ABINIT/afterscfloop [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Perform all calculations needed after the SCF loop, independent of the
 call to scfcv (with or without atomic displacements), and exclusive
 of print or write purposes, or deallocations.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see gstate.f)
  cg(2,mcg)=wavefunctions (may be read from disk instead of input)
  cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)=<p_lmn|Cnk> coefficients for each WF |Cnk> and each NL proj |p_lmn>
  cpus= cpu time limit in seconds
  deltae=change in energy between the previous and present SCF cycle
  dtfil <type(datafiles_type)>=variables related to files
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | mband=maximum number of bands
   | mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
   | mkmem=maximum number of k points in core memory
   | mpw = maximum number of plane waves
   | natom=number of atoms in cell
   | nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor) (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
   | nkpt=number of k points in Brillouin zone
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
   | nsym=number of symmetries in space group
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  fock <type(fock_type)>= quantities to calculate Fock exact exchange
  grchempottn(3,natom)=d(E_chemical_potential)/d(xred) (hartree)
  grcondft(3,natom)=d(E_constrained_DFT)/d(xred) (hartree)
  grewtn(3,natom)=d(Ewald)/d(xred) (hartree)
  grvdw(3,ngrvdw)=gradients of energy due to Van der Waals DFT-D2 dispersion (hartree)
  gsqcut=cutoff value on G**2 for (large) sphere inside FFT box.
  hdr <type(hdr_type)>=the header of wf, den and pot files
  indsym(4,nsym,natom)=index showing transformation of atom labels
                       under symmetry operations (computed in symatm)
  intgres(nspden,natom)=integrated residuals from constrained DFT. They are also Lagrange parameters, or gradients with respect to constraints.
  irrzon(nfft**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data
  istep=number of the SCF iteration
  istep_fock_outer=number of outer SCF iteration in the double loop approach
  istep_mix=number of inner SCF iteration in the double loop approach
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced (integer) coordinates of G vecs in basis sphere
  kxc(nfftf,nkxc)=XC kernel
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfftf= - PAW only - maximum size of 1D FFTs for the "fine" grid (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngrvdw=size of grvdw(:,:); can be 0 or natom according to dtset%vdw_xc
  moved_atm_inside: if==1, the atoms are allowed to move.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  n3xccc=dimension of the xccc3d array (0 or nfft).
  nattyp(dtset%ntypat)=number of atoms of each type
  nfftf= - PAW only - number of FFT grid points for the "fine" grid (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  ngfftf(18)= - PAW only - contain all needed information about 3D FFT  for the "fine" grid
  nhat(nfftf,nspden*psps%usepaw)= -PAW only- compensation density
  nkxc=dimension of kxc
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves in basis and on boundary for each k
  nvresid(nfftf,nspden)=array for the residual of the density/potential
  occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=occupancies of bands at various k points
  optres=0: the potential residual has been computed in scfcv
         1: the density residual has been computed in scfcv
  paw_an(my_natom*usepaw) <type(paw_an_type)>=paw arrays given on angular mesh
  paw_ij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(paw_ij_type)>=paw arrays given on (i,j) channels
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawfgr <type(pawfgr_type)>=fine grid parameters and related data
  pawfgrtab(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawfgrtab_type)>=atomic data given on fine rectangular grid
  pawrad(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data
  pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
  pawtab(dtset%ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  pel(3)=reduced coordinates of the electronic polarization (a. u.)
  pel_cg(3) = reduced coordinates of the electronic polarization (a. u.)
             computed in the SCF loop
  ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*natom)= - PAW only - 1-dim structure factor phases for the "fine" grid
      (see NOTES at beginning of scfcv)
  phnons(2,nfft**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic translation phases
  pion(3)=reduced coordinates of the ionic polarization (a. u.)
  prtfor=1 only if forces have to be printed (0 otherwise)
  prtxml=1 if XML file has to be output
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
   | mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum
  pwind(pwind_alloc,2,3) = array used to compute
           the overlap matrix smat between k-points (see initberry.f)
  pwind_alloc = first dimension of pwind
  pwnsfac(2,pwind_alloc) = phase factors for non-symmorphic translations
  res2=density/potential residual (squared)
  resid(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=residuals for each band over all k points and spins
  residm=maximum value from resid array (except for nbdbuf highest bands)
  rhog(2,nfftf)=Fourier transform of total electron density (including compensation density in PAW)
  rhor(nfftf,nspden)=total electron density (including compensation density in PAW)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  stress_needed=1 if stresses are needed, 0 otherwise
  strscondft(6)=cDFT correction to stress
  strsxc(6)=xc correction to stress
  symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries in reciprocal space, reduced coordinates
  tollist(12)=list of tolerances
  usecprj=1 if cprj datastructure has been allocated
  vhartr(nfftf)=Hartree potential
  vpsp(nfftf)=array for holding local psp
  vxc(nfftf,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree) in real space
  vxctau(nfft,nspden,4*usekden)=(only for meta-GGA) derivative of XC energy density
                                wrt kinetic energy density (depsxcdtau)
  vxcavg=vxc average
  xccc3d(n3xccc)=3D core electron density for XC core correction, bohr^-3
  xcctau3d(n3xccc*usekden)=(only for meta-GGA): 3D core electron kinetic energy density for XC core correction
  ylm(mpw*mkmem,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
  ylmgr(mpw*mkmem,3,mpsang*mpsang*useylm)= gradients of real spherical harmonics


  conv_retcode= Non-zero if convergence is not achieved.
  elfr(nfftf,nspden)=electron localization function
  grhor(nfft,nspden,3)= gradient of electron density in electrons/bohr**4, real space
  lrhor(nfft,nspden)= Laplacian of electron density in electrons/bohr**5, real space
  results_gs <type(results_gs_type)>=results (energy and its components,
   forces and its components, the stress tensor) of a ground-state computation
   (should be made a pure output quantity)
  taug(2,nfftf)=Fourier transform of total kinetic energy density
  taur(nfftf,nspden)=total kinetic energy density in real space
  ==== if forces are required ====
   diffor=maximal absolute value of changes in the components of
          force between the input and the output.
   favg(3)=mean of the forces before correction for translational symmetry
   fcart(3,natom)=forces in cartesian coordinates (Ha/Bohr)
     at input, previous value of forces,
     at output, new value.
     Note : unlike gred, this array has been corrected by enforcing
     the translational symmetry, namely that the sum of force
     on all atoms is zero.
   gred(3,natom)=symmetrized grtn = d(etotal)/d(xred)
   gresid(3,natom)=forces due to the residual of the potential
   grhf(3,natom)=Hellman-Feynman derivatives of the total energy
   grxc(9+3*natom)=d(Exc)/d(xred) if core charges are used
   maxfor=maximal absolute value of the output array force.
   synlgr(3,natom)=symmetrized gradients of energy due to nonlocal contributions
  ==== if stress tensor is required ====
   strten(6)=components of the stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3) for the
    6 unique components of this symmetric 3x3 tensor:
    Given in order (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (3,2), (3,1), (2,1).


