ABINIT/dfpt_init_mag1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




  Initial guess of the first order magnetization/density for magnetic field perturbation.
  The first order magnetization is set so as to zero out the first order XC magnetic field, which
  should minimize the second order XC energy (without taking self-consistency into account).


  ipert = perturbation type (works only for ipert==natom+5)
  idir  = direction of the applied magnetic field
  cplex = complex or real first order density and magnetization
  nfft  = dimension of the fft grid
  nspden= number of density matrix components
  nkxc  = number of kxc components
  vxc0(nfft,nspden)  = GS XC potential
  kxc0(nfft,nspden)  = GS XC derivatives
  rhor0(nfft,nspden) = GS density matrix


  rhor1(cplex*nfft) = first order density magnetization guess


3233 subroutine dfpt_init_mag1(ipert,idir,rhor1,rhor0,cplex,nfft,nspden,vxc0,kxc0,nkxc)
3235 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3236  integer , intent(in)    :: ipert,idir,cplex,nfft,nspden,nkxc
3237  real(dp), intent(in)    :: vxc0(nfft,nspden),rhor0(nfft,nspden)
3238  real(dp), intent(in)    :: kxc0(nfft,nkxc)
3239  real(dp), intent(out)   :: rhor1(cplex*nfft,nspden)
3241 !Local variables-------------------------------
3242  integer  :: ipt
3243  real(dp) :: bxc0,bxc1
3244  real(dp) :: m1_norm,m0_norm
3245  real(dp) :: f_dot_m
3246  real(dp) :: mdir(3),fdir(3)
3248 ! *************************************************************************
3249  ABI_UNUSED(ipert)
3251  if (nspden==2) then
3253    if(cplex==1) then
3254      do ipt=1,nfft
3255        bxc1=half*(half*(kxc0(ipt,1)+kxc0(ipt,3))-kxc0(ipt,2)) ! d/dm Bxc
3256        !this overestimates the first order magnetization because of n1 not taken into account
3257        m1_norm=-half*(1/bxc1)
3258        rhor1(ipt,1)=zero             ! rho_up+rho_dwn    => charge density
3259        rhor1(ipt,2)=half*m1_norm     ! rho_up=1/2(rho+m) => half*m
3260      end do
3261    else
3262      do ipt=1,cplex*nfft
3263        rhor1(ipt,:)=zero
3264      end do
3265    end if
3267  else if(nspden==4) then
3269    fdir=zero
3270    fdir(idir)= 1.0d0
3271    do ipt=1,nfft
3272      m0_norm=sqrt(rhor0(ipt,2)**2+rhor0(ipt,3)**2+rhor0(ipt,4)**2)
3273      mdir(1)=rhor0(ipt,2)/m0_norm
3274      mdir(2)=rhor0(ipt,3)/m0_norm
3275      mdir(3)=rhor0(ipt,4)/m0_norm
3276      f_dot_m=fdir(1)*mdir(1)+fdir(2)*mdir(2)+fdir(3)*mdir(3) ! projection of the field direction on m0
3278      bxc1=half*(half*(kxc0(ipt,1)+kxc0(ipt,3))-kxc0(ipt,2))  ! d/dm Bxc
3279      m1_norm=(-half/bxc1)*f_dot_m                            ! get an estimate of the norm of m1
3281      bxc0=-sqrt((half*(vxc0(ipt,1)-vxc0(ipt,2)))**2+vxc0(ipt,3)**2+vxc0(ipt,4)**2)
3282      if(cplex==1) then
3283        rhor1(ipt,1)=zero       ! rho_up+rho_dwn    => charge density
3284        rhor1(ipt,2)=m1_norm*mdir(1)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(1)-f_dot_m*mdir(1))   ! m1x
3285        rhor1(ipt,3)=m1_norm*mdir(2)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(2)-f_dot_m*mdir(2))   ! m1y
3286        rhor1(ipt,4)=m1_norm*mdir(3)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(3)-f_dot_m*mdir(3))   ! m1z
3287        rhor1(ipt,:)=zero
3288      else
3289        rhor1(2*ipt-1,1)=zero       ! Re rho_up+rho_dwn
3290        rhor1(2*ipt-1,2)=m1_norm*mdir(1)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(1)-f_dot_m*mdir(1))   ! m1x
3291        rhor1(2*ipt-1,3)=m1_norm*mdir(2)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(2)-f_dot_m*mdir(2))   ! m1x
3292        rhor1(2*ipt-1,4)=m1_norm*mdir(3)-half*m0_norm/bxc0*(fdir(3)-f_dot_m*mdir(3))   ! m1x
3293        rhor1(2*ipt  ,1)=zero       ! Im rho_up+rho_dwn
3294        rhor1(2*ipt  ,2)=zero
3295        rhor1(2*ipt  ,3)=zero
3296        rhor1(2*ipt  ,4)=zero
3298        rhor1(2*ipt-1,1)=zero; rhor1(2*ipt,1)=zero
3299        rhor1(2*ipt-1,2)=zero; rhor1(2*ipt,2)=zero
3300        rhor1(2*ipt-1,3)=zero; rhor1(2*ipt,3)=zero
3301        rhor1(2*ipt-1,4)=zero; rhor1(2*ipt,4)=zero
3303      end if
3304    end do
3305  end if
3307 end subroutine dfpt_init_mag1

ABINIT/dfpt_looppert [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Loop over perturbations


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  codvsn=code version
  cpus=cpu time limit in seconds
  dim_eigbrd=1 if eigbrd is to be computed
  dim_eig2nkq=1 if eig2nkq is to be computed
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt the energy
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)=Ewald part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrlo(3,3,natom)=frozen wavefunctions local part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,natom,1+(natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)=frozen wavefunctions non-local part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrx1(2,3,natom,3,natom)=frozen wf nonlin. xc core corr.(2) part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfrx2(3,3,natom)=frozen wf nonlin. xc core corr.(2) part of the dynamical matrix
  dyvdw(2,3,natom,3,natom*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the dynamical matrix
  dyfr_cplex=1 if dyfrnl is real, 2 if it is complex
  dyfr_nondiag=1 if dyfrnl is non diagonal with respect to atoms; 0 otherwise
  eigbrd(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eigbrd)=broadening factors for the electronic eigenvalues
  eig2nkq(2,mband*nsppol,nkpt,3,natom,3,natom*dim_eig2nkq)=second derivatives of the electronic eigenvalues
  eltcore(6,6)=core contribution to the elastic tensor
  elteew(6+3*natom,6)=Ewald contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrhar(6,6)=Hartree contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrkin(6,6)=kinetic contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrloc(6+3*natom,6)=local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrnl(6+3*natom,6)=non-local psp contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltfrxc(6+3*natom,6)=exchange-correlation contribution to the elastic tensor
  eltvdw(6+3*natom,6*usevdw)=vdw DFT-D part of the elastic tensor
  fermie=fermi energy (Hartree)
  iexit=index of "exit" on first line of file (0 if not found)
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array for atom labels
  kxc(nfftf,nkxc)=exchange and correlation kernel (see rhotoxc.f)
  mkmem =Number of k points treated by this node (GS data)
  mkqmem=Number of k+q points treated by this node (GS data)
  mk1mem=Number of k points treated by this node (RF data)
  mpert=maximum number of ipert
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)= # atoms of each type.
  nfftf=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this proc) for the "fine" grid (see NOTES in respfn.F90)
  nkpt=number of k points
  nkxc=second dimension of the kxc array
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in space group
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occup number for each band (often 2) at each k point
  paw_an(my_natom) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh for the GS
  paw_ij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels for the GS
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid for the GS
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data for the GS
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  pertsy(3,mpert)=set of perturbations that form a basis for all other perturbations
  prtbbb=if 1, bbb decomposition, also dimension d2bbb
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rfpert(mpert)=array defining the type of perturbations that have to be computed
                1   ->   element has to be computed explicitely
               -1   ->   use symmetry operations to obtain the corresponding element
  rhog(2,nfftf)=array for Fourier transform of GS electron density
  rhor(nfftf,nspden)=array for GS electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  symq(4,2,nsym)=1 if symmetry preserves present qpoint. From littlegroup_q
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=3x3 matrices of the group symmetries (reciprocal space)
  timrev=1 if time-reversal preserves the q wavevector; 0 otherwise.
  usecprj= 1 if cprj, cprjq, cprj1 arrays are stored in memory
  usevdw= flag set to 1 if vdw DFT-D semi-empirical potential is in use
  vtrial(nfftf,nspden)=GS potential (Hartree)
  vxc(nfftf,nspden)=Exchange-Correlation GS potential (Hartree)
  vxcavg=average of vxc potential
  vxctau(nfftf,nspden,4*usekden)=derivative of e_xc with respect to kinetic energy density, for mGGA  
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)=flags for each element of the 2DTE (=1 if computed)
  ddkfil(3)=unit numbers for the three possible ddk files
  d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,mband,mband*prtbbb)=band by band decomposition of some second order derivatives
  d2lo(2,mpert,3,mpert)=local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2nl(2,mpert,3,mpert)=non-local contributions to the 2DTEs
  d2ovl(2,mpert,3,mpert*usepaw)=1st-order change of WF overlap contributions to the 2DTEs
  etotal=total energy (sum of 8 contributions) (hartree)


