ABINIT/bracketing [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 bracket a minimun of a function f


 dp_dum_vdp: the function of which the mimimum should be bracketted


 b= last member of the bracketing triplet a < x < b
 fa,fx,fb= value of the function at dp_dum_vdp(v(:)+y*grad(:))


 v: the initial vector for the function (return unchanged)
 grad: the direction on which the bracketting is to be performed (return unchanged)
 a,x: two members of the bracketing triplet (see b)


3029 subroutine bracketing (nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v,grad,a,x,b,fa,fx,fb)
3031 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3032 include ""
3033 !scalars
3034  integer,intent(in) :: nv1,nv2
3035  real(dp),intent(inout) :: a,x
3036  real(dp),intent(out) :: b,fa,fb,fx
3037 !arrays
3038  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grad(nv1,nv2),v(nv1,nv2)
3040 !Local variables-------------------------------
3041 !scalars
3042  real(dp),parameter :: maglimit=10000.0_dp
3043  real(dp) :: c,fu,q,r,u,ulim
3045 ! *************************************************************************
3047  fa=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,v(:,:)+(a*grad(:,:)))
3048  fx=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(x*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3049  if(fx > fa) then
3050   c=a
3051   a=x
3052   x=c
3053   c=fa
3054   fa=fx
3055   fx=c
3056  end if
3057  b=x+gold*(x-a)
3058  fb=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(b*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3059  do
3060   if (fx <= fb) return
3061   r=(x-a)*(fx-fb)
3062   q=(x-b)*(fx-fa)
3063   u=x-((x-b)*q-(x-a)*r)/(two*sign(max(abs(q-r),smallest_real),q-r))
3064   ulim=x+maglimit*(b-x)
3065   if((x-u)*(u-b) > zero) then
3066    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3067    if(fu < fb) then
3068     a=x
3069     fa=fx
3070     x=u
3071     fx=fu
3072     return
3073    else if (fx < fu) then
3074     b=u
3075     fb=fu
3076     return
3077    end if
3078    u=b+gold*(b-x)
3079    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3080   else if((b-u)*(u-ulim) > zero) then
3081    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,u*grad(:,:)+v(:,:))
3082    if(fu<fb) then
3083     x=b
3084     b=u
3085     u=b+gold*(b-x)
3086     fx=fb
3087     fb=fu
3088     fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3089    end if
3090   else if((u-ulim)*(ulim-b) >= zero) then
3091    u=ulim
3092    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3093   else
3094    u=b+gold*(b-x)
3095    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3096   end if
3097   a=x
3098   x=b
3099   b=u
3100   fa=fx
3101   fx=fb
3102   fb=fu
3103  end do
3105 end subroutine bracketing

ABINIT/brent [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 minimizes a function along a line


 dp_dum_vdp: function  to be minimized (return a dp from a vector of dp)
 vdp_dum_vdp: derivative of the function (return a vector of dp from a vector of dp)
 itmax: number of iterations allowed
 tol: tolerance on error. It depend on the precision of the numbers
 (usualy chosen as sqrt(max precision available with your floating point reresentation))
 ax,xx,bx: a bracketing triplet around the minimum to be find


 xmin: value such that dp_dum_vdp(v(:)+xmin*grad(:)) is minimum
 brent:  dp_dum_vdp(v(:)+xmin*grad(:))


 grad(:): direction along which the minimization is performed
 v(:): starting and ending point of the minimization


3132 function brent(nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v2dp_dum_v2dp,sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp,itmax,v,grad,ax,xx,bx,tol,xmin)
3134 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3135 include ""
3136 !scalars
3137  integer,intent(in) :: itmax,nv1,nv2
3138  real(dp) :: brent
3139  real(dp),intent(in) :: ax,bx,tol,xx
3140  real(dp),intent(out) :: xmin
3141 !arrays
3142  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grad(nv1,nv2),v(nv1,nv2)
3144 !Local variables-------------------------------
3145 !scalars
3146  integer :: iter
3147  real(dp) :: a,b,d,d1,d2,du,dv,dw,dx,e,fu,fv,fw,fx,olde,tol1,tol2,u,u1,u2,vv,w
3148  real(dp) :: x,xm,zeps
3149  logical :: ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4
3151 !************************************************************************
3152  zeps=epsilon(ax*real(1e-2,dp))
3153  a=min(ax,bx)
3154  b=max(ax,bx)
3155  vv=xx
3156  w=xx
3157  x=xx
3158  e=zero
3159  fx=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,x*grad(:,:)+v(:,:))
3160  fv=fx
3161  fw=fx
3162 !the function sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp must do the equivalent of
3163 !v(:,:)=v(:,:)+(grad(:,:)*x)
3164 !but for instance renormilizing the density if brent is used on a density...
3165 !vp(:,:) = v(:,:)
3166 !sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp(x,grad(:,:),vp(:,:)
3167 !dx=dotproduct(v2dp_dum_v2dp(vp(:,:)),grad(:,:))
3168  dx=dotproduct(nv1,nv2,v2dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,v(:,:)+x*grad(:,:)),grad(:,:))
3169  dv=dx
3170  dw=dx
3171  do iter=1,itmax
3172   xm=half*(a+b)
3173   tol1=tol*abs(x)+zeps
3174   tol2=two*tol1
3175   if(abs(x-xm) <= (tol2-half*(b-a))) then
3176    exit
3177   end if
3178   if(abs(e) > tol1) then
3179    d1=two*(b-a)
3180    d2=d1
3181    if(dw /= dx) d1=(w-x)*dx/(dx-dw)
3182    if(dv /= dx) d2=(vv-x)*dx/(dx-dv)
3183    u1=x+d1
3184    u2=x+d2
3185    ok1=((a-u1)*(u1-b)>zero).and.(dx*d1<=zero)
3186    ok2=((a-u2)*(u2-b)>zero).and.(dx*d2<=zero)
3187    olde=e
3188    e=d
3189    if(ok1.or.ok2) then
3190     if(ok1.and.ok2) then
3191      d=merge(d1,d2,abs(d1)<abs(d2))
3192     else
3193      d=merge(d1,d2,ok1)
3194     end if
3195     if(abs(d)<=abs(half*olde)) then
3196      u=x+d
3197      if(((u-a)<tol2).or.((b-u)<tol2)) d=sign(tol1,xm-x)
3198     else
3199      e=merge(a,b,dx>=zero)-x
3200      d=half*e
3201     end if
3202    else
3203     e=merge(a,b,dx>=zero)-x
3204     d=half*e
3205    end if
3206   else
3207    e=merge(a,b,dx>=zero)-x
3208    d=half*e
3209   end if
3211   if(abs(d) >=tol1)then
3212    u=x+d
3213    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3214   else
3215    u=x+sign(tol1,d)
3216    fu=dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:))
3217    if(fu>fx) then
3218     exit
3219    end if
3220   end if
3221   du=dotproduct(nv1,nv2,v2dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,(u*grad(:,:))+v(:,:)),grad(:,:))
3222   if(fu<=fx)then
3223    if(u>=x)then
3224     a=x
3225    else
3226     b=x
3227    end if
3228    vv=w
3229    fv=fw
3230    dv=dw
3231    w=x
3232    fw=fx
3233    dw=dx
3234    x=u
3235    dx=du
3236    fx=fu
3237   else
3238    if(u<x) then
3239     a=u
3240    else
3241     b=u
3242    end if
3243    ok3=(w==x).or.(fu.le.fw)
3244    ok4=(vv==w).or.(vv==x).or.(
3245    if(ok3) then
3246     vv=w
3247     fv=fw
3248     dv=dw
3249     w=u
3250     fw=fu
3251     dw=du
3252    else if( ok4 ) then
3253     vv=u
3254     fv=fu
3255     dv=du
3256    end if
3257   end if
3258  end do
3259  xmin=x
3260 !the function sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp must do the equivalent of
3261 !v(:,:)=v(:,:)+(grad(:,:)*x)
3262 !but for instance renormilizing the density if brent is used on a density...
3263  call sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp(nv1,nv2,x,grad(:,:),v(:,:))
3264  brent=fx
3266 end function brent

ABINIT/cgpr [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 perform Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient on a function f
 implementation based on the cg recipe of "numerical recipe"


 dp_dum_vdp: function  to be minimized (return a dp from a vector of dp)
 vdp_dum_vdp: derivative of f
 dtol: precision precision required for the minimization
 itmax: number of iterations allowed (each linmin will be done with at max 10 times
 this number


 fmin: value of f at the minimum
 lastdelta: absolute value of the last delta between steps


 v: vector on which minimization is to be performed, starting point
 and resulting min


2893 subroutine cgpr(nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v2dp_dum_v2dp,sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp,dtol,itmax,v,fmin,delta)
2895 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2896 include ""
2897 !scalars
2898  integer,intent(in) :: itmax,nv1,nv2
2899  real(dp),intent(in) :: dtol
2900  real(dp),intent(out) :: delta,fmin
2901 !arrays
2902  real(dp),intent(inout) :: v(nv1,nv2)
2904 !Local variables-------------------------------
2905 !scalars
2906  integer :: iiter
2907  real(dp) :: fv,gam,gscal,gscal2,sto
2908 !arrays
2909  real(dp) :: grad0(nv1,nv2),grad1(nv1,nv2),grad2(nv1,nv2),grad3(nv1,nv2)
2910 !no_abirules
2912 !************************************************************************
2913  fv = dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,v(:,:))
2914  grad0(:,:) = -v2dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,v(:,:))
2915  grad1(:,:) = grad0(:,:)
2916  grad2(:,:) = grad0(:,:)
2917  do iiter=1,itmax
2918   call linmin(nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v2dp_dum_v2dp,sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp,v,grad0,fmin)
2919 ! return if the min is reached
2920   sto=dtol*(abs(fmin)+abs(fv)+tol14)
2921   delta=abs(fv-fmin)
2922   delta=abs(delta)
2923   if(( then
2924 !  DEBUG
2925 !  write(std_out,*) 'cgpr (01cg) : stop cond for cgpr:',sto,'delta:',delta,'fv:',fv,'fmin:',fmin
2926 !  ENDDEBUG
2927    return
2928   end if
2929 ! a new step
2930   fv=fmin
2931   grad0(:,:)=v2dp_dum_v2dp(nv1,nv2,v(:,:))
2932   gscal=dotproduct(nv1,nv2,grad1(:,:),grad1(:,:))
2933   grad3(:,:)=grad0(:,:)+grad1(:,:)
2934   gscal2=dotproduct(nv1,nv2,grad3(:,:),grad0(:,:))
2935   gam=gscal2/gscal
2936   grad1(:,:)=-grad0(:,:)
2937   grad2(:,:)=grad1(:,:)+gam*grad2(:,:)
2938   grad0(:,:)=grad2(:,:)
2939 ! DEBUG
2940 ! write(std_out,*) 'cgpr (01cg) :================================================================================='
2941 ! write(std_out,*) 'cgpr (01cg) : step',iiter,'delta:',delta ,'fv',fv,'fmin',fmin
2942 ! write(std_out,*) 'cgpr (01cg) :================================================================================='
2944  end do
2946 end subroutine cgpr

ABINIT/dielmt [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute dielectric matrix from susceptibility matrix
 Diagonalize it, then invert it.


  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  npwdiel=size of the dielinv and susmat arrays.
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  occopt=option for occupancies
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


  dielinv(2,npwdiel,(nspden+4)/3,npwdiel,(nspden+4)/3)=inverse of the (non-hermitian)
      TC dielectric matrix in reciprocal space.


 Warning : will not work in the spin-polarized, metallic case.
 Output (not cleaned)
 !!! Spin behaviour is not obvious !!!


 Write equation below (hermitian matrix)


