ABINIT/m_rta [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module provides objects and procedures to compute transport properties by solving the
  linearized Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) in the relaxation-time approximation (RTA).
  or within the Iterative Bolztmann Equation (IBTE).
  The RTA has two different flavors: Self-energy Relaxation Time Approximation (SERTA)
  in which the back-scattering term is completely ignored and the Momentum-Relaxation Time Approximation (MRTA)
  in which backscattering is partly accounter for by multiplying the e-ph self-energy integrand function
  by the efficiency factor alpha that depends on the incoming/outgoing electron group velocity.
  The implementation assumes e-ph scattering although additional scattering mechanims (e.g. ionized impurities)
  can be easily included once an appropriate model is added to the ab-initio e-ph scattering rates.


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (HM, MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


  Dimensional analysis for conductivity (sigma), mobility (mu).

   [sigma] = Siemens/m  with S = Ampere/Volt = Ohm^-1
   [mu] = S L^2 Q


30 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
31 #include "config.h"
32 #endif
34 #include "abi_common.h"
36 module m_rta
38  use defs_basis
39  use m_abicore
40  use m_xmpi
41  use m_errors
42  use m_copy
43  use m_ebands
44  use m_nctk
45  use m_wfk
46  use m_ephtk
47  use m_sigmaph
48  use m_dtset
49  use m_dtfil
50  use m_krank
51 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
52  use netcdf
53 #endif
55  use defs_datatypes,   only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
56  use m_io_tools,       only : open_file
57  use m_time,           only : cwtime, cwtime_report
58  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
59  use m_numeric_tools,  only : bisect, simpson_int, safe_div, arth
60  use m_fstrings,       only : strcat, sjoin, itoa, ltoa, stoa, ftoa, yesno
61  use m_kpts,           only : kpts_timrev_from_kptopt, kpts_map
62  use m_occ,            only : occ_fd, occ_dfde
63  use m_pawtab,         only : pawtab_type
64  use m_ddk,            only : ddkstore_t
66  implicit none
68  private

m_rta/compute_rta [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files.
 comm=MPI communicator.


 672 subroutine compute_rta(self, cryst, dtset, dtfil, comm)
 674 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 675  integer,intent(in) :: comm
 676  class(rta_t),intent(inout) :: self
 677  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 678  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 679  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
 681 !Local variables ------------------------------
 682  integer,parameter :: nvecs0 = 0, master = 0
 683  integer :: nsppol, nkibz, ib, ik_ibz, iw, spin, ii, jj, itemp, irta, itens, iscal, cnt
 684  integer :: ntens, edos_intmeth, ifermi, iel, nvals, my_rank
 685 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 686  integer :: ncid
 687 #endif
 688  !character(len=500) :: msg
 689  character(len=fnlen) :: path
 690  real(dp) :: emin, emax, edos_broad, edos_step, max_occ, kT, Tkelv, linewidth, fact0, cpu, wall, gflops
 691 !arrays
 692  integer :: unts(2)
 693  real(dp) :: vr(3), dummy_vecs(1,1,1,1,1), work_33(3,3), S_33(3,3), mat33(3,3)
 694  real(dp),allocatable :: vv_tens(:,:,:,:,:,:,:), out_valsdos(:,:,:,:), dummy_dosvecs(:,:,:,:,:)
 695  real(dp),allocatable :: out_tensdos(:,:,:,:,:,:), tau_vals(:,:,:,:,:), l0inv_33nw(:,:,:)
 697 !************************************************************************
 699  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
 700  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
 701  unts = [std_out, ab_out]
 703  ! Basic dimensions
 704  nsppol = self%ebands%nsppol; nkibz = self%ebands%nkpt
 706  ! Allocate v x v tensors with and without the lifetimes. Eq 8 of [[cite:Madsen2018]]
 707  ! The total number of tensorial entries is ntens and accounts for nrta
 708  ! Remember that we haven't computed all the k-points in the IBZ hence we can have zero linewidths
 709  ! or very small values when the states are at the band edge so we use safe_dif to avoid SIGFPE.
 710  ! Also, note how we store only the states in the energy window.
 712  nvals = self%ntemp * self%nrta
 713  ABI_CALLOC(tau_vals, (self%ntemp, self%nrta, self%bmin:self%bmax, nkibz, nsppol))
 715  ntens = (1 + self%ntemp) * self%nrta
 716  ABI_CALLOC(vv_tens, (3, 3, 1 + self%ntemp, self%nrta, self%bmin:self%bmax, nkibz, nsppol))
 718  cnt = 0
 719  do spin=1,nsppol
 720    do ik_ibz=1,nkibz
 721      !cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nprocs) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
 722      do ib=self%bmin,self%bmax
 724        vr(:) = self%vbks(:, ib, ik_ibz, spin)
 725        ! Store outer product (v_bks x v_bks) in vv_tens. This part does not depend on T and irta.
 726        do ii=1,3
 727          do jj=1,3
 728            vv_tens(ii, jj, 1, 1:self%nrta, ib, ik_ibz, spin) = vr(ii) * vr(jj)
 729          end do
 730        end do
 732        ! Multiply by the lifetime (SERTA and MRTA)
 733        do irta=1,self%nrta
 734          do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 735            linewidth = self%linewidths(itemp, ib, ik_ibz, spin, irta)
 736            call safe_div(vv_tens(:,:, 1, irta, ib, ik_ibz, spin), two * linewidth, zero, &
 737                          vv_tens(:,:, 1 + itemp, irta, ib, ik_ibz, spin))
 738            call safe_div(one, two * linewidth, zero, tau_vals(itemp, irta, ib, ik_ibz, spin))
 739          end do
 740        end do
 742      end do
 743    end do
 744  end do
 746  !call xmpi_sum(vv_tens, comm, ierr)
 747  !call xmpi_sum(tau_vals, comm, ierr)
 748  call cwtime_report(" compute_rta_loop1", cpu, wall, gflops)
 750  ! Compute DOS and VV_DOS and VV_TAU_DOS
 751  ! Define integration method and mesh step.
 752  edos_intmeth = 2; if (dtset%prtdos /= 0) edos_intmeth = dtset%prtdos
 753  edos_step = dtset%dosdeltae
 754  if (edos_step == zero) edos_step = 0.001
 755  !if (edos_step == zero) edos_step = ten / Ha_meV
 756  edos_broad = dtset%tsmear
 758  ! Set default energy range for DOS
 759  ! If sigma_erange is set, get emin and emax from this variable
 760  ! MG: TODO This value should be read from SIGEPH
 761  ! Recheck metals
 762  if (self%assume_gap) then
 763    emin = huge(one); emax = -huge(one)
 764    do spin=1,self%ebands%nsppol
 765      if (dtset%sigma_erange(1) >= zero) emin = min(emin, self%gaps%vb_max(spin) + tol2 * eV_Ha - dtset%sigma_erange(1))
 766      if (dtset%sigma_erange(2) >= zero) emax = max(emax, self%gaps%cb_min(spin) - tol2 * eV_Ha + dtset%sigma_erange(2))
 767    end do
 768    ABI_CHECK(emin /=  huge(one), "Cannot initialize emin")
 769    ABI_CHECK(emax /= -huge(one), "Cannot initialize emax")
 770  else
 771    emin = minval(self%eminmax_spin(1, :)); emin = emin - tol1 * abs(emin)
 772    emax = maxval(self%eminmax_spin(2, :)); emax = emax + tol1 * abs(emax)
 773  end if
 775  ! Compute DOS, vv_dos and vvtau_DOS (v x v tau)
 776  !
 777  !    out_valsdos: (nw, 2, nvals, nsppol) array with DOS for scalar quantities if nvals > 0
 778  !    out_tensdos: (nw, 2, 3, 3, ntens,  nsppol) array with DOS weighted by tensorial terms if ntens > 0
 779  !
 780  !  Vectors and tensors are in Cartesian coordinates.
 781  !  Note how we compute the DOS only between [emin, emax] to save time and memory
 782  !  this implies that IDOS and edos%ifermi are ill-defined
 784  self%edos = ebands_get_edos_matrix_elements(self%ebands, cryst, self%bsize, &
 785                                              nvals, tau_vals, nvecs0, dummy_vecs, ntens, vv_tens, &
 786                                              edos_intmeth, edos_step, edos_broad, &
 787                                              out_valsdos, dummy_dosvecs, out_tensdos, comm, &
 788                                              brange=[self%bmin, self%bmax], erange=[emin, emax])
 790  if (my_rank == master) then
 791    call self%edos%print(unit=std_out, header="Computation of DOS, VV_DOS and VVTAU_DOS")
 792    call self%edos%print(unit=ab_out,  header="Computation of DOS, VV_DOS and VVTAU_DOS")
 793  end if
 795  call cwtime_report(" compute_rta_edos", cpu, wall, gflops)
 797  ! Unpack data stored in out_tensdos with shape (nw, 2, 3, 3, ntens, nsppol)
 798  self%nw = self%edos%nw
 799  ABI_MALLOC(self%tau_dos, (self%nw, self%ntemp, nsppol, self%nrta))
 800  ! TODO: Exchange dims?
 801  ABI_MALLOC(self%vv_dos, (self%nw, 3, 3, nsppol))
 802  ABI_MALLOC(self%vvtau_dos, (self%nw, 3, 3, self%ntemp, nsppol, self%nrta))
 804  do irta=1,self%nrta
 805    do spin=1,nsppol
 806      do itemp=1,self%ntemp+1
 808        itens = itemp + (irta - 1) * (self%ntemp + 1)
 809        if (itemp == 1) then
 810          self%vv_dos(:,:,:,spin) = out_tensdos(:, 1, :, :, itens, spin)
 811        else
 812          self%vvtau_dos(:,:,:, itemp-1, spin, irta) = out_tensdos(:, 1, :, :, itens, spin)
 813        end if
 815      end do
 816    end do
 817  end do
 819  ! Transfer data for tau(e)
 820  do irta=1,self%nrta
 821    do spin=1,nsppol
 822      do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 823        iscal = itemp + (irta - 1) * self%ntemp
 824        self%tau_dos(:, itemp, spin, irta) = out_valsdos(:, 1, iscal, spin)
 825      end do
 826    end do
 827  end do
 829  ! Free memory
 830  ABI_SFREE(out_tensdos)
 831  ABI_SFREE(tau_vals)
 832  ABI_SFREE(out_valsdos)
 833  ABI_SFREE(dummy_dosvecs)
 834  ABI_SFREE(vv_tens)
 836  ! Compute Onsager coefficients. Eq 9 of [[cite:Madsen2018]]
 837  ! See also Eqs 41, page 11 of
 838  !
 839  !      L^\alpha(\mu, T) = \int de \sigma(e, T) (e - mu)^\alpha (-df/de)
 840  !
 841  ! with \sigma(e, T) stored in vvtau_dos
 843  ABI_MALLOC(self%l0, (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 844  ABI_MALLOC(self%l1, (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 845  ABI_MALLOC(self%l2, (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 847  call onsager(0, self%l0)
 848  call onsager(1, self%l1)
 849  call onsager(2, self%l2)
 851  call cwtime_report(" compute_rta_onsanger", cpu, wall, gflops)
 853  ! Compute transport tensors, Eqs 12-15 of [[cite:Madsen2018]] and convert to SI units.
 854  ABI_CALLOC(self%sigma,   (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 855  ABI_CALLOC(self%seebeck, (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 856  ABI_CALLOC(self%kappa,   (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 857  ABI_CALLOC(self%pi,      (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 858  ABI_CALLOC(self%zte,     (3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 860  ! Sigma = L0
 861  fact0 = (siemens_SI / Bohr_meter / cryst%ucvol)
 862  self%sigma = fact0 * self%l0
 864  ! Used to stored L0^-1
 865  ABI_MALLOC(l0inv_33nw, (3, 3, self%nw))
 867  do irta=1,self%nrta
 868    do spin=1,nsppol
 869      do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 871        TKelv = self%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK; if (TKelv < one) Tkelv = one
 873        ! S = -1/T L0^-1 L1 = -1/T sigma L1
 874        do iw=1,self%nw
 875          call inv33(self%l0(:, :, iw, spin, itemp, irta), work_33)
 876          l0inv_33nw(:,:,iw) = work_33
 877          self%seebeck(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta) = - (volt_SI / TKelv) * matmul(work_33, self%l1(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta))
 878        end do
 880        ! kappa = 1/T [L2 - L1 L0^-1 L1]
 881        ! HM: Check why do we need minus sign here to get consistent results with Boltztrap!
 882        ! MG: Likely because of a different definition of kappa.
 883        do iw=1,self%nw
 884          work_33 = self%l1(:, :, iw, spin, itemp, irta)
 885          work_33 = self%l2(:, :, iw, spin, itemp, irta) - matmul(work_33, matmul(l0inv_33nw(:, :, iw), work_33))
 886          !self%kappa(:,:,iw,spin, itemp,spin,irta) = - (volt_SI**2 * fact0 / TKelv) * work_33
 887          self%kappa(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta) = + (volt_SI**2 * fact0 / TKelv) * work_33
 888        end do
 890        ! Peltier pi = -L1 L0^-1
 891        do iw=1,self%nw
 892          work_33 = self%l1(:, :, iw, spin, itemp, irta)
 893          self%pi(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta) = - volt_SI * matmul(work_33, l0inv_33nw(:, :, iw))
 894        end do
 896        ! ZT: S^T sigma S k^-1 T (tensor form with k=k_electronic only):
 897        do iw=1,self%nw
 898          S_33 = self%seebeck(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta)
 899          S_33 = matmul(matmul(transpose(S_33), self%sigma(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta)), S_33)
 900          call inv33(self%kappa(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta), work_33)
 901          self%zte(:,:,iw,spin,itemp,irta) = matmul(S_33, work_33) * TKelv
 902        end do
 904      end do
 905    end do
 906  end do
 908  ABI_FREE(l0inv_33nw)
 910  ! Compute the index of the Fermi level and handle possible out of range condition.
 911  ifermi = bisect(self%edos%mesh, self%ebands%fermie)
 912  if (ifermi == 0 .or. ifermi == self%nw) then
 913    ABI_ERROR("Bisection could not find the index of the Fermi level in edos%mesh!")
 914  end if
 916  max_occ = two / (self%nspinor * self%nsppol)
 918  ! Conductivity
 919  ABI_MALLOC(self%conductivity, (3, 3, self%ntemp, self%nsppol, self%nrta))
 920  do spin=1,self%nsppol
 921    do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 922      do irta=1,self%nrta
 923        do jj=1,3
 924          do ii=1,3
 925            self%conductivity(ii,jj,itemp,spin,irta) = self%sigma(ii, jj, ifermi, spin, itemp, irta) * 0.01 !m^-1 to cm^-1
 926          end do
 927        end do
 928      end do
 929    end do ! itemp
 930  end do ! spin
 932  ABI_MALLOC(self%resistivity, (3, 3, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
 933  do irta=1,self%nrta
 934   do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 935     work_33 = sum(self%conductivity(:,:,itemp,:,irta), dim=3)
 936     call inv33(work_33, mat33); mat33 = 1e+6_dp * mat33
 937     self%resistivity(:, :, itemp, irta) = mat33
 938   end do
 939  end do
 941  ! Mobility
 942  ABI_MALLOC(self%n, (self%nw, self%ntemp, 2))
 943  ABI_MALLOC(self%mobility, (3, 3, self%nw, self%ntemp, 2, self%nsppol, self%nrta))
 945  do spin=1,self%nsppol
 946    do itemp=1,self%ntemp
 947      ! Compute carrier density
 948      kT = self%kTmesh(itemp)
 950      ! MG TODO: I think that here we should use mu_e instead of ifermi.
 951      ! Compute carrier density of electrons (ifermi:self%nw)
 952      do iw=1,self%nw ! doping
 953        self%n(iw,itemp,1) = carriers(self%edos%mesh, self%edos%dos(:,spin) * max_occ, ifermi, self%nw, &
 954                                      kT, self%edos%mesh(iw)) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_meter**3
 955      end do
 957      ! Compute carrier density of holes (1:ifermi)
 958      do iw=1,self%nw ! doping
 959        self%n(iw,itemp,2) = carriers(self%edos%mesh, self%edos%dos(:,spin) * max_occ, 1, ifermi, &
 960                                      kT, self%edos%mesh(iw)) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_meter**3
 961      end do
 963      self%n(:,itemp,2) = self%n(self%nw,itemp,2) - self%n(:,itemp,2)
 965      ! Compute mobility
 966      do irta=1,self%nrta
 967        do iel=1,2
 968          do iw=1,self%nw
 969            do jj=1,3
 970              do ii=1,3
 971                call safe_div(self%sigma(ii, jj, iw, spin, itemp, irta) * 100**2, &
 972                              e_Cb * self%n(iw, itemp, iel), &
 973                              zero, self%mobility(ii, jj, iw, itemp, iel, spin, irta))
 974              end do
 975            end do
 976          end do
 977        end do
 978      end do
 979    end do ! itemp
 980  end do ! spin
 982  ! Compute RTA mobility
 983  call self%compute_rta_mobility(cryst, comm)
 985  if (my_rank == master) then
 986    ! Print RTA results to stdout and other external txt files (for the test suite)
 987    call self%print_rta_txt_files(cryst, dtset, dtfil)
 989    ! Creates the netcdf file used to store the results of the calculation.
 990 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
 991    path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
 992    call wrtout(unts, ch10//sjoin("- Writing RTA transport results to:", path))
 993    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_create(ncid, path , xmpi_comm_self))
 994    call self%rta_ncwrite(cryst, dtset, ncid)
 995    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
 996 #endif
 997  end if
 999  call cwtime_report(" compute_rta", cpu, wall, gflops)
1001 contains
1003  real(dp) function carriers(wmesh, dos, istart, istop, kT, mu)
1005  !Arguments -------------------------------------------
1006  real(dp),intent(in) :: kT, mu
1007  real(dp),intent(in) :: wmesh(self%nw), dos(self%nw)
1008  integer,intent(in) :: istart, istop
1010  !Local variables -------------------------------------
1011  integer :: iw
1012  real(dp) :: kernel(self%nw), integral(self%nw)
1014  kernel = zero
1015  do iw=istart,istop
1016    kernel(iw) = dos(iw) * occ_fd(wmesh(iw), kT, mu)
1017  end do
1018  call simpson_int(self%nw, edos_step, kernel, integral)
1019  carriers = integral(self%nw)
1021  end function carriers
1023  ! Compute L^\alpha(\mu, T) = \int de \sigma(e, T) (e - mu)^\alpha (-df/de)
1024  subroutine onsager(order, lorder)
1026  !Arguments -------------------------------------------
1027  integer,intent(in) :: order
1028  real(dp),intent(out) :: lorder(3, 3, self%nw, self%nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta)
1030  !Local variables -------------------------------------
1031  integer :: spin, iw, imu, irta
1032  real(dp) :: mu, ee, kT
1033  real(dp) :: kernel(self%nw,3,3,self%nsppol), integral(self%nw)
1035  ! Get spin degeneracy
1036  max_occ = two / (self%nspinor * self%nsppol)
1038  do irta=1,self%nrta
1039    do itemp=1,self%ntemp
1040      kT = self%kTmesh(itemp)
1041      ! Loop over chemical potentials mu
1042      do imu=1,self%nw
1043        mu = self%edos%mesh(imu)
1045        ! Build integrand for given mu
1046        do iw=1,self%nw
1047          ee = self%edos%mesh(iw)
1048          if (order > 0) then
1049            kernel(iw,:,:,:) = - max_occ * self%vvtau_dos(iw,:,:,itemp,:,irta) * (ee - mu)** order * occ_dfde(ee, kT, mu)
1050          else
1051            kernel(iw,:,:,:) = - max_occ * self%vvtau_dos(iw,:,:,itemp,:,irta) * occ_dfde(ee, kT, mu)
1052          end if
1053        end do
1055        ! Integrate with simpson_int
1056        do spin=1,self%nsppol
1057          do jj=1,3
1058            do ii=1,3
1059              call simpson_int(self%nw, edos_step, kernel(:,ii,jj, spin), integral)
1060              lorder(ii, jj, imu, spin, itemp, irta) = integral(self%nw)
1061            end do
1062          end do
1063        end do
1065      end do ! imu
1066    end do ! itemp
1067  end do ! irta
1069  end subroutine onsager
1071 end subroutine compute_rta

