ABINIT/m_classify_bands [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Finds the irreducible representation associated to
  a set of degenerate bands at a given k-point and spin.


  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


17 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "abi_common.h"
23 module m_classify_bands
25  use defs_basis
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_esymm
28  use m_errors
30  use defs_datatypes,   only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
31  use m_numeric_tools,  only : get_trace
32  use m_symtk,          only : mati3inv
33  use m_hide_blas,      only : xdotc, xdotu, xcopy
34  use m_fft_mesh,       only : rotate_FFT_mesh, calc_ceigr
35  use m_crystal,        only : crystal_t
36  use m_pawang,         only : pawang_type
37  use m_pawrad,         only : pawrad_type
38  use m_pawtab,         only : pawtab_type, pawtab_get_lsize
39  use m_pawfgrtab,      only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_print, pawfgrtab_free
40  use m_pawcprj,        only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_alloc, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_copy
41  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn, only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t, paw_pwaves_lmn_init, paw_pwaves_lmn_free
42  use m_paw_sphharm,    only : setsym_ylm
43  use m_paw_nhat,       only : nhatgrid
44  use m_wfd,            only : wfd_t
46  implicit none
48  private

m_classify_bands/classify_bands [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_classify_bands ] [ Functions ]




  This routine finds the irreducible representation associated to
  a set of degenerate bands at a given k-point and spin.
  The irreducible representation is obtained by rotating the set
  of degenerate wavefunctions using the symmetry operations in the little group of k.
  Two states are treated as degenerate if their energy differs by less than EDIFF_TOL.


  Wfd(wfd_t)= structure gathering information on wave functions
    %nibz=Number of points in the IBZ.
    %nsppol=number of independent spin polarizations
    %usepaw=1 if PAW
  ik_ibz=The index of the k-point in the IBZ.
  spin=The spin index.
  ngfft(18)=Info on the FFT mesh to be used for evaluting u(r) and the rotated u(R^{1}(r-t)).
    ngfft must be compatible with the symmetries of the crystal and can differ from Wfd%ngfft.
    wfd_change_ngfft is called if ANY(Wfd%ngfft(1:3) =/ ngfft).
  Cryst<crystal_t>=Type gathering info on the crystal structure.
    %nsym=Number of operations in space group
    %ntypat=Number of type of atoms (onlu for PAW)
    %symrec(3,3,nsym)=Symmetry operations in reciprocal space (reduced coordinates)
    %tnons(3,nsym)=Fractional translations
    %typat(natom)=Type of each atom
  BSt<ebands_t>=Datatype with electronic energies.
  Pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  Pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<type(pawrad_type)>=paw radial mesh and related data.
  Pawang <type(pawang_type)>=paw angular mesh and related data
    %indlmn(6,lmnmax,ntypat)=array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,spin for i=lmn (for each atom type)
 Dtfil<datafiles_type>=variables related to files
 tolsym=Tolerance for the symmetries (input variable)
  [EDIFF_TOL]= tolerance on the energy difference of two states (if not specified is set to 0.005 eV)


  BSym<Bands_Symmetries>=structure containing info on the little group of the k-point as well
    as the character of the representation associated to each set of degenerate states
  if BSym%isymmorphic the symmetry analysis cannot be performed, usually it means that
   k is at zone border and there are non-symmorphic translations (see Notes)


 * Let M(R_t) the irreducible representation associated to the space group symmetry (R_t).
 * By convention M(R_t) multiplies wave functions as a row vector:

    $ R_t \psi_a(r) = \psi_a (R^{-1}(r-\tau)) = \sum_b M(R_t)_{ba} \psi_b $

   Therefore, if R_t belongs to the little group of k (i.e. Sk=k+G0), one obtains:

    $ M_ab(R_t) = e^{-i(k+G0).\tau} \int e^{iG0.r} u_{ak}(r)^* u_{bk}(R^{-1}(r-\tau)) \,dr $.

