ABINIT/m_exc_analyze [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Postprocessing tools for BSE calculations.


  Copyright (C) 1992-2009 EXC group (L.Reining, V.Olevano, F.Sottile, S.Albrecht, G.Onida)
  Copyright (C) 2009-2024 ABINIT group (L.Reining, V.Olevano, F.Sottile, S.Albrecht, G.Onida, M.Giantomassi)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_exc_analyze
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_bs_defs
28  use m_xmpi
29  use m_errors
31  use defs_datatypes,      only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
32  use m_io_tools,          only : open_file
33  use m_numeric_tools,     only : iseven, wrap2_zero_one
34  use m_bz_mesh,           only : kmesh_t
35  use m_crystal,           only : crystal_t
36  use m_wfd,               only : wfdgw_t
37  use m_bse_io,            only : exc_read_eigen
38  use m_pptools,           only : printxsf
39  use m_pawrad,            only : pawrad_type
40  use m_pawtab,            only : pawtab_type,pawtab_get_lsize
41  use m_pawfgrtab,         only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free, pawfgrtab_print
42  use m_pawcprj,           only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free
43  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn,    only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t, paw_pwaves_lmn_init, paw_pwaves_lmn_free
44  use m_paw_nhat,          only : nhatgrid
46  implicit none
48  private

m_exc_analyze/exc_den [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_exc_analyze ] [ Functions ]




  This routines calculates the electron-hole excited state density.


  filbseig=Name of the file containing the excitonic eigenvectors and eigenvalues.



423 subroutine exc_den(BSp,BS_files,ngfft,nfftot,Kmesh,ktabr,Wfd)
425 !Arguments ------------------------------------
426 !scalars
427  integer,intent(in) :: nfftot
428  type(excparam),intent(in) :: BSp
429  type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files
430  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
431  type(wfdgw_t),intent(inout) :: Wfd
432 !arrays
433  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
434  integer,intent(in) :: ktabr(nfftot,BSp%nkbz)
436 !Local variables ------------------------------
437 !scalars
438  integer :: nfft1,nfft2,nfft3,spin,ierr
439  integer :: it,itp,ik_ibz,ikp_bz,ik_bz,band,iv,ivp,ic,icp,ir,i1,i2,i3,iik
440  integer :: state,nstates,min_idx,eig_unt,den_unt,sden_unt,hsize,homo
441  real(dp) :: min_ene,cost
442  character(len=500) :: msg
443  character(len=fnlen) :: filbseig
444 !arrays
445  real(dp) :: n0(nfftot),rho_eh(nfftot),nexc(nfftot)
446  real(dp),allocatable :: exc_ene(:)
447  complex(dpc) :: rhor_h(nfftot),rhor_e(nfftot)
448  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: wfr(:,:,:), wfrk(:,:)
449  complex(dpc),allocatable :: exc_ene_cplx(:),exc_vec(:)
451 !************************************************************************
453  ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nsppol==1,"nsppol==2 not coded")
455  if (BS_files%in_eig /= BSE_NOFILE) then
456    filbseig = BS_files%in_eig
457  else
458    filbseig = BS_files%out_eig
459  end if
461  call wrtout(std_out,' Calculating electron-hole, excited state density',"COLL")
462  call wrtout(std_out," Reading eigenstates from: "//TRIM(filbseig),"COLL")
463  ABI_ERROR("Not tested")
465  ! Prepare FFT tables to have u(r) on the ngfft_osc mesh.
466  !if ( ANY(ngfftf(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) then
467  !  call wfd%change_ngfft(Cryst,Psps,ngfftf)
468  !end if
470  nfft1 = ngfft(1)
471  nfft2 = ngfft(2)
472  nfft3 = ngfft(3)
473  ABI_CHECK(nfftot==PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3)),"Mismatch in FFT size")
475 !allocate and load wavefunctions in real space
476  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(wfr,(nfftot*Wfd%nspinor,BSp%nbnds,Wfd%nkibz), ierr)
478  spin=1 ! SPIN support is missing.
480  do ik_ibz=1,Wfd%nkibz
481    do band=1,BSp%nbnds
482      call wfd%get_ur(band,ik_ibz,spin,wfr(:,band,ik_ibz))
483    end do
484  end do
486  if (open_file(filbseig,msg,newunit=eig_unt,form="unformatted", status="old", action="read") /= 0) then
487    ABI_ERROR(msg)
488  end if
490  read(eig_unt) hsize,nstates
492  if (nstates/=Bsp%nreh(1)) then
493    write(std_out,*) 'not resonant calculation'
494    close(eig_unt)
495    RETURN
496  end if
498  ABI_MALLOC(exc_ene_cplx,(nstates))
499  ABI_MALLOC(exc_ene,(nstates))
501  read(eig_unt) exc_ene_cplx(1:nstates)
503  ! Small imaginary part is always neglected.
