ABINIT/m_hubbard_one [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Solve Anderson model with the density/density Hubbard one approximation


 Copyright (C) 2006-2024 ABINIT group (BAmadon)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .




21 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
22 #include "config.h"
23 #endif
26 #include "abi_common.h"
28 MODULE m_hubbard_one
31  use defs_basis
33  implicit none
35  private
37  public :: hubbard_one

m_hubbard_one/combin [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_hubbard_one ] [ Functions ]





 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (BAmadon)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .





786  recursive subroutine combin(ielec,nconfig,nconfig_nelec,nelec,nlevels,occ_level,occup)
788  use defs_basis
789  implicit none
791 !Arguments ------------------------------------
792 !scalars
793 ! type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
794  integer, intent(in) :: ielec,nelec,nlevels
795  integer, intent(inout) :: nconfig,nconfig_nelec(0:nlevels)
796  integer, intent(inout) :: occup(0:nlevels,nlevels)
797 ! type  :: level2_type
798 !  integer, pointer :: repart(:,:)
799 ! end type
800  type(level2_type), intent(inout) :: occ_level(0:nlevels)
801 ! integer, intent(in) :: prtopt
803 !Local variables ------------------------------
804 ! scalars
805  integer :: max_ielec,pos,min_ielec,jelec,prtopt
806  character(len=500) :: message
807 ! arrays
808 !************************************************************************
809    prtopt=1
810    max_ielec=nlevels-nelec+ielec
811 !  write(std_out,*) "call to combin ielec,nelec,nlevels",ielec,nelec,nlevels
812    select case (ielec)
813    case (1)
814      min_ielec=1
815    case default
816      min_ielec=occup(nelec,ielec-1)+1
817    end select
818 !  write(std_out,*) "For ielec", ielec, "min_ielec,max_ielec",min_ielec,max_ielec
819    do pos = min_ielec, max_ielec
820      if(ielec==nelec) then
821        occup(nelec,ielec)=pos
822        nconfig=nconfig+1
823        nconfig_nelec(nelec)=nconfig_nelec(nelec)+1
824 !      write(std_out,*) "size",size(occ_level),size(occ_level(nelec)%repart,1)
825 !      write(std_out,*) "size",size(occ_level),size(occ_level(nelec)%repart,2)
826        do jelec=1,nelec
827 !        write(std_out,*) "nconfig",nconfig_nelec(nelec),nelec
828 !        write(std_out,*) "occup",occup(nelec,jelec)
829          occ_level(nelec)%repart(nconfig_nelec(nelec),jelec)=occup(nelec,jelec)
830        end do
831 !      write(std_out,*) "For ielec", ielec, "case nelec"
832        if(prtopt>=3) then
833          write(message,'(a,i3,a,30i5)') "For ielec",ielec," Occupf are", (occup(nelec,jelec),jelec=1,nelec)
834          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
835        end if
836      else
837        occup(nelec,ielec)=pos
838 !      write(std_out,*) "For ielec", ielec, "case 1 and default"
839        call combin(ielec+1,nconfig,nconfig_nelec,nelec,nlevels,occ_level,occup)
840        if(prtopt>=3) then
841          write(message,'(a,i3,a,30i5)') "For ielec",ielec," Occup are", (occup(nelec,jelec),jelec=1,nelec)
842          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
843        end if
844      end if
845    end do
847  end subroutine combin

m_hubbard_one/green_atomic_hubbard [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_hubbard_one ] [ Functions ]





 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (BAmadon)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  istep    =  step of iteration for DFT.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  paw_dmft =  data for self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations.
  pawang <type(pawang)>=paw angular mesh and related data


  paw_dmft =  data for self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations.



