ABINIT/m_harmonic_thermo [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 This routine to calculate phonon density of states,
 thermodynamical properties, Debye-Waller factor, and atomic mean square velocity


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (CL, XG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_harmonic_thermo
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_errors
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_sortph
29  use m_xmpi
31  use m_io_tools,       only : open_file
32  use m_symtk,          only : matr3inv
33  use m_dynmat,         only : gtdyn9
34  use m_geometry,       only : mkrdim
35  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
36  use m_anaddb_dataset, only : anaddb_dataset_type
37  use m_ifc,            only : ifc_type
38  use m_kpts,           only : smpbz
39  use m_symkpt,         only : symkpt
41  implicit none
43  private

m_harmonic_thermo/harmonic_thermo [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_harmonic_thermo ] [ Functions ]




 This routine to calculate phonon density of states,
 thermodynamical properties, Debye-Waller factor, and atomic mean square velocity


 Crystal<crystal_t>=data type gathering info on the crystalline structure.
 Ifc<ifc_type>=Object containing the interatomic force constants.
    %atmfrc(2,3,natom,3,natom,nrpt) = Interatomic Forces in real space
    %dyewq0(3,3,natom)=Ewald part of the dynamical matrix, at q=0.
    %rpt(3,nrpt)=canonical coordinates of the R points in the unit cell These coordinates are normalized (=> * acell(3)!!)
    %nrpt=number of R points in the Big Box
    %trans(3,natom)=atomic translations : xred = rcan + trans
    %wghatm(natom,natom,nrpt)=weights associated to a pair of atoms and to a R vector
 amu(ntypat)=mass of the atoms (atomic mass unit)
 anaddb_dtset= (derived datatype) contains all the input variables
 iout =unit number for output
 natom=number of atoms in the unit cell
 outfilename_radix=radix of anaddb output file name: append _THERMO for thermodynamic quantities
 comm=MPI communicator



 dosinc=increment between the channels for the phonon DOS in cm-1


  84 subroutine harmonic_thermo(Ifc,Crystal,amu,anaddb_dtset,iout,outfilename_radix,comm,thmflag)
  86 !Arguments -------------------------------
  87 !scalars
  88  integer,intent(in) :: iout,comm
  89  integer,intent(in),optional :: thmflag
  90  character(len=*),intent(in) :: outfilename_radix
  91  type(anaddb_dataset_type),intent(in) :: anaddb_dtset
  92  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Crystal
  93  type(ifc_type),intent(in) :: Ifc
  94 !arrays
  95  real(dp),intent(in) :: amu(Crystal%ntypat)
  97 !Local variables -------------------------
  98 !scalars
  99  integer,parameter :: master=0
 100  integer :: convth,facbrv,iatom,ichan,icomp,igrid,iii,iiii,ij,ind
 101  integer :: iqpt2,isym,itemper,iwchan,jjj,mqpt2,nchan,ngrids,natom
 102  integer :: nqpt2,nspqpt,ntemper,nwchan,option,timrev
 103  integer :: thermal_unit
 104  integer :: bij_unit
 105  integer :: vij_unit
 106  integer :: nomega, iomega
 107  real(dp) :: change,cothx,diffbb,dosinc,expm2x,factor,factorw,factorv,gerr
 108  real(dp) :: ggsum,ggsumsum,ggrestsum
 109  real(dp) :: gijerr,gijsum,gnorm,ln2shx,qphnrm,relchg,tmp,wovert,thmtol
 110  logical :: part1,part2
 111  character(len=500) :: msg
 112  character(len=fnlen) :: thermal_filename
 113  character(len=fnlen) :: bij_filename
 114  character(len=fnlen) :: vij_filename
 115 !arrays
 116  integer :: symrec(3,3,Crystal%nsym),symrel(3,3,Crystal%nsym)
 117  real(dp) :: symrec_cart(3,3,Crystal%nsym)
 118  integer :: igqpt2(3),ii(6),jj(6),qptrlatt(3,3)
 119  integer,allocatable :: indqpt1(:),nchan2(:),bz2ibz_smap(:,:)
 120  real(dp) :: gprimd(3,3),qphon(3),rprimd(3,3),tens1(3,3),tens2(3,3)
