ABINIT/m_suscep_stat [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Compute the susceptibility matrix


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (XG, AR, MB)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 MODULE m_suscep_stat
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_xmpi
26  use m_errors
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_distribfft
30  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
31  use m_time,    only : timab
32  use m_pawang,  only : pawang_type
33  use m_pawtab,  only : pawtab_type
34  use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_get, pawcprj_mpi_allgather, pawcprj_free
35  use m_mpinfo,  only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq, proc_distrb_cycle
36  use m_kg,      only : ph1d3d
37  use m_gsphere, only : symg
38  use m_fftcore, only : sphereboundary
39  use m_fft,     only : fftpac, fourwf
40  use m_spacepar,     only : symrhg
41  use m_paw_finegrid, only : pawgylmg
42  use m_paw_nhat,     only : pawsushat
44  implicit none
46  private

m_suscep_stat/suscep_stat [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_suscep_stat ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the susceptibility matrix
 from input wavefunctions, band occupations, and k point wts.
 Include the usual sum-over-state terms, but also the
 corrections due to the change of the Fermi level in the metallic
 case, as well as implicit sum over higher lying conduction
 states, thanks to the closure relation (referred to as an extrapolation).


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see scfcv.f)
  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx (see scfcv.f)
  cg(2,mcg)=wf in G space
  cprj(natom,mcg*usecprj)= wave functions projected with non-local projectors:
                           cprj_nk(i)=<p_i|Cnk> where p_i is a non-local projector.
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix and susceptibility:
  dimcprj(natom*usepaw)=array of dimensions of array cprj (ordered by atom-type)
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt
           the energy for each band and k point
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for the dielectric matrix
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  irrzondiel(nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=irreducible zone data
  istwfk(nkpt)=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg(3,mpw*mkmem)=reduced planewave coordinates.
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  lmax_diel=1+max. value of l angular momentum used for dielectric matrix
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=size of wave-functions array (cg) =mpw*nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mcprj=size of projected wave-functions array (cprj) =nspinor*mband*mkmem*nsppol
  mgfftdiel=maximum size of 1D FFTs, for the computation of the dielectric matrix
  mkmem=number of k points treated by this node
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mpw=maximum allowed value for npw
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nband(nkpt*nsppol)=number of bands to be included in summation
   at each k point for each spin channel
  neglect_pawhat=1 if PAW contribution from hat density (compensation charge)
                 has to be neglected (to be used when only an estimation of
                 suscep. matrix has to be evaluated, i.e. for SCF precondictioning)
  nfftdiel=number of fft grid points for the computation of the diel matrix
  ngfftdiel(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for dielectric matrix,
    see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwarr(nkpt)=number of planewaves and boundary planewaves
   at each k, for going from the WF sphere to the medium size FFT grid.
  npwdiel=third and fifth dimension of the susmat array.
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  nsym=number of symmetry elements in group (at least 1 for identity)
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
          occupation numbers for each band (usually 2.0) at each k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  phnonsdiel(2,nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4))=nonsymmorphic translation phases
  ph1ddiel(2,3*(2*mgfftdiel+1)*natom*usepaw)=one-dimensional structure factor information
                                             for the dielectric matrix
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations
  symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
  symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry matrices in real space (integers)
  tnons(3,nsym)=reduced nonsymmorphic translations
     (symrel and tnons are in terms of real space primitive translations)
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  ucvol=unit cell volume (Bohr**3)
  unpaw=unit number for cprj PAW data (if used)
  usecprj= 1 if cprj array is stored in memory
  usepaw=flag for PAW
  usetimerev=1 if Time-Reversal symmetry has to be used when symmetrizing susceptibility
  wtk(nkpt)=k point weights (they sum to 1.0)
  ylmdiel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2)= real spherical harmonics for each G and k point
                                 for the dielectric matrix


   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


  Case of non-collinear magnetism:
   In principle, we should compute 16 susceptibility matrix: chi0-(s1,s2),(s3,s4)
   (where s1, s2, s3,and s4 are spin indexes)...
   But, for the time being, the susceptibility is only used to compute the
   dielectric matrix within RPA approximation; in this approximation, only
   four susceptibilities are non-zero: chi0-(s1,s1),(s3,s3).
   They are stored in susmat(:,ipw1,1:2,ipw2,1:2)