504  exc_ene(:) = exc_ene_cplx(:)
505  ABI_FREE(exc_ene_cplx)
506  !
507  ! Find the lowest non-negative eigenvalue.
508  min_ene = greatest_real
509  do state=1,nstates
510    if (exc_ene(state) < zero) cycle
511    if (exc_ene(state) < min_ene) then
512      min_ene = exc_ene(state)
513      min_idx = state
514    end if
515  end do
516  ABI_FREE(exc_ene)
518  write(std_out,*)' Lowest eigenvalue ', min_idx, min_ene*Ha_eV
519  !
520  ! skip other eigenvectors
521  do state=1,min_idx-1
522    read(eig_unt)
523  end do
524  !
525  ! read "lowest" eigenvector
526  ABI_MALLOC(exc_vec,(hsize))
527  read(eig_unt) exc_vec
529  close(eig_unt)
531  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(wfrk,(nfftot,BSp%nbnds), ierr)
533 !calculate ground state density
534  n0(:) = zero
535  spin = 1
536  homo = Bsp%homo_spin(spin)
537  do ik_bz = 1, BSp%nkbz
538    ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(ik_bz)
539    iik = (3-Kmesh%tabi(ik_bz))/2
541    if (iik==1) then
542      do ir=1,nfftot
543        wfrk(ir,1:homo) = wfr(ktabr(ir,ik_bz),1:homo,ik_ibz)
544      end do
545    else
546      do ir=1,nfftot
547        wfrk(ir,1:homo) = conjg(wfr(ktabr(ir,ik_bz),1:homo,ik_ibz))
548      end do
549    end if
551    do iv=1,homo
552      n0(:) = n0(:) + conjg(wfrk(:,band)) * wfrk(:,band)
553    end do
554  end do
555  !
556  ! calculate electron and hole density
557  rhor_h=czero
558  rhor_e=czero
559  ABI_CHECK(BSp%nsppol==1,"nsppol=2 not coded")
561  do it=1,Bsp%nreh(1)
562    ik_bz = Bsp%Trans(it,1)%k
563    iv    = Bsp%Trans(it,1)%v
564    ic    = Bsp%Trans(it,1)%c
565    ik_ibz = Kmesh%tab(ik_bz)
566    iik = (3-Kmesh%tabi(ik_bz))/2
568    if (iik==1) then
569      do ir = 1, nfftot
570        wfrk(ir,:) = wfr(ktabr(ir,ik_bz),:,ik_ibz)
571      end do
572    else
573      do ir = 1, nfftot
574        wfrk(ir,:) = conjg(wfr(ktabr(ir,ik_bz),:,ik_ibz))
575      end do
576    end if
577    !
578    do itp=1,Bsp%nreh(1)
579      ikp_bz = Bsp%Trans(itp,1)%k
580      if (ikp_bz/=ik_bz) CYCLE
581      icp = Bsp%Trans(itp,1)%c
582      ivp = Bsp%Trans(itp,1)%v
583      if(icp==ic) then
584        rhor_h = rhor_h - conjg(exc_vec(it)) * exc_vec(itp) * wfrk(:,iv) * conjg(wfrk(:,ivp))
585      end if
586      if(ivp==iv) then
587        rhor_e = rhor_e + conjg(exc_vec(it)) * exc_vec(itp) * conjg(wfrk(:,ic)) * wfrk(:,icp)
588      end if
589    end do
590  end do
592  ABI_FREE(exc_vec)
593  !
594  ! calculate excited state density minus ground state density
595  ! n* - n0 = rhor_e + rhor_h
596  rho_eh(:) = rhor_e + rhor_h
597  !