m_rta/compute_rta_mobility [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 comm=MPI communicator.


1088 subroutine compute_rta_mobility(self, cryst, comm)
1090 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1091  class(rta_t),intent(inout) :: self
1092  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1093  integer,intent(in) :: comm
1095 !Local variables ------------------------------
1096  integer :: nsppol, nkibz, ib, ik_ibz, spin, ii, jj, itemp, ieh, cnt, nprocs, irta, time_opt
1097  real(dp) :: eig_nk, mu_e, linewidth, fact, fact0, max_occ, kT, wtk, cpu, wall, gflops
1098  real(dp) :: vr(3), vv_tens(3,3), vv_tenslw(3,3) !, tmp_tens(3,3)
1100 !************************************************************************
1102  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1104  nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1105  nkibz = self%ebands%nkpt; nsppol = self%ebands%nsppol
1107  time_opt = 0 ! This to preserve the previous behaviour in which TR was not used.
1108  !time_opt = -1 ! This to preserve the previous behaviour in which TR was not used.
1110  ABI_CALLOC(self%mobility_mu, (3, 3, 2, nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
1111  ABI_CALLOC(self%conductivity_mu, (3, 3, 2, nsppol, self%ntemp, self%nrta))
1113  ! Compute (e/h) carriers per unit cell at the different temperatures.
1114  ABI_CALLOC(self%n_ehst, (2, self%nsppol, self%ntemp))
1115  call ebands_get_carriers(self%ebands, self%ntemp, self%kTmesh, self%transport_mu_e, self%n_ehst)
1117  ! Compute conductivity_mu i.e. results in which lifetimes have been computed in a consistent way
1118  ! with the same the Fermi level. In all the other cases, indeed, we assume that tau does not depend on ef.
1119  !
1120  ! sigma_RTA = -S e^2 / (N_k Omega) sum_\nk (v_\nk \otimes v_\nk) \tau_\nk (df^0/de_\nk)
1121  !
1122  ! with S the spin degeneracy factor.
1123  !
1124  ! TODO: Implement other tensors. Compare these results with the ones obtained with spectral sigma
1125  ! In principle, they should be the same, in practice the integration of sigma requires enough resolution
1126  ! around the band edge.
1127  !print *, "in RTA max velocities", maxval(abs(self%vbks))
1128  cnt = 0
1129  do spin=1,nsppol
1130    do ik_ibz=1,nkibz
1131      !cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nprocs) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
1132      wtk = self%ebands%wtk(ik_ibz)
1134      do ib=self%bmin,self%bmax
1135        eig_nk = self%ebands%eig(ib, ik_ibz, spin)
1137        ! Store outer product in vv_tens
1138        vr(:) = self%vbks(:, ib, ik_ibz, spin)
1139        ! Don't remove this if: it makes the loop a bit faster and, most importantly,
1140        ! it prevents intel from miscompiling the code.
1141        if (all(abs(vr) == zero)) cycle
1143        do ii=1,3
1144          do jj=1,3
1145            vv_tens(ii, jj) = vr(ii) * vr(jj)
1146          end do
1147        end do
1149        ! Symmetrize tensor.
1150        !print *, "intens", vv_tens
1151        vv_tens = cryst%symmetrize_cart_tens33(vv_tens, time_opt)
1152        !print *, "out_tens", vv_tens
1154        ! Multiply by the lifetime (SERTA or MRTA)
1155        do irta=1,self%nrta
1156          do itemp=1,self%ntemp
1157            kT = self%kTmesh(itemp)
1158            mu_e = self%transport_mu_e(itemp)
1159            ieh = 2; if (eig_nk >= mu_e) ieh = 1
1160            linewidth = self%linewidths(itemp, ib, ik_ibz, spin, irta)
1161            !print *, linewidth, wtk, occ_dfde(eig_nk, kT, mu_e), "tens", vv_tens
1162            call safe_div( - wtk * vv_tens * occ_dfde(eig_nk, kT, mu_e), two * linewidth, zero, vv_tenslw)
1163            self%conductivity_mu(:, :, ieh, spin, itemp, irta) = self%conductivity_mu(:, :, ieh, spin, itemp, irta) &
1164              + vv_tenslw(:, :)
1165          end do
1166        end do
1167      end do
1169    end do ! ik_ibz
1170  end do ! spin
1172  !call xmpi_sum(self%conductivity_mu, comm, ierr)
1174  ! Get units conversion factor including spin degeneracy.
1175  max_occ = two / (self%nspinor * self%nsppol)
1176  fact0 = max_occ * (siemens_SI / Bohr_meter / cryst%ucvol) / 100
1177  self%conductivity_mu = fact0 * self%conductivity_mu  ! siemens cm^-1
1179  ! Scale by the carrier concentration
1180  fact = 100**3 / e_Cb
1181  do irta=1,self%nrta
1182    do spin=1,nsppol
1183      do itemp=1,self%ntemp
1184        do ieh=1,2 ! e/h
1185          call safe_div(fact * self%conductivity_mu(:,:,ieh,spin,itemp, irta), &
1186                        self%n_ehst(ieh, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_meter**3, zero, &
1187                        self%mobility_mu(:,:,ieh,spin,itemp,irta))
1188        end do
1189      end do
1190    end do
1191  end do
1193  call cwtime_report(" compute_rta_mobility", cpu, wall, gflops)
1195 end subroutine compute_rta_mobility

m_rta/ibte_calc_tensors [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 comm=MPI communicator.