388 subroutine green_atomic_hubbard(cryst_struc,green_hubbard,hu,level_diag,paw_dmft,udens_atoms)
391  use defs_basis
392  use m_errors
393  use m_abicore
394  use m_crystal, only : crystal_t
395  use m_special_funcs,  only : factorial, permutations
396  use m_green, only : green_type,init_green,destroy_green
397  use m_hu, only : hu_type
398  use m_paw_dmft, only : paw_dmft_type
399  implicit none
401 !Arguments ------------------------------------
402 !scalars
403 ! type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
404  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst_struc
405  type(green_type), intent(inout) :: green_hubbard
406  type(paw_dmft_type), intent(in)  :: paw_dmft
407  type(matlu_type),intent(in) :: level_diag(cryst_struc%natom)
408  type(hu_type), intent(inout) :: hu(cryst_struc%ntypat)
409  type(coeff2_type),intent(in) :: udens_atoms(cryst_struc%natom)
411 !Local variables ------------------------------
412 ! scalars
413  integer :: cnk,iacc,iatom,iconfig,ielec,ifreq,ilevel,im,im1,isppol,ispinor,itrans,jconfig,jelec
414  integer :: lpawu,m_temp,nconfig,nelec,nlevels,nspinor,nsppol,occupied_level,sum_test
415  integer, allocatable :: occup(:,:),nconfig_nelec(:)
416  character(len=500) :: message
417 ! arrays
418  type(green_type) :: green_hubbard_realw
419  type(level2_type), allocatable :: occ_level(:)
420  type(level1_type), allocatable :: e_nelec(:)
421  complex(dpc), allocatable :: green_temp(:,:)
422  complex(dpc), allocatable :: green_temp_realw(:,:)
423  complex(dpc) :: Z_part
424  real(dp), allocatable :: maxener(:),minener(:)
425  real(dp), allocatable :: elevels(:)
426  real(dp) :: emax,emin,eshift,prtopt, Ej_np1, Ei_n,beta,maxarg_exp,tmp
427 !************************************************************************
428    maxarg_exp=300
430 !  hu is not used anymore.
431    if(hu(1)%lpawu==0) then
432    end if
433 !  ======================================
434 !  General loop over atoms
435 !  ======================================
436    nsppol=paw_dmft%nsppol
437    nspinor=paw_dmft%nspinor
438    prtopt=1
439    beta=one/paw_dmft%temp
440    call init_green(green_hubbard_realw,paw_dmft,opt_oper_ksloc=2,wtype=green_hubbard%w_type) ! initialize only matlu
442    do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
443      lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
444      if(lpawu/=-1) then
445        nlevels=nsppol*nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)
446        if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) nlevels=2*nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)
448 !      ===================================
449 !      Allocations
450 !      ===================================
451        ABI_MALLOC(occ_level,(0:nlevels))
452        ABI_MALLOC(maxener,(0:nlevels))
453        ABI_MALLOC(minener,(0:nlevels))
454        ABI_MALLOC(elevels,(nlevels))
455        ABI_MALLOC(e_nelec,(0:nlevels))
456        do nelec=0,nlevels ! number of electrons
457          cnk=nint(permutations(nlevels,nelec)/factorial(nelec))
458          ABI_MALLOC(occ_level(nelec)%repart      ,(cnk,nelec))
459          ABI_MALLOC(occ_level(nelec)%ocp         ,(cnk,nlevels))
460          ABI_MALLOC(occ_level(nelec)%transition  ,(cnk,nlevels-nelec))
461          ABI_MALLOC(occ_level(nelec)%transition_m,(cnk,nlevels))
462          ABI_MALLOC(e_nelec  (nelec)%config      ,(cnk))
463          e_nelec(nelec)%config(:)=zero
464 !        write(std_out,*) "permutations",nint(permutations(nlevels,nelec)/factorial(nelec))
465 !        write(std_out,*) "size",size(occ_level),size(occ_level(nelec)%repart,1)
466 !        write(std_out,*) "size",size(occ_level),size(occ_level(nelec)%repart,2)
467 !        for a given nb of electrons nelec, gives for a given repartition
468 !        of electron, the position of the ielec electron inside atomic
469 !        levels
470 !        levels
471        end do
472        ABI_MALLOC(occup,(0:nlevels,nlevels))
473        ABI_MALLOC(nconfig_nelec,(0:nlevels))
475 !      ===================================
476 !      Initialization
477 !      ===================================
478        nconfig_nelec=0
479        nconfig=1
480        occup=0
481        nconfig_nelec(0)=1
482        occup(0,:)=0
483        iacc=0
484        elevels=zero
485        do isppol=1,nsppol
486          do ispinor=1,nspinor
487            do im1=1,(2*lpawu+1)
488              iacc=iacc+1
489              elevels(iacc)=level_diag(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)
490              if(abs(aimag(level_diag(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)))>tol8) then
491                message = " Hubbard I: levels are imaginary"
492                write(std_out,*) level_diag(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)
493                ABI_BUG(message)
494              end if
495              if(nsppol==1.and.nspinor==1) then
496                elevels(nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)+iacc)=level_diag(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)
497              end if
498 !            ! change it by: real(level_diag) with warning
499            end do
500          end do
501        end do
503 !      ===================================
504 !      Compute possible occupations
505 !      ===================================
506 !      Value for nelec=0:
507        nconfig_nelec(0)=1