598  !calculate excited state density
599  ! n* = n0 + rhor_e + rhor_h
600  nexc(:) = n0(:) + rho_eh(:)
602  if (open_file('out.den',msg,newunit=den_unt) /= 0) then
603    ABI_ERROR(msg)
604  end if
606  ! here conversion to cartesian through a1, a2, a3
607  cost = zero
608  do i1=0,nfft1-1
609    do i2=0,nfft2-1
610      do i3=0,nfft3-1
611        ir=1 + i1 + i2*nfft1 + i3*nfft1*nfft2
612        write(den_unt,'(3i3,2x,5e11.4)')i1,i2,i3,n0(ir),nexc(ir),rho_eh(ir),real(rhor_e(ir)),real(rhor_h(ir))
613        cost = cost + n0(ir)
614      end do
615    end do
616  end do
618  write(std_out,*) 'density normalization constant ', cost
619  close(den_unt)
621  if (open_file('out.sden',msg,newunit=sden_unt) /= 0) then
622    ABI_ERROR(msg)
623  end if
625  ! we are looking for the plane between (100) (111)
626  ! so it's the place where (111) [ (100) x v ] = 0 (mixed product)
627  ! finally v2 - v3 = 0
628  do i2=0, nfft2-1
629    do i3=0, nfft3-1
630      if(i2==i3) then
631        write(std_out,*) i2, i3
632        write(sden_unt,*) (rho_eh(1+i1+i2*nfft1+i3*nfft1*nfft2),i1=0,nfft1-1)
633      end if
634    end do
635  end do
637  close(sden_unt)
639 end subroutine exc_den

m_exc_analyze/m_exc_analyze [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_exc_analyze ] [ Functions ]




  Plots the excitonic wavefunction in real space.


 Bsp<excparam>=Container storing the input variables of the run.
 BS_files<excfiles>=filenames used in the Bethe-Salpeter part.
 Kmesh<kmesh_t>=Info on the k-point sampling for wave functions.
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Structure defining the crystalline structure.
 Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=PAW tabulated starting data
 Pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data.
 Psps <pseudopotential_type>=variables related to pseudopotentials.
 Wfd<wfdgw_t>=Handler for the wavefunctions.
 ngfftf(18)=Info on the dense FFT mesh used for plotting the excitonic wavefunctions.
 nrcell(3)=Number of cell replicas (the code will enforce odd number so that the e or the
  h can be centered in the bix box.
 eh_rcoord(3)=Reduced coordinated of the (electron|hole)
 which_fixed= 1 to fix the electron at eh_red, 2 for the hole.
 spin_opt=1 for resolving the up-component, 2 for the down component, 3 if spin resolution is not wanted.
 paw_add_onsite=.TRUE. if the onsite contribution is taken into account.



 86 subroutine exc_plot(Bsp,Bs_files,Wfd,Kmesh,Cryst,Psps,Pawtab,Pawrad,paw_add_onsite,spin_opt,which_fixed,eh_rcoord,nrcell,ngfftf)
 88 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 89 !scalars
 90  integer,intent(in) :: which_fixed,spin_opt
 91  logical,intent(in) :: paw_add_onsite
 92  type(excparam),intent(in) :: Bsp
 93  type(excfiles),intent(in) :: BS_files
 94  type(kmesh_t),intent(in) :: Kmesh
 95  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
 96  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
 97  type(wfdgw_t),intent(inout) :: Wfd
 98 !arrays
 99  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftf(18),nrcell(3)
100  real(dp),intent(in) :: eh_rcoord(3)
101  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw)
102  type(Pawrad_type),intent(in) :: Pawrad(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw)
104 !Local variables ------------------------------
105 !scalars
106  integer,parameter :: cplex1=1
107  integer :: nsppol,usepaw,nspinor,comm,cond,val
108  integer :: optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad
109  integer :: ik_bz,ierr,my_rank !ik_ibz, istwf_k, isym_k,itim_k, my_nbbp, npw_k,
110  integer :: spin,spin_start,spin_stop,reh
111  integer :: rt_idx,art_idx,ii,iatom,nr_tot
112  integer :: irc,ir1,ir2,ir3,wp1,wp2,wp3,wp_idx,eh_fft_idx,eh_rr,rr
113  integer :: hsize,xsf_unt,ncells,nvec
114  integer :: sc_natom,master
115  real(dp) :: ene_rt,k_dot_r12
116  complex(dpc) :: res_coeff,antres_coeff,eikr12
117  character(len=500) :: msg
118  character(len=fnlen) :: eig_fname,out_fname
119 !arrays
120  integer :: nrcl(3),bbox(3)
121  !integer :: bbp_distrb(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband),got(Wfd%nproc)
122  integer,allocatable :: rcl2fft(:),sc_typat(:),l_size_atm(:),vec_idx(:)
123  real(dp),parameter :: origin0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
124  real(dp) :: k_bz(3),eh_red(3),eh_shift(3),r12(3),sc_rprimd(3,3),scart_shift(3)
125  real(dp),allocatable :: rclred(:,:),exc_phi2(:),sc_xcart(:,:) !,sc_znucl(:)
126  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: exc_phi(:)
127  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur_v(:),ur_c(:)
128  complex(dpc),allocatable :: vec_list(:,:)
129  !logical :: bbp_mask(Wfd%mband,Wfd%mband)
130  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cp_v(:,:),Cp_c(:,:)
131  type(Pawfgrtab_type),allocatable :: Pawfgrtab(:)
132  type(paw_pwaves_lmn_t),allocatable :: Paw_onsite(:)
134 !************************************************************************
136  ABI_WARNING("Exc plot is still under development")
138  call wrtout(std_out," Calculating excitonic wavefunctions in real space","COLL")
139  ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nspinor==1,"nspinor==2 not coded")
140  ABI_CHECK(Wfd%usepaw==0,"PAW not coded")
141  ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nproc==1,"nproc>1 not supported")
143  ! If needed, prepare FFT tables to have u(r) on the ngfftf mesh.
