ABINIT/m_psp8 [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




 Initialize pspcod=8 (pseudopotentials in the format generated by DRH):


  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (DRH, XG, AF)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_psp8
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_splines
29  use m_pawrad,        only : pawrad_type, pawrad_init, pawrad_free
30  use defs_datatypes,  only : nctab_t
31  use m_psps,          only : nctab_eval_tvalespl
32  use m_psptk,         only : psp8lo, psp8nl
34  implicit none
36  private

ABINIT/psp8in [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize pspcod=8 (pseudopotentials in the format generated by DRH):
 continue to read the corresponding file, then compute local and non-local potentials.


  lloc=angular momentum choice of local pseudopotential
  lmax=value of lmax mentioned at the second line of the psp file
  lmnmax=if useylm=1, max number of (l,m,n) comp. over all type of psps
        =if useylm=0, max number of (l,n)   comp. over all type of psps
  lnmax=max. number of (l,n) components over all type of psps
  mmax=maximum number of points in real space grid in the psp file
   angular momentum of nonlocal pseudopotential
  mpsang= 1+maximum angular momentum for nonlocal pseudopotentials
  mpssoang= Maximum number of channels, including those for treating the spin-orbit coupling
   when mpspso=1, mpssoang=mpsang
   when mpspso=2, mpssoang=2*mpsang-1
  mqgrid=dimension of q (or G) grid for arrays.
  mqgrid_vl=dimension of q (or G) grid for valence charge (array qgrid_vl)
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d ; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  qgrid(mqgrid)=values of q (or |G|) on grid from 0 to qmax
  qgrid_vl(psps%mqgrid_vl)=values of q on grid from 0 to qmax (bohr^-1) for valence charge
  pspso=spin-orbit characteristics, govern the content of ffspl and ekb
    if =0: this input requires no spin-orbit characteristics of the psp
    if =2: this input requires hgh or psp8/upf2 characteristics of the psp
    if =3: this input requires hfn characteristics of the psp
  useylm=governs the way the nonlocal operator is to be applied:
         1=using Ylm, 0=using Legendre polynomials
  zion=nominal valence of atom as specified in psp file
  znucl=nuclear number of atom as specified in psp file


  ekb(lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander energy, as read from input file
  epsatm=$ (4\pi)\int_0^\infty [r^2 (V(r)+\frac{Zv}{r} dr]$ (hartree)
  ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax)=Kleinman-Bylander form factor f_l(q) and
   second derivative from spline fit for each angular momentum and
   each projector
  indlmn(6,i)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=ln  (if useylm=0)
                                           or i=lmn (if useylm=1)
  nproj(mpssoang)=number of projection functions for each angular momentum
  qchrg is not used, and could be suppressed later
  vlspl(mqgrid,2)=q^2 Vloc(q) and second derivatives from spline fit
  xcccrc=XC core correction cutoff radius (bohr)
  xccc1d(n1xccc,6)=1D core charge function and five derivatives, from psp file
  nctab<nctab_t>=NC tables
    %has_tvale=True if the pseudo contains the pseudo valence charge
    %tvalespl(mqgrid_vl,2)=the pseudo valence density and 2nd derivative in reciprocal space on a regular grid


 98 subroutine psp8in(ekb,epsatm,ffspl,indlmn,lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,&
 99                   mmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl,nproj,n1xccc,pspso,qchrg,qgrid,qgrid_vl,&