 * The irreducible representation of the small _point_ group of k, M_ab(R), suffices to
   classify the degenerate eigenstates provided that particular conditions are fulfilled
   (see limitations below). The matrix is indeed given by:

    $ M_ab(R) = e^{+ik.\tau} M_ab(R_t) = e^{-iG0.\tau} \int e^{iG0.r} u_{ak}(r)^* u_{bk}(R^{-1}(r-\tau))\,dr $

   The phase factor outside the integral should be zero since symmetry analysis at border zone in non-symmorphic
   space groups is not available. Anyway it is included in our expressions for the sake of consistency.

 * For PAW there is an additional onsite terms involving <phi_i|phi_j(R^{-1}(r-\tau)> and
   the pseudized version that can be  evaluated using the rotation matrix for
    real spherical harmonis, zarot(mp,m,l,R). $ Y_{lm}(Rr)= \sum_{m'} zarot(m',m,ll,R) Y_{lm'}(r) $

    $ M^{onsite}_ab(R_t) = sum_{c ij} <\tpsi_a| p_i^c>  <p_j^{c'}|\tpsi_b\> \times
       [ <\phi_i^c|\phi_j^{c'}> - <\tphi_i^c|\tphi_j^{c'}> ]. $

    $ [ <\phi_i^c|\phi_j^{c'}> - <\tphi_i^c|\tphi_j^{c'}> ] = s_{ij} D_{\mi\mj}^\lj(R^{-1}) $

   where c' is the rotated atom i.e c' = R^{-1}( c-\tau) and D is the rotation matrix for
   real spherical harmonics.

   Remember that zarot(m',m,l,R)=zarot(m,m',l,R^{-1})
   and $ Y^l_m(ISG) = sum_{m'} D_{m'm}(S) Y_{m'}^l(G) (-i)^l $
       $ D_{m'm}^l (R) = D_{m,m'}^l (R^{-1}) $

 * LIMITATIONS: The method does not work if k is at zone border and the little group of k
                contains a non-symmorphic fractional translation.