2141 subroutine ibte_calc_tensors(self, cryst, itemp, kT, mu_e, fk, onsager, sigma_eh, mob_eh, fsum_eh, comm)
2143 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2144  class(rta_t),intent(inout) :: self
2145  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
2146  integer,intent(in) :: itemp
2147  real(dp),intent(in) :: kT, mu_e
2148  real(dp),intent(in) :: fk(3, self%ebands%nkpt, self%bmin:self%bmax, self%nsppol)
2149  real(dp),intent(out) :: sigma_eh(3,3,2,self%nsppol), mob_eh(3,3,2,self%nsppol)
2150  real(dp),intent(out) :: fsum_eh(3,2,self%nsppol), onsager(3,3,3,self%nsppol)
2151  integer,intent(in) :: comm
2153 !Local variables ------------------------------
2154 !scalars
2155  integer :: nsppol, nkibz, ib, ik_ibz, spin, ii, jj, ieh, cnt, nprocs, ia, time_opt
2156  real(dp) :: eig_nk, fact, fact0, max_occ, wtk, emu_alpha
2157 !arrays
2158  real(dp) :: vr(3), vv_tens(3,3)
2160 !************************************************************************
2162  ABI_UNUSED(kt)
2164  nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
2166  ! Copy important dimensions
2167  nkibz = self%ebands%nkpt; nsppol = self%ebands%nsppol
2168  time_opt = 0 ! This to preserve the previous behaviour in which TR was not used.
2170  ! sigma_IBTE = (-S e^ / omega sum_\nk) (v_\nk \otimes F_\nk)
2171  ! with S the spin degeneracy factor.
2172  sigma_eh = zero; fsum_eh = zero; onsager = zero
2174  ! Compute mobility_mu i.e. results in which lifetimes have been computed in a consistent way
2175  ! with the same the Fermi level. In all the other cases, indeed, we assume that tau does not depend on ef.
2176  !
2177  ! TODO: Implement other tensors. Compare these results with the ones obtained with spectral sigma
2178  ! In principle, they should be the same, in practice the integration of sigma requires enough resolution
2179  ! around the band edge.
2180  cnt = 0
2181  do spin=1,nsppol
2182    do ik_ibz=1,nkibz
2183      !cnt = cnt + 1; if (mod(cnt, nprocs) /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism.
2184      wtk = self%ebands%wtk(ik_ibz)
2186      do ib=self%bmin,self%bmax
2187        eig_nk = self%ebands%eig(ib, ik_ibz, spin)
2189        ! Compute outer product in vv_tens and symmetrize tensor.
2190        vr(:) = self%vbks(:, ib, ik_ibz, spin)
2191        do ia=1,3
2192          if (ia == 1) then
2193            emu_alpha = one
2194          else
2195            emu_alpha = (eig_nk - mu_e) ** (ia - 1)
2196          end if
2198          do ii=1,3
2199            do jj=1,3
2200              vv_tens(ii, jj) = vr(ii) * fk(jj, ik_ibz, ib, spin) * emu_alpha
2201            end do
2202          end do
2203          vv_tens = cryst%symmetrize_cart_tens33(vv_tens, time_opt)
2205          if (ia == 1) then
2206            ieh = 2; if (eig_nk >= mu_e) ieh = 1
2207            sigma_eh(:,:,ieh,spin) = sigma_eh(:,:,ieh,spin) - wtk * vv_tens
2208            fsum_eh(:,ieh,spin) = fsum_eh(:,ieh,spin) + wtk * cryst%symmetrize_cart_vec3(fk(:, ik_ibz, ib, spin), time_opt)
2209          end if
2210          onsager(:,:,ia,spin) = onsager(:,:,ia,spin) - wtk * vv_tens
2211        end do ! ia
2213      end do ! ib
2214    end do ! ik_ibz
2215  end do ! spin
2217  !call xmpi_sum(sigma_eh, comm, ierr)
2218  !call xmpi_sum(onsager, comm, ierr)
2219  ! Get units conversion factor including spin degeneracy.
2220  max_occ = two / (self%nspinor * self%nsppol)
2221  fact0 = max_occ * (siemens_SI / Bohr_meter / cryst%ucvol) / 100
2222  fact = 100**3 / e_Cb
2224  sigma_eh = fact0 * sigma_eh  ! siemens cm^-1
2225  fsum_eh = fsum_eh / cryst%ucvol
2227  ! Scale by the carrier concentration.
2228  do spin=1,nsppol
2229    do ieh=1,2
2230      call safe_div(sigma_eh(:,:,ieh,spin) * fact, &
2231                    self%n_ehst(ieh, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_meter**3, zero, mob_eh(:,:,ieh,spin))
2232    end do
2233  end do
2235 end subroutine ibte_calc_tensors

m_rta/ibte_driver [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]




 Driver to compute transport properties within the IBTE.


 dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files.
 ngfftc(18)=Coarse FFT meshe
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 ebands<ebands_t>=The GS KS band structure (energies, occupancies, k-weights...)
 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=Paw tabulated starting data.
 psps<pseudopotential_type>=Variables related to pseudopotentials.
 comm=MPI communicator.