 194 subroutine dfpt_looppert(atindx,blkflg,codvsn,cpus,dim_eigbrd,dim_eig2nkq,doccde,&
 195 &  ddkfil,dtfil,dtset,dyew,dyfrlo,dyfrnl,dyfrx1,dyfrx2,dyvdw,&
 196 &  dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,efmasdeg,efmasval,eigbrd,eig2nkq,&
 197 &  eltcore,elteew,eltfrhar,eltfrkin,eltfrloc,eltfrnl,eltfrxc,eltvdw,&
 198 &  etotal,fermie,iexit,indsym,kxc,&
 199 &  mkmem,mkqmem,mk1mem,mpert,mpi_enreg,my_natom,nattyp,&
 200 &  nfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkxc,nspden,nsym,occ,&
 201 &  paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,&
 202 &  pertsy,prtbbb,psps,rfpert,rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl,rhog,rhor,symq,symrec,timrev,&
 203 &  usecprj,usevdw,vtrial,vxc,vxcavg,vxctau,xred,clflg,occ_rbz_pert,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
 204 &  eigen1_pert,nkpt_rbz,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
 206 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 207  integer, intent(in) :: dim_eigbrd,dim_eig2nkq,dyfr_cplex,dyfr_nondiag,mk1mem,mkmem,mkqmem,mpert
 208  integer, intent(in) :: nfftf,nkpt,nkxc,nspden,nsym,prtbbb,timrev,usecprj,usevdw
 209  integer, intent(out) :: iexit
 210  integer, intent(inout) :: my_natom
 211  real(dp), intent(in) :: cpus,vxcavg
 212  real(dp), intent(inout) :: fermie
 213  real(dp), intent(inout) :: etotal
 214  character(len=8), intent(in) :: codvsn
 215  type(MPI_type), intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 216  type(datafiles_type), intent(in) :: dtfil
 217  type(dataset_type), intent(in), target :: dtset
 218  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 219  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
 220  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
 221  integer, intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),indsym(4,nsym,dtset%natom)
 222  integer, intent(in) :: nattyp(dtset%ntypat),pertsy(3,dtset%natom+6)
 223  integer, intent(in) :: rfpert(mpert),rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,3),symq(4,2,nsym),symrec(3,3,nsym)
 224  integer, intent(out) :: ddkfil(3)
 225  integer, intent(inout) :: blkflg(3,mpert,3,mpert)
 226  integer, intent(out) :: clflg(3,mpert)
 227  real(dp), intent(in) :: doccde(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 228  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyew(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom)
 229  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrlo(3,3,dtset%natom)
 230  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrnl(dyfr_cplex,3,3,dtset%natom,1+(dtset%natom-1)*dyfr_nondiag)
 231  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrx1(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom)
 232  real(dp), intent(in) :: dyfrx2(3,3,dtset%natom),dyvdw(2,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*usevdw)
 233  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltcore(6,6),elteew(6+3*dtset%natom,6),eltfrhar(6,6)
 234  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrkin(6,6),eltfrloc(6+3*dtset%natom,6)
 235  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrnl(6+3*dtset%natom,6)
 236  real(dp), intent(in) :: eltfrxc(6+3*dtset%natom,6),eltvdw(6+3*dtset%natom,6*usevdw)
 237  real(dp), intent(in) :: kxc(nfftf,nkxc),nhat(nfftf,nspden)
 238  real(dp), intent(in) :: occ(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 239  real(dp), intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfftf),rhor(nfftf,nspden),vxc(nfftf,nspden)
 240  real(dp), intent(in) :: vtrial(nfftf,nspden)
 241  real(dp), intent(inout) :: vxctau(nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden)
 242  real(dp), intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
 243  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2bbb(2,3,3,mpert,dtset%mband,dtset%mband*prtbbb)!vz_i
 244  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2lo(2,3,mpert,3,mpert),d2nl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert) !vz_i
 245  real(dp), intent(inout) :: d2ovl(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*psps%usepaw) !vz_i
 246  real(dp), intent(out) :: eigbrd(2,dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,nkpt,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*dim_eigbrd)
 247  real(dp), intent(out) :: eig2nkq(2,dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,nkpt,3,dtset%natom,3,dtset%natom*dim_eig2nkq)
 248  type(efmasdeg_type),allocatable,intent(inout) :: efmasdeg(:)
 249  type(efmasval_type),allocatable,intent(inout) :: efmasval(:,:)
 250  type(paw_an_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: paw_an(:)
 251  type(paw_ij_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: paw_ij(:)
 252  type(pawfgrtab_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(:)
 253  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 254  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable,target,intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(:)
 255  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 256  real(dp),pointer :: eigen1_pert(:,:,:)
 257  real(dp),intent(out) :: occ_rbz_pert(:),eigen0_pert(:),eigenq_pert(:)
 258  real(dp),pointer :: eigenq_fine(:,:,:)
 259  integer, intent(out) :: nkpt_rbz
 260  type(hdr_type),intent(out) :: hdr0,hdr_fine
 262 !Local variables-------------------------------
 263 !scalars
 264  integer,parameter :: level=11,response=1,formeig1=1,master=0,fake_unit=-666
 265  integer :: ask_accurate,band_index,bantot,bantot_rbz,bdeigrf,bdtot1_index,nsppol,nspinor,band2tot_index
 266  integer :: bdtot_index,choice,cplex,cplex_rhoij,dim_eig2rf,formeig
 267  integer :: gscase,g0term,iband,iblok,icase,icase_eq,idir,idir0,idir1,idir2,idir_eq,idir_dkdk,ierr
 268  integer :: ii,ikpt,ikpt1,jband,initialized,iorder_cprj,ipert,ipert_cnt,ipert_eq,ipert_me,ireadwf0
 269  integer :: iscf_mod,iscf_mod_save,isppol,istr,isym,mcg,mcgq,mcg1,mcprj,mcprjq,mband
 270  integer :: mband_mem_rbz, mpert_
 271  integer :: mcgmq,mcg1mq,mpw1_mq !+/-q duplicates
 272  integer :: maxidir,me,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mpw,mpw1,my_nkpt_rbz
 273  integer :: n3xccc,nband_k,ncpgr,ndir,nkpt_eff,nkpt_max,nline_save,nmatel,npert_io,npert_me,nspden_rhoij
 274  integer :: nstep_save,nsym1,ntypat,nwffile,nylmgr,nylmgr1,old_comm_atom,openexit,option,optorth,optthm,pertcase
 275  integer :: qphase_rhoij,rdwr,rdwrpaw,spaceComm,smdelta,timrev_pert,timrev_kpt,to_compute_this_pert
 276  integer :: useylmgr,useylmgr1,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,optn2
 277 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 278  integer :: ncerr,ncid
 279 #endif
 280  real(dp) :: boxcut,dosdeltae,eberry,ecore,ecut_eff,ecutf,edocc,eei,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc
 281  real(dp) :: efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,ehart,ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek,ek0,ek1,ek2,eloc0
 282  real(dp) :: elpsp1,enl,enl0,enl1,end0,end1,entropy,enxc,eovl1,epaw1,evxctau0,evxctau1,evdw,exc1
 283  real(dp) :: fsum,gsqcut,maxocc,nelectkq
 284  real(dp) :: residm,tolwfr,tolwfr_save,toldfe_save,toldff_save,tolrff_save,tolvrs_save
 285  real(dp) :: ucvol, eig1_r, eig1_i
 286  real(dp) :: residm_mq !+/-q duplicates
 287  logical,parameter :: paral_pert_inplace=.true.,remove_inv=.false.
 288  logical :: first_entry,found_eq_gkk,has_nd,has_vxctau,t_exist,paral_atom,write_1wfk,init_rhor1
 289  logical :: kramers_deg
 290  character(len=fnlen) :: dscrpt,fiden1i,fiwf1i,fiwf1o,fiwfddk,fnamewff(4),gkkfilnam,fname,filnam
 291  character(len=500) :: msg
 292  type(crystal_t) :: crystal,ddb_crystal
 293  type(dataset_type), pointer :: dtset_tmp
 294  type(ebands_t) :: ebands_k,ebands_kq,gkk_ebands
 295  type(ebands_t) :: ebands_kmq !+/-q duplicates
 296  type(gkk_t)     :: gkk2d
 297  type(hdr_type) :: hdr,hdr_den,hdr_tmp
 298  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: ddb_hdr, tmp_ddb_hdr
 299  type(pawang_type) :: pawang1
 300  type(wfk_t) :: ddk_f(4)
 301  type(wvl_data) :: wvl
 302 !arrays
 303  integer :: eq_symop(3,3),ngfftf(18),file_index(4),rfdir(9),rf2dir(9),rf2_dir1(3),rf2_dir2(3)
 304  integer,allocatable :: blkflg_save(:,:,:,:),dimcprj_srt(:),dyn(:),indkpt1(:),indkpt1_tmp(:)
 305  integer,allocatable :: indsy1(:,:,:),irrzon1(:,:,:),istwfk_rbz(:),istwfk_pert(:,:,:)
 306  integer,allocatable :: kg(:,:),kg1(:,:),nband_rbz(:),npwar1(:),npwarr(:),npwtot(:)
 307  integer,allocatable :: kg1_mq(:,:),npwar1_mq(:),npwtot1_mq(:) !+q/-q duplicates
 308  integer,allocatable :: npwtot1(:),npwar1_pert(:,:),npwarr_pert(:,:),npwtot_pert(:,:)
 309  integer,allocatable :: pert_calc(:,:),pert_tmp(:,:),bz2ibz_smap(:,:)
 310  integer,allocatable :: symaf1(:),symaf1_tmp(:),symrc1(:,:,:),symrl1(:,:,:),symrl1_tmp(:,:,:)
 311  integer, pointer :: old_atmtab(:)
 312  logical, allocatable :: distrb_flags(:,:,:)
 313  real(dp) :: dielt(3,3),gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),tsec(2)
 314  real(dp),allocatable :: buffer1(:,:,:,:,:),cg(:,:),cg1(:,:),cg1_active(:,:),cg1_3(:,:,:),cg0_pert(:,:)
 315  real(dp),allocatable :: cg1_pert(:,:,:,:),cgq(:,:),gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:)
 316  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde_rbz(:),docckqde(:)
 317  real(dp),allocatable :: gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:),eigen0(:),eigen0_copy(:),eigen1(:),eigen1_mean(:)
 318  real(dp),allocatable :: eigenq(:),gh1c_set(:,:),gh0c1_set(:,:),kpq(:,:)
 319  real(dp),allocatable :: kpq_rbz(:,:),kpt_rbz(:,:),occ_pert(:),occ_rbz(:),occkq(:),kpt_rbz_pert(:,:)
 320  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_disk(:)
 321  real(dp),allocatable :: vtrial_local(:,:)
 322  real(dp),allocatable :: ph1d(:,:),ph1df(:,:),phnons1(:,:,:),resid(:),rhog1(:,:)
 323  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1_save(:,:,:)
 324  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1(:,:),rho1wfg(:,:),rho1wfr(:,:),tnons1(:,:),tnons1_tmp(:,:)
 325  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor1_pq(:,:),rhor1_mq(:,:),rhog1_pq(:,:),rhog1_mq(:,:)          !+q/-q duplicates
 326  real(dp),allocatable :: cg_mq(:,:),cg1_mq(:,:),resid_mq(:)                   !
 327  real(dp),allocatable :: cg1_active_mq(:,:),occk_mq(:)                 !
 328  real(dp),allocatable :: kmq(:,:),kmq_rbz(:,:),gh0c1_set_mq(:,:)        !
 329  real(dp),allocatable :: eigen_mq(:),gh1c_set_mq(:,:),docckde_mq(:),eigen1_mq(:)          !
 330  real(dp),allocatable :: vpsp1(:),work(:),wtk_folded(:),wtk_rbz(:),xccc3d1(:)
 331  real(dp),allocatable :: ylm(:,:),ylm1(:,:),ylmgr(:,:,:),ylmgr1(:,:,:),zeff(:,:,:)
 332  real(dp),allocatable :: phasecg(:,:),gauss(:,:)
 333  real(dp),allocatable :: gkk(:,:,:,:,:)
 334  logical :: has_cg1_3(3)
 335  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj(:,:),cprjq(:,:)
 336  type(paw_ij_type),pointer :: paw_ij_pert(:)
 337  type(paw_an_type),pointer :: paw_an_pert(:)
 338  type(pawfgrtab_type),pointer :: pawfgrtab_pert(:)
 339  type(pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: pawrhoij1(:)
 340  type(pawrhoij_type),pointer :: pawrhoij_pert(:)
 341  type(ddb_type) :: ddb
 343  real(dp),allocatable :: doccde_tmp(:)
 345 ! ***********************************************************************
 349  call timab(141,1,tsec)
 351 !Structured debugging if prtvol==-level
 352  if(dtset%prtvol==-level)then
 353    write(msg,'(80a,a,a)')  ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,' dfpt_looppert : enter , debug mode '
 354    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
 355  end if
 357  dfpt_scfcv_retcode = -1
 358  nsppol = dtset%nsppol; nspinor = dtset%nspinor
 360  kramers_deg=.true.
 361  if (dtset%tim1rev==0) then
 362    kramers_deg=.false.
 363  end if
 365  has_vxctau = (size(vxctau) > 0)
 366  evxctau0=zero; evxctau1=0
 367  has_nd = ANY(ABS(dtset%nucdipmom(:,:))>tol8)
 368  end0=zero; end1=zero
 370 !Obtain dimensional translations in reciprocal space gprimd,
 371 !metrics and unit cell volume, from rprimd. Also output rprimd, gprimd and ucvol
 372  call mkrdim(dtset%acell_orig(1:3,1),dtset%rprim_orig(1:3,1:3,1),rprimd)
 373  call metric(gmet,gprimd,std_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 375  call crystal_init(dtset%amu_orig(:,1),crystal,dtset%spgroup,dtset%natom,dtset%npsp,&
 376 & psps%ntypat,dtset%nsym,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred,dtset%ziontypat,dtset%znucl,1,&
 377 & dtset%nspden==2.and.dtset%nsppol==1,remove_inv,psps%title,&
 378 & symrel=dtset%symrel,tnons=dtset%tnons,symafm=dtset%symafm)
 380 !Get FFT grid(s) sizes (be careful !) See NOTES in the comments at the beginning of respfn.F90
 381  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 382    mgfftf=pawfgr%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=pawfgr%ngfft(:)
 383    ecutf=dtset%pawecutdg
 384  else
 385    mgfftf=dtset%mgfft;ngfftf(:)=dtset%ngfft(:)
 386    ecutf=dtset%ecut
 387  end if
 388  ecut_eff=dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2
 390 !Compute large sphere cut-off gsqcut
 391  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 392    call wrtout(std_out,ch10//' FFT (fine) grid used for densities/potentials:')
 393  end if
 394  call getcut(boxcut,ecutf,gmet,gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut,std_out,dtset%qptn,ngfftf)
 396 !Various initializations/allocations
 397  iscf_mod=dtset%iscf
 398  ntypat=psps%ntypat
 399  nkpt_max=50;if (xmpi_paral==1) nkpt_max=-1
 400 !TODO: this flag for paral_atom is ignored below
 401  paral_atom=(dtset%natom/=my_natom)
 402  cplex=2-timrev !cplex=2 ! DEBUG: impose cplex=2
 403  first_entry=.true.
 404  initialized=0
 405  ecore=zero ; ek=zero ; ehart=zero ; enxc=zero ; eei=zero ; enl=zero ; eii=zero
 406  d2bbb = zero
 407  d2nl = zero
 408  d2lo = zero
 409  d2ovl = zero
 410  clflg(:,:)=0 ! Array on calculated perturbations for eig2rf
 411  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 412    ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
 413    call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
 414  end if
 415  mband_mem_rbz = dtset%mband_mem
 417 !Save values of SCF cycle parameters
 418  iscf_mod_save = iscf_mod
 419  nstep_save = dtset%nstep
 420  nline_save = dtset%nline
 421  tolwfr_save = dtset%tolwfr
 422  toldfe_save = dtset%toldfe
 423  toldff_save = dtset%toldff
 424  tolrff_save = dtset%tolrff
 425  tolvrs_save = dtset%tolvrs
 427 !This dtset will be used in dfpt_scfcv to force non scf calculations for equivalent perturbations
 428  nullify(dtset_tmp)
 429  if (dtset%prepgkk/=0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk==1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
 430    ABI_MALLOC(dtset_tmp,)
 431    dtset_tmp = dtset%copy()
 432  else
 433    dtset_tmp => dtset
 434  end if
 436 !Generate the 1-dimensional phases
 437  ABI_MALLOC(ph1d,(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom))
 438  ABI_MALLOC(ph1df,(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom))
 439  call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft(1),dtset%ngfft(2),dtset%ngfft(3),ph1d,xred)
 440  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 441    call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,xred)
 442  else
 443    ph1df(:,:)=ph1d(:,:)
 444  end if
 446 !!Determine existence of pertubations and of pertubation symmetries
 447 !!Create array with pertubations which have to be calculated
 448 ! ABI_MALLOC(pert_tmp,(3*mpert))
 449 ! ipert_cnt=0
 450 ! do ipert=1,mpert
 451 !   do idir=1,3
 452 !     if( rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. dtset%rfdir(idir) == 1 )then
 453 !       if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 454 !&       ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 455 !&       ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 456 !         ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 457 !         pert_tmp(ipert_cnt) = idir+(ipert-1)*3
 458 !       else
 459 !         write(msg, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 460 !&         ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 461 !&         ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 462 !&         ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 463 !         call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 464 !         call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 465 !       end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 466 !     end if ! Test of existence of perturbation
 467 !   end do
 468 ! end do
 469 ! ABI_MALLOC(pert_calc,(ipert_cnt))
 470 ! do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 471 !   pert_calc(icase)=pert_tmp(icase)
 472 ! end do
 473 ! ABI_FREE(pert_tmp)
 475 !Initialize rf2dir :
 476  rf2_dir1(1:3)=dtset%rf2_pert1_dir(1:3)
 477  rf2_dir2(1:3)=dtset%rf2_pert2_dir(1:3)
 478  if (sum(rf2_dir1)==3.and.sum(rf2_dir2)==3.and.dtset%prepanl==1) then
 479 !  Diagonal terms :
 480    rf2dir(1) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,1)
 481    rf2dir(2) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,2)
 482    rf2dir(3) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,3)
 483 !  Upper triangular terms :
 484    rf2dir(4) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,3)
 485    rf2dir(5) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,3)
 486    rf2dir(6) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(1,2)
 487 !  Lower triangular terms :
 488    rf2dir(7) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,2)
 489    rf2dir(8) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(3,1)
 490    rf2dir(9) = rf2_dirs_from_rfpert_nl(2,1)
 491  else
 492 !  Diagonal terms :
 493    rf2dir(1) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(1)
 494    rf2dir(2) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(2)
 495    rf2dir(3) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(3)
 496 !  Upper triangular terms :
 497    rf2dir(4) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(3)
 498    rf2dir(5) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(3)
 499    rf2dir(6) = rf2_dir1(1)*rf2_dir2(2)
 500 !  Lower triangular terms :
 501    rf2dir(7) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(2)
 502    rf2dir(8) = rf2_dir1(3)*rf2_dir2(1)
 503    rf2dir(9) = rf2_dir1(2)*rf2_dir2(1)
 504  end if
 506 !Determine existence of pertubations and of pertubation symmetries
 507 !Create array with pertubations which have to be calculated
 508  ABI_MALLOC(pert_tmp,(3,3*(dtset%natom+6)+18))
 509  ipert_cnt=0
 510  do ipert=1,mpert
 511    if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 512      maxidir = 3
 513      rfdir(1:3) = dtset%rfdir(:)
 514      rfdir(4:9) = 0
 515    else
 516      maxidir = 9
 517      rfdir(1:9) = rf2dir(:)
 518    end if
 519    do idir=1,maxidir
 520      to_compute_this_pert = 0
 521      if(ipert<dtset%natom+10 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 ) then
 522        if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 523 &       ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 524 &       ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 525          to_compute_this_pert = 1
 526        else
 527          write(msg, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 528          ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 529          ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 530          ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 531          call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 532        end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 533      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+11 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 ) then
 534        to_compute_this_pert = 1
 535      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1) then
 536        if (dtset%rf2_dkdk==2 .or. dtset%rf2_dkdk==3) then
 537          if (idir <= 3 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1) then
 538            to_compute_this_pert = 1
 539          else if (idir>=4.and.idir<=6) then
 540            if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir+3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 541          else if (idir>=7.and.idir<=9) then
 542            if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir-3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 543          end if
 544        else
 545          if (idir<=6) then
 546            if (idir<=3) then
 547              if (rfdir(idir) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 548            else
 549              if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir+3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 550            end if
 551          end if
 552        end if
 553      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+11 .and. rfpert(ipert)==1) then
 554        if (idir <= 3 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1) then
 555          to_compute_this_pert = 1
 556        else if (idir>=4.and.idir<=6) then
 557          if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir+3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 558        else if (idir>=7.and.idir<=9) then
 559          if (rfdir(idir) == 1 .or. rfdir(idir-3) == 1) to_compute_this_pert = 1
 560        end if
 561      end if
 562      if (to_compute_this_pert /= 0) then
 563        ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 564        pert_tmp(1,ipert_cnt) = ipert
 565        pert_tmp(2,ipert_cnt) = idir
 566 !      Store "pertcase" in pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt)
 567        if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 568          pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-1)*3
 569        else
 570          pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-dtset%natom-10)*9 + (dtset%natom+6)*3
 571        end if
 572      end if
 573    end do ! idir
 574  end do !ipert
 575 ! do ipert=1,mpert
 576 !   if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 577 !     maxidir = 3
 578 !     rfdir(1:3) = dtset%rfdir(:)
 579 !     rfdir(4:9) = 0
 580 !   else
 581 !     maxidir = 9
 582 !     rfdir(1:9) = rf2dir(:)
 583 !   end if
 584 !   do idir=1,maxidir
 585 !     if( rfpert(ipert)==1 .and. rfdir(idir) == 1 )then
 586 !       to_compute_this_pert = 0
 587 !       if (ipert>=dtset%natom+10) then
 588 !         to_compute_this_pert = 1
 589 !       else if ((pertsy(idir,ipert)==1).or.&
 590 !&         ((dtset%prepanl == 1).and.(ipert == dtset%natom+2)).or.&
 591 !&         ((dtset%prepgkk == 1).and.(ipert <= dtset%natom))  ) then
 592 !         to_compute_this_pert = 1
 593 !       end if
 594 !       if (to_compute_this_pert /= 0) then
 595 !         ipert_cnt = ipert_cnt+1;
 596 !         pert_tmp(1,ipert_cnt) = ipert
 597 !         pert_tmp(2,ipert_cnt) = idir
 598 !!        Store "pertcase" in pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt)
 599 !         if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
 600 !           pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-1)*3
 601 !         else
 602 !           pert_tmp(3,ipert_cnt) = idir + (ipert-dtset%natom-10)*9 + (dtset%natom+6)*3
 603 !         end if
 604 !       else
 605 !         write(msg, '(a,a,i4,a,i4,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 606 !&         ' The perturbation idir=',idir,'  ipert=',ipert,' is',ch10,&
 607 !&         ' symmetric of a previously calculated perturbation.',ch10,&
 608 !&         ' So, its SCF calculation is not needed.',ch10
 609 !         call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 610 !         call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL')
 611 !       end if ! Test of existence of symmetry of perturbation
 612 !     end if ! Test of existence of perturbation
 613 !   end do
 614 ! end do
 615  ABI_MALLOC(pert_calc,(3,ipert_cnt))
 616  do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 617    pert_calc(:,icase)=pert_tmp(:,icase)
 618  end do
 619  ABI_FREE(pert_tmp)
 621  if (dtset%prepgkk/=0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk==1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
 622    ABI_MALLOC(rhor1_save,(cplex*nfftf,nspden,ipert_cnt))
 623    rhor1_save=zero
 624    ABI_MALLOC(blkflg_save,(3,mpert,3,mpert))
 625  end if
 627 ! Initialize quantities for netcdf print
 628  ABI_MALLOC(eigen0_copy,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 629  eigen0_copy(:)=zero
 631  ! SP : Retreval of the DDB information and computing of effective charge and
 632  ! dielectric tensor
 633  ABI_MALLOC(zeff,(3,3,dtset%natom))
 634  if (dtset%getddb .ne. 0 .or. dtset%irdddb .ne. 0 ) then
 635    filnam = dtfil%filddbsin
 636    call ddb%from_file(filnam, tmp_ddb_hdr, ddb_crystal, mpi_enreg%comm_world)
 637    call tmp_ddb_hdr%free()
 638    ! Get Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charges
 639    ! (initialized to one_3D and zero if the derivatives are not available in the DDB file)
 640    iblok = ddb%get_dielt_zeff(ddb_crystal,1,0,0,dielt,zeff)
 641    call ddb_crystal%free()
 642    call ddb%free()
 643  end if
 645 !%%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
 646 !*Define file output/log file names
 647  npert_io=ipert_cnt;if (dtset%nppert<=1) npert_io=0
 648  call localfilnam(mpi_enreg%comm_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_cell_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_world,dtfil%filnam_ds,'_PRT',npert_io)
 649 !Compute the number of perturbation done by the current cpu
 650  if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
 651    npert_me = 0 ; ipert_me = 0
 652    do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 653      if (mpi_enreg%distrb_pert(icase)==mpi_enreg%me_pert) npert_me=npert_me +1
 654    end do
 655  end if
 657 !*Redefine communicators
 658  call set_pert_comm(mpi_enreg,dtset%nppert)
 660 !*Redistribute PAW on-site data
 661  nullify(old_atmtab,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_pert,paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert)
 662  if (paral_pert_inplace) then
 663    call set_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
 664 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij)
 665    pawfgrtab_pert=>pawfgrtab ; pawrhoij_pert=>pawrhoij
 666    paw_an_pert   =>paw_an    ; paw_ij_pert  =>paw_ij
 668  else
 669    call set_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
 670 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,&
 671 &   paw_an_out=paw_an_pert,paw_ij_out=paw_ij_pert,&
 672 &   pawfgrtab_out=pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_out=pawrhoij_pert)
 674  end if
 676  ! We can handle the time limit in dfpt_scfcv in a robust manner only if we have one perturbation.
 677  if (ipert_cnt > 1 .or. mpi_enreg%paral_pert == 1) call disable_timelimit()
 679 !Loop on perturbations
 680 !==========================================================================
 681  do icase=1,ipert_cnt
 683 !  %%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
 684 !  Select the perturbations treated by curent processor
 685    if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
 686      if (mpi_enreg%distrb_pert(icase)/=mpi_enreg%me_pert) cycle
 687    end if
 689    ! Redefine output/log files
 690    call localwrfile(mpi_enreg%comm_cell,icase,npert_io,mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0)
 692    ! Set precision for FFT libs.
 693    ii = fftcore_set_mixprec(dtset%mixprec)
 695 !!  Retrieve type and direction of the perturbation
 696 !   if (pert_calc(icase) <= dtset%natom*3) then
 697 !     idir = mod(pert_calc(icase),3)
 698 !     if (idir==0) idir=3
 699 !     ipert=( (pert_calc(icase)-idir) / 3 + 1)
 700 !   else if (pert_calc(icase) <= dtset%natom*3+4) then
 701 !     ipert = dtset%natom + ((pert_calc(icase) - 3*dtset%natom - 1) / 3) + 1
 702 !     idir = mod(pert_calc(icase),3)
 703 !     if (idir==0) idir=3
 704 !   else
 705 !     ipert = dtset%natom + ((pert_calc(icase) - 3*(dtset%natom+4) - 1) / 9) + 1
 706 !   end if
 707 !   pertcase=idir+(ipert-1)*3
 709 !  Retrieve type and direction of the perturbation
 710    ipert = pert_calc(1,icase)
 711    idir = pert_calc(2,icase)
 712    istr=idir
 713    pertcase = pert_calc(3,icase)
 715 !  Init MPI communicator
 716    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
 717    me=mpi_enreg%me_cell
 719 !  ===== Describe the perturbation in output/log file
 721    write(msg, '(a,80a,a,a,3f10.6)' ) ch10,('-',ii=1,80),ch10,&
 722     ' Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) ',dtset%qptn(:)
 723    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out],msg)
 724    if(ipert>=1 .and. ipert<=dtset%natom)then
 725      write(msg, '(a,i4,a,i4)' )' Perturbation : displacement of atom',ipert,'   along direction',idir
 726      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 727      if(iscf_mod == -3)then
 728        write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 729        ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 730        '  The first-order density is imposed to be zero (iscf=-3).',ch10,&
 731        '  Although this is strange in the case of phonons,',ch10,&
 732        '  you are allowed to do so.'
 733        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 734      end if
 735    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+1)then
 736      write(msg,'(a,i4)')' Perturbation : derivative vs k along direction',idir
 737      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 738      if( iscf_mod /= -3 )then
 739        write(msg, '(4a)' )ch10,&
 740        ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 741        '  In a d/dk calculation, iscf is set to -3 automatically.'
 742        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 743        iscf_mod=-3
 744      end if
 745      if( abs(dtset%dfpt_sciss) > 1.0d-8 )then
 746        write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,f14.8,a,a)' )ch10,&
 747         ' dfpt_looppert : WARNING -',ch10,&
 748         '  Value of dfpt_sciss=',dtset%dfpt_sciss,ch10,&
 749         '  Scissor with d/dk calculation : you are using a "naive" approach !'
 750        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 751      end if
 752    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+2)then
 753      write(msg, '(a,i4)' )' Perturbation : homogeneous electric field along direction',idir
 754      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 755      if( iscf_mod == -3 )then
 756        write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a)' )ch10,&
 757         ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 758         '  The first-order density is imposed to be zero (iscf=-3).',ch10,&