100                   useylm,vlspl,xcccrc,xccc1d,zion,znucl,nctab,maxrad)
102 !Arguments ------------------------------------
103 !scalars
104  integer,intent(in) :: lloc,lmax,lmnmax,lnmax,mmax,mpsang,mpssoang,mqgrid,mqgrid_vl
105  integer,intent(in) :: pspso,n1xccc,useylm
106  real(dp),intent(in) :: zion,znucl
107  real(dp),intent(out) :: epsatm,qchrg,xcccrc,maxrad
108  type(nctab_t),intent(inout) :: nctab
109 !arrays
110  integer,intent(out) :: indlmn(6,lmnmax),nproj(mpssoang)
111  real(dp),intent(in) :: qgrid(mqgrid),qgrid_vl(mqgrid_vl)
112  real(dp),intent(out) :: ekb(lnmax),ffspl(mqgrid,2,lnmax),vlspl(mqgrid,2)
113  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(n1xccc,6) !vz_i
115 !Local variables-------------------------------
116 !scalars
117  integer :: extension_switch,iln,iln0,pspindex,ipsang,irad,jj,kk,ll,ll_err,llin
118  integer :: mm,nn,nso,ir
119  real(dp) :: amesh,damesh,fchrg,rchrg,yp1,ypn
120  logical :: has_tvale, debug
121  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
122  type(pawrad_type) :: mesh
123 !arrays
124  integer, allocatable :: nproj_tmp(:)
125  real(dp),allocatable :: rad(:),vloc(:),vpspll(:,:),work_spl(:)
127 ! ***************************************************************************
129 !File format of formatted drh psp input, as adapted for use
130 !by the ABINIT code (the 3 first lines have already been read in calling -pspatm- routine):
132 !(1) title (character) line
133 !(2) znucl,zion,pspdat
134 !(3) pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well  (r2well not used)
135 !(4) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg  (fchrg /=0 if core charge, qchrg not used)
136 !(5) nproj(0:lmax)  (several projectors allowed for each l)
137 !(6) extension_switch(2) (spin-orbit parameters)
138 !Then, for ll=0,lmax :
139 !if(nproj(ll)>0)
140 !1/<u1|vbkb1>, 1/<u2|vbkb2>, ...
141 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vbkb1(irad,ll), vbkb2(irad,ll), ...
142 !else if ll=lloc
143 !for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vloc(irad)
144 !end if
145 !
146 !If(lloc>lmax):
147 !   for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), vloc(irad)
148 !end if
149 !
150 !vbkb are Bloechl-Kleinman-Bylander projectors,(vpsp(r,ll)-vloc(r))*u(r,ll), unnormalized.
151 !Note that an arbitrary local potential is allowed.
152 !Set lloc>lmax, and provide projectors for all ll<=lmax
153 !
154 !Finally, if fchrg>0:
155 !
156 !   for  irad=1,mmax  : irad, r(irad), xccc(irad),
157 !       xccc'(irac), xccc''(irad), xccc'''(irad), xccc''''(irad)
158 !
160  debug = .False.!; debug = .True.
162  ! Model core charge for nonlinear core xc correction, and 4 derivatives
164  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg
165  write(msg, '(3f20.14,t64,a)' ) rchrg,fchrg,qchrg,'rchrg,fchrg,qchrg'
166  call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
168  ABI_MALLOC(nproj_tmp, (mpssoang))
169  nproj_tmp = 0
171  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
172  write(msg, '(a,5i6)' ) '     nproj',nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
173  call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
175 !place holder for future implementation of additional optional header
176 !lines without invalidating existing psp files
177 !Now (12/2014) extended to include spin-orbit projectors
179 ! The integer labeled "extension switch" on line 6
180 ! of the *.psp8 file will be set to 1 (non- or scalar-relativistic)
181 ! or 3 (relativistic) to signal to Abinit that the file contains the pseudo valence charge.
183  has_tvale = .False.