508        occ_level(0)%ocp(1,:)=0
509 !      Loop on possible occupation of levels with nelec
510        do nelec=1,nlevels ! number of electrons
511 !        write(message,'(2a,i3,a)') ch10," For number of electrons",  &
512 !        &       nelec," positions of electrons are:"
513 !        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
514 !        write(std_out,*) "nelec",nelec
515 !        write(std_out,*) "nlevels",nlevels
516          call combin(1,nconfig,nconfig_nelec,nelec,nlevels,occ_level,occup)
517          if(nconfig_nelec(nelec)/=nint(permutations(nlevels,nelec)/factorial(nelec))) then
518            message = " BUG in hubbard_one/combin"
519            ABI_BUG(message)
520          end if
521          occ_level(nelec)%ocp=zero
522          do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
523            do ielec=1,nelec
524 !            occ_level%repart: gives the place of electron ielec for the configuration iconfig (among the config for the total number of electron nelec
525              occupied_level=occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec)
526 !            occ_level%ocp: gives if level occupied_level is occupied or not
527              occ_level(nelec)%ocp(iconfig,occupied_level)=1
528            end do
529          end do
530        end do
532 !      ===================================
533 !      Print possible occupations
534 !      ===================================
535        if(prtopt>3) then
536          do nelec=0,nlevels ! number of electrons f
537            write(message,'(2a,i3,2a,i5,a)') ch10," For",nelec," electrons, ", &
538 &           "there are ",nconfig_nelec(nelec)," repartitions which are:"
539            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
540            do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
541              write(message,'(40i4)') (occ_level(nelec)%ocp(iconfig,ilevel),ilevel=1,nlevels),&
542 &             (occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec),ielec=1,nelec)
543              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
544            end do
545          end do
546        end if
548 !      ============================================
549 !      Compute energy for each of the occupations
550 !      ============================================
551        do nelec=0,nlevels !
552          e_nelec(nelec)%config=zero
553          do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
554 !          First compute energy level contribution
555            do ielec=1,nelec
556              e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)= e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig) &
557 &             + elevels(occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec))
558            end do
559 !          write(std_out,*) "Nelec",nelec,"iconfig",iconfig,"eleve",e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)
561 !          Second: Compute interaction part
562 !          do ielec=1,nelec-1 ! compute interaction among the nelec electrons in the configuration iconfig
563 !          e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)= e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)   &
564 !          &             + hu(cryst_struc%typat(iatom))%udens(occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec), &
565 !          &               occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec+1))
566 !          enddo
567            do ielec=1,nelec ! compute interaction among the nelec electrons in the configuration iconfig
568              do jelec=1,nelec
569                e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)= e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)   &
570 !              &               + hu(cryst_struc%typat(iatom))%udens(occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec), &
571 &               + udens_atoms(iatom)%value(occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec), &
572 &               occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,jelec))/2.d0 ! udens(i,i)=0
573 !              write(std_out,*) ielec,occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec)
574 !              write(std_out,*) jelec,occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,jelec)
575 !              write(std_out,*)hu(cryst_struc%typat(iatom))%udens(occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec), &
576 !              &                occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,jelec))/2.d0
577              end do ! jelec
578            end do ! ielec
579 !          write(std_out,*) "Nelec",nelec,"iconfig",iconfig,"ecorr",e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig)
581          end do ! iconfig
582          maxener(nelec)=maxval(-e_nelec(nelec)%config(:))
583          minener(nelec)=minval(-e_nelec(nelec)%config(:))
584        end do
585 !      write(std_out,*) "maxener", maxener(:)
586        emax=maxval(maxener(:))
587        emin=minval(minener(:))
588        eshift=zero
589        eshift=emax/two
590        eshift=emax-maxarg_exp/beta
591 !      eshift=emax
592 !      write(std_out,*)"emax",emax
593 !      write(std_out,*)"emin",emin
594 !      write(std_out,*)"eshift",eshift
595        write(message,'(a,3x,3a,3x,a)') ch10," Hubbard I: Energies as a", &
596 &       " function of number of electrons",ch10,&
597 &       "     Nelec     Min. Ene.       Max. Ener."
