ABINIT/m_psolver [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Poisson solver


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR,TRangel).
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_psolver
24  use defs_basis
25  use defs_wvltypes
26  use m_abicore
27  use m_errors
28  use m_abi2big
29  use m_cgtools
30  use m_xmpi
32  use defs_abitypes, only : mpi_type
33  use m_geometry, only : metric
34  use m_drivexc,  only : mkdenpos
36  implicit none
38  private

ABINIT/Psolver_hartree [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Given rho(r), compute Hartree potential considering the system as
 an isolated one. This potential is obtained from the convolution
 of 1/r and rho(r), treated in Fourier space. This method is a wrapper around
 Psolver() developped for BigDFT.
 It does not compute the xc energy nor potential. See psolver_rhohxc() to do it.
 WARNING : the XC energy and potential computation capability has been
 for spin-polarized case, as everything is done as if nspden=1


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  mpi_enreg=MPI-parallelisation information.
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density in real space in electrons/bohr**3


  enhartr=returned Hartree energy (hartree).
  vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential.

  In PSolver, with nspden == 2, rhor(:,1) = density up and
                                rhor(:,2) = density down.
  But in ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1) rhor(:,1) = total density and
                                    rhor(:,2) = density up .
  In ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1), the same convention is used as in PSolver.


537 subroutine psolver_hartree(enhartr, hgrid, icoulomb, me, mpi_comm, nfft, ngfft, nproc, &
538      & nscforder, nspden, rhor, vhartr, usewvl)
540 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
541  use BigDFT_API,     only : coulomb_operator
542  use poisson_solver, only : H_potential
543 #endif
544   implicit none
546   !Arguments ------------------------------------
547   !scalars
548   integer, intent(in)           :: nfft, nspden, icoulomb, usewvl, mpi_comm, me, nproc, nscforder
549   real(dp), intent(out)         :: enhartr
550   !arrays
551   integer, intent(in)    :: ngfft(3)
552   real(dp),intent(in)    :: hgrid(3)
553   real(dp),intent(in)    :: rhor(nfft,nspden)
554   real(dp),intent(out)   :: vhartr(nfft)
556   !Local variables-------------------------------
557 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
558   !scalars
559   character(len=500) :: message
560   character(len = 1) :: datacode, bndcode
561   !arrays
562   real(dp), dimension(1) :: pot_ion_dummy
563   type(coulomb_operator):: kernel
564 #endif
566 ! *********************************************************************
568 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
570  if (icoulomb == 0) then
571 !  The kernel is built with 'P'eriodic boundary counditions.
572    bndcode = 'P'
573  else if (icoulomb == 1) then
574 !  The kernel is built with 'F'ree boundary counditions.
575    bndcode = 'F'
576  else if (icoulomb == 2) then
577 !  The kernel is built with 'S'urface boundary counditions.
578    bndcode = 'S'
579  end if
581  if(nspden > 2 .and. usewvl/=0 )then
582    write(message, '(a,a,a,i0)' )&
583 &   'Only non-spin-polarised or collinear spin is allowed for wavelets,',ch10,&
584 &   'while the argument nspden = ', nspden
585    ABI_BUG(message)
586  end if
588 !We do the computation.
589  write(message, "(A,A,A,3I6)") "Psolver_hartree(): compute potential (Vhartree)...", ch10, &
590 & " | dimension:", ngfft(1:3)
591  call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL')
593  if (usewvl == 0) then
594    vhartr(:)  = rhor(:, 1)
596    datacode = 'G'
597 !  This may not work with MPI in the planewave code...
598  else
599    if(nspden==1)vhartr(:)  = rhor(:, 1)
600    if(nspden==2)vhartr(:)  = rhor(:, 1) + rhor(:, 2)
601 !  The data are 'D'istributed in the wavelet case or 'G'lobal otherwise.
602    if (nproc > 1) then
603      datacode = 'D'
604    else
605      datacode = 'G'
606    end if
607  end if
609 !We get the kernel.
610  call psolver_kernel( hgrid, 2, icoulomb, me, kernel, mpi_comm, ngfft, nproc, nscforder)
613 !We attack PSolver with the total density contained in vhartr.
614 !This is also valid for spin-polarized (collinear and non-collinear)
615 !systems. Thus we enter nspden (last arg of PSolver) as being 1.
616 !Warning : enxc and evxc are meaningless.
617 ! call psolver(bndcode, datacode, me, nproc, ngfft(1), ngfft(2), ngfft(3),&
618 !& 0, hgrid(1), hgrid(2), hgrid(3), vhartr, kernel%co%kernel, pot_ion_dummy, &
619 !& enhartr, enxc, evxc, 0.d0, .false., 1)
621  call H_potential(datacode,kernel,vhartr,pot_ion_dummy,&
622 & enhartr,zero,.false.)
625 #else
627  if (.false.) write(std_out,*)  nfft,nspden,icoulomb,usewvl,mpi_comm,me,nproc,nscforder,enhartr,&
628 & ngfft(1),hgrid(1),rhor(1,1),vhartr(1)
629 #endif
631 end subroutine psolver_hartree