 121  real(dp) :: displ(2*3*Crystal%natom*3*Crystal%natom)
 122  real(dp) :: eigvec(2,3,Crystal%natom,3*Crystal%natom)
 123  real(dp) :: phfrq(3*Crystal%natom)
 124  real(dp),allocatable :: bbij(:,:,:),bij(:,:,:),energy(:),energy0(:),entropy(:)
 125  real(dp),allocatable :: entropy0(:),free(:),free0(:),gdos(:,:),gg(:,:),gg_sum(:,:),gg_rest(:,:)
 126  real(dp),allocatable :: ggij(:,:,:,:),gij(:,:,:,:),gw(:,:),qpt2(:,:),spheat(:)
 127  real(dp),allocatable :: spheat0(:),spqpt2(:,:),wme(:),wtq(:),wtq2(:)
 128  real(dp),allocatable :: wtq_folded(:),vij(:,:,:)
 129  real(dp),allocatable :: phon_dos(:)
 130  logical,allocatable :: wgcnv(:),wgijcnv(:)
 132 ! *********************************************************************
 134  ! For the time being, this routine can use only 1 MPI process
 135  if (xmpi_comm_rank(comm) /= master) return
 137  natom = Crystal%natom
 138  symrel = Crystal%symrel
 139  symrec = Crystal%symrec
 141  call mkrdim(Ifc%acell,Ifc%rprim,rprimd)
 142  call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
 143  do isym = 1, Crystal%nsym
 144    symrec_cart(:,:,isym) = matmul( gprimd, matmul(dble(symrec(:,:,isym)), transpose(rprimd)) )
 145 ! net result is tens1 = rprimd symrec^T gprimd^T   tens1   gprimd symrec rprimd^T
 146  end do
 148  thermal_filename=trim(outfilename_radix)//"_THERMO"
 149  if (open_file(thermal_filename, msg, newunit=thermal_unit) /= 0) then
 150    ABI_ERROR(msg)
 151  end if
 153  write(thermal_unit,*) '#'
 154  write(thermal_unit,*) '#  Thermodynamical quantities calculated by ANADDB'
 155  write(thermal_unit,*) '#'
 157  bij_filename=trim(outfilename_radix)//"_DEBYE_WALLER"
 158  if (open_file(bij_filename, msg, newunit=bij_unit) /= 0) then
 159    ABI_ERROR(msg)
 160  end if
 162  vij_filename=trim(outfilename_radix)//"_VELOC_SQUARED"
 163  if (open_file(vij_filename, msg, newunit=vij_unit) /= 0) then
 164    ABI_ERROR(msg)
 165  end if
 167  thmtol = anaddb_dtset%thmtol
 168  nchan=anaddb_dtset%nchan
 169  ntemper=anaddb_dtset%ntemper
 170  nwchan=anaddb_dtset%nwchan
 171  ngrids=anaddb_dtset%ngrids
 173  ABI_MALLOC(bbij,(6,natom,ntemper))
 174  ABI_MALLOC(bij,(6,natom,ntemper))
 175  ABI_MALLOC(vij,(6,natom,ntemper))
 176  ABI_MALLOC(energy,(ntemper))
 177  ABI_MALLOC(energy0,(ntemper))
 178  ABI_MALLOC(entropy,(ntemper))
 179  ABI_MALLOC(entropy0,(ntemper))
 180  ABI_MALLOC(free,(ntemper))
 181  ABI_MALLOC(free0,(ntemper))
 182 !Doubling the size (nchan) of gg_sum is needed, because the maximum sum frequency is the double
 183 !the for maximum frequency. However, for the write statement, it is better to double
 184 !also the size of the other arrays ...
 185  ABI_MALLOC(gdos,(2*nchan,nwchan))
 186  ABI_MALLOC(gg,(2*nchan,nwchan))
 187  ABI_MALLOC(gg_sum,(2*nchan,nwchan))
 188  ABI_MALLOC(gg_rest,(2*nchan,nwchan))
 189  ABI_MALLOC(ggij,(6,natom,nchan,nwchan))
 190  ABI_MALLOC(gij,(6,natom,nchan,nwchan))
 191  ABI_MALLOC(nchan2,(nwchan))
 192  ABI_MALLOC(spheat,(ntemper))
 193  ABI_MALLOC(spheat0,(ntemper))
 194  ABI_MALLOC(wgcnv,(nwchan))
 195  ABI_MALLOC(wgijcnv,(nwchan))
 196  ABI_MALLOC(wme,(ntemper))
 197  ABI_MALLOC(gw,(nchan,nwchan))
 200 !initialize ii and jj arrays
 201  ii(1)=1 ; ii(2)=2 ; ii(3)=3
 202  ii(4)=1 ; ii(5)=1 ; ii(6)=2
 203  jj(1)=1 ; jj(2)=2 ; jj(3)=3
 204  jj(4)=2 ; jj(5)=3 ; jj(6)=3
 206 !Put zeros in the bins of channels of frequencies
 207  gdos(:,:)=0._dp
 208  gg_sum(:,:)=0._dp
 209  gg_rest(:,:)=0._dp
 210  gij(:,:,:,:)=0._dp
 212 !Neither part1 nor part2 are assumed converged initially
 213 !None of the channel widths are assumed converged initially
 215  part1=.false.
 216  part2=.false.
 218  wgcnv(:)=.false.
 219  wgijcnv(:)=.false.
 221 !Thermodynamic quantities are put to zero.
 222 !(If exactly zero, initial convergence tests will fail.)