598        call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
599        do nelec=0,nlevels
600          write(message,'(3x,a,i4,2f17.7)') "HI", nelec,&
601 &         minval(e_nelec(nelec)%config(:)),maxval(e_nelec(nelec)%config(:))
602          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
603        end do
605 !      ===================================
606 !      Print possibles occupations
607 !      ===================================
608        if(prtopt>3) then
609          do nelec=0,nlevels ! number of electrons
610            write(message,'(2a,i3,2a,i5,3a)') ch10," For",nelec," electrons, ", &
611 &           "there are ",nconfig_nelec(nelec)," repartitions which are :", &
612 &           ch10,"Energy and Occupations"
613            call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
614            do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
615              write(message,'(f12.6,20i4)') e_nelec(nelec)%config(iconfig),&
616 &             (occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec),ielec=1,nelec)
617              call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
618            end do
619          end do
620        end if
622 !      sum_test=zero
623 !      do ielec=1,nelec+1
624 !      sum_test = sum_test + (occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec)  &
625 !      &              -occ_level(nelec)%repart(iconfig,ielec))
626 !      enddo
627 !      ===================================
628 !      Built transitions between configurations
629 !      ===================================
630        do nelec=0,nlevels-1
631          do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
632            itrans=0 ! transition from iconfig
633            do jconfig=1, nconfig_nelec(nelec+1)
634              sum_test=0
635              do ilevel=1,nlevels
636 !              test if their is one electron added to the starting configuration
637                sum_test=sum_test + &
638 &               (occ_level(nelec+1)%ocp(jconfig,ilevel)- occ_level(nelec)%ocp(iconfig,ilevel))**2
639 !              save the level for the electron added
640                if(occ_level(nelec+1)%ocp(jconfig,ilevel)==1.and.occ_level(nelec)%ocp(iconfig,ilevel)==0) then
641                  m_temp=ilevel
642                end if
643              end do ! ilevel
644              if(sum_test==1) then
645                itrans=itrans+1
646                if(itrans>nlevels-nelec) then
647                  write(message,'(a,4i4)') "BUG: itrans is to big in hubbard_one",itrans,iconfig,jconfig,ilevel
648                  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
649                end if
650                occ_level(nelec)%transition(iconfig,itrans)=jconfig  ! jconfig=config(n+1) obtained after transition
651                occ_level(nelec)%transition_m(iconfig,itrans)=m_temp  !  level to fill to do the transition
652              end if
653            end do ! jconfig
654            if(prtopt>3) then
655              write(std_out,'(a,2i5,a,18i5)') "occ_level", nelec,&
656 &             iconfig,"  :",(occ_level(nelec)%transition(iconfig,itrans),itrans=1,nlevels-nelec)
657              write(std_out,'(a,2i5,a,18i5)') "electron added", nelec,iconfig,&
658 &             "  :",(occ_level(nelec)%transition_m(iconfig,itrans),itrans=1,nlevels-nelec)
659            end if
660          end do ! iconfig
661        end do ! nelec
663 !      ===================================
664 !      Built Partition Function
665 !      ===================================
666        Z_part=czero
667 !      do nelec=1,nlevels-1
668        do nelec=0,nlevels
669          do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
670            Ei_n    = e_nelec  (nelec  )%config(iconfig) + eshift
671            Z_part=Z_part+dexp(-Ei_n*beta)
672 !          write(std_out,*) "fonction de partition",nelec,iconfig, Z_part,Ei_n*beta,Ei_n,eshift
673          end do
674        end do
675 !      write(std_out,*) "Z_part",Z_part
677 !      ===================================
678 !      Built Green Function
679 !      ===================================
680        ABI_MALLOC(green_temp,(green_hubbard%nw,nlevels))
681        ABI_MALLOC(green_temp_realw,(green_hubbard%nw,nlevels))
682 !      For each freq.