ABINIT/psolver_kernel [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Build, get or free the kernel matrix used by the Poisson solver to compute the
 the convolution between 1/r and rho. The kernel is a saved variable. If
 this routine is called for building while a kernel already exists, it is not
 recomputed if all parameters (grid step and data size) are unchanged. Otherwise
 the kernel is freed and recompute again. The build action has a returned variable
 which is a pointer on the kernel. The get action also returns the kernel, or
 NULL if none has been associated.


  iaction=0 to free all kernel allocated array,
          1 to compute the kernel (parallel case),
          2 to get it (parallel case),
          3 to compute the kernel (sequential),
          4 to get the sequential kernel.
  rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)


  kernel= associated kernel on build (iaction = 1) and get action (iaction = 2).


660 subroutine psolver_kernel(hgrid, iaction,  icoulomb, &
661 & iproc, kernel, mpi_comm, ngfft, nproc, nscforder)
663 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
664  use BigDFT_API,     only  : coulomb_operator,nullify_coulomb_operator, &
665 &                            deallocate_coulomb_operator,mpi_environment
666  use poisson_solver, only : pkernel_init,pkernel_set
667 #else
668  use defs_wvltypes,  only : coulomb_operator
669 #endif
670   implicit none
672 !Arguments ------------------------------------
673   !scalars
674   integer,intent(in) :: iaction, icoulomb, mpi_comm, nscforder, iproc, nproc
675   !arrays
676   integer, intent(in) :: ngfft(3)
677   type(coulomb_operator),intent(inout)::kernel
678   real(dp),intent(in) :: hgrid(3)
680 !Local variables-------------------------
681 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
682   !scalars
683   integer,parameter :: igpu=0 !no GPUs
684   !arrays
685   integer, save :: kernel_scfOrder
686   integer, save :: kernel_icoulomb
687   integer, save :: data_size(3) = (/ -2, -2, -2 /)
688   real(dp), save :: kernel_hgrid(3)   ! Grid step used when creating the kernel.
689   character(len = 1) :: geocode
690   character(len=500) :: message
691   integer :: current_size(3)
692   type(coulomb_operator),save :: pkernel, kernelseq
693   type(mpi_environment) :: mpi_env
694 #endif
696 ! *************************************************************************
698 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
700  if (icoulomb == 0) then
701 !  The kernel is built with 'P'eriodic boundary counditions.
702    geocode = 'P'
703  else if (icoulomb == 1) then
704 !  The kernel is built with 'F'ree boundary counditions.
705    geocode = 'F'
706  else if (icoulomb == 2) then
707 !  The kernel is built with 'S'urface boundary counditions.
708    geocode = 'S'
709  end if
710  current_size(:) = ngfft(1:3)
712 !Initialise kernel_array pointer.
713  if (maxval(data_size) == -2) then
714    call nullify_coulomb_operator(pkernel)
715    call nullify_coulomb_operator(kernelseq)
716  end if
718 !If iaction == 0, we free the kernel.
719  if (iaction == 0) then
720    if (associated(pkernel%kernel)) then
721      write(message, "(A)") "Psolver_kernel() : deallocating pkernel..."
722      call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL')