184  read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) extension_switch
185  if (any(extension_switch==[2, 3])) then
186    read (tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
187    write(msg, '(5x,a,i6)' ) 'spin-orbit psp, extension_switch',extension_switch
188    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
189    write(msg, '(5x,a,5i6)' ) '   nprojso',nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
190    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
191    has_tvale =  (extension_switch == 3)
192  else if (any(extension_switch==[0,1])) then
193    write(msg, '(5x,a,i6)' ) 'extension_switch',extension_switch
194    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
195    has_tvale =  (extension_switch == 1)
196  else
197    write(msg, '(a,i0,2a)' ) 'invalid extension_switch: ',extension_switch,ch10,&
198     'Should be [0,1] for scalar-relativistic psp or [2,3] to include spin-orbit'
199    ABI_ERROR(msg)
200  end if
202  if(lloc<4) then
203    if (nproj_tmp(lloc+1)/=0) then
204      write(msg, '(a,i4,a,a,i4,5a)' )&
205      'Pseudopotential input file has nproj=',nproj_tmp(lloc+1),ch10,&
206      'for angular momentum',lloc,' which is the local potential.',ch10,&
207      'Should be 0 for the local potential',ch10,&
208      'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
209      ABI_ERROR(msg)
210    end if
211  end if
213 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
215 !Initialize array indlmn giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=lmn
216 ! if(pspso==2) then
217  if (any(extension_switch == [0,1])) then
218    nso=1
219  else if (any(extension_switch == [2,3])) then
220    nso=2
221    if (pspso==0) then
222      write (msg, '(3a)') 'You are reading a pseudopotential file with spin orbit projectors',ch10,&
223      ' but internal variable pspso is 0'
224      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
225    end if
226  else
227    write(msg, '(a,i0,2a)' ) 'invalid extension_switch: ',extension_switch,ch10,&
228    'Should be [0,1] for scalar-relativistic psp or [2,3] to include spin-orbit'
229    ABI_ERROR(msg)
230  end if
232  pspindex=0; iln=0; indlmn=0
233  do nn=1,nso
234    do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
235      ll = ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
236      if (nproj_tmp(ipsang)>0) then
237        do kk=1,nproj_tmp(ipsang)
238          iln = iln+1
239          do mm=1,2*ll*useylm+1
240            pspindex = pspindex + 1
241            indlmn(1,pspindex) = ll
242            indlmn(2,pspindex) = mm-ll*useylm-1
243            indlmn(3,pspindex) = kk
244            indlmn(4,pspindex) = ll*ll+(1-useylm)*ll+mm
245            indlmn(5,pspindex) = iln
246            indlmn(6,pspindex) = nn
247            !print *, "indlmn:", indlmn(:,pspindex), "pspindex:", pspindex
248          end do
249        end do
250      end if
251    end do
252  end do
254 ! repackage nproj_tmp for proper use by pspatm
255  nproj(:)=0
256  nproj(1:lmax+1)=nproj_tmp(1:lmax+1)
257  if(pspso==2) then
258    nproj(mpsang+1:mpsang+lmax)=nproj_tmp(lmax+2:2*lmax+1)
259  end if
261 !Can now allocate grids, potentials and projectors
262  ABI_MALLOC(rad,(mmax))
263  ABI_MALLOC(vloc,(mmax))
264  ABI_MALLOC(vpspll,(mmax,lnmax))
266 !Will now proceed at the reading of pots and projectors
268 !rad(:)=radial grid r(i)
269 !vpspll(:,1),...,vpspll(:,lnmax)=nonlocal projectors
270 !vloc(:)=local potential
272 !Read Vanderbilt-Kleinman-Bylander energies and projectors for each l
273 !or read local potential for l=lloc.