1592 subroutine ibte_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm)
1594 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1595 !scalars
1596  integer, intent(in) :: comm
1597  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
1598  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1599  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1600  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
1601  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
1602 !arrays
1603  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftc(18)
1604  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
1606 !Local variables ------------------------------
1607  integer,parameter :: master = 0
1608  integer :: spin, ikcalc, nkcalc, nbsum, nbcalc, itemp, iter, ierr, bsize
1609  integer :: nkibz, nsppol, band_k, ik_ibz, bmin, bmax, band_sum, ntemp, ii, jj, iq_sum, btype, nsp
1610  integer :: ikq_ibz, isym_kq, trev_kq, cnt, tag, nprocs, receiver, my_rank, isym, itime, isym_lgk
1611 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1612  integer :: ncid, grp_ncid, ncerr
1613 #endif
1614  real(dp) :: kT, mu_e, e_nk, dfde_nk, tau_nk, lw_nk, max_adiff, cpu, wall, gflops, btype_fact, abs_tol, rtmp
1615  logical :: send_data
1616  character(len=500) :: msg
1617  character(len=fnlen) :: path
1618  type(rta_t) :: ibte
1619 !arrays
1620  integer :: unts(2), dims(4)
1621  logical,allocatable :: converged(:)
1622  real(dp) :: vec3(3), sym_vec(3), mat33(3,3), f_kq(3), work33(3,3)
1623  real(dp) :: fsum_eh(3,2,ebands%nsppol), max_adiff_spin(ebands%nsppol)
1624  real(dp) :: onsager(3,3,3,ebands%nsppol)
1625  real(dp),pointer :: sig_p(:,:,:,:), mob_p(:,:,:,:)
1626  real(dp),target,allocatable :: ibte_sigma(:,:,:,:,:), ibte_mob(:,:,:,:,:), ibte_rho(:,:,:)
1627  real(dp),allocatable :: grp_srate(:,:,:,:), fkn_in(:,:,:,:), fkn_out(:,:,:,:), fkn_serta(:,:,:,:), taukn_serta(:,:,:,:)
1628  character(len=2) :: components(3)
1630  type :: scatk_t
1632    integer :: rank = xmpi_undefined_rank
1634    integer :: nq_ibzk_eff
1635    ! Number of effective q-points in the IBZ(k)
1637    integer :: lgk_nsym
1638    ! Number of symmetry operations in the little group of k.
1640    integer,allocatable :: lgk_sym2glob(:,:)
1641    ! lgk_sym2glob(2, lgk_nsym)
1642    ! Mapping isym_lg --> [isym, itime]
1643    ! where isym is the index of the operation in the global array **crystal%symrec**
1644    ! and itim is 2 if time-reversal T must be included else 1. Depends on ikcalc
1646    integer,allocatable :: kq_symtab(:,:)
1647    ! kq_symtab(6, nq_ibzk_eff)
1649    real(dp),allocatable :: vals(:,:,:,:)
1650    ! (nq_ibzk_eff, nbsum, nbcalc, ntemp)
1651  end type scatk_t
1653  type(scatk_t),target,allocatable :: sr(:,:)
1654  type(scatk_t),pointer :: sr_p
1656 ! *************************************************************************
1658  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
1659  unts = [std_out, ab_out]
1661  call wrtout(unts, ch10//' Entering IBTE driver.')
1662  call wrtout(unts, sjoin("- Reading SERTA lifetimes and e-ph scattering operator from:", &
1663              dtfil%filsigephin), newlines=1, do_flush=.True.)
1665  ! Initialize IBTE object
1666  ibte = rta_new(dtset, dtfil, ngfftc, cryst, ebands, pawtab, psps, comm)
1668  ! Compute RTA transport quantities
1669  call ibte%compute_rta(cryst, dtset, dtfil, comm)
1671  nkcalc = ibte%nkcalc
1672  nkibz = ibte%ebands%nkpt; nsppol = ibte%nsppol; ntemp = ibte%ntemp
1673  bmin = ibte%bmin; bmax = ibte%bmax
1674  !call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" nkcalc", itoa(nkcalc), "bmin:", itoa(bmin), "bmax:", itoa(bmax)))
1676  !call ibte%read_scattering()
1677  ! Loops and memory are distributed over k-points and collinear spins
1678  ABI_MALLOC(sr, (nkcalc, nsppol))
1679  cnt = 0
1680  do spin=1,nsppol
1681    do ikcalc=1,nkcalc
1682      cnt = cnt + 1
1683      sr(ikcalc, spin)%rank = mod(cnt, nprocs)
1684    end do
1685  end do
1687  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1688 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1689  ! Master reads and sends data to the rank treating (ikcalc, spin).
1690  if (my_rank == master) then
1691    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_read(ncid, dtfil%filsigephin, xmpi_comm_self))
1692  end if
1694  do spin=1,nsppol
1695    do ikcalc=1,nkcalc
1696      sr_p => sr(ikcalc, spin)
1697      receiver = sr_p%rank
1698      send_data = master /= receiver
1699      if (.not. any(my_rank == [master, receiver])) cycle
1700      !call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Sending data from my_rank:", itoa(my_rank), " to:", itoa(receiver)))
1702      if (my_rank == master) then
1703        ! Get ncid of group used to store scattering rate for this k-point.
1704        ncerr = nf90_inq_ncid(ncid, strcat("srate_k", itoa(ikcalc), "_s", itoa(spin)), grp_ncid)
1705        if (ncerr /= NF90_NOERR) then
1706          ABI_ERROR("Cannot find collision terms in SIGEPH file. Rerun eph_task -4 step with ibte_prep 1.")
1707        end if
1708        NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(grp_ncid, "nq_ibzk_eff", sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff))
1709        NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(grp_ncid, "nbsum", nbsum))
1710        NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(grp_ncid, "nbcalc", nbcalc))
1711        NCF_CHECK(nctk_get_dim(grp_ncid, "lgk_nsym", sr_p%lgk_nsym))
1712        dims = [sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff, nbsum, nbcalc, sr_p%lgk_nsym]
1713      end if
1715      if (send_data) then
1716        tag = size(dims)
1717        if (my_rank == master) call xmpi_send(dims, receiver, tag, comm, ierr)
1718        if (my_rank == receiver) then
1719          call xmpi_recv(dims, master, tag, comm, ierr)
1720          sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff = dims(1); nbsum = dims(2); nbcalc = dims(3); sr_p%lgk_nsym = dims(4)
1721        end if
1722      end if
1724      ! Note that the size along the (n, m) axis does not depend on the kcalc index.
1725      ABI_CALLOC(sr_p%vals, (sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff, bmin:bmax, bmin:bmax, ntemp))
1726      ABI_MALLOC(sr_p%kq_symtab, (6, sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff))
1727      ABI_MALLOC(sr_p%lgk_sym2glob, (2, sr_p%lgk_nsym))
1729      if (my_rank == master) then
1730        NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(grp_ncid, nctk_idname(grp_ncid, "kq_symtab"), sr_p%kq_symtab))
1731        NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(grp_ncid, nctk_idname(grp_ncid, "lgk_sym2glob"), sr_p%lgk_sym2glob))
1733        ! Note that on file, we have:
1734        !
1735        !      nctkarr_t("srate", "dp", "nq_ibzk_eff, nbsum, nbcalc, ntemp")
1736        !
1737        ! but in terms of n, m indices we have that the:
1738        !
1739        !   n index: bstart_ks bstop_ks
1740        !   m index: bsum_start up to bsum_stop to account for phonon emission/absorption.
1741        !
1742        ! so we have to insert the values in bmin:bmax slice.
1743        ! TODO: Recheck this part.
1744        ABI_MALLOC(grp_srate, (sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff, nbsum, nbcalc, ntemp))
1745        NCF_CHECK(nf90_get_var(grp_ncid, nctk_idname(grp_ncid, "srate"), grp_srate))
1746        ii = ibte%bstart_ks(ikcalc, spin)
1747        jj = ibte%bstop_ks(ikcalc, spin)
1748        sr_p%vals(:, bmin:bmax, ii:jj, :) = grp_srate(:, 1:bmax-bmin+1, 1:nbcalc, :)
1749        ABI_SFREE(grp_srate)
1750      end if
1752      if (send_data) then
1753        tag = size(sr_p%vals)
1754        if (my_rank == master) then
1755          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_send(sr_p%vals, receiver, tag, comm, ierr)
1756          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_send(sr_p%kq_symtab, receiver, tag, comm, ierr)
1757          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_send(sr_p%lgk_sym2glob, receiver, tag, comm, ierr)
1758        end if
1759        if (my_rank == receiver) then
1760          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_recv(sr_p%vals, master, tag, comm, ierr)
1761          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_recv(sr_p%kq_symtab, master, tag, comm, ierr)
1762          tag = tag + 1; call xmpi_recv(sr_p%lgk_sym2glob, master, tag, comm, ierr)
1763        end if
1764      end if
1766      if (send_data .and. my_rank /= receiver) call free_sr_ks(ikcalc, spin)
1768    end do ! spin
1769  end do ! ikcalc
1771  if (my_rank == master) then
1772    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
1773  end if
1774 #endif
1775  call cwtime_report(" sigeph IO", cpu, wall, gflops)
1777  ! Solve the linearized BTE with B = 0.
1778  !
1779  !   F_\nk = e df/de_\nk v_\nk \tau^0 + \tau^0 \sum_{mq} Srate_{nk,mq} F_{m,k+q}
1780  !
1781  ! where F is a vector in Cartesian coordinates and tau^0 is the SERTA relaxation time.
1782  !
1783  ! Take advantage of the following symmetry properties:
1784  !
1785  ! 1. F_k = F_Sk.
1786  ! 2. F_{-k} = -F_k if TR symmetry.
1787  ! 3. The q-space integration is reduced to the IBZ(k) using the symmetries of the little group of k.
1789  !call ibte%solve_ibte(solver_type=1)
1791  bsize = bmax - bmin + 1
1792  ABI_CALLOC(fkn_in, (3, nkibz, bmin:bmax, nsppol))
1793  ABI_CALLOC(fkn_out, (3, nkibz, bmin:bmax, nsppol))
1794  ABI_CALLOC(fkn_serta, (3, nkibz, bmin:bmax, nsppol))
1795  ABI_CALLOC(taukn_serta, (3, nkibz, bmin:bmax, nsppol))
1796  ABI_MALLOC(ibte_sigma, (3, 3, 2, nsppol, ntemp))
1797  ABI_MALLOC(ibte_mob, (3, 3, 2, nsppol, ntemp))
1798  ABI_MALLOC(converged, (ntemp))
1800  abs_tol = dtset%ibte_abs_tol
1802  ! If the fermi level is inside the gap, F_k is gonna be very small
1803  ! hence once should use a much smaller tolerance to converge.
1804  ! According to numerical tests, a reasonable value of abs_tol can be estimated from the free carrier density using:
1805  !
1806  !  1e-20 * e_density (in cm**-3)
1807  !
1808  ! These are the numerical values used to derive the fit:
1810  !  max_adiff = np.array([9e-12, 5.6e-6, 2.7e-6, 8.2e-60, 2.9e-46, 6.9e-6, 2.9e-8, 9.5E+00, 7.3E-04, 9.2E-04, 8.4E-04])
1811  !  e_density = np.array([0.97e8, 0.86e13, 0.26e14, 0.1e-40, 0.89e-26, 0.45e14, 0.28e12, 0.10E+19, 0.12E+16, 0.10E+15, 0.90E+14])
1813  if (abs_tol <= zero) then
1814    rtmp = minval(ibte%n_ehst, mask=ibte%n_ehst > zero) * ibte%nsppol
1815    abs_tol = 1e-20 * rtmp / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm**3
1816    call wrtout(std_out, " Input ibte_abs_tol <= zero ==> computing abs tolerance from carrier density")
1817    call wrtout(std_out, " using: abs_tol = 1e-20 * e_density (in cm**-3)")
1818    call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" abs_tol:", ftoa(abs_tol), " from carrier_density:", ftoa(rtmp / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm**3)))
1819  end if
1821  if (my_rank == master) then
1822    path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
1823    call wrtout(unts, ch10//sjoin("- Writing IBTE transport results to:", path))
1824    NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(ncid, path , xmpi_comm_self))
1826    ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
1827       nctkdim_t("nkibz", nkibz), nctkdim_t("bsize", bsize)], defmode=.True.)
1828    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1830    ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
1831      nctkarr_t('fkn_out_sigma', "dp", "three, nkibz, bsize, nsppol, ntemp"), &
1832      nctkarr_t('ibte_sigma', "dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp"), &
1833      nctkarr_t('ibte_mob', "dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp"), &
1834      nctkarr_t('ibte_rho', "dp", "three, three, ntemp") &
1835    ], defmode=.True.)
1836    NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1838    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
1839  end if
1841  cnt = 0
1842  btype = 1
1843  do itemp=1,ntemp
1844  !do itemp=ntemp, 1, -1
1845    cnt = cnt + 1
1846    kT = ibte%kTmesh(itemp)
1847    mu_e = ibte%eph_mu_e(itemp)
1848    sig_p => ibte_sigma(:,:,:,:,itemp)
1849    mob_p => ibte_mob(:,:,:,:,itemp)
1851    ! Precompute tau_serta and fkn_serta for this T: f^'_nk v_\nk * \tau^0
1852    do spin=1,nsppol
1853      do ikcalc=1,nkcalc
1854        !ik_ibz = ibte%kcalc2ibz(ikcalc, 1)
1855        ik_ibz = ibte%kcalc2ebands(1, ikcalc)
1856        do band_k=ibte%bstart_ks(ikcalc, spin), ibte%bstop_ks(ikcalc, spin)
1857          lw_nk = ibte%linewidths(itemp, band_k, ik_ibz, spin, 1)  ! 1 --> SERTA linewidths.
1858          call safe_div(one, two * lw_nk, zero, tau_nk)
1859          taukn_serta(:, ik_ibz, band_k, spin) = tau_nk
1860          e_nk = ebands%eig(band_k, ik_ibz, spin)
1861          dfde_nk = occ_dfde(e_nk, kT, mu_e)
1862          btype_fact = one
1863          if (btype == 2) btype_fact = (e_nk - mu_e) ! / (Kt / kb_HaK)
1864          if (btype == 3) btype_fact = (e_nk - mu_e) ** 2 ! / (Kt / kb_HaK)
1865          fkn_serta(:, ik_ibz, band_k, spin) = tau_nk * dfde_nk * btype_fact * ibte%vbks(:, band_k, ik_ibz, spin)
1866        end do
1867      end do
1868    end do
1870    call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Begin IBTE looop for itemp:", itoa(itemp), ", KT:", ftoa(kT / kb_HaK), "[K]"), &
1871                pre_newlines=1, newlines=1)
1873    if (ibte%assume_gap) then
1874      write(msg, "(a5,1x,a9,*(1x, a16))")" ITER", "max_adiff", "mobility_e+h", "sum_k(df_k)"
1875    else
1876      write(msg, "(a5,1x,a9,*(1x, a16))")" ITER", "max_adiff", "conductivity", "sum_k(df_k)"
1877    end if
1878    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1880    ! iter = 0 --> Compute SERTA transport tensors just for initial reference.
1881    call ibte_calc_tensors(ibte, cryst, itemp, kT, mu_e, fkn_serta, onsager, sig_p, mob_p, fsum_eh, comm)
1883    ! Print mobility for semiconductors, conductivity for metals.
1884    if (ibte%assume_gap) then
1885      do spin=1,nsppol
1886        mat33 = sum(mob_p(:,:,:,spin), dim=3)
1887        write(msg, "(i5,1x,es9.1, *(1x, f16.2))") &
1888          0, zero, mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3), sum(fsum_eh(:,:,spin))
1889      end do
1890    else
1891      do spin=1,nsppol
1892        mat33 = sum(sig_p(:,:,:,spin), dim=3)
1893        write(msg, "(i5,1x,es9.1, *(1x, es16.6))") &
1894          0, zero, mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3), sum(fsum_eh(:,:,spin))
1895      end do
1896    end if
1897    call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1899    fkn_in = fkn_serta
1900    ! TODO: B-field
1901    ! Initialize fkn_in either from SERTA or from previous T.
1902    !if (cnt == 1) fkn_in = fkn_serta
1903    !if (cnt > 1 ) fkn_in = fkn_out
1904    fkn_out = zero
1906    ! Begin iterative solver.
1907    iter_loop: do iter=1,dtset%ibte_niter
1909      ! Loop over the nk index in F_nk.
1910      do spin=1,nsppol
1911         do ikcalc=1,nkcalc
1912           sr_p => sr(ikcalc, spin)
1913           if (sr_p%rank /= my_rank) cycle ! MPI parallelism
1914           ik_ibz = ibte%kcalc2ebands(1, ikcalc)
1915           do band_k=ibte%bstart_ks(ikcalc, spin), ibte%bstop_ks(ikcalc, spin)
1917             ! Summing over the q-points in the effective IBZ(k) and the m band index.
1918             ! Results stored in vec3. Integration weights are already included.
1919             vec3 = zero
1920             do band_sum=ibte%bmin, ibte%bmax
1921               do iq_sum=1, sr_p%nq_ibzk_eff
1922                 ikq_ibz = sr_p%kq_symtab(1, iq_sum); isym_kq = sr_p%kq_symtab(2, iq_sum)
1923                 trev_kq = sr_p%kq_symtab(6, iq_sum) !; g0_kq = sr_p%kq_symtab(3:5, iq_sum)
1924                 ! Build F_{m,k+q} in the effective IBZ(k) from fkn_in using symmetries (need k+q --> IBZ map)
1925                 ! Use transpose(R) because we are using the tables for the wavefunctions
1926                 ! In this case listkk has been called with symrec and use_symrec=False
1927                 ! so q_bz = S^T q_ibz where S is the isym_kq symmetry
1928                 ! vkq = matmul(transpose(cryst%symrel_cart(:,:,isym_kq)), vkq)
1929                 mat33 = transpose(cryst%symrel_cart(:,:,isym_kq))
1930                 f_kq = matmul(mat33, fkn_in(:, ikq_ibz, band_sum, spin))
1931                 if (trev_kq == 1) f_kq = -f_kq
1932                 vec3 = vec3 + sr_p%vals(iq_sum, band_sum, band_k, itemp) * f_kq(:)
1933               end do ! iq_sum
1934             end do ! band_k
1936             ! Symmetrize intermediate results using the operations of the litte group of k.
1937             sym_vec = zero
1938             do isym_lgk=1,sr_p%lgk_nsym
1939               isym = sr_p%lgk_sym2glob(1, isym_lgk)
1940               itime = sr_p%lgk_sym2glob(2, isym_lgk)
1941               mat33 = transpose(cryst%symrel_cart(:,:,isym))
1942               !if(itime == 1) mat33 = -mat33 ! FIXME: here there's a different convention for TR used in m_lgroup
1943               if (itime == 2) mat33 = -mat33
1944               sym_vec = sym_vec + matmul(mat33, vec3)
1945             end do
1946             sym_vec = taukn_serta(:, ik_ibz, band_k, spin) * sym_vec / sr_p%lgk_nsym
1947             fkn_out(:, ik_ibz, band_k, spin) = fkn_serta(:, ik_ibz, band_k, spin) + sym_vec
1949           end do ! band_k
1950         end do ! ikcalc
1951      end do ! spin
1953      call xmpi_sum(fkn_out, comm, ierr)
1954      if (my_rank == master) then
1955        NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "fkn_out_sigma"), fkn_out, start=[1,1,1,1,itemp]))
1956      end if
1958      do spin=1,nsppol
1959        max_adiff_spin(spin) = maxval(abs(fkn_out(:,:,:,spin) - fkn_in(:,:,:,spin)))
1960      end do
1961      max_adiff = maxval(max_adiff_spin)
1963      ! Compute transport tensors from fkn_out
1964      call ibte_calc_tensors(ibte, cryst, itemp, kT, mu_e, fkn_out, onsager, sig_p, mob_p, fsum_eh, comm)
1966      ! Print mobility for semiconductors or conductivity for metals.
1967      if (ibte%assume_gap) then
1968        do spin=1,nsppol
1969          mat33 = sum(mob_p(:,:,:,spin), dim=3)
1970          write(msg, "(i5,1x,es9.1,*(1x, f16.2))") &
1971            iter, max_adiff_spin(spin), mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3), sum(fsum_eh(:,:,spin))
1972        end do
1973      else
1974        do spin=1,nsppol
1975          mat33 = sum(sig_p(:,:,:,spin), dim=3)
1976          write(msg, "(i5,1x,es9.1,*(1x, es16.6))") &
1977            iter, max_adiff_spin(spin), mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3), sum(fsum_eh(:,:,spin))
1978        end do
1979      end if
1980      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
1982      ! Check for convergence by testing max_k |F_k^i - F_k^{i-1}|.
1983      converged(itemp) = max_adiff < abs_tol
1984      if (converged(itemp)) then
1985        call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" IBTE solver converged after:", itoa(iter), &
1986                    "iterations within ibte_abs_tol:", ftoa(abs_tol)), pre_newlines=1)
1987        exit iter_loop
1988      else
1989        ! Linear mixing of fkn_in and fkn_out.
1990        fkn_in = (one - dtset%ibte_alpha_mix) * fkn_in + dtset%ibte_alpha_mix * fkn_out
1991        fkn_out = zero
1992      end if
1994    end do iter_loop
1996    if (.not. converged(itemp)) then
1997      msg = sjoin("Not converged after:", itoa(dtset%ibte_niter), "max iterations")
1998      call wrtout(ab_out, msg, pre_newlines=1, newlines=1)
1999      ABI_WARNING(msg)
2000    end if
2001  end do ! itemp
2003  ABI_MALLOC(ibte_rho, (3, 3, ntemp))
2004  do itemp=1,ntemp
2005    work33 = sum(ibte_sigma(:,:,:,1,itemp), dim=3)
2006    if (ibte%nsppol == 2) work33 = work33 + sum(ibte_sigma(:,:,:,2,itemp), dim=3)
2007    call inv33(work33, mat33)
2008    ibte_rho(:, :, itemp) = 1e+6_dp * mat33
2009  end do
2011  if (my_rank == master) then
2012    ! Write final results to main output.
2013    components = ["xx", "yy", "zz"]
2014    if (ibte%assume_gap) then
2015      ! SemiConductor
2016      do ii=1,3
2017        call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" Cartesian component of IBTE mobility tensor:", components(ii)))
2018        write(msg, "(a16,2(a32),a16)") 'Temperature [K]', 'e/h density [cm^-3]', 'e/h mobility [cm^2/Vs]', "Converged"
2019        call wrtout(unts, msg)
2021        do spin=1,ibte%nsppol
2022          if (ibte%nsppol == 2) call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" For spin:", stoa(spin)), newlines=1)
2024          do itemp=1,ibte%ntemp
2025            write(msg,"(f16.2,2e16.2,2f16.2,a16)") &
2026              ibte%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK, &
2027              ibte%n_ehst(1, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm **3, &
2028              ibte%n_ehst(2, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm **3, &
2029              ibte_mob(ii, ii, 1, spin, itemp), ibte_mob(ii, ii, 2, spin, itemp), &
2030              yesno(converged(itemp))
2031            call wrtout(unts, msg)
2032          end do ! itemp
2033        end do ! spin
2034        call wrtout(unts, ch10)
2035      end do ! ii
2037    else
2038      ! Metals. Print conductivity (spin resolved) and resistivity (no spin resolved)
2039      do ii=1,2
2040        if (ii == 1) msg = " Conductivity [Siemens cm^-1] using IBTE"
2041        if (ii == 2) msg = " Resistivity [micro-Ohm cm] using IBTE"
2042        call wrtout(unts, msg)
2044        nsp = ibte%nsppol; if (ii == 2) nsp = 1
2045        do spin=1,nsp
2046          if (ibte%nsppol == 2) call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" For spin:", stoa(spin)), newlines=1)
2047          write(msg, "(5a16)") 'Temperature (K)', 'xx', 'yy', 'zz', "Converged"
2048          call wrtout(unts, msg)
2049          do itemp=1,ibte%ntemp
2050            if (ii == 1) then
2051              mat33 = sum(ibte_sigma(:,:,:,spin,itemp), dim=3)
2052            else
2053              mat33 = ibte_rho(:,:,itemp)
2054            end if
2055            write(msg,"(f16.2,3e16.6,a16)") &
2056              ibte%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK, mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3), yesno(converged(itemp))
2057            call wrtout(unts, msg)
2058          end do ! itemp
2059        end do ! spin
2060        call wrtout(unts, ch10)
2061      end do ! ii
2062    end if
2064    !pre = "_IBTE"
2065    !call ibte%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "sigma", ibte%sigma(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_SIGMA"))
2066    !call ibte%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "seebeck", ibte%seebeck(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_SBK"))
2067    !call ibte%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "kappa", ibte%kappa(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_KAPPA"))
2068    !call ibte%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "zte", ibte%zte(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_ZTE"))
2069    !call ibte%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "pi", ibte%pi(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_PI"))
2071    ! Print IBTE results to stdout and other external txt files (for the test suite)
2072    !call ibte%print_rta_txt_files(cryst, dtset, dtfil)
2073    ! Creates the netcdf file used to store the results of the calculation.
2074 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
2075    !path = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "")
2076    !call wrtout(unts, ch10//sjoin("- Writing IBTE transport results to:", path))
2077    !NCF_CHECK(nctk_open_modify(ncid, path , xmpi_comm_self))
2079    !ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
2080    !  nctkarr_t('ibte_sigma', "dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp"), &
2081    !  nctkarr_t('ibte_mob', "dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp"), &
2082    !  nctkarr_t('ibte_rho', "dp", "three, three, ntemp") &
2083    !], defmode=.True.)
2084    !NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
2086    ! Write data.
2087    NCF_CHECK(nctk_set_datamode(ncid))
2088    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ibte_sigma"), ibte_sigma))
2089    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ibte_mob"), ibte_mob))
2090    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "ibte_rho"), ibte_rho))
2091    NCF_CHECK(nf90_close(ncid))
2092 #endif
2094  end if ! master
2096  ! Free memory
2097  ABI_FREE(fkn_serta)
2098  ABI_FREE(taukn_serta)
2099  ABI_FREE(fkn_in)
2100  ABI_FREE(fkn_out)
2101  ABI_FREE(ibte_sigma)
2102  ABI_FREE(ibte_mob)
2103  ABI_FREE(ibte_rho)
2104  ABI_FREE(converged)
2106  do spin=1,nsppol
2107    do ikcalc=1,nkcalc
2108      call free_sr_ks(ikcalc, spin)
2109    end do
2110  end do
2111  ABI_FREE(sr)
2113  call ibte%free()
2115 contains
2117 subroutine free_sr_ks(ikc, isp)
2118   integer,intent(in) :: ikc, isp
2119   ABI_SFREE(sr(ikc, isp)%vals)
2120   ABI_SFREE(sr(ikc, isp)%lgk_sym2glob)
2121   ABI_SFREE(sr(ikc, isp)%kq_symtab)
2122 end subroutine free_sr_ks
2124 end subroutine ibte_driver

