ! we use this doc to test whether the calculation is completed.
 979    write(std_out,"(a)")"--- !FinalSummary"
 980    write(std_out,"(a)")"program: anaddb"
 981    write(std_out,"(2a)")"version: ",trim(abinit_version)
 982    write(std_out,"(2a)")"start_datetime: ",start_datetime
 983    write(std_out,"(2a)")"end_datetime: ",asctime()
 984    write(std_out,"(a,f13.1)")"overall_cpu_time: ",tsec(1)
 985    write(std_out,"(a,f13.1)")"overall_wall_time: ",tsec(2)
 986    write(std_out,"(a,i0)")"mpi_procs: ",xmpi_comm_size(xmpi_world)
 987    write(std_out,"(a,i0)")"omp_threads: ",xomp_get_num_threads(open_parallel=.True.)
 988    !write(std_out,"(a,i0)")"num_warnings: ",nwarning
 989    !write(std_out,"(a,i0)")"num_comments: ",ncomment
 990    write(std_out,"(a)")"..."
 991    call flush_unit(std_out)
 992  end if
 994  ! Write information on file about the memory before ending mpi module, if memory profiling is enabled
 995  call abinit_doctor(filnam(2))
 997  call flush_unit(ab_out)
 998  call flush_unit(std_out)
1000  if (iam_master) close(ab_out)
1002  100 call xmpi_end()
1004  end program anaddb