141 subroutine classify_bands(Wfd,use_paw_aeur,first_band,last_band,ik_ibz,spin,ngfftf,&
142 & Cryst,BSt,Pawtab,Pawrad,Pawang,Psps,tolsym,BSym,&
143 & EDIFF_TOL) ! optional
145 !Arguments ------------------------------------
146 !scalars
147  integer,intent(in) :: ik_ibz,spin,first_band,last_band
148  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
149  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: EDIFF_TOL
150  logical,intent(in) :: use_paw_aeur
151  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: Cryst
152  type(pawang_type),intent(in) :: Pawang
153  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
154  class(wfd_t),intent(inout) :: Wfd
155  type(ebands_t),target,intent(in) :: BSt
156  type(esymm_t),intent(out) :: BSym
157 !arrays
158  integer,intent(in) :: ngfftf(18)
159  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw)
160  type(Pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: Pawrad(Cryst%ntypat*Wfd%usepaw)
162 !Local variables-------------------------------
163 !scalars
164  integer,parameter :: nspinor1=1
165  integer :: dim_degs,ib1,ib2,ib_stop,ib_start,iclass,idg,sym_idx
166  integer :: ir,isym,isym_class,tr_isym,jb1,jb2
167  integer :: nr1,nr2,nr3,nsym_class,nfft,cplex !,ifgd,nfgd,ifft_sph
168  integer :: ii,jj,lmax
169  integer :: optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad
170  real(dp) :: EDIFF_TOL_,arg,fft_fact
171  complex(dpc) :: exp_mikg0t,exp_ikg0t,cmat_ab
172  logical :: iscompatibleFFT,found,only_trace
173  character(len=500) :: msg
174 !arrays
175  integer :: g0(3),toinv(Cryst%nsym),trial(3,3)
176  integer,pointer :: Rm1_rmt(:)
177  integer,target,allocatable :: irottb(:,:)
178  integer,allocatable :: tmp_sym(:,:,:),l_size_atm(:)
179  real(dp) :: kpt(3),kpg0(3),omat(2)
180  real(dp),pointer :: ene_k(:)
181  real(dp),pointer :: zarot(:,:,:,:)
182  complex(dpc),allocatable :: eig0r(:,:),tr_emig0r(:,:)
183  complex(gwpc),allocatable :: ur1(:),ur2(:),ur2_rot(:)
184  type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: Cprj_b1(:,:),Cprj_b2(:,:),Cprj_b2rot(:,:)
185  type(Pawfgrtab_type),allocatable :: Pawfgrtab(:)
186  type(paw_pwaves_lmn_t),allocatable :: Paw_onsite(:)
188 ! *************************************************************************
191  !
192  ! Consistency check on input.
193  ABI_CHECK(Wfd%nspinor==1,'nspinor/=1 not coded')
194  !
195  ! By default all bands are included
196  !first_band=1; last_band=Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin)
197  ABI_CHECK(first_band==1,"first_band/=1 not coded")
198  ABI_CHECK(last_band<=Wfd%nband(ik_ibz,spin),"last_band cannot be > nband_k")
202  call wfd%change_ngfft(Cryst,Psps,ngfftf)
203  !
204  ! === Get index of the rotated FFT points ===
205  ! * FFT mesh in real space _must_ be compatible with symmetries.
206  nr1=Wfd%ngfft(1)
207  nr2=Wfd%ngfft(2)
208  nr3=Wfd%ngfft(3)
209  nfft=Wfd%nfft ! No FFT parallelism
211  ABI_MALLOC(irottb,(nfft,Cryst%nsym))
212  call rotate_FFT_mesh(Cryst%nsym,Cryst%symrel,Cryst%tnons,Wfd%ngfft,irottb,iscompatibleFFT)
214  if (.not.iscompatibleFFT) then
215    write(msg,'(3a)')&
216 &    ' For symmetry analysis, the real space FFT mesh must be compatible with the symmetries of the space group',ch10,&
217 &    ' classify_bands will return. Action: change the input variable ngfftf '
218    ABI_WARNING(msg)
219    Bsym%err_status=1
220    Bsym%err_msg= msg
221    RETURN
222  end if
223  !
224  ! only_trace=if .TRUE. only the trace of a single matrix per class is calculated (standard procedure if
225  ! only the symmetry of bands is required). If .FALSE. all the matrices for each irreducible representation
226  ! are calculated and stored in BSym
227  only_trace=.FALSE.
228  !
229  ! ==========================================
230  ! ==== Analyse k-point symmetries first ====
231  ! ==========================================
232  ! * The analysis is done here so that we already know if there is a problem.