m_rta/print_rta_txt_files [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files.


1342 subroutine print_rta_txt_files(self, cryst, dtset, dtfil)
1344 !Arguments --------------------------------------
1345  class(rta_t),intent(in) :: self
1346  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1347  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1348  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
1350 !Local variables --------------------------------
1351  integer :: itemp, spin, irta, ii, nsp
1352  character(len=500) :: msg, pre, rta_type
1353  integer :: unts(2)
1354  character(len=2) :: components(3)
1355  real(dp) :: mat33(3,3) ! work33(3,3),
1357 !************************************************************************
1359  unts = [std_out, ab_out]
1360  call wrtout(unts, ch10//' Transport (RTA) calculation results:', newlines=1)
1361  components = ["xx", "yy", "zz"]
1363  do irta=1,self%nrta
1364    if (irta == 1) rta_type = "SERTA"
1365    if (irta == 2) rta_type = "MRTA"
1367    if (self%assume_gap) then
1368      ! SemiConductor
1369      do ii=1,3
1370        call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" Cartesian component of", rta_type, "mobility tensor:", components(ii)))
1371        write(msg, "(a16,a32,a32)") 'Temperature [K]', 'e/h density [cm^-3]', 'e/h mobility [cm^2/Vs]'
1372        call wrtout(unts, msg)
1374        do spin=1,self%nsppol
1375          if (self%nsppol == 2) call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" For spin:", stoa(spin)), newlines=1)
1377          do itemp=1,self%ntemp
1378            write(msg,"(f16.2,2e16.2,2f16.2)") &
1379              self%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK, &
1380              self%n_ehst(1, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm**3, &
1381              self%n_ehst(2, spin, itemp) / cryst%ucvol / Bohr_cm**3, &
1382              self%mobility_mu(ii, ii, 1, spin, itemp, irta), &
1383              self%mobility_mu(ii, ii, 2, spin, itemp, irta)
1384            call wrtout(unts, msg)
1385          end do ! itemp
1386        end do ! spin
1387        call wrtout(unts, ch10)
1388      end do ! ii
1390    else
1391      ! Metals. Print conductivity (spin resolved) and resistivity (no spin resolved)
1392      do ii=1,2
1393        if (ii == 1) msg = sjoin(" Conductivity [Siemens cm^-1] using ", rta_type, "approximation")
1394        if (ii == 2) msg = sjoin(" Resistivity [micro-Ohm cm] using ", rta_type, "approximation")
1395        call wrtout(unts, msg)
1397        nsp = self%nsppol; if (ii == 2) nsp = 1
1398        do spin=1,nsp
1399          if (nsp == 2) call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" For spin:", stoa(spin)), newlines=1)
1400          write(msg, "(4a16)") 'Temperature (K)', 'xx', 'yy', 'zz'
1401          call wrtout(unts, msg)
1402          do itemp=1,self%ntemp
1403            if (ii == 1) then
1404              mat33 = self%conductivity(:,:,itemp,spin,irta)
1405            else
1406              mat33 = self%resistivity(:,:,itemp,irta)
1407            end if
1408            write(msg,"(f16.2,3e16.6)") self%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK, mat33(1,1), mat33(2,2), mat33(3,3)
1409            call wrtout(unts, msg)
1410          end do !itemp
1411        end do !spin
1412        call wrtout(unts, ch10)
1413      end do
1414    end if
1416  end do ! irta
1418  do irta=1,self%nrta
1419    select case (irta)
1420    case (1)
1421      pre = "_SERTA"
1422    case (2)
1423      pre = "_MRTA"
1424    case default
1425      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Don't know how to handle irta:", itoa(irta)))
1426    end select
1427    call self%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "sigma", self%sigma(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_SIGMA"))
1428    call self%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "seebeck", self%seebeck(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_SBK"))
1429    call self%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "kappa", self%kappa(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_KAPPA"))
1430    call self%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "zte", self%zte(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_ZTE"))
1431    call self%write_tensor(dtset, irta, "pi", self%pi(:,:,:,:,:,irta), strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), pre, "_PI"))
1432  end do
1434 end subroutine print_rta_txt_files

m_rta/rta_driver [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]




 Driver to compute transport properties within the RTA.


 dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files.
 ngfftc(18)=Coarse FFT mesh.
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 ebands<ebands_t>=The GS KS band structure (energies, occupancies, k-weights...)
 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=Paw tabulated starting data.
 psps<pseudopotential_type>=Variables related to pseudopotentials.
 comm=MPI communicator.