 759         '  This corresponds to a calculation without local fields.'
 760        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 761      end if
 762    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)then
 763      call rf2_getidirs(idir,idir1,idir2)
 764      if(ipert==dtset%natom+10)then
 765        write(msg,'(2(a,i1))') ' Perturbation : 2nd derivative wrt k, idir1 = ',idir1,&
 766         ' idir2 = ',idir2
 767      else
 768        write(msg,'(2(a,i1),a)') ' Perturbation : 2nd derivative wrt k (idir1 =',idir1,&
 769         ') and Efield (idir2 =',idir2,')'
 770      end if
 771      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 772      if( iscf_mod /= -3 )then
 773        write(msg, '(4a)' )ch10,&
 774         ' dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -',ch10,&
 775         '  In this case, iscf is set to -3 automatically.'
 776        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 777        iscf_mod=-3
 778      end if
 779      if( abs(dtset%dfpt_sciss) > 1.0d-8 )then
 780        write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,f14.8,a,a)' )ch10,&
 781         ' dfpt_looppert : WARNING -',ch10,&
 782         '  Value of dfpt_sciss=',dtset%dfpt_sciss,ch10,&
 783         '  Scissor with d/dk calculation : you are using a "naive" approach !'
 784        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
 785      end if
 786      ABI_MALLOC(occ_pert,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
 787      occ_pert(:) = occ(:) - occ(1)
 788      maxocc = maxval(abs(occ_pert))
 789      if (maxocc>1.0d-6.and.abs(maxocc-occ(1))>1.0d-6) then ! True if non-zero occupation numbers are not equal
 790        write(msg, '(3a)' ) ' ipert=natom+10 or 11 does not work for a metallic system.',ch10,&
 791        ' This perturbation will not be computed.'
 792        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 793        ABI_FREE(occ_pert)
 794        cycle
 795      end if
 796      ABI_FREE(occ_pert)
 797    else if(ipert>dtset%natom+11 .or. ipert<=0 )then
 798      write(msg, '(a,i0,3a)' ) &
 799       'ipert= ',ipert,' is outside the [1,dtset%natom+11] interval.',ch10,&
 800       'This perturbation is not (yet) allowed.'
 801      ABI_BUG(msg)
 802    end if
 803 !  Initialize the diverse parts of energy :
 804    eew=zero ; evdw=zero ; efrloc=zero ; efrnl=zero ; efrx1=zero ; efrx2=zero
 805    efrhar=zero ; efrkin=zero
 806    if(ipert<=dtset%natom)then
 807      eew=dyew(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 808      if (usevdw==1) evdw=dyvdw(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 809      efrloc=dyfrlo(idir,idir,ipert)
 810      if (dyfr_nondiag==0) efrnl=dyfrnl(1,idir,idir,ipert,1)
 811      if (dyfr_nondiag/=0) efrnl=dyfrnl(1,idir,idir,ipert,ipert)
 812      efrx1=dyfrx1(1,idir,ipert,idir,ipert)
 813      efrx2=dyfrx2(idir,idir,ipert)
 814    else if(ipert==dtset%natom+3 .or. ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 815 !    istr = 1,2,...,6 and indicates the cartesian strain component
 816      if(ipert==dtset%natom+4) istr=idir+3
 817      eii=eltcore(istr,istr)
 818      eew=elteew(istr,istr)
 819      if (usevdw==1) evdw=eltvdw(istr,istr)
 820      efrhar=eltfrhar(istr,istr)
 821      efrkin=eltfrkin(istr,istr)
 822      efrloc=eltfrloc(istr,istr)
 823      efrnl=eltfrnl(istr,istr)
 824      efrx1=eltfrxc(istr,istr)
 825    end if
 827 !  Determine the subset of symmetry operations (nsym1 operations)
 828 !  that leaves the perturbation invariant, and initialize corresponding arrays
 829 !  symaf1, symrl1, tnons1 (and pawang1%zarot, if PAW)..
 830    ABI_MALLOC(symaf1_tmp,(nsym))
 831    ABI_MALLOC(symrl1_tmp,(3,3,nsym))
 832    ABI_MALLOC(tnons1_tmp,(3,nsym))
 834    if (dtset%prepanl/=1.and.&
 835 &   dtset%berryopt/= 4.and.dtset%berryopt/= 6.and.dtset%berryopt/= 7.and.&
 836 &   dtset%berryopt/=14.and.dtset%berryopt/=16.and.dtset%berryopt/=17) then
 837      call littlegroup_pert(gprimd,idir,indsym,ab_out,ipert,dtset%natom,nsym,nsym1,2,&
 838 &     dtset%symafm,symaf1_tmp,symq,symrec,dtset%symrel,symrl1_tmp,0,dtset%tnons,tnons1_tmp)
 839    else
 840      nsym1 = 1
 841      symaf1_tmp(1) = 1
 842      symrl1_tmp(:,:,1) = dtset%symrel(:,:,1)
 843      tnons1_tmp(:,1) = 0_dp
 844    end if
 845    ABI_MALLOC(indsy1,(4,nsym1,dtset%natom))
 846    ABI_MALLOC(symrc1,(3,3,nsym1))
 847    ABI_MALLOC(symaf1,(nsym1))
 848    ABI_MALLOC(symrl1,(3,3,nsym1))
 849    ABI_MALLOC(tnons1,(3,nsym1))
 850    symaf1(1:nsym1)=symaf1_tmp(1:nsym1)
 851    symrl1(:,:,1:nsym1)=symrl1_tmp(:,:,1:nsym1)
 852    tnons1(:,1:nsym1)=tnons1_tmp(:,1:nsym1)
 853    ABI_FREE(symaf1_tmp)
 854    ABI_FREE(symrl1_tmp)
 855    ABI_FREE(tnons1_tmp)
 857 !  Set up corresponding symmetry data
 858    ABI_MALLOC(irrzon1,(dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),2,(nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)))
 859    ABI_MALLOC(phnons1,(2,dtset%nfft**(1-1/nsym1),(nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)))
 860    call setsym(indsy1,irrzon1,1,dtset%natom,dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nspden,dtset%nsppol,&
 861 &   nsym1,phnons1,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,tnons1,dtset%typat,xred)
 862    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 863 !    Allocate/initialize only zarot in pawang1 datastructure
 864      call pawang_init(pawang1,0,0,pawang%l_max-1,0,0,nsym1,0,0,0,0)
 865      call setsym_ylm(gprimd,pawang1%l_max-1,pawang1%nsym,0,rprimd,symrc1,pawang1%zarot)
 866    end if
 868 !  Initialize k+q array
 869    ABI_MALLOC(kpq,(3,nkpt))
 870    if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 871      kpq(:,1:nkpt)=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt) ! Do not modify, needed for gfortran
 872    else
 873      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 874        kpq(:,ikpt)=dtset%qptn(:)+dtset%kptns(:,ikpt)
 875      end do
 876    end if
 877 !  In case wf1 at +q and -q are not related by time inversion symmetry, compute k-q as well for initializations
 878    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 879      ABI_MALLOC(kmq,(3,nkpt))
 880      if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
 881        kmq(:,1:nkpt)=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt) ! Do not modify, needed for gfortran
 882      else
 883        do ikpt=1,nkpt
 884          kmq(:,ikpt)=-dtset%qptn(:)+dtset%kptns(:,ikpt) ! kmq <= k-q
 885        end do
 886      end if
 887    end if
 889 !  Determine the subset of k-points needed in the "reduced Brillouin zone" and initialize other quantities
 890    ABI_MALLOC(indkpt1_tmp,(nkpt))
 891    ABI_MALLOC(wtk_folded,(nkpt))
 892    ABI_MALLOC(bz2ibz_smap, (6, nkpt))
 893    indkpt1_tmp(:)=0 ; optthm=0
 894    timrev_pert=timrev
 895    if(dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
 896      timrev_pert=0
 897      call symkpt(0,gmet,indkpt1_tmp,ab_out,dtset%kptns,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,&
 898 &     1,symrc1,timrev_pert,dtset%wtk,wtk_folded, bz2ibz_smap, xmpi_comm_self)
 899    else
 900 !    For the time being, the time reversal symmetry is not used
 901 !    for ddk, elfd, mgfd perturbations.
 902      timrev_pert=timrev
 903      if(ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+2.or.&
 904 &      ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11.or. &
 905 &      dtset%berryopt== 4.or.dtset%berryopt== 6.or.dtset%berryopt== 7.or.  &
 906 &      dtset%berryopt==14.or.dtset%berryopt==16.or.dtset%berryopt==17.or.  &
 907 &      ipert==dtset%natom+5.or.dtset%prtfull1wf==1) timrev_pert=0
 908      timrev_kpt = timrev_pert
 910      !MR: Modified to agree with longwave driver
 911      if(dtset%prepalw/=0) then
 912        if (dtset%kptopt==2) timrev_pert=1
 913        if (dtset%kptopt==3) timrev_pert=0
 914        timrev_kpt = timrev_pert
 915        !MR tmp: this has to be removed if perturbation-dependent spatial symmetries are
 916        !implemented in the quadrupole and flexoelectrics routines
 917        nsym1=1
 919        if (dtset%rfstrs/=0.and.dtset%rfstrs_ref==0) then
 920          write(msg,'(9a)')&
 921          'If the outputs of this strain response function calculation are to be',ch10,&
 922          'subsequently used as inputs of a longwave calculation the same energy',ch10,&
 923          'reference has to be used in both cases. Otherwise wrong spatial-dispersion',ch10,&
 924          'coefficients will be obtained',ch10,&
 925          'Action: Put rfstrs_ref=1 '
 926          ABI_WARNING(msg)
 927        end if
 928      end if
 930 !    The time reversal symmetry is not used for the BZ sampling when kptopt=3 or 4
 931      if (dtset%kptopt==3.or.dtset%kptopt==4) timrev_kpt = 0
 932      call symkpt(0,gmet,indkpt1_tmp,ab_out,dtset%kptns,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,&
 933      nsym1,symrc1,timrev_kpt,dtset%wtk,wtk_folded, bz2ibz_smap, xmpi_comm_self)
 934    end if
 936    ABI_MALLOC(doccde_rbz,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 937    ABI_MALLOC(indkpt1,(nkpt_rbz))
 938    ABI_MALLOC(istwfk_rbz,(nkpt_rbz))
 939    ABI_MALLOC(kpq_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 940    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 941      ABI_MALLOC(kmq_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 942    end if
 943    ABI_MALLOC(kpt_rbz,(3,nkpt_rbz))
 944    ABI_MALLOC(nband_rbz,(nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 945    ABI_MALLOC(occ_rbz,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 946    ABI_MALLOC(occ_disk,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
 947    ABI_MALLOC(wtk_rbz,(nkpt_rbz))
 948    indkpt1(:)=indkpt1_tmp(1:nkpt_rbz)
 949    do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 950      istwfk_rbz(ikpt)=dtset%istwfk(indkpt1(ikpt))
 951      kpq_rbz(:,ikpt)=kpq(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 952      kpt_rbz(:,ikpt)=dtset%kptns(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 953      wtk_rbz(ikpt)=wtk_folded(indkpt1(ikpt))
 954    end do
 955    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
 956      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
 957        kmq_rbz(:,ikpt)=kmq(:,indkpt1(ikpt))
 958      end do
 959    end if
 960    ABI_FREE(indkpt1_tmp)
 961    ABI_FREE(wtk_folded)
 963 !  Transfer occ to occ_rbz and doccde to doccde_rbz :
 964 !  this is a more delicate issue
 965 !  NOTE : this takes into account that indkpt1 is ordered
 966 !  MG: What about using occ(band,kpt,spin) ???
 967 !  GA: Would be better indeed, but I think indices neededed to be consistent
 968 !      with second derivative of eigenvalues, which has spin index wrapped up
 969 !      to avoid arrays with rank larger than 7.
 970    bdtot_index=0;bdtot1_index=0
 971    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
 972      ikpt1=1
 973      do ikpt=1,nkpt
 974        nband_k=dtset%nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 975 !      Must test against ikpt1/=nkpt_rbz+1, before evaluate indkpt1(ikpt1)
 976        if(ikpt1/=nkpt_rbz+1)then
 977          if(ikpt==indkpt1(ikpt1))then
 978            nband_rbz(ikpt1+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)=nband_k
 979            occ_rbz(1+bdtot1_index:nband_k+bdtot1_index)    = occ(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 980            doccde_rbz(1+bdtot1_index:nband_k+bdtot1_index) = doccde(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index)
 981            ikpt1=ikpt1+1
 982            bdtot1_index=bdtot1_index+nband_k
 983          end if
 984        end if
 985        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
 986      end do
 987    end do
 989 !  Compute maximum number of planewaves at k
 990    call timab(142,1,tsec)
 991    call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kpt_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,nkpt_rbz)
 992    call timab(142,2,tsec)
 994 !  Allocate some k-dependent arrays at k
 995    ABI_MALLOC(npwarr,(nkpt_rbz))
 996    ABI_MALLOC(npwtot,(nkpt_rbz))
 998 !  Determine distribution of k-points/bands over MPI processes
 999    if (allocated(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)) then
1000      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
1001    end if
1002    ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab,(nkpt_rbz))
1003    if(xmpi_paral==1) then
1004      ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,(nkpt_rbz,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol))
1005      call distrb2(dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,mpi_enreg%nproc_cell,dtset%nsppol,mpi_enreg)
1006    else
1007      mpi_enreg%my_kpttab(:)=(/(ii,ii=1,nkpt_rbz)/)
1008    end if
1009    my_nkpt_rbz=maxval(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
1010    mkmem_rbz =my_nkpt_rbz ; mkqmem_rbz=my_nkpt_rbz ; mk1mem_rbz=my_nkpt_rbz
1011    ABI_UNUSED((/mkmem,mk1mem,mkqmem/))
1013    call initmpi_band(mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol)
1015 ! given number of reduced kpt, store distribution of bands across procs
1016    ABI_MALLOC(distrb_flags,(nkpt_rbz,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol))
1017    distrb_flags = (mpi_enreg%proc_distrb == mpi_enreg%me_kpt)
1019 !  Set up the basis sphere of planewaves at k
1020    ABI_MALLOC(kg,(3,mpw*mkmem_rbz))
1021    call timab(143,1,tsec)
1022    call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg,&
1023 &    kpt_rbz,mkmem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,&
1024 &    mpw,npwarr,npwtot,dtset%nsppol)
1025    call timab(143,2,tsec)
1027 !  Set up the spherical harmonics (Ylm) at k
1028    useylmgr=0; option=0 ; nylmgr=0
1029    if (psps%useylm==1.and. &
1030 &   (ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4.or. &
1031 &   (psps%usepaw==1.and.ipert==dtset%natom+2))) then
1032      useylmgr=1; option=1 ; nylmgr=3
1033    else if (psps%useylm==1.and.(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)) then
1034      useylmgr=1; option=2 ; nylmgr=9
1035    end if
1036    ABI_MALLOC(ylm,(mpw*mkmem_rbz,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
1037    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr,(mpw*mkmem_rbz,nylmgr,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr))
1038    if (psps%useylm==1) then
1039      call initylmg(gprimd,kg,kpt_rbz,mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,&
1040 &     npwarr,dtset%nsppol,option,rprimd,ylm,ylmgr)
1041    end if
1043 !  Set up occupations for this perturbation
1044    if (dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
1045      if (.not.allocated(istwfk_pert)) then
1046        ABI_MALLOC(istwfk_pert,(nkpt,3,mpert))
1047        ABI_MALLOC(occ_pert,(dtset%mband*nkpt*dtset%nsppol))
1048        istwfk_pert(:,:,:)=0 ; occ_pert(:)=zero
1049      end if
1050      istwfk_pert(:,idir,ipert)=istwfk_rbz(:)
1051      occ_pert(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1052    end if
1053    if (dtset%efmas>0) then
1054      if (.not.allocated(istwfk_pert)) then
1055        ABI_MALLOC(istwfk_pert,(nkpt,3,mpert))
1056        istwfk_pert(:,:,:)=0
1057      end if
1058      istwfk_pert(:,idir,ipert)=istwfk_rbz(:)
1059    end if
1061 !  Print a separator in output file
1062    write(msg,'(3a)')ch10,'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
1063    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1065 !  Initialize band structure datatype at k
1066 ! TODO: occ_rbz and doccde_rbz are overwritten here, though they could be set from the input file, above
1067 !   need to check if this is correct (or indifferent) in all cases
1068    bantot_rbz=sum(nband_rbz(1:nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1069    ABI_MALLOC(eigen0,(bantot_rbz))
1070    eigen0(:)=zero
1071    call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_k,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
1072      doccde_rbz,eigen0,istwfk_rbz,kpt_rbz,&
1073      nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1074      dtset%cellcharge(1), dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1075      dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1076    ABI_FREE(eigen0)
1078 !  Initialize header, update it with evolving variables
1079    gscase=0 ! A GS WF file is read
1080    call hdr_init(ebands_k,codvsn,dtset,hdr0,pawtab,gscase,psps,wvl%descr,&
1081      comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1083    call hdr0%update(bantot_rbz,etotal,fermie,fermie,& ! CP: duplicated fermie to fit new def of hdr_update
1084      residm,rprimd,occ_rbz,pawrhoij_pert,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1),&
1085      comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1087 !  Initialize GS wavefunctions at k
1088    ireadwf0=1; formeig=0 ; ask_accurate=1 ; optorth=0
1089    mcg=mpw*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1091   call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Memory required for psi0_k, psi0_kq, psi1_kq: ", &
1092     ftoa(3 * two * mcg * dp * b2Mb, fmt="f8.1"), "[Mb] <<< MEM"))
1094    if (one*mpw*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1095      write (msg,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1096       "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WF0, mcg).",ch10,&
1097       "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1098       "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw: ",mpw, "mband_mem_rbz: ",mband_mem_rbz, "mkmem_rbz: ",&
1099       mkmem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1100       'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1101      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1102    end if
1103    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg,(2,mcg), ierr)
1105    ABI_MALLOC(eigen0,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1106    call timab(144,1,tsec)
1108 ! Initialize the wave function type and read GS WFK
1109    call wfk_read_my_kptbands(dtfil%fnamewffk, distrb_flags, spacecomm, dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2,&
1110 &          formeig, istwfk_rbz, kpt_rbz, mcg, dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mkmem_rbz, mpw,&
1111 &          dtset%natom, nkpt_rbz, npwarr, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%usepaw,&
1112 &          cg, eigen=eigen0, occ=occ_disk)
1114    call timab(144,2,tsec)
1117    ! Update energies GS energies at k
1118    call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_k, "eig", eigen0)
1120 !  PAW: compute on-site projections of GS wavefunctions (cprj) (and derivatives) at k
1121    ncpgr=0
1122    ABI_MALLOC(cprj,(0,0))
1123    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1124      ncpgr=3 ! Valid for ipert<=natom (phonons), ipert=natom+2 (elec. field)
1125              ! or for ipert==natom+10,11
1126      if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
1127        if (dtset%orbmag.NE.0) then
1128          ncpgr=3
1129        else
1130          ncpgr=1
1131        end if
1132      end if
1133      if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) ncpgr=1
1134      if (usecprj==1) then
1135 ! distribute cprj by band as well
1136 ! NB: currently nsppol=2 is distributed in data (0s saved for other spin)
1137 !   but not in memory: all procs have nsppol 2 below
1138        mcprj=dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1139        !mcprj=dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1140        ABI_FREE(cprj)
1141        ABI_MALLOC(cprj,(dtset%natom,mcprj))
1142        call pawcprj_alloc(cprj,ncpgr,dimcprj_srt)
1143        if (ipert<=dtset%natom) then
1144          choice=2; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1145        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+1) then
1146          if (dtset%orbmag.NE.0) then
1147            choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1148          else
1149            choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=idir
1150          end if
1151        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+2) then
1152          choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1153        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1154          choice=3; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=istr
1155        else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1156          choice=5; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0 ! Compute all first derivatives
1157        else
1158          choice=1; iorder_cprj=0; idir0=0
1159        end if
1160        call ctocprj(atindx,cg,choice,cprj,gmet,gprimd,-1,idir0,iorder_cprj,istwfk_rbz,&
1161 &       kg,kpt_rbz,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw,&
1162 &       dtset%natom,nattyp,nband_rbz,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nloalg,&
1163 &       npwarr,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,psps,&
1164 &       rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpaw,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
1165      end if
1166    end if
1168 !  Compute maximum number of planewaves at k+q
1169 !  Will be useful for both GS wfs at k+q and RF wavefunctions
1170    call timab(143,1,tsec)
1171    call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kpq_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz)
1172    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1173      call getmpw(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kmq_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,nkpt_rbz)
1174      !number of plane waves at k+q and k-q should be in principle the same to reconstruct rhor1_pq (?)
1175      !mpw1=max(mpw1,mpw1_tmp)
1176    else
1177      mpw1_mq=0
1178    end if
1179    call timab(143,2,tsec)
1181 !  Allocate some arrays at k+q
1182    ABI_MALLOC(kg1,(3,mpw1*mk1mem_rbz))
1183    ABI_MALLOC(npwar1,(nkpt_rbz))
1184    ABI_MALLOC(npwtot1,(nkpt_rbz))
1185 !  In case Kramers degeneracy is broken, do the same for k-q
1186    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1187      ABI_MALLOC(kg1_mq,(3,mpw1_mq*mk1mem_rbz))
1188      ABI_MALLOC(npwar1_mq,(nkpt_rbz))
1189      ABI_MALLOC(npwtot1_mq,(nkpt_rbz))
1190    end if
1192 !  Set up the basis sphere of planewaves at k+q
1193 !  Will be useful for both GS wfs at k+q and RF wavefunctions
1194    call timab(142,1,tsec)
1195    call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg1,&
1196 &   kpq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,mpw1,&
1197 &   npwar1,npwtot1,dtset%nsppol)
1198    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1199      call kpgio(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk_rbz,kg1_mq,&
1200 &     kmq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,'PERS',mpi_enreg,mpw1_mq,&
1201 &     npwar1_mq,npwtot1_mq,dtset%nsppol)
1202    end if
1203    call timab(142,2,tsec)
1205 !  Set up the spherical harmonics (Ylm) at k+q
1206    useylmgr1=0; option=0 ; nylmgr1=0
1207    if (psps%useylm==1.and. &
1208 &   (ipert==dtset%natom+1.or.ipert==dtset%natom+3.or.ipert==dtset%natom+4.or. &
1209 &   (psps%usepaw==1.and.ipert==dtset%natom+2))) then
1210      useylmgr1=1; option=1; nylmgr1=3
1211    else if (psps%useylm==1.and.(ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11)) then
1212      useylmgr1=1; option=2; nylmgr1=9
1213    end if
1214    ABI_MALLOC(ylm1,(mpw1*mk1mem_rbz,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm))
1215    ABI_MALLOC(ylmgr1,(mpw1*mk1mem_rbz,nylmgr1,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm*useylmgr1))
1216    if (psps%useylm==1) then
1217      call initylmg(gprimd,kg1,kpq_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw1,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,&
1218 &     npwar1,dtset%nsppol,option,rprimd,ylm1,ylmgr1)
1219    end if
1220 !  SPr: do the same for k-q if kramers_deg=.false.
1222 !  Print a separator in output file
1223    write(msg, '(a,a)' )'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------',ch10
1224    call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1226 !  Initialize band structure datatype at k+q
1227    ABI_MALLOC(eigenq,(bantot_rbz))
1228    ABI_MALLOC(doccde_tmp,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1229    eigenq(:)=zero
1230    call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_kq,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
1231 &   doccde_tmp,eigenq,istwfk_rbz,kpq_rbz,&
1232 &   nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwar1,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1233 &   dtset%cellcharge(1), dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1234 &   dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1235    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1236      eigenq(:)=zero
1237      call ebands_init(bantot_rbz,ebands_kmq,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
1238 &     doccde_tmp,eigenq,istwfk_rbz,kmq_rbz,&
1239 &     nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,npwar1_mq,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspinor,dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,dtset%occopt,occ_rbz,wtk_rbz,&
1240 &     dtset%cellcharge(1), dtset%kptopt, dtset%kptrlatt_orig, dtset%nshiftk_orig, dtset%shiftk_orig, &
1241 &     dtset%kptrlatt, dtset%nshiftk, dtset%shiftk)
1242    end if
1243    ABI_FREE(eigenq)
1244    ABI_FREE(doccde_tmp)
1246 !  Initialize header
1247    call hdr_init(ebands_kq,codvsn,dtset,hdr,pawtab,pertcase,psps,wvl%descr, &
1248      comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab )
1249    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1250      call hdr_init(ebands_kmq,codvsn,dtset,hdr,pawtab,pertcase,psps,wvl%descr, &
1251        comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab )
1252    end if
1254 !  Initialize wavefunctions at k+q
1255 !  MG: Here it is possible to avoid the extra reading if the same k mesh can be used.
1256    ireadwf0=1 ; formeig=0 ; ask_accurate=1 ; optorth=0
1257    mcgq=mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1258    !SPr: verified until here, add mcgq for -q
1259    if (one*mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1260      write (msg,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1261      "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WFKQ, mcgq).",ch10,&
1262      "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1263      "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw1: ",mpw1, "mband: ",dtset%mband, "mkqmem_rbz: ",&
1264      mkqmem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1265      'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1266      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1267    end if
1268    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cgq,(2,mcgq), ierr)
1270    ABI_MALLOC(eigenq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1271    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1272      !ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg_pq,(2,mcgq), ierr)
1273      !ABI_MALLOC(eigen_pq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1274      mcgmq=mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1275      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg_mq,(2,mcgmq), ierr)
1277      ABI_MALLOC(eigen_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1278    end if
1280    !if (sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2)>=1.d-14) then ! non-zero q
1281 !TODO: for many other q this should be avoidable, in principle all if qptrlatt is a subgrid of kprtlatt
1282 !  Or at very least make a pointer instead of a full copy!!!
1283    if (dtfil%fnamewffq == dtfil%fnamewffk .and. sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2) < 1.d-14) then
1284      call wrtout(std_out, " qpt is Gamma, psi_k+q initialized from psi_k in memory")
1285      cgq = cg
1286      eigenq = eigen0
1287    else
1288      call timab(144,1,tsec)
1289      call wfk_read_my_kptbands(dtfil%fnamewffq, distrb_flags, spacecomm, dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2,&
1290 &          formeig, istwfk_rbz, kpq_rbz, mcgq, dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mkqmem_rbz, mpw1,&
1291 &          dtset%natom, nkpt_rbz, npwar1, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%usepaw,&
1292 &          cgq, eigen=eigenq, occ=occ_disk)
1293      call timab(144,2,tsec)
1295      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1296        !SPr: later "make" a separate WFQ file for "-q"
1297        call timab(144,1,tsec)
1298        call wfk_read_my_kptbands(dtfil%fnamewffq, distrb_flags, spacecomm,dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2, &
1299 &          formeig, istwfk_rbz, kmq_rbz, mcgmq, dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mkqmem_rbz, mpw1_mq,&
1300 &          dtset%natom, nkpt_rbz, npwar1_mq, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%usepaw,&
1301 &          cg_mq, eigen=eigen_mq, occ=occ_disk)
1302        call timab(144,2,tsec)
1304      end if
1305    end if
1306    ABI_FREE(occ_disk)
1308    ! Update energies GS energies at k + q
1309    call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_kq, "eig", eigenq)
1310    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1311      call put_eneocc_vect(ebands_kmq, "eig", eigen_mq)
1312    end if
1315 !  PAW: compute on-site projections of GS wavefunctions (cprjq) (and derivatives) at k+q
1316    ABI_MALLOC(cprjq,(0,0))
1317    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1318      if (usecprj==1) then
1319        mcprjq=dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1320 !TODO : distribute cprj by band as well?
1321        !mcprjq=dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mkqmem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1322        ABI_FREE(cprjq)
1323        ABI_MALLOC(cprjq,(dtset%natom,mcprjq))
1324        call pawcprj_alloc(cprjq,0,dimcprj_srt)
1325        if (ipert<=dtset%natom.and.(sum(dtset%qptn(1:3)**2)>=1.d-14)) then ! phonons at non-zero q
1326          choice=1 ; iorder_cprj=0 ; idir0=0
1327          call ctocprj(atindx,cgq,choice,cprjq,gmet,gprimd,-1,idir0,0,istwfk_rbz,&
1328 &         kg1,kpq_rbz,mcgq,mcprjq,dtset%mgfft,mkqmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,psps%mpsang,mpw1,&
1329 &         dtset%natom,nattyp,nband_rbz,dtset%natom,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nloalg,&
1330 &         npwar1,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsppol,ntypat,dtset%paral_kgb,ph1d,&
1331 &         psps,rmet,dtset%typat,ucvol,dtfil%unpawq,xred,ylm1,ylmgr1)
1332        else if (mcprjq>0) then
1333          call pawcprj_copy(cprj,cprjq)
1334        end if
1335      end if
1336    end if
1338 !  ===== Report on eigenq values