148 subroutine suscep_stat(atindx,atindx1,cg,cprj,dielar,dimcprj,doccde,&
149 &  eigen,gbound_diel,gprimd,irrzondiel,istwfk,kg,&
150 &  kg_diel,lmax_diel,&
151 &  mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftdiel,mkmem,mpi_enreg,mpw,natom,nband,&
152 &  neglect_pawhat,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,nkpt,npwarr,&
153 &  npwdiel,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,occ,occopt,&
154 &  pawang,pawtab,phnonsdiel,ph1ddiel,rprimd,&
155 &  susmat,symafm,symrel,tnons,typat,ucvol,unpaw,usecprj,usepaw,usetimerev,&
156 &  wtk,ylmdiel)
158 !Arguments ------------------------------------
159 !scalars
160  integer,intent(in) :: lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mcprj,mgfftdiel,mkmem,mpw,natom,neglect_pawhat
161  integer,intent(in) :: nfftdiel,nkpt,npwdiel,nspden,nspinor,nsppol,nsym,ntypat,occopt
162  integer,intent(in) :: unpaw,usecprj,usepaw,usetimerev
163  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
164  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
165  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
166 !arrays
167  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(natom),atindx1(natom),dimcprj(natom*usepaw)
168  integer,intent(in) :: gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
169 !no_abirules
170 !nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfftdiel otherwise
171  integer,intent(in) :: irrzondiel(nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),2,(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)),&
172  & istwfk(nkpt)
173  integer,intent(in) :: kg(3,mpw*mkmem),kg_diel(3,npwdiel),&
174  & nband(nkpt*nsppol),ngfftdiel(18)
175  integer,intent(in) :: npwarr(nkpt),symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym),typat(ntypat)
176  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg),dielar(7)
177  real(dp),intent(in) :: doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol),eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
178  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
179 !nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym) is 1 if nsym==1, and nfftdiel otherwise
180  real(dp),intent(in) :: phnonsdiel(2,nfftdiel**(1-1/nsym),(nspden/nsppol)-3*(nspden/4)),&
181  &                                 tnons(3,nsym),wtk(nkpt)
182  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph1ddiel(2,(3*(2*mgfftdiel+1)*natom)*usepaw),rprimd(3,3)
183  real(dp),intent(in) :: ylmdiel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2)
184  real(dp),intent(out) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
185  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj(natom,mcprj*usecprj)
186  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
188 !Local variables-------------------------------
189 !scalars
190  integer :: bdtot_index,diag,extrap,i1,i2,i3,iband,ibg,icg,ier,ierr
191  integer :: ifft,ii,ikg,ikpt,indx,iorder_cprj,ipw1,ipw2,isp,isp1,isp2
192  integer :: ispinor,istwf_k,isym,j1,j2,j3,jj,jsp,k1,k2,k3
193  integer :: my_nspinor,nband_k,nband_loc,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6
194  integer :: nkpg_diel,npw_k,npwsp,nspden_eff,nspden_tmp,nsym1,nsym2
195  integer :: spaceComm,t1,t2,testocc
196  real(dp) :: ai,ai2,ar,ar2,diegap,dielam,emax,invnsym
197  real(dp) :: invnsym1,invnsym2,phi1,phi12,phi2,phr1,phr12
198  real(dp) :: phr2,sumdocc,weight
199  logical :: antiferro
200  character(len=500) :: message
201  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
203 !arrays
204  integer,allocatable :: gbound(:,:),kg_k(:,:),sym_g(:,:)
205  integer,allocatable :: tmrev_g(:)
206  real(dp) :: kpt_diel(3,1),tsec(2)
207  real(dp),allocatable :: drhode(:,:,:),drhode_wk(:,:,:)
208  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_diel(:),gylmg_diel(:,:,:),kpg_dum(:,:)
209  real(dp),allocatable :: occ_deavg(:),ph3d_diel(:,:,:),phdiel(:,:,:)
210  real(dp),allocatable :: phkxred_diel(:,:),rhoextrap(:,:,:,:),rhoextrg(:,:)
211  real(dp),allocatable :: rhoextrr(:,:),sush(:),sussum(:),susvec(:,:,:)
212  real(dp),allocatable :: suswk(:,:,:,:),zhpev1(:,:),zhpev2(:)
213  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k(:,:),cprj_loc(:,:)
215 ! *************************************************************************
217  call timab(740,1,tsec)
218  call timab(741,1,tsec)
220  ABI_CHECK(mkmem/=0,"mkmem==0 not supported anymore!")
223 !----- Initialisations -----------------------------------------------------------
224 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226  if (usecprj==0.and.usepaw==1) then
227    write (message,'(3a)')&
228 &   ' cprj datastructure must be allocated !',ch10,&
229 &   ' Action: change pawusecp input keyword.'
230    ABI_ERROR(message)
231  end if
233  if (mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
234    message = ' not yet allowed for parallelization over spinors !'
235    ABI_ERROR(message)
236  end if
238 !Init mpicomm
239  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
240    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt
241  else
242    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_cell
243  end if
245 !The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode.
246 !Set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
247  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
248  call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
250 !testocc to be taken away
251  testocc=1
253  my_nspinor=max(1,nspinor/mpi_enreg%nproc_spinor)
255  iorder_cprj=0 ! order for the cprj reading...
257 !Initialize some scalar quantities
258  antiferro=(nsppol==1.and.nspden==2)
259  nspden_eff=min(max(nsppol,nspden),2) ! Size for the computed part of susmat
260  bdtot_index=0 ; icg=0 ; ibg=0
261  ndiel1=ngfftdiel(1) ; ndiel2=ngfftdiel(2) ; ndiel3=ngfftdiel(3)
263 !ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6 are FFT dimensions, modified to avoid cache trashing
264  ndiel4=ngfftdiel(4) ; ndiel5=ngfftdiel(5) ; ndiel6=ngfftdiel(6)
265  diegap=dielar(5) ; dielam=dielar(6)
266  extrap=0
268 !If dielam is too small, there is no extrapolation.
269  if(dielam>1.0d-6)extrap=1
271 !Some stuff for symmetries
272  nsym1=sum(symafm,mask=symafm==1)
273  nsym2=nsym-nsym1
274  invnsym =one/dble(nsym)
275  invnsym1=one/dble(nsym1)
276  invnsym2=one
277 !FIXME: make sure this is consistent with following code
278 !div by 0 for several v5 tests
279  if (nsym2 > 0) invnsym2=one/dble(nsym2)
281 !Allocations
282  ABI_MALLOC(occ_deavg,(mband))
283  if(occopt>=3) then
284    ABI_MALLOC(drhode,(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
285  else
286    ABI_MALLOC(drhode,(0,0,0))
287  end if
288  if(extrap==1) then
289    ABI_MALLOC(rhoextrap,(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor))
290  else
291    ABI_MALLOC(rhoextrap,(0,0,0,0))
292  end if
294 !zero the susceptibility matrix and other needed quantities
295  susmat(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
296  if(occopt>=3)then
297    drhode(:,:,:)=zero
298    sumdocc=zero
299  end if
301 !PAW additional initializations
302  if (usepaw==1) then
303    ABI_MALLOC(gylmg_diel,(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat))
304    ABI_MALLOC(ph3d_diel,(2,npwdiel,natom))
305    if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
306      ABI_MALLOC(phkxred_diel,(2,natom))
307      ABI_MALLOC(kpg_dum,(0,0))
308      kpt_diel(1:3,1)=zero;phkxred_diel(1,:)=one;phkxred_diel(2,:)=zero;nkpg_diel=0
309 !    write(std_out,*) ' lmax_diel ', lmax_diel
310      call pawgylmg(gprimd,gylmg_diel,kg_diel,kpg_dum,kpt_diel,lmax_diel,nkpg_diel,npwdiel,ntypat,pawtab,ylmdiel)
311      call ph1d3d(1,natom,kg_diel,natom,natom,npwdiel,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,phkxred_diel,ph1ddiel,ph3d_diel)
312      ABI_FREE(phkxred_diel)
313      ABI_FREE(kpg_dum)
314    else
315      gylmg_diel=zero;ph3d_diel=one
316    end if
317  else
318    ABI_MALLOC(gylmg_diel,(0,0,0))
319    ABI_MALLOC(ph3d_diel,(0,0,0))
320  end if
322  call timab(741,2,tsec)
326 !--BIG loop over spins ------------------------------------------------------------
327 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329  do isp=1,nsppol
330    ikg=0
332    if(extrap==1)rhoextrap(:,:,:,:)=zero
334 !  --BIG loop over k-points --------------------------------------------------------
335 !  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
337    do ikpt=1,nkpt
339      nband_k=nband(ikpt+(isp-1)*nkpt)
340      istwf_k=istwfk(ikpt)
341      npw_k=npwarr(ikpt)
343      if(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enreg%proc_distrb,ikpt,1,nband_k,isp,mpi_enreg%me_kpt)) then
344        bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
345        cycle
346      end if
348      call timab(742,1,tsec)
351      ABI_MALLOC(gbound,(2*mgfftdiel+8,2))
352      ABI_MALLOC(kg_k,(3,npw_k))
354      if (usepaw==1) then
355        ABI_MALLOC(cprj_k,(natom,my_nspinor*nband_k))
356        if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
357          call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_k,0,dimcprj)
358          if (mpi_enreg%nproc_band==1) then
359            call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_k,cprj,natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,isp,&
360 &           mband,mkmem,natom,nband_k,nband_k,my_nspinor,nsppol,unpaw,&
361 &           mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
362          else
363            nband_loc=nband_k/mpi_enreg%nproc_band
364            ABI_MALLOC(cprj_loc,(natom,my_nspinor*nband_loc))
365            call pawcprj_alloc(cprj_loc,0,dimcprj)
366            call pawcprj_get(atindx1,cprj_loc,cprj,natom,1,ibg,ikpt,iorder_cprj,isp,&
367 &           mband/mpi_enreg%nproc_band,mkmem,natom,nband_loc,nband_loc,my_nspinor,nsppol,unpaw,&
368 &           mpicomm=mpi_enreg%comm_kpt,proc_distrb=mpi_enreg%proc_distrb)
369            call pawcprj_mpi_allgather(cprj_loc,cprj_k,natom,my_nspinor*nband_loc,mpi_enreg%bandpp,&
370 &           dimcprj,0,mpi_enreg%nproc_band,mpi_enreg%comm_band,ierr,rank_ordered=.true.)
371            call pawcprj_free(cprj_loc)
372            ABI_FREE(cprj_loc)
373          end if
374        else
375          !call pawcprj_nullify(cprj_k)
376        end if
377      else
378        ABI_MALLOC(cprj_k,(0,0))
379      end if
381      kg_k(:,1:npw_k)=kg(:,1+ikg:npw_k+ikg)
382      call sphereboundary(gbound,istwf_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,npw_k)
384      if(extrap==1)then
385 !      Compute inverse of average dielectric gap for each band
386 !      and multiply by occupation factor
387        emax=maxval(eigen(1+bdtot_index:nband_k+bdtot_index))
388        do iband=1,nband_k
389          occ_deavg(iband)= occ(iband+bdtot_index)*dielam &
390 &         / ( emax-eigen(iband+bdtot_index)  + diegap )
391        end do
392      else
393        occ_deavg(:)=zero
394      end if
396      call timab(742,2,tsec)
397      call timab(743,1,tsec)
399 !    Compute the contribution of each k-point to susmat, rhoextrap, drhode and sumdocc.
400      if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1)then !Only this version is in parallel
401 !      Use either the simpler implementation
402 !      Should provide a test !!!
403        call susk(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
404 &       gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,&
405 &       isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
406 &       natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
407 &       npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,&
408 &       pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
409 &       susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
410      else
411 !      Or the more sophisticated one, needed to save memory.
412        call suskmm(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
413 &       gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,&
414 &       isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
415 &       natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
416 &       npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,&
417 &       pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
418 &       susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
419      end if
421      call timab(743,2,tsec)
423      ABI_FREE(gbound)
424      ABI_FREE(kg_k)
426      bdtot_index=bdtot_index+nband_k
428      if (mkmem/=0) then
429        ibg=ibg+my_nspinor*nband_k
430        icg=icg+my_nspinor*npw_k*nband_k
431        ikg=ikg+npw_k
432      end if
433      if (usepaw==1) then
434        if (neglect_pawhat==0) then
435          call pawcprj_free(cprj_k)
436        end if
437      end if
438      ABI_FREE(cprj_k)
440 !    End loop on ikpt:  --------------------------------------------------------
441    end do
443 !  Here include the contribution from the extrapolation to susmat,
444 !  diagonal part
445    if(extrap==1)then
447      call timab(744,1,tsec)
449 !    Transfer extrapolating density on augmented fft grid to
450 !    normal fft grid in real space.
451 !    Warning1 : if collinear magnetism, must treat only one spin at a time
452 !    Warning2 : if non-collinear magnetism, treat both spins
453 !    Warning3 : this is subtle for antiferro magnetism
454      nspden_tmp=1;if (antiferro) nspden_tmp=2
455      ABI_MALLOC(rhoextrr,(nfftdiel,nspden_tmp))