144  if ( ANY(ngfftf(1:3) /= Wfd%ngfft(1:3)) ) then
145    call wfd%change_ngfft(Cryst,Psps,ngfftf)
146  end if
148  comm    = Wfd%comm
149  my_rank = Wfd%my_rank
150  master  = Wfd%master
152  nsppol  = Wfd%nsppol
153  nspinor = Wfd%nspinor
154  usepaw  = Wfd%usepaw
155  !
156  ! TODO recheck this part.
157  ! Prepare tables needed for splining the onsite term on the FFT box.
158  if (Wfd%usepaw==1.and.paw_add_onsite) then
159    ABI_WARNING("Testing the calculation of AE PAW wavefunctions.")
160    ! Use a local pawfgrtab to make sure we use the correction in the paw spheres
161    ! the usual pawfgrtab uses r_shape which may not be the same as r_paw.
162    call pawtab_get_lsize(Pawtab,l_size_atm,Cryst%natom,Cryst%typat)
163    ABI_MALLOC(Pawfgrtab,(Cryst%natom))
164    call pawfgrtab_init(Pawfgrtab,cplex1,l_size_atm,Wfd%nspden,Cryst%typat)
165    ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
167    optcut=1                     ! use rpaw to construct Pawfgrtab.
168    optgr0=0; optgr1=0; optgr2=0 ! dont need gY terms locally.
169    optrad=1                     ! do store r-R.
171    call nhatgrid(Cryst%atindx1,Cryst%gmet,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nattyp,ngfftf,Cryst%ntypat,&
172 &    optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,Pawfgrtab,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%typat,Cryst%ucvol,Cryst%xred)
173    !Pawfgrtab is ready to use
175    if (Wfd%pawprtvol>0) then
176      call pawfgrtab_print(Pawfgrtab,natom=Cryst%natom,unit=std_out,&
177 &                         prtvol=Wfd%pawprtvol,mode_paral="COLL")
178    end if
180    ABI_MALLOC(Paw_onsite,(Cryst%natom))
181    call paw_pwaves_lmn_init(Paw_onsite,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%xcart,&
182 &                           Pawtab,Pawrad,Pawfgrtab)
183  end if
184  !
185  ! Number of cells in the big box. Odd numbers are needed to place the e or the h in the middle.
186  do ii=1,3
187    nrcl(ii) = nrcell(ii)
188    if (iseven(nrcell(ii))) then
189      nrcl(ii) = nrcell(ii)+1
190      write(msg,'(2(a,i0))')" Enforcing odd number of cell replicas ",nrcell(ii)," --> ",nrcl(ii)
191      ABI_WARNING(msg)
192    end if
193  end do
195  ncells = PRODUCT(nrcl)
196  nr_tot = Wfd%nfftot * ncells  ! Total number of points in the big box.
197  bbox = nrcl*ngfftf(1:3)
198  !
199  ! rcl2fft: The image of the point in the small box.
200  ! rcl2red: The reduced coordinates of the point in the big box in terms of rprimd.
201  ABI_MALLOC(rcl2fft,(nr_tot))
202  ABI_MALLOC(rclred,(3,nr_tot))
204  irc = 0
205  do ir3=0,bbox(3)-1 ! Loop over the points in the big box.
206    do ir2=0,bbox(2)-1
207      do ir1=0,bbox(1)-1
208        irc = 1+irc
209        !
210        wp1=MODULO(ir1,ngfftf(1)) ! The FFT index of the point wrapped into the original cell.