1560 subroutine dielmt(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,npwdiel,nspden,occopt,prtvol,susmat)
1562 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1563 !scalars
1564  integer,intent(in) :: npwdiel,nspden,occopt,prtvol
1565 !arrays
1566  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel)
1567  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3)
1568  real(dp),intent(in) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
1569  real(dp),intent(out) :: dielinv(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
1571 !Local variables-------------------------------
1572 !scalars
1573  integer :: ieig,ier,ii,index,ipw,ipw1,ipw2,isp,jj,npwsp
1574  real(dp) :: ai1,ai2,ar1,ar2,eiginv,gfact,gfactinv,kg_red1,kg_red2,kg_red3,gsquar
1575  real(dp) :: tpisq
1576  character(len=500) :: message
1577 !arrays
1578  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
1579  real(dp),allocatable :: dielh(:),dielmat(:,:,:,:,:),dielvec(:,:,:)
1580  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_diel(:),zhpev1(:,:),zhpev2(:)
1581 !no_abirules
1582 !integer :: ipw3
1583 !real(dp) :: elementi,elementr
1585 ! *************************************************************************
1587 !DEBUG
1588 !write(std_out,*)' dielmt : enter '
1589 !if(.true.)stop
1592 !tpisq is (2 Pi) **2:
1593  tpisq=(two_pi)**2
1595  call timab(90,1,tsec)
1597 !-Compute now the hermitian dielectric matrix------------------------------
1598 !Following remarks are only valid within RPA approximation (Kxc=0):
1600 !for the spin-unpolarized case, 1 - 4pi (1/G) chi0(G,Gp) (1/Gp)
1602 !for the spin-polarized case,
1603 !( 1  0 ) - 4pi ( 1/G  1/G )   ( chi0 upup  chi0 updn )   ( 1/Gp 1/Gp )
1604 !( 0  1 )       ( 1/G  1/G )   ( chi0 dnup  chi0 dndn )   ( 1/Gp 1/Gp )
1605 !which is equal to
1606 !( 1  0 ) - 4pi (1/G  0 ) (chi0 upup+dndn+updn+dnup  chi0 upup+dndn+updn+dnup) (1/Gp 0  )
1607 !( 0  1 )       ( 0  1/G) (chi0 upup+dndn+updn+dnup  chi0 upup+dndn+updn+dnup) ( 0  1/Gp)
1608 !So, if spin-polarized, sum all spin contributions
1609 !Note: chi0 updn = chi0 dnup = zero for non-metallic systems
1611 !In the case of non-collinear magnetism, within RPA, this is the same because:
1612 !chi0_(s1,s2),(s3,s4) = delta_s1,s2 * delta_s3,s4 * chi0_(s1,s1),(s3,s3)
1613 !Only chi_upup,upup, chi_dndn,dndn, chi_upup,dndn and chi_dndn,upup
1614 !have to be taken into account (stored, susmat(:,ipw1,1:2,ipw2,1:2)
1616  ABI_MALLOC(dielmat,(2,npwdiel,min(nspden,2),npwdiel,min(nspden,2)))
1618  if(nspden/=1)then
1619    if (occopt<3) then
1620      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1621        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1622          dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)
1623          dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)
1624        end do
1625      end do
1626    else
1627      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1628        do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1629          dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)+susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)+susmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)
1630          dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)+susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)+susmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)
1631        end do
1632      end do
1633    end if
1634  else
1635    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1636      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1637        dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1638        dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=susmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1639      end do
1640    end do
1641  end if
1642 !Compute 1/G factors and include them in the dielectric matrix
1643  do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1644    kg_red1=dble(kg_diel(1,ipw1))
1645    kg_red2=dble(kg_diel(2,ipw1))
1646    kg_red3=dble(kg_diel(3,ipw1))
1647    gsquar=tpisq*(gmet(1,1)*kg_red1**2+gmet(2,2)*kg_red2**2+gmet(3,3)*kg_red3**2 &
1648 &   +two*( (gmet(1,2)*kg_red2+gmet(1,3)*kg_red3)* kg_red1 +      &
1649 &   gmet(2,3)*kg_red2*kg_red3)                        )
1650 !  Distinguish G=0 from other elements
1651    if(gsquar>tol12)then
1652 !    !$ gfact=\sqrt (4.0_dp \pi/gsquar/dble(nspden))$
1653      gfact=sqrt(four_pi/gsquar)
1654      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1655 !      Must multiply both rows and columns, and also changes the sign
1656        dielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-dielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*gfact
1657        dielmat(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-dielmat(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*gfact
1658        dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)= dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*gfact
1659        dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)= dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*gfact
1660      end do
1661    else
1662 !    Zero the G=0 elements, head and wings
1663      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1664        dielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=zero
1665        dielmat(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=zero
1666        dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=zero
1667        dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=zero
1668      end do
1669    end if
1670  end do
1672 !Complete the matrix in the spin-polarized case
1673 !should this be nspden==2??
1674  if(nspden/=1)then
1675    do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1676      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1677        dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)=dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1678        dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,2)=dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1679        dielmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)=dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1680        dielmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,1)=dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1681        dielmat(1,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1682        dielmat(2,ipw1,2,ipw2,2)=dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1683      end do
1684    end do
1685  end if
1687 !DEBUG
1688 !write(std_out,*)' dielmt : make dielmat equal to identity matrix '
1689 !do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1690 !do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1691 !dielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=0.0_dp
1692 !dielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=0.0_dp
1693 !end do
1694 !end do
1697 !Add the diagonal part
1698  do isp=1,min(nspden,2)
1699    do ipw=1,npwdiel
1700      dielmat(1,ipw,isp,ipw,isp)=one+dielmat(1,ipw,isp,ipw,isp)
1701    end do
1702  end do
1704 !-The hermitian dielectric matrix is computed ------------------------------
1705 !-Now, diagonalize it ------------------------------------------------------
1707 !In RPA, everything is projected on the spin-symmetrized
1708 !space. This was coded here (for the time being).
1710 !Diagonalize the hermitian dielectric matrix
1712 !npwsp=npwdiel*nspden
1713  npwsp=npwdiel
1715  ABI_MALLOC(dielh,(npwsp*(npwsp+1)))
1716  ABI_MALLOC(dielvec,(2,npwsp,npwsp))
1717  ABI_MALLOC(eig_diel,(npwsp))
1718  ABI_MALLOC(zhpev1,(2,2*npwsp-1))
1719  ABI_MALLOC(zhpev2,(3*npwsp-2))
1720  ier=0
1721 !Store the dielectric matrix in proper mode before calling zhpev
1722  index=1
1723  do ii=1,npwdiel
1724    do jj=1,ii
1725      dielh(index  )=dielmat(1,jj,1,ii,1)
1726      dielh(index+1)=dielmat(2,jj,1,ii,1)
1727      index=index+2
1728    end do
1729  end do
1730 !If spin-polarized and non RPA, need to store other parts of the matrix
1731 !if(nspden/=1)then
1732 !do ii=1,npwdiel
1733 !Here, spin-flip contribution
1734 !do jj=1,npwdiel
1735 !dielh(index  )=dielmat(1,jj,1,ii,2)
1736 !dielh(index+1)=dielmat(2,jj,1,ii,2)
1737 !index=index+2
1738 !end do
1739 !Here spin down-spin down upper matrix
1740 !do jj=1,ii
1741 !dielh(index  )=dielmat(1,jj,2,ii,2)
1742 !dielh(index+1)=dielmat(2,jj,2,ii,2)
1743 !index=index+2
1744 !end do
1745 !end do
1746 !end if
1748  call ZHPEV ('V','U',npwsp,dielh,eig_diel,dielvec,npwdiel,zhpev1,&
1749 & zhpev2,ier)
1750  ABI_FREE(zhpev1)
1751  ABI_FREE(zhpev2)
1753  if(prtvol>=10)then
1754    write(message, '(a,a,a,5es12.4)' )ch10,&
1755 &   ' Five largest eigenvalues of the hermitian RPA dielectric matrix:',&
1756 &   ch10,eig_diel(npwdiel:npwdiel-4:-1)
1757    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
1758  end if
1760  write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
1761 & ' dielmt : 15 largest eigenvalues of the hermitian RPA dielectric matrix'
1762  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1763  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  1-5  :',eig_diel(npwdiel:npwdiel-4:-1)
1764  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1765  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  6-10 :',eig_diel(npwdiel-5:npwdiel-9:-1)
1766  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1767  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  11-15:',eig_diel(npwdiel-10:npwdiel-14:-1)
1768  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1769  write(message, '(a,a)' )ch10,&
1770 & ' dielmt : 5 smallest eigenvalues of the hermitian RPA dielectric matrix'
1771  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1772  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  1-5  :',eig_diel(1:5)
1773  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
1775 !Invert the hermitian dielectric matrix,
1776 !Should use a BLAS call !
1777  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1778    do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1779      dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=zero
1780      dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=zero
1781    end do
1782  end do
1783  do ieig=1,npwdiel
1784    eiginv=one/eig_diel(ieig)
1785    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1786      do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
1787        ar1=dielvec(1,ipw1,ieig)
1788        ai1=dielvec(2,ipw1,ieig)
1789        ar2=dielvec(1,ipw2,ieig)
1790        ai2=dielvec(2,ipw2,ieig)
1791        dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+&
1792 &       (ar1*ar2+ai1*ai2)*eiginv
1793        dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+&
1794 &       (ai1*ar2-ar1*ai2)*eiginv
1795      end do
1796    end do
1797  end do
1798  do ipw2=1,npwdiel-1
1799    do ipw1=ipw2+1,npwdiel
1800      dielinv(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)= dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1801      dielinv(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)
1802    end do
1803  end do
1805  ABI_FREE(dielh)
1806  ABI_FREE(dielvec)
1807  ABI_FREE(eig_diel)
1809 !DEBUG
1810 !Checks whether the inverse of the hermitian dielectric matrix
1811 !has been correctly generated
1812 !do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1813 !do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1814 !elementr=0.0_dp
1815 !elementi=0.0_dp
1816 !do ipw3=1,npwdiel
1817 !elementr=elementr+dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*dielmat(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
1818 !&                    -dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*dielmat(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
1819 !elementi=elementi+dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*dielmat(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
1820 !&                    +dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*dielmat(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
1821 !end do
1822 !if(elementr**2+elementi**2 > 1.0d-12)then
1823 !if( ipw1 /= ipw2 .or. &
1824 !&        ( abs(elementr-1.0_dp)>1.0d-6 .or. abs(elementi)>1.0d-6 ))then
1825 !write(std_out,*)' dielmt : the inversion procedure is not correct '
1826 !write(std_out,*)' ipw1, ipw2 =',ipw1,ipw2
1827 !write(std_out,*)' elementr,elementi=',elementr,elementi
1828 !stop
1829 !end if
1830 !end if
1831 !end do
1832 !end do
1833 !write(std_out,*)'dielmt : matrix has been inverted successfully '
1834 !stop
1837 !Then get the inverse of the asymmetric
1838 !dielectric matrix, as required for the preconditioning.
1840 !Inverse of the dielectric matrix : ( 1 - 4pi (1/G^2) chi0(G,Gp) )^(-1)
1841 !In dielinv there is now (1 - 4pi (1/G) chi0(G,Gp) (1/Gp) )^(-1)
1842 !So, evaluate dielinv_after(G,Gp) =
1843 !(4pi/G^2)^(1/2) dielinv_before(G,Gp) (4pi/Gp^2)^(-1/2)
1844 !In RPA, can focus on the spin-averaged quantities
1845  do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1846    kg_red1=dble(kg_diel(1,ipw1))
1847    kg_red2=dble(kg_diel(2,ipw1))
1848    kg_red3=dble(kg_diel(3,ipw1))
1849    gsquar=tpisq*(gmet(1,1)*kg_red1**2+gmet(2,2)*kg_red2**2+gmet(3,3)*kg_red3**2 &
1850 &   +two*( (gmet(1,2)*kg_red2+gmet(1,3)*kg_red3)* kg_red1 +      &
1851 &   gmet(2,3)*kg_red2*kg_red3)                        )
1852 !  Distinguish G=0 from other elements
1853    if(gsquar>tol12)then
1854      gfact=sqrt(four_pi/gsquar)
1855      gfactinv=one/gfact
1856      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1857 !      Must multiply both rows and columns
1858        dielinv(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=dielinv(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*gfactinv
1859        dielinv(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=dielinv(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*gfactinv
1860        dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*gfact
1861        dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*gfact
1862      end do
1863    else
1864 !    Zero the G=0 elements, head
1865      do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1866        if (ipw2/=ipw1) dielinv(1:2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=zero
1867      end do
1868    end if
1869  end do
1871  ABI_FREE(dielmat)
1873  call timab(90,2,tsec)
1875 end subroutine dielmt

ABINIT/dieltcel [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute either test charge or electronic dielectric matrices
 from susceptibility matrix
 Diagonalize it, then invert it.


  gmet(3,3)=reciprocal space metric tensor in bohr**-2.
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange-correlation kernel,
       needed if the electronic dielectric matrix is computed
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkxc=second dimension of the array kxc, see rhotoxc.f for a description
  npwdiel=size of the dielinv and susmat arrays.
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  occopt=option for occupancies
  option=1 for Test Charge dielectric matrix, 2 for electronic dielectric matrix
  prtvol=control print volume and debugging output
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space


  dielinv(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)=inverse of the (non-hermitian)
      TC dielectric matrix in reciprocal space.


 Output (not cleaned)
 !!! Spin behaviour is not obvious !!!
 Will not work in the spin-polarized, metallic case.