 224  free0(:)=1.d-05
 225  energy0(:)=1.d-05
 226  entropy0(:)=1.d-05
 227  spheat0(:)=1.d-05
 228  bij(:,:,:)=1.d-05
 229  vij(:,:,:)=1.d-05
 231 !Number of actual channels set
 232  do iwchan=1,nwchan
 233    nchan2(iwchan)=(nchan-1)/iwchan+1
 234  end do
 236 !For different types of Bravais lattices
 237  facbrv=1
 238  if(anaddb_dtset%brav==2)facbrv=2
 239  if(anaddb_dtset%brav==3)facbrv=4
 241 !Loops on the q point grids
 242  do igrid=1,ngrids
 244    igqpt2(:)=max((anaddb_dtset%ng2qpt(:)*igrid)/ngrids, 1)
 245    mqpt2=(igqpt2(1)*igqpt2(2)*igqpt2(3))/facbrv
 246    ABI_MALLOC(qpt2,(3,mqpt2))
 247    ABI_MALLOC(spqpt2,(3,mqpt2))
 249    option=1
 250    qptrlatt(:,:)=0
 251    qptrlatt(1,1)=igqpt2(1)
 252    qptrlatt(2,2)=igqpt2(2)
 253    qptrlatt(3,3)=igqpt2(3)
 254    call smpbz(anaddb_dtset%brav,iout,qptrlatt,mqpt2,nspqpt,1,option,anaddb_dtset%q2shft,spqpt2)
 256    ABI_MALLOC(indqpt1,(nspqpt))
 257    ABI_MALLOC(wtq,(nspqpt))
 258    ABI_MALLOC(wtq_folded,(nspqpt))
 259    ABI_MALLOC(bz2ibz_smap,(6, nspqpt))
 261 !  Reduce the number of such points by symmetrization
 262    wtq(:)=1.0_dp
 264    timrev=1
 265    call symkpt(0,Crystal%gmet,indqpt1,ab_out,spqpt2,nspqpt,nqpt2,Crystal%nsym,symrec,timrev,wtq,wtq_folded, &
 266      bz2ibz_smap, xmpi_comm_self)
 268    ABI_FREE(bz2ibz_smap)
 270    ABI_MALLOC(wtq2,(nqpt2))
 271    do iqpt2=1,nqpt2
 272      wtq2(iqpt2)=wtq_folded(indqpt1(iqpt2))
 273      qpt2(:,iqpt2)=spqpt2(:,indqpt1(iqpt2))
 274      !write(std_out,*)' harmonic_thermo : iqpt2, wtq2 :',iqpt2,wtq2(iqpt2)
 275    end do
 276    ABI_FREE(wtq_folded)
 278 !  Temporary counters are put zero.
 280    gg(:,:)=zero
 281    ggij(:,:,:,:)=zero
 282    gw(:,:)=zero
 284 !  Sum over the sampled q points
 285    do iqpt2=1,nqpt2
 287      qphon(:)=qpt2(:,iqpt2)
 288      qphnrm=1.0_dp
 290      ! Fourier Interpolation
 291      call ifc%fourq(Crystal,qphon,phfrq,displ,out_eigvec=eigvec)
 293      if (present(thmflag)) then
 294        if (thmflag ==2)then
 295          call sortph(eigvec,displ,outfilename_radix,natom,phfrq)
 296        end if
 297      end if
 299 !    Sum over the phonon modes
 300      do iii=1,3*natom
 302 !      Slightly negative frequencies are put to zero
 303 !      Imaginary frequencies are also put to zero
 304        if(phfrq(iii)<0._dp) phfrq(iii)=0._dp
 306 !      Note: frequencies are now in cm-1
 308 !      Sort frequencies into channels of frequencies for each channel width of frequency
 309        do iwchan=nwchan,1,-1
 310          if (.not.wgcnv(iwchan))then
 311            dosinc=dble(iwchan)
 312            ichan=int(phfrq(iii)*Ha_cmm1/dosinc)+1
 314            if(ichan>nchan2(iwchan)) then
 315              write(msg, '(a,es16.6,a,a,a,i7,a,a,a)' )&
 316 &             'There is a phonon frequency,',phfrq(iii),' larger than the maximum one,',ch10,&
 317 &             'as defined by the number of channels of width 1 cm-1, nchan=',nchan,'.',ch10,&
 318 &             'Action: increase nchan (suggestion : double it).'
 319              ABI_ERROR(msg)
 320            end if
 322            gg(ichan,iwchan)=gg(ichan,iwchan)+wtq2(iqpt2)
 324            gw(ichan,iwchan)=gw(ichan,iwchan)+wtq2(iqpt2)*phfrq(iii)*Ha_cmm1
 326 !          to calculate two phonon DOS for qshift = 0.0
 327            do iiii=1,3*natom
 328              if(phfrq(iiii)<0.d0) phfrq(iiii)=0.d0
 330              ichan=int(abs(phfrq(iii)+phfrq(iiii))*Ha_cmm1/dosinc)+1
 331              gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)=gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)+wtq2(iqpt2)
 333              ichan=int(abs(phfrq(iii)-phfrq(iiii))*Ha_cmm1/dosinc)+1
 334              gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)=gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)+wtq2(iqpt2)
 335            end do ! end loop for iiii
 337          end if
 338        end do
 340        do iwchan=nwchan,1,-1
 341          if (.not.wgijcnv(iwchan))then
 343            dosinc=dble(iwchan)
 344            ichan=int(phfrq(iii)*Ha_cmm1/dosinc)+1
 346            if(ichan>nchan2(iwchan)) then
 347              write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a)' )&
 348 &             'Phonon frequencies larger than the maximum one,',ch10,&
 349 &             'as defined by the number of channels of width 1 cm-1.',ch10,&
 350 &             'Action: increase nchan (suggestion : double it).'