274 !Also get rad array (actually read more than once)
275  ll_err=0
276  iln0=0
277  do nn=1,nso
278    do ipsang=1+(nn-1)*(lmax+1),nn*lmax+1
279      ll=ipsang-(nn-1)*lmax-1
280      if (nproj_tmp(ipsang)>0) then
281        read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin,ekb(iln0+1:iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang))
282        if(llin/=ll) then
283          ll_err=ipsang
284          exit
285        end if
286        do irad=1,mmax
287          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vpspll(irad,iln0+1:iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang))
288        end do
289        iln0=iln0+nproj_tmp(ipsang)
290      elseif(ll==lloc .and. nn==1) then
291        read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin
292        if(llin/=ll) then
293          ll_err=ipsang
294          exit
295        end if
296        do irad=1,mmax
297          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vloc(irad)
298        end do
299      end if
300    end do !ipsang
302    ! Provision for general local potential /= any angular momentum potential
303    if(nn==1 .and. lloc>lmax) then
304      read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) llin
305      if(llin==lloc) then
306        do irad=1,mmax
307          read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj,rad(irad),vloc(irad)
308        end do
309      else
310        ll_err=lloc+1
311        exit
312      end if
313    end if
314  end do !nn
316  if(ll_err>0) then
317    write(msg, '(5a,i4,a,i4,a,a)' )&
318      'Pseudopotential input file does not have angular momenta in order',ch10,&
319      'or has inconsistent general local potential index',ch10,&
320      'Expected',ll_err-1,' , got',ll,ch10,&
321      'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
322    ABI_ERROR(msg)
323  end if
325  ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
326  amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
327  damesh=zero
328  do irad=2,mmax-1
329    damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
330  end do
331  if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
332    write(msg, '(5a)' )&
333      'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
334      'starting at zero.',ch10,&
335      'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
336    ABI_ERROR(msg)
337  end if
339  !Get core charge function and derivatives, if needed
340  if(fchrg>1.0d-15)then
341    call psp8cc(mmax, n1xccc, rchrg, xccc1d)
342    ! The core charge function for pspcod=8 becomes zero beyond rchrg.
343    ! Thus xcccrc must be set equal to rchrg.
344    xcccrc=rchrg
345  else
346    xccc1d(:,:) = zero
347    xcccrc = zero
348    fchrg = zero
349    qchrg = zero
350  end if
352  maxrad = rad(mmax)
354 !! DEBUG
355 !write(std_out,*)' xcccrc = ', xcccrc, rchrg
356 !write(std_out,*)
357 !write(std_out,*) '# psp8in NLCC data ', n1xccc, xcccrc
358 !do ii = 1, n1xccc
359 !write(std_out,'(7e20.8)')xcccrc*(ii-1.d0)/(n1xccc-1.d0),xccc1d(ii,1),&
360 !     xccc1d(ii,2),xccc1d(ii,3),xccc1d(ii,4),xccc1d(ii,5),xccc1d(ii,6)
361 !enddo
362 !write(std_out,*)
363 !stop
367 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
368 !Carry out calculations for local (lloc) pseudopotential.
369 !Obtain Fourier transform (1-d sine transform) to get q^2 V(q).
371  call psp8lo(amesh, epsatm, mmax, mqgrid, qgrid, vlspl(:,1), rad, vloc, yp1, ypn, zion)
373  ! Fit spline to q^2 V(q) (Numerical Recipes subroutine)
374  ABI_MALLOC(work_spl,(mqgrid))
375  call spline(qgrid,vlspl(:,1),mqgrid,yp1,ypn,work_spl)
376  vlspl(:,2)=work_spl(:)
377  ABI_FREE(work_spl)
379  if (debug) then
380    write(std_out,*)'# Vlocal psp8 = '
381    write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