456      ABI_MALLOC(rhoextrg,(2,nfftdiel))
457      if (nspden==1.and.nspinor==2) rhoextrap(:,:,:,1)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,1)+rhoextrap(:,:,:,2)
459      do ispinor=1,min(nspinor,nspden)
460        jsp=isp+ispinor-1
462        call fftpac(1,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
463 &       ngfftdiel,rhoextrr(:,1),rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor),1)
465 !      Generate the density in reciprocal space, and symmetrize it
466 !      (note symrhg also make the reverse FFT, to get symmetrized density;
467 !      this is useless here, and should be made an option)
468        call symrhg(1,gprimd,irrzondiel,mpi_enreg_diel,nfftdiel,nfftdiel,ngfftdiel,&
469 &       nspden_tmp,1,nsym,phnonsdiel,rhoextrg,rhoextrr,rprimd,symafm,symrel,tnons)
471        do ipw2=1,npwdiel
472          j1=kg_diel(1,ipw2) ; j2=kg_diel(2,ipw2) ; j3=kg_diel(3,ipw2)
473 !        static:    Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
474 !        dynamical: fill all, will not affect susopt==2 for which extrap==0
475          do ipw1=1,npwdiel
476            i1=kg_diel(1,ipw1) ; i2=kg_diel(2,ipw1) ; i3=kg_diel(3,ipw1)
477 !          NOTE that there is a FFT folding (superposition) bias here
478 !          Should use kgindex, in the same spirit as in prcref
479            k1=i1-j1; k1=modulo(k1,ndiel1)
480            k2=i2-j2; k2=modulo(k2,ndiel2)
481            k3=i3-j3; k3=modulo(k3,ndiel3)
482            ifft=k1+1+ndiel1*(k2+ndiel2*k3)
483            susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+rhoextrg(1,ifft)
484            susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+rhoextrg(2,ifft)
485          end do
486        end do
488      end do
489      ABI_FREE(rhoextrg)
490      ABI_FREE(rhoextrr)
492      call timab(744,2,tsec)
494    end if
496 !  End loop over spins ---------------------------------------------------------
497  end do
499  ABI_FREE(occ_deavg)
500  ABI_FREE(rhoextrap)
501  ABI_FREE(gylmg_diel)
502  ABI_FREE(ph3d_diel)
503  !end if
505  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
507 !-- Stuff for parallelism --------------------------------------------------------
508 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510  if(xmpi_paral==1)then
511    call timab(746,1,tsec)
512    ABI_MALLOC(sussum,(2*npwdiel*nspden*npwdiel*nspden))
513 !  Recreate full susmat on all proc.
514 !  This should be coded more efficiently,
515 !  since half of the matrix is still empty, and
516 !  it is spin-diagonal.
517    sussum(:)=reshape(susmat(:,:,:,:,:),(/2*npwdiel*nspden*npwdiel*nspden/))
518    call xmpi_sum(sussum,spaceComm,ierr)
519    susmat(:,:,:,:,:)=reshape(sussum(:),(/2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden/))
520    ABI_FREE(sussum)
521 !  Recreate full drhode on all proc.
522    if(occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1)then
523      call xmpi_sum(drhode,spaceComm,ierr)
524 !    Should use only one mpi-allreduce call instead of the three
525      call xmpi_sum(sumdocc,spaceComm,ierr)
526    end if
527    call timab(746,2,tsec)
528  end if
530 !-- Apply spatial hermitian/symmetries on spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix ----
531 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
533  call timab(747,1,tsec)
535 !If antiferro magnetism, has to divide (spin-diagonal) susceptibility by 2 (due to dble occupations)
536  if (antiferro) then
537    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
538      do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
539        susmat(:,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=half*susmat(:,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
540      end do
541    end do
542  end if
544 !Generate upper half of the spin-diagonal matrix (still the susceptibility matrix)
545  do isp=1,nspden_eff
546    do ipw2=2,npwdiel
547      do ipw1=1,ipw2-1
548        susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)= susmat(1,ipw2,isp,ipw1,isp)
549        susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=-susmat(2,ipw2,isp,ipw1,isp)
550      end do
551    end do
552  end do
554 !Compute symmetric of G-vectors and eventual phases
555 !(either time-reversal or spatial symmetries)
556  ABI_MALLOC(tmrev_g,(npwdiel))
557  ABI_MALLOC(sym_g,(npwdiel,nsym))
558  ABI_MALLOC(phdiel,(2,npwdiel,nsym))
559  call symg(kg_diel,npwdiel,nsym,phdiel,sym_g,symrel,tmrev_g,tnons)
561 !Impose spatial symmetries to the spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix
562  ABI_MALLOC(suswk,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
563  do isp=1,nspden_eff
564    suswk(:,:,:,isp)=susmat(:,:,isp,:,isp) ! Temporary storage
565  end do
567  do isp=1,nspden_eff
568    jsp=min(3-isp,nsppol)
569    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
570      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
571        ar=suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,isp)
572        ai=suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,isp)
573        ar2=zero;ai2=zero
574        if(nsym>1)then
575          do isym=2,nsym
576            t1=sym_g(ipw1,isym) ; t2=sym_g(ipw2,isym)
577 !          Not all symmetries are non-symmorphic. Should save time here ...
578            phr1=phdiel(1,ipw1,isym) ; phi1=phdiel(2,ipw1,isym)
579            phr2=phdiel(1,ipw2,isym) ; phi2=phdiel(2,ipw2,isym)
580            phr12= phr1*phr2+phi1*phi2 ; phi12=phi1*phr2-phr1*phi2
581            if (symafm(isym)==1) then
582              ar=ar+suswk(1,t1,t2,isp)*phr12-suswk(2,t1,t2,isp)*phi12
583              ai=ai+suswk(2,t1,t2,isp)*phr12+suswk(1,t1,t2,isp)*phi12
584            else
585              ar2=ar2+suswk(1,t1,t2,jsp)*phr12-suswk(2,t1,t2,jsp)*phi12
586              ai2=ai2+suswk(2,t1,t2,jsp)*phr12+suswk(1,t1,t2,jsp)*phi12
587            end if
588          end do
589        end if
590        if (antiferro) then
591          susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar*invnsym1
592          susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai*invnsym1
593          susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=ar2*invnsym2
594          susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=ai2*invnsym2
595        else
596          susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=(ar+ar2)*invnsym
597          susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=(ai+ai2)*invnsym
598        end if
599      end do
600    end do
601  end do
602  ABI_FREE(suswk)
605 !--  Add contribibution to susceptibility due to change of Fermi level -----------
606 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
608  if (occopt>=3.and.testocc==1) then
610 !  Impose spatial symmetries to drhode
611    ABI_MALLOC(drhode_wk,(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff))
612    do isp=1,nspden_eff
613      jsp=min(3-isp,nsppol)
614      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
615        ar=drhode(1,ipw1,isp)
616        ai=drhode(2,ipw1,isp)
617        ar2=zero;ai2=zero
618        if (nsym>1) then
619          do isym=2,nsym
620            t1=sym_g(ipw1,isym)
621 !          Not all symmetries are non-symmorphic. Should save time here ...
622            phr1=phdiel(1,ipw1,isym);phi1=phdiel(2,ipw1,isym)
623            if (symafm(isym)==1) then
624              ar=ar+drhode(1,t1,isp)*phr1-drhode(2,t1,isp)*phi1
625              ai=ai+drhode(2,t1,isp)*phr1+drhode(1,t1,isp)*phi1
626            else
627              ar2=ar2+drhode(1,t1,jsp)*phr1-drhode(2,t1,jsp)*phi1
628              ai2=ai2+drhode(2,t1,jsp)*phr1+drhode(1,t1,jsp)*phi1
629            end if
630          end do
631        end if
632        if (antiferro) then  ! 1/2 factor due to (dble) occupations
633          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,1)=half*ar*invnsym1
634          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,1)=half*ai*invnsym1
635          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,2)=half*ar2*invnsym2
636          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,2)=half*ai2*invnsym2
637        else
638          drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp)=(ar+ar2)*invnsym
639          drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp)=(ai+ai2)*invnsym
640        end if
641      end do
642    end do
644 !  Add contribution to non-diagonal susceptibility
645 !  Presently fills complete susceptibility matrix, not only lower half
646    weight=one/sumdocc
647    do isp2=1,nspden_eff
648      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
649        do isp1=1,nspden_eff
650          do ipw1=1,npwdiel
651            susmat(1,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)=susmat(1,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)- &
652 &           weight*( drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(1,ipw2,isp2)  &
653 &           +drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(2,ipw2,isp2) )
654            susmat(2,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)=susmat(2,ipw1,isp1,ipw2,isp2)- &
655 &           weight*( drhode_wk(2,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(1,ipw2,isp2)  &
656 &           -drhode_wk(1,ipw1,isp1)*drhode_wk(2,ipw2,isp2) )
657          end do
658        end do
659      end do
660    end do
661    ABI_FREE(drhode_wk)
663  end if
664  !if (occopt>=3)  then
665  ABI_FREE(drhode)
666  !end if
669 !--- Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the susceptibility matrix --------------
670 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
672  if (usetimerev==1) then
673    ABI_MALLOC(suswk,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel,1))
675 !  Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the spin-diagonal susceptibility matrix
676    do isp=1,nspden_eff
677      suswk(:,:,:,1)=susmat(:,:,isp,:,isp) ! Temporary storage
678      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
679        t2=tmrev_g(ipw2)
680        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
681          t1=tmrev_g(ipw1)
682          susmat(1,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=half*(suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,1)+suswk(1,t1,t2,1))
683          susmat(2,ipw1,isp,ipw2,isp)=half*(suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,1)-suswk(2,t1,t2,1))
684        end do
685      end do
686    end do
688 !  Impose the time-reversal symmetry to the off-diagonal susceptibility matrix
689    if (nspden_eff/=1.and.occopt>=3.and.testocc==1) then
690      suswk(:,:,:,1)=susmat(:,:,1,:,2) ! Temporary storage
691      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
692        t2=tmrev_g(ipw2)
693        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
694          t1=tmrev_g(ipw1)
695          ar=half*(suswk(1,ipw1,ipw2,1)+suswk(1,t1,t2,1))
696          ai=half*(suswk(2,ipw1,ipw2,1)-suswk(2,t1,t2,1))
697          susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)= ar
698          susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)= ai
699          susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)= ar
700          susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)=-ai
701        end do
702      end do
703    end if
704    ABI_FREE(suswk)
705  end if
707  ABI_FREE(phdiel)
708  ABI_FREE(sym_g)
709  ABI_FREE(tmrev_g)
712 !-- The full susceptibility matrix is computed -----------------------------------
713 !-- Now, eventually diagonalize it and stop --------------------------------------
714 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
716 !Must turn on this flag to make the diagonalisation
717  diag=0
718  if(diag==1)then
720    npwsp=npwdiel*nspden_eff
721    ABI_MALLOC(sush,(npwsp*(npwsp+1)))
722    ABI_MALLOC(susvec,(2,npwsp,npwsp))
723    ABI_MALLOC(eig_diel,(npwsp))
724    ABI_MALLOC(zhpev1,(2,2*npwsp-1))
725    ABI_MALLOC(zhpev2,(3*npwsp-2))
726    ier=0
728 !  Store the susceptibility matrix in proper mode before calling zhpev
729    indx=1
730    do ii=1,npwdiel
731      do jj=1,ii
732        sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,1,ii,1)
733        sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,1,ii,1)
734        indx=indx+2
735      end do
736    end do
738 !  If spin-polarized, need to store other parts of the matrix
739    if(nspden_eff/=1)then
740      do ii=1,npwdiel
741 !      Here, spin-flip contribution
742        do jj=1,npwdiel
743          sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,1,ii,2)
744          sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,1,ii,2)
745          indx=indx+2
746        end do
747 !      Here spin down-spin down upper matrix
748        do jj=1,ii
749          sush(indx  )=susmat(1,jj,2,ii,2)
750          sush(indx+1)=susmat(2,jj,2,ii,2)
751          indx=indx+2
752        end do
753      end do
754    end if
756    call ZHPEV ('V','U',npwsp,sush,eig_diel,susvec,npwsp,zhpev1,&
757 &   zhpev2,ier)
759    write(std_out,*)' suscep_stat : print eigenvalues of the susceptibility matrix'
760    do ii=1,npwsp
761      write(std_out,'(i5,es16.6)' )ii,eig_diel(ii)
762    end do
764    ABI_FREE(sush)
765    ABI_FREE(susvec)
766    ABI_FREE(eig_diel)
767    ABI_FREE(zhpev1)
768    ABI_FREE(zhpev2)
769    ABI_ERROR("Stopping here!")
770  end if
772  call timab(747,2,tsec)
773  call timab(740,2,tsec)
775 end subroutine suscep_stat