 351              ABI_ERROR(msg)
 352            end if
 354            do iatom=1,natom
 355              do ij=1,6
 356                ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)=ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)&
 357 &               +wtq2(iqpt2)*&
 358 &               (eigvec(1,ii(ij),iatom,iii)*eigvec(1,jj(ij),iatom,iii)+&
 359 &               eigvec(2,ii(ij),iatom,iii)*eigvec(2,jj(ij),iatom,iii) )
 360              end do
 361            end do
 363          end if
 364        end do
 366      end do ! End of the sum over the phonon modes
 367    end do ! End of the sum over q-points in the irreducible zone
 369 !  deallocate sortph array
 370    call end_sortph()
 372 !  Symmetrize the gij
 373    do ichan=1,nchan
 374      do iwchan=nwchan,1,-1
 375        do iatom=1,natom
 376          do ij=1,6
 377 !          Uses bbij as work space
 378            bbij(ij,iatom,1)=ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)
 379            ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)=0.0_dp
 380          end do
 381        end do
 382        do iatom=1,natom
 383          do isym=1,Crystal%nsym
 384 !          Find the atom that will be applied on atom iatom
 385            ind=Crystal%indsym(4,isym,iatom)
 386            do ij=1,6
 387              tens1(ii(ij),jj(ij))=bbij(ij,ind,1)
 388            end do
 389 !          complete the 3x3 tensor from the upper triangle
 390            tens1(2,1)=tens1(1,2)
 391            tens1(3,1)=tens1(1,3)
 392            tens1(3,2)=tens1(2,3)
 393 !          Here acomplishes the tensorial operations
 394 !!          make this a BLAS call, or better yet batch the whole thing?
 395 !          2) Apply the symmetry operation on both indices   USING symrec in
 396 !          cartesian coordinates
 397            do iii=1,3
 398              do jjj=1,3
 399                tens2(iii,jjj)=tens1(iii,1)*symrec_cart(1,jjj,isym)&
 400 &               +tens1(iii,2)*symrec_cart(2,jjj,isym)&
 401 &               +tens1(iii,3)*symrec_cart(3,jjj,isym)
 402              end do
 403            end do
 404            do jjj=1,3
 405              do iii=1,3
 406                tens1(iii,jjj)=tens2(1,jjj)*symrec_cart(1,iii,isym)&
 407 &               +tens2(2,jjj)*symrec_cart(2,iii,isym)&
 408 &               +tens2(3,jjj)*symrec_cart(3,iii,isym)
 409              end do
 410            end do
 411 ! net result is tens1 = rprimd symrec^T gprimd^T   tens1   gprimd symrec rprimd^T
 413 !          This accumulates over atoms, to account for all symmetric ones
 414            do ij=1,6
 415              ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)=ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan) + tens1(ii(ij),jj(ij))
 416            end do
 418          end do
 419 !        Each one will be replicated nsym times in the end:
 420          do ij=1,6
 421            ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)=ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)/dble(Crystal%nsym)
 422          end do
 423        end do
 424      end do
 425    end do
 427    call wrtout(std_out,' harmonic_thermo: g(w) and gij(k|w) calculated given a q sampling grid.','COLL')
 429 !  Sum up the counts in the channels to check the normalization
 430 !  and test convergence with respect to q sampling
 431    gnorm=(igqpt2(1)*igqpt2(2)*igqpt2(3)*3*natom)/facbrv
 433    if(.not.part1)then
 434      do iwchan=nwchan,1,-1
 436        !write(msg,'(a,i0)' )' harmonic_thermo : iwchan=',iwchan
 437        !call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 439        if (wgcnv(iwchan)) cycle
 440        !call wrtout(std_out,' harmonic_thermo : compute g, f, e, s, c','COLL')
 442 !      Calculate g(w) and F,E,S,C
 444        ggsum=0.0_dp
 445        ggsumsum=0.0_dp
 446        ggrestsum=0.0_dp
 447        do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 448          ggsum=ggsum+gg(ichan,iwchan)
 449          ggsumsum=ggsumsum+gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)
 450          ggrestsum=ggrestsum+gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)
 451        end do
 453        if(ggsum/=gnorm)then
 454          write(msg, '(a,es14.6,i6,a,a,es14.6,a)' )&
 455 &         'Frequencies are missing in g(w) : ggsum,iwchan=',ggsum,iwchan,ch10,&
 456 &         'gnorm=',gnorm,'.'
 457          ABI_BUG(msg)
 458        end if
 460 !      Check if the density of states changed by more than dostol
 462        gerr=zero
 463        if (ngrids>1) then
 464          do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 465            gerr=gerr+abs(gg(ichan,iwchan)/ggsum-gdos(ichan,iwchan))
 466          end do
 467        end if
 469        if(gerr>anaddb_dtset%dostol.and.ngrids>1) then
 470          wgcnv(iwchan)=.false.
 471        else
 472          wgcnv(iwchan)=.true.
 473        end if
 475 !      g(w) is updated
 476        do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 477          gdos(ichan,iwchan)=gg(ichan,iwchan)/ggsum
 478          gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)=gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)/ggsumsum
 479          gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)=gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)/ggrestsum
 480        end do
 481        do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 482          gw(ichan,iwchan)=gw(ichan,iwchan)/ggsum
 483        end do
 485 !      Write gerr for each q sampling and w width
 486        write(msg,'(a,a,i3,3i6,f10.1,f10.5)') ch10, &
 487 &       'harmonic_thermo: iwchan,igqpt(:),norm,error=',iwchan,igqpt2(1),igqpt2(2),igqpt2(3),ggsum+tol8,gerr+tol10
 488        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 490 !      If the DOS with a channel width is newly converged,
 491 !      print it out and calculate the thermodynamic functions.
