ABINIT/m_rttddft [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Contains various subroutines used in RT-TDDFT


  Copyright (C) 2021-2024 ABINIT group (FB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_rttddft
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_abitypes,      only: MPI_type
26  use defs_datatypes,     only: pseudopotential_type
28  use m_dtset,            only: dataset_type
29  use m_energies,         only: energies_type
30  use m_hamiltonian,      only: init_hamiltonian, gs_hamiltonian_type
31  use m_kg,               only: getph
32  use m_nonlop,           only: nonlop
33  use m_paw_an,           only: paw_an_reset_flags
34  use m_paw_correlations, only: setrhoijpbe0
35  use m_paw_denpot,       only: pawdenpot
36  use m_pawdij,           only: pawdij, symdij
37  use m_paw_ij,           only: paw_ij_reset_flags
38  use m_paw_nhat,         only: nhatgrid
39  use m_paw_tools,        only: chkpawovlp
40  use m_profiling_abi,    only: abimem_record
41  use m_rttddft_tdks,     only: tdks_type
42  use m_specialmsg,       only: wrtout
43  use m_setvtr,           only: setvtr
44  use m_xmpi,             only: xmpi_paral
46  implicit none
48  private

m_rttddft/rttddft_init_hamiltonian [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft ] [ Functions ]




  Init/Update various quantities in order to set up
  the Hamiltonian


  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  energies <energies_type> = contains various contribution to the energy
  istep <integer> = step number
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials
  tdks <type(tdks_type)> = Main RT-TDDFT object