233  kpt=Wfd%kibz(:,ik_ibz)
234  !
235  !----Initialize the Bsym structure for this k-point and spin----!
236  ! * NOTE that all the degenerate states should be included! No check is done.
238  ene_k => BSt%eig(first_band:,ik_ibz,spin) ! Select a slice of eigenvalues
240  call esymm_init(Bsym,kpt,Cryst,only_trace,Wfd%nspinor,first_band,last_band,EDIFF_TOL_,ene_k,tolsym)
241  !Bsym%degs_bounds = Bsym%degs_bounds + (first_band -1)
243  if (Bsym%err_status/=0) then
244    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)')" esymm_init returned err_status= ",Bsym%err_status,&
245 &    " Band classifications cannot be performed."
246    ABI_WARNING(msg)
247    RETURN
248  end if
250  do ii=1,Cryst%nsym
251    call mati3inv(Cryst%symrel(:,:,ii),trial)
252    trial=transpose(trial)
253    found=.FALSE.
254    do jj=1,Cryst%nsym
255      if (ALL(trial==Cryst%symrel(:,:,jj))) then
256        toinv(ii)=jj
257        !toinv(jj)=ii
258        found=.TRUE.; EXIT
259      end if
260    end do
261    if (.not.found) then
262      ABI_ERROR("inverse not found! ")
263    end if
264  end do
266  nullify(zarot)
268  if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then ! Allocate cprj_k and cprj_krot to store a set of bands for a single (K,SPIN).
269    ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_b1   ,(Cryst%natom,Wfd%nspinor))
270    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_b1,   0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
271    ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_b2   ,(Cryst%natom,Wfd%nspinor))
272    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_b2,   0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
273    ABI_MALLOC(Cprj_b2rot,(Cryst%natom,Wfd%nspinor))
274    call pawcprj_alloc(Cprj_b2rot,0,Wfd%nlmn_atm)
276    !zarot => Pawang%zarot
277    lmax = Pawang%l_max-1
278    ABI_MALLOC(zarot,(2*lmax+1,2*lmax+1,lmax+1,Cryst%nsym))
279    zarot = Pawang%zarot
281    ABI_MALLOC(tmp_sym,(3,3,Cryst%nsym))
282    do isym=1,Cryst%nsym
283      tmp_sym(:,:,isym) = Cryst%symrel(:,:,isym)
284      !tmp_sym(:,:,isym) = Cryst%symrel(:,:,toinv(isym))
285      !tmp_sym(:,:,isym) = transpose(Cryst%symrel(:,:,isym))
286      !tmp_sym(:,:,isym) = Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym)
287      !tmp_sym(:,:,isym) = TRANSPOSE(Cryst%symrec(:,:,isym))
288    end do
289    !% call setsym_ylm(Cryst%rprimd,lmax,Cryst%nsym,3,Cryst%gprimd,tmp_sym,zarot)
290    !call setsym_ylm(Cryst%gprimd,lmax,Cryst%nsym,1,Cryst%rprimd,tmp_sym,zarot)
291    ABI_FREE(tmp_sym)
292    zarot = Pawang%zarot
294    cplex=1
295    call pawtab_get_lsize(Pawtab,l_size_atm,Cryst%natom,Cryst%typat)
296    ABI_MALLOC(Pawfgrtab,(Cryst%natom))
297    call pawfgrtab_init(Pawfgrtab,cplex,l_size_atm,Wfd%nspden,Cryst%typat)
298    ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
300    optcut=1                     ! use rpaw to construct local_pawfgrtab
301    optgr0=0; optgr1=0; optgr2=0 ! dont need gY terms locally
302    optrad=1                     ! do store r-R
305    call nhatgrid(Cryst%atindx1,Cryst%gmet,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nattyp,Wfd%ngfft,Cryst%ntypat,&
306 &    optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,Pawfgrtab,pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%typat,Cryst%ucvol,Cryst%xred)
308    !call pawfgrtab_print(Pawfgrtab,unit=std_out,Wfd%prtvol=10)
310    ABI_MALLOC(Paw_onsite,(Cryst%natom))
312    if (use_paw_aeur) then
313      ABI_WARNING("Using AE wavefunction for rotation in real space!")
314      call paw_pwaves_lmn_init(Paw_onsite,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,&
315 &                             Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%xcart,Pawtab,Pawrad,Pawfgrtab)
316    end if
317  end if
318  !
319  ! ===============================================
320  ! ==== Calculate the representation matrices ====
321  ! ===============================================