1915 subroutine dieltcel(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,kxc,nfft,ngfft,nkxc,npwdiel,nspden,occopt,option,prtvol,susmat)
1917 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1918 !scalars
1919  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nkxc,npwdiel,nspden,occopt,option
1920  integer,intent(in) :: prtvol
1921 !arrays
1922  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),ngfft(18)
1923  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),kxc(nfft,nkxc)
1924  real(dp),intent(in) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
1925  real(dp),intent(out) :: dielinv(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden)
1927 !Local variables-------------------------------
1928 !scalars
1929  integer :: i1,i2,i3,ieig,ier,ifft,ii,index,ipw0,ipw1,ipw2,ispden,j1
1930  integer :: j2,j3,jj,k1,k2,k3,n1,n2,n3
1931  real(dp) :: ai,ai2,ar,ar2,eiginv,kg_red1,kg_red2,kg_red3,gsquar,si
1932  real(dp) :: sr,tpisq
1933  character(len=500) :: message
1934  type(MPI_type) :: mpi_enreg_seq
1935 !arrays
1936  real(dp) :: tsec(2)
1937  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_msusinvsqr(:),eig_msussqr(:)
1938  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_sus(:),eig_sym(:),invsqrsus(:,:,:,:,:)
1939  real(dp),allocatable :: khxc(:,:,:,:,:),kxcg(:,:),sqrsus(:,:,:,:,:),sush(:)
1940  real(dp),allocatable :: susvec(:,:,:),symdielmat(:,:,:,:,:),symh(:)
1941  real(dp),allocatable :: symvec(:,:,:,:,:),wkxc(:),work(:,:,:,:,:)
1942  real(dp),allocatable :: work2(:,:,:,:,:),zhpev1(:,:),zhpev2(:)
1943 !no_abirules
1944 !integer :: ipw3
1945 !real(dp) :: elementi,elementr
1946 !DEBUG
1947 !Used to moderate divergence effect near rho=0 of the Kxc
1948 !this limit value is truly empirical (exprmt on small Sr cell).
1949 !real(dp) :: kxc_min=-200.0
1952 ! *************************************************************************
1954  call timab(96,1,tsec)
1956 !tpisq is (2 Pi) **2:
1957  tpisq=(two_pi)**2
1959  if(nspden/=1 .and. (occopt>=3 .and. occopt<=8) )then
1960    write(message, '(a,a,a)' )&
1961 &   'In the present version of the code, one cannot produce',ch10,&
1962 &   'the dielectric matrix in the metallic, spin-polarized case.'
1963    ABI_BUG(message)
1964  end if
1966  if(nspden==4)then
1967    write(message,'(a,a,a)')&
1968 &   'In the present version of the code, one cannot produce',ch10,&
1969 &   'the dielectric matrix in the non-collinear spin-polarized case.'
1970    ABI_ERROR(message)
1971  end if
1974 !-Diagonalize the susceptibility matrix
1976  ABI_MALLOC(sush,(npwdiel*(npwdiel+1)))
1977  ABI_MALLOC(susvec,(2,npwdiel,npwdiel))
1978  ABI_MALLOC(eig_msusinvsqr,(npwdiel))
1979  ABI_MALLOC(eig_msussqr,(npwdiel))
1980  ABI_MALLOC(eig_sus,(npwdiel))
1981  ABI_MALLOC(zhpev1,(2,2*npwdiel-1))
1982  ABI_MALLOC(zhpev2,(3*npwdiel-2))
1983  ABI_MALLOC(work,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
1984  ABI_MALLOC(work2,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
1985  ABI_MALLOC(sqrsus,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
1986  ABI_MALLOC(invsqrsus,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
1988 !At some time, should take care of different spin channels
1989  do ispden=1,nspden
1991    if(nspden/=1)then
1992      ABI_ERROR('dieltcel : stop, nspden/=1')
1993    end if
1995 !  Store the susceptibility matrix in proper mode before calling zhpev
1996    index=1
1997    do ii=1,npwdiel
1998      do jj=1,ii
1999        sush(index  )=susmat(1,jj,1,ii,1)
2000        sush(index+1)=susmat(2,jj,1,ii,1)
2001        index=index+2
2002      end do
2003    end do
2005    ier=0
2006    call ZHPEV ('V','U',npwdiel,sush,eig_sus,susvec,npwdiel,zhpev1,zhpev2,ier)
2008 !  DEBUG
2009 !  write(std_out,*)' dieltcel : print eigenvalues of the susceptibility matrix'
2010 !  do ii=1,npwdiel
2011 !  write(std_out,'(i5,es16.6)' )ii,eig_sus(ii)
2012 !  end do
2013 !  ENDDEBUG
2015    do ii=1,npwdiel
2016      if(-eig_sus(ii)>1.d-12)then
2017        eig_msussqr(ii)=sqrt(-eig_sus(ii))
2018        eig_msusinvsqr(ii)=1._dp/eig_msussqr(ii)
2019      else if(-eig_sus(ii)< -1.d-12)then
2020        message = "Found positive eigenvalue of susceptibility matrix."
2021        ABI_BUG(message)
2022      else
2023 !      Set the eigenvalue corresponding to a constant potential change to 1,
2024 !      while it will be set to zero in Khx.
2025        eig_msussqr(ii)=1._dp
2026        eig_msusinvsqr(ii)=1._dp
2027      end if
2028    end do
2030 !  Compute square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2031 !  and inverse square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2032    do ii=1,npwdiel
2033      work(:,:,1,ii,1)=susvec(:,:,ii)*eig_msussqr(ii)
2034      work2(:,:,1,ii,1)=susvec(:,:,ii)*eig_msusinvsqr(ii)
2035    end do
2036    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2037      do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
2038        ar=0._dp ; ai=0._dp ; ar2=0._dp ; ai2=0._dp
2039        do ii=1,npwdiel
2040          sr=susvec(1,ipw2,ii) ; si=susvec(2,ipw2,ii)
2041          ar =ar  +work(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sr  +work(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*si
2042          ai =ai  +work(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sr  -work(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*si
2043          ar2=ar2 +work2(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sr +work2(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*si
2044          ai2=ai2 +work2(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sr -work2(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*si
2045        end do
2046        sqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar
2047        sqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai
2048        invsqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar2
2049        invsqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai2
2050        if(ipw1/=ipw2)then
2051          sqrsus(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=ar
2052          sqrsus(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-ai
2053          invsqrsus(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=ar2
2054          invsqrsus(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-ai2
2055        end if
2056      end do
2057    end do
2059 !  DEBUG
2060 !  Checks whether sqrsus and invsqrsus are inverse of each other.
2061 !  do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2062 !  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2063 !  elementr=0.0_dp
2064 !  elementi=0.0_dp
2065 !  do ipw3=1,npwdiel
2066 !  elementr=elementr+sqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*invsqrsus(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
2067 !  &                    -sqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*invsqrsus(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
2068 !  elementi=elementi+sqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*invsqrsus(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
2069 !  &                    +sqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*invsqrsus(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
2070 !  end do
2071 !  if(elementr**2+elementi**2 > 1.0d-12)then
2072 !  if( ipw1 /= ipw2 .or. &
2073 !  &        ( abs(elementr-1.0_dp)>1.0d-6 .or. abs(elementi)>1.0d-6 ))then
2074 !  write(std_out,*)' dieltcel : sqrsus and invsqrsus are not (pseudo)',&
2075 !  &        'inverse of each other'
2076 !  write(std_out,*)' ipw1, ipw2 =',ipw1,ipw2
2077 !  write(std_out,*)' elementr,elementi=',elementr,elementi
2078 !  stop
2079 !  end if
2080 !  end if
2081 !  end do
2082 !  end do
2083 !  ENDDEBUG
2085 !  End loop over spins
2086  end do
2088  ABI_FREE(eig_msusinvsqr)
2089  ABI_FREE(eig_msussqr)
2090  ABI_FREE(eig_sus)
2091  ABI_FREE(sush)
2092  ABI_FREE(susvec)
2094 !-Compute the Hxc kernel
2096  ABI_MALLOC(khxc,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
2097  ABI_MALLOC(symdielmat,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
2099  khxc(:,:,:,:,:)=0.0_dp
2101 !Compute Hartree kernel
2102  do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2103    kg_red1=dble(kg_diel(1,ipw1))
2104    kg_red2=dble(kg_diel(2,ipw1))
2105    kg_red3=dble(kg_diel(3,ipw1))
2106    gsquar=tpisq*(gmet(1,1)*kg_red1**2+gmet(2,2)*kg_red2**2+gmet(3,3)*kg_red3**2 &
2107 &   +2.0_dp*( (gmet(1,2)*kg_red2+gmet(1,3)*kg_red3)* kg_red1 +      &
2108 &   gmet(2,3)*kg_red2*kg_red3)                        )
2109 !  Distinguish G=0 from other elements
2110    if(gsquar>1.0d-12)then
2111      khxc(1,ipw1,1,ipw1,1)= 4.0_dp*pi/gsquar
2112    else
2113 !    G=0
2114      ipw0=ipw1
2115    end if
2116  end do
2118 !Eventually add the xc part
2119  if(option>=2)then
2121    ABI_MALLOC(wkxc,(nfft))
2122    ABI_MALLOC(kxcg,(2,nfft))
2123    wkxc(:)=kxc(:,1)
2124 !  DEBUG
2125 !  Used to moderate divergenc effect near rho=0 of the Kxc (see above).
2126 !  wkxc(:)=merge(kxc(:,1), kxc_min, kxc(:,1) > kxc_min)
2127 !  ENDDEBUG
2128    call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_seq)
2129    call init_distribfft_seq(MPI_enreg_seq%distribfft,'c',ngfft(2),ngfft(3),'all')
2130    call fourdp(1,kxcg,wkxc,-1,mpi_enreg_seq,nfft,1,ngfft,0) ! trsfrm R to G
2131    call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_seq)
2133 !  Compute difference in G vectors
2134    n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
2135    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2136      if(ipw2/=ipw0)then
2138        j1=kg_diel(1,ipw2) ; j2=kg_diel(2,ipw2) ; j3=kg_diel(3,ipw2)
2139 !      Fills diagonal
2140        khxc(1,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)=khxc(1,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)+kxcg(1,1)
2141        khxc(2,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)=khxc(2,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)+kxcg(2,1)
2143        if(ipw2/=npwdiel)then
2144 !        Fills off-diagonal part of the matrix, except G=0
2145          do ipw1=ipw2+1,npwdiel
2146            if(ipw1/=ipw0)then
2147              i1=kg_diel(1,ipw1) ; i2=kg_diel(2,ipw1) ; i3=kg_diel(3,ipw1)
2148 !            Use of two mod calls handles both i1-j1>=ndiel1 AND i1-j1<0
2149              k1=mod(n1+mod(i1-j1,n1),n1)
2150              k2=mod(n2+mod(i2-j2,n2),n2)
2151              k3=mod(n3+mod(i3-j3,n3),n3)
2152              ifft=k1+1+n1*(k2+n2*k3)
2153 !            The signs of imaginary contributions have been checked
2154              khxc(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=kxcg(1,ifft)
2155              khxc(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=kxcg(2,ifft)
2156              khxc(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=kxcg(1,ifft)
2157              khxc(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-kxcg(2,ifft)
2158            end if
2159          end do
2160        end if
2162      end if
2163    end do
2165    ABI_FREE(wkxc)
2166    ABI_FREE(kxcg)
2168 !  Endif option 2
2169  end if
2171 !Now, get the symmetric dielectric matrix
2172 !Premultiplication by square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2173  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2174    do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2175      ar=0._dp ; ai=0._dp
2176      do ii=1,npwdiel
2177        ar=ar+sqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*khxc(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2178 &       -sqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*khxc(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2179        ai=ai+sqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*khxc(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2180 &       +sqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*khxc(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2181      end do
2182      work(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar
2183      work(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai
2184    end do
2185  end do
2186 !Postmultiplication by square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2187  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2188 !  do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
2189    do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2190      ar=0._dp ; ai=0._dp
2191      do ii=1,npwdiel
2192        ar=ar+work(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2193 &       -work(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2194        ai=ai+work(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2195 &       +work(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2196      end do
2197      symdielmat(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar
2198      symdielmat(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai
2199 !    if(ipw1/=ipw2)then
2200 !    symdielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=ar
2201 !    symdielmat(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)=-ai
2202 !    end if
2203    end do
2204 !  Add the unity matrix
2205    symdielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)=1._dp+symdielmat(1,ipw2,1,ipw2,1)
2206  end do
2208  ABI_FREE(khxc)
2210  ABI_MALLOC(symh,(npwdiel*(npwdiel+1)))
2211  ABI_MALLOC(symvec,(2,npwdiel,nspden,npwdiel,nspden))
2212  ABI_MALLOC(eig_sym,(npwdiel))
2214 !Store the symmetrized dielectric matrix in proper mode before calling zhpev
2215  index=1
2216  do ii=1,npwdiel
2217    do jj=1,ii
2218      symh(index  )=symdielmat(1,jj,1,ii,1)
2219      symh(index+1)=symdielmat(2,jj,1,ii,1)
2220      index=index+2
2221    end do
2222  end do
2224  ier=0
2225  call ZHPEV ('V','U',npwdiel,symh,eig_sym,symvec,npwdiel,zhpev1,&
2226 & zhpev2,ier)
2228  if(prtvol>=10)then
2229    write(message, '(a,a,a,5es12.4)' )ch10,&
2230 &   ' Five largest eigenvalues of the symmetrized dielectric matrix:',&
2231 &   ch10,eig_sym(npwdiel:npwdiel-4:-1)
2232    call wrtout(ab_out,message,'COLL')
2233  end if
2235  write(message,'(2a)')ch10,' dieltcel : 15 largest eigenvalues of the symmetrized dielectric matrix'
2236  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2237  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  1-5  :',eig_sym(npwdiel:npwdiel-4:-1)
2238  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2239  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  6-10 :',eig_sym(npwdiel-5:npwdiel-9:-1)
2240  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2241  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  11-15:',eig_sym(npwdiel-10:npwdiel-14:-1)
2242  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2243  write(message, '(2a)' )ch10,' dieltcel : 5 smallest eigenvalues of the symmetrized dielectric matrix'
2244  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2245  write(message, '(a,5es12.5)' )'  1-5  :',eig_sym(1:5)
2246  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
2248 !Invert the hermitian dielectric matrix,
2249  work(:,:,:,:,:)=0.0_dp
2250  do ieig=1,npwdiel
2251    eiginv=1.0_dp/eig_sym(ieig)
2252    do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2253 !    do ipw1=ipw2,npwdiel
2254      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2255        work(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=work(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+&
2256 &       (symvec(1,ipw1,1,ieig,1)*symvec(1,ipw2,1,ieig,1)+ &
2257 &       symvec(2,ipw1,1,ieig,1)*symvec(2,ipw2,1,ieig,1) ) * eiginv
2258        work(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=work(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)+&
2259 &       (symvec(2,ipw1,1,ieig,1)*symvec(1,ipw2,1,ieig,1)- &
2260 &       symvec(1,ipw1,1,ieig,1)*symvec(2,ipw2,1,ieig,1) ) * eiginv
2261      end do
2262    end do
2263  end do
2264 !if(npwdiel>1)then
2265 !do ipw2=2,npwdiel
2266 !do ipw1=1,ipw2-1
2267 !work(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)= work(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)
2268 !work(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=-work(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)
2269 !end do
2270 !end do
2271 !end if
2273  ABI_FREE(eig_sym)
2274  ABI_FREE(symh)
2275  ABI_FREE(symvec)
2277 !DEBUG
2278 !Checks whether the inverse of the symmetric dielectric matrix
2279 !has been correctly generated
2280 !do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2281 !do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2282 !elementr=0.0_dp
2283 !elementi=0.0_dp
2284 !do ipw3=1,npwdiel
2285 !elementr=elementr+work(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*symdielmat(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
2286 !&                    -work(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*symdielmat(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
2287 !elementi=elementi+work(1,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*symdielmat(2,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)&
2288 !&                    +work(2,ipw1,1,ipw3,1)*symdielmat(1,ipw3,1,ipw2,1)
2289 !end do
2290 !if(elementr**2+elementi**2 > 1.0d-12)then
2291 !if( ipw1 /= ipw2 .or. &
2292 !&        ( abs(elementr-1.0_dp)>1.0d-6 .or. abs(elementi)>1.0d-6 ))then
2293 !write(std_out,*)' dieltcel : the inversion procedure is not correct '
2294 !write(std_out,*)' ipw1, ipw2 =',ipw1,ipw2
2295 !write(std_out,*)' elementr,elementi=',elementr,elementi
2296 !stop
2297 !end if
2298 !end if
2299 !end do
2300 !end do
2301 !write(std_out,*)'dieltcel : matrix has been inverted successfully '
2304  ABI_FREE(symdielmat)
2306 !Then get the inverse of the asymmetric
2307 !dielectric matrix, as required for the preconditioning.
2308 !Premultiplication by square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2309  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2310    do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2311      ar=0._dp ; ai=0._dp
2312      do ii=1,npwdiel
2313        ar=ar+invsqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*work(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2314 &       -invsqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*work(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2315        ai=ai+invsqrsus(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*work(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2316 &       +invsqrsus(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*work(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2317      end do
2318      work2(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar
2319      work2(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai
2320    end do
2321  end do
2322 !Postmultiplication by square root of minus susceptibility matrix
2323  do ipw2=1,npwdiel
2324    do ipw1=1,npwdiel
2325      ar=0._dp ; ai=0._dp
2326      do ii=1,npwdiel
2327        ar=ar+work2(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2328 &       -work2(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2329        ai=ai+work2(2,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(1,ii,1,ipw2,1) &
2330 &       +work2(1,ipw1,1,ii,1)*sqrsus(2,ii,1,ipw2,1)
2331      end do
2332      dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ar
2333      dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)=ai
2334    end do
2335  end do
2337  ABI_FREE(invsqrsus)
2338  ABI_FREE(sqrsus)
2339  ABI_FREE(work)
2340  ABI_FREE(work2)
2341  ABI_FREE(zhpev1)
2342  ABI_FREE(zhpev2)
2344  call timab(96,2,tsec)
2346 end subroutine dieltcel

ABINIT/linmin [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 minimizes a function along a gradient line:
 first bracket the minimum then perform the minimization


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~ABINIT/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~ABINIT/Infos/contributors .


 dp_dum_vdp: function  to be minimized (return a dp from a vector of dp)
 vdp_dum_vdp: derivative of f


 fmin: minimun value reached for dp_dum_vdp


 grad: the gradient line along which the minimization is performed (not changed)
 v: the starting and then ending point of the minimization


2977 subroutine linmin(nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v2dp_dum_v2dp,sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp,v,grad,fmin)
2979 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2980 include ""
2981 !scalars
2982  integer,intent(in) :: nv1,nv2
2983  real(dp),intent(out) :: fmin
2984 !arrays
2985  real(dp),intent(inout) :: grad(nv1,nv2),v(nv1,nv2)
2987 !Local variables-------------------------------
2988 !scalars
2989  real(dp),parameter :: maglimit=10000.0_dp,tol=tol8*tol8*tol8
2990  real(dp) :: a,b,fa,fb,fx,x,xmin
2991 !no_abirules
2993 !************************************************************************
2994  a=zero
2995  x=ninth*real(1e-4,dp)
2996  call bracketing (nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v,grad,a,x,b,fa,fx,fb)
2997 !DEBUG
2998 !write(std_out,*) 'linmin (01cg) : linmin after bracketing'
2999 !write(std_out,*) 'linmin (01cg) : point',a,x,b,'value',fa,fx,fb
3001  fmin =brent(nv1,nv2,dp_dum_v2dp,v2dp_dum_v2dp,sub_dum_dp_v2dp_v2dp,6,v,grad,a,x,b,tol,xmin)
3003 end subroutine linmin

ABINIT/m_prcref [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Routines to precondition residual potential (or density) and forces.


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, MT, PMA)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_prcref
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_wvltypes
26  use m_errors
27  use m_abicore
28  use m_xmpi
29  use m_xcdata
30  use m_frskerker1
31  use m_frskerker2
32  use mod_prc_memory
33  use m_dtset
35  use defs_datatypes, only : pseudopotential_type
36  use defs_abitypes, only : MPI_type
37  use m_time,     only : timab
38  use m_numeric_tools, only : dotproduct
39  use m_geometry, only : xcart2xred, metric
40  use m_cgtools,  only : dotprod_vn, mean_fftr
41  use m_mpinfo,   only : ptabs_fourdp, destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
42  use m_pawtab,   only : pawtab_type
43  use m_pawrhoij, only : pawrhoij_type
44  use m_fftcore,  only : kgindex
45  use m_fft,      only : zerosym, indirect_parallel_fourier, fourdp
46  use m_kg,       only : getph
47  use m_spacepar, only : hartre, laplacian
48  use m_distribfft, only : init_distribfft_seq
49  use m_forces,     only : fresid
50  use m_atm2fft,    only : atm2fft
51  use m_rhotoxc,    only : rhotoxc
52  use m_mklocl,     only : mklocl
53  use m_mkcore,     only : mkcore
55  implicit none
57  private

ABINIT/moddiel [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Precondition the residual, using a model dielectric function.
 When cplex=1, assume q=(0 0 0), and vresid and vrespc will be REAL
 When cplex=2, q must be taken into account, and vresid and vrespc will be COMPLEX


  cplex= if 1, vhartr is REAL, if 2, vhartr is COMPLEX
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  nfft=(effective) number of FFT grid points (for this processor)
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  optreal=1 if residual potential is in REAL space, 2 if it is in RECIPROCAL SPACE
  optres=0: the array vresid contains a potential residual
         1: the array vresid contains a density residual
  qphon(3)=reduced coordinates for the phonon wavelength (needed if cplex==2).
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  vresid(cplex*nfft,nspden)=residual density/potential in REAL space       (if optreal==1)
                            residual density/potential in RECIPROCAL space (if optreal==2)


  vrespc(cplex*nfft,nspden)=preconditioned residual of the density/potential
                            in REAL space       if optreal==1
                            in RECIPROCAL space if optreal==2