 492        convth=0
 493        if(wgcnv(iwchan)) then
 494          if (ngrids==1) then
 495            if (anaddb_dtset%dossum /= 0 ) then
 496              write(msg,'(a65,i5,a16)') ' DOS, SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF TWO PHONON DOS with channel width= ',iwchan,':'
 497            else
 498              write(msg,'(a25,i5,a16)') ' DOS  with channel width=  ',iwchan,':'
 499            end if
 500          else
 501            if (anaddb_dtset%dossum /= 0 ) then
 502              write(msg,'(a65,i5,a16)')&
 503 &             ' DOS, SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF TWO PHONON DOS  with channel width= ',iwchan,' newly converged'
 504            else
 505              write(msg,'(a25,i5,a16)') ' DOS  with channel width=  ',iwchan,' newly converged'
 506            end if
 507          end if
 509          call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 510          call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 511          do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 512            if (anaddb_dtset%dossum /= 0 ) then
 513              write(msg,'(i8,f11.1,3(f12.5,3x))') ichan,gg(ichan,iwchan)+tol10,&
 514 &             gdos(ichan,iwchan)+tol10, gg_sum(ichan,iwchan)*(3.0*natom*3.0*natom)+tol10, &
 515 &             gg_rest(ichan,iwchan)*(3.0*natom*(3.0*natom-1))+tol10
 516            else
 517              write(msg,'(i8,f11.1,1x,f12.5)') ichan,gg(ichan,iwchan)+tol10,&
 518 &             gdos(ichan,iwchan)+tol10
 519            end if
 520            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 521          end do
 523          if (ngrids>1) then
 524            write(msg,'(a24,f10.5)')'   with maximal error = ',gerr+tol10
 525            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 526            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 527          end if
 529          nomega = nchan2(iwchan)
 530          dosinc=dble(iwchan)
 532          ABI_MALLOC(phon_dos,(nomega))
 533          phon_dos = gdos(1:nomega,iwchan)
 535 !Put zeroes for F, E, S, Cv
 536          free(:)=zero
 537          energy(:)=zero
 538          entropy(:)=zero
 539          spheat(:)=zero
 540          wme(:)=zero
 542          do itemper=1,ntemper
 544            tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*dble(itemper-1)
 545 !          The temperature (tmp) is given in Kelvin
 546            if (tmp < tol6) cycle
 548            do iomega=1,nomega
 550 !            wovert= hbar*w / 2kT dimensionless
 551              wovert=dosinc*(dble(iomega)-0.5_dp)/Ha_cmm1/(2._dp*kb_HaK*tmp)
 552              expm2x=exp(-2.0_dp*wovert)
 553              ln2shx=wovert+log(1.0_dp-expm2x)
 554              cothx=(1.0_dp+expm2x)/(1.0_dp-expm2x)
 555              factor=dble(3*natom)*phon_dos(iomega)
 556              factorw=3*natom*gw(iomega,iwchan)
 558 !            This matches the equations published in Lee & Gonze, PRB 51, 8610 (1995) [[cite:Lee1995]]
 559              free(itemper)=free(itemper) +factor*kb_HaK*tmp*ln2shx
 560              energy(itemper)=energy(itemper) + factor*kb_HaK*tmp*wovert*cothx
 561              entropy(itemper)=entropy(itemper) + factor*kb_HaK*(wovert*cothx - ln2shx)
 563 !            The contribution is much lower than 1.0d-16 when wovert<100.0_dp
 564              if(wovert<100.0_dp)then
 565                spheat(itemper)=spheat(itemper)+factor*kb_HaK*wovert**2/sinh(wovert)**2
 566              end if
 567              wme(itemper)=wme(itemper)+factorw*kb_HaK*wovert**2/sinh(wovert)**2
 569            end do ! iomega
 571            if (abs(spheat(itemper))>tol8) wme(itemper)=wme(itemper)/spheat(itemper)
 572          end do ! itemper
 573          ABI_FREE(phon_dos)
 575 !        Check if the thermodynamic functions change within tolerance,
 576          if (ngrids>1) then
 577            write(msg,'(a,a,a)')&
 578 &           ' harmonic_thermo : check if the thermodynamic functions',ch10,&
 579 &           '    change within tolerance.'
 580            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 581            convth=1
 583            do itemper=1,ntemper
 584              change=free(itemper)-free0(itemper)
 585              relchg=change/free0(itemper)
 586              if(change>1d-14*dble(mqpt2) .and. relchg>thmtol)then
 587                write(msg,'(a,es14.4,a,a,es14.4)' )&
 588 &               ' harmonic_thermo : free energy relative changes ',relchg,ch10,&
 589 &               '        are larger than thmtol ',thmtol
 590                call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 591                convth=0
 592              end if
 593              change=energy(itemper)-energy0(itemper)
 594              relchg=change/energy0(itemper)
 595              if(change>1d-14*dble(mqpt2) .and. relchg>thmtol)then
 596                write(msg,'(a,es14.4,a,a,es14.4)' )&
 597 &               ' harmonic_thermo : energy relative changes ',relchg,ch10,&
 598 &               '        are larger than thmtol ',thmtol
 599                call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 600                convth=0
 601              end if
 602              change=entropy(itemper)-entropy0(itemper)
 603              relchg=change/entropy0(itemper)
 604              if(change>1d-14*dble(mqpt2) .and. relchg>thmtol)then
 605                write(msg,'(a,es14.4,a,a,es14.4)' )&
 606 &               ' harmonic_thermo : entropy relative changes ',relchg,ch10,&
 607 &               '        are larger than thmtol ',thmtol
 608                call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 609                convth=0
 610              end if
 611              change=spheat(itemper)-spheat0(itemper)
 612              relchg=change/spheat0(itemper)
 613              if(change>1d-14*dble(mqpt2) .and. relchg>thmtol)then
 614                write(msg,'(a,es14.4,a,a,es14.4)' )&
 615 &               ' harmonic_thermo : specific heat relative changes ',relchg,ch10,&
 616 &               '        are larger than thmtol ',thmtol
 617                call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 618                convth=0
 619              end if
 621              if(convth==0)exit
 622            end do ! End of check if the thermodynamic functions change within tolerance
 624          else
 625            convth=1
 626          end if
 628 !        Update F,E,S,C and eventually write them if converged
 629          if(convth==1)then
 630            part1=.true.