322  fft_fact=one/nfft
323  ABI_MALLOC(ur1,(nfft))
324  ABI_MALLOC(ur2,(nfft))
325  ABI_MALLOC(ur2_rot,(nfft))
326  !
327  ! * Precalculate eig0r = e^{iG0.r} on the FFT mesh.
328  ABI_MALLOC(eig0r,(nfft,Bsym%nsym_gk))
330  do isym=1,Bsym%nsym_gk
331    g0=Bsym%g0(:,isym)
332    call calc_ceigr(g0,nfft,nspinor1,Wfd%ngfft,eig0r(:,isym))
333  end do
335  if (Bsym%can_use_tr) then
336    ABI_MALLOC(tr_emig0r,(nfft,Bsym%nsym_trgk))
337    do isym=1,Bsym%nsym_trgk
338      g0=Bsym%tr_g0(:,isym)
339      call calc_ceigr(-g0,nfft,nspinor1,Wfd%ngfft,tr_emig0r(:,isym))
340    end do
341  end if
342  !
343  do idg=1,Bsym%ndegs ! Loop over the set of degenerate states.
344    ib_start=Bsym%degs_bounds(1,idg)
345    ib_stop =Bsym%degs_bounds(2,idg)
346    dim_degs=Bsym%degs_dim(idg)
348    do ib1=ib_start,ib_stop ! First band index in the degenerate set.
349      jb1=ib1-ib_start+1
351      ! debugging: use AE wave on dense FFT mesh.
352      if (Wfd%usepaw==1..and.use_paw_aeur) then
353        call wfd%paw_get_aeur(ib1,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,ur1)
354      else
355        call wfd%get_ur(ib1,ik_ibz,spin,ur1)
356        if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
357          call wfd%ug2cprj(ib1,ik_ibz,spin,1,0,Cryst%natom,Cryst,Cprj_b1,sorted=.FALSE.)
358        end if
359      end if
361      do ib2=ib_start,ib_stop ! Second band index in the degenerate set.
363        if (Bsym%only_trace.and.ib1/=ib2) CYCLE ! Only the diagonal is needed.
365        if (ib2==ib1) then
366          call xcopy(nfft,ur1,1,ur2,1)
367          if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
368            call pawcprj_copy(Cprj_b1,Cprj_b2)
369          end if
370        else
371          !
372          ! debugging: use AE wave on dense FFT mesh.
373          if (Wfd%usepaw==1.and.use_paw_aeur) then
374            call wfd%paw_get_aeur(ib2,ik_ibz,spin,Cryst,Paw_onsite,Psps,Pawtab,Pawfgrtab,ur2)
375          else
376            call wfd%get_ur(ib2,ik_ibz,spin,ur2)
377            if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
378              call wfd%ug2cprj(ib2,ik_ibz,spin,1,0,Cryst%natom,Cryst,Cprj_b2,sorted=.FALSE.)
379            end if
380          end if
381        end if
382        !
383        ! ===================================================
384        ! ==== Loop over the classes of the little group ====
385        ! ===================================================
386        sym_idx=0
387        do iclass=1,Bsym%nclass
388          nsym_class=Bsym%nelements(iclass)
389          !
390          do isym_class=1,nsym_class ! Loop over elements in each class.
391            sym_idx=sym_idx+1
392            if (Bsym%only_trace.and.isym_class/=1) CYCLE ! Do it once if only the character is required.
394            isym=Bsym%sgk2symrec(sym_idx)
395            Rm1_rmt => irottb(:,isym)
396            !
397            ! Classify states according to the irreps of the little group of k.
398            kpg0= kpt + Bsym%g0(:,sym_idx)
400            arg=-two_pi * DOT_PRODUCT(kpg0,Cryst%tnons(:,isym))
402            if (ABS(arg) > tol6) then
403              exp_mikg0t=DCMPLX(DCOS(arg),DSIN(arg))
404            else
405              exp_mikg0t=cone
406            end if
408            !if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
409            !end if
410            !
411            ! === Rotate the right wave function and apply the phase ===
412            ! * Note that the k-point is the same within a lattice vector.
413            do ir=1,nfft
414              ur2_rot(ir)=ur2(Rm1_rmt(ir))*eig0r(ir,sym_idx)
415            end do
417            ! * The matrix element on the FFT mesh.
418            cmat_ab = xdotc(nfft,ur1,1,ur2_rot,1)*fft_fact*exp_mikg0t
420            if (Wfd%usepaw==1.and..not.use_paw_aeur) then ! Add the on-site contribution.