1339    if (dtset%ieig2rf>0.and.icase==ipert_cnt) then
1340      eigen0_pert(:) = eigen0(:)
1341      eigenq_pert(:) = eigenq(:)
1342      occ_rbz_pert(:) = occ_rbz(:)
1343    end if
1344    if (dtset%efmas>0.and.icase==ipert_cnt) then
1345      eigen0_pert(:) = eigen0(:)
1346    end if
1347    !call wrtout(std_out,ch10//' dfpt_looppert: eigenq array',"COLL")
1348    nkpt_eff=nkpt
1349    if( (dtset%prtvol==0.or.dtset%prtvol==1.or.dtset%prtvol==2) .and. nkpt>nkpt_max ) nkpt_eff=nkpt_max
1350    band_index=0
1351    do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
1352      do ikpt=1,nkpt_rbz
1353        nband_k=nband_rbz(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt_rbz)
1354        if(ikpt<=nkpt_eff)then
1355          write(msg, '(a,i2,a,i5)' )'  isppol=',isppol,', k point number',ikpt
1356          call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1357          do iband=1,nband_k,4
1358            write(msg, '(a,4es16.6)')'  ',eigenq(iband+band_index:min(iband+3,nband_k)+band_index)
1359            call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1360          end do
1361        else if(ikpt==nkpt_eff+1)then
1362          write(msg,'(a,a)' )'  respfn : prtvol=0, 1 or 2, stop printing eigenq.',ch10
1363          call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1364        end if
1365        band_index=band_index+nband_k
1366      end do
1367    end do
1369 !  Generate occupation numbers for the reduced BZ at k+q
1370    ABI_MALLOC(docckqde,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1371    ABI_MALLOC(occkq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1372    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1373      ABI_MALLOC(docckde_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1374      ABI_MALLOC(occk_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1375    end if
1377    if(0<=dtset%occopt .and. dtset%occopt<=2)then
1378 !    Same occupation numbers at k and k+q (usually, insulating)
1379      occkq(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1380      docckqde(:)=zero  ! docckqde is irrelevant in this case
1381      if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1382        occk_mq(:)=occ_rbz(:)
1383        docckde_mq(:)=zero
1384      end if
1385    else
1386 !    Metallic occupation numbers
1387      option=1
1388      dosdeltae=zero ! the DOS is not computed with option=1
1389      maxocc=two/(dtset%nspinor*dtset%nsppol)
1390      call getnel(docckqde,dosdeltae,eigenq,entropy,fermie,fermie,maxocc,dtset%mband,&
1391        nband_rbz,nelectkq,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,occkq,dtset%occopt,option,&
1392        dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,fake_unit,wtk_rbz,1,dtset%nband(1)) ! CP: added 1, nband(0) to fit new def of getnel
1393 !    Compare nelect at k and nelelect at k+q
1394      write(msg, '(a,a,a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')&
1395        ' dfpt_looppert : total number of electrons, from k and k+q',ch10,&
1396        '  fully or partially occupied states are',dtset%nelect,' and',nelectkq,'.'
1397      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1398      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1399        call getnel(docckde_mq,dosdeltae,eigen_mq,entropy,fermie,fermie,maxocc,dtset%mband,&
1400          nband_rbz,nelectkq,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,occk_mq,dtset%occopt,option,&
1401          dtset%tphysel,dtset%tsmear,fake_unit,wtk_rbz,1,dtset%nband(1))
1402 !      Compare nelect at k and nelelect at k-q
1403        write(msg, '(a,a,a,es16.6,a,es16.6,a)')&
1404          ' dfpt_looppert : total number of electrons, from k and k-q',ch10,&
1405          '  fully or partially occupied states are',dtset%nelect,' and',nelectkq,'.'
1406        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1407      end if
1408    end if
1410 !  Debug message
1411    if(dtset%prtvol==-level) call wrtout(std_out,'dfpt_looppert: initialisation of q part done.')
1413 !  Initialisation of first-order wavefunctions
1414    write(msg,'(3a,i4)')' Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :',ch10,'  ireadwf=',dtfil%ireadwf
1415    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1416    call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fnamewff1,fiwf1i)
1417    call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fnameabo_1wf,fiwf1o)
1419 !  Allocate 1st-order PAW occupancies (rhoij1)
1420    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1421      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij1,(my_natom))
1422      call pawrhoij_nullify(pawrhoij1)
1423      call pawrhoij_inquire_dim(cplex_rhoij=cplex_rhoij,qphase_rhoij=qphase_rhoij,nspden_rhoij=nspden_rhoij,&
1424 &                          nspden=dtset%nspden,spnorb=dtset%pawspnorb,cplex=cplex,cpxocc=dtset%pawcpxocc)
1425      call pawrhoij_alloc(pawrhoij1,cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
1426 &                        dtset%typat,qphase=qphase_rhoij,pawtab=pawtab,&
1427 &                        comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1428      if (cplex_rhoij/=hdr%pawrhoij(1)%cplex_rhoij.or.qphase_rhoij/=hdr%pawrhoij(1)%qphase) then
1429 !      Eventually reallocate hdr%pawrhoij
1430        call pawrhoij_free(hdr%pawrhoij)
1431        call pawrhoij_alloc(hdr%pawrhoij,cplex_rhoij,nspden_rhoij,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,&
1432 &                          dtset%typat,qphase=qphase_rhoij,pawtab=pawtab,&
1433 &                          comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1434      end if
1435    else
1436      ABI_MALLOC(pawrhoij1,(0))
1437    end if
1439 !  Initialize 1st-order wavefunctions
1440    formeig=1; ask_accurate=0; optorth=0
1441 ! NB: 4 Sept 2013: this was introducing a bug - for ieig2rf ==0 the dim was being set to 1 and passed to dfpt_vtowfk
1442    dim_eig2rf=0
1443    if ((dtset%ieig2rf > 0 .and. dtset%ieig2rf/=2) .or. dtset%efmas > 0) then
1444      dim_eig2rf=1
1445    end if
1446    mcg1=mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1447    if (one*mpw1*dtset%nspinor*dtset%mband*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol > huge(1)) then
1448      write (msg,'(4a, 5(a,i0), 2a)')&
1449      "Default integer is not wide enough to store the size of the GS wavefunction array (WFK1, mcg1).",ch10,&
1450      "Action: increase the number of processors. Consider also OpenMP threads.",ch10,&
1451      "nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor, "mpw1: ",mpw1, "mband: ",dtset%mband, "mk1mem_rbz: ",&
1452      mk1mem_rbz, "nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol,ch10,&
1453      'Note: Compiling with large int (int64) requires a full software stack (MPI/FFTW/BLAS/LAPACK...) compiled in int64 mode'
1454      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1455    end if
1456    ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg1,(2,mcg1), ierr)
1457    ! space for all 3 ddk wavefunctions if call to orbmag will be needed
1458    if ( (dtset%orbmag .NE. 0) .AND. (dtset%rfddk .EQ. 1) .AND. (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cg1_3)) ) then
1459      ABI_MALLOC(cg1_3,(2,mcg1,3))
1460      has_cg1_3(:) = .FALSE.
1461    end if
1462    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1463      mcg1mq=mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1464      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg1_mq,(2,mcg1mq), ierr)
1465    end if
1467    ABI_MALLOC(cg1_active,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1468    ABI_MALLOC(gh1c_set,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1469    ABI_MALLOC(gh0c1_set,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1470    if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1471      ABI_MALLOC(cg1_active_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1472      ABI_MALLOC(gh1c_set_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1473      ABI_MALLOC(gh0c1_set_mq,(2,mpw1_mq*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1474    end if
1475 !  XG090606 This is needed in the present 5.8.2 , for portability for the pathscale machine.
1476 !  However, it is due to a bug to be corrected by Paul Boulanger. When the bug will be corrected,
1477 !  this line should be removed.
1478    if(mk1mem_rbz/=0 .and. dtset%ieig2rf/=0)then
1479      cg1_active=zero
1480      gh1c_set=zero
1481      gh0c1_set=zero
1482      if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1483        cg1_active_mq=zero
1484        gh1c_set_mq=zero
1485        gh0c1_set_mq=zero
1486      end if
1487    end if
1488    ! MG TODO:
1489    ! eigen1 is not MPI-distributed, it scales as mband^2 and requires a lot of memory for dense k-meshes e.g. metals:
1490    ! this is what you get with nband 26 and ngkpt 42**3:
1491    !
1492    !        <var=eigen1, A@m_dfpt_looppert.F90:1499, addr=0x150d756c0010, size_mb=391.204>
1493    !
1494    ! we should try to MPI-distribute it over nkpt_rbs/nsppol or, at the very least, tell users to activate OpenMP.
1496    ABI_MALLOC(eigen1,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1497    ABI_MALLOC(resid,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1498    call timab(144,1,tsec)
1499    if ((file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwf1i)) .or. file_exists(fiwf1i)) .and. (dtset%get1wf /= 0 .or. dtset%ird1wf /= 0)) then
1500      call wfk_read_my_kptbands(fiwf1i, distrb_flags, spacecomm, dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2,&
1501            formeig, istwfk_rbz, kpq_rbz, mcg1, dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mk1mem_rbz, mpw1,&
1502            dtset%natom, nkpt_rbz, npwar1, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%usepaw,&
1503            cg1, eigen=eigen1, ask_accurate_=0)
1504    else
1505      cg1 = zero
1506      eigen1 = zero
1507    end if
1509    call timab(144,2,tsec)
1510    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1511      ABI_MALLOC(eigen1_mq,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1512      ABI_MALLOC(resid_mq,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
1513      !initialize cg1_mq:
1514      call timab(144,1,tsec)
1515      if ((file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwf1i)) .or. file_exists(fiwf1i)) .and. (dtset%get1wf > 0 .or. dtset%ird1wf > 0)) then
1516        call wfk_read_my_kptbands(fiwf1i, distrb_flags, spacecomm, dtset%ecut*(dtset%dilatmx)**2, &
1517           formeig, istwfk_rbz, kmq_rbz, mcg1mq, dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mk1mem_rbz, mpw1_mq,&
1518           dtset%natom, nkpt_rbz, npwar1_mq, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, dtset%usepaw,&
1519           cg1_mq, eigen=eigen1_mq, ask_accurate_=0)
1520      else
1521        cg1_mq = zero
1522        eigen1_mq = zero
1523      end if
1524      call timab(144,2,tsec)
1525    end if
1527 !  Eventually reytrieve 1st-order PAW occupancies from file header
1528    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.dtfil%ireadwf/=0) then
1529      call pawrhoij_copy(hdr%pawrhoij,pawrhoij1,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom, mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1530    end if
1532 !  In case of electric field, or 2nd order perturbation : open the ddk (or dE) wf file(s)
1533    if ((ipert==dtset%natom+2.and.sum((dtset%qptn(1:3))**2)<1.0d-7.and. &
1534 &   (dtset%berryopt/= 4.and.dtset%berryopt/= 6.and. &
1535 &   dtset%berryopt/= 7.and.dtset%berryopt/=14.and. &
1536 &   dtset%berryopt/=16.and.dtset%berryopt/=17)) .or. &
1537 &   ipert==dtset%natom+10.or.ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1538      if (ipert<dtset%natom+10) then
1539        ! 1st order or berry phase, one direction
1540        nwffile=1 ! one direction needed
1541        file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
1542        fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1543      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+10) then
1544        ! 2nd order (k,k)
1545        if (idir<=3) then ! one direction needed
1546          nwffile=1
1547          file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
1548          fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1549        else ! two directions needed
1550          nwffile=2
1551          file_index(1)=idir1+dtset%natom*3
1552          file_index(2)=idir2+dtset%natom*3
1553          fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1554          fnamewff(2)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1555        end if
1556      else if (ipert==dtset%natom+11) then
1557        ! 2nd order (k,E)
1558        nwffile=3 ! dk, dE and dkdk
1559        idir_dkdk = idir
1560        if(idir_dkdk>6) idir_dkdk = idir_dkdk - 3
1561        file_index(1)=idir_dkdk +(dtset%natom+6)*3 ! dkdk
1562        file_index(2)=idir2+(dtset%natom+1)*3 ! defld file (dir2)
1563        file_index(3)=idir1+dtset%natom*3     ! ddk file (dir1)
1564        fnamewff(1)=dtfil%fnamewffdkdk
1565        fnamewff(2)=dtfil%fnamewffdelfd
1566        fnamewff(3)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1567        if (idir>3) then
1568          nwffile=4
1569          file_index(4)=idir2+dtset%natom*3   ! ddk file (dir2)
1570          fnamewff(4)=dtfil%fnamewffddk
1571        end if
1572      end if
1573      do ii=1,nwffile
1574        call appdig(file_index(ii),fnamewff(ii),fiwfddk)
1575        ! Checking the existence of data file
1576        if (.not. file_exists(fiwfddk)) then
1577          ! Trick needed to run Abinit test suite in netcdf mode.
1578          if (file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwfddk))) then
1579            write(msg,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(fiwfddk)," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
1580            call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1581            fiwfddk = nctk_ncify(fiwfddk)
1582          end if
1583          if (.not. file_exists(fiwfddk)) then
1584            ABI_ERROR('Missing file: '//TRIM(fiwfddk))
1585          end if
1586        end if
1587        write(msg,'(2a)')'- dfpt_looppert: read the DDK wavefunctions from file: ',trim(fiwfddk)
1588        call wrtout([std_out, ab_out],msg)
1589        ! Note that the unit number for these files is 50,51,52 or 53 (dtfil%unddk=50)
1590        call wfk_open_read(ddk_f(ii),fiwfddk,formeig1,dtset%iomode,dtfil%unddk+(ii-1), spacecomm) !xmpi_comm_self)
1591      end do
1592    end if
1594 !  Get first-order local potentials and 1st-order core correction density change
1595 !  (do NOT include xccc3d1 in vpsp1 : this will be done in dfpt_scfcv because vpsp1
1596 !  might become spin-polarized)
1598    n3xccc=0;if(psps%n1xccc/=0)n3xccc=nfftf
1599    ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d1,(cplex*n3xccc))
1600    ABI_MALLOC(vpsp1,(cplex*nfftf))
1602 !  PAW: compute Vloc(1) and core(1) together in reciprocal space
1603 !  --------------------------------------------------------------
1604    if (psps%usepaw==1 .or. psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) then
1605      ndir=1
1606      call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr,ipert,&
1607 &     mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1608 &     ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1609 &     atmrhor1=xccc3d1,atmvlocr1=vpsp1,optn_in=n3xccc/nfftf,optn2_in=1,vspl=psps%vlspl)
1610    else
1612 !    Norm-conserving psp: compute Vloc(1) in reciprocal sp. and core(1) in real sp.
1613 !    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1615      if(ipert==dtset%natom+3 .or. ipert==dtset%natom+4) then
1616 !      Section for strain perturbation
1618        !To compute Absolute Deformation Potentials toghether with FxE tensor
1619        !the reference has to be the same as in the FxE routines
1620        g0term=0; if (dtset%rfstrs_ref==1) g0term=1
1622        call vlocalstr(gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,istr,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,&
1623 &       psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,&
1624 &       ucvol,psps%vlspl,vpsp1,g0term=g0term)
1625      else
1626        call dfpt_vlocal(atindx,cplex,gmet,gsqcut,idir,ipert,mpi_enreg,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,&
1627 &       nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,ngfftf(1),ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,&
1628 &       dtset%qptn,ucvol,psps%vlspl,vpsp1,xred)
1629        !SPr: need vpsp1 for -q as well, but for magnetic field it's zero, to be done later
1630      end if
1632      if(psps%n1xccc/=0)then
1633        call dfpt_mkcore(cplex,idir,ipert,dtset%natom,ntypat,ngfftf(1),psps%n1xccc,&
1634 &       ngfftf(2),ngfftf(3),dtset%qptn,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%xcccrc,psps%xccc1d,xccc3d1,xred)
1635        !SPr: same here, need xccc3d1 for -q as well for phonon pert.. to be done later
1636      end if ! psps%n1xccc/=0
1637    end if ! usepaw
1639    eigen1(:)=zero; resid(:)=zero
1640    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1641      eigen1_mq(:)=zero
1642      resid_mq(:)=zero
1643    end if
1644 !  Get starting charge density and Hartree + xc potential
1645    ABI_MALLOC(rhor1,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1646    ABI_MALLOC(rhog1,(2,nfftf))
1648    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1649    !Case when first order spinors at both +q and -q are not related by symmetry (time and/or space inversion)
1650      ABI_MALLOC(rhor1_pq,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1651      ABI_MALLOC(rhog1_pq,(2,nfftf))
1653      ABI_MALLOC(rhor1_mq,(cplex*nfftf,nspden))
1654      ABI_MALLOC(rhog1_mq,(2,nfftf))
1655    end if
1657 !  can we get this set of gkk matrices from previously calculated rhog1 through a non-scf calculation?
1658    found_eq_gkk=.false.
1659    if (dtset%prepgkk == 1 .and. ipert <= dtset%natom) then
1660 !    NOTE: this does not take into account combinations e.g. x+y -> z
1661 !    if rhor1 add linearly this could be done...
1662      do icase_eq = 1, icase-1
1663        idir_eq = mod(icase_eq,3)
1664        if (idir_eq==0) idir_eq=3
1665        ipert_eq = ( (icase_eq-idir_eq) / 3 + 1)
1667 ! find sym which links old perturbation to present one
1668        do isym=1, nsym
1669          ! check that isym preserves qpt to begin with
1670          if (symq(4,1,isym) /= 1 .or. &
1671 &         symq(1,1,isym) /= 0 .or. &
1672 &         symq(2,1,isym) /= 0 .or. &
1673 &         symq(3,1,isym) /= 0      ) cycle
1675          eq_symop = dtset%symrel(:,:,isym)
1676          if (indsym(4,isym,ipert) == ipert_eq .and. &
1677 &         abs(eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)) == 1 .and. &
1678 &         sum(abs(eq_symop(:,idir_eq))) == 1) then
1679            found_eq_gkk = .true.
1680            exit
1681          end if
1682        end do ! isym
1683        if (found_eq_gkk) exit
1684      end do ! icase_eq
1685    end if ! check for prepgkk with symmetric pert
1687    if (found_eq_gkk) then
1688      write (msg, '(a,l6,i6,2a,3i6,2a,3i6,a)')  &
1689      ' found_eq_gkk,isym = ', found_eq_gkk, isym, ch10, &
1690      ' idir,  ipert,  icase   =  ', idir, ipert, icase, ch10, &
1691      ' idireq iperteq icaseeq =  ', idir_eq, ipert_eq, icase_eq, ch10
1692      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1693 !
1694 !    Make density for present perturbation, which is symmetric of 1 or more previous perturbations:
1695 !    rotate 1DEN arrays with symrel(isym) to produce rhog1_eq rhor1_eq
1696 !
1697      if (dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then
1698        call rotate_rho(cplex, timrev_pert, mpi_enreg, nfftf, ngfftf, nspden, &
1699 &       rhor1_save(:,:,icase_eq), rhog1, rhor1, eq_symop, dtset%tnons(:,isym))
1701        rhor1 = rhor1 * eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)
1703 ! TODO: rotate rhoij in PAW case
1705        blkflg_save = blkflg
1706        dtset_tmp%iscf = -2
1707        iscf_mod = -2
1708        dtset_tmp%nstep = 1
1709        dtset_tmp%nline = 1
1710        if (abs(dtset_tmp%tolwfr) < 1.e-24) dtset_tmp%tolwfr = 1.e-24
1711        dtset_tmp%toldfe = zero
1712        dtset_tmp%toldff = zero
1713        dtset_tmp%tolrff = zero
1714        dtset_tmp%tolvrs = zero
1715        write (msg, '(a,i6,a)') ' NOTE: doing GKK calculation for icase ', icase, ' with non-SCF calculation'
1716        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1717        !call wrtout(ab_out,msg,'COLL') ! decomment and update output files
1719      else ! do not use non-scf shortcut, but save rotated 1DEN for comparison
1720 ! saves the rotated rho, for later comparison with the full SCF rhor1: comment lines below for iscf = -2
1721        call rotate_rho(cplex, timrev_pert, mpi_enreg, nfftf, ngfftf, nspden, &
1722 &       rhor1_save(:,:,icase_eq), rhog1, rhor1_save(:,:,icase), eq_symop, &
1723 &       dtset%tnons(:,isym))
1724        rhor1_save(:,:,icase) = rhor1_save(:,:,icase) * eq_symop(idir,idir_eq)
1726      end if ! force non scf calculation of other gkk, or not
1727    end if ! found an equiv perturbation for the gkk
1729    if ( (dtfil%ireadwf==0 .and. iscf_mod/=-4 .and. dtset%get1den==0 .and. dtset%ird1den==0) &
1730    .or. (iscf_mod== -3 .and. ipert/=dtset%natom+11) ) then
1731 !    NOTE : For ipert==natom+11, we want to read the 1st order density from a previous calculation
1732      rhor1(:,:)=zero ; rhog1(:,:)=zero
1733 !    PAW: rhoij have been set to zero in call to pawrhoij_alloc above
1735      init_rhor1 = ((ipert>=1 .and. ipert<=dtset%natom).or.ipert==dtset%natom+5)
1736      ! This section is needed in order to maintain the old behavior and pass the automatic tests
1737      if (psps%usepaw == 0) then
1738        init_rhor1 = init_rhor1 .and. all(psps%nctab(:ntypat)%has_tvale)
1739      else
1740        init_rhor1 = .False.
1741      end if
1743      if (init_rhor1) then
1745        if(ipert/=dtset%natom+5) then
1747          ! Initialize rhor1 and rhog1 from the derivative of atomic densities/gaussians.
1748          ndir = 1; optn2 = 3
1749          if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1750            ! FIXME: Here there's a bug because has_tvale == 0 or 1 instead of 2
1751            if (all(pawtab(:ntypat)%has_tvale/=0)) optn2=2
1752          else if (psps%usepaw==0) then
1753            if (all(psps%nctab(:ntypat)%has_tvale)) optn2=2
1754          end if
1756          if (optn2 == 3) then
1757            call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 from atom-centered gaussians")
1758            ABI_MALLOC(gauss,(2,ntypat))
1759            call atom_gauss(ntypat, dtset%densty, psps%ziontypat, psps%znucltypat, gauss)
1761            call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,ipert,&
1762            mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1763            ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1764            atmrhor1=rhor1,optn_in=1,optn2_in=3,gauss=gauss)
1766            ABI_FREE(gauss)
1767          else
1768            call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 from valence densities taken from pseudopotential files")
1769            call dfpt_atm2fft(atindx,cplex,gmet,gprimd,gsqcut,idir,ipert,&
1770            mgfftf,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,ndir,nfftf,ngfftf,ntypat,&
1771            ph1df,psps%qgrid_vl,dtset%qptn,dtset%typat,ucvol,psps%usepaw,xred,psps,pawtab,&
1772            atmrhor1=rhor1,optn_in=1,optn2_in=2)
1773          end if
1775        else
1776          ! Magnetic field perturbation
1777          call wrtout(std_out," Initializing rhor1 guess based on the ground state XC magnetic field")
1779          call dfpt_init_mag1(ipert,idir,rhor1,rhor,cplex,nfftf,nspden,vxc,kxc,nkxc)
1781          if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1782            rhor1_pq=rhor1
1783            call dfpt_init_mag1(ipert,idir,rhor1_mq,rhor,cplex,nfftf,nspden,vxc,kxc,nkxc)
1784          end if
1785        end if
1787        call fourdp(cplex,rhog1,rhor1,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1788        if (.not.kramers_deg) then
1789          !call fourdp(cplex,rhog1_pq,rhor1_pq,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1790          rhog1_pq=rhog1
1791          call fourdp(cplex,rhog1_mq,rhor1_mq,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1792        end if
1793      end if
1795    else
1796      ! rhor1 not being forced to 0.0
1797      if(iscf_mod>0) then
1798 !      cplex=2 gets the complex density, =1 only real part
1799        if (psps%usepaw==1) then
1800 !        Be careful: in PAW, rho does not include the 1st-order compensation density (to be added in dfpt_scfcv.F90) !
1801          ABI_MALLOC(rho1wfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
1802          ABI_MALLOC(rho1wfr,(dtset%nfft,nspden))
1803          call dfpt_mkrho(cg,cg1,cplex,gprimd,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1804            kg,kg1,dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nband_rbz,&
1805            dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,npwar1,nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,nsym1,&
1806            occ_rbz,phnons1,rho1wfg,rho1wfr,rprimd,symaf1,symrl1,tnons1,ucvol,wtk_rbz)
1807          call transgrid(cplex,mpi_enreg,nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,rho1wfg,rhog1,rho1wfr,rhor1)
1808          ABI_FREE(rho1wfg)
1809          ABI_FREE(rho1wfr)
1810        else
1811          !SPr: need to modify dfpt_mkrho to taken into account q,-q and set proper formulas when +q and -q spinors are related
1812          call dfpt_mkrho(cg,cg1,cplex,gprimd,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1813            kg,kg1,dtset%mband,mband_mem_rbz,dtset%mgfft,mkmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,nband_rbz,&
1814            dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,nkpt_rbz,npwarr,npwar1,nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,nsym1,&
1815            occ_rbz,phnons1,rhog1,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrl1,tnons1,ucvol,wtk_rbz)
1816        end if
1818      else if (.not. found_eq_gkk) then
1819        ! negative iscf_mod and no symmetric rotation of rhor1
1820        ! Read rho1(r) from a disk file and broadcast data.
1821        rdwr=1;rdwrpaw=psps%usepaw;if(dtfil%ireadwf/=0) rdwrpaw=0
1822        if (ipert/=dtset%natom+11) then
1823          call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1824        else
1825          ! For ipert==natom+11, we want to read the 1st order density from a previous calculation
1826          call appdig(idir2+(dtset%natom+1)*3,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1827        end if
1828 !       call appdig(pertcase,dtfil%fildens1in,fiden1i)
1829        call read_rhor(fiden1i, cplex, dtset%nspden, nfftf, ngfftf, rdwrpaw, mpi_enreg, rhor1, &
1830        hdr_den, pawrhoij1, spaceComm, check_hdr=hdr)
1831        etotal = hdr_den%etot; call hdr_den%free()
1833 !      Compute up+down rho1(G) by fft
1834        ABI_MALLOC(work,(cplex*nfftf))
1835        work(:)=rhor1(:,1)
1836        call fourdp(cplex,rhog1,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftf,1,ngfftf,0)
1837        ABI_FREE(work)
1838      end if ! rhor1 generated or read in from file
1840    end if ! rhor1 set to 0 or read in from file
1842 !  Check whether exiting was required by the user.
1843 !  If found then do not start minimization steps
1844    openexit=1 ; if(dtset%chkexit==0) openexit=0
1845    call exit_check(cpus,dtfil%filnam_ds(1),iexit,ab_out,mpi_enreg%comm_cell,openexit)
1846 !  If immediate exit, and wavefunctions were not read, must zero eigenvalues
1847    if (iexit/=0) eigen1(:)=zero
1848    if (iexit/=0.and.(.not.kramers_deg)) eigen1_mq(:)=zero
1850    if (iexit==0) then
1852 !    Main calculation: get 1st-order wavefunctions from Sternheimer equation (SCF cycle)
1853 !    if ipert==natom+10 or natom+11 : get 2nd-order wavefunctions
1854      if (kramers_deg) then
1855        call dfpt_scfcv(atindx,blkflg,cg,cgq,cg1,cg1_active,cplex,cprj,cprjq,cpus,&
1856 &       dielt,dim_eig2rf,doccde_rbz,docckqde,dtfil,dtset_tmp,&
1857 &       d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
1858 &       ehart01,ehart1,eigenq,eigen0,eigen1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,&
1859 &       end0,end1,enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,etotal,evxctau0,evxctau1,evdw,exc1,&
1860 &       fermie,gh0c1_set,gh1c_set,hdr,idir,&
1861 &       indkpt1,indsy1,initialized,ipert,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1862 &       kg,kg1,kpt_rbz,kxc,mband_mem_rbz,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,&
1863 &       mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,mpw1_mq,my_natom,&
1864 &       nattyp,nband_rbz,ncpgr,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,nkxc,&
1865 &       npwarr,npwar1,nspden,&
1866 &       nsym1,n3xccc,occkq,occ_rbz,&
1867 &       paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert,pawang,pawang1,pawfgr,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrad,pawrhoij_pert,pawrhoij1,pawtab,&
1868 &       pertcase,phnons1,ph1d,ph1df,prtbbb,psps,&
1869 &       dtset%qptn,resid,residm,rhog,rhog1,&
1870 &       rhor,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,tnons1,&
1871 &       usecprj,useylmgr,useylmgr1,ddk_f,vpsp1,vtrial,vxc,vxctau,&
1872 &       wtk_rbz,xccc3d1,xred,ylm,ylm1,ylmgr,ylmgr1,zeff,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,&
1873 &       kramers_deg)
1874      else
1875        call dfpt_scfcv(atindx,blkflg,cg,cgq,cg1,cg1_active,cplex,cprj,cprjq,cpus,&
1876 &       dielt,dim_eig2rf,doccde_rbz,docckqde,dtfil,dtset_tmp,&
1877 &       d2bbb,d2lo,d2nl,d2ovl,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
1878 &       ehart01,ehart1,eigenq,eigen0,eigen1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,&
1879 &       end0,end1,enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,etotal,evxctau0,evxctau1,evdw,exc1,&
1880 &       fermie,gh0c1_set,gh1c_set,hdr,idir,&
1881 &       indkpt1,indsy1,initialized,ipert,irrzon1,istwfk_rbz,&
1882 &       kg,kg1,kpt_rbz,kxc,mband_mem_rbz,mgfftf,mkmem_rbz,mkqmem_rbz,mk1mem_rbz,&
1883 &       mpert,mpi_enreg,mpw,mpw1,mpw1_mq,my_natom,&
1884 &       nattyp,nband_rbz,ncpgr,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,nkpt,nkpt_rbz,nkxc,&
1885 &       npwarr,npwar1,nspden,&
1886 &       nsym1,n3xccc,occkq,occ_rbz,&
1887 &       paw_an_pert,paw_ij_pert,pawang,pawang1,pawfgr,pawfgrtab_pert,pawrad,pawrhoij_pert,pawrhoij1,pawtab,&
1888 &       pertcase,phnons1,ph1d,ph1df,prtbbb,psps,&
1889 &       dtset%qptn,resid,residm,rhog,rhog1,&