 631            write(msg,'(a,a,a)') ch10,&
 632 &           ' # At  T     F(J/mol-c)     E(J/mol-c)     S(J/(mol-c.K)) C(J/(mol-c.K)) Omega_mean(cm-1)'
 633            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 634            call wrtout(thermal_unit,msg,'COLL')
 635            msg = ' # (A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the'
 636            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 637            call wrtout(thermal_unit,msg,'COLL')
 638            msg = ' #  number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell)'
 639            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 640            call wrtout(thermal_unit,msg,'COLL')
 642            write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 643 &           ' harmonic_thermo : thermodynamic functions have converged',ch10,&
 644 &           '     see main output file ...'
 645            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 646          end if
 648          do itemper=1,ntemper
 649            free0(itemper)=free(itemper)
 650            energy0(itemper)=energy(itemper)
 651            entropy0(itemper)=entropy(itemper)
 652            spheat0(itemper)=spheat(itemper)
 654            if(convth==1)then
 655              tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*dble(itemper-1)
 656              write(msg,'(es11.3,5es15.7)') tmp+tol8,&
 657 &             Ha_eV*e_Cb*Avogadro*free(itemper),&
 658 &             Ha_eV*e_Cb*Avogadro*energy(itemper),&
 659 &             Ha_eV*e_Cb*Avogadro*entropy(itemper),&
 660 &             Ha_eV*e_Cb*Avogadro*spheat(itemper),&
 661 &             wme(itemper)
 662              call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 663              call wrtout(thermal_unit,msg,'COLL')
 664            end if
 665          end do
 666        end if
 668        if(convth==1)exit
 669      end do
 670    end if
 672    if(.not.part2)then
 673      ! Atomic temperature factor calculation
 674      do iwchan=nwchan,1,-1
 675        if (wgijcnv(iwchan))cycle
 677        ! Calculate gij(k|w) and Bij(k)
 678        ! Check if the density of states changed by more than dostol
 679        gijsum =zero
 680        wgijcnv(iwchan)=.true.
 681        if (ngrids>1) then
 682          do iatom=1,natom
 683            do ij=1,6
 684              gijerr=zero
 685              do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 686                gijsum = gijsum + gij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)
 687                gijerr=gijerr&
 688 &               +abs(ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)/gnorm&
 689 &               -     gij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan))
 690              end do
 691              if(gijerr>anaddb_dtset%dostol) then
 692                wgijcnv(iwchan)=.false.
 693                exit
 694              end if
 695            end do
 696          end do
 697        else
 698          gijerr=0.d0
 699        end if
 701 !      gij(k|w) is updated
 703        do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 704          do iatom=1,natom
 705            do ij=1,6
 706              gij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)=ggij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)/(gnorm/(3*natom))
 707            end do
 708 !if (iwchan==1) write (200+iatom,'(I6,6(E20.10,2x))') ichan, gij(1:6,iatom,ichan,iwchan)
 709          end do
 710        end do
 712 !      Write gijerr for each q sampling and w width
 714        write(msg,'(a,a,i3,3i6,f10.5,f10.5)') ch10,&
 715 &       ' iwchan,igqpt(i),gijsum, gij error= ',&
 716 &       iwchan,igqpt2(1),igqpt2(2),igqpt2(3),gijsum,gijerr+tol10
 717        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 719 !      If the generalized DOS with a channel width is newly converged,
 720 !      print it out and calculate Bij(k).
 721        if(wgijcnv(iwchan)) then
 723          if (ngrids==1) then
 724            write(msg,'(a,i5,a)') ' gij with channel width=  ',iwchan,':'
 725          else
 726            write(msg,'(a,i5,a)') ' gij with channel width=  ',iwchan,' newly converged'
 727          end if
 728          call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 730          write(msg,'(a,2i3,3i6,f10.5)')'iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= ',&
 731 &         iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(1),igqpt2(2),igqpt2(3),gijerr+tol10
 732          call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 734          do itemper=1,ntemper
 736 !          Put zeroes for Bij(k)
 737            do iatom=1,natom
 738              do ij=1,6
 739                bbij(ij,iatom,itemper)=0._dp
 740                vij(ij,iatom,itemper)=0._dp
 741              end do
 742            end do
 744            tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*dble(itemper-1)
 745 !          tmp in K
 746            if (tmp < tol6) cycle
 748            dosinc=dble(iwchan)
 749 !
 750            do ichan=1,nchan2(iwchan)
 751 !