421              call rotate_cprj(kpt,isym,Wfd%nspinor,1,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nsym,Cryst%typat,Cryst%indsym,Cprj_b2,Cprj_b2rot)
423              omat = paw_phirotphj(Wfd%nspinor,Cryst%natom,Cryst%typat,&
424 &              zarot(:,:,:,isym),Pawtab,Psps,Cprj_b1,Cprj_b2rot)
426              cmat_ab = cmat_ab + DCMPLX(omat(1),omat(2)) !* exp_mikg0t
427            end if
428            !
429            jb2=ib2-ib_start+1
430            Bsym%Calc_irreps(idg)%mat(jb1,jb2,sym_idx)=cmat_ab
432          end do !isym_class
433        end do !iclass
434        !
435        ! =========================================================
436        ! ==== Loop over the symmetries such that -Sk = k + G0 ====
437        ! =========================================================
438        ! <-k,a| S |k b>  = e^{i(k+G0).t} \int e^{-ig0.r} u_a u_b(R^{1}(r-t))
439        if (Bsym%can_use_tr) then
441          do tr_isym=1,Bsym%nsym_trgk
443            isym=Bsym%tr_sgk2symrec(tr_isym)
444            Rm1_rmt => irottb(:,isym)
446            kpg0= kpt + Bsym%tr_g0(:,tr_isym)
447            arg= two_pi * DOT_PRODUCT(kpg0,Cryst%tnons(:,isym))
449            if (ABS(arg) > tol6) then
450              exp_ikg0t=DCMPLX(DCOS(arg),DSIN(arg))
451            else
452              exp_ikg0t=cone
453            end if
454            !
455            ! === Rotate the right wave function and apply the phase ===
456            ! * Note that the k-point is the same within a lattice vector.
457            do ir=1,nfft
458              ur2_rot(ir)=ur2(Rm1_rmt(ir)) * tr_emig0r(ir,tr_isym)
459            end do
460            !
461            ! * The matrix element on the FFT mesh.
462            cmat_ab = xdotu(nfft,ur1,1,ur2_rot,1)*fft_fact*exp_ikg0t
464            if (Wfd%usepaw==1.and..not.use_paw_aeur) then ! Add the on-site contribution. ! TODO rechek this part.
465                call rotate_cprj(kpt,isym,Wfd%nspinor,1,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nsym,Cryst%typat,Cryst%indsym,Cprj_b2,Cprj_b2rot)
466                omat = paw_phirotphj(Wfd%nspinor,Cryst%natom,Cryst%typat,&
467 &                zarot(:,:,:,isym),Pawtab,Psps,Cprj_b1,Cprj_b2rot,conjg_left=.TRUE.)
468              cmat_ab = cmat_ab + DCMPLX(omat(1),omat(2)) !* exp_ikg0t
469            end if
470            !
471            jb2=ib2-ib_start+1
472            Bsym%trCalc_irreps(idg)%mat(jb1,jb2,tr_isym)=cmat_ab
473          end do ! tr_isym
474        end if
476      end do !ib2
477    end do !ib1
478    !
479    ! === Calculate the trace for each class ===
480    if (Bsym%only_trace) then ! TODO this is valid if only trace.
481      ABI_ERROR("Have to reconstruct missing traces")
482    else
483      do isym=1,Bsym%nsym_gk
484        Bsym%Calc_irreps(idg)%trace(isym) = get_trace( Bsym%Calc_irreps(idg)%mat(:,:,isym) )
485      end do
486      if (Bsym%can_use_tr) then
487        do tr_isym=1,Bsym%nsym_trgk
488          Bsym%trCalc_irreps(idg)%trace(tr_isym) = get_trace( Bsym%trCalc_irreps(idg)%mat(:,:,tr_isym) )
489        end do
490      end if
491    end if
493  end do ! idg
495  call esymm_finalize(Bsym,Wfd%prtvol)
497  call esymm_print(Bsym,unit=std_out,prtvol=Wfd%prtvol)
498  call esymm_print(Bsym,unit=ab_out ,prtvol=Wfd%prtvol)
499  !
500  ! ===================
501  ! === Free memory ===
502  ! ===================
503  ABI_FREE(irottb)
504  ABI_FREE(ur1)
505  ABI_FREE(ur2)
506  ABI_FREE(ur2_rot)
507  ABI_FREE(eig0r)
508  if (Bsym%can_use_tr)  then
509    ABI_FREE(tr_emig0r)
510  end if
512  if (Wfd%usepaw==1) then
513    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_b1)
514    ABI_FREE(Cprj_b1)
515    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_b2)
516    ABI_FREE(Cprj_b2)
517    call pawcprj_free(Cprj_b2rot)
518    ABI_FREE(Cprj_b2rot)
519    ABI_FREE(zarot)
520    call pawfgrtab_free(Pawfgrtab)
521    ABI_FREE(Pawfgrtab)
522    call paw_pwaves_lmn_free(Paw_onsite)
523    ABI_FREE(Paw_onsite)
524  end if
528 end subroutine classify_bands