1890 &       rhor,rhor1,rprimd,symaf1,symrc1,symrl1,tnons1,&
1891 &       usecprj,useylmgr,useylmgr1,ddk_f,vpsp1,vtrial,vxc,vxctau,&
1892 &       wtk_rbz,xccc3d1,xred,ylm,ylm1,ylmgr,ylmgr1,zeff,dfpt_scfcv_retcode,&
1893 &       kramers_deg,&
1894 &       cg_mq=cg_mq,cg1_mq=cg1_mq,cg1_active_mq=cg1_active_mq,docckde_mq=docckde_mq,eigen_mq=eigen_mq,&
1895 &       eigen1_mq=eigen1_mq,gh0c1_set_mq=gh0c1_set_mq,gh1c_set_mq=gh1c_set_mq,&
1896 &       kg1_mq=kg1_mq,npwar1_mq=npwar1_mq,occk_mq=occk_mq,resid_mq=resid_mq,residm_mq=residm_mq,&
1897 &       rhog1_pq=rhog1_pq,rhog1_mq=rhog1_mq,rhor1_pq=rhor1_pq,rhor1_mq=rhor1_mq)
1898      end if
1900 !    2nd-order eigenvalues stuff
1901      if (dtset%ieig2rf>0) then
1902        if (first_entry) then
1903          nullify(eigen1_pert)
1904          first_entry = .false.
1905        end if
1906        if (.not.associated(eigen1_pert)) then
1907          ABI_MALLOC(eigen1_pert,(2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt*dtset%nsppol,3,mpert))
1908          ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(cg1_pert,(2,mpw1*nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert),ierr)
1909          ABI_MALLOC(gh0c1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1910          ABI_MALLOC(gh1c_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1911          ABI_MALLOC(kpt_rbz_pert,(3,nkpt_rbz))
1912          ABI_MALLOC(npwarr_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1913          ABI_MALLOC(npwar1_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1914          ABI_MALLOC(npwtot_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1915          eigen1_pert(:,:,:) = zero
1916          cg1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1917          gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1918          gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1919          npwar1_pert (:,:) = 0
1920          npwarr_pert (:,:) = 0
1921          kpt_rbz_pert = kpt_rbz
1922        end if
1923        clflg(idir,ipert)=1
1924        eigen1_pert(1:2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol,idir,ipert) = eigen1(:)
1925        if(dtset%ieig2rf==1.or.dtset%ieig2rf==3.or.dtset%ieig2rf==4.or.dtset%ieig2rf==5) then
1926          cg1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=cg1_active(:,:)
1927          gh0c1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh0c1_set(:,:)
1928          gh1c_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh1c_set(:,:)
1929        end if
1930        npwarr_pert(:,ipert)=npwarr(:)
1931        npwar1_pert(:,ipert)=npwar1(:)
1932        npwtot_pert(:,ipert)=npwtot(:)
1933      end if ! eig2rf
1935 !    2nd-order eigenvalues stuff for EFMAS
1936      if (dtset%efmas>0) then
1937        if (first_entry) then
1938          nullify(eigen1_pert)
1939          first_entry = .false.
1940        end if
1941        if (.not.associated(eigen1_pert)) then
1942          ABI_MALLOC(eigen1_pert,(2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt*dtset%nsppol,3,mpert))
1943          ABI_MALLOC(cg1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1944          ABI_MALLOC(gh0c1_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1945          ABI_MALLOC(gh1c_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf,3,mpert))
1946          ABI_MALLOC(kpt_rbz_pert,(3,nkpt_rbz))
1947          ABI_MALLOC(npwarr_pert,(nkpt_rbz,mpert))
1948          eigen1_pert(:,:,:) = zero
1949          cg1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1950          gh0c1_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1951          gh1c_pert(:,:,:,:) = zero
1952          npwarr_pert (:,:) = 0
1953          kpt_rbz_pert = kpt_rbz
1954          ABI_MALLOC(cg0_pert,(2,mpw1*dtset%nspinor*mband_mem_rbz*mk1mem_rbz*dtset%nsppol*dim_eig2rf))
1955          cg0_pert = cg
1956        end if
1957        eigen1_pert(1:2*dtset%mband**2*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol,idir,ipert) = eigen1(:)
1958        cg1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=cg1_active(:,:)
1959        gh0c1_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh0c1_set(:,:)
1960        gh1c_pert(:,:,idir,ipert)=gh1c_set(:,:)
1961        npwarr_pert(:,ipert)=npwarr(:)
1962      end if ! efmas
1963      ABI_FREE(gh1c_set)
1964      ABI_FREE(gh0c1_set)
1965      ABI_FREE(cg1_active)
1967 !deallocate bit arrays for case without Kramers' degeneracy
1968      if(.not.kramers_deg) then
1969        ABI_FREE(gh1c_set_mq)
1970        ABI_FREE(gh0c1_set_mq)
1971        ABI_FREE(cg1_active_mq)
1972      end if
1974    end if ! End of the check of hasty exit
1976    call timab(146,1,tsec)
1978 !  Print out message at the end of the iterations
1979    write(msg, '(80a,a,a,a,a)' ) ('=',ii=1,80),ch10,ch10,&
1980 &   ' ----iterations are completed or convergence reached----',ch10
1981    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
1983 !  Print _gkk file for this perturbation
1984    if (dtset%prtgkk == 1) then
1985      call appdig(3*(ipert-1)+idir,dtfil%fnameabo_gkk,gkkfilnam)
1986      nmatel = dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol
1987      ABI_MALLOC(phasecg, (2, nmatel))
1988 !     call getcgqphase(dtset, timrev, cg,  mcg,  cgq, mcgq, mpi_enreg, nkpt_rbz, npwarr, npwar1, phasecg)
1989      phasecg(1,:) = one
1990      phasecg(2,:) = zero
1991 ! NB: phasecg not actually used in outgkk for the moment (2013/08/15)
1992      call outgkk(bantot_rbz, nmatel,gkkfilnam,eigen0,eigen1,hdr0,hdr,mpi_enreg,phasecg)
1993      ABI_FREE(phasecg)
1995 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1996      ! Reshape eigen1 into gkk for netCDF output
1997      ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(gkk,(2*dtset%mband*dtset%nsppol,dtset%nkpt,1,1,dtset%mband), ierr)
1998      gkk(:,:,:,:,:) = zero
1999      mband = dtset%mband
2000      band_index = 0
2001      band2tot_index = 0
2002      do isppol=1,dtset%nsppol
2003        do ikpt =1,nkpt_rbz
2004          do iband=1,dtset%mband
2005            do jband=1,dtset%mband
2006              eig1_r = eigen1(2*jband-1+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index)
2007              eig1_i = eigen1(2*jband+(iband-1)*2*mband+band2tot_index)
2008              gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) = &
2009 &             gkk(2*iband-1+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) + eig1_r
2010              gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) = &
2011 &             gkk(2*iband+2*band_index,ikpt,1,1,jband) + eig1_i
2012            end do !jband
2013          end do !iband
2014          band2tot_index = band2tot_index + 2*mband**2
2015        end do !ikpt
2016        band_index = band_index + mband
2017      end do !isppol
2019      ! Initialize ggk_ebands to write in the file
2020      ! MG FIXME: Here there's a bug because eigen0 is dimensioned with nkpt_rbz i.e. IBZ(q)
2021      ! but the ebands_t object is constructed with dimensions taken from hdr0 i.e. the IBZ(q=0).
2022      bantot= dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
2023      call ebands_init(bantot,gkk_ebands,dtset%nelect,dtset%ne_qFD,dtset%nh_qFD,dtset%ivalence,&
2024 &     doccde,eigen0,hdr0%istwfk,hdr0%kptns,&
2025 &     hdr0%nband, hdr0%nkpt,hdr0%npwarr,hdr0%nsppol,hdr0%nspinor,&
2026 &     hdr0%tphysel,hdr0%tsmear,hdr0%occopt,hdr0%occ,hdr0%wtk,&
2027 &     hdr0%cellcharge, hdr0%kptopt, hdr0%kptrlatt_orig, hdr0%nshiftk_orig, hdr0%shiftk_orig, &
2028 &     hdr0%kptrlatt, hdr0%nshiftk, hdr0%shiftk)
2030      ! Init a gkk_t object
2031      call gkk_init(gkk,gkk2d,dtset%mband,dtset%nsppol,nkpt_rbz,1,1)
2033      ! Write the netCDF file.
2034      if (me == master) then
2035        fname = strcat(gkkfilnam,".nc")
2036        NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating GKK file")
2037        NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
2038        NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(gkk_ebands, ncid))
2039        call gkk_ncwrite(gkk2d,dtset%qptn(:),dtset%wtq, ncid)
2040        NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2041      end if
2043      ! Free memory
2044      ABI_FREE(gkk)
2045      call gkk_free(gkk2d)
2046      call ebands_free(gkk_ebands)
2047 #endif
2048    end if
2050    if (dtset%prepgkk == 1 .and. found_eq_gkk) then
2051      if (dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then
2052 !      Restore old values of SCF cycle parameters
2053        iscf_mod = iscf_mod_save
2054        dtset_tmp%iscf = iscf_mod_save
2055        dtset_tmp%nstep = nstep_save
2056        dtset_tmp%nline = nline_save
2057        dtset_tmp%tolwfr = tolwfr_save
2058        dtset_tmp%toldfe = toldfe_save
2059        dtset_tmp%toldff = toldff_save
2060        dtset_tmp%tolrff = tolrff_save
2061        dtset_tmp%tolvrs = tolvrs_save
2062        blkflg = blkflg_save ! this ensures we do not use the (unconverged) 2DTE from this non scf run
2063 !      Save density for present perturbation, for future use in symmetric perturbations
2064        rhor1_save(:,:,icase) = rhor1
2065      else
2066        write (msg, '(a,3E20.10)') 'norm diff = ', sum(abs(rhor1_save(:,:,icase) - rhor1)), &
2067 &       sum(abs(rhor1)), sum(abs(rhor1_save(:,:,icase) - rhor1))/sum(abs(rhor1))
2068        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
2069      end if
2070    end if
2072    ! Write wavefunctions file only if convergence was not achieved.
2073    write_1wfk = .True.
2074    if (dtset%prtwf == 0) write_1wfk = .False.
2075    if (dtset%prtwf == -1 .and. dfpt_scfcv_retcode == 0) then
2076      write_1wfk = .False.
2077      call wrtout(ab_out," dfpt_looppert: DFPT cycle converged with prtwf=-1. Will skip output of the 1st-order WFK file.")
2078    end if
2080    ! store DDK wavefunctions in memory for later call to orbmag
2081    ! only relevant for DDK pert with orbmag calculation
2082    if( (dtset%orbmag .NE. 0) .AND. (ipert .EQ. dtset%natom+1) ) then
2083      cg1_3(:,:,idir) = cg1(:,:)
2084      has_cg1_3(idir) = .TRUE.
2085    end if
2088      call outresid(dtset,kpt_rbz,dtset%mband, &
2089 &                nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,&
2090 &                dtset%nsppol,resid)
2092    if (write_1wfk) then
2093      ! Output 1st-order wavefunctions in file
2094      call wfk_write_my_kptbands(fiwf1o, distrb_flags, spacecomm, formeig, hdr, dtset%iomode, &
2095 &          dtset%mband, mband_mem_rbz, mk1mem_rbz, dtset%mpw, nkpt_rbz, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, &
2096 &          cg1, kg1, eigen1)
2098 !     call outwf(cg1,dtset,psps,eigen1,fiwf1o,hdr,kg1,kpt_rbz,&
2099 !&     dtset%mband,mcg1,mk1mem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw1,dtset%natom,nband_rbz,&
2100 !&     nkpt_rbz,npwar1,dtset%nsppol,&
2101 !&     occ_rbz,resid,response,dtfil%unwff2,wvl%wfs,wvl%descr)
2102    end if
2105 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2106    ! Output DDK file in netcdf format.
2107    ! Can be used by optic instead of the 1WF file that is really huge.
2108    if (me == master .and. ipert == dtset%natom + 1 .and. dtset%prtevk == 1) then
2109      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "" )
2110      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating file")
2111      ! Have to build hdr on k-grid with info about perturbation.
2112      call hdr_copy(hdr0, hdr_tmp)
2113      hdr_tmp%kptopt = dtset%kptopt
2114      hdr_tmp%pertcase = pertcase
2115      hdr_tmp%qptn = dtset%qptn(1:3)
2116      NCF_CHECK(hdr_tmp%ncwrite(ncid, 43, nc_define=.True.))
2117      call hdr_tmp%free()
2118      NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
2119      NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands_k, ncid))
2120      ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
2121      nctkarr_t('h1_matrix_elements', "dp", &
2122        "two, max_number_of_states, max_number_of_states, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins")], defmode=.True.)
2123      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2124      NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
2125      ncerr = nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "h1_matrix_elements"), eigen1, &
2126        count=[2, dtset%mband, dtset%mband, nkpt_rbz, dtset%nsppol])
2127      NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2128      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2129    end if
2130 #endif
2133 !  If the perturbation is d/dk, evaluate the f-sum rule.
2134    if (ipert==dtset%natom+1 )then
2135 !    Note : the factor of two is related to the difference
2136 !    between Taylor expansion and perturbation expansion
2137 !    Note : this expression should be modified for ecutsm.
2138 !    Indeed, the present one will NOT tend to 1.0_dp.
2139      ek2=gmet(idir,idir)*(two_pi**2)*2.0_dp*dtset%nelect
2140      fsum=-ek1/ek2
2141      if(dtset%ecutsm<tol6)then
2142        write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,a,es20.10)' ) &
2143        ' dfpt_looppert : ek2=',ek2,ch10,&
2144        '          f-sum rule ratio=',fsum
2145      else
2146        write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,a,es20.10,a)' ) &
2147        ' dfpt_looppert : ek2=',ek2,ch10,&
2148        '          f-sum rule ratio=',fsum,' (note : ecutsm/=0)'
2149      end if
2150      call wrtout([std_out, ab_out] , msg)
2151 !    Write the diagonal elements of the dH/dk operator, after averaging over degenerate states
2152      ABI_MALLOC(eigen1_mean,(dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol))
2153      call eigen_meandege(eigen0,eigen1,eigen1_mean,dtset%mband,nband_rbz,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nsppol,1)
2154      option=4
2155      if (me == master) then
2156        call prteigrs(eigen1_mean,dtset%enunit,fermie,fermie,dtfil%fnametmp_1wf1_eig,ab_out,iscf_mod,kpt_rbz,dtset%kptopt,&
2157 &       dtset%mband,nband_rbz,dtset%nbdbuf,nkpt_rbz,dtset%nnsclo,dtset%nsppol,occ_rbz,dtset%occopt,&
2158 &       option,dtset%prteig,dtset%prtvol,resid,tolwfr,vxcavg,wtk_rbz)
2159      end if
2160      ABI_FREE(eigen1_mean)
2161    end if
2163 !  Print the energies
2164    if (dtset%nline/=0 .or. dtset%nstep/=0)then
2165      call dfpt_prtene(dtset%berryopt,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
2166           &     ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,end0,end1,enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,evxctau0,evxctau1,&
2167           &     evdw,exc1,has_nd,has_vxctau,ab_out,ipert,dtset%natom,psps%usepaw,usevdw)
2168    end if
2170    ! call orbmag if needed
2171    if ( (dtset%orbmag .NE. 0) .AND. (dtset%rfddk .EQ. 1) .AND. &
2172      & (COUNT(has_cg1_3) .EQ. 3) ) then
2174      if ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(vtrial_local)) then
2175        ABI_MALLOC(vtrial_local,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
2176      end if
2177      vtrial_local = vtrial
2178      call orbmag(cg,cg1_3,cprj,dtset,eigen0,gsqcut,kg,mcg,mcg1,mcprj,mkmem_rbz,mpi_enreg,mpw,nfftf,ngfftf,&
2179         & npwarr,occ,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawrad,pawtab,psps,rprimd,vtrial_local,vxctau,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
2180      if( ALLOCATED(vtrial_local) ) then
2181        ABI_FREE(vtrial_local)
2182      end if
2183      if( ALLOCATED(cg1_3) ) then
2184        ABI_FREE(cg1_3)
2185        has_cg1_3(:) = .FALSE.
2186      end if
2187    end if ! end call orbmag
2189    if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
2190      if (ipert_me < npert_me -1) then
2191        call hdr0%free()
2192      else
2193        eigen0_copy(1:dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol) = eigen0
2194      end if
2195      ipert_me = ipert_me +1
2196    else
2197      if (icase == ipert_cnt) then
2198        eigen0_copy(1:dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol) = eigen0
2199      else
2200        call hdr0%free()
2201      end if
2202    end if
2204 !Release the temporary arrays (for k, k+q and 1st-order)
2205    ABI_FREE(cg)
2206    ABI_FREE(cgq)
2207    ABI_FREE(cg1)
2208    ABI_FREE(docckqde)
2209    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2210      ABI_FREE(cg_mq)
2211      ABI_FREE(cg1_mq)
2212      ABI_FREE(docckde_mq)
2213    end if
2214    ABI_FREE(doccde_rbz)
2215    ABI_FREE(eigen0)
2216    ABI_FREE(eigenq)
2217    ABI_FREE(eigen1)
2218    ABI_FREE(kpq)
2219    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2220      ABI_FREE(eigen_mq)
2221      ABI_FREE(eigen1_mq)
2222      ABI_FREE(kmq)
2223    end if
2224    ABI_FREE(indkpt1)
2225    ABI_FREE(indsy1)
2226    ABI_FREE(istwfk_rbz)
2227    ABI_FREE(irrzon1)
2228    ABI_FREE(kg)
2229    ABI_FREE(kg1)
2230    ABI_FREE(kpq_rbz)
2231    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2232      ABI_FREE(kg1_mq)
2233      ABI_FREE(kmq_rbz)
2234    end if
2235    ABI_FREE(kpt_rbz)
2236    ABI_FREE(nband_rbz)
2237    ABI_FREE(npwarr)
2238    ABI_FREE(npwar1)
2239    ABI_FREE(npwtot)
2240    ABI_FREE(npwtot1)
2241    ABI_FREE(occkq)
2242    ABI_FREE(occ_rbz)
2243    ABI_FREE(phnons1)
2244    ABI_FREE(resid)
2245    ABI_FREE(rhog1)
2246    ABI_FREE(rhor1)
2247    ABI_FREE(symaf1)
2248    ABI_FREE(symrc1)
2249    ABI_FREE(symrl1)
2250    ABI_FREE(tnons1)
2251    ABI_FREE(wtk_rbz)
2252    ABI_FREE(xccc3d1)
2253    ABI_FREE(vpsp1)
2254    ABI_FREE(ylm)
2255    ABI_FREE(ylm1)
2256    ABI_FREE(ylmgr)
2257    ABI_FREE(ylmgr1)
2258    if(.not.kramers_deg) then
2259      ABI_FREE(npwar1_mq)
2260      ABI_FREE(npwtot1_mq)
2261      ABI_FREE(occk_mq)
2262      ABI_FREE(resid_mq)
2263      ABI_FREE(rhor1_pq)
2264      ABI_FREE(rhor1_mq)
2265      ABI_FREE(rhog1_pq)
2266      ABI_FREE(rhog1_mq)
2267    end if
2268    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2269      call pawang_free(pawang1)
2270      call pawrhoij_free(pawrhoij1)
2271      if (usecprj==1) then
2272        call pawcprj_free(cprj)
2273        call pawcprj_free(cprjq)
2274      end if
2275    end if
2276    ABI_FREE(pawrhoij1)
2277    ABI_FREE(cprjq)
2278    ABI_FREE(cprj)
2279    if(xmpi_paral==1)  then
2280      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
2281      ABI_FREE(mpi_enreg%my_kpttab)
2282    end if
2283    call hdr%free()
2285    ! Clean band structure datatypes (should use it more in the future !)
2286    call ebands_free(ebands_k)
2287    call ebands_free(ebands_kq)
2288    if(.not.kramers_deg) call ebands_free(ebands_kmq)
2290 !  %%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
2291 !  *Redefine output/log files
2292    call localredirect(mpi_enreg%comm_cell,mpi_enreg%comm_world,npert_io,mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0)
2294    ABI_FREE(bz2ibz_smap)
2295    ABI_FREE(distrb_flags)
2297    call timab(146,2,tsec)
2298    if(iexit/=0) exit
2299  end do ! End loop on perturbations
2300  ABI_FREE(zeff)
2302 !%%%% Parallelization over perturbations %%%%%
2303 !*Restore default communicators
2304  call unset_pert_comm(mpi_enreg)
2305 !*Gather output/log files
2306  ABI_MALLOC(dyn,(npert_io))
2307  if (npert_io>0) dyn=1
2308  call localrdfile(mpi_enreg%comm_pert,mpi_enreg%comm_world,.true.,npert_io,mpi_enreg%paral_pert,0,dyn)
2309  ABI_FREE(dyn)
2310 !*Restore PAW on-site data
2311  if (paral_pert_inplace) then
2312    call unset_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij)
2313  else
2314    call unset_pert_paw(dtset,mpi_enreg,my_natom,old_atmtab,old_comm_atom,&
2315 &   paw_an,paw_ij,pawfgrtab,pawrhoij,&
2316 &   paw_an_out=paw_an_pert,paw_ij_out=paw_ij_pert,&
2317 &   pawfgrtab_out=pawfgrtab_pert,pawrhoij_out=pawrhoij_pert)
2318  end if
2320 !#################################################################################
2321 !Calculate the second-order eigenvalues for a wavevector Q
2323  call timab(147,1,tsec)
2324  smdelta = dtset%smdelta
2325  bdeigrf = dtset%bdeigrf
2326  if(dtset%bdeigrf == -1) bdeigrf = dtset%mband
2328  if(dtset%ieig2rf > 0) then
2330    if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2331 &   (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2332      call wrtout(std_out,'Reading the dense grid WF file')
2333 !    We get the Abinit header of the file hdr_fine as ouput
2334 !    We get eigenq_fine(mband,hdr_fine%nkpt,hdr_fine%nsppol) as ouput
2335      fname = dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine
2336      if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) fname = nctk_ncify(dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine)
2338      call wfk_read_eigenvalues(fname,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2339      ABI_CHECK(SIZE(eigenq_fine,DIM=1)==Dtset%mband,"Size eigenq_fine != mband")
2340    end if
2341 ! DBSP ==> Has been changed to be able to make Bandstructure calculation
2342 !   if(dtset%kptopt==3 .or. dtset%kptopt==0)then
2343    if(dtset%kptopt==3 .or. dtset%kptopt==0 .or. dtset%kptopt < -4 .or. dtset%nsym==1) then
2344 !END
2345      if (dtset%nsym > 1) then ! .and. dtset%efmas==0) then
2346        ABI_ERROR("Symmetries are not implemented for temperature dependence calculations")
2347      end if
2348      write(std_out,*) 'Entering: eig2stern'
2349      if(smdelta>0)then
2350        if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2351 &       (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2352          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2353 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2354 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2355 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
2356        else
2357          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2358 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2359 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2360 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd)
2361        end if
2362      else
2363        if ((dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine ==0) .or.&
2364 &       (dtset%getwfkfine == 0 .and. dtset%irdwfkfine /=0) )  then
2365          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2366 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2367 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2368 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset,eigbrd,eigenq_fine,hdr_fine,hdr0)
2369        else
2370          call eig2stern(occ_pert,bdeigrf,clflg,cg1_pert,dim_eig2nkq,dim_eig2rf,eigen0_pert,eigenq_pert,&
2371 &         eigen1_pert,eig2nkq,dtset%elph2_imagden,dtset%esmear,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,&
2372 &         dtset%ieig2rf,istwfk_pert,dtset%mband,mk1mem_rbz,mpert,dtset%natom,mpi_enreg,mpw1,nkpt_rbz,&
2373 &         npwar1_pert,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,smdelta,dtset)
2374        end if
2375      end if
2376      call wrtout(std_out, 'Leaving: eig2stern')
2379      ! -------------------------
2380      ! Output d2eig data to file
2381      ! -------------------------
2382      if (dtset%ieig2rf==1.or.dtset%ieig2rf==2) then
2384        ! GA: Here, mpert needs to be replaced by natom
2385        !     but why is mpert larger than natom in the first place?
2386        mpert_ = dtset%natom
2388        ! Initialize perturbation flags
2389        ! GA: At the moment, they are all set to one
2390        ! Instead, they should be used to save individual perturbations
2391        ! to separate files and merge them after the loop.
2392        ABI_MALLOC(blkflg_save,(3,mpert_,3,mpert_))
2393        blkflg_save = one
2395        ! Initialize ddb object
2396        call ddb%init(dtset, 1, mpert_, &
2397                     mband=bdeigrf,&
2398                     nkpt=nkpt_rbz,&
2399                     kpt=dtset%kptns(1:3,1:nkpt_rbz),&
2400                     with_d2eig=.true.)
2402        ! Create the ddb header
2403        dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
2404        call ddb_hdr%init(dtset,psps,pawtab,dscrpt,1,&
2405                          mpert=mpert_,&
2406                          xred=xred,occ=occ_pert,&
2407                          mband=bdeigrf / dtset%nsppol,&
2408                          nkpt=nkpt_rbz,&
2409                          kpt=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt_rbz))
2411        ! Set d2eig data
2412        call ddb%set_qpt(1, dtset%qptn)
2413        call ddb%set_d2eig_reshape(1, eig2nkq, blkflg_save)
2415        call ddb_hdr%set_typ(ddb%nblok, ddb%typ)
2417        ! Open the file and write header
2418        call ddb_hdr%open_write(dtfil%fnameabo_eigr2d, with_psps=1, comm=mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2420        ! Write d2eig data block
2421        call ddb%write_d2eig(ddb_hdr, 1, comm=mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2423        ! close and free memory
2424        call ddb_hdr%close()
2425        call ddb_hdr%free()
2426        call ddb%free()
2428        if(smdelta>0) then
2429          ! write out _EIGI2D file
2431          call ddb%init(dtset, 1, mpert_, &
2432                       mband=bdeigrf,&
2433                       nkpt=nkpt_rbz,&
2434                       kpt=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt_rbz),&
2435                       with_d2eig=.true.)
2437          ! Create the ddb header
2438          dscrpt=' Note : temporary (transfer) database '
2439          call ddb_hdr%init(dtset,psps,pawtab,dscrpt,1,&
2440                            mpert=mpert_,&
2441                            xred=xred,occ=occ_pert,&
2442                            mband=bdeigrf / dtset%nsppol,&
2443                            nkpt=nkpt_rbz,&
2444                            kpt=dtset%kptns(:,1:nkpt_rbz))
2446          call ddb%set_qpt(1, dtset%qptn)
2447          call ddb%set_d2eig_reshape(1, eigbrd, blkflg_save, blktyp=BLKTYP_d2eig_im)
2449          call ddb_hdr%set_typ(ddb%nblok, ddb%typ)
2451          call ddb_hdr%open_write(dtfil%fnameabo_eigi2d, with_psps=1,comm=mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2452          call ddb%write_d2eig(ddb_hdr, 1, comm=mpi_enreg%comm_world)
2454          call ddb_hdr%close()
2455          call ddb_hdr%free()
2456          call ddb%free()
2458        end if !smdelta
2460        ABI_FREE(blkflg_save)
2462      end if !ieig2rf==1.or.ieig2rf==2
2463    else
2464      write(msg,'(3a)')&
2465      'K point grids must be the same for every perturbation: eig2stern not called',ch10,&
2466      'Action: Put kptopt=3 '
2467      ABI_WARNING(msg)
2468    end if !kptopt
2469    ABI_FREE(gh1c_pert)
2470    ABI_FREE(gh0c1_pert)
2471    ABI_FREE(cg1_pert)
2472    ABI_FREE(kpt_rbz_pert)
2473    ABI_FREE(istwfk_pert)
2474    ABI_FREE(npwarr_pert)
2475    ABI_FREE(npwar1_pert)
2476    ABI_FREE(npwtot_pert)
2477    ABI_FREE(occ_pert)
2478  end if  !if dtset%ieig2rf
2480  ! Calculation of effective masses.
2481  if(dtset%efmas == 1) then
2482    call efmas_main(cg0_pert,cg1_pert,dim_eig2rf,dtset,efmasdeg,efmasval,eigen0_pert,&
2483 &   eigen1_pert,gh0c1_pert,gh1c_pert,istwfk_pert,mpert,mpi_enreg,nkpt_rbz,npwarr_pert,rprimd)
2485    ABI_FREE(gh1c_pert)
2486    ABI_FREE(gh0c1_pert)
2487    ABI_FREE(cg1_pert)
2488    ABI_FREE(istwfk_pert)
2489    ABI_FREE(npwarr_pert)
2490    ABI_FREE(cg0_pert)
2492    if (dtset%prtefmas == 1 .and. me == master) then
2493      fname = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
2494 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2495      NCF_CHECK_MSG(nctk_open_create(ncid, fname, xmpi_comm_self), "Creating EFMAS file")
2496      NCF_CHECK(crystal%ncwrite(ncid))
2497      !NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(ebands_k, ncid)) ! At this stage, ebands_k is not available
2498      call print_efmas(efmasdeg, efmasval, kpt_rbz_pert, ncid)
2499      NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2500 #endif
2501    endif
2503    call efmas_analysis(dtset,efmasdeg,efmasval,kpt_rbz_pert,mpi_enreg,nkpt_rbz,rprimd)
2504    ABI_FREE(kpt_rbz_pert)
2505  end if
2507 !Free memory.
2508  if(dtset%ieig2rf /= 3 .and. dtset%ieig2rf /= 4 .and. dtset%ieig2rf /= 5) call hdr0%free()
2509  ABI_FREE(eigen0_copy)
2510  call crystal%free()
2512  call timab(147,2,tsec)
2513 !######################################################################################
2515 !Get ddk file information, for later use in dfpt_dyout
2516  ddkfil(:)=0
2517  do idir=1,3
2518    file_index(1)=idir+dtset%natom*3
2519    call appdig(file_index(1),dtfil%fnamewffddk,fiwfddk)
2520 !  Check that ddk file exists
2521    t_exist = file_exists(fiwfddk)
2522    if (.not. t_exist) then
2523      ! Trick needed to run Abinit test suite in netcdf mode.
2524      t_exist = file_exists(nctk_ncify(fiwfddk))
2525      if (t_exist) then
2526        write(msg,"(3a)")"- File: ",trim(fiwfddk)," does not exist but found netcdf file with similar name."
2527        call wrtout(std_out, msg)
2528        fiwfddk = nctk_ncify(fiwfddk)
2529      end if
2530    end if
2532 !  If the file exists set ddkfil to a non-zero value
2533    if (t_exist) ddkfil(idir)=20+idir
2534  end do
2536  ABI_FREE(ph1d)
2537  ABI_FREE(ph1df)
2538  ABI_FREE(pert_calc)
2539  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2540    ABI_FREE(dimcprj_srt)
2541  end if
2543 !destroy dtset_tmp
2544  if (dtset%prepgkk /= 0) then ! .and. dtset%use_nonscf_gkk == 1) then !Later uncomment this - in scf case rhor1_save is used below only for testing
2545    ABI_FREE(rhor1_save)
2546    ABI_FREE(blkflg_save)
2547    call dtset_tmp%free()
2548    ABI_FREE(dtset_tmp)
2549  end if
2551 !In paral_pert-case some array's have to be reconstructed
2552  if(mpi_enreg%paral_pert==1) then
2553    ABI_MALLOC(buffer1,(2,3,mpert,3,mpert*(2+psps%usepaw)))
2554    buffer1(:,:,:,:,1:mpert)=d2lo(:,:,:,:,:)
2555    buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+mpert:2*mpert)=d2nl(:,:,:,:,:)
2556    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2557      buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+2*mpert:3*mpert)=d2ovl(:,:,:,:,:)
2558    end if
2559    call xmpi_sum(buffer1,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2560    call xmpi_sum(blkflg,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2561    if(dtset%prtbbb==1) then
2562      call xmpi_sum(d2bbb,mpi_enreg%comm_pert,ierr)
2563    end if
2564    d2lo(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1:mpert)
2565    d2nl(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+mpert:2*mpert)
2566    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
2567      d2ovl(:,:,:,:,:)=buffer1(:,:,:,:,1+2*mpert:3*mpert)
2568    end if
2569    ABI_FREE(buffer1)
2570  end if
2572  if ( associated(old_atmtab)) then
2573    ABI_FREE(old_atmtab)
2574    nullify(old_atmtab)
2575  end if
2577  call timab(141,2,tsec)
2579  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2581 end subroutine dfpt_looppert