 optreal==2 is not compatible with cplex==1


1330 subroutine moddiel(cplex,dielar,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nspden,optreal,optres,qphon,rprimd,vresid,vrespc)
1332 !Arguments-------------------------------
1333 !scalars
1334  integer,intent(in) :: cplex,nfft,nspden,optreal,optres
1335  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
1336 !arrays
1337  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
1338  real(dp),intent(in) :: dielar(7),qphon(3),rprimd(3,3)
1339  real(dp),intent(in) :: vresid(cplex*nfft,nspden)
1340  real(dp),intent(out) :: vrespc(cplex*nfft,nspden)
1342 !Local variables-------------------------------
1343 !scalars
1344  integer,parameter :: im=2,re=1
1345  integer :: i1,i2,i23,i3,ifft,ig,ii,ii1,ing,ispden,me_fft,mg,n1,n2,n3,nproc_fft
1346  integer :: nspden_eff,qeq0
1347  logical :: magn_precon
1348  real(dp) :: dielng,diemac,diemac_inv,diemix,diemixmag,diemix_eff,factor,gqg2p3,gqgm12,gqgm13
1349  real(dp) :: gqgm23,gs,gs2,gs3,l2g2,length2,ucvol
1350  character(len=500) :: message
1351 !arrays
1352  integer :: id(3)
1353  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:)
1354  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
1355  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),potg0(4),rmet(3,3)
1356  real(dp),allocatable :: gq(:,:),work1(:,:),work2(:)
1358 ! *************************************************************************
1360 !Check that cplex has an allowed value
1361  if(cplex/=1 .and. cplex/=2)then
1362    write(message,'(a,i0,a,a)')&
1363 &   '  From the calling routine, cplex=',cplex,ch10,&
1364 &   '  but the only value allowed are 1 and 2.'
1365    ABI_BUG(message)
1366  end if
1368  if(cplex==1.and.optreal==2)then
1369    ABI_BUG('When optreal=2, cplex must be 2.')
1370  end if
1372 !This is to allow q=0
1373  qeq0=0
1374  if(qphon(1)**2+qphon(2)**2+qphon(3)**2<1.d-15) qeq0=1
1376 !If cplex=1 then qphon should be 0 0 0
1377  if (cplex==1.and. qeq0/=1) then
1378    write(message,'(a,3e12.4,a)' )' cplex=1 but qphon=',qphon,' qphon should be 0 0 0.'
1379    ABI_BUG(message)
1380  end if
1382  n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
1383  me_fft=ngfft(11)
1384  nproc_fft=ngfft(10)
1386 !Get the distrib associated with this fft_grid
1387  call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,n2,n3,fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
1389 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
1390  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
1392  dielng=dielar(2) ; diemac=dielar(3) ; diemix=dielar(4) ; diemixmag=dielar(7)
1394  magn_precon=(diemixmag>=zero) ! Set to true if magnetization has to be preconditionned
1395  diemixmag=abs(diemixmag)
1397 !write(std_out,*)' moddiel : diemac, diemix, diemixmag =',diemac,diemix,diemixmag
1399  if(abs(diemac-1.0_dp)<1.0d-6)then
1401 !  Here, simple mixing is required, through macroscopic
1402 !  dielectric constant set to 1.0_dp .
1403    vrespc(:,1)=diemix*vresid(:,1)
1404    if (nspden/=1) vrespc(:,2:nspden)=diemixmag*vresid(:,2:nspden)
1405  else
1407 !  Magnetization is not preconditionned
1408    if (optres==1.and.nspden>1.and.(.not.magn_precon)) vrespc(:,2:nspden)=diemixmag*vresid(:,2:nspden)
1410 !  Here, model dielectric function (G-diagonal operator)
1412    length2=(two_pi*dielng)**2
1413    diemac_inv=1.0_dp/diemac
1414    ABI_MALLOC(work1,(2,nfft))
1415    if (optreal==1) then
1416      ABI_MALLOC(work2,(cplex*nfft))
1417    end if
1419 !  In order to speed the routine, precompute the components of g
1420    mg=maxval(ngfft)
1421    ABI_MALLOC(gq,(3,mg))
1422    do ii=1,3
1423      id(ii)=ngfft(ii)/2+2
1424      do ing=1,ngfft(ii)
1425        ig=ing-(ing/id(ii))*ngfft(ii)-1
1426        gq(ii,ing)=ig+qphon(ii)
1427      end do
1428    end do
1430 !  Do-loop on spins
1431 !  Note XG 010922 : I doubt the preconditioner is OK for the magnetization
1432    nspden_eff=nspden;if (optres==1.and.(.not.magn_precon)) nspden_eff=1
1433    do ispden=1,nspden_eff
1435      diemix_eff=diemix;if (ispden>1) diemix_eff=diemixmag
1437 !    Do fft from real space (work2) to G space (work1)
1438      if (optreal==1) then
1439        work2(:)=vresid(:,ispden)
1440        call fourdp(cplex,work1,work2,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
1441      else
1442 !      work1(:,:)=reshape(vresid(:,ispden),(/2,nfft/))
1443 !      Reshape function does not work with big arrays for some compilers
1444        do ifft=1,nfft
1445          work1(1,ifft)=vresid(2*ifft-1,ispden)
1446          work1(2,ifft)=vresid(2*ifft  ,ispden)
1447        end do
1448      end if
1450 !    Store G=0 value
1451      potg0(ispden)=work1(re,1)
1453 !    Triple loop, for the three dimensions
1454      do i3=1,n3
1455 !      Precompute some products that do not depend on i2 and i1
1456        gs3=gq(3,i3)*gq(3,i3)*gmet(3,3)
1457        gqgm23=gq(3,i3)*gmet(2,3)*2
1458        gqgm13=gq(3,i3)*gmet(1,3)*2
1459        do i2=1,n2
1460          if (fftn2_distrib(i2)==me_fft) then
1461            gs2=gs3+ gq(2,i2)*(gq(2,i2)*gmet(2,2)+gqgm23)
1462            gqgm12=gq(2,i2)*gmet(1,2)*2
1463            gqg2p3=gqgm13+gqgm12
1464            i23=n1*( ffti2_local(i2)-1+(n2/nproc_fft)*(i3-1))
1466 !          Do the test that eliminates the Gamma point outside
1467 !          of the inner loop
1468            ii1=1
1469            if(i2 == 1 .and. i3 == 1 .and. qeq0==1)then
1470 !            if(i23==0 .and. qeq0==1)then: this changes with the number of fft procs...
1471 !            and seems to be wrong.Pls check
1472              ii1=2
1473            end if
1475 !          Here, unlike in hartre.f, the G=0 term is not eliminated, albeit
1476 !          not changed.
1477            do i1=ii1,n1
1479 !            One obtains the square of the norm of q+G (defined by i1,i2,i3)
1480              gs=gs2+ gq(1,i1)*(gq(1,i1)*gmet(1,1)+gqg2p3)
1481              ifft=i1+i23
1483              l2g2=length2*gs
1484 !            The model dielectric function is now computed
1485              factor = (l2g2+diemac_inv)/(l2g2+1.0_dp) * diemix_eff
1486              work1(re,ifft)=work1(re,ifft)*factor
1487              work1(im,ifft)=work1(im,ifft)*factor
1489            end do
1490          end if
1491        end do
1492      end do
1494 !    Might get rid of the G=0 term
1495 !    if(qeq0==1)then
1496 !    work1(re,1)=0.0_dp
1497 !    work1(im,1)=0.0_dp
1498 !    end if
1500 !    Fourier transform
1501      if (optreal==1) then
1502        call fourdp(cplex,work1,work2,1,mpi_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
1503        vrespc(:,ispden)=work2(:)
1504      else
1505 !      vrespc(:,ispden)=reshape(work1(:,:),(/nfft*2/))
1506 !      Reshape function does not work with big arrays for some compilers
1507        do ifft=1,nfft
1508          vrespc(2*ifft-1,ispden)=work1(1,ifft)
1509          vrespc(2*ifft  ,ispden)=work1(2,ifft)
1510        end do
1511      end if
1513 !    End of loop on spin polarizations
1514    end do
1516    ABI_FREE(gq)
1517    ABI_FREE(work1)
1518    if (optreal==1) then
1519      ABI_FREE(work2)
1520    end if
1522 !  End condition diemac/=1.0
1523  end if
1525 end subroutine moddiel

ABINIT/prcref [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute preconditioned residual potential (or density) and forces.
 iprcel, densfor_pred and iprcfc govern the choice of the preconditioner.
 Three tasks are done:
 1) Preconditioning of the forces (residual has already been included)
     using the approximate force constant matrix. Get proposed
     change of atomic positions.
 2) Precondition the residual, get first part of proposed trial
     potential change.
 3) PAW only: precondition the rhoij residuals (simple preconditionning)
 4) Take into account the proposed change of atomic positions to
     modify the proposed trial potential change.

 This routine is almost similar to prcref_PMA.F90 which is employed in
 case of potential mixing. Yet it has undergone strong changes simultaneously
 from two different sources at the same time which resulted in a splitting.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  dielstrt=number of the step at which the dielectric preconditioning begins.
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | intxc=control xc quadrature
   | densfor_pred= not yet used here
   | iprcel= governs the preconditioning of the potential residual
   |    0 => simple model dielectric matrix, described by the
   |              parameters dielng, diemac, diemix and diemixmag contained in dielar.
   |    between 21 and 39 => until istep=dielstart, same as iprcel=0, then uses
   |              the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dielmt)
   |    between 41 and 49 => uses the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dielmt).
   |    between 51 and 59 => uses the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dieltcel).
   |    between 61 and 69 => uses the electronic dielectric matr (routine dieltcel).
   |    between 71 and 79 => uses the real-space preconditioner based on Kerker prc (prcrskerkerN)
   |    between 81 and 99 => reserved for futur version of the real-space preconditioner
   |    between 141 and 169 -> same as between 41 and 69 but with a different periodicity: modulo(iprcel modulo (10))
   | iprcfc= governs the preconditioning of the forces
   |         0 => hessian is the identity matrix
   |         1 => hessian is 0.5 times the identity matrix
   |         2 => hessian is 0.25 times the identity matrix
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice parameter.
   | natom=number of atoms
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | occopt=option for occupancies
   | prtvol=control print volume and debugging
   | typat(natom)=integer type for each atom in cell
  etotal=total ennergy
  fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces (hartree/bohr)
  ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftprc/nfft))=Index of the points of the FFT (fine) grid on the grid used for mixing (coarse)
  gmet(3,3)=metrix tensor in G space in Bohr**-2.
  gsqcut=cutoff on (k+G)^2 (bohr^-2)
  istep= number of the step in the SCF cycle
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  moved_atm_inside= if 1, then the preconditioned forces
    as well as the preconditioned potential residual must be computed;
    otherwise, compute only the preconditioned potential residual.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type in cell.
  nfft=number of fft grid points
  nfftprc=size of FFT grid on which the potential residual will be preconditionned
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngfftprc(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for the grid corresponding to nfftprc
  nkxc=second dimension of the array kxc, see rhotoxc.F90 for a description
  npawmix=-PAW only- number of spherical part elements to be mixed
  npwdiel=number of planewaves for dielectric matrix
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in cell.
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  optreal=1 if residual potential is is REAL space, 2 if it is in RECIPROCAL SPACE
  optres=0: the array vresid contains a potential residual
         1: the array vresid contains a density residual
  pawrhoij(my_natom*usepaw) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
                                    Use here rhoij residuals (and gradients)
  pawtab(ntypat*usepaw) <type(pawtab_type)>=paw tabulated starting data
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhog(2,nfft)=array for electron density in reciprocal space
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=array for electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space
  vresid(optreal*nfftprc,nspden)=residual potential
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree)
  vhartr(nfft)=array for holding Hartree potential
  vlspl(mqgrid,2,ntypat)=q^2 v(q) spline for each type of atom.
  vpsp(nfft)=array for holding local psp
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates


  dtn_pc(3,natom)=preconditioned change of atomic position,
                                          in reduced coordinates
  vrespc(optreal*nfftprc,nspden)=preconditioned residual of the potential
  ==== if psps%usepaw==1
    rhoijrespc(npawmix)= preconditionned rhoij residuals at output

                              inverse of the dielectric matrix in rec. space
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange-correlation kernel,
       needed if the electronic dielectric matrix is computed
  ===== if densfor_pred==3 .and. moved_atm_inside==1 =====
    ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim structure factor phases