m_suscep_stat/susk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_suscep_stat ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the contribution of one k point to the susceptibility matrix
 from input wavefunctions, band occupations, and k point wts.
 Include the usual sum-over-state terms, but also the
 corrections due to the change of the Fermi level in the metallic
 case, as well as implicit sum over higher lying conduction
 states, thanks to the closure relation (referred to as an extrapolation).
 Compared to the routine suskmm, there is no particular attention
 to the use of the memory, so the code is simpler.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms
  bdtot_index=index for the number of the band
  cg(2,mcg)=wfs in G space
  cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k)= wave functions projected with non-local projectors:
                                 cprj_k=<p_i|Cnk> where p_i is a non-local projector.
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt
           the energy for each band and k point
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  extrap: if==1, the closure relation (an extrapolation) must be used
  gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from WF sphere to
      medium size FFT grid
  gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from medium size
      FFT grid to small sphere.
  gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel,ntypat*usepaw)= -PAW only- Fourier transform of g_l(r).Y_ml(r) shape functions
                                               for dielectric matrix
  icg=index for cg
  ikpt=number of the k point
  isp=number of the current spin
  istwf_k=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  kg_k(3,npw_k)=coordinates of planewaves in basis sphere.
  lmax_diel=1+max. value of l angular momentum used for dielectric matrix
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=dimension of cg
  mgfftdiel=maximum size of 1D FFTs, for the computation of
     the dielectric matrix
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6= FFT dimensions, modified to avoid cache trashing
  neglect_pawhat=1 if PAW contribution from hat density (compensation charge)
                 has to be neglected (to be used when only an estimation of
                 suscep. matrix has to be evaluated, i.e. for SCF precondictioning)
  ngfftdiel(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for dielectric matrix,
    see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwdiel=third and fifth dimension of the susmat array.
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspden_eff=number of spin-density components actually computed in sussceptibility
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
          occupation numbers for each band (usually 2.0) at each k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  occ_deavg(mband)=factor for extrapolation (occup. divided by an energy gap)
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw)=3-dim structure factors, for each atom and plane wave, for dielectric matrix
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  ucvol=unit cell volume (Bohr**3)
  usepaw=flag for PAW
  wtk(nkpt)=k point weights (they sum to 1.0)