 computed_forces=1 if forces have been computed, 0 otherwise
 dtefield <type(efield_type)> = variables related to Berry phase
       and electric field calculations (see initberry.f).
       In case dtset%berryopt = 4/6/7/14/16/17, the overlap matrices computed
       in this routine are stored in dtefield%smat in order
       to be used in the electric field calculation.
  electronpositron <type(electronpositron_type)>=quantities for the electron-positron annihilation
  energies <type(energies_type)>=all part of total energy.
   | entropy(IN)=entropy due to the occupation number smearing (if metal)
   | e_localpsp(IN)=local psp energy (hartree)
   | e_eigenvalues(IN)=Sum of the eigenvalues - Band energy (Hartree)
   | e_chempot(IN)=energy from spatially varying chemical potential (hartree)
   | e_ewald(IN)=Ewald energy (hartree)
   | e_vdw_dftd(IN)=VdW DFT-D energy
   | e_hartree(IN)=Hartree part of total energy (hartree units)
   | e_corepsp(IN)=psp core-core energy
   | e_hybcomp_E0=energy compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at fixed density
   | e_hybcomp_v0=potential compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at fixed density
   | e_hybcomp_v=potential compensation term for hybrid exchange-correlation energy (hartree) at self-consistent den
   | e_kinetic(IN)=kinetic energy part of total energy.
   | e_nlpsp_vfock(IN)=nonlocal psp + potential Fock ACE part of total energy.
   | e_xc(IN)=exchange-correlation energy (hartree)
   | e_xcdc(IN)=exchange-correlation double-counting energy (hartree)
   | e_paw(IN)=PAW spherical part energy
   | e_pawdc(IN)=PAW spherical part double-counting energy
   | e_elecfield(OUT)=the term of the energy functional that depends explicitely    !!HONG
   |                  on the electric field:
   |                 enefield =  -ebar_i p_i - Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j for fixed E/ebar
   |                          =  Omega/(8*pi) (g^{-1})_ij ebar_i ebar_j  for fixed D/d
 etotal=total energy, might be correct by improved polarization computation
 forold(3,natom)=old forces
 xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates
 ===== if dtset%densfor_pred==3 .and. moved_atm_inside==1 =====
   ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim structure factor phases (coarse grid)
   ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*natom)=1-dim structure factor phases (fine PAW grid)
  wvl <type(wvl_data)>=all wavelets data.



 276 subroutine afterscfloop(atindx,atindx1,cg,computed_forces,cprj,cpus,&
 277 & deltae,diffor,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,eigen,electronpositron,elfr,&
 278 & energies,etotal,favg,fcart,fock,forold,grchempottn,grcondft,&
 279 & gred,gresid,grewtn,grhf,grhor,grvdw,&
 280 & grxc,gsqcut,hdr,extfpmd,indsym,intgres,irrzon,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,&
 281 & kg,kxc,lrhor,maxfor,mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,&
 282 & moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,n3xccc,nattyp,nfftf,ngfft,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,&
 283 & nkxc,npwarr,nvresid,occ,optres,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,&
 284 & pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel,pel_cg,ph1d,ph1df,phnons,pion,prtfor,prtxml,&
 285 & psps,pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,res2,resid,residm,results_gs,&
 286 & rhog,rhor,rprimd,stress_needed,strscondft,strsxc,strten,symrec,synlgr,taug,&
 287 & taur,tollist,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vtrial,vxc,vxctau,vxcavg,wvl,&
 288 & xccc3d,xcctau3d,xred,ylm,ylmgr,qvpotzero,conv_retcode)
 290 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 291 !scalars
 292  integer,intent(in) :: istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix
 293  integer,intent(in) :: mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,moved_atm_inside,my_natom,n3xccc,nfftf,ngrvdw,nkxc
 294  integer,intent(in) :: optres,prtfor,prtxml,pwind_alloc,stress_needed,usecprj
 295  integer,intent(inout) :: computed_forces
 296  real(dp),intent(in) :: cpus,deltae,gsqcut,res2,residm
 297  real(dp),intent(in) :: qvpotzero
 298  real(dp),intent(inout) :: diffor,etotal,maxfor,vxcavg
 299  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 300  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 301  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
 302  type(efield_type),intent(inout) :: dtefield
 303  type(electronpositron_type),pointer :: electronpositron
 304  type(energies_type),intent(inout) :: energies
 305  type(hdr_type),intent(inout) :: hdr
 306  type(extfpmd_type),pointer,intent(inout) :: extfpmd
 307  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 308  type(pawfgr_type),intent(in) :: pawfgr
 309  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 310  type(results_gs_type),intent(inout) :: results_gs
 311  type(wvl_data),intent(inout) :: wvl
 312  type(fock_type),pointer, intent(inout) :: fock
 313 !arrays
 314  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),atindx1(dtset%natom)
 315  integer,intent(in) :: indsym(4,dtset%nsym,dtset%natom)
 316  integer,intent(in) :: irrzon(dtset%nfft**(1-1/dtset%nsym),2,(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4))
 317  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem),nattyp(dtset%ntypat)
 318  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),ngfftf(18),npwarr(dtset%nkpt)
 319  integer,intent(in) :: pwind(pwind_alloc,2,3),symrec(3,3,dtset%nsym)
 320  integer,intent(out) :: conv_retcode
 321  real(dp),intent(in) :: grchempottn(3,dtset%natom),grewtn(3,dtset%natom),grvdw(3,ngrvdw)
 322  real(dp),intent(in) :: grcondft(:,:) ! (3,natom) if constrainedDFT otherwise (3,0)
 323  real(dp),intent(in) :: intgres(:,:) ! (nspden,natom) if constrainedDFT otherwise (nspden,0)
 324  real(dp),intent(in) :: phnons(2,dtset%nfft**(1-1/dtset%nsym),(dtset%nspden/dtset%nsppol)-3*(dtset%nspden/4))
 325  real(dp),intent(in) :: pwnsfac(2,pwind_alloc)
 326  real(dp),intent(in) :: resid(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 327  real(dp),intent(in) :: strscondft(6)
 328  real(dp),intent(in) :: tollist(12),vpsp(nfftf)
 329  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vtrial(nfftf,dtset%nspden)
 330  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylm(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 331  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylmgr(dtset%mpw*dtset%mkmem,3,psps%mpsang*psps%mpsang*psps%useylm)
 332  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cg(2,mcg)
 333  real(dp),intent(inout) :: eigen(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol)
 334  real(dp),intent(inout) :: forold(3,dtset%natom)
 335  real(dp),intent(inout) :: nhat(nfftf,dtset%nspden*psps%usepaw)
 336  real(dp),intent(inout) :: nvresid(nfftf,dtset%nspden),pel(3)
 337  real(dp),intent(inout) :: occ(dtset%mband*dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol),pel_cg(3)
 338  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*dtset%mgfft+1)*dtset%natom)
 339  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph1df(2,3*(2*mgfftf+1)*dtset%natom),pion(3)
 340  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rprimd(3,3)
 341  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhog(2,nfftf),rhor(nfftf,dtset%nspden),strsxc(6)
 342  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vhartr(nfftf),vxc(nfftf,dtset%nspden),vxctau(nfftf,dtset%nspden,4*dtset%usekden)
 343  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc3d(n3xccc),xcctau3d(n3xccc*dtset%usekden),xred(3,dtset%natom)
 344  real(dp),intent(inout) :: favg(3),fcart(3,dtset%natom),gred(3,dtset%natom)
 345  real(dp),intent(inout) :: gresid(3,dtset%natom),grhf(3,dtset%natom)
 346  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grxc(3,dtset%natom),kxc(nfftf,nkxc),strten(6)
 347  real(dp),intent(inout) :: synlgr(3,dtset%natom)
 348  real(dp),pointer :: elfr(:,:),grhor(:,:,:),lrhor(:,:),taug(:,:),taur(:,:)
 349  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprj(dtset%natom,mcprj*usecprj)
 350  type(paw_an_type),intent(inout) :: paw_an(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 351  type(paw_ij_type),intent(inout) :: paw_ij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 352  type(pawfgrtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawfgrtab(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 353  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 354  type(pawrad_type),intent(in) :: pawrad(dtset%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 355  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(dtset%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 357 !Local variables-------------------------------
 358 !scalars
 359  integer,parameter :: response=0
 360  integer :: bantot,bufsz,calc_pol_ddk,choice,cplex,ierr,ifft,igrad,ishift,ispden
 361  integer :: mcg1_3,nfftotf,ngrad,optcut,optfor,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,quit,shft
 362  integer :: spaceComm_fft,tim_mkrho
 363  logical :: save_cg1_3,test_gylmgr,test_nfgd,test_rfgd
 364  logical :: wvlbigdft=.false.