179 subroutine prcref(atindx,dielar,dielinv,&
180 &  dielstrt,dtn_pc,dtset,etotal,fcart,ffttomix,gmet,gsqcut,&
181 &  istep,kg_diel,kxc,&
182 &  mgfft,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
183 &  nattyp,nfft,nfftprc,ngfft,ngfftprc,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,ntypat,n1xccc,&
184 &  optreal,optres,pawrhoij,pawtab,ph1d,psps,rhog,rhoijrespc,rhor,rprimd,&
185 &  susmat,vhartr,vpsp,vresid,vrespc,vxc,wvl,wvl_den,xred)
187 !Arguments-------------------------------
188 !scalars
189  integer,intent(in) :: dielstrt,istep,my_natom,mgfft,moved_atm_inside,n1xccc
190  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nfftprc,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,ntypat,optreal,optres
191  real(dp),intent(in) :: etotal,gsqcut
192  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
193  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
194  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
195  type(wvl_internal_type), intent(in) :: wvl
196  type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(inout) :: wvl_den
197 !arrays
198  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftprc/nfft))
199  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),ngfftprc(18)
200  real(dp),intent(in) :: dielar(7),fcart(3,dtset%natom),rhog(2,nfft)
201  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden)
202  real(dp),intent(in) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden)
203  real(dp),intent(in) :: vhartr(nfft),vresid(nfftprc*optreal,dtset%nspden)
204  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxc(nfft,dtset%nspden)
205  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dielinv(2,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden)
206  real(dp),intent(inout) :: gmet(3,3),kxc(nfft,nkxc)
207  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*dtset%natom),vpsp(nfft)
208  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
209  real(dp),intent(out) :: dtn_pc(3,dtset%natom),rhoijrespc(npawmix),rprimd(3,3)
210  real(dp),intent(out) :: vrespc(nfftprc*optreal,dtset%nspden)
211  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
212  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
214 !Local variables-------------------------------
215 !scalars
216  integer :: coredens_method,cplex,dielop,iatom,ier,ifft,ii,index,ipw1
217  integer :: ipw2,iq,iq0,ispden,klmn,kmix,n1,n2,n3,n3xccc,nfftot,nk3xc,optatm
218  integer :: optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,option,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,vloc_method
219  real(dp) :: ai,ar,diemix,diemixmag,eei,enxc
220  real(dp) :: mixfac
221  real(dp) :: mixfac_eff,mixfacmag,ucvol,vxcavg
222  logical :: computediel,non_magnetic_xc
223  character(len=500) :: message
224  type(xcdata_type) :: xcdata
225 !arrays
226  integer :: qprtrb(3)
227  integer,allocatable :: indpw_prc(:)
228  real(dp) :: dummy6(6),dummy7(6),gprimd(3,3),qphon(3),rmet(3,3),strsxc(6)
229  real(dp) :: vmean(dtset%nspden),vprtrb(2)
230  real(dp),allocatable :: dummy(:),dummy1(:),dummy2(:),dummy3(:),dummy4(:),dummy5(:),dummy8(:),dummy9(:)
231  real(dp),allocatable :: dyfrlo_indx(:,:,:),dyfrx2(:,:,:)
232  real(dp),allocatable :: fcart_pc(:,:),gresid(:,:),grtn_indx(:,:)
233  real(dp),allocatable :: grxc(:,:),grxc_indx(:,:),rhog_wk(:,:),rhor_new(:,:)
234  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_wk(:,:),rhor_wk0(:,:),vhartr_wk(:),vpsp_wk(:)
235  real(dp),allocatable :: vres_diel(:,:),vxc_wk(:,:),work(:),work1(:,:),work2(:)
236  real(dp),allocatable :: work3(:,:),xccc3d(:),xred_wk(:,:)
237  logical,allocatable :: mask(:)
239 ! *************************************************************************
241 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
242  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
244 !1) Eventually take care of the forces
246  if(moved_atm_inside==1)then
247    ABI_MALLOC(fcart_pc,(3,dtset%natom))
249    if(dtset%iprcfc==0)then
250      fcart_pc(:,:)=fcart(:,:)
251    else
252      fcart_pc(:,:)= (two**dtset%iprcfc) * fcart(:,:)
253    end if
255 !  Compute preconditioned delta xred from preconditioned fcart and rprimd
256    call xcart2xred(dtset%natom,rprimd,fcart_pc,dtn_pc)
258    ABI_FREE(fcart_pc)
259  end if
261 !#######################################################################
263 !2) Take care of the potential residual
265 !Compute the residuals corresponding to the solution
266 !of an approximate realspace dielectric function according
267 !to X. Gonze PRB vol54 nb7 p4383 (1996) [[cite:Gonze1996]]
268  if(dtset%iprcel>=71.and.dtset%iprcel<=79) then
269    if (nfft==nfftprc) then
270      if (dtset%iprcel<=78) then
271        call prcrskerker1(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,dtset%nspden,ngfft,dielar,etotal, &
272 &       gprimd,vresid,vrespc,rhor(:,1))
273      else
274        call prcrskerker2(dtset,nfft,dtset%nspden,ngfft,dielar,gprimd,rprimd, &
275 &       vresid,vrespc,dtset%natom,xred,mpi_enreg,ucvol)
276      end if
277    else
278 !    If preconditionning has to be done on a coarse grid,
279 !    has to transfer several arrays
280      ABI_MALLOC(work1,(nfftprc,dtset%nspden))
281      ABI_MALLOC(work3,(nfftprc,dtset%nspden))
282      ABI_MALLOC(work,(2*nfftprc))
283      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
284        work(:)=vresid(:,ispden)
285        call fourdp(1,work,work1(:,ispden),+1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
286      end do
287      ABI_FREE(work)
288      if (dtset%iprcel<=78) then
289        ABI_MALLOC(rhog_wk,(2,nfftprc))
290        rhog_wk(:,:)=zero
291        if (mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1.and. mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
292          nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
293          call indirect_parallel_Fourier(ffttomix,rhog_wk,mpi_enreg,ngfftprc,&
294 &         ngfft,nfftprc,nfft,dtset%paral_kgb,rhog,nfftot)
295        else
296          do ii=1,nfft
297            if (ffttomix(ii)>0) rhog_wk(:,ffttomix(ii))=rhog(:,ii)
298          end do
299        end if
300        call zerosym(rhog_wk,2,ngfftprc(1),ngfftprc(2),ngfftprc(3),&
301 &       comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
302        ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfftprc))
303        call fourdp(1,rhog_wk,work,+1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
304        call prcrskerker1(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,dtset%nspden,ngfftprc,dielar,etotal, &
305 &       gprimd,work1,work3,work)
306        ABI_FREE(work)
307      else
308        call prcrskerker2(dtset,nfftprc,dtset%nspden,ngfftprc,dielar,gprimd,rprimd, &
309 &       work1,work3,dtset%natom,xred,mpi_enreg,ucvol)
310      end if
311      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
312        call fourdp(1,vrespc(:,ispden),work3(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
313      end do
314      ABI_FREE(work1)
315      ABI_FREE(work3)
316    end if
318  else
320    if(dtset%iprcel==0 .or. (dtset%iprcel<40.and.istep<dielstrt) )then
321      cplex=optreal
322      qphon(:)=zero
323 !    Simple scalar multiplication, or model dielectric function
324      call moddiel(cplex,dielar,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,ngfftprc,dtset%nspden,optreal,optres,qphon,rprimd,vresid,vrespc)
326 !    Use the inverse dielectric matrix in a small G sphere
327    else if( (istep>=dielstrt .and. dtset%iprcel>=21) .or. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=41 )then
329 !    With dielop=1, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt
330 !    With dielop=2, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt and 1
331      dielop=1
332      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=41)dielop=2
333      computediel = dtset%testsusmat(dielop, dielstrt, istep) !test if the matrix is to be computed
334      if(computediel) then
335 !      Compute the inverse dielectric matrix from the susceptibility matrix
336 !      There are two routines for the RPA matrix, while for the electronic
337 !      dielectric matrix, only dieltcel will do the work
338        if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=49)then
339          call dielmt(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,&
340 &         npwdiel,dtset%nspden,dtset%occopt,dtset%prtvol,susmat)
341        else
342          option=1
343          if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=61)option=2
344          call dieltcel(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,kxc,&
345 &         nfft,ngfft,nkxc,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prtvol,susmat)
346        end if
347      end if
349      ABI_MALLOC(work1,(2,nfftprc))
350      ABI_MALLOC(work2,(optreal*nfftprc))
352 !    Presently, one uses the inverse of the RPA dielectric matrix,
353 !    for which spin must be averaged.
355 !    Do fft from real space (work2) to G space (work1)
356      if (optreal==1) then
357        work2(:)=vresid(:,1)
358 !      Must average over spins in the case of a potential residual
359        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==0)work2(:)=(work2(:)+vresid(:,2))*half
360        call fourdp(1,work1,work2,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
361      else
362        work1(:,:)=reshape(vresid(:,1),(/2,nfftprc/))
363        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==0)work1(:,:)=(work1(:,:)+reshape(vresid(:,2),(/2,nfftprc/)))*half
364      end if
366 !    Multiply by restricted inverse of dielectric matrix.
367 !    Must first copy relevant elements of work1 to a npwdiel-dimensioned array,
368 !    then zero work1, operate with the dielinv matrix, and store in work1.
370      ABI_MALLOC(vres_diel,(2,npwdiel))
371      ABI_MALLOC(indpw_prc,(npwdiel))
372      ABI_MALLOC(mask,(npwdiel))
373      mask(:)=.true.
374      call kgindex(indpw_prc,kg_diel,mask,mpi_enreg,ngfftprc,npwdiel)
376      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
377        if(mask(ipw1)) then
378          vres_diel(1,ipw1)=work1(1,indpw_prc(ipw1))
379          vres_diel(2,ipw1)=work1(2,indpw_prc(ipw1))
380        end if
381      end do
382      work1(:,:)=zero
383      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
384        ar=zero ; ai=zero
386 !      Use inverse of dielectric matrix (potential mixing)
387        if (optres==0) then
388          do ipw2=1,npwdiel
389            if(mask(ipw2))then
390              ar=ar+dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
391 &             -dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
392              ai=ai+dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
393 &             +dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
394            end if
395          end do
396        else
397 !        Use symetric of inverse of dielectric matrix (density mixing)
398          do ipw2=1,npwdiel
399            if(mask(ipw2))then
400              ar=ar+dielinv(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
401 &             +dielinv(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
402              ai=ai-dielinv(2,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
403 &             +dielinv(1,ipw2,1,ipw1,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
404            end if
405          end do
406        end if
407 !      Must be careful not to count the diagonal 1 twice : it is added later,
408 !      so must be subtracted now.
409        call xmpi_sum(ar,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ier)
410        call xmpi_sum(ai,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ier)
411        if(mask(ipw1)) then
412          work1(1,indpw_prc(ipw1))=ar-vres_diel(1,ipw1)
413          work1(2,indpw_prc(ipw1))=ai-vres_diel(2,ipw1)
414        end if !mask(ipw1)
415      end do ! ipw1
416      ABI_FREE(vres_diel)
417      ABI_FREE(indpw_prc)
418      ABI_FREE(mask)
419 !    Fourier transform
420      if (optreal==1) then
421        call fourdp(1,work1,work2,1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
422      else
423        work2(:)=reshape(work1(:,:),(/nfftprc*2/))
424      end if
426 !    Add to get the preconditioned vresid, must be careful about spins.
427      if(dtset%iprcel>=30)then
428        diemix=dielar(4);diemixmag=abs(dielar(7))
429        vrespc(:,1)=diemix*(vresid(:,1)+work2(:))
430        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==0)vrespc(:,2)=diemixmag*(vresid(:,2)+work2(:))
431        if(dtset%nspden==4.and.optres==0)vrespc(:,3:4)=diemixmag*vresid(:,3:4)
432        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==1)vrespc(:,2:dtset%nspden)=diemixmag*vresid(:,2:dtset%nspden)
433      else
434        vrespc(:,1)=vresid(:,1)+work2(:)
435        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==0)vrespc(:,2)=vresid(:,2)+work2(:)
436        if(dtset%nspden==4.and.optres==0)vrespc(:,3:4)=vresid(:,3:4)
437        if(dtset%nspden/=1.and.optres==1)vrespc(:,2:dtset%nspden)=vresid(:,2:dtset%nspden)
438      end if
440      ABI_FREE(work1)
441      ABI_FREE(work2)
443 !    Other choice ?
444    else
445      write(message, '(a,i3,a,a,a,a)' )&
446 &     'From the calling routine, iprcel=',dtset%iprcel,ch10,&
447 &     'The only allowed values are 0 or larger than 20.',ch10,&
448 &     'Action: correct your input file.'
449      ABI_ERROR(message)
450    end if
451  end if
452 !#######################################################################
454 !3) PAW only : precondition the rhoij quantities (augmentation
455 !occupancies) residuals. Use a simple preconditionning
456 !with the same mixing factor as the model dielectric function.
458  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
459    if (istep>=dielstrt.and.dtset%iprcel>=21.and.dtset%iprcel<30) then
460      mixfac=one;mixfacmag=one
461    else
462      mixfac=dielar(4);mixfacmag=abs(dielar(7))
463    end if
464    if (pawrhoij(1)%cplex_rhoij==1) then
465      index=0
466      do iatom=1,my_natom
467        do iq=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%qphase
468          iq0=merge(0,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size,iq==1)
469          do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
470            mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
471            do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
472              index=index+1;klmn=iq0+pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)
473              rhoijrespc(index)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn,ispden)
474            end do
475          end do
476        end do
477      end do
478    else
479      index=-1
480      do iatom=1,my_natom
481        do iq=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%qphase
482          iq0=merge(0,2*pawrhoij(iatom)%lmn2_size,iq==1)
483          do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
484            mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
485            do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
486              index=index+2;klmn=iq0+2*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-1
487              rhoijrespc(index:index+1)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+1,ispden)
488            end do
489          end do
490        end do
491      end do
492    end if
493  end if
495 !#######################################################################
497 !4) Take care of the change of atomic positions
498 !Note : this part is very demanding on memory...
499 !however, since this algorithm is still in development,
500 !it was NOT included in the estimation provided by memory.f
501  if(abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==3 .and. moved_atm_inside==1)then
503 !  Not yet compatible with resid given in reciprocal space
504    if (optreal/=1) then
505      write(message, '(5a)' )&
506 &     'From the calling routine, densfor_pred=3',ch10,&
507 &     'You cannot use residuals in reciprocal space.',ch10,&
508 &     'Action: correct your input file.'
509      ABI_ERROR(message)
510    end if
511 !  Not compatible with non-collinear magnetism
512    if(dtset%nspden==4)then
513      ABI_ERROR('densfor_pred=3 does not work for nspden=4 !')
514    end if
516    n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
517    nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
519    if (optres==0) then  ! Array vresid contains a potential residual
520 !    -----------------------------------------------------------------
522 !    First subtract the current local, hartree and exchange correlation potentials
523      do ispden=1,min(dtset%nspden,2)
524        vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vpsp(:)-vhartr(:)-vxc(:,ispden)
525      end do
526      if (dtset%nspden==4) then
527        do ispden=3,4
528          vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vxc(:,ispden)
529        end do
530      end if
532 !    Compute the modified density, in rhor_wk
533      option=2
534      ABI_MALLOC(gresid,(3,dtset%natom))
535      ABI_MALLOC(grxc,(3,dtset%natom))
536      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
537      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk0,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
538      ABI_MALLOC(xred_wk,(3,dtset%natom))
539      xred_wk(:,:)=xred(:,:)+dtn_pc(:,:)
540      call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
541 &     ntypat,option,pawtab,rhor,rprimd,&
542 &     ucvol,rhor_wk,xred_wk,xred,psps%znuclpsp)
544 !    Compute up+down rhog_wk(G) by fft
545      ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfft))
546      ABI_MALLOC(rhog_wk,(2,nfft))
547      work(:)=rhor_wk(:,1)
548      call fourdp(1,rhog_wk,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
549      ABI_FREE(work)
551 !    Compute structure factor phases for new atomic pos:
552      call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,n1,n2,n3,ph1d,xred_wk)
554 !    Compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp:
555 !    and core electron density xccc3d, if needed.
556      n3xccc=0;if (n1xccc/=0) n3xccc=nfft
557      ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d,(n3xccc))
558      ABI_MALLOC(vpsp_wk,(nfft))
559      vprtrb(1:2)=zero
561 !    Determine by which method the local ionic potential and/or
562 !    the pseudo core charge density contributions have to be computed
563 !    Local ionic potential:
564 !     Method 1: PAW
565 !     Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, icoulomb>0, wavelets
566      vloc_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) vloc_method=2
567      if (dtset%icoulomb>0) vloc_method=2
568      if (psps%usewvl==1) vloc_method=2
569 !    Pseudo core charge density:
570 !     Method 1: PAW, nc_xccc_gspace
571 !     Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, wavelets
572      coredens_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) coredens_method=2
573      if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) coredens_method=1
574      if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==0) coredens_method=2
575      if (psps%usewvl==1) coredens_method=2
577 !    Local ionic potential and/or pseudo core charge by method 1
578      if (vloc_method==1.or.coredens_method==1) then
579        optv=0;if (vloc_method==1) optv=1
580        optn=0;if (coredens_method==1) optn=n3xccc/nfft
581        optatm=1;optdyfr=0;optgr=0;optstr=0;optn2=1;opteltfr=0
582 !      Note: atindx1 should be passed to atm2fft (instead of atindx) but it is unused...
583        call atm2fft(atindx,xccc3d,vpsp,dummy,dummy2,dummy9,dummy1,gmet,gprimd,dummy3,dummy4,gsqcut,&
584 &       mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,ntypat,optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,&
585 &       optstr,optv,psps,pawtab,ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,qprtrb,dtset%rcut,dummy5,rprimd,dummy6,dummy7,&
586 &       ucvol,psps%usepaw,dummy8,dummy8,dummy8,vprtrb,psps%vlspl,&
587 &       comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
588 &       paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
589      end if
591 !    Local ionic potential by method 2
592      if (vloc_method==2) then
593        option=1
594        ABI_MALLOC(dyfrlo_indx,(3,3,dtset%natom))
595        ABI_MALLOC(grtn_indx,(3,dtset%natom))
596        call mklocl(dtset,dyfrlo_indx,eei,gmet,gprimd,grtn_indx,gsqcut,dummy6,&
597 &       mgfft,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,&
598 &       ntypat,option,pawtab,ph1d,psps,qprtrb,rhog_wk,rhor_wk,rprimd,&
599 &       ucvol,vprtrb,vpsp_wk,wvl,wvl_den,xred)
600        ABI_FREE(dyfrlo_indx)
601        ABI_FREE(grtn_indx)
602      end if
604 !    Pseudo core electron density by method 2
605      if (coredens_method==2.and.n1xccc/=0) then
606        option=1
607        ABI_MALLOC(dyfrx2,(3,3,dtset%natom))
608        ABI_MALLOC(grxc_indx,(3,dtset%natom))
609        call mkcore(dummy6,dyfrx2,grxc_indx,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
610 &       n1,n1xccc,n2,n3,option,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,vxc,psps%xcccrc,&
611 &       psps%xccc1d,xccc3d,xred_wk)
612        ABI_FREE(dyfrx2)
613        ABI_FREE(grxc_indx)
614      end if
616 !    Compute Hartree+xc potentials
617      ABI_MALLOC(vxc_wk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
618      ABI_MALLOC(vhartr_wk,(nfft))
619      option=1
621      call hartre(1,gsqcut,dtset%icutcoul,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
622                  &dtset%nkpt,dtset%rcut,rhog_wk,rprimd,dtset%vcutgeo,vhartr_wk)
624 !    Prepare the call to rhotoxc
625      call xcdata_init(xcdata,dtset=dtset)
626      nk3xc=1 ; non_magnetic_xc=(dtset%usepaw==1.and.mod(abs(dtset%usepawu),10)==4)
627      call rhotoxc(enxc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
628 &     work,0,work,0,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,option,rhor_wk,rprimd,strsxc,1,&
629 &     vxc_wk,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdata,vhartr=vhartr_wk)
630      ABI_FREE(xccc3d)
632 !    Sum all contributions
633      do ispden=1,min(dtset%nspden,2)
634        do ifft=1,nfft
635          vrespc(ifft,ispden)=vrespc(ifft,ispden)+vpsp_wk(ifft)+vhartr_wk(ifft)+vxc_wk(ifft,ispden)
636        end do
637      end do
638      if (dtset%nspden==4) then
639        do ispden=3,4
640          do ifft=1,nfft
641            vrespc(ifft,ispden)=vrespc(ifft,ispden)+vxc_wk(ifft,ispden)
642          end do
643        end do
644      end if
645      call mean_fftr(vrespc,vmean,nfft,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
646      if(dtset%nspden==2) then
647        vmean(1)=half*(vmean(1)+vmean(2))
648        vmean(2)=vmean(1)
649      end if
650      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
651        vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vmean(ispden)
652      end do
653      ABI_FREE(gresid)
654      ABI_FREE(grxc)
655      ABI_FREE(rhog_wk)
656      ABI_FREE(rhor_wk)
657      ABI_FREE(rhor_wk0)
658      ABI_FREE(xred_wk)
659      ABI_FREE(vhartr_wk)
660      ABI_FREE(vpsp_wk)
661      ABI_FREE(vxc_wk)
663    else                 ! Array vresid contains a density residual
664 !    -----------------------------------------------------------------
666 !    Only have to compute the modified preconditionned density residual
667      option=2
668      ABI_MALLOC(gresid,(3,dtset%natom))
669      ABI_MALLOC(grxc,(3,dtset%natom))
670      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_new,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
671      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
672      ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk0,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
673      ABI_MALLOC(xred_wk,(3,dtset%natom))
674      xred_wk(:,:)=xred(:,:)+dtn_pc(:,:)
675      rhor_new(:,1)=rhor(:,1)+vrespc(:,1)
676      if (dtset%nspden==2) then
677        rhor_new(:,1)=rhor_new(:,1)+vrespc(:,2)
678        rhor_new(:,2)=rhor(:,2)+vrespc(:,1)
679      end if
680      call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
681 &     ntypat,option,pawtab,rhor,rprimd,&
682 &     ucvol,rhor_wk0,xred_wk,xred,psps%znuclpsp)
683      call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
684 &     ntypat,option,pawtab,rhor_new,rprimd,&
685 &     ucvol,rhor_wk,xred_wk,xred,psps%znuclpsp)
686      vrespc(:,1)=rhor_wk(:,dtset%nspden)-rhor_wk0(:,dtset%nspden)
687      if (dtset%nspden==2) vrespc(:,2)=rhor_wk(:,1)-rhor_wk0(:,1)-vrespc(:,1)
688      ABI_FREE(gresid)
689      ABI_FREE(grxc)
690      ABI_FREE(rhor_new)
691      ABI_FREE(rhor_wk)
692      ABI_FREE(rhor_wk0)
693      ABI_FREE(xred_wk)
694    end if
696  end if
698 end subroutine prcref

ABINIT/prcref_PMA [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Compute preconditioned residual potential (or density) and forces.
 iprcel, densfor_pred and iprcfc govern the choice of the preconditioner.
 Three tasks are done:
 1) Preconditioning of the forces (residual has already been included)
     using the approximate force constant matrix. Get proposed
     change of atomic positions.
 2) Precondition the residual, get first part of proposed trial
     potential change.
 3) PAW only: precondition the rhoij residuals (simple preconditionning)
 4) Take into account the proposed change of atomic positions to
     modify the proposed trial potential change.