724      call deallocate_coulomb_operator(pkernel)
725    end if
726    if (associated(kernelseq%kernel)) then
727      write(message, "(A)") "Psolver_kernel() : deallocating kernelseq..."
728      call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL')
730      call deallocate_coulomb_operator(kernelseq)
731    end if
732    data_size = (/ -1, -1, -1 /)
733    return
734  end if
737 !Action is build or get. We check the sizes before doing anything else.
739 !!$!Get the size depending on wavelets calculations or not
740 !!$ if (dtset%usewvl == 0) then
741 !!$   hgrid(1) = rprimd(1, 1) / ngfft(1)
742 !!$   hgrid(2) = rprimd(2, 2) / ngfft(2)
743 !!$   hgrid(3) = rprimd(3, 3) / ngfft(3)
744 !!$
745 !!$ else
746 !!$   hgrid(:) = 0.5d0 * wvl%h(:)
747 !!$   current_size(1:3) = (/ wvl%Glr%d%n1i, wvl%Glr%d%n2i, wvl%Glr%d%n3i /)
748 !!$ end if
750 !Compute a new kernel if grid size has changed or if the kernel
751 !has never been computed.
752  if ((iaction == 1 .and. .not. associated(pkernel%kernel))    .or. &
753 & (iaction == 3 .and. .not. associated(kernelseq%kernel)) .or. &
754 & kernel_icoulomb /= icoulomb  .or. &
755 & data_size(1)    /= current_size(1) .or. &
756 & data_size(2)    /= current_size(2) .or. &
757 & data_size(3)    /= current_size(3) .or. &
758 & kernel_hgrid(1) /= hgrid(1)        .or. &
759 & kernel_hgrid(2) /= hgrid(2)        .or. &
760 & kernel_hgrid(3) /= hgrid(3)        .or. &
761 & kernel_scfOrder /= nscforder) then
762    write(message, "(A,A,A,3I6)") "Psolver_kernel() : building kernel...", ch10, &
763 &   " | data dimensions:", current_size
764    call wrtout(std_out, message, 'COLL')
766    if (iaction == 1 .or. iaction == 2) then
767      if (associated(pkernel%kernel)) then
768        call deallocate_coulomb_operator(pkernel)
769      end if
770      mpi_env%mpi_comm = mpi_comm
771      mpi_env%iproc    = iproc
772      mpi_env%nproc    = nproc
773      mpi_env%igroup   = 0 ! no task groups
774      mpi_env%ngroup   = 1 ! no task groups
775      pkernel= pkernel_init(.True.,iproc,nproc,igpu,geocode,&
776 &     current_size,hgrid,nscforder, mpi_env = mpi_env)
777      call pkernel_set(pkernel,.True.)
778    end if
780    if (iaction == 3 .or. iaction == 4) then
781      if (associated(kernelseq%kernel)) then
782        call deallocate_coulomb_operator(kernelseq)
783      end if
784      mpi_env%mpi_comm = mpi_comm
785      mpi_env%iproc    = 0
786      mpi_env%nproc    = 1
787      mpi_env%igroup   = 0 ! no task groups
788      mpi_env%ngroup   = 1 ! no task groups
789      kernelseq= pkernel_init(.True.,iproc,nproc,igpu,geocode,&
790 &     current_size,hgrid,nscforder, mpi_env = mpi_env)
791      call pkernel_set(kernelseq,.True.)
792    end if
794 !  Storing variables which were used to make the kernel
795    kernel_icoulomb = icoulomb
796    data_size(:)    = current_size(:)
797    kernel_hgrid(:) = hgrid(:)
798    kernel_scfOrder = nscforder
799  end if
801  ! Shallow copy if kernel has been associated.
802  if (iaction == 1 .or. iaction == 2) then
803    kernel = pkernel
804  end if
805  if (iaction == 3 .or. iaction == 4) then
806    kernel = kernelseq
807  end if
809 #else
811  if (.false.) write(std_out,*)  iaction,icoulomb,mpi_comm,nscforder,iproc,nproc,ngfft(1),kernel%co,hgrid(1)
812 #endif
814 end subroutine psolver_kernel