 365  real(dp) :: c_fermi,dtaur,dtaurzero,ucvol
 366  character(len=500) :: message
 367  type(paw_dmft_type) :: paw_dmft
 368 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 369  integer :: ia,ii,mband_cprj
 370  logical :: do_last_ortho,compute_wvl_tail=.false.
 371  real(dp) :: dum,eexctx,eh,ekin,eloc,enl,eproj,esicdc,evxc,exc,ucvol_local
 372 #endif
 373 !arrays
 374  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),pelev(3),ptot(3),red_ptot(3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
 375  real(dp) :: dmatdum(0,0,0,0)
 376  real(dp),allocatable :: cg1_3(:,:,:),mpibuf(:,:),qphon(:),rhonow(:,:,:),sqnormgrhor(:,:)
 377  real(dp),allocatable :: tauwfg(:,:),tauwfr(:,:),vtrial_local(:,:)
 378 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 379  integer,allocatable :: dimcprj_srt(:)
 380  real(dp),allocatable :: hpsi_tmp(:),xcart(:,:)
 381 #endif
 383 ! *************************************************************************
 387  call timab(250,1,tsec)
 388  call timab(251,1,tsec)
 390 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
 391  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 392  nfftotf=product(ngfftf(1:3))
 394 !MPI FFT communicator
 395  spaceComm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
 397 !Recompute structure factor phases if atomic positions have changed
 398  if (moved_atm_inside==1) then
 399    if (psps%usepaw==1.and.pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
 400      call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,ngfft(1),ngfft(2),ngfft(3),ph1d,xred)
 401    else
 402      ph1d(:,:)=ph1df(:,:)
 403    end if
 404  end if
 406 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 407 !Wavelet case: transform psi to KS orbitals
 408 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 409  if (dtset%usewvl == 1) then
 411 !  wvlbigdft indicates that the BigDFT workflow will be followed
 412    wvlbigdft=(dtset%wvl_bigdft_comp==1)
 414 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 415 !  Transform to KS orbitals
 417 !  Need xcart
 418    ABI_MALLOC(xcart,(3, dtset%natom))
 419    call xred2xcart(dtset%natom, rprimd, xcart, xred)
 420    ucvol_local=product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids)*real(product(wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%ndims),dp)
 422 !  do_last_ortho in case of direct minimization, since
 423 !  We never diagonalized the hamiltonian and the eigenvalues are unknown.
 424    if (     wvlbigdft) do_last_ortho=(dtset%iscf==0)
 425    if (.not.wvlbigdft) do_last_ortho=(.false.)
 426    if (do_last_ortho) then
 427      call total_energies(wvl%e%energs, istep, mpi_enreg%me_wvl)
 428      call write_energies(istep,0,wvl%e%energs,zero,zero,"FINAL")
 429      if(.not.wvlbigdft) then
 430 !      If ISCF>10, we exit scfcv at a place where bigdft objects
 431 !      do not contain the KS potential. Hence, we copy vtrial to wvl%den
 432        if(dtset%iscf>=10) call wvl_vtrial_abi2big(1,vtrial,wvl%den)
 433 !      hpsi is lost in hpsitopsi, so we recalculate it (needed for last_orthon).
 434        call wvl_psitohpsi(dtset%diemix,eexctx,exc,eh,ekin,eloc,enl,esicdc,&
 435 &       istep,1,-1,mpi_enreg%me_wvl,dtset%natom,&
 436 &       nfftf,mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl,dtset%nspden,&
 437 &       dum,.false.,evxc,wvl,wvlbigdft,xcart,strsxc)
 438        if (dtset%iscf==0) then
 439          energies%e_kinetic=ekin    ; energies%e_hartree=eh
 440          energies%e_xc=exc          ; energies%e_localpsp=eloc
 441          energies%e_nlpsp_vfock=enl ; energies%e_exactX=eexctx
 442          energies%e_sicdc=esicdc    ; energies%e_xcdc=evxc
 443          energies%e_eigenvalues = energies%e_kinetic + energies%e_localpsp &
 444 &         + energies%e_xcdc  + two*energies%e_hartree +energies%e_nlpsp_vfock
 445        end if
 446      end if
 447      call last_orthon(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl,istep,wvl%wfs%ks,wvl%e%energs%evsum,.true.)
 448      if (mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl == 1) nullify(wvl%wfs%ks%psit)
 449      call eigensystem_info(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl,0.d0,&
 450      wvl%wfs%ks%Lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_c+7*wvl%wfs%ks%Lzd%Glr%wfd%nvctr_f,&
 451      wvl%wfs%ks%orbs,wvl%wfs%ks%psi)
 452 !    Copy eigenvalues from BigDFT object to "eigen"
 453      call wvl_eigen_abi2big(dtset%mband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,eigen,2,wvl%wfs)
 454 !    Copy occupations from BigDFT objects to ABINIT
 455      call wvl_occ_abi2big(dtset%mband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nsppol,occ,2,wvl%wfs)
 456    end if
 458 !  Tail corrections, pending for wvlbigdft==.false.
 459 !  TODO put it at the end of gstate.
 460 !  WVL - maybe compute the tail corrections to energy
 461    compute_wvl_tail=(dtset%tl_radius>tol12.and.wvlbigdft)
 462    if (compute_wvl_tail) then
 463 !    Use the tails to improve energy precision.
 464      call wvl_tail_corrections(dtset, energies, etotal, mpi_enreg, psps, wvl, xcart)
 465    end if
 467 !  Clean KSwfn parts only needed in the SCF loop.