 752 !$wovert= \hbar*w / 2kT$, dimensionless
 753              wovert=dosinc*(dble(ichan)-half)/Ha_cmm1/(two*kb_HaK*tmp)
 754              expm2x=exp(-two*wovert)
 755              do iatom=1,natom
 756 !   factor contains 1 / (2 omega)
 757                factor=Ha_cmm1/(two*dosinc*(dble(ichan)-half))    &
 758 &               *(one+expm2x)/(one-expm2x) /amu(Crystal%typat(iatom))/amu_emass
 760 !   this becomes * 0.5 * omega for the velocities
 761                factorv=(half*dosinc*(dble(ichan)-half)/Ha_cmm1)    &
 762 &               *(one+expm2x)/(one-expm2x) /amu(Crystal%typat(iatom))/amu_emass
 764                do ij=1,6
 765                  bbij(ij,iatom,itemper)=bbij(ij,iatom,itemper) + factor*gij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)
 766                  vij(ij,iatom,itemper)=vij(ij,iatom,itemper) + factorv*gij(ij,iatom,ichan,iwchan)
 767                end do
 768              end do
 770            end do
 772          end do
 774 !        B matrix is now in atomic unit in the Cartesian coordinates.
 775 !        Check if Bij(k) changed within tolerance.
 776          convth=1
 777          if (ngrids>1) then
 778            do itemper=1,ntemper
 779              do iatom=1,natom
 780                do ij=1,6
 781                  diffbb=bbij(ij,iatom,itemper)-bij(ij,iatom,itemper)
 782                  !if (diffbb > 1d-10  .and. diffbb/bij(ij,iatom,itemper) > thmtol) then
 783                  !  write(msg,'(a)' )' harmonic_thermo : Bij changes are larger than thmtol '
 784                  !  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 785                  !  convth=0
 786                  !end if
 787                  if (diffbb > 1d-10) then
 788                    if (bij(ij,iatom,itemper) /= zero) then
 789                      if (diffbb/bij(ij,iatom,itemper) > thmtol) then
 790                        write(msg,'(a)' )' harmonic_thermo : Bij changes are larger than thmtol '
 791                        call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 792                        convth=0
 793                      end if
 794                    end if
 795                  end if
 796                  if(convth==0)exit
 797                end do
 798                if(convth==0)exit
 799              end do
 800              if(convth==0)exit
 801            end do
 802          end if
 804          bij=bbij ! save for next iteration
 806          !Update Bij(k) and write them. B matrix printed in angstrom^2
 807          !TODO : get rid of this version in the log and output file. Prefer
 808          !external files
 809          if (convth==1) then
 810            write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 811 &           ' B matrix elements as a function of T',ch10,&
 812 &           '    Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates'
 813            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 814            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 816            do itemper=1,ntemper
 817 !            tmp in K
 818              tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*dble(itemper-1)
 819              do iatom=1,natom
 820                write(iout,'(2i3,es11.3,6es12.4)')&
 821 &               iwchan,iatom,tmp+tol10,&
 822 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(1,iatom,itemper)+tol10,&
 823 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(2,iatom,itemper)+tol10,&
 824 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(3,iatom,itemper)+tol10,&
 825 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(4,iatom,itemper)+tol10,&
 826 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(5,iatom,itemper)+tol10,&
 827 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(6,iatom,itemper)+tol10
 828              end do ! end loop over natom
 829            end do ! end loop over ntemper
 831 !        Mean square velocity matrix printed in angstrom^2/picosec^2
 832            write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 833 &           ' <vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T',ch10,&
 834 &           '    Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates'
 835            call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
 836            call wrtout(iout,msg,'COLL')
 838            do itemper=1,ntemper
 839 !            tmp in K
 840              tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*float(itemper-1)
 841              do iatom=1,natom
 842                vij(:,iatom,itemper)=Bohr_Ang**2*vij(:,iatom,itemper)/(Time_Sec*1.0e12)**2
 843 !              The following check zeros out <v^2> if it is very small, in order to
 844 !              avoid numerical noise being interpreted by the automatic tests as
 845 !              something real. Note also that we compare it in
 846 !              absolute value, that's because if any of the phonon frequencies are
 847 !              computed as negative, <v^2> can take a negative value.