284 subroutine rta_driver(dtfil, ngfftc, dtset, ebands, cryst, pawtab, psps, comm)
286 !Arguments ------------------------------------
287 !scalars
288  integer, intent(in) :: comm
289  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
290  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
291  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
292  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
293  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
294 !arrays
295  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftc(18)
296  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
298 !Local variables ------------------------------
299  type(rta_t) :: rta
300 !arrays
301  integer :: unts(2)
303 ! *************************************************************************
305  unts = [std_out, ab_out]
306  call wrtout(unts, ch10//' Entering transport RTA computation driver.')
307  call wrtout(unts, sjoin("- Reading carrier lifetimes from:", dtfil%filsigephin), newlines=1, do_flush=.True.)
309  ! Initialize RTA object
310  rta = rta_new(dtset, dtfil, ngfftc, cryst, ebands, pawtab, psps, comm)
312  ! Compute RTA transport quantities
313  call rta%compute_rta(cryst, dtset, dtfil, comm)
315  call rta%free()
317 end subroutine rta_driver

m_rta/rta_free [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]




  Free dynamic memory.



1529 subroutine rta_free(self)
1531 !Arguments --------------------------------------
1532  class(rta_t),intent(inout) :: self
1534  ABI_SFREE(self%n)
1535  ABI_SFREE(self%vv_dos)
1536  ABI_SFREE(self%vvtau_dos)
1537  ABI_SFREE(self%tau_dos)
1538  ABI_SFREE(self%bstart_ks)
1539  ABI_SFREE(self%bstop_ks)
1540  ABI_SFREE(self%nbcalc_ks)
1541  !ABI_SFREE(self%kcalc2ibz)
1542  ABI_SFREE(self%kcalc2ebands)
1543  ABI_SFREE(self%kTmesh)
1544  ABI_SFREE(self%eminmax_spin)
1545  ABI_SFREE(self%eph_mu_e)
1546  ABI_SFREE(self%transport_mu_e)
1547  ABI_SFREE(self%vbks)
1548  ABI_SFREE(self%linewidths)
1549  ABI_SFREE(self%l0)
1550  ABI_SFREE(self%l1)
1551  ABI_SFREE(self%l2)
1552  ABI_SFREE(self%sigma)
1553  ABI_SFREE(self%mobility)
1554  ABI_SFREE(self%conductivity)
1555  ABI_SFREE(self%resistivity)
1556  ABI_SFREE(self%seebeck)
1557  ABI_SFREE(self%kappa)
1558  ABI_SFREE(self%zte)
1559  ABI_SFREE(self%pi)
1560  ABI_SFREE(self%mobility_mu)
1561  ABI_SFREE(self%conductivity_mu)
1562  ABI_SFREE(self%n_ehst)
1564  call ebands_free(self%ebands)
1565  call self%gaps%free()
1566  call self%edos%free()
1568 end subroutine rta_free

m_rta/rta_ncwrite [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





 cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 ncid=Netcdf file handle.


1213 subroutine rta_ncwrite(self, cryst, dtset, ncid)
1215 !Arguments --------------------------------------
1216  class(rta_t),intent(in) :: self
1217  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
1218  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1219  integer,intent(in) :: ncid
1221 !Local variables --------------------------------
1222  integer :: ncerr, ii
1223  real(dp) :: cpu, wall, gflops
1224  real(dp) :: work(dtset%nsppol)
1226 !************************************************************************
1228  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
1230 #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF
1231  ! Write to netcdf file
1232  NCF_CHECK(cryst%ncwrite(ncid))
1233  NCF_CHECK(ebands_ncwrite(self%ebands, ncid))
1234  NCF_CHECK(self%edos%ncwrite(ncid))
1236  !nctk_copy from sigeph?
1237  !    nctkarr_t("eph_ngqpt_fine", "int", "three"), &
1239  ncerr = nctk_def_dims(ncid, [ &
1240     nctkdim_t("ntemp", self%ntemp), nctkdim_t("nrta", self%nrta), nctkdim_t("nsppol", self%nsppol)], defmode=.True.)
1241  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1243  ncerr = nctk_def_arrays(ncid, [ &
1244     nctkarr_t('transport_ngkpt', "int", "three"), &
1245     nctkarr_t('sigma_erange', "dp", "two"), &
1246     nctkarr_t('kTmesh', "dp", "ntemp"), &
1247     nctkarr_t('transport_mu_e', "dp", "ntemp"), &
1248     nctkarr_t('n_ehst', "dp", "two, nsppol, ntemp"), &
1249     nctkarr_t('eph_mu_e', "dp", "ntemp"), &
1250     nctkarr_t('vb_max', "dp", "nsppol"), &
1251     nctkarr_t('cb_min', "dp", "nsppol"), &
1252     nctkarr_t('vv_dos', "dp", "edos_nw, three, three, nsppol"), &
1253     nctkarr_t('vvtau_dos', "dp", "edos_nw, three, three, ntemp, nsppol, nrta"), &
1254     nctkarr_t('tau_dos', "dp", "edos_nw, ntemp, nsppol, nrta"), &
1255     nctkarr_t('L0', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1256     nctkarr_t('L1', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1257     nctkarr_t('L2', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1258     nctkarr_t('sigma', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1259     nctkarr_t('kappa', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1260     nctkarr_t('zte', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1261     nctkarr_t('seebeck', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1262     nctkarr_t('pi', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta"), &
1263     nctkarr_t('mobility', "dp", "three, three, edos_nw, ntemp, two, nsppol, nrta"), &
1264     nctkarr_t('conductivity', "dp", "three, three, ntemp, nsppol, nrta"), &
1265     nctkarr_t('resistivity', "dp", "three, three, ntemp, nrta"), &
1266     nctkarr_t('N', "dp", "edos_nw, ntemp, two"), &
1267     !nctkarr_t('conductivity_mu',"dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp, nrta")], &
1268     nctkarr_t('mobility_mu', "dp", "three, three, two, nsppol, ntemp, nrta")], &
1269  defmode=.True.)
1270  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1272  ncerr = nctk_def_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "assume_gap"])
1273  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1274  ncerr = nctk_def_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: &
1275     "eph_extrael", "eph_fermie", "transport_extrael", "transport_fermie"])
1276  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1278  ! Write data.
1279  ii = 0; if (self%assume_gap) ii = 1
1280  ncerr = nctk_write_iscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: "assume_gap"], [ii], datamode=.True.)
1282  ncerr = nctk_write_dpscalars(ncid, [character(len=nctk_slen) :: &
1283    "eph_extrael", "eph_fermie", "transport_extrael", "transport_fermie"], &
1284    [self%eph_extrael, self%eph_fermie, self%transport_extrael, self%transport_fermie])
1285  NCF_CHECK(ncerr)
1287  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "transport_ngkpt"), dtset%transport_ngkpt))
1288  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "sigma_erange"), dtset%sigma_erange))
1289  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "kTmesh"), self%kTmesh))
1290  if (self%assume_gap) then
1291    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "vb_max"), self%gaps%vb_max))
1292    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "cb_min"), self%gaps%cb_min))
1293  else
1294    ! Set vbm and cbm to fermie if metal.
1295    work(:) = self%ebands%fermie
1296    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "vb_max"), work))
1297    NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "cb_min"), work))
1298  end if
1299  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "eph_mu_e"), self%eph_mu_e))
1300  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "transport_mu_e"), self%transport_mu_e))
1301  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "n_ehst"), self%n_ehst))
1302  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "vv_dos"), self%vv_dos))
1303  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "vvtau_dos"),  self%vvtau_dos))
1304  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "tau_dos"),  self%tau_dos))
1305  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "L0"), self%l0))
1306  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "L1"), self%l1))
1307  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "L2"), self%l2))
1308  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "sigma"),   self%sigma))
1309  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "kappa"),   self%kappa))
1310  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "zte"),   self%zte))
1311  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "seebeck"), self%seebeck))
1312  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "pi"),      self%pi))
1313  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "N"), self%n))
1314  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "mobility"), self%mobility))
1315  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "conductivity"), self%conductivity))
1316  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "resistivity"), self%resistivity))
1317  NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "mobility_mu"), self%mobility_mu))
1318  !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "conductivity_mu"), self%conductivity_mu))
1319  !NCF_CHECK(nf90_put_var(ncid, nctk_idname(ncid, "resistivity_mu"), self%resistivity_mu))
1320 #endif
1322  call cwtime_report(" rta_ncwrite", cpu, wall, gflops)
1324 end subroutine rta_ncwrite

m_rta/rta_new [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]




 Build object to compute RTA transport quantities.


  dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
  dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files.
  cryst<crystal_t>=Crystalline structure
  ebands<ebands_t>=The GS KS band structure (energies, occupancies, k-weights...)
  comm=MPI communicator.