  (see side effects)


 These quantities are accumulated in this routine:
  drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)=weighted density, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
  rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)=density-like array, needed for the
   extrapolation procedure.
  sumdocc=sum of weighted occupation numbers, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


 Band-fft parallel treatment: Each processor will treat his own band, but susmat will be known by all.
 This means that cg will not have the same meaning in sequential or parallel mode.
 In parallel mode, it will contain the set of all bands treated by the currrent processor.
 To achieve this, the argument cg has been replaced by cg_mpi, with the "target" attribute.
 In sequential mode, the pointer cg will point towards cg_mpi. In parallel mode, cg will point
 to a new array cg_local, containing the bands treated by the currrent processor.
 This allows to minimize the overhead incurred by the parallelization  of the sequential version.
 A similar treatment is performed on kg_k, npw_k.
 A future version might have objects like kg_k_gather as arguments, instead of computing them.
 This is in slight violation of programming rules, but I think it is safe, since the pointers remain local


 877 subroutine susk(atindx,bdtot_index,cg_mpi,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
 878 &  gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg_mpi,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k_mpi,&
 879 &  lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
 880 &  natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
 881 &  npwdiel,npw_k_mpi,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,&
 882 &  pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
 883 &  susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
 885 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 886 !This type is defined in defs_mpi
 887 !scalars
 888  integer,intent(in) :: bdtot_index,extrap,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg
 889  integer,intent(in) :: mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat
 890  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,npwdiel,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol
 891  integer,intent(in) :: ntypat,occopt,usepaw
 892  integer,intent(in),target :: icg_mpi,npw_k_mpi
 893  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 894  real(dp),intent(inout) :: sumdocc
 895  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 896  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
 897 !arrays
 898  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(natom),gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
 899  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),ngfftdiel(18),typat(natom)
 900  integer,intent(in),target :: kg_k_mpi(3,npw_k_mpi)
 901  integer,intent(inout) :: gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
 902  integer,pointer :: kg_k(:,:)
 903  real(dp),intent(in) :: doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol),eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
 904  real(dp),intent(in) :: gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat*usepaw)
 905  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),occ_deavg(mband)
 906  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw),wtk(nkpt)
 907  real(dp),intent(in),target :: cg_mpi(2,mcg)
 908  real(dp),intent(inout) :: drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)
 909  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)
 910  real(dp),intent(inout) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
 911  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k*usepaw)
 912  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
 914 !Local variables-------------------------------
 915 ! real(dp), allocatable :: cg_disk(:,:)
 916 !Local variables for MPI
 917 !scalars
 918  integer :: blocksize,i1,i2,i3,iband,iband_loc,ibd1,ibd2,ibdblock,ier
 919  integer :: iproc,iproc_fft,ipw,ipw1,ipw2,isp1,isp2,ispinor,iwf,jsp,me_bandfft
 920  integer :: nbdblock,ndatarecv,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3
 921  integer :: sizemax_per_proc,spaceComm,testocc,tim_fourwf
 922  integer,pointer :: icg,npw_k
 923  integer,target :: icg_loc=0,npw_k_loc,npw_tot
 924  real(dp) :: eigdiff,occdiff,tolocc,weight,wght1,wght2
 925  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
 926 !arrays
 927  integer,allocatable :: band_loc(:),kg_k_gather(:,:),npw_per_proc(:),rdispls(:)
 928  integer,allocatable :: rdispls_all(:),rdisplsloc(:),recvcounts(:)
 929  integer,allocatable :: recvcountsloc(:),sdispls(:),sdisplsloc(:),sendcounts(:)
 930  integer,allocatable :: sendcountsloc(:)
 931  integer,allocatable,target :: kg_k_gather_all(:,:)
 932  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
 933  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef(:,:),cwavef_alltoall(:,:)
 934  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef_alltoall_gather(:,:),dummy(:,:),rhoaug(:,:,:)
 935  real(dp),allocatable :: susmat_mpi(:,:,:)
 936  real(dp),allocatable :: wfprod(:,:),wfraug(:,:,:,:),wfrspa(:,:,:,:,:,:)
 937  real(dp),allocatable,target :: cg_local(:,:)
 938  real(dp),pointer :: cg(:,:)
 939  logical,allocatable :: treat_band(:)
 941 ! *************************************************************************
 943 !DEBUG
 944 !write(std_out,*)' susk : enter '
 945 !if(.true.)stop
 948  call timab(750,1,tsec)
 949  call timab(751,1,tsec)
 951  ndiel1=ngfftdiel(1) ; ndiel2=ngfftdiel(2) ; ndiel3=ngfftdiel(3)
 953 !The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode.
 954 !Set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
 955  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
 956  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
 957  me_bandfft=xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft)
 959  testocc=1
 960 !DEBUG
 961 !write(std_out,*)' susk : set testocc to 0 '
 962 !testocc=0
 963 !write(std_out,*)' susk : set extrap to 0 '
 964 !extrap=0
 967 !Allocations, initializations
 968  ABI_MALLOC(rhoaug,(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
 969  ABI_MALLOC(wfraug,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
 970  ABI_MALLOC(wfprod,(2,npwdiel))
 971  ABI_MALLOC(wfrspa,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor,mband))
 972  ABI_MALLOC(dummy,(2,1))
 973  wfrspa(:,:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 974  ABI_MALLOC(treat_band,(nband_k))
 975  treat_band(:)=.true.
 976  isp1=isp;isp2=isp
 977  if (nspden_eff==2.and.nspinor==2) isp2=isp+1
 979 !BAND-FFT parallelism
 980  if (mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
 981    treat_band(:)=.false.
 982 !  We gather the wavefunctions treated by this proc in cg_local
 983    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_band
 984    blocksize=mpi_enreg%nproc_band
 985    nbdblock=nband_k/blocksize
 986    ABI_MALLOC(sdispls,(blocksize))
 987    ABI_MALLOC(sdisplsloc,(blocksize))
 988    ABI_MALLOC(sendcounts,(blocksize))
 989    ABI_MALLOC(sendcountsloc,(blocksize))
 990    ABI_MALLOC(rdispls,(blocksize))
 991    ABI_MALLOC(rdisplsloc,(blocksize))
 992    ABI_MALLOC(recvcounts,(blocksize))
 993    ABI_MALLOC(recvcountsloc,(blocksize))
 994 !  First gather the kg_k in kg_k_gather_all
 995    npw_k_loc=npw_k_mpi
 996    call xmpi_allgather(npw_k_loc,recvcounts,spaceComm,ier)
 997    rdispls(1)=0
 998    do iproc=2,blocksize
 999      rdispls(iproc)=rdispls(iproc-1)+recvcounts(iproc-1)
1000    end do
1001    ndatarecv=rdispls(blocksize)+recvcounts(blocksize)
1002    ABI_MALLOC(kg_k_gather,(3,ndatarecv))
1003    recvcountsloc(:)=recvcounts(:)*3
1004    rdisplsloc(:)=rdispls(:)*3
1005    call xmpi_allgatherv(kg_k_mpi,3*npw_k_loc,kg_k_gather,recvcountsloc(:),rdisplsloc,spaceComm,ier)
1006    ABI_MALLOC(npw_per_proc,(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft))
1007    ABI_MALLOC(rdispls_all,(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft))
1008    spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
1009    call xmpi_allgather(ndatarecv,npw_per_proc,spaceComm,ier)
1010    rdispls_all(1)=0
1011    do iproc=2,mpi_enreg%nproc_fft
1012      rdispls_all(iproc)=rdispls_all(iproc-1)+npw_per_proc(iproc-1)
1013    end do
1014    npw_tot=rdispls_all(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft)+npw_per_proc(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft)
1015    ABI_MALLOC(kg_k_gather_all,(3,npw_tot))
1016    call xmpi_allgatherv(kg_k_gather,3*ndatarecv,kg_k_gather_all,3*npw_per_proc(:),3*rdispls_all,spaceComm,ier)
1017 !  At this point kg_k_gather_all contains all the kg
1018    if(allocated(cwavef))  then
1019      ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1020    end if
1021    ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw_k_loc*nspinor*blocksize))
1022    sizemax_per_proc=nband_k/(mpi_enreg%nproc_band*mpi_enreg%nproc_fft)+1
1023    ABI_MALLOC(band_loc,(sizemax_per_proc))
1024    ABI_MALLOC(cg_local,(2,sizemax_per_proc*npw_tot*nspinor))
1025    iband_loc=0
1026    do ibdblock=1,nbdblock
1027      cwavef(:,1:npw_k_loc*nspinor*blocksize)=&
1028 &     cg_mpi(:,1+(ibdblock-1)*npw_k_loc*nspinor*blocksize+icg_mpi:ibdblock*npw_k_loc*nspinor*blocksize+icg_mpi)
1029      sendcounts(:)=npw_k_loc
1030      do iproc=1,blocksize
1031        sdispls(iproc)=(iproc-1)*npw_k_loc
1032      end do
1033      ABI_MALLOC(cwavef_alltoall,(2,ndatarecv*nspinor))
1034      recvcountsloc(:)=recvcounts(:)*2*nspinor
1035      rdisplsloc(:)=rdispls(:)*2*nspinor
1036      sendcountsloc(:)=sendcounts(:)*2*nspinor
1037      sdisplsloc(:)=sdispls(:)*2*nspinor
1038      call timab(547,1,tsec)
1039      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_band
1040      call xmpi_alltoallv(cwavef,sendcountsloc,sdisplsloc,cwavef_alltoall,recvcountsloc,rdisplsloc,spaceComm,ier)
1041      call timab(547,2,tsec)
1042      ABI_MALLOC(cwavef_alltoall_gather,(2,npw_tot*nspinor))
1043      blocksize=mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1044      spaceComm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
1045      call xmpi_allgatherv(cwavef_alltoall,2*nspinor*ndatarecv,cwavef_alltoall_gather,&
1046 &     2*nspinor*npw_per_proc,2*nspinor*rdispls_all,spaceComm,ier)
1047      iproc_fft=modulo(ibdblock-1,mpi_enreg%nproc_fft)
1048      if(mpi_enreg%me_fft==iproc_fft) then !All nproc_band procs of index me_fft will treat these bands
1049        iband_loc=iband_loc+1
1050        iband=1+mpi_enreg%me_band+mpi_enreg%nproc_band*mpi_enreg%me_fft+(iband_loc-1)*mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band
1051        treat_band(iband)=.true.
1052        band_loc(iband_loc)=iband
1053        cg_local(:,1+(iband_loc-1)*npw_tot*nspinor:iband_loc*npw_tot*nspinor)=cwavef_alltoall_gather(:,1:npw_tot*nspinor)
1054      end if
1055      ABI_FREE(cwavef_alltoall_gather)
1056      ABI_FREE(cwavef_alltoall)
1057    end do
1058 !  On exit:
1059 !  npw_tot will be npw
1060 !  kg_k_gather_all will be kg_k
1061 !  cg_local will be cg
1062 !  icg will be zero
1063    npw_k=>npw_tot
1064    kg_k=>kg_k_gather_all(:,:)
1065    cg=>cg_local(:,:)
1066    icg=>icg_loc
1067    call sphereboundary(gbound,istwf_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,npw_k)
1068    ABI_FREE(npw_per_proc)
1069    ABI_FREE(rdispls_all)
1070    ABI_FREE(sendcounts)
1071    ABI_FREE(recvcounts)
1072    ABI_FREE(sdispls)
1073    ABI_FREE(rdispls)
1074    ABI_FREE(sendcountsloc)
1075    ABI_FREE(sdisplsloc)
1076    ABI_FREE(recvcountsloc)
1077    ABI_FREE(rdisplsloc)
1078    ABI_FREE(kg_k_gather)
1079    ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1080 !  Because they will be summed over all procs, and arrive on input, rescale drhode and rhoextrap
1081    if(occopt>=3)drhode(:,:,isp1:isp2)=drhode(:,:,isp1:isp2)/real(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band,dp)
1082    if(extrap==1)rhoextrap(:,:,:,:)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,:)/real(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band,dp)
1083    do i1=isp1,isp2
1084      susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)=susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)/real(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band,dp)
1085    end do
1087 !  No BAND-FFT parallelism
1088  else ! use argument variables
1089    cg=>cg_mpi
1090    kg_k=>kg_k_mpi
1091    npw_k=>npw_k_mpi
1092    icg=>icg_mpi
1093  end if
1094  iband_loc=0
1096  call timab(751,2,tsec)
1097  call timab(752,1,tsec)
1099 !Loop over bands to fft and store Fourier transform of wavefunction
1100  ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw_k))
1101  do iband=1,nband_k
1102    if(.not. treat_band(iband))  cycle ! I am not treating this band (only for the parallel case)