 468    call kswfn_free_scf_data(wvl%wfs%ks, (mpi_enreg%nproc_wvl > 1))
 469 !  Clean denspot parts only needed in the SCF loop.
 470    call denspot_free_history(wvl%den%denspot)
 472 !  If WF have been modified, change the density according to the KS projection.
 473    if ( do_last_ortho ) then
 475 !    Density from new orthogonalized WFs
 476      call wvl_mkrho(dtset, irrzon, mpi_enreg, phnons, rhor, wvl%wfs, wvl%den)
 478 !    PAW: has to update cprj, rhoij and compensation charge density
 479      if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 480 !      1-Compute cprj
 481        ABI_MALLOC(hpsi_tmp,(size(wvl%wfs%ks%hpsi)))
 482        call applyprojectorsonthefly(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,wvl%wfs%ks%orbs,wvl%descr%atoms,wvl%descr%Glr,&
 483 &       xcart,wvl%descr%h(1),wvl%descr%h(2),wvl%descr%h(3),wvl%wfs%ks%lzd%Glr%wfd,&
 484 &       wvl%projectors%nlpsp,wvl%wfs%ks%psi,hpsi_tmp,eproj,&
 485 &       proj_G=wvl%projectors%G,paw=wvl%descr%paw)
 486        ABI_FREE(hpsi_tmp)
 487        do ii=1,mcprj
 488          do ia=1,dtset%natom
 489            !Note that cprj should be allocated (i.e. usepcrj=1 imposed in scfcv)
 490            cprj(ia,ii)%cp(:,:)= wvl%descr%paw%cprj(ia,ii)%cp(:,:)
 491          end do
 492        end do
 493 !      2-Compute rhoij
 494        ABI_MALLOC(dimcprj_srt,(dtset%natom))
 495        call pawcprj_getdim(dimcprj_srt,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%ntypat,dtset%typat,pawtab,'O')
 496        mband_cprj=mcprj/(dtset%nspinor*dtset%mkmem*dtset%nsppol)
 497        paw_dmft%use_sc_dmft=0 ; paw_dmft%use_dmft=0 ! dmft not used here
 498        call pawmkrhoij(atindx,atindx1,cprj,dimcprj_srt,dtset%istwfk,dtset%kptopt,dtset%mband,mband_cprj,&
 499 &       mcprj,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,&
 500 &       dtset%nsppol,occ,mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,paw_dmft,pawrhoij,dtfil%unpaw,dtset%usewvl,dtset%wtk)
 501        ABI_FREE(dimcprj_srt)
 502 !      3-Symetrize rhoij, compute nhat and add it to rhor
 503        call pawmkrho(1,dum,1,gprimd,0,indsym,0,mpi_enreg,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nspden,dtset%nsym,&
 504 &       dtset%ntypat,mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,dtset%pawprtvol,pawrhoij,pawrhoij,&
 505 &       pawtab,(/zero,zero,zero/),rhog,rhor,rhor,rprimd,dtset%symafm,symrec,dtset%typat,ucvol_local,&
 506 &       dtset%usewvl,xred,pawnhat=nhat)
 507        call wvl_rho_abi2big(1,rhor,wvl%den)
 508      end if
 509    end if
 511    ABI_FREE(xcart)
 513 #else
 515 #endif
 516  end if
 518  call timab(251,2,tsec)
 519  call timab(252,1,tsec)
 521 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 522 !Polarization Calculation, but not orbital magnetism
 523 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 525  if(dtset%berryopt/=0 .AND. dtset%orbmag == 0)then
 526    call elpolariz(atindx1,cg,cprj,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,etotal,energies%e_elecfield,gprimd,hdr,&
 527 &   kg,dtset%mband,mcg,mcprj,dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,dtset%nkpt,&
 528 &   npwarr,dtset%nsppol,psps%ntypat,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel,pel_cg,pelev,pion,&
 529 &   psps,pwind,pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,rprimd,ucvol,usecprj,xred)
 530  end if
 532  call timab(252,2,tsec)
 533  call timab(253,1,tsec)
 535 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 536 !Orbital magnetization calculation using PEAD DDK wavefunctions
 537 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 539  if (dtset%berryopt == -2 .AND. dtset%orbmag /= 0) then
 540    save_cg1_3 = .TRUE.
 541    mcg1_3 = mcg
 542    ABI_MALLOC(cg1_3,(2,mcg1_3,3))
 544    calc_pol_ddk = 2
 545    call berryphase_new(atindx1,cg,cg1_3,cprj,dtefield,dtfil,dtset,psps,&
 546        &  gprimd,hdr,psps%indlmn,kg,psps%lmnmax,dtset%mband,mcg,mcg1_3,mcprj,&
 547        &  dtset%mkmem,mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,npwarr,dtset%nsppol,psps%ntypat,&
 548        &  dtset%nkpt,calc_pol_ddk,pawrhoij,pawtab,pel,pelev,pion,ptot,red_ptot,pwind,&  !!REC
 549        &  pwind_alloc,pwnsfac,rprimd,save_cg1_3,dtset%typat,ucvol,ab_out,&
 550        &  usecprj,psps%usepaw,xred,psps%ziontypat)
 552    if ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(vtrial_local)) then
 553      ABI_MALLOC(vtrial_local,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 554    end if
 555    vtrial_local = vtrial
 556    call orbmag(cg,cg1_3,cprj,dtset,eigen,gsqcut,kg,mcg,mcg1_3,mcprj,dtset%mkmem,&
 557      & mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,nfftf,ngfftf,npwarr,occ,paw_an,paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,&
 558      & pawrad,pawtab,psps,rprimd,vtrial_local,vxctau,xred,ylm,ylmgr)
 560    ABI_FREE(vtrial_local)
 561    ABI_FREE(cg1_3)
 563  end if
 565 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 566 !Gradient and Laplacian of the Density Calculation
 567 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 569 !We use routine xcden which get gradient of rhor (grhor), and eventually laplacian of rhor (lrhor).