ABINIT/psolver_rhohxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Given rho(r), compute Hartree potential considering the system as
 an isolated one. This potential is obtained from the convolution
 of 1/r and rho(r), treated in Fourier space. This method is a wrapper around
 Psolver() developped for BigDFT.
 It can compute the xc energy and potential if required. This computation is
 built on the drivexc() routine of ABINIT but access it directly from real
 space. The present routine is a real space counter part to rhotoxc().


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  mpi_enreg=MPI-parallelisation information.
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density in real space in electrons/bohr**3


  enhartr=returned Hartree energy (hartree).
  enxc=returned exchange and correlation energy (hartree).
  envxc=returned energy of the Vxc potential (hartree).
  vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential.
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=xc potential
  vxcavg=<Vxc>=unit cell average of Vxc = (1/ucvol) Int [Vxc(r) d^3 r].

  In psolver, with nspden == 2, rhor(:,1) = density up and
                                rhor(:,2) = density down.
  But in ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1) rhor(:,1) = total density and
                                    rhor(:,2) = density up .
  In ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1), the same convention is used as in psolver.


 84 subroutine psolver_rhohxc(enhartr, enxc, envxc, icoulomb, ixc, &
 85 & mpi_enreg, nfft, ngfft, nhat,nhatdim,&
 86 & nscforder, nspden, n3xccc, rhor, rprimd,&
 87 & usexcnhat,usepaw,usewvl,vhartr, vxc, vxcavg, wvl,wvl_den,wvl_e,&
 88 & xccc3d,xclevel,xc_denpos)
 90 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 91  use BigDFT_API, only : XC_potential,ELECTRONIC_DENSITY,coulomb_operator
 92  use poisson_solver, only : H_potential
 93 #endif
 94   implicit none
 96   !Arguments ------------------------------------
 97   !scalars
 98   integer, intent(in)           :: nhatdim,nspden,n3xccc
 99   integer, intent(in)           :: nfft, icoulomb, ixc, nscforder, usewvl
100   integer,intent(in)            :: usexcnhat,usepaw,xclevel
101   real(dp),intent(in)           :: rprimd(3,3)
102   real(dp), intent(in)          :: xc_denpos
103   real(dp), intent(out)         :: enxc, envxc, enhartr, vxcavg
104   type(mpi_type), intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
105   type(wvl_internal_type), intent(in) :: wvl
106   type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(inout) :: wvl_den
107   type(wvl_energy_terms), intent(inout) :: wvl_e
108   !arrays
109   integer, intent(in)    :: ngfft(18)
110   real(dp),intent(in) :: xccc3d(n3xccc)
111   real(dp),intent(in) :: nhat(nfft,nspden*nhatdim)
112   real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhor(nfft, nspden)
113   real(dp),intent(out)   :: vhartr(nfft)
114   real(dp),intent(out)   :: vxc(nfft, nspden)
116   !Local variables-------------------------------
117 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
118 ! n_c and \hat{n} can be added/rested inside bigdft by passing
119 ! them as pointers (rhocore and rhohat):
120   logical, parameter :: add_n_c_here=.true.  !Add n_c here or inside bigdft
121   logical, parameter :: rest_hat_n_here=.true.  !Rest \hat{n} here or inside bigdft
122   !scalars
123   integer :: me,nproc,comm
124   integer :: ifft,ispin