m_classify_bands/paw_phirotphj [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_classify_bands ] [ Functions ]




  This routine calculates
  <\tPsi_1|\tprj_i> <\tprj_j|\tPsi_2> [ <\phi_i|\phi_j(R^{-1}r> - <\tphi_i|\tphi_j(R^{-1}r> ]

 [ <\phi_i|\phi_j(R^{-1}r> - <\tphi_i|\tphi_j(R^{-1}r> ] = s_ij D_{mi,mi}^{li}(R)


 nspinor=Number of spinorial components.
 natom=number of atoms
 typat(natom)=type of eahc atom
 Pawtab(ntypat)<Pawtab_type>=PAW tabulated starting data
 Psps<pseudopotential_type>=Info on pseudopotentials.
 Cprj_b1(natom,nspinor)<type(pawcprj_type)>= projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk>
  with all NL projectors at fixed k-point
 Cprj_b2(natom,nspinor)<type(pawcprj_type)>= projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk>
  with all NL projectors at fixed k-point
 [conjg_left]=.TRUE if the complex conjugate of the left wavefunctions has to be taken. Defaults to .FALSE.


  omat(2)=The onsite matrix element.


642 function paw_phirotphj(nspinor,natom,typat,zarot_isym,Pawtab,Psps,Cprj_b1,Cprj_b2,conjg_left) result(omat)
644 !Arguments ------------------------------------
645 !scalars
646  integer,intent(in) :: nspinor,natom
647  logical,optional,intent(in) :: conjg_left
648  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: Psps
649 !arrays
650  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
651  real(dp),intent(in) :: zarot_isym(:,:,:)
652  real(dp) :: omat(2)
653  type(Pawtab_type),intent(in) :: Pawtab(Psps%ntypat)
654  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: Cprj_b1(natom,nspinor),Cprj_b2(natom,nspinor)
656 !Local variables-------------------------------
657 !scalars
658  integer :: iat,il,ilmn,ilpm,im,itypat,jl,jlmn,jlpm,jm,k0lmn,klmn,nlmn
659  real(dp) :: dmimj,fij,im_p,re_p,sij
660  logical :: do_conjg_left
662 ! *************************************************************************
664  do_conjg_left = .FALSE.; if (PRESENT(conjg_left)) do_conjg_left = conjg_left
666  if (nspinor/=1) then
667    ABI_ERROR("nspinor/=1 not yet coded")
668  end if
670  ! === Rotate PAW projections ===
671  ! * zarot_isym is the rotation matrix of real spherical harmonics associated to symrec(:,:,isym).
672  ! * zarot_isym multiply harmonics as row vectors, we need R^{-1} but we read R and invert m,mp in the equation below
673  omat=zero
675  do iat=1,natom
676    itypat=typat(iat)
677    nlmn=Pawtab(itypat)%lmn_size
679    do jlmn=1,nlmn
680      k0lmn=jlmn*(jlmn-1)/2
681      jl=Psps%indlmn(1,jlmn,itypat)
682      jm=Psps%indlmn(2,jlmn,itypat)
683      jlpm=1+jl+jm
685      do ilmn=1,jlmn
686        il=Psps%indlmn(1,ilmn,itypat)
687        im=Psps%indlmn(2,ilmn,itypat)
688        if (il/ CYCLE ! Selection rule on l and m.
689        ilpm=1+il+im
691        klmn=k0lmn+ilmn
692        sij=Pawtab(itypat)%sij(klmn) !; if (ABS(sij)<tol14) CYCLE
694        ! Here we get the matrix associated to R^{-1}.
695        dmimj=zarot_isym(ilpm,jlpm,jl+1)
697        if (do_conjg_left) then  ! take the complex conjugate of the left cprj.
698          re_p=  Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) &
699 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) &
700 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) &
701 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn)
703          im_p=  Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) &
704 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) &
705 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) &
706 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn)
707        else
708          re_p=  Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) &
709 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) &
710 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) &
711 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn)
713          im_p=  Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) &
714 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) &
715 &              +Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(1,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(2,ilmn) &
716 &              -Cprj_b1(iat,1)%cp(2,jlmn) * Cprj_b2(iat,1)%cp(1,ilmn)
717        end if
718        !
719        ! * Accumulate the atom-centered contributions.
720        fij = Pawtab(itypat)%dltij(klmn)/two
721        omat(1)= omat(1) + fij*sij*re_p*dmimj
722        omat(2)= omat(2) + fij*sij*im_p*dmimj
724      end do !ilmn
725    end do !jlmn
726  end do !iat
728 end function paw_phirotphj