  gs_hamk <type(gs_hamiltonian_type)> = Hamiltonian object


188 subroutine rttddft_init_hamiltonian(dtset, energies, gs_hamk, istep, mpi_enreg, psps, tdks)
190  implicit none
192  !Arguments ------------------------------------
193  !scalars
194  integer,                    intent(in)    :: istep
195  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
196  type(energies_type),        intent(inout) :: energies
197  type(gs_hamiltonian_type),  intent(out)   :: gs_hamk
198  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
199  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
200  type(tdks_type),            intent(inout) :: tdks
202  !Local variables-------------------------------
203  !scalars
204  character(len=500)        :: msg
205  integer                   :: comm
206  integer,parameter         :: cplex=1
207  integer,parameter         :: ipert=0
208  integer                   :: initialized0
209  integer                   :: istep_mix
210  integer                   :: moved_atm_inside, moved_rhor
211  integer                   :: my_natom
212  integer                   :: nfftotf
213  integer                   :: nzlmopt
214  integer                   :: optene
215  integer                   :: option
216  integer                   :: nkxc, n1xccc, n3xccc
217  integer                   :: usecprj_local
218  logical                   :: calc_ewald
219  logical                   :: tfw_activated
220  real(dp)                  :: compch_sph
221  real(dp)                  :: vxcavg
222  !arrays
223  real(dp),allocatable      :: grchempottn(:,:)
224  real(dp),allocatable      :: grewtn(:,:)
225  real(dp),parameter        :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
226  real(dp),allocatable      :: kxc(:,:)
227  real(dp)                  :: strsxc(6)
228  real(dp)                  :: vpotzero(2)
230 ! ***********************************************************************
232  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
234  !** Set up the potential (calls setvtr)
235  !**  The following steps have been gathered in the setvtr routine:
236  !**  - get Ewald energy and Ewald forces
237  !**  - compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp
238  !**  - possibly compute 3D core electron density xccc3d
239  !**  - possibly compute 3D core kinetic energy density
240  !**  - possibly compute vxc and vhartr
241  !**  - set up vtrial
242  !** Only the local part of the potential is computed here
243  !FB: @MT Are the values of moved_atm_inside and moved_rhor correct?
244  optene = 4; nkxc=0; moved_atm_inside=0; moved_rhor=1
245  n1xccc=0;if (psps%n1xccc/=0) n1xccc=psps%n1xccc
246  n3xccc=0;if (psps%n1xccc/=0) n3xccc=tdks%pawfgr%nfft
247  strsxc(:)=zero
248  !FB: tfw_activated is a save variable in scfcv, should maybe check where it appears again
249  tfw_activated=.false.
250  if (dtset%tfkinfunc==12) tfw_activated=.true.
251  ABI_MALLOC(grchempottn,(3,dtset%natom))
252  ABI_MALLOC(grewtn,(3,dtset%natom))
253  ABI_MALLOC(kxc,(tdks%pawfgr%nfft,nkxc))
254  calc_ewald = .false.
255  if (dtset%ionmov/=0 .or. istep == tdks%first_step) calc_ewald=.true.
256  !FB: Should we also add an option to avoid recomputing xccc3d as for Ewald?
257  call setvtr(tdks%atindx1,dtset,energies,tdks%gmet,tdks%gprimd,grchempottn,         &
258            & grewtn,tdks%grvdw,tdks%gsqcut,istep,kxc,tdks%pawfgr%mgfft,             &
259            & moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,mpi_enreg,tdks%nattyp,tdks%pawfgr%nfft,    &
260            & tdks%pawfgr%ngfft,tdks%ngrvdw,tdks%nhat,tdks%nhatgr,tdks%nhatgrdim,    &
261            & nkxc,psps%ntypat,n1xccc,n3xccc,optene,tdks%pawang,tdks%pawrad,         &
262            & tdks%pawrhoij,tdks%pawtab,tdks%ph1df,psps,tdks%rhog,tdks%rhor,         &
263            & tdks%rmet,tdks%rprimd,strsxc,tdks%ucvol,tdks%usexcnhat,tdks%vhartr,    &
264            & tdks%vpsp,tdks%vtrial,tdks%vxc,vxcavg,tdks%wvl,tdks%xccc3d,tdks%xred,  &
265            & taur=tdks%taur,vxc_hybcomp=tdks%vxc_hybcomp,vxctau=tdks%vxctau,        &
266            & add_tfw=tfw_activated,xcctau3d=tdks%xcctau3d,calc_ewald=calc_ewald)
267  ABI_FREE(grchempottn)
268  ABI_FREE(grewtn)
269  ABI_FREE(kxc)
271  ! set the zero of the potentials here
272  if(dtset%usepotzero==2) tdks%vpsp(:) = tdks%vpsp(:) + tdks%ecore / ( tdks%zion * tdks%ucvol )
274  !** Update PAW quantities
275  !** Compute energies and potentials in the augmentation regions (spheres)
276  !** and pseudopotential strengths (Dij quantities)
277  if (psps%usepaw==1)then
278    !** Local exact exch.: impose occ. matrix if required
279    if (dtset%useexexch/=0) then
280       if (xmpi_paral==1.and.mpi_enreg%paral_hf==1) then
281          comm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
282       else
283          comm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
284       end if