211        wp2=MODULO(ir2,ngfftf(2))
212        wp3=MODULO(ir3,ngfftf(3))
213        wp_idx = 1 + wp1 + wp2*ngfftf(1) + wp3*ngfftf(1)*ngfftf(2)
214        rcl2fft(irc)  = wp_idx
215        rclred(1,irc) = DBLE(ir1)/ngfftf(1) ! Reduced coordinates in terms of the origina cell.
216        rclred(2,irc) = DBLE(ir2)/ngfftf(2)
217        rclred(3,irc) = DBLE(ir3)/ngfftf(3)
218      end do
219    end do
220  end do
221  !
222  ! Wrap the point to [0,1[ where 1 is not included (tol12)
223  call wrap2_zero_one(eh_rcoord(1),eh_red(1),eh_shift(1))
224  call wrap2_zero_one(eh_rcoord(2),eh_red(2),eh_shift(2))
225  call wrap2_zero_one(eh_rcoord(3),eh_red(3),eh_shift(3))
226  write(std_out,*)"Initial Position of (e|h) in reduced coordinates:",eh_red," shift: ",eh_shift
227  !
228  ! Initial position on the FFT grid (the closest one)
229  eh_red(:)=NINT(eh_red(:)*ngfftf(1:3))
230  !
231  ! Not translate the (electron|hole) in the center of the big box.
232  do ii=1,3
233    if (nrcl(ii)/=1) eh_red(ii) = eh_red(ii) + (nrcl(ii)/2) * ngfftf(ii)
234  end do
235  write(std_out,*)"Position of (e|h) in the center of the big box in FFT coordinates:",eh_red(:)
237  eh_rr = 1 + eh_red(1) + eh_red(2)*bbox(1) + eh_red(3)*bbox(1)*bbox(2)
238  eh_fft_idx = rcl2fft(eh_rr)
240  write(std_out,*)" Reduced coordinates of (e|h) in the center of the big box ",rclred(:,eh_rr)
241  !
242  ! Allocate wavefunctions.
243  ABI_MALLOC(ur_v,(Wfd%nfft*nspinor))
244  ABI_MALLOC(ur_c,(Wfd%nfft*nspinor))
246  if (usepaw==1) then
247    ABI_MALLOC(Cp_v,(Wfd%natom,nspinor))
248    call pawcprj_alloc(Cp_v,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
249    ABI_MALLOC(Cp_c,(Wfd%natom,nspinor))
250    call pawcprj_alloc(Cp_c,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
251  end if
252  !
253  ! Read excitonic eigenvector.
254  hsize = SUM(BSp%nreh); if (BSp%use_coupling>0) hsize=2*hsize
255  nvec=1
257  ABI_MALLOC_OR_DIE(vec_list,(hsize,nvec), ierr)
259  ABI_MALLOC(vec_idx,(nvec))
260  vec_idx = (/(ii, ii=1,nvec)/)
262  if (BS_files%in_eig /= BSE_NOFILE) then
263    eig_fname = BS_files%in_eig
264  else
265    eig_fname = BS_files%out_eig
266  end if
268  if (my_rank==master) then
269    call exc_read_eigen(eig_fname,hsize,nvec,vec_idx,vec_list,Bsp=Bsp)
270  end if
272  call xmpi_bcast(vec_list,master,comm,ierr)
274  ABI_FREE(vec_idx)
275  !
276  ! Allocate the excitonic wavefunction on the big box.
277  ABI_MALLOC(exc_phi,(nr_tot))
278  exc_phi=czero
279  !
280  !got=0;
281  !bbp_mask=.FALSE.; bbp_mask(minb:maxb,minb:maxb)=.TRUE.
282  spin_start=1; spin_stop=Wfd%nsppol
283  if (spin_opt==1) spin_stop =1
284  if (spin_opt==2) spin_start=2
286  ! TODO
287  ! Distribute (b,b',k,s) states where k is in the *full* BZ.
288  !call wfd_distribute_bands(Wfd,ik_ibz,spin,my_nband,my_band_list,got,bmask)
290  do spin=spin_start,spin_stop
291    do reh=1,Bsp%nreh(spin)
292      ene_rt = Bsp%Trans(reh,spin)%en
293      ik_bz  = Bsp%Trans(reh,spin)%k
294      val    = Bsp%Trans(reh,spin)%v
295      cond   = Bsp%Trans(reh,spin)%c
296      k_bz   = Kmesh%bz(:,ik_bz)
297      !
298      ! The resonant component.