 848                do icomp=1, 6
 849                  if (abs(vij(icomp,iatom,itemper)) < 1.0e-12) vij(icomp,iatom,itemper)=zero
 850                end do
 851                write(iout,'(2i3,es11.3,6es12.4)')&
 852 &               iwchan,iatom,tmp+tol10,&
 853 &               vij(1,iatom,itemper),&
 854 &               vij(2,iatom,itemper),&
 855 &               vij(3,iatom,itemper),&
 856 &               vij(4,iatom,itemper),&
 857 &               vij(5,iatom,itemper),&
 858 &               vij(6,iatom,itemper)
 859              end do ! end loop over natom
 860            end do ! end loop over ntemper
 861          end if ! end check on convergence
 864          ! keep this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 865          if (convth==1) then
 866            write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 867 &           '# B matrix elements as a function of T, for each atom, and smallest omega channel width',ch10,&
 868 &           '#    Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates'
 869            call wrtout(bij_unit,msg,'COLL')
 870            do iatom=1,natom
 871              write(msg, '(2a,i10)' ) ch10, '# for atom ', iatom
 872              call wrtout(bij_unit,msg,'COLL')
 873              do itemper=1,ntemper
 874 !              tmp in K
 875                tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*dble(itemper-1)
 876                write(msg,'(es11.3,6es12.4)')&
 877 &               tmp,&
 878 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(1,iatom,itemper),&
 879 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(2,iatom,itemper),&
 880 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(3,iatom,itemper),&
 881 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(4,iatom,itemper),&
 882 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(5,iatom,itemper),&
 883 &               Bohr_Ang**2*bij(6,iatom,itemper)
 884                call wrtout(bij_unit,msg,'COLL')
 885              end do ! end loop over ntemper
 886            end do ! end loop over natom
 888 !        Mean square velocity matrix printed in angstrom^2/picosec^2
 889            write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 890 &           '# <vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T, for each atom, and smallest channel width',ch10,&
 891 &           '#    Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates'
 892            call wrtout(vij_unit,msg,'COLL')
 894            do iatom=1,natom
 895              write(msg, '(2a,i10)' ) ch10, '# for atom ', iatom
 896              call wrtout(vij_unit,msg,'COLL')
 897              do itemper=1,ntemper
 898 !            tmp in K
 899                tmp=anaddb_dtset%tempermin+anaddb_dtset%temperinc*float(itemper-1)
 900                vij(:,iatom,itemper)=Bohr_Ang**2*vij(:,iatom,itemper)/(Time_Sec*1.0e12)**2
 902 !            The following check zeros out <v^2> if it is very small, in order to
 903 !            avoid numerical noise being interpreted by the automatic tests as
 904 !            something real. Note also that we compare it in
 905 !            absolute value, that's because if any of the phonon frequencies are
 906 !            computed as negative, <v^2> can take a negative value.
 907                do icomp=1, 6
 908                  if (abs(vij(icomp,iatom,itemper)) < 1.0e-12) vij(icomp,iatom,itemper)=zero
 909                end do
 910                write(vij_unit,'(es11.3,6es12.4)')&
 911 &               tmp,&
 912 &               vij(1,iatom,itemper),&
 913 &               vij(2,iatom,itemper),&
 914 &               vij(3,iatom,itemper),&
 915 &               vij(4,iatom,itemper),&
 916 &               vij(5,iatom,itemper),&
 917 &               vij(6,iatom,itemper)
 918              end do ! end loop over ntemper
 919            end do ! end loop over natom
 920          end if ! end check on convergence
 922          if(convth==1)part2=.true.
 924        end if ! End of test on wgijcnv
 925      end do ! End of loop over iwchan
 926    end if ! End of part2
 928    if(part1.and.part2)exit
 930    ABI_FREE(indqpt1)
 931    ABI_FREE(qpt2)
 932    ABI_FREE(spqpt2)
 933    ABI_FREE(wtq)
 934    ABI_FREE(wtq2)
 936  end do ! End of the Loop on the q point grids
 938  ABI_FREE(bbij)
 939  ABI_FREE(bij)
 940  ABI_FREE(energy)
 941  ABI_FREE(energy0)
 942  ABI_FREE(entropy)
 943  ABI_FREE(entropy0)
 944  ABI_FREE(free)
 945  ABI_FREE(free0)
 946  ABI_FREE(gdos)
 947  ABI_FREE(gg)
 948  ABI_FREE(gg_sum)
 949  ABI_FREE(gg_rest)
 950  ABI_FREE(ggij)
 951  ABI_FREE(gij)
 952  ABI_FREE(nchan2)
 953  ABI_FREE(spheat)
 954  ABI_FREE(spheat0)
 955  ABI_FREE(vij)
 956  ABI_FREE(wgcnv)
 957  ABI_FREE(wgijcnv)
 958  if(allocated(indqpt1)) then
 959    ABI_FREE(indqpt1)
 960  end if
 961  if(allocated(qpt2)) then
 962    ABI_FREE(qpt2)
 963  end if
 964  if(allocated(spqpt2)) then
 965    ABI_FREE(spqpt2)
 966  end if
 967  if(allocated(wtq)) then
 968    ABI_FREE(wtq)
 969  end if
 970  if(allocated(wtq2)) then
 971    ABI_FREE(wtq2)
 972  end if
 973  ABI_FREE(gw)
 974  ABI_FREE(wme)
 976  if(.not.part1)then
 977    write(msg, '(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)' )&
 978 &   'No thermodynamical function is printed out :',ch10,&
 979 &   'the tolerance level that was asked ',ch10,&
 980 &   'has not been match with the grids specified.',ch10,&
 981 &   'Action: in the input file, increase the resolution',ch10,&
 982 &   'of grids ng2qpt, or decrease the accuracy requirement thmtol.'
 983    ABI_ERROR(msg)
 984  end if
 986  if(.not.part2)then
 987    write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)')&
 988 &   'No atomic factor tensor is printed out :',ch10,&
 989 &   'the tolerance level that was asked ',ch10,&
 990 &   'has not been match with the grids specified.',ch10,&
 991 &   'Action: in the input file, increase the resolution',ch10,&
 992 &   'of grids ng2qpt, or decrease the accuracy requirement thmtol.'
 993    ABI_WARNING(msg)
 994  end if
 996  close (thermal_unit)
 997  close (bij_unit)
 998  close (vij_unit)
1000 end subroutine harmonic_thermo