 This routine is almost similar to prcref.F90 which is employed in
 case of density mixing. Yet it has undergone strong changes simultaneously
 from two different sources at the same time which resulted in a splitting.


  atindx(natom)=index table for atoms (see gstate.f)
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  dielstrt=number of the step at which the dielectric preconditioning begins.
  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
   | intxc=control xc quadrature
   | densfor_pred= not yet used here
   | iprcel= governs the preconditioning of the potential residual
   |    0 => simple model dielectric matrix, described by the
   |              parameters dielng, diemac, diemix and diemixmag contained in dielar.
   |    between 21 and 39 => until istep=dielstart, same as iprcel=0, then uses
   |              the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dielmt)
   |    between 41 and 49 => uses the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dielmt).
   |    between 51 and 59 => uses the RPA dielectric matrix (routine dieltcel).
   |    between 61 and 69 => uses the electronic dielectric matr (routine dieltcel).
   |    between 71 and 79 => uses the real-space preconditioner based on Kerker prc (prcrskerkerN)
   |    between 81 and 99 => reserved for futur version of the real-space preconditioner
   |    between 141 and 169 -> same as between 41 and 69 but with a different periodicity: modulo(iprcel modulo (10))
   | iprcfc= governs the preconditioning of the forces
   |         0 => hessian is the identity matrix
   |         1 => hessian is 0.5 times the identity matrix
   |         2 => hessian is 0.25 times the identity matrix
   | ixc=exchange-correlation choice parameter.
   | natom=number of atoms
   | nspden=number of spin-density components
   | occopt=option for occupancies
   | prtvol=control print volume and debugging
   | typat(natom)=integer type for each atom in cell
  fcart(3,natom)=cartesian forces (hartree/bohr)
  ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftprc/nfft))=Index of the points of the FFT (fine) grid on the grid used for mixing (coarse)
  gmet(3,3)=metrix tensor in G space in Bohr**-2.
  gsqcut=cutoff on (k+G)^2 (bohr^-2)
  istep= number of the step in the SCF cycle
  kg_diel(3,npwdiel)=reduced planewave coordinates for the dielectric matrix.
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  moved_atm_inside= if 1, then the preconditioned forces
    as well as the preconditioned potential residual must be computed;
    otherwise, compute only the preconditioned potential residual.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  my_natom=number of atoms treated by current processor
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type in cell.
  nfft=number of fft grid points
  nfftprc=size of FFT grid on which the potential residual will be preconditionned
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  ngfftprc(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT for the grid corresponding to nfftprc
  nkxc=second dimension of the array kxc, see rhotoxc.f for a description
  npawmix=-PAW only- number of spherical part elements to be mixed
  npwdiel=number of planewaves for dielectric matrix
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in cell.
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  optreal=1 if residual potential is is REAL space, 2 if it is in RECIPROCAL SPACE
  optres=0: the array vresid contains a potential residual
         1: the array vresid contains a density residual
  pawrhoij(my_natom) <type(pawrhoij_type)>= paw rhoij occupancies and related data
                                    Use here rhoij residuals (and gradients)
  psps <type(pseudopotential_type)>=variables related to pseudopotentials
  rhog(2,nfft)=array for electron density in reciprocal space
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=array for electron density in electrons/bohr**3.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
   the susceptibility (or density-density response) matrix in reciprocal space
  vresid(optreal*nfftprc,nspden)=residual potential
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=exchange-correlation potential (hartree)
  vhartr(nfft)=array for holding Hartree potential
  vlspl(mqgrid,2,ntypat)=q^2 v(q) spline for each type of atom.
  vpsp(nfft)=array for holding local psp
  xred(3,natom)=reduced dimensionless atomic coordinates



  dtn_pc(3,natom)=preconditioned change of atomic position,
                                          in reduced coordinates
  vrespc(optreal*nfftprc,nspden)=preconditioned residual of the potential
  ==== if psps%usepaw==1
    rhoijrespc(npawmix)= preconditionned rhoij residuals at output

                              inverse of the dielectric matrix in rec. space
  kxc(nfft,nkxc)=exchange-correlation kernel,
       needed if the electronic dielectric matrix is computed
  ===== if densfor_pred==3 .and. moved_atm_inside==1 =====
    ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1-dim structure factor phases


 813   subroutine prcref_PMA(atindx,dielar,dielinv,&
 814 &  dielstrt,dtn_pc,dtset,fcart,ffttomix,gmet,gsqcut,&
 815 &  istep,kg_diel,kxc,&
 816 &  mgfft,moved_atm_inside,mpi_enreg,my_natom,&
 817 &  nattyp,nfft,nfftprc,ngfft,ngfftprc,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,ntypat,n1xccc,&
 818 &  optreal,optres,pawrhoij,ph1d,psps,rhog, rhoijrespc,rhor,rprimd,&
 819 &  susmat,vhartr,vpsp,vresid,vrespc,vxc,xred,&
 820 &  etotal,pawtab,wvl)
 822 !Arguments-------------------------------
 823 !variables used for tfvw
 824 !scalars
 825  integer,intent(in) :: dielstrt,istep,mgfft,moved_atm_inside,my_natom,n1xccc
 826  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nfftprc,nkxc,npawmix,npwdiel,ntypat
 827  integer,intent(in) :: optreal,optres
 828  real(dp),intent(in) :: etotal,gsqcut
 829  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 830  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
 831  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(in) :: psps
 832  type(wvl_data), intent(inout) :: wvl
 833 !arrays
 834  integer,intent(in) :: atindx(dtset%natom),ffttomix(nfft*(1-nfftprc/nfft))
 835  integer,intent(in) :: kg_diel(3,npwdiel),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),ngfftprc(18)
 836  real(dp),intent(in) :: dielar(7),fcart(3,dtset%natom)
 837  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhog(2,nfft)
 838  real(dp),intent(in) :: rhor(nfft,dtset%nspden)
 839  real(dp),intent(in) :: susmat(2,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden)
 840  real(dp),intent(in) :: vhartr(nfft),vresid(nfftprc*optreal,dtset%nspden)
 841  real(dp),intent(in) :: vxc(nfft,dtset%nspden)
 842  real(dp),intent(inout) :: dielinv(2,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,npwdiel,dtset%nspden)
 843  real(dp),intent(inout) :: gmet(3,3),kxc(nfft,nkxc)
 844  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*dtset%natom),vpsp(nfft)
 845  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xred(3,dtset%natom),rprimd(3,3)
 846  real(dp),intent(out) :: dtn_pc(3,dtset%natom),rhoijrespc(npawmix)
 847  real(dp),intent(out) :: vrespc(nfftprc*optreal,dtset%nspden)
 848  type(pawrhoij_type),intent(inout) :: pawrhoij(my_natom*psps%usepaw)
 849  type(pawtab_type),intent(in) :: pawtab(ntypat*psps%usepaw)
 851 !Local variables-------------------------------
 852 !scalars
 853  integer :: coredens_method,cplex,dielop,iatom,ier,ifft,ii,index,ipw1
 854  integer :: ipw2,ispden,klmn,kmix,n1,n2,n3,n3xccc,nfftot,nk3xc,optatm
 855  integer :: optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,option,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,vloc_method
 856  real(dp) :: ai,ar,diemix,diemixmag,eei,enxc
 857  real(dp) :: mixfac
 858  real(dp) :: mixfac_eff,mixfacmag,ucvol,vxcavg
 859  logical :: computediel,non_magnetic_xc
 860  character(len=500) :: message
 861  type(xcdata_type) :: xcdata
 862 !arrays
 863  integer :: qprtrb(3)
 864  integer,allocatable :: indpw_prc(:)
 865  real(dp) :: dummy6(6),gprimd(3,3),qphon(3),rmet(3,3),strsxc(6)
 866  real(dp) :: vmean(dtset%nspden),vprtrb(2)
 867  real(dp),allocatable :: dummy_in(:)
 868  real(dp) :: dummy_out1(0),dummy_out2(0),dummy_out3(0),dummy_out4(0),dummy_out5(0),dummy_out6(0),dummy_out7(0)
 869  real(dp),allocatable :: dyfrlo_indx(:,:,:),dyfrx2(:,:,:)
 870  real(dp),allocatable :: fcart_pc(:,:),gresid(:,:),grtn_indx(:,:)
 871  real(dp),allocatable :: grxc(:,:),grxc_indx(:,:),rhog_wk(:,:)
 872  real(dp),allocatable :: rhor_wk(:,:),rhor_wk0(:,:),vhartr_wk(:),vpsp_wk(:)
 873  real(dp),allocatable :: vres_diel(:,:),vxc_wk(:,:),work(:),work1(:,:),work2(:)
 874  real(dp),allocatable :: work3(:,:),xccc3d(:),xred_wk(:,:)
 875  logical,allocatable :: mask(:)
 877 ! *************************************************************************
 879  if(optres==1)then
 880    ABI_ERROR('density mixing (optres=1) not admitted!')
 881  end if
 883 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
 884  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 886 !1) Eventually take care of the forces
 888  if(moved_atm_inside==1)then
 889    ABI_MALLOC(fcart_pc,(3,dtset%natom))
 891    if(dtset%iprcfc==0)then
 892      fcart_pc(:,:)=fcart(:,:)
 893    else
 894      fcart_pc(:,:)= (two**dtset%iprcfc) * fcart(:,:)
 895    end if
 897 !  Compute preconditioned delta xred from preconditioned fcart and rprimd
 898    call xcart2xred(dtset%natom,rprimd,fcart_pc,dtn_pc)
 900    ABI_FREE(fcart_pc)
 901  end if
 903 !#######################################################################
 905 !2) Take care of the potential residual
 907 !Compute the residuals corresponding to the solution
 908 !of an approximate realspace dielectric function according
 909 !to X. Gonze PRB vol54 nb7 p4383 (1996) [[cite:Gonze1996]]
 910  if(dtset%iprcel>=71.and.dtset%iprcel<=79) then
 911    if (nfft==nfftprc) then
 912      if (dtset%iprcel<=78) then
 913        call prcrskerker1(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,dtset%nspden,ngfft,dielar,etotal, &
 914 &       gprimd,vresid,vrespc,rhor(:,1))
 915      else
 916        call prcrskerker2(dtset,nfft,dtset%nspden,ngfft,dielar,gprimd,rprimd, &
 917 &       vresid,vrespc,dtset%natom,xred,mpi_enreg,ucvol)
 918      end if
 919    else
 920 !    If preconditionning has to be done on a coarse grid,
 921 !    has to transfer several arrays
 922      ABI_MALLOC(work1,(nfftprc,dtset%nspden))
 923      ABI_MALLOC(work3,(nfftprc,dtset%nspden))
 924      ABI_MALLOC(work,(2*nfftprc))
 925      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
 926        work(:)=vresid(:,ispden)
 927        call fourdp(1,work,work1(:,ispden),+1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
 928      end do
 929      ABI_FREE(work)
 930      if (dtset%iprcel<=78) then
 931        ABI_MALLOC(rhog_wk,(2,nfftprc))
 932        rhog_wk(:,:)=zero
 933        if (mpi_enreg%nproc_fft>1.and. mpi_enreg%paral_kgb==1) then
 934          nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
 935          call indirect_parallel_Fourier(ffttomix,rhog_wk,mpi_enreg,ngfftprc,&
 936 &         ngfft,nfftprc,nfft,dtset%paral_kgb,rhog,nfftot)
 937        else
 938          do ii=1,nfft
 939            if (ffttomix(ii)>0) rhog_wk(:,ffttomix(ii))=rhog(:,ii)
 940          end do
 941        end if
 942        call zerosym(rhog_wk,2,ngfftprc(1),ngfftprc(2),ngfftprc(3),&
 943 &       comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
 944        ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfftprc))
 945        call fourdp(1,rhog_wk,work,+1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
 946        call prcrskerker1(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,dtset%nspden,ngfftprc,dielar,etotal, &
 947 &       gprimd,work1,work3,work)
 948        ABI_FREE(work)
 949      else
 950        call prcrskerker2(dtset,nfftprc,dtset%nspden,ngfftprc,dielar,gprimd,rprimd, &
 951 &       work1,work3,dtset%natom,xred,mpi_enreg,ucvol)
 952      end if
 953      do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
 954        call fourdp(1,vrespc(:,ispden),work3(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
 955      end do
 956      ABI_FREE(work1)
 957      ABI_FREE(work3)
 958    end if
 960  else
 962    if(dtset%iprcel==0 .or. (dtset%iprcel<40.and.istep<dielstrt) )then
 963      cplex=optreal
 964      qphon(:)=zero
 965 !    Simple scalar multiplication, or model dielectric function
 966      call moddiel(cplex,dielar,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,ngfftprc,dtset%nspden,optreal,optres,qphon,rprimd,vresid,vrespc)
 968 !    Use the inverse dielectric matrix in a small G sphere
 969    else if( (istep>=dielstrt .and. dtset%iprcel>=21) .or. modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=41 )then
 971 !    Wnith dielop=1, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt
 972 !    With dielop=2, the matrices will be computed when istep=dielstrt and 1
 973      dielop=1
 974      if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=41)dielop=2
 975      computediel = dtset%testsusmat(dielop, dielstrt, istep) !test if the matrix is to be computed
 976      if(computediel) then
 977 !      Compute the inverse dielectric matrix from the susceptibility matrix
 978 !      There are two routines for the RPA matrix, while for the electronic
 979 !      dielectric matrix, only dieltcel will do the work
 980        if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)<=49)then
 981          call dielmt(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,&
 982 &         npwdiel,dtset%nspden,dtset%occopt,dtset%prtvol,susmat)
 983        else
 984          option=1
 985          if(modulo(dtset%iprcel,100)>=61)option=2
 986          call dieltcel(dielinv,gmet,kg_diel,kxc,&
 987 &         nfft,ngfft,nkxc,npwdiel,dtset%nspden,dtset%occopt,option,dtset%prtvol,susmat)
 988        end if
 989      end if
 991      ABI_MALLOC(work1,(2,nfftprc))
 992      ABI_MALLOC(work2,(optreal*nfftprc))
 994 !    Presently, one uses the inverse of the RPA dielectric matrix,
 995 !    for which spin must be averaged.
 997 !    Do fft from real space (work2) to G space (work1)
 998      if (optreal==1) then
 999        work2(:)=vresid(:,1)
1000 !      Must average over spins if needed.
1001        if(dtset%nspden/=1)work2(:)=(work2(:)+vresid(:,2))*half
1002        call fourdp(1,work1,work2,-1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
1003      else
1004        work1(:,:)=reshape(vresid(:,1),(/2,nfftprc/))
1005        if (dtset%nspden/=1) work1(:,:)=(work1(:,:)+reshape(vresid(:,2),(/2,nfftprc/)))*half
1006      end if
1008 !    Multiply by restricted inverse of dielectric matrix.
1009 !    Must first copy relevant elements of work1 to a npwdiel-dimensioned array,
1010 !    then zero work1, operate with the dielinv matrix, and store in work1.
1012      ABI_MALLOC(vres_diel,(2,npwdiel))
1013      ABI_MALLOC(indpw_prc,(npwdiel))
1014      ABI_MALLOC(mask,(npwdiel))
1015      mask(:)=.true.
1016      call kgindex(indpw_prc,kg_diel,mask,mpi_enreg,ngfftprc,npwdiel)
1017      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1018        if(mask(ipw1)) then
1019          vres_diel(1,ipw1)=work1(1,indpw_prc(ipw1))
1020          vres_diel(2,ipw1)=work1(2,indpw_prc(ipw1))
1021        end if
1022      end do
1024      work1(:,:)=zero
1025      do ipw1=1,npwdiel
1026        ar=zero ; ai=zero
1028 !      Use inverse of dielectric matrix (potential mixing)
1029        do ipw2=1,npwdiel
1030          if(mask(ipw2))then
1031            ar=ar+dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
1032 &           -dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
1033            ai=ai+dielinv(2,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(1,ipw2) &
1034 &           +dielinv(1,ipw1,1,ipw2,1)*vres_diel(2,ipw2)
1035          end if
1036        end do
1037 !      Must be careful not to count the diagonal 1 twice : it is added later,
1038 !      so must be subtracted now.
1039        call xmpi_sum(ar,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ier)
1040        call xmpi_sum(ai,mpi_enreg%comm_fft,ier)
1041        if(mask(ipw1)) then
1042          work1(1,indpw_prc(ipw1))=ar-vres_diel(1,ipw1)
1043          work1(2,indpw_prc(ipw1))=ai-vres_diel(2,ipw1)
1044        end if !mask(ipw1)
1045      end do ! ipw1
1046      ABI_FREE(vres_diel)
1047      ABI_FREE(indpw_prc)
1048      ABI_FREE(mask)
1050 !    Fourier transform
1051      if (optreal==1) then
1052        call fourdp(1,work1,work2,1,mpi_enreg,nfftprc,1,ngfftprc,0)
1053      else
1054        work2(:)=reshape(work1(:,:),(/nfftprc*2/))
1055      end if
1057 !    Add to get the preconditioned vresid, must be careful about spins.
1058      if(dtset%iprcel>=30)then
1059        diemix=dielar(4);diemixmag=abs(dielar(7))
1060        vrespc(:,1)=diemix*(vresid(:,1)+work2(:))
1061        if(dtset%nspden/=1)vrespc(:,2)=diemixmag*(vresid(:,2)+work2(:))
1062        if(dtset%nspden==4)vrespc(:,3:4)=diemixmag*vresid(:,3:4)
1063      else
1064        vrespc(:,1)=vresid(:,1)+work2(:)
1065        if(dtset%nspden/=1)vrespc(:,2)=vresid(:,2)+work2(:)
1066        if(dtset%nspden==4)vrespc(:,3:4)=vresid(:,3:4)
1067      end if
1069      ABI_FREE(work1)
1070      ABI_FREE(work2)
1072 !    Other choice ?
1073    else
1074      write(message, '(a,i0,a,a,a,a)' )&
1075 &     'From the calling routine, iprcel= ',dtset%iprcel,ch10,&
1076 &     'The only allowed values are 0 or larger than 20.',ch10,&
1077 &     'Action: correct your input file.'
1078      ABI_ERROR(message)
1079    end if
1080  end if
1081 !#######################################################################
1083 !3) PAW only : precondition the rhoij quantities (augmentation
1084 !occupancies) residuals. Use a simple preconditionning
1085 !with the same mixing factor as the model dielectric function.
1087  if (psps%usepaw==1.and.my_natom>0) then
1088    if (istep>=dielstrt.and.dtset%iprcel>=21.and.dtset%iprcel<30) then
1089      mixfac=one;mixfacmag=one
1090    else
1091      mixfac=dielar(4);mixfacmag=abs(dielar(7))
1092    end if
1093    if (pawrhoij(1)%cplex_rhoij==1) then
1094      index=0
1095      do iatom=1,my_natom
1096        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
1097          mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
1098          do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
1099            index=index+1;klmn=pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)
1100            rhoijrespc(index)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn,ispden)
1101          end do
1102        end do
1103      end do
1104    else
1105      index=-1
1106      do iatom=1,my_natom
1107        do ispden=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%nspden
1108          mixfac_eff=mixfac;if (ispden>1) mixfac_eff=mixfacmag
1109          do kmix=1,pawrhoij(iatom)%lmnmix_sz
1110            index=index+2;klmn=2*pawrhoij(iatom)%kpawmix(kmix)-1
1111            rhoijrespc(index:index+1)=mixfac_eff*pawrhoij(iatom)%rhoijres(klmn:klmn+1,ispden)
1112          end do
1113        end do
1114      end do
1115    end if
1116  end if
1117 !#######################################################################
1119 !4) Take care of the change of atomic positions
1120 !Note : this part is very demanding on memory...
1121 !however, since this algorithm is still in development,
1122 !it was NOT included in the estimation provided by memory.f
1123  if(abs(dtset%densfor_pred)==3 .and. moved_atm_inside==1)then
1125 !  Not yet compatible with resid given in reciprocal space
1126    if (optreal/=1) then
1127      write(message, '(5a)' )&
1128 &     'From the calling routine, densfor_pred=3',ch10,&
1129 &     'You cannot use residuals in reciprocal space.',ch10,&
1130 &     'Action: correct your input file.'
1131      ABI_ERROR(message)
1132    end if
1134 !  Not compatible with non-collinear magnetism
1135    if(dtset%nspden==4)then
1136      ABI_ERROR('densfor_pred=3 does not work for nspden=4!')
1137    end if
1139    n1=ngfft(1) ; n2=ngfft(2) ; n3=ngfft(3)
1140    nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
1142 !  First subtract the current local, hartree and exchange correlation potentials
1143    do ispden=1,min(dtset%nspden,2)
1144      vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vpsp(:)-vhartr(:)-vxc(:,ispden)
1145    end do
1146    if (dtset%nspden==4) then
1147      do ispden=3,4
1148        vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vxc(:,ispden)
1149      end do
1150    end if
1152 !  Compute the modified density, in rhor_wk
1153    option=2
1154    ABI_MALLOC(gresid,(3,dtset%natom))
1155    ABI_MALLOC(grxc,(3,dtset%natom))
1156    ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
1157    ABI_MALLOC(rhor_wk0,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
1158    ABI_MALLOC(xred_wk,(3,dtset%natom))
1159    xred_wk(:,:)=xred(:,:)+dtn_pc(:,:)
1161    call fresid(dtset,gresid,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
1162 &   ntypat,option,pawtab,rhor,rprimd,&
1163 &   ucvol,rhor_wk,xred_wk,xred,psps%znuclpsp)
1165 !  Compute up+down rhog_wk(G) by fft
1166    ABI_MALLOC(work,(nfft))
1167    ABI_MALLOC(rhog_wk,(2,nfft))
1168    work(:)=rhor_wk(:,1)
1169    call fourdp(1,rhog_wk,work,-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,1,ngfft,0)
1170    ABI_FREE(work)
1172 !  Compute structure factor phases for new atomic pos:
1173    call getph(atindx,dtset%natom,n1,n2,n3,ph1d,xred_wk)
1175 !  Compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp:
1176 !  and core electron density xccc3d, if needed.
1177    n3xccc=0;if (n1xccc/=0) n3xccc=nfft
1178    ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d,(n3xccc))
1179    ABI_MALLOC(vpsp_wk,(nfft))
1180    vprtrb(1:2)=zero
1182 !  Determine by which method the local ionic potential and/or
1183 !  the pseudo core charge density have to be computed
1184 !  Local ionic potential:
1185 !   Method 1: PAW
1186 !   Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, icoulomb>0, wavelets
1187    vloc_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) vloc_method=2
1188    if (dtset%icoulomb>0) vloc_method=2
1189    if (psps%usewvl==1) vloc_method=2
1190 !  Pseudo core charge density:
1191 !   Method 1: PAW, nc_xccc_gspace
1192 !   Method 2: Norm-conserving PP, wavelets
1193    coredens_method=1;if (psps%usepaw==0) coredens_method=2
1194    if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==1) coredens_method=1
1195    if (psps%nc_xccc_gspace==0) coredens_method=2
1196    if (psps%usewvl==1) coredens_method=2
1198 !  Local ionic potential and/or pseudo core charge by method 1
1199    if (vloc_method==1.or.coredens_method==1) then
1200      optv=0;if (vloc_method==1) optv=1
1201      optn=0;if (coredens_method==1) optn=n3xccc/nfft
1202      optatm=1;optdyfr=0;opteltfr=0;optgr=0;optstr=0;optn2=1
1203 !    Note: atindx1 should be passed to atm2fft (instead of atindx) but it is unused...
1204      call atm2fft(atindx,xccc3d,vpsp,dummy_out1,dummy_out2,dummy_out3,dummy_in,gmet,&
1205 &     gprimd,dummy_out4,dummy_out5,gsqcut,mgfft,psps%mqgrid_vl,dtset%natom,nattyp,&
1206 &     nfft,ngfft,ntypat,optatm,optdyfr,opteltfr,optgr,optn,optn2,optstr,optv,&
1207 &     psps,pawtab,ph1d,psps%qgrid_vl,qprtrb,dtset%rcut,dummy_in,rprimd,dummy_out6,dummy_out7,ucvol,&
1208 &     psps%usepaw,dummy_in,dummy_in,dummy_in,vprtrb,psps%vlspl,&
1209 &     comm_fft=mpi_enreg%comm_fft,me_g0=mpi_enreg%me_g0,&
1210 &     paral_kgb=mpi_enreg%paral_kgb,distribfft=mpi_enreg%distribfft)
1211    end if
1213 !  Local ionic potential by method 2
1214    if (vloc_method==2) then
1215      option=1
1216      ABI_MALLOC(dyfrlo_indx,(3,3,dtset%natom))
1217      ABI_MALLOC(grtn_indx,(3,dtset%natom))
1218      call mklocl(dtset,dyfrlo_indx,eei,gmet,gprimd,grtn_indx,gsqcut,dummy6,&
1219 &     mgfft,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nattyp,nfft,ngfft,dtset%nspden,&
1220 &     ntypat,option,pawtab,ph1d,psps,qprtrb,rhog_wk,rhor_wk,rprimd,&
1221 &     ucvol,vprtrb,vpsp_wk,wvl%descr,wvl%den,xred)
1222      ABI_FREE(dyfrlo_indx)
1223      ABI_FREE(grtn_indx)
1224    end if
1226 !  Pseudo core electron density by method 2
1227    if (coredens_method==2.and.n1xccc/=0) then
1228      option=1
1229      ABI_MALLOC(dyfrx2,(3,3,dtset%natom))
1230      ABI_MALLOC(grxc_indx,(3,dtset%natom))
1231      call mkcore(dummy6,dyfrx2,grxc_indx,mpi_enreg,dtset%natom,nfft,dtset%nspden,ntypat,&
1232 &     n1,n1xccc,n2,n3,option,rprimd,dtset%typat,ucvol,vxc,psps%xcccrc,&
1233 &     psps%xccc1d,xccc3d,xred_wk)
1234      ABI_FREE(dyfrx2)
1235      ABI_FREE(grxc_indx)
1236    end if
1238 !  Compute Hartree+xc potentials
1239    ABI_MALLOC(vxc_wk,(nfft,dtset%nspden))
1240    ABI_MALLOC(vhartr_wk,(nfft))
1241    option=1
1243    call hartre(1,gsqcut,dtset%icutcoul,psps%usepaw,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
1244                &dtset%nkpt,dtset%rcut,rhog_wk,rprimd,dtset%vcutgeo,vhartr_wk)
1246 !  Prepare the call to rhotoxc
1247    call xcdata_init(xcdata,dtset=dtset)
1248    nk3xc=1 ; non_magnetic_xc=(dtset%usepaw==1.and.mod(abs(dtset%usepawu),10)==4)
1249    ABI_MALLOC(work,(0))
1250    call rhotoxc(enxc,kxc,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,&
1251 &   work,0,work,0,nkxc,nk3xc,non_magnetic_xc,n3xccc,option,rhor_wk,rprimd,strsxc,1,&
1252 &   vxc_wk,vxcavg,xccc3d,xcdata,vhartr=vhartr_wk)
1253    ABI_FREE(work)
1254    ABI_FREE(xccc3d)
1256 !  Sum all contributions
1257    do ispden=1,min(dtset%nspden,2)
1258      do ifft=1,nfft
1259        vrespc(ifft,ispden)=vrespc(ifft,ispden)+vpsp_wk(ifft)+vhartr_wk(ifft)+vxc_wk(ifft,ispden)
1260      end do
1261    end do
1262    if (dtset%nspden==4) then
1263      do ispden=3,4
1264        do ifft=1,nfft
1265          vrespc(ifft,ispden)=vrespc(ifft,ispden)+vxc_wk(ifft,ispden)
1266        end do
1267      end do
1268    end if
1269    call mean_fftr(vrespc,vmean,nfft,nfftot,dtset%nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
1270    if(dtset%nspden==2) then
1271      vmean(1)=half*(vmean(1)+vmean(2))
1272      vmean(2)=vmean(1)
1273    end if
1274    do ispden=1,dtset%nspden
1275      vrespc(:,ispden)=vrespc(:,ispden)-vmean(ispden)
1276    end do
1277    ABI_FREE(gresid)
1278    ABI_FREE(grxc)
1279    ABI_FREE(rhog_wk)
1280    ABI_FREE(rhor_wk)
1281    ABI_FREE(rhor_wk0)
1282    ABI_FREE(xred_wk)
1283    ABI_FREE(vhartr_wk)
1284    ABI_FREE(vpsp_wk)
1285    ABI_FREE(vxc_wk)
1287  end if
1289 end subroutine prcref_PMA