382    write(std_out,*)' epsatm = ', epsatm
383    write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax
384    write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
385    do ir = 1, mqgrid
386      write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
387    enddo
388    do ir = 1, mqgrid
389      write(std_out,'(a,i5,2f20.12)')'   iq, vlspl = ', ir, vlspl(ir,1), vlspl(ir,2)
390    enddo
391    write(std_out,*)
392    do ir = 1, mmax
393      write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vloc(ir)
394    enddo
395    write(std_out,*)
396    write(std_out,*)' yp1    = ', yp1
397    write(std_out,*)' ypn    = ', ypn
398    write(std_out,*)' zion   = ', zion
399    stop
400  end if
403 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
404 !Take care of non-local part
406 !Allow for option of no nonlocal corrections (lloc=lmax=0)
407  if (lloc == 0 .and. lmax == 0) then
408    write(msg, '(a,f5.1)' ) ' Note: local psp for atom with Z=',znucl
409    call wrtout([std_out, ab_out], msg)
410  else
412    ! Compute Vanderbilt-KB form factors and fit splines
413    call psp8nl(amesh, ffspl, indlmn, lmax, lmnmax, lnmax, mmax, mqgrid, qgrid, rad, vpspll)
414  end if
416 !!  DEBUG
417 ! write(std_out,*)'# KB Projectors = '
418 ! write(std_out,*)' amesh  = ', amesh
419 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
420 !   do il = 1, lnmax
421 !     write(std_out,*)' iq, il, ffspl = ', ir, il, ffspl(ir,1,il), ffspl(ir,2,il)
422 !   enddo
423 ! enddo
424 ! do il = 1, lmnmax
425 !   write(std_out,*)' indlmn = ', il, indlmn(:,il)
426 ! enddo
427 ! write(std_out,*)' lmax   = ', lmax
428 ! write(std_out,*)' lmnmax = ', lmnmax
429 ! write(std_out,*)' lnmax  = ', lnmax
430 ! write(std_out,*)' mmax   = ', mmax
431 ! write(std_out,*)' mqgrid = ', mqgrid
432 ! do ir = 1, mqgrid
433 !   write(std_out,*)'   qgrid = ', ir, qgrid(ir)
434 ! enddo
435 ! do il = 1, lnmax
436 !   write(std_out,*)
437 !   write(std_out,*)'# il = ', il
438 !   do ir = 1, mmax
439 !     write(std_out,*)'   rad   = ', rad(ir), vpspll(ir,il)
440 !   enddo
441 ! enddo
442 ! stop
443 !!  ENDDEBUG
445  ! Read pseudo valence charge in real space on the linear mesh
446  ! and transform it to reciprocal space on a regular grid. Use vloc as workspace.
447  vloc(:) = zero
448  if (has_tvale) then
449    do irad=1,mmax
450      read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg)jj, rad(irad), vloc(irad)
451      vloc(irad) = vloc(irad) / four_pi
452    end do
454    ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
455    amesh = rad(2) - rad(1); damesh = zero
456    do irad=2,mmax-1
457      damesh = max(damesh, abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
458    end do
460    if (damesh > tol8 .or. abs(rad(1)) > tol16) then
461      write(msg,'(3a)')&
462      'Assuming pseudized valence charge given on linear radial mesh starting at zero.',ch10,&
463      'Action: check your pseudopotential file.'
464      ABI_ERROR(msg)
465    end if
467    ! Evaluate spline-fit of the atomic pseudo valence charge in reciprocal space.
468    call pawrad_init(mesh, mesh_size=mmax, mesh_type=1, rstep=amesh)
469    call nctab_eval_tvalespl(nctab, zion, mesh, vloc, mqgrid_vl, qgrid_vl)
470    call pawrad_free(mesh)
471  end if
473  ABI_FREE(vpspll)
474  ABI_FREE(vloc)
475  ABI_FREE(rad)
476  ABI_FREE(nproj_tmp)
478  return
480  ! Handle IO error
481  10 continue
482  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
484 end subroutine psp8in

m_psp8/psp8cc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_psp8 ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the core charge density, for use in the XC core
 correction, following the function definition valid
 for format 8 of the pseudopotentials.