 570  if(dtset%prtgden/=0 .or. dtset%prtlden/=0)then
 572 !  Compute gradient of the electron density
 573    ngrad=2
 574    cplex=1
 575    ishift=0
 576    ABI_MALLOC(rhonow,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,ngrad*ngrad))
 577    if(dtset%prtlden/=0)then
 578      nullify(lrhor)
 579      ABI_MALLOC(lrhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 580    end if
 581    write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Compute gradient of the electron density"
 582    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 583    if(dtset%prtlden/=0) then
 584      write(message,'(a)') " and also Compute Laplacian of the electron density"
 585      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 586    end if
 587    write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 588    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 590    ABI_MALLOC(qphon,(3))
 591    qphon(:)=zero
 592    if(dtset%prtlden/=0) then
 593      call xcden (cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrad,dtset%nspden,qphon,rhor,rhonow,lrhonow=lrhor)
 594    else
 595      call xcden (cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrad,dtset%nspden,qphon,rhor,rhonow)
 596    end if
 597    ABI_FREE(qphon)
 599 !  Copy gradient which has been output in rhonow to grhor (and free rhonow)
 600    nullify(grhor)
 601    ABI_MALLOC(grhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,3))
 602    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
 603      do ifft=1,nfftf
 604        grhor(ifft,ispden,1:3) = rhonow(ifft,ispden,2:4)
 605      end do
 606    end do
 607    ABI_FREE(rhonow)
 609    if(dtset%prtgden/=0) then
 610 !    Print result for grhor
 611      write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Result for gradient of the electron density for each direction (1,2,3):"
 612      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 613      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10," 1rst direction:",ch10,&
 614 &     "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 615      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 616      call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,grhor(:,:,1),optrhor=2,ucvol=ucvol)
 617      write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 618      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 619      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10," 2nd direction:",ch10,&
 620 &     "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 621      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 622      call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,grhor(:,:,2),optrhor=2,ucvol=ucvol)
 623      write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 624      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 625      write(message,'(a,a,a,a)') ch10," 3rd direction:",ch10,&
 626 &     "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 627      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 628      call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,grhor(:,:,3),optrhor=2,ucvol=ucvol)
 629      write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 630      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 631    end if
 633    if(dtset%prtlden/=0) then
 634 !    Print result for lrhor
 635      write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Result for Laplacian of the electron density :"
 636      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 637      write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 638      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 639      call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,lrhor,optrhor=3,ucvol=ucvol)
 640      write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 641      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 642    end if
 644    write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 645    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 646  end if
 648 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 649 !Kinetic Energy Density Calculation
 650 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 652  call timab(253,2,tsec)
 653  call timab(254,1,tsec)
 655 !We use routine mkrho with option=1 to compute kinetic energy density taur (and taug)
 656  if(dtset%usekden==0 .and. dtset%prtelf/=0)then
 657 !  tauX are reused in outscfcv for output
 658 !  should be deallocated there
 659    nullify(taug,taur)
 660    ABI_MALLOC(taug,(2,nfftf))
 661    ABI_MALLOC(taur,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 662    tim_mkrho=5
 663    if(dtset%prtelf/=0) then
 664      write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Compute ELF"
 665      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 666      write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 667      call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 668    end if
 669    write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Compute kinetic energy density"
 670    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 671    paw_dmft%use_sc_dmft=0 ! dmft not used here
 672    paw_dmft%use_dmft=0 ! dmft not used here
 673    if (psps%usepaw==0) then
 674      call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
 675 &     npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,taug,taur,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,&
 676 &     extfpmd=extfpmd,option=1)
 677    else
 678      ABI_MALLOC(tauwfg,(2,dtset%nfft))
 679      ABI_MALLOC(tauwfr,(dtset%nfft,dtset%nspden))
 680      call mkrho(cg,dtset,gprimd,irrzon,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,&
 681 &     npwarr,occ,paw_dmft,phnons,tauwfg,tauwfr,rprimd,tim_mkrho,ucvol,wvl%den,wvl%wfs,&
 682 &     extfpmd=extfpmd,option=1)
 683      call transgrid(1,mpi_enreg,dtset%nspden,+1,1,1,dtset%paral_kgb,pawfgr,tauwfg,taug,tauwfr,taur)
 684      ABI_FREE(tauwfg)
 685      ABI_FREE(tauwfr)
 686    end if
 687    ABI_FREE(taug)
 688  end if
 689 !Print result
 690  if(dtset%prtkden/=0) then
 691    write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, "Result for kinetic energy density :"
 692    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 693    write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 694    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 695    call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,taur,optrhor=1,ucvol=ucvol)
 696    write(message,'(a)') "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 697    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 698  end if
 700 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 701 !Electron Localization Function (ELF) Calculation
 702 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 704  call timab(254,2,tsec)
 705  call timab(255,1,tsec)
 707 !We use routine xcden to compute gradient of electron density (grhor),
 708 !NOTE: If GGA is used, gradient of electron density is already computed
 709 !and it is stored in exchange correlation kernel kxc(:,5:7) (nspden=1) or kxc(:,14:19) (nspden=2).
 710 !In order to save memory and do not have the same quantity twice
 711 !in memory we should use kxc.
 712 !But unfortunately only spin up ans spin down component are stored in kxc.
 713 !So far we thus use grhor which contains all component (nspden=4)
 714 !just like rhonow in xcden instead of kxc.
 716  if((dtset%prtelf/=0))then
 717    if(dtset%nspden<=2) then
 719      ngrad=2
 720      cplex=1
 721      if((cplex*dtset%nfft)/=nfftf)then
 722        write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10,&
 723 &       ' afterscfloop: ERROR -', ch10, &
 724 &       '   The density is complex, ELF analysis cannot be performed.'
 725        call wrtout(std_out,message)
 726 !      ABI_ERROR(message)
 727      end if
 729      if((dtset%prtgden==0) .and. (dtset%prtlden==0)) then
 730 !      Compute gradient of the electron density
 731        ishift=0
 732        ABI_MALLOC(rhonow,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,ngrad*ngrad))
 733        write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, " Compute gradient of the electron density"
 734        call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 735        ABI_MALLOC(qphon,(3))
 736        qphon(:)=zero
 737        call xcden (cplex,gprimd,ishift,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrad,dtset%nspden,qphon,rhor,rhonow)
 738        ABI_FREE(qphon)
 739 !      Copy gradient which has been output in rhonow to grhor (and free rhonow)
 740        ABI_MALLOC(grhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden,3))
 741        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
 742          do ifft=1,nfftf
 743            grhor(ifft,ispden,1:3) = rhonow(ifft,ispden,2:4)
 744          end do
 745        end do
 746        ABI_FREE(rhonow)
 747      end if
 748 !    Compute square norm of gradient of the electron density (|grhor|**2)
 749      if(dtset%nspden==1)then
 750        ABI_MALLOC(sqnormgrhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 751        do ifft=1,nfftf
 752          sqnormgrhor(ifft,1) = zero
 753        end do
 754      elseif(dtset%nspden==2)then
 755        ABI_MALLOC(sqnormgrhor,(nfftf,dtset%nspden+1))
 756 !      because we not only want (total and up quantities, but also down)
 757 !      Indeed after having token the square norm we can not recover the
 758 !      down quantity by substracting total and up quantities (as we do for usual densities)
 759        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden+1
 760          do ifft=1,nfftf
 761            sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden) = zero
 762          end do
 763        end do
 764      end if
 766      do igrad=1,3
 767        do ispden=1,dtset%nspden !total (and up)
 768          do ifft=1,nfftf
 769            sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden) = sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden) + grhor(ifft,ispden,igrad)**2
 770          end do
 771        end do
 772        if(dtset%nspden==2)then
 773          do ifft=1,nfftf !down
 774            sqnormgrhor(ifft,3) = sqnormgrhor(ifft,3) + (grhor(ifft,1,igrad)-grhor(ifft,2,igrad))**2
 775          end do
 776        end if
 777      end do
 779 !    Compute electron localization function (ELF) (here it is elfr)
 781      nullify(elfr)
 782      if(dtset%nspden==1)then
 783        ABI_MALLOC(elfr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 784      elseif(dtset%nspden==2)then
 785        ABI_MALLOC(elfr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden+1))
 786 !      1rst is total elf, 2nd is spin-up elf, and 3rd is spin-down elf. (elf_tot /= elf_up + elf_down)
 787      end if
 788      c_fermi = 3.0d0/10.0d0*((3.0d0*pi**2)**(2.0d0/3.0d0))
 790 !    First compute total elf
 791      ispden=1
 792      do ifft=1,nfftf
 793        dtaurzero = c_fermi*rhor(ifft,ispden)**(5.0d0/3.0d0)
 794        dtaur = taur(ifft,ispden)
 795        dtaur = dtaur - (1.0d0/8.0d0)*(sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden)/rhor(ifft,ispden))
 796 !      Ensure that dtaur is always positive or zero, as it should be.