684        green_temp=czero
685        green_temp_realw=czero
686        tmp=zero
687        do nelec=0,nlevels-1
688 !        write(std_out,*) "For nelec    =",nelec
689          do iconfig=1,nconfig_nelec(nelec)
690 !          write(std_out,*) "The config nb:",iconfig
691            do itrans=1,nlevels-nelec
692              jconfig = occ_level(nelec  )%transition(iconfig,itrans)
693              m_temp  = occ_level(nelec  )%transition_m(iconfig,itrans)
694              Ej_np1  = e_nelec  (nelec+1)%config(jconfig) + eshift
695              Ei_n    = e_nelec  (nelec  )%config(iconfig) + eshift
696 !            write(std_out,'(a,i4,a)') "Transition nb:",itrans,"involve"
697 !            write(std_out,'(a,i4,a)') "                        jconfig=",jconfig
698 !            write(std_out,'(a,i4,a)') "                        m_temp=",m_temp
699              do ifreq=1,green_hubbard%nw
700                if(green_hubbard%w_type=="imag") then
701                  omega_current=cmplx(zero,green_hubbard%omega(ifreq),kind=dp)
702                else if(green_hubbard%w_type=="real") then
703                  omega_current=cmplx(green_hubbard%omega(ifreq),zero,kind=dp)
704                end if
705                green_temp(ifreq,m_temp)=green_temp(ifreq,m_temp)+  &
706 &               (dexp(-Ej_np1*beta)+ dexp(-Ei_n*beta))/ &
707 &               ( omega_current +Ei_n-Ej_np1)
708                if(ifreq==1.and.m_temp==1) tmp=tmp+(dexp(-Ej_np1*beta)+ dexp(-Ei_n*beta))
710                green_temp_realw(ifreq,m_temp)=green_temp_realw(ifreq,m_temp)+  &
711 &               (dexp(-Ej_np1*beta)+ dexp(-Ei_n*beta))/ &
712 &               ( omega_current +Ei_n-Ej_np1)
713              end do
714 !            green_temp_realw(m_temp)=green_temp_realw(m_temp)+  &
715 !            &           (dexp(-Ej_np1*beta)+ dexp(-Ei_n*beta)) -> will give one at the end
716 !            write(std_out,*) "green",-Ej_np1*beta,-Ei_n*beta,dexp(-Ej_np1*beta),dexp(-Ei_n*beta)
717            end do
718          end do
719        end do
720 !      write(std_out,*) "tmp",tmp
721        ilevel=0
722        do ispinor=1,nspinor
723          do isppol=1,nsppol
724            do im=1,(2*lpawu+1)
725              ilevel=ilevel+1
726 !            write(std_out,'(16e15.6)') paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),(real(green_temp_realw(ilevel)/Z_part),ilevel=1,nlevels)
727              do ifreq=1,green_hubbard%nw
728                green_hubbard%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=green_temp(ifreq,ilevel)/Z_part
729                green_hubbard_realw%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=green_temp_realw(ifreq,ilevel)/Z_part
730              end do
731            end do
732          end do
733        end do
735 !      End calculation for this frequency
736        ABI_FREE(green_temp)
737        ABI_FREE(green_temp_realw)
739 !      ===================================
740 !      Deallocations
741 !      ===================================
742        do nelec=0,nlevels
743          ABI_FREE(occ_level(nelec)%repart)
744          ABI_FREE(occ_level(nelec)%ocp)
745          ABI_FREE(occ_level(nelec)%transition)
746          ABI_FREE(occ_level(nelec)%transition_m)
747          ABI_FREE(e_nelec(nelec)%config)
748        end do
749        ABI_FREE(occ_level)
750        ABI_FREE(occup)
751        ABI_FREE(nconfig_nelec)
752        ABI_FREE(e_nelec)
753        ABI_FREE(elevels)
754        ABI_FREE(maxener)
755        ABI_FREE(minener)
756      end if
757    end do
758    call destroy_green(green_hubbard_realw)
760  end subroutine green_atomic_hubbard

m_hubbard_one/hubbard_one [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_hubbard_one ] [ Functions ]




 Solve the hubbard one approximation


 Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (BAmadon)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  istep    =  step of iteration for DFT.