ABINIT/prcrskerker1 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 preconditionning by a real-space conjugate gradient on residual
 using a model dielectric function in real space


  nfft=number of fft grid points
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in fourier space (bohr**-1)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  vresid(nfft,nspden)=residual potential
  base(nfft) = real space function used as a basis to guess a fine dielectric funtion
  see the calling routine to know the content


  vrespc(nfft,nspden)=preconditioned residual of the potential


 This is experimental code : input, ouptput, results and any other feature may vary greatly.


  needs severe cleaning and this is abuse of modules as common blocks...


2380 subroutine prcrskerker1(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,nspden,ngfft,dielar,etotal,gprimd,vresid,vrespc,base)
2382 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2383 !scalars
2384  integer,intent(in) :: nfft,nspden
2385  real(dp) :: etotal
2386  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2387  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2388 !arrays
2389  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
2390  real(dp),intent(in) :: base(nfft),dielar(7),gprimd(3,3)
2391  real(dp),intent(in) :: vresid(nfft,nspden)
2392  real(dp),intent(out) :: vrespc(nfft,nspden)
2394 !Local variables-------------------------------
2395 !scalars
2396  integer ::  ifft,ispden,n1,n2,n3
2397  real(dp) :: base_delta,base_max,base_min,dielng,diemac,diemix
2398  real(dp) :: diemixmag
2399  real(dp) :: rdummy1,rdummy2
2400  logical ::  new_prc_func
2401 !arrays
2402  real(dp) :: deltaW(nfft,nspden)
2403  real(dp) :: g2cart(nfft)
2404  real(dp) :: mat(nfft,nspden)
2406 ! *************************************************************************
2408 !DEBUG
2409 !write(std_out,*)' prckerker1 : enter '
2411 !if(cycle==0) then
2412  call prc_mem_init(nfft)
2414  if(cycle==0) then
2415    new_prc_func=.TRUE.
2416    energy_min=etotal
2417  else if(etotal < energy_min) then
2418    new_prc_func=.TRUE.
2419    energy_min=etotal
2420  else
2421    new_prc_func=.FALSE.
2422  end if
2425  dielng=dielar(2)
2426  diemac=dielar(3)
2427  diemix=dielar(4)
2428  diemixmag=dielar(7)
2429 !******************************************************************
2430 !compute the diemac(r)                                          **
2431 !******************************************************************
2432 !this task will be devoted to a general function later
2433  n1=ngfft(1)
2434  n2=ngfft(2)
2435  n3=ngfft(3)
2436 !base_cp=base
2437  if(new_prc_func) then
2438    base_min=base(1)
2439    base_max=base(1)
2440    do ifft=1,nfft
2441      base_min = min(base_min,base(ifft))
2442      base_max = max(base_max,base(ifft))
2443    end do
2444    base_delta = base_max - base_min
2445 !  if( then
2446    rdiemac(:) = (((base(:)-base_min) / (base_delta) ) *(diemac-one) + one)
2447 !  else
2448 !  rdiemac(:) = rdiemac(:)*0.5_dp+0.5_dp*(((base(:)-base_min) / (base_delta) ) *(diemac-one) + one)
2449 !  end if
2450 !  if(cycle==0) rdiemac(:) = (((base(:)-base_min) / (base_delta) ) *(diemac-one) + one)
2451 !  rdiemac(:) = exp(((base(:)-base_min) / (base_delta) *log(diemac)))
2452  end if
2453  cycle=cycle+1
2454 !if(cycle==5) cycle=0
2455 !end if
2456 !******************************************************************
2457 !compute deltaW                                                 **
2458 !******************************************************************
2459  vrespc=vresid !starting point
2460  ! put the laplacian of the residuals into deltaW
2461  call laplacian(gprimd,mpi_enreg,nfft,nspden,ngfft,rdfuncr=vrespc,laplacerdfuncr=deltaW,g2cart_out=g2cart)
2463 !call laplacian(vrespc,buffer,ngfft,gprimd) ! put the laplacian of the residuals into deltaW
2464 !do ifft=1,nfft
2465 !if (buffer(ifft,1)/=deltaW(ifft,1)) then
2466 !stop
2467 !end if
2468 !end do
2469  deltaW(:,1)= diemix*(((one/rdiemac(:))*vresid(:,1))-(((dielng)**2)*deltaW(:,1)))
2470  if (nspden>1.and.(diemixmag>=zero)) then
2471    do ispden=2,nspden
2472      deltaW(:,ispden)= abs(diemixmag)*(((one/rdiemac(:))*vresid(:,ispden))-(((dielng)**2)*deltaW(:,ispden)))
2473    end do
2474  end if
2475 !call random_number(deltaW)
2476 !call random_number(vrespc)
2477 !******************************************************************
2478 !Finding the preconditionned residuals which minimizes          **
2479 !half*(vrespc*(1-dielng2/4pi2 nabla2) vrespc) - vrespc * deltaW **
2480 !***********************************************************************
2481  vrespc(:,1)=diemix*vrespc(:,1)
2482  if (nspden>1) vrespc(:,2:nspden)=abs(diemixmag)*vrespc(:,2:nspden)
2483 !buffer=vrespc
2486 !==============================================================================
2487 !==============================================================================
2488 !! Original loop
2489 !==============================================================================
2490 !==============================================================================
2492  call frskerker1__init(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nspden,dielng,deltaW,gprimd,mat,g2cart)
2494 !call cgpr(pf_rscgres,dpf_rscgres,newvres,real(1e-40,dp),700,vrespc,rdummy1,rdummy2)
2495 !rdummy1 = pf_rscgres(nfft,nspden,vrespc)
2496  call cgpr(nfft,nspden,frskerker1__pf,frskerker1__dpf,frskerker1__newvres,&
2497 & real(1e-10,dp),700,vrespc,rdummy1,rdummy2)
2498  call frskerker1__end()
2500 !==============================================================================
2501 !==============================================================================
2502 !! Original loop end
2503 !==============================================================================
2504 !==============================================================================
2507 !cplex=1
2508 !qphon(:)=zero
2509 !call moddiel(cplex,dielar,nfft,ngfft,nspden,1,0,qphon,rprimd,vresid,buffer)
2510 !c1=0
2511 !do ifft=1,nfft,1
2512 !if((abs(buffer(ifft,1)-vrespc(ifft,1))/(abs(buffer(ifft,1)+vrespc(ifft,1))*half)) > 5e-3) then
2513 !c1=c1+1
2514 !end if
2515 !end do
2516 !call laplacian(vrespc,buffer,ngfft,gprimd)
2517 !buffer=vrespc(:,:)-buffer(:,:)*dielng**2
2518 !c2=0
2519 !do ifft=1,nfft,1
2520 !if((abs(buffer(ifft,1)-deltaW(ifft,1))/(abs(buffer(ifft,1)+deltaW(ifft,1))*half)) > 5e-3) then
2521 !c2=c2+1
2522 !end if
2523 !end do
2524 !!!  !stop
2525 !call laplacian(gprimd,mpi_enreg,nfft,nspden,ngfft,&
2526 !& g2cart_out=g2cart)
2528 !vrespc=vresid
2529 !do ispden=1,nspden
2530 !call fourdp(1, gvrespc(:,:,ispden), vrespc(:,ispden),-1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,0)
2531 !end do
2532 !filtering
2533 !do ispden=1,nspden
2534 !do ifft=1,nfft
2535 !!    gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)=(one-exp(-g2cart(ifft)*15.0_dp))*gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)
2536 !!      gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)=(exp(-g2cart(ifft)*10.0_dp))*gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)
2537 !!      gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)=(one-one/(exp(-0.002_dp/g2cart(ifft)**2)+one))*gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)
2538 !gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)=(two-2_dp/(exp(-0.008_dp/(g2cart(ifft)+0.0012_dp))+one))*gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)
2539 !gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)=min(one,(sqrt(g2cart(ifft)/0.006_dp))**(one))*gvrespc(:,ifft,ispden)
2540 !end do
2541 !end do
2542 !change resulting potential to real space
2543 !do ispden=1,nspden
2544 !call fourdp(1,gvrespc(:,:,ispden),vrespc(:,ispden),1,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,0)
2545 !end do
2546 !vrespc=vrespc*diemix
2547 !maxg2=g2cart(1)
2548 !ming2=g2cart(5)
2549 !do ifft=1,nfft
2550 !maxg2=max(g2cart(ifft),maxg2)
2551 !if(g2cart(ifft) .gt. zero) ming2=min(g2cart(ifft),ming2)
2552 !end do
2553 !stop
2555 !DEBUG
2556 !write(std_out,*)' prckerker1 : exit '
2559 end subroutine prcrskerker1