ABINIT/dfpt_prtene [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Print components of second derivative of total energy in nice format


 eberry=energy associated with Berry phase
 edocc=correction to 2nd-order total energy coming from changes of occupation
 eeig0=0th-order eigenenergies part of 2nd-order total energy
 eew=Ewald part of 2nd-order total energy
 efrhar=hartree frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en.
 efrkin=kinetic frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en.
 efrloc=local psp. frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en.
 efrnl=nonlocal psp. frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en
 efrx1=xc core corr.(1) frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en
 efrx2=xc core corr.(2) frozen-wavefunction part of 2nd-order tot. en
 ehart01=inhomogeneous 1st-order Hartree part of 2nd-order total energy
   for strain perturbation only (zero otherwise, and not used)
 ehart1=1st-order Hartree part of 2nd-order total energy
 eii=pseudopotential core part of 2nd-order total energy
 ek0=0th-order kinetic energy part of 2nd-order total energy.
 ek1=1st-order kinetic energy part of 2nd-order total energy.
 eloc0=0th-order local (psp+vxc+Hart) part of 2nd-order total energy
 elpsp1=1st-order local pseudopot. part of 2nd-order total energy.
 end0=0th-order nuclear dipole part of 2nd-order total energy.
 end1=1st-order nuclear dipole part of 2nd-order total energy.
 enl0=0th-order nonlocal pseudopot. part of 2nd-order total energy.
 enl1=1st-order nonlocal pseudopot. part of 2nd-order total energy.
 eovl1=1st-order change of wave-functions overlap, part of 2nd-order energy
       PAW only - Eq(79) and Eq(80) of PRB 78, 035105 (2008) [[cite:Audouze2008]]
 epaw1=1st-order PAW on-site part of 2nd-order total energy.
 evxctau0=0th-order energy due to vxctau
 evxctau1=1st order energy due to vxctau
 evdw=DFT-D semi-empirical part of 2nd-order total energy
 exc1=1st-order exchange-correlation part of 2nd-order total energy
 has_nd=logical, whether nuclear dipole energies are present
 has_vxctau=logical, whether mgga vxctau energies are present
 iout=unit number to which output is written
 ipert=type of the perturbation
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 usepaw= 0 for non paw calculation; =1 for paw calculation
 usevdw= flag set to 1 if vdw DFT-D semi-empirical potential is in use