 797        if(dtaur<0.0d0)dtaur=0.0d0
 798 !      To avoid NaN values we check that dtaurzero is not to small compare to dtaur
 799        if(dtaurzero<(1.0d-20*dtaur)) then
 800          elfr(ifft,ispden) = 0.0d0
 801        else
 802          elfr(ifft,ispden) = 1.0d0/(1.0d0 + (dtaur/dtaurzero)**2)
 803 !        For atomic shell studies we could also add the condition that when (dtaur/dtaurzero)
 804 !        is very close to zero we actually set it exactly to zero (or --> elfr = 1.0d0
 805 !        which is the upper limit of elfr.)
 806        end if
 807      end do
 809 !    If spin-dependent densities are avalaible, compute spin-dependent elf
 810 !    and offer the possibility to compute total elf in an alternative approach
 811 !    (see doc/theory/ELF)
 812      if(dtset%nspden==2)then
 814 !      alternative approach to the total elf
 815        if(dtset%prtelf==2)then
 816          ispden=1
 817          do ifft=1,nfftf
 818            dtaurzero = 2.0d0**(2.0d0/3.0d0)*c_fermi*( rhor(ifft,ispden+1)**(5.0d0/3.0d0) + &
 819 &           (rhor(ifft,ispden) - rhor(ifft,ispden+1))**(5.0d0/3.0d0) )
 820            dtaur = taur(ifft,ispden)
 821            dtaur = dtaur - (1.0d0/8.0d0)*(sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden+1)/rhor(ifft,ispden+1)) &
 822 &           - (1.0d0/8.0d0)*(sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden+2)/(rhor(ifft,ispden)-rhor(ifft,ispden+1)))
 823            if(dtaur<0.0d0)dtaur=0.0d0
 824 !          To avoid NaN values we check that dtaurzero is not to small compare to dtaur
 825            if(abs(dtaurzero)<abs(1.0d-20*dtaur)) then
 826              elfr(ifft,ispden) = 0.0d0
 827            else
 828              elfr(ifft,ispden) = 1.0d0/(1.0d0 + (dtaur/dtaurzero)**2)
 829            end if
 830          end do
 831        end if
 833 !      elf_up
 834        ispden=2
 835        do ifft=1,nfftf
 836          dtaurzero = 2.0d0**(2.0d0/3.0d0)*c_fermi*rhor(ifft,ispden)**(5.0d0/3.0d0)
 837          dtaur = taur(ifft,ispden)
 838          dtaur = dtaur - (1.0d0/8.0d0)*(sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden)/rhor(ifft,ispden))
 839          if(dtaur<0.0d0)dtaur=0.0d0
 840 !        To avoid NaN values we check that dtaurzero is not to small compare to dtaur
 841          if(abs(dtaurzero)<abs(1.0d-20*dtaur)) then
 842            elfr(ifft,ispden) = 0.0d0
 843          else
 844            elfr(ifft,ispden) = 1.0d0/(1.0d0 + (dtaur/dtaurzero)**2)
 845          end if
 846        end do
 848 !      elf_down
 849        ispden=1
 850        do ifft=1,nfftf
 851          dtaurzero = 2.0d0**(2.0d0/3.0d0)*c_fermi*(rhor(ifft,ispden)-rhor(ifft,ispden+1))**(5.0d0/3.0d0)
 852          dtaur = taur(ifft,ispden)-taur(ifft,ispden+1)
 853          dtaur = dtaur - (1.0d0/8.0d0)*(sqnormgrhor(ifft,ispden+2)/(rhor(ifft,ispden)-rhor(ifft,ispden+1)))
 854          if(dtaur<0.0d0)dtaur=0.0d0
 855 !        To avoid NaN values we check that dtaurzero is not to small compare to dtaur
 856          if(abs(dtaurzero)<abs(1.0d-20*dtaur)) then
 857            elfr(ifft,ispden+2) = 0.0d0
 858          else
 859            elfr(ifft,ispden+2) = 1.0d0/(1.0d0 + (dtaur/dtaurzero)**2)
 860          end if
 861        end do
 863      end if !endif dtset%nspden==2
 865 !    Print result for elfr
 866      call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,mpi_enreg,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nspden,1,elfr,optrhor=4,ucvol=ucvol)
 868      ABI_FREE(grhor)
 869      ABI_FREE(sqnormgrhor)
 871    else
 872      message ='ELF is not yet implemented for non collinear spin cases.'
 873      ABI_WARNING(message)
 875      ABI_MALLOC(elfr,(nfftf,dtset%nspden))
 876      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
 877        do ifft=1,nfftf
 878          elfr(ifft,ispden) = -2.0d0
 879        end do
 880      end do
 881 !    even if elf is not computed we want to finish the abinit run.