299      rt_idx = reh + (spin-1)*Bsp%nreh(1)
300      res_coeff = vec_list(rt_idx,1)
301      !
302      ! The anti-resonant component.
303      antres_coeff = czero
304      if (Bsp%use_coupling>0) then
305        art_idx  = reh + (spin-1)*Bsp%nreh(1) + SUM(Bsp%nreh)
306        antres_coeff = vec_list(art_idx,1)
307      end if
309      call wfd%sym_ur(Cryst,Kmesh,val ,ik_bz,spin,ur_v) ! TODO recheck this one.
310      call wfd%sym_ur(Cryst,Kmesh,cond,ik_bz,spin,ur_c)
312      !call wfd_paw_get_aeur(Wfd,band,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,ur_ae,ur_ae_onsite,ur_ps_onsite)
314      if (which_fixed==1) then ! electron
315        do rr=1,nr_tot
316          wp_idx = rcl2fft(rr)
317          r12 = eh_red - rclred(:,rr)
318          k_dot_r12 = two_pi * DOT_PRODUCT(k_bz,r12)
319          eikr12 = DCMPLX(COS(k_dot_r12), SIN(k_dot_r12))
320          exc_phi(rr) = exc_phi(rr) + eikr12 * ur_v(wp_idx) * CONJG(ur_c(wp_idx))
321        end do
322      else ! hole
323        ABI_ERROR("Not coded")
324      end if
325      !
326   end do
327  end do
329  ABI_FREE(vec_list)
330  ABI_FREE(rcl2fft)
331  ABI_FREE(rclred)
332  ABI_FREE(ur_v)
333  ABI_FREE(ur_c)
334  !
335  if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
336    call pawcprj_free(Cp_v)
337    ABI_FREE(Cp_v)
338    call pawcprj_free(Cp_c)
339    ABI_FREE(Cp_c)
340    if (paw_add_onsite) then
341      call pawfgrtab_free(Pawfgrtab)
342      ABI_FREE(Pawfgrtab)
343      call paw_pwaves_lmn_free(Paw_onsite)
344      ABI_FREE(Paw_onsite)
345    end if
346  end if
347  !
348  ! Collect results on master node.
349  call xmpi_sum_master(exc_phi,master,comm,ierr)
350  !
351  ! The exciton density probability.
352  ABI_MALLOC(exc_phi2,(nr_tot))
354  do rr=1,nr_tot
355    exc_phi2(rr) = ABS(exc_phi(rr))**2
356  end do
357  !
358  ! Construct the supercell.
359  sc_natom = ncells*Cryst%natom
360  ABI_MALLOC(sc_xcart,(3,sc_natom))
361  ABI_MALLOC(sc_typat,(sc_natom))
363  ii=0
364  do ir3=0,nrcl(3)-1  ! Loop over the replicaed cells.
365    do ir2=0,nrcl(2)-1
366      do ir1=0,nrcl(1)-1
367       !
368       sc_rprimd(:,1) = ir1 * Cryst%rprimd(:,1) ! Workspace.
369       sc_rprimd(:,2) = ir2 * Cryst%rprimd(:,2)
370       sc_rprimd(:,3) = ir3 * Cryst%rprimd(:,3)
371       scart_shift = SUM(sc_rprimd,DIM=2)
372       do iatom=1,Cryst%natom
373         ii=ii+1
374         sc_xcart(:,ii) = Cryst%xcart(:,iatom) + scart_shift
375         sc_typat(ii)   = Cryst%typat(iatom)
376       end do
377       !
378     end do
379    end do
380  end do
381  !
382  ! Lattice vectors of the big box.
383  do ii=1,3
384    sc_rprimd(:,ii) = nrcl(ii) * Cryst%rprimd(:,ii)
385  end do
386  !
387  ! Master writes the data.
388  if (my_rank==master) then
389    out_fname = TRIM(BS_files%out_basename)//"_EXC_WF"
390    if (open_file(out_fname,msg,newunit=xsf_unt,form='formatted') /= 0) then
391      ABI_ERROR(msg)
392    end if
394    call printxsf(bbox(1),bbox(2),bbox(3),exc_phi2,sc_rprimd,origin0,sc_natom,Cryst%ntypat,sc_typat,&
395 &    sc_xcart,Cryst%znucl,xsf_unt,0)
397    close(xsf_unt)
398  end if
400  ABI_FREE(sc_xcart)
401  ABI_FREE(sc_typat)
403  ABI_FREE(exc_phi)
404  ABI_FREE(exc_phi2)
406 end subroutine exc_plot