  (only writing)


 all energies in Hartree


2816 subroutine dfpt_prtene(berryopt,eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1,efrx2,&
2817      &  ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,end0,end1,enl0,enl1,eovl1,epaw1,evxctau0,evxctau1,&
2818      & evdw,exc1,has_nd,has_vxctau,iout,ipert,natom,usepaw,usevdw)
2820 !Arguments -------------------------------
2821 !scalars
2822  integer,intent(in) :: berryopt,iout,ipert,natom,usepaw,usevdw
2823  real(dp),intent(in) :: eberry,edocc,eeig0,eew,efrhar,efrkin,efrloc,efrnl,efrx1
2824  real(dp),intent(in) :: efrx2,ehart01,ehart1,eii,ek0,ek1,eloc0,elpsp1,end0,end1,enl0,enl1
2825  real(dp),intent(in) :: eovl1,epaw1,evxctau0,evxctau1,evdw,exc1
2826  logical,intent(in) :: has_nd,has_vxctau
2828 !Local variables -------------------------
2829 !scalars
2830  integer :: nn
2831  logical :: berry_activated
2832  real(dp) :: enl1_effective,erelax,etotal
2833  character(len=10) :: numb
2834  character(len=10),parameter :: numbstr(20) = &
2835 &  (/'One       ','Two       ','Three     ','Four      ','Five      ', &
2836 &    'Six       ','Seven     ','Eight     ','Nine      ','Ten       ', &
2837 &    'Eleven    ','Twelve    ','Thirteen  ','Fourteen  ','Fifteen   ', &
2838 &    'Sixteen   ','Seventeen ','Eighteen  ','Nineteen  ','Twenty    '/)
2839  character(len=500) :: msg
2841 ! *********************************************************************
2843 !Count and print the number of components of 2nd-order energy
2844 !MT feb 2015: this number is wrong! Should change it but
2845 !             need to change a lot of ref. files
2846  berry_activated=(berryopt== 4.or.berryopt== 6.or.berryopt== 7.or. &
2847 & berryopt==14.or.berryopt==16.or.berryopt==17)
2848  if (ipert==natom+1) nn=8
2849  if (ipert==natom+5) nn=8
2850  if (ipert==natom+2) nn=7
2851  if (ipert>=1.and.ipert<=natom) nn=13
2852  if (ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) nn=17
2853  if (ipert==natom+2.and.berry_activated) nn=nn+1
2854  if (ipert==natom+10.or.ipert==natom+11) nn=1 ! means nothing,
2855 ! because we do not compute derivatives of the energy in this case
2856  if (usepaw==1) nn=nn+1
2857  if (usevdw==1) nn=nn+1
2858  write(msg, '(4a)' ) ch10,&
2859 & ' ',trim(numbstr(nn)),' components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are '
2860  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2861  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2863  numb='1,2,3'
2864  write(msg, '(3a)' )&
2865 & ' ',trim(numb),': 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions'
2866  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2867  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2868  write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' )&
2869       &   '     kin0=',ek0,   ' eigvalue=',eeig0,'  local=',eloc0
2870  if (has_nd) then
2871     write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' )&
2872          &   '     kin0=',ek0,   ' eigvalue=',eeig0,'  local=',eloc0,'  nclr dpl0=',end0
2873  end if
2874  if (has_vxctau) then
2875     write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' )&
2876          &   '     kin0=',ek0,   ' eigvalue=',eeig0,'  local=',eloc0,'  evxctau0=',evxctau0
2877  end if
2878  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2879  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2881  numb='4,5,6';if( ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) numb='4,5,6,7'
2882  write(msg, '(3a)' )&
2883 & ' ',trim(numb),': 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs'
2884  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2885  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2886  if(ipert/=natom+1.and.ipert/=natom+2)then
2887    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,a)' ) &
2888 &   ' loc psp =',elpsp1,'  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1,ch10,&
2889 &   ' note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved'
2890  else if(ipert==natom+1) then
2891    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2892 &     '     kin1=',ek1,   '  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1
2893    if (has_nd) then
2894       write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2895            &     '     kin1=',ek1,   '  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1,'  nclr dpl1=',end1
2896    end if
2897    if (has_vxctau) then
2898       write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2899            &     '     kin1=',ek1,   '  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1,'  evxctau1=',evxctau1
2900    end if
2901  else if(ipert==natom+2) then
2902    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2903 &   '    dotwf=',enl1,  '  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1
2904  end if
2905  if(ipert==natom+3 .or. ipert==natom+4) then
2906    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,a,es17.8)' ) &
2907 &   ' loc psp =',elpsp1,'  Hartree=',ehart1,'     xc=',exc1,ch10,&
2908 &   '     kin1=',ek1
2909  end if
2910  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2911  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2913  enl1_effective=enl1;if (ipert==natom+2) enl1_effective=zero
2914  numb='7,8,9';if( ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) numb='8,9,10'
2915  write(msg, '(5a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' )&
2916 & ' ',trim(numb),': eventually, occupation + non-local contributions',ch10,&
2917 & '    edocc=',edocc,'     enl0=',enl0,'   enl1=',enl1_effective
2918  call wrtout(iout,msg)
2919  call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2921  if (usepaw==1) then
2922    numb='10';if( ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) numb='11'
2923    write(msg, '(3a,es17.8)' )&
2924 &   ' ',trim(numb),': eventually, PAW "on-site" Hxc contribution: epaw1=',epaw1
2925    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2926    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2927  end if
2929  if(ipert/=natom+10 .and.ipert/=natom+11) then
2930    erelax=0.0_dp
2931    if(ipert>=1.and.ipert<=natom)then
2932      erelax=ek0+edocc+eeig0+eloc0+elpsp1+ehart1+exc1+enl0+enl1+epaw1
2933   else if(ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+2)then
2934      ! JWZ: end0 and evxctau0 are included as "local" in getghc, while
2935      ! JWZ: end1 and evxctau1 are included in gvnlx1 (non local) in getgh1c
2936      ! JWZ: therefore, in erelax, end0 and evxctau0 are added in explicitly while
2937      ! JWZ: end1 and evxctau1 are already present in enl1
2938      erelax=ek0+edocc+eeig0+eloc0+ek1+ehart1+exc1+enl0+enl1+epaw1+end0+evxctau0
2939    else if(ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4)then
2940      erelax=ek0+edocc+eeig0+eloc0+ek1+elpsp1+ehart1+exc1+enl0+enl1+epaw1
2941    else if(ipert==natom+5)then
2942      erelax=ek0+edocc+eeig0+eloc0+ek1+elpsp1+ehart1+exc1+enl0+enl1+epaw1
2943    end if
2944    enl1_effective=enl1
2945    if (ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+2) then
2946      if (1.0_dp+enl1/10.0_dp==1.0_dp) enl1_effective=zero
2947    end if
2949    numb='1-9';if (usepaw==1) numb='1-10'
2950    if( ipert==natom+3.or.ipert==natom+4) then
2951      numb='1-10';if (usepaw==1) numb='1-11'
2952    end if
2953    write(msg, '(5a,es17.8)' )&
2954 &   ' ',trim(numb),' gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)',&
2955 &   ch10,'   erelax=',erelax
2956    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2957    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2958  end if
2960  if(ipert>=1.and.ipert<=natom)then
2962    numb='10,11,12';if (usepaw==1) numb='11,12,13'
2963    write(msg, '(4a)' )&
2964 &   ' ',trim(numb),' Non-relaxation  contributions : ',&
2965 &   'frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald'
2966    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2967    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2968    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2969 &   ' fr.local=',efrloc,' fr.nonlo=',efrnl,'  Ewald=',eew
2970    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2971    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2973    write(msg, '(a,es16.6)' )' dfpt_prtene : non-relax=',efrloc+efrnl+eew
2974    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2976    numb='13,14';if (usepaw==1) numb='14,15'
2977    write(msg, '(3a)' )&
2978 &   ' ',trim(numb),' Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)'
2979    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2980    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2981    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
2982 &   ' frxc 1  =',efrx1,'  frxc 2 =',efrx2
2983    call wrtout(iout,msg)
2984    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2985    if (usepaw==1) then
2986      numb='16'
2987      write(msg, '(5a,es17.8)' )&
2988 &     ' ',trim(numb),' Contribution from 1st-order change of wavefunctions overlap',&
2989 &     ch10,' eovl1 =',eovl1
2990      call wrtout(iout,msg)
2991      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2992    end if
2993    if (usevdw==1) then
2994      numb='15';if (usepaw==1) numb='17'
2995      write(msg, '(3a,es17.8)' )&
2996 &     ' ',trim(numb),' Contribution from van der Waals DFT-D: evdw =',evdw
2997      call wrtout(iout,msg)
2998      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2999    end if
3001    write(msg, '(a)' )' Resulting in : '
3002    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3003    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3004    etotal=erelax+eew+efrloc+efrnl+efrx1+efrx2+evdw
3005    write(msg, '(a,e20.10,a,e22.12,a)' ) &
3006 &   ' 2DEtotal=',etotal,' Ha. Also 2DEtotal=',etotal*Ha_eV,' eV'
3007    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3008    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3009    write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,es20.10,a)' ) &
3010 &   '    (2DErelax=',erelax,' Ha. 2DEnonrelax=',etotal-erelax,' Ha)'
3011    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3012    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3013    write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,a)' ) &
3014 &   '    (  non-var. 2DEtotal :',&
3015 &   0.5_dp*(elpsp1+enl1)+eovl1+eew+efrloc+efrnl+efrx1+efrx2+evdw,' Ha)',ch10
3016    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3017    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3019  else if(ipert==natom+1.or.ipert==natom+2)then
3020    if (ipert==natom+1.and.usepaw==1) then
3021      numb='11'
3022      write(msg, '(5a,es17.8)' )&
3023 &     ' ',trim(numb),' Contribution from 1st-order change of wavefunctions overlap',&
3024 &     ch10,' eovl1 =',eovl1
3025      call wrtout(iout,msg)
3026      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3027    end if
3028    write(msg,*)' No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.:',' the relaxation energy is the total one'
3029    if(berry_activated) then
3030      numb='10';
3031      write(msg,'(3a,es20.10)')' ',trim(numb),' Berry phase energy :',eberry
3032    end if
3033    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3034    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3035    etotal=erelax
3036    write(msg, '(a,e20.10,a,e22.12,a)' ) &
3037 &   ' 2DEtotal=',etotal,' Ha. Also 2DEtotal=',etotal*Ha_eV,' eV'
3038    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3039    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3040    write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a)' ) &
3041 &   '    (  non-var. 2DEtotal :',0.5_dp*(ek1+enl1_effective)+eovl1,' Ha)'
3042    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3043    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3045  else if(ipert==natom+3 .or. ipert==natom+4) then
3046    numb='11,12,13';if (usepaw==1) numb='12,13,14'
3047    write(msg, '(4a)' )&
3048 &   ' ',trim(numb),' Non-relaxation  contributions : ','frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald'
3049    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3050    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3051    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
3052 &   '  fr.hart=',efrhar,'   fr.kin=',efrkin,' fr.loc=',efrloc
3053    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3054    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3056    numb='14,15,16';if (usepaw==1) numb='15,16,17'
3057    write(msg, '(4a)' )&
3058 &   ' ',trim(numb),' Non-relaxation  contributions : ','frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald'
3059    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3060    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3061    write(msg, '(a,es17.8,a,es17.8,a,es17.8)' ) &
3062 &   '  fr.nonl=',efrnl,'    fr.xc=',efrx1,'  Ewald=',eew
3063    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3064    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3066    numb='17';if (usepaw==1) numb='18'
3067    write(msg, '(4a)' )&
3068 &   ' ',trim(numb),' Non-relaxation  contributions : ','pseudopotential core energy'
3069    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3070    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3071    write(msg, '(a,es17.8)' ) '  pspcore=',eii
3072    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3073    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3074    if (usepaw==1) then
3075      numb='19'
3076      write(msg, '(5a,es17.8)' )&
3077 &     ' ',trim(numb),' Contribution from 1st-order change of wavefunctions overlap',&
3078 &     ch10,' eovl1 =',eovl1
3079      call wrtout(iout,msg)
3080      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3081    end if
3082    if (usevdw==1) then
3083      numb='18';if (usepaw==1) numb='20'
3084      write(msg, '(3a,es17.8)' )&
3085 &     ' ',trim(numb),' Contribution from van der Waals DFT-D: evdw =',evdw
3086      call wrtout(iout,msg)
3087      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3088    end if
3090    write(msg, '(a,es16.6)' )' dfpt_prtene : non-relax=',&
3091 &   efrhar+efrkin+efrloc+efrnl+efrx1+eew+evdw
3092    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3093    write(msg, '(a)' )' Resulting in : '
3094    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3095    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3096    etotal=erelax+efrhar+efrkin+efrloc+efrnl+efrx1+eew+eii+evdw
3097    write(msg, '(a,e20.10,a,e22.12,a)' ) &
3098 &   ' 2DEtotal=',etotal,' Ha. Also 2DEtotal=',etotal*Ha_eV,' eV'
3099    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3100    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3101    write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,es20.10,a)' ) &
3102 &   '    (2DErelax=',erelax,' Ha. 2DEnonrelax=',etotal-erelax,' Ha)'
3103    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3104    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3105    write(msg, '(a,es20.10,a,a)' ) &
3106 &   '    (  non-var. 2DEtotal :',&
3107 &   0.5_dp*(elpsp1+enl1+ek1+ehart01)+eovl1+&
3108 &   efrhar+efrkin+efrloc+efrnl+efrx1+eew+eii+evdw,' Ha)',ch10
3109    call wrtout(iout,msg)
3110    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3111  end if
3113 end subroutine dfpt_prtene