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  paw_dmft =  data for self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations.
  pawang <type(pawang)>=paw angular mesh and related data


  paw_dmft =  data for self-consistent DFT+DMFT calculations.



 71 subroutine hubbard_one(cryst_struc,green,hu,paw_dmft,pawang,pawprtvol,hdc,weiss)
 73  use defs_basis
 74  use m_errors
 75  use m_abicore
 77  use m_pawang, only : pawang_type
 78  use m_crystal, only : crystal_t
 79  use m_green, only : green_type,init_green,destroy_green
 80  use m_paw_dmft, only : paw_dmft_type
 81  use m_oper, only : oper_type,init_oper,destroy_oper,loc_oper,print_oper
 82  use m_matlu, only : matlu_type,sym_matlu, print_matlu, gather_matlu,&
 83 & diag_matlu,init_matlu,destroy_matlu,rotate_matlu,copy_matlu,slm2ylm_matlu
 84  use m_hu, only : hu_type,rotatevee_hu
 85  use m_datafordmft, only : compute_levels
 86  implicit none
 88 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 89 !scalars
 90 ! type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
 91  type(crystal_t),intent(in) :: cryst_struc
 92  type(green_type), intent(inout) :: green
 93  type(paw_dmft_type), intent(in)  :: paw_dmft
 94  type(hu_type), intent(inout) :: hu(cryst_struc%ntypat)
 95  type(pawang_type), intent(in) :: pawang
 96  type(oper_type), intent(inout) :: hdc
 97  integer, intent(in) :: pawprtvol
 98  type(green_type), intent(inout) :: weiss
100 !Local variables ------------------------------
101  type  :: level2_type
102   integer, pointer :: repart(:,:) => null()
103   integer, pointer :: ocp(:,:) => null()
104   integer, pointer :: transition(:,:) => null()
105   integer, pointer :: transition_m(:,:) => null()
106  end type level2_type
107  type  :: level1_type
108   real(dp), pointer :: config(:) => null()
109  end type level1_type
110 ! scalars
111  character(len=500) :: message
112  integer :: iatom,ifreq,im,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor1
113  integer :: lpawu,mbandc,natom,nkpt,nspinor,nsppol,nsppol_imp,testblock,tndim,useylm
114 ! complex(dpc) :: g,g0,w
115 ! arrays
116  complex(dp), allocatable :: Id(:,:,:,:)
117  type(coeff2c_type), allocatable :: eigvectmatlu(:,:)
118  type(coeff2_type), allocatable :: udens_atoms(:)
119  type(oper_type)  :: energy_level
120  type(green_type) :: green_hubbard
121  type(matlu_type), allocatable :: level_diag(:)
122  complex(dpc) :: omega_current
123 ! ************************************************************************
124  mbandc=paw_dmft%mbandc
125  nkpt=paw_dmft%nkpt
126  nsppol=paw_dmft%nsppol
127  natom=paw_dmft%natom
128  nspinor=paw_dmft%nspinor
131 !Initialise for compiler
132  omega_current=czero
134 !======================================
135 !Allocations: levels and eigenvectors
136 !======================================
137  ABI_MALLOC(level_diag,(natom))
138  ABI_MALLOC(eigvectmatlu,(natom,nsppol))
139  ABI_MALLOC(udens_atoms,(natom))
140  call init_matlu(natom,nspinor,nsppol,paw_dmft%lpawu,level_diag)
141  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
142    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
143    if(lpawu/=-1) then
144      tndim=nspinor*(2*lpawu+1)
145      do isppol=1,nsppol
146        ABI_MALLOC(eigvectmatlu(iatom,isppol)%value,(tndim,tndim))
147      end do
148      ABI_MALLOC(udens_atoms(iatom)%value,(2*(2*lpawu+1),2*(2*lpawu+1)))
149      level_diag(iatom)%mat=czero
150    end if
151  end do
153  call init_oper(paw_dmft,energy_level,opt_ksloc=3)
154  call compute_levels(cryst_struc,energy_level,hdc,pawang,paw_dmft)
155 !!========================
156 !!Get KS eigenvalues
157 !!========================
158 ! call init_oper(paw_dmft,energy_level,opt_ksloc=3)
159 ! do iband=1,mbandc
160 !   do ikpt=1,nkpt
161 !     do isppol=1,nsppol
162 !!      Take \epsilon_{nks}
163 !!      ========================
164 !       energy_level%ks(isppol,ikpt,iband,iband)=paw_dmft%eigen_dft(isppol,ikpt,iband)
165 !     end do
166 !   end do
167 ! end do
168 !