m_classify_bands/rotate_cprj [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_classify_bands ] [ Functions ]




  Rotate cprj matrix elements by applying the symmetry operation of index isym
  that preserves the given k-point within a reciprocal lattice vector.


 isym=index of the symmetry in the symrec arrays that preserves the given k-point within a reciprocal lattice vector
 ntypat=number of types of atom.
 natom=number of atoms.
 Cryst<crystal_t>=Datatype gathering info on the unit cell.
   typat(natom)=type of each atom.
 nbnds=number of bands for this k-point ans spin
 Cprj_in(natom,nbnds)<type(pawcprj_type)>= projected input wave functions <Proj_i|Cnk>
  with all NL projectors at fixed k-point


 Cprj_out(natom,nbnds) <type(pawcprj_type)>= projection of the smooth PAW wave function onto
  projectors centered on equivalent sites of the crystal (non restricted to be in the firs unit cell)
  The equivalent site is defined according to the symmetry operation isym. Thus Cprj_out contains

  Cprj_out(at,b)=<p_j^{R^{-1}(L_{at}-\tau)} | \tpsi_b> if  R is the isym operation  with fractional translation \tau
  L_{at} is the position of the initial atom inside the first unit cell
  Note that atom a might be in a cell different from the initial one. No wrapping is done.


562 subroutine rotate_cprj(kpoint,isym,nspinor,nbnds,natom,nsym,typat,indsym,Cprj_in,Cprj_out)
564 !Arguments ------------------------------------
565 !scalars
566  integer,intent(in) :: nbnds,nspinor,natom,isym,nsym
567 !arrays
568  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom),indsym(4,nsym,natom)
569  real(dp),intent(in) :: kpoint(3)
570  type(pawcprj_type),intent(in) :: Cprj_in(natom,nspinor*nbnds)
571  type(pawcprj_type),intent(out) :: Cprj_out(natom,nspinor*nbnds)
573 !Local variables-------------------------------
574 !scalars
575  integer :: iat,iband,itypat,iat_sym
576  real(dp) :: kdotr0
577 !arrays
578  integer :: r0(3)
579  real(dp) :: phase_kr0(2)
581 ! *************************************************************************
583  !call pawcprj_copy(cprj_in,cprj_out)
584  !RETURN
586  do iat=1,natom
587    itypat=typat(iat)
588    !
589    ! The index of the symmetric atom.
590    ! * R^{-1} (xred(:,iat)-tnons) = xred(:,iat_sym) + r0.
591    ! * phase_kr0 takes into account the case in which rotated atom is in another unit cell.
592    iat_sym=indsym(4,isym,iat); r0=indsym(1:3,isym,iat)
594    kdotr0 = two_pi*DOT_PRODUCT(kpoint,r0)
595    phase_kr0(1) = DCOS(kdotr0)
596    phase_kr0(2) = DSIN(kdotr0)
598    !phase_kr0 = (/one,zero/)
600    do iband=1,nspinor*nbnds
601      Cprj_out(iat,iband)%cp(1,:)=  Cprj_in(iat_sym,iband)%cp(1,:)*phase_kr0(1) &
602 &                                 -Cprj_in(iat_sym,iband)%cp(2,:)*phase_kr0(2)
604      Cprj_out(iat,iband)%cp(2,:)=  Cprj_in(iat_sym,iband)%cp(1,:)*phase_kr0(2) &
605 &                                 +Cprj_in(iat_sym,iband)%cp(2,:)*phase_kr0(1)
606    end do
607  end do ! iat
609 end subroutine rotate_cprj