285       istep_mix=1; initialized0=0
286       call setrhoijpbe0(dtset,initialized0,istep,istep_mix, &
287                      & comm,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%ntypat,tdks%pawrhoij,tdks%pawtab, &
288                      & dtset%typat,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
289    end if
291    !** Computation of on-site densities/potentials/energies
292    !** Force the recomputation of on-site potentials and Dij
293    call paw_an_reset_flags(tdks%paw_an)
294    !FB: @MT Changed self_consistent to false here. Is this right?
295    call paw_ij_reset_flags(tdks%paw_ij,self_consistent=.false.)
296    option=0; compch_sph=-1.d5; nzlmopt=0
297    call pawdenpot(compch_sph,energies%e_paw,energies%e_pawdc,ipert,         &
298                 & dtset%ixc,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,  &
299                 & dtset%nucdipmom,nzlmopt,option,tdks%paw_an,tdks%paw_an,   &
300                 & tdks%paw_ij,tdks%pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,tdks%pawrad,      &
301                 & tdks%pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,tdks%pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev, &
302                 & dtset%spnorbscl,dtset%xclevel,dtset%xc_denpos,            &
303                 & dtset%xc_taupos,tdks%ucvol,                               &
304                 & psps%znuclpsp,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,              &
305                 & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,vpotzero=vpotzero)
306    !Correct the average potential with the calculated constant vpotzero
307    !Correct the total energies accordingly
308    !vpotzero(1) = -beta/ucvol
309    !vpotzero(2) = -1/ucvol sum_ij rho_ij gamma_ij
310    write(msg,'(a,f14.6,2x,f14.6)') &
311    & ' average electrostatic smooth potential [Ha] , [eV]', &
312    & SUM(vpotzero(:)),SUM(vpotzero(:))*Ha_eV
313    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
314    tdks%vtrial(:,:)=tdks%vtrial(:,:)+SUM(vpotzero(:))
315    if(option/=1)then
316       !Fix the direct total energy (non-zero only for charged systems)
317       energies%e_paw=energies%e_paw-SUM(vpotzero(:))*dtset%cellcharge(1)
318       !Fix the double counting total energy accordingly (for both charged AND
319       !neutral systems)
320       energies%e_pawdc=energies%e_pawdc-SUM(vpotzero(:))*tdks%zion+ &
321                           & vpotzero(2)*dtset%cellcharge(1)
322    end if
324    !** Dij computation
325    !FB: @MT fatvshift?
326    nfftotf=tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(1)*tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(2)*tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(3)
327    call pawdij(cplex,dtset%enunit,tdks%gprimd,ipert,my_natom,dtset%natom,            &
328              & tdks%pawfgr%nfft,nfftotf,dtset%nspden,psps%ntypat,tdks%paw_an,        &
329              & tdks%paw_ij,tdks%pawang,tdks%pawfgrtab,dtset%pawprtvol,tdks%pawrad,   &
330              & tdks%pawrhoij,dtset%pawspnorb,tdks%pawtab,dtset%pawxcdev,k0,          &
331              & dtset%spnorbscl,tdks%ucvol,dtset%cellcharge(1),tdks%vtrial,           &
332              & tdks%vxc,tdks%xred,natvshift=dtset%natvshift,atvshift=dtset%atvshift, &
333              & fatvshift=one,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,                          &
334              & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,mpi_comm_grid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,      &
335              & nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom)
337    !Symetrize Dij
338    call symdij(tdks%gprimd,tdks%indsym,ipert,my_natom,dtset%natom,dtset%nsym, &
339              & psps%ntypat,0,tdks%paw_ij,tdks%pawang,dtset%pawprtvol,         &
340              & tdks%pawtab,tdks%rprimd,dtset%symafm,tdks%symrec,              &
341              & comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab)
342  end if
344  !** Initialize most of the Hamiltonian
345  !** Allocate all arrays and initialize quantities that do not depend on k and spin.
346  !FB: Should recompute cprj if ions have moved right?
347  usecprj_local=0; if (psps%usepaw==1 .and. dtset%ionmov==0) usecprj_local=1
348  call init_hamiltonian(gs_hamk,psps,tdks%pawtab,dtset%nspinor,dtset%nsppol,dtset%nspden,dtset%natom,dtset%typat,    &
349                      & tdks%xred,dtset%nfft,dtset%mgfft,dtset%ngfft,tdks%rprimd,dtset%nloalg,paw_ij=tdks%paw_ij,    &
350                      & ph1d=tdks%ph1d,usecprj=usecprj_local,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom,                          &
351                      & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,mpi_spintab=mpi_enreg%my_isppoltab,nucdipmom=dtset%nucdipmom, &
352                      & gpu_option=dtset%gpu_option)
354 end subroutine rttddft_init_hamiltonian