125   integer :: iwarn, opt_mkdenpos
126   integer :: nfftot,ngrad
127   integer :: n1i,n2i,n3d,n3i
128   real(dp) :: tmpDown, tmpUp, tmpPot,ucvol,ucvol_local
129   logical :: sumpion,test_nhat,use_psolver=.false.
130   character(len=500) :: message
131   character(len = 1) :: datacode, bndcode
132   !arrays
133   real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3)
134   real(dp) :: hgrid(3)
135   real(dp) :: vxcmean(1)
136   real(dp), pointer :: rhocore(:,:,:,:),rhohat(:,:,:,:)
137   real(dp), pointer :: pot_ion(:,:,:,:),rhonow(:,:)
138   real(dp), dimension(6) :: xcstr
139   type(coulomb_operator) ::  kernel
140 #endif
142 ! *********************************************************************
146 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
148  nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
149  comm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
150  if(usewvl==1) comm=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
151  me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
152  nproc=xmpi_comm_size(comm)
154  if(n3xccc>0) then
155    if(nfft .ne. n3xccc)then
156      write(message,'(a,a,a,2(i0,1x))')&
157 &     'nfft and n3xccc should be equal,',ch10,&
158 &     'however, nfft and n3xccc=',nfft,n3xccc
159      ABI_BUG(message)
160    end if
161  end if
162  if(nspden==4) then
163    ABI_ERROR('nspden==4 not coded yet')
164  end if
166  if (ixc==0) then
167    vxcavg=zero
168    test_nhat=.false.
170 !  No xc at all is applied (usually for testing)
171    ABI_WARNING('Note that no xc is applied (ixc=0).')
173  else if (ixc/=20) then
175 !  ngrad=1 is for LDAs or LSDs, ngrad=2 is for GGAs
176    ngrad=1;if(xclevel==2)ngrad=2
177 !  ixc 31 to 35 are for mgga test purpose only (fake functionals based on LDA but need the gradients too)
178    if(ixc>=31 .and. ixc<=35)ngrad=2
179 !  Test: has a compensation density to be added/substracted (PAW) ?
180 !  test_nhat=((nhatdim==1).and.(usexcnhat==0.or.(ngrad==2.and.nhatgrdim==1)))
181    test_nhat=((nhatdim==1).and.(usexcnhat==0))
182  end if
185 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
186  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
188  if (icoulomb == 0) then
189 !  The kernel is built with 'P'eriodic boundary counditions.
190    bndcode = 'P'
191  else if (icoulomb == 1) then
192 !  The kernel is built with 'F'ree boundary counditions.
193    bndcode = 'F'
194  else if (icoulomb == 2) then
195 !  The kernel is built with 'S'urface boundary counditions.
196    bndcode = 'S'
197  end if
199 !This makes the tests fail?
200 !For NC and n_c=0, call psolver, which uses less memory:
201 !if(usepaw==0 .and. n3xccc==0) use_psolver=.true.
203  if(nspden > 2)then
204    write(message, '(a,a,a,i0)' )&
205 &   'Only non-spin-polarised or collinear spin is allowed,',ch10,&
206 &   'while the argument nspden = ', nspden
207    ABI_ERROR(message)
208  end if
210 !We do the computation.
211  write(message, "(A,A,A,3I6)") "psolver_rhohxc(): compute potentials (Vhartree and Vxc)...", ch10, &
212 & " | dimension:", ngfft(1:3)
213  call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL')
215  if(usewvl==1) then
216    hgrid=(/wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(1),wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(2),wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(3)/)
217  else
218    hgrid=(/ rprimd(1,1) / ngfft(1), rprimd(2,2) / ngfft(2), rprimd(3,3) / ngfft(3) /)
219  end if