169 !
170 !!======================================================================
171 !!Compute atomic levels from projection of \epsilon_{nks} and symetrize
172 !!======================================================================
173 ! call loc_oper(energy_level,paw_dmft,1)
174 ! write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Print Energy levels before sym and only DFT"
175 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
176 ! call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1)
177 ! do iatom = 1 , natom
178 !   lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
179 !   if(lpawu/=-1) then
180 !     do isppol=1,nsppol
181 !       do ispinor=1,nspinor
182 !         do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
183 !           energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)=&
184 !&           energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)&
185 !&           -hdc%matlu(iatom)%mat(im1,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor)-paw_dmft%fermie
186 !         end do
187 !       end do
188 !     end do
189 !!    write(std_out,*) "DC,fermie",hdc%matlu(iatom)%mat(1,1,1,1,1),paw_dmft%fermie
190 !   end if
191 ! end do ! natom
192 ! call sym_matlu(cryst_struc,energy_level%matlu,pawang)
193 !
194 ! write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10," == Print Energy levels for Fermi Level=",paw_dmft%fermie
195 ! call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
196 !!call print_oper(energy_level,1,paw_dmft,1)
197 ! call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1)
199 !========================
200 !Compute Weiss function
201 !========================
202  ABI_MALLOC(Id,(20,20,nspinor,nspinor))
203  do iatom = 1 , natom
204    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
205    if(lpawu/=-1) then
206      Id=czero
207      do im=1,2*lpawu+1
208        do ispinor=1,nspinor
209          Id(im,im,ispinor,ispinor)=cone
210        end do
211      end do ! ib
212      do ifreq=1,weiss%nw
213        if(weiss%w_type=="imag") then
214          omega_current=cmplx(zero,weiss%omega(ifreq),kind=dp)
215        else if(green%w_type=="real") then
216          omega_current=cmplx(weiss%omega(ifreq),zero,kind=dp)
217        end if
218        do im=1,2*lpawu+1
219          do im1=1,2*lpawu+1
220            do isppol=1,nsppol
221              do ispinor=1,nspinor
222                do ispinor1=1,nspinor
223                  weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor1)=&
224 &                 ( omega_current*Id(im,im1,ispinor,ispinor1) - &
225 &                 energy_level%matlu(iatom)%mat(im,im1,isppol,ispinor,ispinor1))
226                end do ! ispinor1
227              end do ! ispinor
228            end do ! isppol
229          end do ! im1
230        end do ! im
231      end do ! ifreq
232    end if ! lpawu
233  end do ! natom
234  ABI_FREE(Id)
236 !=================================================================
237 !Diagonalizes atomic levels and keep eigenvectors in eigvectmatlu
238 !=================================================================
239 !if jpawu=0, rotatevee_hu will have no effect so it is not necessary to
240 !have a single rotation matrix for up and dn spins.