 882 !    To ensure that users won't use the _ELF file which will be produced
 883 !    we set elf to -2.0 (a meaningless value)
 885    end if ! endif dtset%nspden<=2
 887    write(message,'(a,a)') ch10, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 888    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 889    write(message,'(a)') " End of ELF section"
 890    call wrtout(ab_out,message)
 892    if (dtset%usekden==0) then
 893      ABI_FREE(taur)
 894    end if
 896  end if !endif prtelf/=0
 898 !######################################################################
 899 !Compute forces (if they were not computed during the elec. iterations)
 900 !and stresses (if requested by user)
 901 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 903  call timab(255,2,tsec)
 904  call timab(256,1,tsec)
 906  optfor=0
 908  if (computed_forces==0.and.dtset%optforces>0.and.dtset%iscf>=0) then
 909    if (dtset%nstep>0.or.dtfil%ireadwf==1) optfor=1
 910  end if
 912  if (optfor>0.or.stress_needed>0) then
 914 !  PAW: eventually, compute g_l(r).Y_lm(r) gradients (if not already done)
 915    if (psps%usepaw==1) then
 916      test_nfgd  =any(pawfgrtab(:)%nfgd==0)
 917      test_rfgd  =any(pawfgrtab(:)%rfgd_allocated==0)
 918      test_gylmgr=any(pawfgrtab(:)%gylmgr_allocated==0)
 919      if (test_nfgd.or.&
 920 &     (test_gylmgr.and.dtset%pawstgylm==1).or.&
 921 &     (test_rfgd.and.stress_needed==1.and.dtset%pawstgylm==1).or.&
 922      (test_rfgd.and.dtset%pawstgylm==0)) then
 923        optcut=0;optgr0=0;optgr1=dtset%pawstgylm;optgr2=0
 924        optrad=1-dtset%pawstgylm;if (stress_needed==1) optrad=1
 925        if (dtset%usewvl==0) then
 926          call nhatgrid(atindx1,gmet,my_natom,dtset%natom,nattyp,ngfftf,dtset%ntypat,&
 927 &         optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,pawfgrtab,pawtab,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,xred,&
 928 &         comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,&
 929 &         comm_fft=spaceComm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
 930        else
 931          shft=0
 932 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 933          shft=wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i*wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i*wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%nscatterarr(mpi_enreg%me_wvl,4)
 934          call wvl_nhatgrid(atindx1,wvl%descr%atoms%astruct%geocode,&
 935 &         wvl%descr%h,wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%i3s,dtset%natom,dtset%natom,&
 936 &         nattyp,psps%ntypat,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n1i,&
 937 &         wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n2i,wvl%descr%Glr%d%n3,&
 938 &         wvl%den%denspot%dpbox%n3pi,optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,&
 939 &         pawfgrtab,pawtab,psps%gth_params%psppar,rprimd,shft,xred)
 940 #endif
 941        end if
 942      end if
 943    end if
 945    call forstr(atindx1,cg,cprj,diffor,dtefield,dtset,&
 946 &   eigen,electronpositron,energies,favg,fcart,fock,&
 947 &   forold,gred,grchempottn,grcondft,gresid,grewtn,&
 948 &   grhf,grvdw,grxc,gsqcut,extfpmd,indsym,&
 949 &   kg,kxc,maxfor,mcg,mcprj,mgfftf,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
 950 &   n3xccc,nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,nhat,nkxc,&
 951 &   npwarr,dtset%ntypat,nvresid,occ,optfor,optres,&
 952 &   paw_ij,pawang,pawfgr,pawfgrtab,pawrad,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1d,ph1df,&
 953 &   psps,rhog,rhor,rprimd,stress_needed,strscondft,strsxc,strten,symrec,synlgr,&
 954 &   ucvol,usecprj,vhartr,vpsp,vxc,vxctau,wvl,xccc3d,xcctau3d,xred,ylm,ylmgr,qvpotzero)
 955  end if
 957  ! Init values with MAGIC_UNDEF if not computed.
 958  if (optfor==1) computed_forces=1
 959  if (optfor==1) diffor = MAGIC_UNDEF
 960  if (stress_needed==0) strten = MAGIC_UNDEF
 961  if (computed_forces==0) fcart = MAGIC_UNDEF
 962  if (dtset%prtstm/=0) strten(:)=zero
 964  call timab(256,2,tsec)
 965  call timab(257,1,tsec)
 967 !If SCF convergence was not reached (for dtset%nstep>0),
 968 !print a warning to the output file (non-dummy arguments: dtset%nstep,
 969 !residm, diffor - infos from tollist have been saved inside )
 970  choice=3
 971  call scprqt(choice,cpus,deltae,diffor,dtset,&
 972 & eigen,etotal,favg,fcart,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,&
 973 & dtfil%fnameabo_app_eig,dtfil%filnam_ds(1),&
 974 & 1,dtset%iscf,istep,istep_fock_outer,istep_mix,dtset%kptns,maxfor,&
 975 & moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,dtset%nband,dtset%nkpt,&
 976 & dtset%nstep,occ,optres,prtfor,prtxml,quit,&
 977 & res2,resid,residm,response,tollist,psps%usepaw,vxcavg,dtset%wtk,xred,conv_retcode,&
 978 & electronpositron=electronpositron, fock=fock)
 980 !output POSCAR and FORCES files, VASP style, for PHON code and friends.
 981  if (dtset%prtposcar == 1) then
 982    call prtposcar(fcart, dtfil%filnam_ds(4), dtset%natom, dtset%ntypat, rprimd, dtset%typat, ucvol, xred, dtset%znucl)
 983  end if ! prtposcar
 985  if(allocated(qphon))   then
 986    ABI_FREE(qphon)
 987  end if
 989 !get current operator on wavefunctions
 990  if (dtset%prtspcur == 1) then
 991    call spin_current(cg,dtfil,dtset,gprimd,hdr,kg,mcg,mpi_enreg,psps)
 992  end if
 994 !Electron-positron stuff: if last calculation was a positron minimization,
 995 !exchange electron and positron data in order to
 996 !get electronic quantities in global variables
 997  if (dtset%positron/=0) then
 998    electronpositron%scf_converged=.false.
 999    if (dtset%positron<0.and.electronpositron_calctype(electronpositron)==1) then
1000      call exchange_electronpositron(cg,cprj,dtset,eigen,electronpositron,energies,gred,mcg,mcprj,&
1001 &     mpi_enreg,my_natom,nfftf,ngfftf,nhat,npwarr,occ,paw_an,pawrhoij,rhog,rhor,strten,usecprj,vhartr)
1002    end if
1003  end if
1005 !If PAW+U and density mixing, has to update nocc_mmp
1006  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.dtset%usepawu/=0.and.(dtset%iscf>0.or.dtset%iscf==-3)) then
1007    call setnoccmmp(1,0,dmatdum,0,0,indsym,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%natpawu,&
1008 &   dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nsym,dtset%ntypat,paw_ij,pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,&
1009 &   pawrhoij,pawtab,dtset%spinat,dtset%symafm,dtset%typat,0,dtset%usepawu,&
1010 &   comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1011  end if
1013 !Update the content of the header (evolving variables)
1014  bantot=hdr%bantot
1015  if (dtset%positron==0) then
1016    call hdr%update(bantot,etotal,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,residm,rprimd,occ,&
1017      pawrhoij,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1),&
1018      comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1019  else
1020    call hdr%update(bantot,electronpositron%e0,energies%e_fermie,energies%e_fermih,residm,rprimd,occ,&
1021      pawrhoij,xred,dtset%amu_orig(:,1),&