338 type(rta_t) function rta_new(dtset, dtfil, ngfftc, cryst, ebands, pawtab, psps, comm) result (new)
340 !Arguments -------------------------------------
341  integer, intent(in) :: comm
342  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
343  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
344  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst
345  type(ebands_t),intent(in) :: ebands
346  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
347 !arrays
348  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftc(18)
349  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
351 !Local variables ------------------------------
352  integer,parameter :: sppoldbl1 = 1, master = 0
353  integer :: ierr, spin, nprocs, my_rank, timrev, ik_ibz, ib, irta, itemp, ndat, nsppol, idat, mband, ikpt
354  real(dp) :: cpu, wall, gflops
355  character(len=500) :: msg
356  character(len=fnlen) :: wfk_fname_dense
357  type(ebands_t) :: tmp_ebands, ebands_dense
358  type(klinterp_t) :: klinterp
359  type(ddkstore_t) :: ds
360  type(sigmaph_t) :: sigmaph
361  type(krank_t) :: krank
362 !arrays
363  integer :: kptrlatt(3,3), unts(2), sigma_ngkpt(3)
364  integer,allocatable :: indkk(:,:)
365  real(dp) :: extrael_fermie(2), sigma_erange(2)
366  real(dp),allocatable :: values_bksd(:,:,:,:), vals_bsd(:,:,:), tmp_array4(:,:,:,:), tmp_array5(:,:,:,:,:)
368 !************************************************************************
370  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
371  unts = [std_out, ab_out]
373  my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm); nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm)
375  ! Use sigma_erange to understand if we are dealing with a metal or a semiconductor.
376  new%assume_gap = (.not. all(dtset%sigma_erange < zero) .or. dtset%gw_qprange /= 0)
378  ! Read data from SIGEPH file.
379  sigmaph = sigmaph_read(dtfil%filsigephin, dtset, xmpi_comm_self, msg, ierr, keep_open=.true., &
380                         extrael_fermie=extrael_fermie, sigma_ngkpt=sigma_ngkpt, sigma_erange=sigma_erange)
381  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, msg)
383  !if (any(sigma_erange /= zero)) then
384  !  ABI_CHECK(all(dtset%sigma_erange /= zero), "sigma_erange is required in input with a value compatible with")
385  !  ! Make sure that the two values are consistent
386  !  ! Cannot switch to metallic case if SigmaPH file was produced assuming gapped-system
387  !  if (.not. (all(dtset%sigma_erange < zero) .eqv. all(sigma_erange < zero))) then
388  !    ABI_ERROR("The values of sigma_erange from input and SIGEPH are not compatible")
389  !  end if
390  !end if
392  ! How many RTA approximations have we computed in sigmaph? (SERTA, MRTA ...?)
393  new%nrta = 2; if (sigmaph%mrta == 0) new%nrta = 1
395  ! Copy important arrays from sigmaph file.
396  ! Allocate temperature arrays (use same values as the ones used in the SIGEPH calculation).
397  new%ntemp = sigmaph%ntemp
398  call alloc_copy(sigmaph%kTmesh, new%kTmesh)
400  new%nkcalc = sigmaph%nkcalc
401  call alloc_copy(sigmaph%bstart_ks, new%bstart_ks)
402  call alloc_copy(sigmaph%bstop_ks, new%bstop_ks)
403  call alloc_copy(sigmaph%nbcalc_ks, new%nbcalc_ks)
404  !call alloc_copy(sigmaph%kcalc2ibz, new%kcalc2ibz)
406  new%bmin = minval(sigmaph%bstart_ks); new%bmax = maxval(sigmaph%bstop_ks)
407  !new%bmin = 1; new%bmax = ebands%mband ! This for debugging purposes, results should not change
408  new%bsize = new%bmax - new%bmin + 1
410  new%nsppol = ebands%nsppol; new%nspinor = ebands%nspinor
411  nsppol = new%nsppol
413  ABI_MALLOC(new%eminmax_spin, (2, nsppol))
414  new%eminmax_spin = ebands_get_minmax(ebands, "eig")
416  if (new%assume_gap) then
417    ! Get gaps
418    new%gaps = ebands_get_gaps(ebands, ierr)
419    if (ierr /= 0) then
420      do spin=1, nsppol
421        ABI_WARNING(trim(new%gaps%errmsg_spin(spin)))
422        new%gaps%vb_max(spin) = ebands%fermie - 1 * eV_Ha
423        new%gaps%cb_min(spin) = ebands%fermie + 1 * eV_Ha
424      end do
425      !ABI_ERROR("ebands_get_gaps returned non-zero exit status. See above warning messages...")
426      ABI_WARNING("ebands_get_gaps returned non-zero exit status. See above warning messages...")
427    end if
428    if (my_rank == master) call new%gaps%print(unit=std_out); call new%gaps%print(unit=ab_out)
429  end if
431  ! =================================================
432  ! Read lifetimes and new%ebands from file
433  ! =================================================
434  ! After this point we have:
435  !
436  !      vbks(3, bmin:bmax, nkpt, nsppol)
437  !      linewidths(self%ntemp, bmin:bmax, nkpt, nsppol, 2)
438  !
439  if (any(dtset%sigma_ngkpt /= 0)) then
440    ! If integrals are computed with the sigma_ngkpt k-mesh, we need to downsample ebands.
441    !call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" SIGMAPH file used sigma_ngkpt:", ltoa(sigma_ngkpt)))
442    call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" Computing integrals with downsampled sigma_ngkpt:", ltoa(dtset%sigma_ngkpt)))
443    kptrlatt = 0
444    kptrlatt(1,1) = dtset%sigma_ngkpt(1); kptrlatt(2,2) = dtset%sigma_ngkpt(2); kptrlatt(3,3) = dtset%sigma_ngkpt(3)
446    tmp_ebands = ebands_downsample(ebands, cryst, kptrlatt, dtset%sigma_nshiftk, dtset%sigma_shiftk)
447    new%ebands = sigmaph%get_ebands(cryst, tmp_ebands, [new%bmin, new%bmax], &
448                                    new%kcalc2ebands, new%linewidths, new%vbks, xmpi_comm_self)
449    call ebands_free(tmp_ebands)
450  else
451    !call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" Computing integrals with SIGEPH k-mesh:", ebands_kmesh2str(ebands))
452    new%ebands = sigmaph%get_ebands(cryst, ebands, [new%bmin, new%bmax], &
453                                    new%kcalc2ebands, new%linewidths, new%vbks, xmpi_comm_self)
454    kptrlatt = new%ebands%kptrlatt
455  end if
457  !print *, "linewidth_serta", maxval(abs(new%linewidths(:,:,:,:,1)))
458  !print *, "linewidth_mrta", maxval(abs(new%linewidths(:,:,:,:,2)))
459  !print *, "max velocities", maxval(abs(new%vbks))
461  if ( &
462      dtset%useria == 888 .and. &
463      (dtset%getwfkfine /= 0 .or. dtset%irdwfkfine /= 0 .or. dtset%getwfkfine_filepath /= ABI_NOFILE)) then
465    ! In principle only getwfkfine_filepath is used here
466    wfk_fname_dense = trim(dtfil%fnameabi_wfkfine)
467    ABI_CHECK(nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(wfk_fname_dense, msg) == 0, msg)
469    call wrtout(unts, " EPH double grid interpolation: will read energies from: "//trim(wfk_fname_dense), newlines=1)
470    mband = new%ebands%mband
472    !ebands_dense = wfk_read_ebands(wfk_fname_dense, comm)
474    tmp_ebands = wfk_read_ebands(wfk_fname_dense, comm)
475    ebands_dense = ebands_chop(tmp_ebands, 1, mband)
476    call ebands_free(tmp_ebands)
477    if (my_rank == master) then
478      write(std_out, *)" Using kptrlatt: ", ebands_dense%kptrlatt
479      write(std_out, *)"       shiftk: ", ebands_dense%shiftk
480    end if
481    ABI_CHECK_IEQ(mband, ebands_dense%mband, "Inconsistent number of bands for the fine and dense grid:")
483    ! Compute v_{nk} on the dense grid in Cartesian coordinates.
484    ! vdiago(3, bmin:bmax, nkpt, nsppol)
485    ! NB: We select bands in [bmin:bmax] but all k-points in the IBZ are computed!
486    ds%only_diago = .True.; ds%bmin = new%bmin; ds%bmax = new%bmax; ds%mode = "cart"
487    call ds%compute_ddk(wfk_fname_dense, "", dtset, psps, pawtab, ngfftc, comm)
489    ! Transfer data to new%vbks
490    ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(ds%vdiago, new%vbks)
491    call ds%free()
492    !print *, "vbks:", new%vbks
494    ! Linear interpolation in k-space of the linewidths from input SIGEPH to the dense IBZ provided by fine WFK file.
495    ! First of all transfer linewidths to values_bksd to prepare call to klinterp_new.
496    ndat = new%ntemp * new%nrta
497    ABI_MALLOC(values_bksd, (new%bmin:new%bmax, new%ebands%nkpt, nsppol, ndat))
499    do irta=1,new%nrta
500      do spin=1,nsppol
501        do ik_ibz=1,new%ebands%nkpt
502          do ib=new%bmin,new%bmax
503            do itemp=1,new%ntemp
504              idat = itemp + new%ntemp * (irta - 1)
505              values_bksd(ib, ik_ibz, spin, idat) = new%linewidths(itemp, ib, ik_ibz, spin, irta) ! - t(e)
506            end do
507          end do
508        end do
509      end do
510    end do
512    ! Build linear interpolator for linewidths (use only bsize bands)
513    klinterp = klinterp_new(cryst, new%ebands%kptrlatt, new%ebands%nshiftk, new%ebands%shiftk, new%ebands%kptopt, &
514                            new%ebands%kptns, new%bsize, new%ebands%nkpt, nsppol, ndat, values_bksd, comm)
515    ABI_FREE(values_bksd)
517    ! HERE we re-malloc new%ebands and %linewidths on the fine k-mesh.
518    ! The call must be executed here, once klinterp has been built.
519    ! After this point we can use new%ebands to allocate stuff.
520    call ebands_move_alloc(ebands_dense, new%ebands)
522    ! Unlinke the ebands stored in SIGEPH, the eigens read from WFK_FINE have not been
523    ! shifted with the scissors operator or updated according to extrael_fermie so do it now.
524    call ephtk_update_ebands(dtset, new%ebands, "GS energies read from WFK_FINE")
526    ! And now interpolate linewidths on the fine k-mesh
527    ! Note: k-points that close to the edge of the pocket may get zero linewidths
528    ! One may fix the problem by using lw(e).
529    ABI_REMALLOC(new%linewidths, (new%ntemp, new%bmin:new%bmax, new%ebands%nkpt, nsppol, new%nrta))
530    ABI_MALLOC(vals_bsd, (new%bmin:new%bmax, nsppol, ndat))
532    ierr = 0
533    do ik_ibz=1,new%ebands%nkpt
535      call klinterp%eval_bsd(new%ebands%kptns(:, ik_ibz), vals_bsd)
536      !vals_bsd = vals_bsd + lw(e)
538      if (any(vals_bsd < zero)) then
539        ierr = ierr + 1
540        where (vals_bsd < zero) vals_bsd = zero
541      end if
543      ! Transfer data.
544      do spin=1,nsppol
545        do irta=1,new%nrta
546          do itemp=1,new%ntemp
547            idat = itemp + new%ntemp * (irta - 1)
548            do ib=new%bmin,new%bmax
549              new%linewidths(itemp, ib, ik_ibz, spin, irta) = vals_bsd(ib, spin, idat)
550            end do
551          end do
552        end do
553      end do
555    end do ! ik_ibz
557    if (ierr /= 0) then
558      ! This should never happen for linear interpolation.
559      ABI_WARNING(sjoin("Linear interpolation produced:", itoa(ierr), " k-points with negative linewidths"))
560    end if
562    ABI_FREE(vals_bsd)
563    call klinterp%free()
564  end if
566  ! FIXME: I think transport_ngkpt is buggy, wrong ne(T), weird zeros if MRTA ...
567  ! Do we really need this option? Can't we replace it with sigma_ngkpt and eph_task 7?
569  if (any(dtset%transport_ngkpt /= 0)) then
570    ! Perform further downsampling (usefull for debugging purposes)
571    call wrtout(unts, " Downsampling the k-mesh before computing transport:")
572    call wrtout(unts, sjoin(" Using transport_ngkpt: ", ltoa(dtset%transport_ngkpt)))
573    kptrlatt = 0
574    kptrlatt(1, 1) = dtset%transport_ngkpt(1)
575    kptrlatt(2, 2) = dtset%transport_ngkpt(2)
576    kptrlatt(3, 3) = dtset%transport_ngkpt(3)
577    tmp_ebands = ebands_downsample(new%ebands, cryst, kptrlatt, 1, [zero, zero, zero])
579    ! Map the points of the downsampled bands to dense ebands
580    timrev = kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(ebands%kptopt)
581    ABI_MALLOC(indkk, (6, tmp_ebands%nkpt))
583    krank = krank_from_kptrlatt(new%ebands%nkpt, new%ebands%kptns, new%ebands%kptrlatt, compute_invrank=.False.)
585    if (kpts_map("symrec", timrev, cryst, krank, tmp_ebands%nkpt, tmp_ebands%kptns, indkk) /= 0) then
586      write(msg, '(3a)' ) &
587        "Error while downsampling ebands in the transport driver",ch10, &
588        "The k-point could not be generated from a symmetrical one."
589      ABI_ERROR(msg)
590    end if
592    call krank%free()
594    ! Downsampling linewidths and velocities.
595    ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(new%linewidths, tmp_array5)
596    ABI_REMALLOC(new%linewidths, (new%ntemp, new%bmin:new%bmax, tmp_ebands%nkpt, nsppol, new%nrta))
597    do ikpt=1,tmp_ebands%nkpt
598      new%linewidths(:,:,ikpt,:,:) = tmp_array5(:,:,indkk(1, ikpt),:,:)
599    end do
600    ABI_FREE(tmp_array5)
602    ABI_MOVE_ALLOC(new%vbks, tmp_array4)
603    ABI_REMALLOC(new%vbks, (3, new%bmin:new%bmax, tmp_ebands%nkpt, nsppol))
604    do ikpt=1,tmp_ebands%nkpt
605      new%vbks(:,:,ikpt,:) = tmp_array4(:,:,indkk(1, ikpt),:)
606    end do
607    ABI_FREE(tmp_array4)
609    !print *, "after downsampling linewidths"
610    !print *, "linewidth_serta", maxval(abs(new%linewidths(:,:,:,:,1)))
611    !print *, "linewidth_mrta", maxval(abs(new%linewidths(:,:,:,:,2)))
613    ABI_FREE(indkk)
614    call ebands_move_alloc(tmp_ebands, new%ebands)
615  end if
617  ! Same doping case as in sigmaph file.
618  ABI_MALLOC(new%eph_mu_e, (new%ntemp))
619  ABI_MALLOC(new%transport_mu_e, (new%ntemp))
621  new%eph_extrael = extrael_fermie(1)
622  new%eph_fermie = extrael_fermie(2)
623  new%transport_fermie = dtset%eph_fermie
624  new%transport_extrael = dtset%eph_extrael
625  new%eph_mu_e = sigmaph%mu_e
626  new%transport_mu_e = sigmaph%mu_e
628  if (new%transport_fermie /= zero) new%transport_mu_e = new%transport_fermie
630  if (new%transport_fermie == zero .and. new%transport_extrael /= new%eph_extrael) then
632    if (new%transport_extrael /= new%eph_extrael) then
633      write(msg,'(2(a,e18.8),3a)') &
634        ' extrael from SIGEPH: ',new%transport_extrael, ' and input file: ',new%eph_extrael, "differ", ch10, &
635        ' Will recompute the chemical potential'
636      call wrtout(std_out, msg)
637    end if
639    ! Compute Fermi level for different T values.
640    call ebands_get_muT_with_fd(ebands, new%ntemp, new%kTmesh, dtset%spinmagntarget, dtset%prtvol, new%transport_mu_e, comm)
641  end if
643  ! TODO: Implement possible change of sigma_erange, useful for convergence studies
644  !   1) Run sigmaph with relatively large sigma_erange.
645  !   2) Decrease energy window in the trasport part to analyze the behaviour of transport tensors.
647  ! sigmaph is not needed anymore. Free it.
648  sigmaph%ncid = nctk_noid
649  call sigmaph%free()
651  call cwtime_report(" rta_new", cpu, wall, gflops)
653 end function rta_new