1103    iband_loc=iband_loc+1
1105 !  Loop on spinorial components
1106    do ispinor=1,nspinor
1107      iwf=(ispinor-1)*npw_k+(iband_loc-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
1108      jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
1110 !    Obtain Fourier transform in fft box
1111      tim_fourwf=8
1112      cwavef(:,1:npw_k)=cg(:,1+iwf:npw_k+iwf)
1113      call fourwf(1,rhoaug,cwavef,dummy,wfraug,gbound,gbound,&
1114 &     istwf_k,kg_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,npw_k,1,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1115 &     0,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1117      wfrspa(:,:,:,:,ispinor,iband)=wfraug(:,:,:,:)
1119      if( (occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) .or. extrap==1 )then
1120 !      In the case of metallic occupation, or if the extrapolation
1121 !      over higher bands is included, must compute the
1122 !      Fourier transform of the density of each band, then
1123 !      generate the part of the susceptibility matrix due
1124 !      varying occupation numbers.
1126        weight=-two*occ_deavg(iband)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1127        do i3=1,ndiel3
1128          do i2=1,ndiel2
1129            do i1=1,ndiel1
1130              wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)**2+wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)**2
1131              wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=zero
1132            end do
1133          end do
1134 !        If extrapolation, accumulate density in real space
1135          if(extrap==1.and.usepaw==0)then
1136            do i2=1,ndiel2
1137              do i1=1,ndiel1
1138                rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)=rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)
1139              end do
1140            end do
1141          end if
1142        end do
1144 !      In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
1145        if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1146          call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,iband,iband,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1147 &         lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1148 &         ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,1,&
1149 &         pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,dummy,wfraug,&
1150 &         mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1151          rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,:,:,:)
1152        end if
1154 !      Performs the Fourier Transform of the density of the band,
1155 !      and store it in wfprod
1156        tim_fourwf=9
1157        call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
1158 &       1,kg_diel,kg_diel,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
1159 &       ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1160 !      In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution if not already done
1161        if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==0.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1162          call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibd2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1163 &         lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1164 &         ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
1165 &         pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
1166 &         mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1167        end if
1169 !      Perform now the summation of terms related to direct change of eigenvalues
1170 !      or extrapolation over higher bands
1171        wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
1172        if(occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) wght1=doccde(iband+bdtot_index)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1173        if(extrap==1) wght2=two*occ_deavg(iband)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1174        weight=wght1+wght2
1176        if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
1177          do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1178 !          Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
1179 !          Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
1180 !          so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
1181 !          second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
1182 !          with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
1183 !          used. This explains the following signs...
1184            do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1185              susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1186 &             weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1187              susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1188 &             weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1189            end do
1190          end do
1191        end if
1193        if( occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1 .and. abs(wght1)>tol12) then
1194 !        Accumulate product of band densities by their doccde, for the
1195 !        computation of the effect of change of Fermi level.
1196          do ipw=1,npwdiel
1197            drhode(1,ipw,jsp)=drhode(1,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(1,ipw)*wght1
1198            drhode(2,ipw,jsp)=drhode(2,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(2,ipw)*wght1
1199          end do
1200 !        Also accumulate weighted sum of doccde
1201          sumdocc=sumdocc+wght1
1202        end if
1204 !      End condition of metallic occupancies or extrapolation
1205      end if
1207 !    End loop on spinorial components
1208    end do
1209 !  End loop on iband
1210  end do
1212  call timab(752,2,tsec)
1213  call timab(753,1,tsec)
1215  ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1217 !Stuff for parallelism (bands-FFT)
1218  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
1219    call xmpi_sum(wfrspa,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1220    if(occopt>=3) then
1221      call xmpi_sum(drhode(:,:,isp1:isp2),mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1222    end if
1223    if(extrap==1) then
1224      call xmpi_sum(rhoextrap,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1225    end if
1226    if(occopt>=3) then
1227      call xmpi_sum(sumdocc,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1228    end if
1229    ABI_MALLOC(susmat_mpi,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel))
1230    do i1=isp1,isp2
1231      susmat_mpi(:,:,:)=susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)
1232      call xmpi_sum(susmat_mpi,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1233      susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)=susmat_mpi(:,:,:)/real(mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band,dp)
1234    end do
1235    ABI_FREE(susmat_mpi)
1236  end if
1237  call timab(753,2,tsec)
1239 !-- Wavefunctions have been generated in real space ------------------------
1240 !-- Now, compute product of wavefunctions for different bands --------------
1241  call timab(754,1,tsec)
1242 !if (occopt<3) then
1243  tolocc=1.0d-3
1244 !else
1245 !tolocc=1.0d-8
1246 !end if
1247  iproc=-1
1249  if(nband_k>1)then
1250    do ibd1=1,nband_k-1
1251      do ibd2=ibd1+1,nband_k
1252        iproc=iproc+1
1253        if(modulo(iproc,mpi_enreg%nproc_fft*mpi_enreg%nproc_band) /= me_bandfft) cycle
1254 !      If the occupation numbers are sufficiently different, or
1255 !      if extrapolation is used and the corresponding factor is not zero,
1256 !      then there is a contribution
1257        occdiff=occ(ibd1+bdtot_index)-occ(ibd2+bdtot_index)
1258        if( abs(occdiff)>tolocc      .or. &
1259 &       ( extrap==1 .and.            &
1260 &       ( abs(occ_deavg(ibd1)) + abs(occ_deavg(ibd2)) ) >tolocc ) &
1261 &       ) then
1263          eigdiff=eigen(ibd1+bdtot_index)-eigen(ibd2+bdtot_index)
1264 !        DEBUG
1265 !        write(std_out,*)' susk : contribution from bands',ibd1,ibd2
1266 !        write(std_out,*)'   occ diff =',occdiff
1267 !        write(std_out,*)'   eig diff =',eigdiff
1268 !        ENDDEBUG
1270 !        Loop on spinorial components
1271          do ispinor=1,nspinor
1272            jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
1274 !          Store the contribution in wfraug
1275            do i3=1,ndiel3
1276              do i2=1,ndiel2
1277                do i1=1,ndiel1
1278                  wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1279 &                 +wfrspa(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1280                  wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1281 &                 -wfrspa(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1282                end do
1283              end do
1284            end do
1286 !          Performs the Fourier Transform of the product, and store it in wfprod
1287            tim_fourwf=19
1288            call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
1289 &           1,kg_diel,kg_diel,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
1290 &           ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1292 !          In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
1293            if (usepaw==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1294              call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibd2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1295 &             lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1296 &             ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
1297 &             pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
1298 &             mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1299            end if
1301 !          Perform now the summation
1302            wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
1303            if(abs(occdiff)>tolocc) wght1= occdiff/eigdiff * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1304            if(extrap==1) wght2=(occ_deavg(ibd1)+occ_deavg(ibd2)) * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1305            weight=wght1+wght2
1307 !          DEBUG
1308 !          write(std_out,*)' weight =',weight
1309 !          norm=zero
1310 !          do ipw=1,npwdiel
1311 !          norm=norm+wfprod(1,ipw)**2+wfprod(2,ipw)**2
1312 !          end do
1313 !          write(std_out,*)' norm in reciprocal space  =',norm
1314 !          ENDDEBUG
1316            if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
1317              do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1318 !              Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
1319 !              Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
1320 !              so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
1321 !              second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
1322 !              with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
1323 !              used. This explains the following signs...
1324                do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1325                  susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1326 &                 weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1327                  susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1328 &                 weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1329                end do
1330              end do
1331            end if
1333 !          End loop on spinorial components
1334          end do
1335 !        End condition of different occupation numbers or extrapolation
1336        end if
1337 !      End internal loop over bands
1338      end do
1339 !    End external loop over bands
1340    end do
1341 !  End condition of having more than one band
1342  end if
1344  call timab(754,2,tsec)
1345  call timab(755,1,tsec)
1347  if(mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
1348    ABI_MALLOC(susmat_mpi,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel))
1349    do i1=isp1,isp2
1350      susmat_mpi(:,:,:)=susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)
1351      call xmpi_sum(susmat_mpi,mpi_enreg%comm_bandfft,ier)
1352      susmat(:,:,i1,:,i1)=susmat_mpi(:,:,:)
1353    end do
1354    ABI_FREE(susmat_mpi)
1355    ABI_FREE(band_loc)
1356    ABI_FREE(treat_band)
1357    ABI_FREE(cg_local)
1358    ABI_FREE(kg_k_gather_all)
1359  end if
1361  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
1362  ABI_FREE(dummy)
1363  ABI_FREE(rhoaug)
1364  ABI_FREE(wfprod)
1365  ABI_FREE(wfraug)
1366  ABI_FREE(wfrspa)
1368  call timab(755,2,tsec)
1369  call timab(750,2,tsec)
1371 end subroutine susk