m_rttddft/rttddft_setup_ele_step [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rttddft ] [ Functions ]




  Init/Update various quantities needed before performing 
  propagation of KS orbitals


  dtset <type(dataset_type)> = all input variables for this dataset
  mpi_enreg <MPI_type> = MPI-parallelisation information
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)> = variables related to pseudopotentials
  tdks <type(tdks_type)> = Main RT-TDDFT object



 76 subroutine rttddft_setup_ele_step(dtset, mpi_enreg, psps, tdks)
 78  implicit none
 80  !Arguments ------------------------------------
 81  !scalars
 82  type(dataset_type),         intent(inout) :: dtset
 83  type(MPI_type),             intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
 84  type(pseudopotential_type), intent(inout) :: psps
 85  type(tdks_type),            intent(inout) :: tdks
 87  !Local variables-------------------------------
 88  !scalars
 89  integer                   :: forces_needed
 90  integer                   :: my_natom
 91  integer                   :: optcut, optgr0, optgr1, optgr2, optrad
 92  integer                   :: stress_needed
 93  !arrays
 94  !real(dp),parameter        :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 96 ! ***********************************************************************
 98  my_natom=mpi_enreg%my_natom
100  !** Update various quantities that needs to be changed 
101  !** after a change of xred during the nuclear step
103  !Compute large sphere G^2 cut-off (gsqcut) and box / sphere ratio
104  !FB: @MT Probably not needed? The box didn't change only nuclear pos..
105  !if (psps%usepaw==1) then
106  !   call getcut(tdks%boxcut,dtset%pawecutdg,tdks%gmet,tdks%gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut, &
107  !             & std_out,k0,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft)
108  !else
109  !   call getcut(tdks%boxcut,dtset%ecut,tdks%gmet,tdks%gsqcut,dtset%iboxcut, &
110  !             & std_out,k0,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft)
111  !end if
113  !Compute structure factor phases (exp(2Pi i G.xred)) on coarse and fine grid
114  call getph(tdks%atindx,dtset%natom,tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(1),tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(2), &
115           & tdks%pawfgr%ngfftc(3),tdks%ph1d,tdks%xred)
116  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.tdks%pawfgr%usefinegrid==1) then
117     call getph(tdks%atindx,dtset%natom,tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(1),tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(2), &
118              & tdks%pawfgr%ngfft(3),tdks%ph1df,tdks%xred)
119  else
120     tdks%ph1df(:,:)=tdks%ph1d(:,:)
121  end if
123  !PAW specific
124  if (psps%usepaw==1) then
125     !Check for non-overlapping PAW spheres
126     call chkpawovlp(dtset%natom,psps%ntypat,dtset%pawovlp,tdks%pawtab,tdks%rmet, &
127                   & dtset%typat,tdks%xred)
129     !Identify parts of the rectangular grid where the density has to be calculated
130     !FB: Needed?
131     optcut=0;optgr0=dtset%pawstgylm;optgr1=0;optgr2=0;optrad=1-dtset%pawstgylm
132     forces_needed=0 !FB TODO needs to be changed if Ehrenfest?
133     stress_needed=0
134     if ((forces_needed==1).or. &
135       & (dtset%xclevel==2.and.dtset%pawnhatxc>0.and.tdks%usexcnhat>0).or. &
136       & (dtset%positron/=0.and.forces_needed==2)) then
137        optgr1=dtset%pawstgylm; if (stress_needed==1) optrad=1; if (dtset%pawprtwf==1) optrad=1
138     end if
139     call nhatgrid(tdks%atindx1,tdks%gmet,my_natom,dtset%natom,tdks%nattyp,         &
140                 & tdks%pawfgr%ngfft,psps%ntypat,optcut,optgr0,optgr1,              &
141                 & optgr2,optrad,tdks%pawfgrtab,tdks%pawtab,tdks%rprimd,            &
142                 & dtset%typat, tdks%ucvol,tdks%xred,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom, &
143                 & mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,      &
144                 & distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
145  endif
147 !!FB: @MT Needed? If yes, then don't forget to put it back in tdks_init/second_setup as well
148 !!if any nuclear dipoles are nonzero, compute the vector potential in real space (depends on
149 !!atomic position so should be done for nstep = 1 and for updated ion positions
150 !if ( any(abs(dtset%nucdipmom(:,:))>tol8) ) then
151 !   with_vectornd = 1
152 !else
153 !   with_vectornd = 0
154 !end if
155 !if(allocated(vectornd)) then
156 !   ABI_FREE(vectornd)
157 !end if
158 !ABI_MALLOC(vectornd,(with_vectornd*nfftf,3))
159 !vectornd=zero
160 !if(with_vectornd .EQ. 1) then
161 !   call make_vectornd(1,gsqcut,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,dtset%nucdipmom,&
162 !        & rprimd,vectornd,xred)
164 end subroutine rttddft_setup_ele_step