ABINIT/eigen_meandege [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 This routine takes the mean values of the responses
 for the eigenstates that are degenerate in energy.


  eigenresp((3-option)*mband**(3-option)*nkpt*nsppol)= input eigenresp
       eigenrep(2*mband**2*nkpt*nsppol) for first-order derivatives of the eigenvalues
       eigenrep(mband*nkpt*nsppol) for Fan or Debye-Waller second-order derivatives of the eigenvalues
  mband= maximum number of bands
  natom= number of atoms in the unit cell
  nkpt= number of k-points
  nsppol= 1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  option= 1 for eigen(1), 2 for eigen(2) - Fan or Debye-Waller


  eigenresp_mean(mband*nkpt*nsppol)= eigenresp, averaged over degenerate states


3139 subroutine eigen_meandege(eigen0,eigenresp,eigenresp_mean,mband,nband,nkpt,nsppol,option)
3141 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3142 !scalars
3143  integer,intent(in) :: mband,nkpt,nsppol,option
3144  integer,intent(in) :: nband(nkpt*nsppol)
3146 !arrays
3147  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen0(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
3148  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigenresp((3-option)*mband**(3-option)*nkpt*nsppol)
3149  real(dp),intent(out) :: eigenresp_mean(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
3151 !Local variables-------------------------------
3152 !scalars
3153  integer :: bdtot_index,bd2tot_index,iband,ii,ikpt,isppol,nband_k
3154  real(dp) :: eig0,mean
3155  character(len=500) :: msg
3156 !arrays
3158 ! *********************************************************************
3160  if(option/=1 .and. option/=2)then
3161    write(msg, '(a,i0)' )' The argument option should be 1 or 2, while it is found that option=',option
3162    ABI_BUG(msg)
3163  end if
3165  bdtot_index=0 ; bd2tot_index=0
3166  do isppol=1,nsppol
3167    do ikpt=1,nkpt
3168      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
3169      if(option==1)then
3170        do iband=1,nband_k
3171          eigenresp_mean(iband+bdtot_index)=&
3172 &         eigenresp(2*iband-1 + (iband-1)*2*nband_k + bd2tot_index)
3173        end do
3174      else if(option==2)then
3175        do iband=1,nband_k
3176          eigenresp_mean(iband+bdtot_index)=eigenresp(iband+bdtot_index)
3177        end do
3178      end if
3180 !    Treat the case of degeneracies : take the mean of degenerate states
3181      if(nband_k>1)then
3182        eig0=eigen0(1+bdtot_index)
3183        ii=1
3184        do iband=2,nband_k
3185          if(eigen0(iband+bdtot_index)-eig0<tol8)then
3186            ii=ii+1
3187          else
3188            mean=sum(eigenresp_mean(iband-ii+bdtot_index:iband-1+bdtot_index))/ii
3189            eigenresp_mean(iband-ii+bdtot_index:iband-1+bdtot_index)=mean
3190            ii=1
3191          end if
3192          eig0=eigen0(iband+bdtot_index)
3193          if(iband==nband_k)then
3194            mean=sum(eigenresp_mean(iband-ii+1+bdtot_index:iband+bdtot_index))/ii
3195            eigenresp_mean(iband-ii+1+bdtot_index:iband+bdtot_index)=mean
3196          end if
3197        end do
3198      end if
3200      bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
3201      bd2tot_index=bd2tot_index+2*nband_k**2
3202    end do
3203  end do
3205 end subroutine eigen_meandege

ABINIT/getcgqphase [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 extract phases from wave functions, to cancel contributions to gkk matrix elements


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables for this dataset
  timrev = flag for use of time reversal symmetry
  cg = input wavefunctions
  mcg = dimension of cg = nspinor*mband*mpw*mkmem
  cgq = input wavefunctions at k+q
  mcgq = dimension of cgq = nspinor*mband*mpw*mkmem
  mpi_enreg = datastructure for mpi communication
  nkpt_rbz = number of k-points in reduced zone for present q point
  npwarr = array of numbers of plane waves for each k-point
  npwar1 = array of numbers of plane waves for each k+q point


  phasecg = phase of different wavefunction products <k,n | k+q,n'>


2608 subroutine getcgqphase(dtset, timrev, cg,  mcg,  cgq, mcgq, mpi_enreg, nkpt_rbz, npwarr, npwar1, phasecg)
2610 !Arguments -------------------------------
2611  ! scalars
2612  integer, intent(in) :: mcg, mcgq, timrev
2613  integer, intent(in) :: nkpt_rbz
2614  type(dataset_type), intent(in) :: dtset
2616  ! arrays
2617  integer, intent(in) :: npwarr(nkpt_rbz)
2618  integer, intent(in) :: npwar1(nkpt_rbz)
2619  real(dp), intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg)
2620  real(dp), intent(in) :: cgq(2,mcgq)
2621  type(MPI_type), intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2622  real(dp),intent(out) :: phasecg(2, dtset%mband*dtset%mband*nkpt_rbz*dtset%nsppol)
2624 !Local variables -------------------------
2625  ! local vars
2626  integer :: icg, icgq, isppol, ikpt, ipw
2627  integer :: istate, iband1, iband2
2628  integer :: npw_k, npw_q
2629  integer :: me, ierr, master, spaceComm, nprocs
2630  integer :: usepaw
2631  integer :: ddkflag, itrs, job, maxbd, mcg1_k, minbd, shiftbd
2632  real(dp) :: normsmat
2634  integer, allocatable :: sflag_k(:)
2635  integer, allocatable :: pwind_k(:)
2637  real(dp) :: cg1_dummy(1,1)
2638  real(dp) :: smat_inv_dummy(1,1,1)
2639  real(dp) :: smat_k_paw_dummy(1,1,1)
2640  real(dp) :: dtm_k_dummy(2)
2641  real(dp), allocatable :: smat_k(:,:,:)
2642  real(dp), allocatable :: pwnsfac_k(:,:)
2643  logical, allocatable :: my_kpt(:,:)
2644  !character(len=500) :: msg
2646 ! *********************************************************************
2648  ABI_MALLOC(smat_k,(2,dtset%mband,dtset%mband))
2649  ABI_MALLOC(sflag_k,(dtset%mband))
2651 !dummy use of timrev so abirules stops complaining.
2652  icg = timrev
2654 !!MPI data for future use
2655  spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
2656  nprocs=xmpi_comm_size(spaceComm)
2657  master=0
2658  me=mpi_enreg%me_kpt
2660  ABI_MALLOC(my_kpt, (nkpt_rbz, dtset%nsppol))
2661  my_kpt = .true.
2662  if (mpi_enreg%nproc_spkpt > 1) then
2663    do isppol = 1, dtset%nsppol
2664      do ikpt = 1, nkpt_rbz
2665        my_kpt(ikpt, isppol) = .not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,&
2666 &       dtset%nband(ikpt),isppol,me))
2667      end do
2668    end do
2669  end if
2672 !make trivial association of G vectors: we just want <psi_k| psi_k+q>
2673 !TODO: check this is correct wrt arrangement of kg vectors for k+q
2674 !looks ok : usually made in initberry, from the translations associated
2675 !to the symops, scalar product with the G vectors. The symop is the one
2676 !used to go from the irreducible k to the full zone k. In present context
2677 !we should be using only the reduced zone, and anyhow have the same k-grid
2678 !for the gkk matrix elements and for the cg here...
2679  ABI_MALLOC(pwind_k,(dtset%mpw))
2680  ABI_MALLOC(pwnsfac_k,(4,dtset%mpw))
2681  do ipw = 1, dtset%mpw
2682    pwind_k(ipw) = ipw
2683    pwnsfac_k(1,ipw) = one
2684    pwnsfac_k(2,ipw) = zero
2685    pwnsfac_k(3,ipw) = one
2686    pwnsfac_k(4,ipw) = zero
2687  end do
2689 !flags for call to smatrix
2690  usepaw = 0 ! for now
2691  ddkflag = 0
2692  itrs = 0
2693  job = 0
2694  maxbd = 1
2695  mcg1_k = 1
2696  minbd = 1
2697  shiftbd = 1
2699 !from overlap matrix for each wavefunction, extract phase
2700  icg = 0
2701  icgq = 0
2702  istate = 0
2704  phasecg = zero
2705  do isppol = 1, dtset%nsppol
2706    do ikpt = 1, nkpt_rbz
2707 !    each proc only has certain k
2708      if (.not. my_kpt(ikpt, isppol)) then
2709        istate = istate +  dtset%nband(ikpt)*dtset%nband(ikpt)
2710        cycle
2711      end if
2713      npw_k = npwarr(ikpt)
2714      npw_q= npwar1(ikpt)
2716 !    TODO: question: are the k-points in the ibz correctly ordered in cg and cgq? if not the icg below have to be adapted.
2717      sflag_k = 0 ! make sure all elements are calculated
2718      smat_k = zero
2720      call smatrix(cg, cgq, cg1_dummy, ddkflag, dtm_k_dummy, icg, icgq,&
2721 &     itrs, job, maxbd, mcg, mcgq, mcg1_k, minbd,dtset%mpw, dtset%mband, dtset%mband,&
2722 &     npw_k, npw_q, dtset%nspinor, pwind_k, pwnsfac_k, sflag_k, shiftbd,&
2723 &     smat_inv_dummy, smat_k, smat_k_paw_dummy, usepaw)
2725      icg  = icg  + npw_k*dtset%nspinor*dtset%nband(ikpt)
2726      icgq = icgq + npw_q*dtset%nspinor*dtset%nband(ikpt)
2728      do iband1 = 1, dtset%nband(ikpt)
2729        do iband2 = 1, dtset%nband(ikpt)
2730          istate = istate + 1
2731 !        normalise the overlap matrix element to get just the phase difference phi_k - phi_k+q
2732          normsmat = sqrt(smat_k(1,iband2, iband1)**2 &
2733 &         + smat_k(2,iband2, iband1)**2)
2734          if (normsmat > tol12) then
2735            phasecg(:,istate) = smat_k(:,iband2, iband1) / normsmat
2736 !          NOTE: 21/9/2011 these appear to be always 1, i, or -i, to within 1.e-5 at worst!
2737          end if
2738        end do
2739      end do
2740    end do
2741  end do
2743 !eventually do an mpi allreduce over the k-points for phasecg
2744  if (nprocs>1) then
2745    call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
2746    call xmpi_sum_master(phasecg,master,spaceComm,ierr)
2747    call xmpi_barrier(spaceComm)
2748    if (1==1) then
2749      call wrtout(std_out, 'In getcgqphase - contributions to phasecg collected')
2750    end if
2751  end if
2753  ABI_FREE(sflag_k)
2754  ABI_FREE(smat_k)
2755  ABI_FREE(pwind_k)
2756  ABI_FREE(pwnsfac_k)
2757  ABI_FREE(my_kpt)
2759 end subroutine getcgqphase

ABINIT/m_dfpt_loopert [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (XG, DRH, MB, XW, MT, SPr, MJV)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_dfpt_loopert
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_dtset
26  use m_dtfil
27  use defs_wvltypes
28  use m_efmas_defs
29  use m_abicore
30  use m_xmpi
31  use m_errors
32  use m_wfk
33  use m_wffile
34  use m_io_redirect
35  use m_paral_pert
36  use m_nctk
37  use m_ddb
38  use m_wfd
39  use m_ddb_hdr
40 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
41  use netcdf
42 #endif
43  use m_hdr
44  use m_ebands
46  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
47  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
48  use m_occ,        only : getnel
49  use m_io_tools,   only : file_exists
50  use m_time,       only : timab
51  use m_fstrings,   only : strcat, sjoin, ftoa
52  use m_geometry,   only : mkrdim, metric, littlegroup_pert
53  use m_exit,       only : exit_check, disable_timelimit
54  use m_atomdata,   only : atom_gauss
55  use m_eig2d,      only : eigr2d_init,eigr2d_t, eigr2d_ncwrite,eigr2d_free, &
56                           gkk_t, gkk_init, gkk_ncwrite,gkk_free, outbsd, eig2stern
57  use m_crystal,    only : crystal_init, crystal_t
58  use m_efmas,      only : efmas_main, efmas_analysis, print_efmas
59  use m_fft,        only : fourdp
60  use m_fftcore,    only : fftcore_set_mixprec
61  use m_kg,         only : getcut, getmpw, kpgio, getph
62  use m_iowf,       only : outwf, outresid
63  use m_ioarr,      only : read_rhor
64  use m_orbmag,     only : orbmag
65  use m_pawang,     only : pawang_type, pawang_init, pawang_free
66  use m_pawrad,     only : pawrad_type
67  use m_pawtab,     only : pawtab_type
68  use m_paw_an,     only : paw_an_type
69  use m_paw_ij,     only : paw_ij_type
70  use m_pawfgrtab,  only : pawfgrtab_type
71  use m_pawrhoij,   only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_free, pawrhoij_bcast, pawrhoij_copy, &
72                           pawrhoij_nullify, pawrhoij_redistribute, pawrhoij_inquire_dim
73  use m_pawcprj,    only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy, pawcprj_getdim , pawcprj_output
74  use m_pawfgr,     only : pawfgr_type
75  use m_paw_sphharm,only : setsym_ylm
76  use m_rf2,        only : rf2_getidirs
77  use m_iogkk,      only : outgkk
78  use m_inwffil,    only : inwffil
79  use m_spacepar,   only : rotate_rho, setsym
80  use m_initylmg,   only : initylmg
81  use m_dfpt_scfcv, only : dfpt_scfcv
82  use m_dfpt_mkrho, only : dfpt_mkrho
83  use m_mpinfo,     only : initmpi_band, distrb2, proc_distrb_cycle
84  use m_atm2fft,    only : dfpt_atm2fft
85  use m_berrytk,    only : smatrix
86  use m_common,     only : prteigrs
87  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
88  use m_mkcore,     only : dfpt_mkcore
89  use m_mklocl,     only : dfpt_vlocal, vlocalstr
90  use m_cgprj,      only : ctocprj
91  use m_symkpt,     only : symkpt
93  implicit none
95  private