m_suscep_stat/suskmm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_suscep_stat ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the contribution of one k point to the susceptibility matrix
 from input wavefunctions, band occupations, and k point wts.
 Include the usual sum-over-state terms, but also the
 corrections due to the change of the Fermi level in the metallic
 case, as well as implicit sum over higher lying conduction
 states, thanks to the closure relation (referred to as an extrapolation).

 This routine is similar to susk, but use blocking on wavefunctions
 to decrease memory requirements, at the expense of CPU time.


 There is still room for optimization !!


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms
  bdtot_index=index for the number of the band
  cg(2,mcg)=wf in G space
  cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k)= wave functions projected with non-local projectors:
                                 cprj_k=<p_i|Cnk> where p_i is a non-local projector.
  doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=derivative of occupancies wrt
           the energy for each band and k point
  eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)=array for holding eigenvalues (hartree)
  extrap: if==1, the closure relation (an extrapolation) must be used
  gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from WF sphere to
      medium size FFT grid
  gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)=G sphere boundary for going from medium size
      FFT grid to small sphere.
  gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat*usepaw)= -PAW only- Fourier transform of g_l(r).Y_ml(r) shape functions
                                                   for dielectric matrix
  icg=index for cg
  ikpt=number of the k point
  isp=number of the current spin
  istwf_k=input option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  kg_k(3,npw)=coordinates of planewaves in basis sphere.
  lmax_diel=1+max. value of l angular momentum used for dielectric matrix
  mband=maximum number of bands
  mcg=dimension of cg
  mgfftdiel=maximum size of 1D FFTs, for the computation of
     the dielectric matrix
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nband_k=number of bands at this k point for that spin polarization
  ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6= FFT dimensions, modified to avoid cache trashing
  neglect_pawhat=1 if PAW contribution from hat density (compensation charge)
                 has to be neglected (to be used when only an estimation of
                 suscep. matrix has to be evaluated, i.e. for SCF precondictioning)
  ngfftdiel(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, for dielectric matrix,
    see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpt=number of k points
  npwdiel=third and fifth dimension of the susmat array.
  npw_k=number of plane waves at this k point
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  nspden_eff=number of spin-density components actually computed in sussceptibility
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  nsppol=1 for unpolarized, 2 for spin-polarized
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in unit cell.
          occupation numbers for each band (usually 2.0) at each k point
  occopt=option for occupancies
  occ_deavg(mband)=factor for extrapolation (occup. divided by an energy gap)
  pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
  pawtab(ntypat) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw)=3-dim structure factors, for each atom and plane wave, for dielectric matrix
  typat(natom)=type (integer) for each atom
  ucvol=unit cell volume (Bohr**3)
  usepaw=flag for PAW
  wtk(nkpt)=k point weights (they sum to 1.0)


  (see side effects)


  drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)=weighted density, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
  rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)=density-like array, needed for the
   extrapolation procedure.
  sumdocc=sum of weighted occupation numbers, needed to compute the
   effect of change of fermi energy
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