m_rta/rta_t [ Types ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Types ]




 Container for transport quantities in the RTA


 86 type,public :: rta_t
 88    integer :: nsppol
 89    ! Number of independent spin polarizations.
 91    integer :: nspinor
 92    ! Number of spinor components.
 94    integer :: nkcalc
 95    ! Number of computed k-points i.e. k-points inside the sigma_erange energy window.
 97    integer :: ntemp
 98    ! Number of temperatures.
100    integer :: nw
101    ! Number of energies (chemical potentials) at which transport quantities are computed
102    ! Same number of energies used in DOS.
104    integer :: bmin, bmax, bsize
105    ! Only bands between bmin and bmax are considered in the integrals
106    ! as we don't compute linewidths for all states.
107    ! bmin = minval(%bstart_ks); bmax = maxval(%bstop_ks)
108    ! bisze = bmax - bmin + 1
110    integer :: nrta
111    ! Number of relaxation-time approximations used (1 for SERTA, 2 for MRTA)
113    real(dp) :: eph_extrael
114    ! Extra electrons per unit cell used to compute SERTA lifetimes in sigmaph.
116    real(dp) :: eph_fermie
117    ! Fermi level specified in the input file when computing the SIGEPH file.
119    real(dp) :: transport_extrael
120    ! Extra electrons per unit cell specified in the input file when computing the SIGEPH file.
122    real(dp) :: transport_fermie
123    ! Fermi level specified in the input file when computing the SIGEPH file.
125    logical :: assume_gap
126    ! True if we are dealing with a semiconductor.
127    ! This parameter is initialized from the value of sigma_erange provided by the user.
129    integer,allocatable :: bstart_ks(:,:)
130    ! bstart_ks(nkcalc, nsppol)
131    ! Initial KS band index included in self-energy matrix elements for each k-point in kcalc.
132    ! Depends on spin because all degenerate states should be included when symmetries are used.
134    integer,allocatable :: bstop_ks(:,:)
135    ! bstop_ks(nkcalc, nsppol)
137    integer,allocatable :: nbcalc_ks(:,:)
138    ! nbcalc_ks(nkcalc, nsppol)
139    ! Number of bands included in self-energy matrix elements for each k-point in kcalc.
140    ! Depends on spin because all degenerate states should be included when symmetries are used.
142   !integer,allocatable :: kcalc2ibz(:,:)
143    !kcalc2ibz(nkcalc, 6))
144    ! Mapping ikcalc --> IBZ as reported by listkk.
146   integer,allocatable :: kcalc2ebands(:,:)
147    ! Mapping ikcalc --> ebands IBZ
148    ! Note that this array is not necessarily equation to kcalc2ibz computed in sigmaph
149    ! because we may have used sigma_nkpt to downsample the initial nkpt mesh.
150    ! This array is computed in get_ebands and is equal to kcalc2ibz if sigma_nkpt == ngkpt
152    real(dp),allocatable :: kTmesh(:)
153    ! (%ntemp)
154    ! List of k * T temperatures at which to compute the transport
156    real(dp),allocatable :: eph_mu_e(:)
157    ! (%ntemp)
158    ! Chemical potential at this carrier concentration and temperature from sigeph (lifetime)
160    real(dp),allocatable :: transport_mu_e(:)
161    ! (%ntemp)
162    ! Chemical potential at this carrier concentration and temperature
164    real(dp),allocatable :: eminmax_spin(:,:)
165    ! (2, %nsppol))
166    ! min/Max energy of the original ebands object
168    real(dp),allocatable :: linewidths(:,:,:,:,:)
169    ! (ntemp, bmin:bmax, nkpt, nsppol, nrta)
170    ! Linewidth in the IBZ computed in the SERTA/MRTA.
171    ! Non-zero only for the kcalc k-points.
173    real(dp),allocatable :: vbks(:,:,:,:)
174    ! (3, bmin:bmax, nkpt, nsppol))
175    ! band velocity in Cartesian coordinates in the IBZ
176    ! Non-zero only for the kcalc k-points.
178    type(gaps_t) :: gaps
179    ! gaps of original ebands object. Only if assume_gap
181    type(ebands_t) :: ebands
182    ! bandstructure object used to compute the transport properties
183    ! Allocate using only the relevant bands for transport
184    ! including valence states to allow to compute different doping
186    type(edos_t) :: edos
187    ! electronic density of states
188    ! edos%mesh is the mesh used for vv_dos, vvtau_dos and tau_dos
189    ! (%nw)
191    real(dp),allocatable :: tau_dos(:,:,:,:)
192    ! tau(e) (isotropic average for tau_nk for SERTA and MRTA.
193    ! (nw, ntemp, nsppol, nrta)
195    real(dp),allocatable :: vv_dos(:,:,:,:)
196    ! (v x v)  DOS
197    ! (nw, 3, 3, nsppol)
199    real(dp),allocatable :: vvtau_dos(:,:,:,:,:,:)
200    ! (v x v * tau) DOS
201    ! (nw, 3, 3, ntemp, nsppol, nrta)
203    real(dp),allocatable :: n_ehst(:,:,:)
204     ! (2, %nsppol, %ntemp)
205     ! Number of electrons (e) and holes (h) per unit cell
206     ! The first dimension is for electrons/holes.
207     ! If nsppol == 2, the second dimension is the number of e/h for spin else the total number of e/h summed over spins.
209    real(dp),allocatable :: l0(:,:,:,:,:,:), l1(:,:,:,:,:,:), l2(:,:,:,:,:,:)
210    ! (3, 3, nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta)
211    ! Onsager coeficients in Cartesian coordinates
213    real(dp),allocatable :: sigma(:,:,:,:,:,:)
214    real(dp),allocatable :: seebeck(:,:,:,:,:,:)
215    real(dp),allocatable :: kappa(:,:,:,:,:,:)
216    real(dp),allocatable :: pi(:,:,:,:,:,:)
217    real(dp),allocatable :: zte(:,:,:,:,:,:)
218    ! (3, 3, nw, nsppol, ntemp, nrta)
219    ! Transport coefficients in Cartesian coordinates
221    real(dp),allocatable :: mobility(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
222    ! Mobility
223    ! (3, 3, nw, %ntemp, 2, %nsppol, nrta)
224    ! 5-th index is for e-h
226    real(dp),allocatable :: conductivity(:,:,:,:,:)
227    ! Conductivity at the Fermi level
228    ! (3, 3, %ntemp, %nsppol, nrta)
230    real(dp),allocatable :: resistivity(:,:,:,:)
231    ! (3, 3, %ntemp, nrta)
233    real(dp),allocatable :: n(:,:,:)
234    ! (nw, ntemp, 2) carrier density for e/h (n/cm^3)
236    real(dp),allocatable :: mobility_mu(:,:,:,:,:,:)
237    ! (3, 3, 2, nsppol, ntemp, nrta)
238    ! mobility for electrons and holes (third dimension) at transport_mu_e(ntemp)
239    ! Third dimension is for electron/hole
241    real(dp),allocatable :: conductivity_mu(:,:,:,:,:,:)
242    ! (3, 3, 2, nsppol, ntemp, nrta)
243    ! Conductivity in Siemens * cm-1
244    ! computed by summing over k-points rather that by performing an energy integration).
246  contains
248    procedure :: compute_rta
249    procedure :: compute_rta_mobility
250    procedure :: print_rta_txt_files
251    procedure :: write_tensor
252    procedure :: free => rta_free
253    procedure :: rta_ncwrite
255  end type rta_t

m_rta/write_tensor [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_rta ] [ Functions ]





1448 subroutine write_tensor(self, dtset, irta, header, values, path)
1450 !Arguments --------------------------------------
1451  class(rta_t),intent(in) :: self
1452  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
1453  integer,intent(in) :: irta
1454  character(len=*),intent(in) :: header
1455  real(dp),intent(in) :: values(:,:,:,:,:)
1456  character(len=*),intent(in) :: path
1458 !Local variables --------------------------------
1459  integer :: itemp, iw, ount
1460  character(len=500) :: msg, rta_type
1461  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_values(:,:,:,:,:)
1463 !************************************************************************
1465  if (open_file(trim(path), msg, newunit=ount, form="formatted", action="write", status='unknown') /= 0) then
1466    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1467  end if
1469  if (irta == 1) rta_type = "RTA type: Self-energy relaxation time approximation (SERTA)"
1470  if (irta == 2) rta_type = "RTA type: Momentum relaxation time approximation (MRTA)"
1472  ! write header
1473  write(ount, "(2a)")"# ", trim(header)
1474  write(ount, "(2a)")"# ", trim(rta_type)
1475  ! TODO: Units ?
1476  write(ount, "(a, 3(i0, 1x))")"#", dtset%transport_ngkpt
1477  write(ount, "(a)")"#"
1479  ! This to improve portability of the unit tests.
1480  call alloc_copy(values, tmp_values)
1481  where (abs(values) > tol30)
1482    tmp_values = values
1483  else where
1484    tmp_values = zero
1485  end where
1487  ! (nw, 3, 3, nsppol, ntemp)
1488  if (self%nsppol == 1) then
1489    do itemp=1, self%ntemp
1490      write(ount, "(/, a, 1x, f16.2)")"# T = ", self%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK
1491      write(ount, "(a)")"# Energy [Ha], (xx, yx, zx, xy, yy, zy, xz, yz, zz) Cartesian components of tensor."
1492      do iw=1,self%nw
1493        write(ount, "(10(es16.6))")self%edos%mesh(iw), tmp_values(:, :, iw, 1, itemp)
1494      end do
1495    end do
1496   write(ount, "(a)")""
1497  else
1498    do itemp=1, self%ntemp
1499      write(ount, "(/, a, 1x, f16.2)")"# T = ", self%kTmesh(itemp) / kb_HaK
1500      write(ount, "(a)") &
1501        "# Energy [Ha], (xx, yx, zx, xy, yy, zy, xz, yz, zz) Cartesian components of tensor for spin up followed by spin down."
1502      do iw=1,self%nw
1503        write(ount, "(19(es16.6))")self%edos%mesh(iw), tmp_values(:, :, iw, 1, itemp), tmp_values(:, :, iw, 2, itemp)
1504      end do
1505    end do
1506   write(ount, "(a)")""
1507  end if
1509  close(ount)
1511  ABI_FREE(tmp_values)
1513 end subroutine write_tensor