242  if(hu(1)%jpawu_zero.and.nsppol==2) nsppol_imp=2
243  if( nsppol_imp=1
244 !  Diagonalize energy levels
245  useylm=paw_dmft%dmft_blockdiag
246  if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1,pawprtvol)
247  testblock=1
248  if(useylm==1) testblock=8
249  call diag_matlu(energy_level%matlu,level_diag,natom,&
250 & prtopt=pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu=eigvectmatlu,nsppol_imp=nsppol_imp,optreal=1,test=testblock)
252 !  Use rotation matrix to rotate interaction
253  if(useylm==1) then 
254    call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms,4)
255  else
256    call rotatevee_hu(cryst_struc,hu,nspinor,nsppol,pawprtvol,eigvectmatlu,udens_atoms,1)
257  endif 
258 !write(std_out,*)"udens after rotatevee", udens_atoms(1)%value
259  write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
260 & " == Print Diagonalized Energy levels for Fermi Level=",paw_dmft%fermie
261  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
262  call print_matlu(level_diag,natom,1)
264 !  Print out
265  if(nspinor==2) then
266    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
267 &   " == Print weiss for small freq"
268    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
269    call print_matlu(weiss%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)
270    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
271 &   " == Print weiss for large freq"
272    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
273    call print_matlu(weiss%oper(weiss%nw)%matlu,natom,1)
274  end if
276 !========================
277 !Compute Green function
278 !========================
279  call init_green(green_hubbard,paw_dmft,opt_oper_ksloc=2,wtype=green%w_type) ! initialize only matlu
280 !write(std_out,*)"udens", udens_atoms(1)%value
281 ! write(std_out,*)"levels",  level_diag(1)%mat
282  call green_atomic_hubbard(cryst_struc,green_hubbard,hu,level_diag,paw_dmft,udens_atoms)
283 !call rotate_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,pawprtvol=3)
284 !write(81,*) "I1",paw_dmft%omega_lo(1), real(green%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)),imag(green%oper(1)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1))
285 !========================================================================
286 !Rotate back Green function in the original basis before diagonalization
287 !========================================================================
288 !call print_matlu(level_diag,natom,1)
289 !test scall rotate_matlu(level_diag,eigvectmatlu,natom,3)
290 !todo_ab: add check here for back rotation
291 !call print_matlu(level_diag,natom,1)
292  write(message,'(2a,f13.5)') ch10," == Green function before rotation"
293  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
294  call print_matlu(green_hubbard%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)
295  do ifreq=1,green_hubbard%nw
296    call rotate_matlu(green_hubbard%oper(ifreq)%matlu,eigvectmatlu,natom,3,0)
297    if(useylm==1) call slm2ylm_matlu(green_hubbard%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom,2,0)
298    call copy_matlu(green_hubbard%oper(ifreq)%matlu,green%oper(ifreq)%matlu,natom)
299  end do
300  write(message,'(2a,f13.5)') ch10," == Green function after rotation"
301  call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
302  call print_matlu(green%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)
303  if(nspinor==2) then
304    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
305 &   " == Print green for small freq"
306    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
307    call print_matlu(green%oper(1)%matlu,natom,1)
308    write(message,'(a,2x,a,f13.5)') ch10,&
309 &   " == Print green for large freq"
310    call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
311    call print_matlu(green%oper(green%nw)%matlu,natom,1)
312  end if
313 !do ifreq=1,paw_dmft%dmft_nwlo
314 !g=green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
315 !g0=cone/weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)
316 !w=cmplx(0.d0,paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),kind=dp)
317 !write(160,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)),imag(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1))
318 !write(161,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1) ),imag(green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1) )
319 !write(164,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(one/green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1) ),imag(one/green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1))
320 !write(166,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)-one/green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1) ),imag(weiss%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1)-one/green%oper(ifreq)%matlu(1)%mat(1,1,1,1,1))
321 !write(167,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real((g-g0)/(g0*g)),imag((g-g0)/(g0*g))
322 !write(168,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(1/g-w),imag(1/g-w)
323 !write(169,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(1/g0-w),imag(1/g0-w)
324 !write(170,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),w
325 !write(171,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(1/g),imag(1/g)
326 !write(172,*) paw_dmft%omega_lo(ifreq),real(w),imag(w)
328 !! voir si en faisant GG0/(G-G0) cela reduit l'erreur
329 !enddo
330 !call abi_abort('COLL')
333 !write(message,'(2a,f13.5)') ch10," == Print Energy levels after diagonalisation"
334 !call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
335 !call print_matlu(energy_level%matlu,natom,1)
337 !======================================
338 !Deallocations and destroys
339 !======================================
340  call destroy_green(green_hubbard)
341  call destroy_oper(energy_level)
342  call destroy_matlu(level_diag,natom)
343  ABI_FREE(level_diag)
344  do iatom=1,cryst_struc%natom
345    lpawu=paw_dmft%lpawu(iatom)
346    if(lpawu/=-1) then
347      ABI_FREE(udens_atoms(iatom)%value)
348      do isppol=1,nsppol
349        ABI_FREE(eigvectmatlu(iatom,isppol)%value)
350      end do
351    end if
352  end do
353  ABI_FREE(eigvectmatlu)
354  ABI_FREE(udens_atoms)