1463 subroutine suskmm(atindx,bdtot_index,cg,cprj_k,doccde,drhode,eigen,extrap,gbound,&
1464 &  gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,icg,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,kg_diel,kg_k,&
1465 &  lmax_diel,mband,mcg,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg,&
1466 &  natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat,ngfftdiel,nkpt,&
1467 &  npwdiel,npw_k,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor,nsppol,ntypat,occ,occopt,occ_deavg,&
1468 &  pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,rhoextrap,sumdocc,&
1469 &  susmat,typat,ucvol,usepaw,wtk)
1471 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1472 !scalars
1473  integer,intent(in) :: bdtot_index,extrap,icg,ikpt,isp,istwf_k,lmax_diel,mband,mcg
1474  integer,intent(in) :: mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,neglect_pawhat
1475  integer,intent(in) :: nkpt,npw_k,npwdiel,nspden,nspden_eff,nspinor
1476  integer,intent(in) :: nsppol,ntypat,occopt,usepaw
1477  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
1478  real(dp),intent(inout) :: sumdocc
1479  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1480  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: pawang
1481 !arrays
1482  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(natom),gbound(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
1483  integer,intent(in) :: gbound_diel(2*mgfftdiel+8,2)
1484  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),kg_k(3,npw_k),ngfftdiel(18)
1485  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
1486  real(dp),intent(in) :: cg(2,mcg),doccde(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1487  real(dp),intent(in) :: eigen(mband*nkpt*nsppol)
1488  real(dp),intent(in) :: gylmg_diel(npwdiel,lmax_diel**2,ntypat*usepaw)
1489  real(dp),intent(in) :: occ(mband*nkpt*nsppol),occ_deavg(mband)
1490  real(dp),intent(in) :: ph3d_diel(2,npwdiel,natom*usepaw),wtk(nkpt)
1491  real(dp),intent(inout) :: drhode(2,npwdiel,nspden_eff)
1492  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhoextrap(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor)
1493  real(dp),intent(inout) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
1494  type(pawcprj_type) :: cprj_k(natom,nspinor*nband_k*usepaw)
1495  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)
1497 !Local variables-------------------------------
1498 !scalars
1499  integer :: comm_fft,i1,i2,i3,iband,iband_shift,iband_shift2,ibd1,ibd2,ibdshft1,ibdshft2
1500  integer :: iblk1,iblk2,ipw,ipw1,ipw2,ispinor,iwf,jsp,mblk
1501  integer :: nblk,nbnd_current,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1,ndiel1,ndiel2,ndiel3
1502  integer :: testocc,tim_fourwf
1503  real(dp) :: eigdiff,occdiff,tolocc,weight,wght1,wght2
1504  character(len=500) :: message
1505  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_diel
1506 !arrays
1507  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
1508  real(dp),allocatable :: cwavef(:,:),dummy(:,:),rhoaug(:,:,:),wfprod(:,:)
1509  real(dp),allocatable :: wfraug(:,:,:,:),wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,:,:)
1510  real(dp),allocatable :: wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,:,:)
1512 ! *************************************************************************
1514  call timab(760,1,tsec)
1515  call timab(761,1,tsec)
1517 !Allocations, initializations
1518  ndiel1=ngfftdiel(1) ; ndiel2=ngfftdiel(2) ; ndiel3=ngfftdiel(3)
1519  testocc=1
1520  ABI_MALLOC(rhoaug,(ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
1521  ABI_MALLOC(wfraug,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6))
1522  ABI_MALLOC(wfprod,(2,npwdiel))
1523  ABI_MALLOC(dummy,(2,1))
1525 !The dielectric stuff is performed in sequential mode.
1526 !Set mpi_enreg_diel accordingly
1527  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_diel)
1528  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_diel%distribfft,'c',ngfftdiel(2),ngfftdiel(3),'all')
1530  comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
1532 !Prepare the blocking : compute the number of blocks,
1533 !the number of bands in each normal block,
1534 !and the number in the first one, usually smaller.
1536 !Consider that if the number of bands is large, there are at most 8 blocks
1537  nbnd_in_blk=0
1538  if(nband_k>=48)then
1539    mblk=8
1540    nbnd_in_blk=(nband_k-1)/mblk+1
1541 !  If the number of bands is medium, place 6 bands per block
1542  else if(nband_k>=12)then
1543    nbnd_in_blk=6
1544 !  Otherwise, must have at least 2 blocks
1545  else if(nband_k>=2)then
1546    mblk=2
1547    nbnd_in_blk=(nband_k-1)/mblk+1
1548  else
1549    write(message, '(a,a,a,i2,a,a,a)')&
1550 &   '  The number of bands must be larger or equal to 2, in suskmm.',ch10,&
1551 &   '  It is equal to ',nband_k,'.',ch10,&
1552 &   '  Action : choose another preconditioner.'
1553    ABI_ERROR(message)
1554  end if
1556 !Compute the effective number of blocks, and the number of bands in
1557 !the first block.
1558  nblk=(nband_k-1)/nbnd_in_blk+1
1559  nbnd_in_blk1=nband_k-(nblk-1)*nbnd_in_blk
1561 !DEBUG
1562 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : nband_k,nblk,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1 '
1563 !write(std_out,*)nband_k,nblk,nbnd_in_blk,nbnd_in_blk1
1564 !stop
1567 !wfrspa1 will contain the wavefunctions of the slow sampling (iblk1)
1568  ABI_MALLOC(wfrspa1,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor,nbnd_in_blk))
1569 !wfrspa2 will contain the wavefunctions of the rapid sampling (iblk2)
1570  ABI_MALLOC(wfrspa2,(2,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,nspinor,nbnd_in_blk))
1572  ABI_MALLOC(cwavef,(2,npw_k))
1574  call timab(761,2,tsec)
1576 !First loop over blocks
1577  do iblk1=1,nblk
1579    call timab(762,1,tsec)
1581 !  Initialisation
1582    if(iblk1==1)then
1584      nbnd_current=nbnd_in_blk1
1585      iband_shift=0
1586 !    Loop over bands to fft and store Fourier transform of wavefunction
1587      do iband=1,nbnd_current
1588 !      Loop on spinorial components
1589        do ispinor=1,nspinor
1590          iwf=(ispinor-1)*npw_k+(iband-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
1591 !        Obtain Fourier transform in fft box
1592          tim_fourwf=21
1593          cwavef(:,1:npw_k)=cg(:,1+iwf:npw_k+iwf)
1594          call fourwf(1,rhoaug,cwavef,dummy,wfraug,gbound,gbound,&
1595 &         istwf_k,kg_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,npw_k,1,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1596 &         0,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1597          wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,ispinor,iband)=wfraug(:,:,:,:)
1598        end do
1599      end do
1601    else
1603 !    The Fourier transform of wavefunctions have already been obtained
1604      nbnd_current=nbnd_in_blk
1605      iband_shift=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk1-2)*nbnd_in_blk
1607    end if
1609 !  Loop over bands of this block, to generate band-diagonal
1610    do iband=1,nbnd_current
1612 !    Loop on spinorial components
1613      do ispinor=1,nspinor
1614        jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
1616        if( (occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) .or. extrap==1 )then
1617 !        In the case of metallic occupation, or if the extrapolation
1618 !        over higher bands is included, must compute the
1619 !        Fourier transform of the density of each band, then
1620 !        generate the part of the susceptibility matrix due
1621 !        varying occupation numbers.
1622          weight=-two*occ_deavg(iband+iband_shift)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1623          do i3=1,ndiel3
1624            do i2=1,ndiel2
1625              do i1=1,ndiel1
1626                wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,iband)**2&
1627 &               +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,iband)**2
1628                wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=zero
1629              end do
1630            end do
1631 !          If extrapolation, accumulate density in real space
1632            if(extrap==1.and.usepaw==0)then
1633              do i2=1,ndiel2
1634                do i1=1,ndiel1
1635                  rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)=rhoextrap(i1,i2,i3,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)
1636                end do
1637              end do
1638            end if
1639          end do
1641 !        In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
1642          if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1643            call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,iband,iband,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1644 &           lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1645 &           ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,1,&
1646 &           pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,dummy,wfraug,&
1647 &           mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1648            rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)=rhoextrap(:,:,:,ispinor)+weight*wfraug(1,:,:,:)
1649          end if
1651 !        Performs the Fourier Transform of the density of the band,
1652 !        and store it in wfprod
1653          tim_fourwf=31
1654          call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
1655 &         1,kg_diel,kg_diel,&
1656 &         mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1657 !        In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution if not already done
1658          if (usepaw==1.and.extrap==0.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1659            call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,iband,iband,1,1,1,kg_diel,&
1660 &           lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1661 &           ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
1662 &           pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
1663 &           mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1664          end if
1666 !        Perform now the summation of terms related to direct change of eigenvalues
1667 !        or extrapolation over higher bands
1668          wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
1669          if(occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1) wght1=doccde(iband+iband_shift+bdtot_index)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1670          if(extrap==1) wght2=two*occ_deavg(iband+iband_shift)*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1671          weight=wght1+wght2
1673          if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
1674            do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1675 !            Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
1676 !            Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
1677 !            so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
1678 !            second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
1679 !            with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
1680 !            used. This explains the following signs...
1681              do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1682                susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1683 &               weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1684                susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1685 &               weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1686              end do
1687            end do
1688          end if
1690          if( occopt>=3 .and. testocc==1 .and. abs(wght1)>tol12) then
1691 !          Accumulate product of band densities by their doccde, for the
1692 !          computation of the effect of change of Fermi level.
1693            do ipw=1,npwdiel
1694              drhode(1,ipw,jsp)=drhode(1,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(1,ipw)*wght1
1695              drhode(2,ipw,jsp)=drhode(2,ipw,jsp)+wfprod(2,ipw)*wght1
1696            end do
1697 !          Also accumulate weighted sum of doccde
1698            sumdocc=sumdocc+wght1
1699          end if
1701 !        End condition of metallic occupancies or extrapolation
1702        end if
1704 !      End loop on spinorial components
1705      end do
1706 !    End loop on iband
1707    end do
1709    call timab(762,2,tsec)
1711 !  -- Compute now off-band-diagonal terms ------------------------------------
1712 !  -- Compute product of wavefunctions for different bands, inside the block -
1714    call timab(763,1,tsec)
1716 !  if (occopt<3) then
1717    tolocc=1.0d-3
1718 !  else
1719 !  tolocc=1.0d-8
1720 !  end if
1722    if(nbnd_current>1)then
1723      do ibd1=1,nbnd_current-1
1724        ibdshft1=ibd1+iband_shift
1725        do ibd2=ibd1+1,nbnd_current
1726          ibdshft2=ibd2+iband_shift
1728 !        If the occupation numbers are sufficiently different, or
1729 !        if extrapolation is used and the corresponding factor is not zero,
1730 !        then there is a contribution
1731          occdiff=occ(ibdshft1+bdtot_index)-occ(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
1732          if( abs(occdiff)>tolocc      .or. &
1733 &         ( extrap==1 .and.            &
1734 &         ( abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)) + abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) ) >tolocc ) &
1735 &         ) then
1737            eigdiff=eigen(ibdshft1+bdtot_index) - eigen(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
1739 !          Loop on spinorial components
1740            do ispinor=1,nspinor
1741              jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
1743 !            Store the contribution in wfraug
1744              do i3=1,ndiel3
1745                do i2=1,ndiel2
1746                  do i1=1,ndiel1
1747                    wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1748 &                   +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1749                    wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1750 &                   -wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1751                  end do
1752                end do
1753              end do
1755 !            Performs the Fourier Transform of the product, and store it in wfprod
1756              tim_fourwf=32
1757              call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
1758 &             1,kg_diel,kg_diel, mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
1759 &             ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1761 !            In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
1762              if (usepaw==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1763                call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibd2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1764 &               lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1765 &               ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
1766 &               pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
1767 &               mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1768              end if
1770 !            Perform now the summation
1771              wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
1772              if(abs(occdiff)>tolocc) wght1= occdiff/eigdiff * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1773              if(extrap==1) wght2=(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)+occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1774              weight=wght1+wght2
1776              if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
1777                do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1778 !                Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
1779 !                Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
1780 !                so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
1781 !                second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
1782 !                with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
1783 !                used. This explains the following signs...
1784                  do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1785                    susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1786 &                   weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1787                    susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1788 &                   weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1789                  end do
1790                end do
1791              end if
1793 !            End loop on spinorial components
1794            end do
1795 !          End condition of different occupation numbers or extrapolation
1796          end if
1797 !        End internal loop over bands
1798        end do
1799 !      End external loop over bands
1800      end do
1801 !    End condition of having more than one band
1802    end if
1804 !  Loop on secondary block, with fast varying index, in decreasing order.
1805    if(iblk1/=nblk)then
1806      do iblk2=nblk,iblk1+1,-1
1807        iband_shift2=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk2-2)*nbnd_in_blk
1809 !      Loop over bands to fft and store Fourier transform of wavefunction
1810        iband_shift2=nbnd_in_blk1+(iblk2-2)*nbnd_in_blk
1811        do iband=1,nbnd_in_blk
1812 !        Loop on spinorial components
1813          do ispinor=1,nspinor
1814            iwf=(ispinor-1)*npw_k+(iband+iband_shift2-1)*npw_k*nspinor+icg
1816 !          Obtain Fourier transform in fft box
1817            tim_fourwf=22
1818            cwavef(:,1:npw_k)=cg(:,1+iwf:npw_k+iwf)
1819            call fourwf(1,rhoaug,cwavef,dummy,wfraug,gbound,gbound,&
1820 &           istwf_k,kg_k,kg_k,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,npw_k,1,&
1821 &           ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,0,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1822            wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,ispinor,iband)=wfraug(:,:,:,:)
1823          end do
1824        end do
1826        do ibd1=1,nbnd_current
1827          ibdshft1=ibd1+iband_shift
1828          do ibd2=1,nbnd_in_blk
1829            ibdshft2=ibd2+iband_shift2
1831 !          If the occupation numbers are sufficiently different, or
1832 !          if extrapolation is used and the corresponding factor is not zero,
1833 !          then there is a contribution
1834            occdiff=occ(ibdshft1+bdtot_index)-occ(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
1835            if( abs(occdiff)>tolocc      .or. &
1836 &           ( extrap==1 .and.            &
1837 &           ( abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)) + abs(occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) ) >tolocc ) &
1838 &           ) then
1840              eigdiff=eigen(ibdshft1+bdtot_index) - eigen(ibdshft2+bdtot_index)
1842 !            Loop on spinorial components
1843              do ispinor=1,nspinor
1844                jsp=isp+ispinor-1;if (nspden_eff==1) jsp=isp
1846 !              Store the contribution in wfraug
1847                do i3=1,ndiel3
1848                  do i2=1,ndiel2
1849                    do i1=1,ndiel1
1850                      wfraug(1,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1851 &                     +wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1852                      wfraug(2,i1,i2,i3)=wfrspa1(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)&
1853 &                     -wfrspa1(1,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd1)*wfrspa2(2,i1,i2,i3,ispinor,ibd2)
1854                    end do
1855                  end do
1856                end do
1858 !              Performs the Fourier Transform of the product, and store it in wfprod
1859                tim_fourwf=32
1860                call fourwf(1,rhoaug,dummy,wfprod,wfraug,gbound_diel,gbound_diel,&
1861 &               1,kg_diel,kg_diel,mgfftdiel,mpi_enreg_diel,1,ngfftdiel,1,npwdiel,&
1862 &               ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,3,tim_fourwf,weight,weight)
1864 !              In case of PAW, add compensation charge contribution
1865                if (usepaw==1.and.neglect_pawhat==0) then
1866                  call pawsushat(atindx,cprj_k,gbound_diel,gylmg_diel,ibd1,ibdshft2,ispinor,ispinor,1,kg_diel,&
1867 &                 lmax_diel,mgfftdiel,natom,nband_k,ndiel4,ndiel5,ndiel6,&
1868 &                 ngfftdiel,npwdiel,nspinor,ntypat,0,&
1869 &                 pawang,pawtab,ph3d_diel,typat,wfprod,dummy,&
1870 &                 mpi_atmtab=mpi_enreg%my_atmtab,comm_atom=mpi_enreg%comm_atom)
1871                end if
1873 !              Perform now the summation
1874                wght1=zero ; wght2=zero
1875                if(abs(occdiff)>tolocc) wght1= occdiff/eigdiff * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1876                if(extrap==1) wght2=(occ_deavg(ibdshft1)+occ_deavg(ibdshft2)) * two*wtk(ikpt)/ucvol
1877                weight=wght1+wght2
1879                if (abs(weight)>tol12) then
1880                  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1881 !                  Only fills lower half of the matrix (here, the susceptibility matrix)
1882 !                  Note that wfprod of the first index must behave like a density,
1883 !                  so that it is used as generated by fourwf, while wfprod of the
1884 !                  second index will be implicitely used to make a scalar product
1885 !                  with a potential change, meaning that its complex conjugate must be
1886 !                  used. This explains the following signs...
1887                    do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1888                      susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(1,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1889 &                     weight*(wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)+wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1890                      susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)=susmat(2,ipw1,jsp,ipw2,jsp)+&
1891 &                     weight*(wfprod(2,ipw1)*wfprod(1,ipw2)-wfprod(1,ipw1)*wfprod(2,ipw2))
1892                    end do
1893                  end do
1894                end if
1896 !              End loop on spinorial components
1897              end do
1898 !            End condition of different occupation numbers or extrapolation
1899            end if
1900 !          End internal loop over bands
1901          end do
1902 !        End external loop over bands
1903        end do
1904 !      End loop on bloks
1905      end do
1907 !    Finish the loop on blok with iblk2=iblk1+1, so can use the
1908 !    FFTd wavefunctions for the next iblk1.
1909      do iband=1,nbnd_in_blk
1910        wfrspa1(:,:,:,:,1:nspinor,iband)=wfrspa2(:,:,:,:,1:nspinor,iband)
1911      end do
1913 !    End condition of iblk1/=nblk
1914    end if
1916    call timab(763,2,tsec)
1918 !  End loop on iblk1
1919  end do
1921 !DEBUG
1922 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : exit '
1923 !do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1924 !write(std_out,*)ipw1,susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw1,1),susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw1,1)
1925 !end do
1926 !write(std_out,*)' suskmm : end of susmat '
1927 !stop
1930  call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_diel)
1931  ABI_FREE(cwavef)
1932  ABI_FREE(dummy)
1933  ABI_FREE(rhoaug)
1934  ABI_FREE(wfprod)
1935  ABI_FREE(wfraug)
1936  ABI_FREE(wfrspa1)
1937  ABI_FREE(wfrspa2)
1939  call timab(760,2,tsec)
1941 end subroutine suskmm