ABINIT/prcrskerker2 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 preconditionning by a real-space conjugate gradient on residual
 using a model dielectric function in real space
 differing from prcrskerker1 by the
 use of a linear response approach


  nfft=number of fft grid points
  nspden=number of spin-density components
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  dielar(7)=input parameters for dielectric matrix:
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in fourier space (bohr**-1)
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
  vresid(nfft,nspden)=residual potential


  vrespc(nfft,nspden)=preconditioned residual of the potential


 This is experimental code : input, ouptput, results and any other feature may vary greatly.



2592 subroutine prcrskerker2(dtset,nfft,nspden,ngfft,dielar,gprimd,rprimd,vresid,vrespc,natom,xred,mpi_enreg,ucvol)
2594 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2595 !scalars
2596  integer,intent(in) :: natom,nfft,nspden
2597  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
2598  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
2599  type(dataset_type),intent(in) :: dtset
2600 !arrays
2601  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18)
2602  real(dp),intent(in) :: dielar(7),gprimd(3,3),rprimd(3,3),vresid(nfft,nspden)
2603  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,natom)
2604  real(dp),intent(out) :: vrespc(nfft,nspden)
2606 !Local variables-------------------------------
2607   !logical,save ::ok=.FALSE.
2608 !scalars
2609  integer :: cplex,i1,i2,i3,iatom,iatom27,ifft,ispden,n1,n2,n3,natom27,nfftotf
2610  integer :: option
2611  real(dp),save :: lastp1=one,lastp2=one
2612  real(dp) :: C1,C2,DE,core,dielng,diemac,diemix,diemixmag,doti,dr,l1,l2,l3,l4,r
2613  real(dp) :: rdummy1,rdummy2,rmin,xr,y,yr,zr
2614 !arrays
2615  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn2_distrib(:),ffti2_local(:)
2616  integer, ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: fftn3_distrib(:),ffti3_local(:)
2617  real(dp) :: V1(nfft,nspden),V2(nfft,nspden),buffer(nfft,nspden)
2618  real(dp) :: deltaW(nfft,nspden)
2619  real(dp) :: mat(nfft,nspden)
2620  real(dp) :: rdielng(nfft),rdiemac(nfft),xcart(3,natom)
2621  real(dp) :: xcart27(3,natom*27)
2623 ! *************************************************************************
2625  dielng=dielar(2)
2626  diemac=dielar(3)
2627  diemix=dielar(4)
2628  diemixmag=dielar(7)
2629 !******************************************************************
2630 !compute the diemac(r)                                          **
2631 !******************************************************************
2632 !this task will be devoted to a general function later
2633  n1=ngfft(1)
2634  n2=ngfft(2)
2635  n3=ngfft(3)
2636  nfftotf=n1*n2*n3
2637 !if(.not.ok) then
2638  xcart(1,:)=xred(1,:)*rprimd(1,1)+xred(2,:)*rprimd(1,2)+xred(3,:)*rprimd(1,3)
2639  xcart(2,:)=xred(1,:)*rprimd(2,1)+xred(2,:)*rprimd(2,2)+xred(3,:)*rprimd(2,3)
2640  xcart(3,:)=xred(1,:)*rprimd(3,1)+xred(2,:)*rprimd(3,2)+xred(3,:)*rprimd(3,3)
2642  iatom27=0
2643  do i1=-1,1
2644    do i2=-1,1
2645      do i3=-1,1
2646        do iatom=1,natom
2647          iatom27=iatom27+1
2648          xcart27(:,iatom27)=xcart(:,iatom)+rprimd(:,1)*i1+rprimd(:,2)*i2+rprimd(:,3)*i3
2649        end do
2650      end do
2651    end do
2652  end do
2654 !stop
2655  natom27=27*natom
2657  l1=0.34580850339844665
2658 !l2=0.5123510203906797 !0.41242551019533985
2659 !l3=0.8001489796093203 !0.90007448980466009
2661  l2=0.41242551019533985
2662  l3=0.90007448980466009
2663  l4=0.9666914966015534
2666  l1=0.31387233559896449
2667  l2=0.35828367346355994
2668  l3=0.9333829932031068
2669  l4=0.9777943310677023
2671  l1=3.5
2672  l2=11.5
2673  l3=2.5
2674  l4=6.5
2675 !l1=30. !cellules pleines
2677  rdielng=zero
2678  core=1. !(value of Er at the core of atoms)
2679  dr=2.65 ! radius of atoms=2.65165
2680  y=1. ! value of Er in the empty region
2682 !Get the distrib associated with this fft_grid
2683  call ptabs_fourdp(mpi_enreg,n2,n3,fftn2_distrib,ffti2_local,fftn3_distrib,ffti3_local)
2685  do i3=1,n3
2686    ifft=(i3-1)*n1*(n2/mpi_enreg%nproc_fft)
2687    do i2=1,n2
2688      if (fftn2_distrib(i2)==mpi_enreg%me_fft) then
2689        do i1=1,n1
2690          ifft=ifft+1
2691 !        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2692 !        ! calculation of the simplest part void/metal
2693 !        !!              x=real(real(i3,dp)/real(n3,dp),dp)
2694 !        !!              !x=i3/n3
2695 !        !!              if(x < l1) then
2696 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=diemac
2697 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=dielng
2698 !        !!              else if(x < l2) then
2699 !        !!                 xp=(l2-x)/(l2-l1)
2700 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=y+(diemac-y)&
2701 !        !!                      & * (1.-(1.-xp)**4)**4
2702 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=dielng*(1.-(1.-xp)**4)**4
2703 !        !!              else if(x < l3) then
2704 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=y
2705 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=zero
2706 !        !!              else if(x < l4) then
2707 !        !!                 xp=(l3-x)/(l3-l4)
2708 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=y+(diemac-y)&
2709 !        !!                      & * (1.-(1.-xp)**4)**4
2710 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=dielng*(1.-(1.-xp)**4)**4
2711 !        !!              else
2712 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=diemac
2713 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=dielng
2714 !        !!              end if
2715 !        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2716 !        !!!! calculation of atomic core dielectric
2717 !        !!              rmin=1e16
2718 !        !!              xr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(1,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(1,2)&
2719 !        !!                   &+real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(1,3)
2720 !        !!              yr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(2,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(2,2)&
2721 !        !!                   &+real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(2,3)
2722 !        !!              zr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(3,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(3,2)&
2723 !        !!                   &+real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(3,3)
2724 !        !!              do iatom=1,natom27
2725 !        !!                 r=(xr-xcart27(1,iatom))**2+(yr-xcart27(2,iatom))**2+(zr-xcart27(3,iatom))**2
2726 !        !!                 if (r<rmin) then
2727 !        !!                    rmin=r
2728 !        !!                 end if
2729 !        !!              end do
2730 !        !!              if(rmin < dr**2) then
2731 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=min(rdiemac(ifft),core+(diemac-core)*(1.-(1.-sqrt(rmin)/dr)**2)**2)
2732 !        !!                 rdielng(ifft)=dielng-dielng*(1.-(1.-sqrt(rmin)/dr)**4)**4
2733 !        !!              else
2734 !        !!                 rdiemac(ifft)=min(rdiemac(ifft),diemac)
2735 !        !!              end if
2736          rmin=1e16
2737          xr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(1,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(1,2)&
2738 &         +real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(1,3)
2739          yr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(2,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(2,2)&
2740 &         +real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(2,3)
2741          zr=real(real((i1-1),dp)/n1,dp)*rprimd(3,1)+real(real((i2-1),dp)/n2,dp)*rprimd(3,2)&
2742 &         +real((i3-1),dp)/real(n3,dp)*rprimd(3,3)
2744          rdiemac(ifft)=y
2745          rdielng(ifft)=zero
2746          do iatom=1,natom27
2747            r=(xr-xcart27(1,iatom))**2+(yr-xcart27(2,iatom))**2+(zr-xcart27(3,iatom))**2
2748            if (r<rmin) then
2749              rmin=r
2750            end if
2751            if(r < l1) then
2752              rdiemac(ifft)= rdiemac(ifft) +  0.7_dp * (diemac-y)
2753            else if(r < l2) then
2754              rdiemac(ifft)= rdiemac(ifft) + 0.7_dp * (diemac-y)*(one-((sqrt(r)-l1)/(l2-l1))**2)**2
2755            else
2756              rdiemac(ifft)=rdiemac(ifft)
2757            end if
2758            if(r < l3) then
2759              rdielng(ifft)= rdielng(ifft) +  0.5_dp * (dielng)
2760            else if(r < l4) then
2761              rdielng(ifft)= rdielng(ifft) + 0.5_dp * (dielng)  *(one-((sqrt(r)-l3)/(l4-l3))**2)**2
2762            end if
2763          end do
2765          rdielng(ifft)=min(rdielng(ifft),dielng)
2766 !        rdielng(ifft)=dielng
2767          rdiemac(ifft)=min(rdiemac(ifft),diemac)
2768          rdiemac(ifft)=diemac
2769        end do
2770      end if
2771    end do
2772  end do
2773 !rdielng(:)=dielng
2775 !****************************************************************************************
2776 !****************************************************************************************
2777 !****************************************************************************************
2778 !****************************************************************************************
2779 !******************************************************************
2780 !compute V1
2781 !******************************************************************
2782  V1=vresid
2783  call laplacian(gprimd,mpi_enreg,nfft,nspden,ngfft,rdfuncr=V1,laplacerdfuncr=deltaW)
2784  deltaW(:,1)= (((one/rdiemac(:))*V1(:,1))-(((rdielng(:))**2)*deltaW(:,1)))
2785 !deltaW(:,1)= -diemix*(((rdielng(:))**2)*deltaW(:,ispden))
2786  if (nspden>1) then
2787    do ispden=2,nspden
2788      deltaW(:,ispden)= (((one/rdiemac(:))*V1(:,ispden))-(((rdielng(:))**2)*deltaW(:,ispden)))
2789 !    deltaW(:,ispden)= -abs(diemixmag)*(((rdielng(:))**2)*deltaW(:,ispden))
2790    end do
2791  end if
2792  call frskerker2__init(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nspden,rdielng,deltaW,gprimd,mat)
2793  call cgpr(nfft,nspden,frskerker2__pf,frskerker2__dpf,&
2794 & frskerker2__newvres2,lastp1*real(1e-6 ,dp),700,V1,rdummy1,rdummy2)
2795  lastp1=min(abs(rdummy1),1e-6_dp)
2796  call frskerker2__end()
2798 !******************************************************************
2799 !compute V2
2800 !******************************************************************
2801  V2=vresid
2802  do ispden=1,nspden
2803    deltaW(:,ispden)= (rdielng(:)**2)
2804  end do
2805  call frskerker2__init(dtset,mpi_enreg,nfft,ngfft,nspden,rdielng,deltaW,gprimd,mat)
2806  call cgpr(nfft,nspden,frskerker2__pf,frskerker2__dpf,&
2807 & frskerker2__newvres2,lastp2*real(1e-6,dp),700,V2,rdummy1,rdummy2)
2808  lastp2=min(abs(rdummy1),1e-6_dp)
2809  call frskerker2__end()
2812 !******************************************************************
2813 !compute C1, C2 & DE
2814 !******************************************************************
2815  cplex=1;
2816  option=1;
2817  call dotprod_vn(cplex,& !complex density/pot
2818 &rdielng,&          !the density
2819 &DE,&  !resulting dorproduct integrated over r  ! here DE is used has a buffer
2820 &doti,&          !imaginary part of the integral
2821 &size(rdielng,1),&          !number of localy(cpu) attributed grid point
2822 &nfftotf,&        !real total number of grid point
2823 &nspden,&        !nspden
2824 &option,&        !1=compute only the real part 2=compute also the imaginary part
2825 &rdielng,&          !the potential
2826 &ucvol,&          !cell volume
2827 &mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
2828  do ispden=1,nspden
2829    buffer(:,ispden)=rdielng(:)*V1(:,ispden)
2830  end do
2831  call dotprod_vn(cplex,& !complex density/pot
2832 &rdielng,&          !the density
2833 &C1,&  !resulting dorproduct integrated over r  ! here DE is used has a buffer
2834 &doti,&          !imaginary part of the integral
2835 &size(rdielng,1),&          !number of localy(cpu) attributed grid point
2836 &nfftotf,&        !real total number of grid point
2837 &nspden,&        !nspden
2838 &option,&        !1=compute only the real part 2=compute also the imaginary part
2839 &buffer,&          !the potential
2840 &ucvol,&         !cell volume
2841 &mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
2842  do ispden=1,nspden
2843    buffer(:,ispden)=rdielng(:)*V2(:,ispden)
2844  end do
2845  call dotprod_vn(cplex,& !complex density/pot
2846 &rdielng,&          !the density
2847 &C2,&  !resulting dorproduct integrated over r  ! here DE is used has a buffer
2848 &doti,&          !imaginary part of the integral
2849 &size(rdielng,1),&          !number of localy(cpu) attributed grid point
2850 &nfftotf,&        !real total number of grid point
2851 &nspden,&        !nspden
2852 &option,&        !1=compute only the real part 2=compute also the imaginary part
2853 &buffer,&          !the potential
2854 &ucvol,&         !cell volume
2855 &mpi_comm_sphgrid=mpi_enreg%comm_fft)
2856  C1=C1/DE
2857  C2=C2/DE
2858  DE=C1/(one-C2)
2860 !******************************************************************
2861 !compute the new preconditionned residuals
2862 !******************************************************************
2863  vrespc(:,1)=diemix*(V1(:,1)+DE*V2(:,1))
2864  if (nspden>1) vrespc(:,2:nspden)=abs(diemixmag)*(V1(:,2:nspden)+DE*V2(:,2:nspden))
2866 end subroutine prcrskerker2