1022      comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
1023  end if
1025 #ifdef HAVE_LOTF
1026  if(dtset%ionmov==23 .and. mpi_enreg%nproc_band>1) then
1027    bufsz=2+2*dtset%natom;if (moved_atm_inside==1) bufsz=bufsz+dtset%natom
1028    ABI_MALLOC(mpibuf,(3,bufsz))
1029    mpibuf(:,1:dtset%natom)=gred(:,1:dtset%natom)
1030    mpibuf(:,dtset%natom+1:2*dtset%natom)=fcart(:,1:dtset%natom)
1031    if (moved_atm_inside==1) mpibuf(:,2*dtset%natom+1:3*dtset%natom)=xred(:,1:dtset%natom)
1032    mpibuf(1:3,bufsz-1:bufsz)=reshape(strten(1:6),(/3,2/))
1033    call xmpi_sum(mpibuf,mpi_enreg%comm_band,ierr)
1034    gred(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,1:dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1035    fcart(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,dtset%natom+1:2*dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1036    if (moved_atm_inside==1) xred(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,2*dtset%natom+1:3*dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1037    strten(1:6)=reshape(mpibuf(1:3,bufsz-1:bufsz),(/6/))/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1038    ABI_FREE(mpibuf)
1039  end if
1040 #endif
1042 !In case of FFT parallelisation, has to synchronize positions and forces
1043 !to avoid numerical noise
1044  if (mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1) then
1045    bufsz=2+2*dtset%natom;if (moved_atm_inside==1) bufsz=bufsz+dtset%natom
1046    ABI_MALLOC(mpibuf,(3,bufsz))
1047    mpibuf(:,1:dtset%natom)=gred(:,1:dtset%natom)
1048    mpibuf(:,dtset%natom+1:2*dtset%natom)=fcart(:,1:dtset%natom)
1049    if (moved_atm_inside==1) mpibuf(:,2*dtset%natom+1:3*dtset%natom)=xred(:,1:dtset%natom)
1050    mpibuf(1:3,bufsz-1:bufsz)=reshape(strten(1:6),(/3,2/))
1051    call xmpi_sum(mpibuf,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ierr)
1052    gred(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,1:dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
1053    fcart(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,dtset%natom+1:2*dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
1054    if (moved_atm_inside==1) xred(:,1:dtset%natom)=mpibuf(:,2*dtset%natom+1:3*dtset%natom)/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
1055    strten(1:6)=reshape(mpibuf(1:3,bufsz-1:bufsz),(/6/))/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
1056    ABI_FREE(mpibuf)
1057  end if
1059 !results_gs%energies   = energies
1060  call energies_copy(energies,results_gs%energies)
1061  results_gs%etotal     =etotal
1062  results_gs%deltae     =deltae
1063  results_gs%diffor     =diffor
1064  results_gs%residm     =residm
1065  results_gs%res2       =res2
1066  results_gs%fcart(:,:) =fcart(:,:)
1067  results_gs%gred(:,:)  =gred(:,:)
1068  results_gs%grchempottn(:,:)=grchempottn(:,:)
1069  results_gs%gresid(:,:)=gresid(:,:)
1070  results_gs%grewtn(:,:)=grewtn(:,:)
1071  results_gs%grxc(:,:)  =grxc(:,:)
1072  results_gs%berryopt   =dtset%berryopt
1073  results_gs%pel(1:3)   =pel(1:3)
1074  results_gs%pion(1:3)  =pion(1:3)
1075  results_gs%strten(1:6)=strten(1:6)
1076  results_gs%synlgr(:,:)=synlgr(:,:)
1077  results_gs%vxcavg     =vxcavg
1078  if (ngrvdw>0) results_gs%grvdw(1:3,1:ngrvdw)=grvdw(1:3,1:ngrvdw)
1079  if (associated(extfpmd)) then
1080    results_gs%entropy_extfpmd=extfpmd%entropy
1081    results_gs%nelect_extfpmd=extfpmd%nelect
1082    results_gs%shiftfactor_extfpmd=extfpmd%shiftfactor
1083  end if
1085  results_gs%intgres(:,:)=zero
1086  results_gs%grcondft(:,:)=zero
1087  if(any(dtset%constraint_kind(:)/=0))then
1088    results_gs%intgres(1:dtset%nspden,:)  =intgres(1:dtset%nspden,:)
1089    results_gs%grcondft(:,:) =grcondft(:,:)
1090  endif
1092  if (dtset%nstep == 0 .and. dtset%occopt>=3.and.dtset%occopt<=8) then
1093    results_gs%etotal = results_gs%etotal - dtset%tsmear * results_gs%entropy
1094  end if
1096 !This call is only for testing purpose:
1097 !test of the nonlop routine (DFPT vs Finite Differences)
1098  if (dtset%useria==112233) then
1099    call nonlop_test(cg,eigen,dtset%istwfk,kg,dtset%kptns,dtset%mband,mcg,dtset%mgfft,dtset%mkmem,&
1100 &   mpi_enreg,dtset%mpw,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nband,dtset%nfft,dtset%ngfft,dtset%nkpt,&
1101 &   dtset%nloalg,npwarr,dtset%nspden,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%ntypat,paw_ij,&
1102 &   pawtab,ph1d,psps,rprimd,dtset%typat,xred)
1103  end if
1105  call timab(257,2,tsec)
1106  call timab(250,2,tsec)
1108  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1110 #if !defined HAVE_BIGDFT
1111  if (.false.) write(std_out,*) vtrial(1,1)
1112 #endif
1114 end subroutine afterscfloop

ABINIT/m_afterscfloop [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (XG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_afterscfloop
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_wvltypes
26  use m_energies
27  use m_errors
28  use m_abicore
29  use m_efield
30  use m_ab7_mixing
31  use m_hdr
32  use m_dtset
33  use m_dtfil
34  use m_extfpmd
36  use defs_datatypes,     only : pseudopotential_type
37  use defs_abitypes,      only : mpi_type
38  use m_time,             only : timab
39  use m_xmpi,             only : xmpi_sum, xmpi_comm_rank,xmpi_comm_size
40  use m_berryphase_new,   only : berryphase_new
41  use m_geometry,         only : xred2xcart, metric
42  use m_crystal,          only : prtposcar
43  use m_results_gs ,      only : results_gs_type
44  use m_electronpositron, only : electronpositron_type, electronpositron_calctype, exchange_electronpositron
45  use m_paw_dmft,         only : paw_dmft_type
46  use m_pawang,           only : pawang_type
47  use m_pawrad,           only : pawrad_type
48  use m_pawtab,           only : pawtab_type
49  use m_pawrhoij,         only : pawrhoij_type
50  use m_paw_an,           only : paw_an_type
51  use m_paw_ij,           only : paw_ij_type
52  use m_pawfgrtab,        only : pawfgrtab_type
53  use m_pawcprj,          only : pawcprj_type,pawcprj_getdim
54  use m_pawfgr,           only : pawfgr_type
55  use m_paw_mkrho,        only : pawmkrho
56  use m_paw_nhat,         only : nhatgrid,wvl_nhatgrid
57  use m_paw_occupancies,  only : pawmkrhoij
58  use m_paw_correlations, only : setnoccmmp
59  use m_fock,             only : fock_type
60  use m_kg,               only : getph
61  use m_spin_current,     only : spin_current
62  use m_mkrho,            only : mkrho, prtrhomxmn
63  use m_elpolariz,        only : elpolariz
64  use m_orbmag,           only : orbmag
65  use m_nonlop_test,      only : nonlop_test
66  use m_common,           only : scprqt
67  use m_xctk,             only : xcden
68  use m_forstr,           only : forstr
69  use m_wvl_rho,          only : wvl_mkrho
70  use m_wvl_psi,          only : wvl_psitohpsi, wvl_tail_corrections
71  use m_fourier_interpol, only : transgrid
73 #ifdef HAVE_BIGDFT
74  use m_abi2big
75  use BigDFT_API, only : last_orthon, &
76       & kswfn_free_scf_data, denspot_free_history,&
77       & write_energies, total_energies, XC_potential,&
78       & eigensystem_info, applyprojectorsonthefly
79 #endif
81  implicit none
83  private