  mmax=maximum number of points in real space grid in the psp file
  n1xccc=dimension of xccc1d; 0 if no XC core correction is used
  rchrg=cut-off radius for the core density


  xccc1d(n1xccc,6)= 1D core charge function and its four first derivatives


506 subroutine psp8cc(mmax, n1xccc, rchrg, xccc1d)
508 !Arguments ------------------------------------
509 !scalars
510  integer,intent(in) :: mmax,n1xccc
511  real(dp),intent(in) :: rchrg
512 !arrays
513  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xccc1d(n1xccc,6) !vz_i
515 !Local variables-------------------------------
516 !scalars
517  integer :: i1xccc,idum,irad,jj
518  real(dp) :: amesh,c1,c2,c3,c4,damesh,dri,pi4i,tff,xp,xpm1,xpm2,xpp1,xx
519  character(len=500) :: msg,errmsg
520 !arrays
521  real(dp) :: rscale(5)
522  real(dp),allocatable :: ff(:,:),rad(:)
524 !**********************************************************************
526  ABI_MALLOC(ff,(mmax,5))
527  ABI_MALLOC(rad,(mmax))
529  pi4i=quarter/pi
530  !
531  ! Read from pp file the model core charge and its first 4 derivatives
532  ! assumed to be on a linear grid starting at zero.
533  ! The input functions contain the 4pi factor, and must be rescaled.
535  do irad=1,mmax
536    read(tmp_unit,*, err=10, iomsg=errmsg) idum,rad(irad),(ff(irad,jj),jj=1,5)
537  end do
539  ! Check that rad grid is linear starting at zero
540  amesh=rad(2)-rad(1)
541  damesh=zero
542  do irad=2,mmax-1
543    damesh=max(damesh,abs(rad(irad)+amesh-rad(irad+1)))
544  end do
546  if(damesh>tol8 .or. rad(1)/=zero) then
547    write(msg, '(5a)' )&
548    'Pseudopotential input file requires linear radial mesh',ch10,&
549    'starting at zero.',ch10,&
550    'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
551    ABI_ERROR(msg)
552  end if
554  ! Check that input rchrg is consistent with last grid point
555  if(rchrg>rad(mmax)) then
556    write(msg, '(5a)' )&
557    'Pseudopotential input file core charge mesh',ch10,&
558    'is inconsistent with rchrg in header.',ch10,&
559    'Action: check your pseudopotential input file.'
560    ABI_ERROR(msg)
561  end if
563 !Factors for unit range scaling
564  do jj = 1, 5
565    rscale(jj)=rchrg**(jj-1)
566  end do
568 !Generate uniform mesh xx in the box cut by rchrg
569 !and interpolate the core charge and derivatives
570 !Cubic polynomial interpolation is used which is consistent
571 !with the original interpolation of these functions from
572 !a log grid to the input linear grid.
574  dri=1.d0/amesh
575  do i1xccc=1,n1xccc
576    xx=(i1xccc-1)* rchrg/dble(n1xccc-1)
578 !  index to find bracketing input mesh points
579    irad = int(dri * xx) + 1
580    irad = max(irad,2)
581    irad = min(irad,mmax-2)
582 !  interpolation coefficients
583    xp = dri * (xx - rad(irad))
584    xpp1 = xp + one
585    xpm1 = xp - one
586    xpm2 = xp - two
587    c1 = -xp * xpm1 * xpm2 * sixth
588    c2 = xpp1 * xpm1 * xpm2 * half
589    c3 = - xp * xpp1 * xpm2 * half
590    c4 = xp * xpp1 * xpm1 * sixth
591 !  Now do the interpolation on all derivatives for this grid point
592 !  Include 1/4pi normalization and unit range scaling
593    do jj=1,5
594      tff =  c1 * ff(irad - 1, jj) &
595 &     + c2 * ff(irad    , jj) &
596 &     + c3 * ff(irad + 1, jj) &
597 &     + c4 * ff(irad + 2, jj)
598      xccc1d(i1xccc,jj)=pi4i*rscale(jj)*tff
599    end do
600  end do
602 !5th derivative is apparently not in use, so set to zero
603  xccc1d(:,6)=zero
605  ABI_FREE(ff)
606  ABI_FREE(rad)
608  return
610  ! Handle IO error
611  10 continue
612  ABI_ERROR(errmsg)
614 end subroutine psp8cc