221  if (usewvl == 0) then
222 !  We get the kernel.
223    call psolver_kernel( hgrid, 2, icoulomb, me, kernel, comm, ngfft, nproc, nscforder)
224  elseif(usewvl==1) then
225 !  In this case, the kernel is already computed.
226 !  We just shallow copy it.
227    kernel = wvl_den%denspot%pkernel
228  end if
230  if(usewvl==1) then
231    if(wvl_den%denspot%rhov_is .ne. ELECTRONIC_DENSITY) then
232      message= "psolver_rhohxc: rhov should contain the electronic density"
233      ABI_ERROR(message)
234    end if
235  end if
237  if(usewvl==1) then
238    n1i=wvl%Glr%d%n1i; n2i=wvl%Glr%d%n2i; n3i=wvl%Glr%d%n3i
239    n3d=wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%n3d
240  else
241    n1i=ngfft(1); n2i=ngfft(2) ; n3i=ngfft(3)
242    n3d=ngfft(13)
243  end if
245  if (usewvl == 0) then
246 !  ucvol_local=product(hgrid)*half**3*real(n1i*n2i*n3i,dp)
247 !  write(*,*)'hgrid, n1i,n2i,n3i',hgrid,ngfft(1:3)
248 !  write(*,*)'ucvol_local',ucvol_local
249    ucvol_local = ucvol
250 !  write(*,*)'ucvol_local',ucvol_local
251  else
252 !  We need to tune the volume when wavelets are used because, not
253 !  all FFT points are used.
254 !  ucvol_local = (half * dtset%wvl_hgrid) ** 3 * ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
255    ucvol_local = product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids) * real(product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims), dp)
256  end if
258 !Core density array
259  if(n3xccc==0 .or. add_n_c_here) then
260    nullify(rhocore)
261 !  Pending, next line should follow the same logic that the rest
262    if(usewvl==1 .and. usepaw==0)  rhocore=> wvl_den%denspot%rho_C
263  else
264    if(usepaw==1) then
265      ABI_MALLOC(rhocore,(n1i,n2i,n3d,1)) !not spin dependent
266      call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,xccc3d,rhocore)
268 !    Make rhocore positive to avoid numerical instabilities in V_xc
269      iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
270      call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhocore, tol20 )
271    end if
272  end if
274 !write(*,*)'psolver_rhohxc, erase me, set rhocore=0'
275 !if( associated(wvl_den%denspot%rho_C))wvl_den%denspot%rho_C=zero
276 !if(associated(rhocore))rhocore=zero
278 !Rhohat array:
279  if(test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
280 !  rhohat => nhat !do not know how to point 4 index to 2 index
281 !  here we have to copy since convention for spin changes.
282    ABI_MALLOC(rhohat,(n1i,n2i,n3d,nspden))
283    call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,nhat,rhohat)
284  else
285    nullify(rhohat)
286  end if
288 !Data are always distributed when using the wavelets, even if nproc = 1.
289 !The size given is the complete size of the box, not the distributed size
290 !stored in ngfft.
291  if (nproc > 1 .or. usewvl > 0) then
292    datacode = 'D'
293  else
294    datacode = 'G'
295  end if
297 !If usewvl=1, vpsp(or v_ext) will be summed to vhartree
298  if(usewvl==1) then
299    pot_ion=>wvl_den%denspot%V_ext
300    sumpion=.false.
301 !  Note:
302 !  if sumpion==.true.
303 !  call wvl_newvtr in setvtr and rhotov
304 !  if sumpion==.false.
305 !  modify setvtr and rhotov to not use wvl_newvtr and follow the normal ABINIT flow.
306  else
307 !  This is not allowed
308 !  pot_ion=>vxc !this is a dummy variable here
309    sumpion=.false.
310  end if
313 !To make this work, make sure that xc_init has been called
314 !in gstate.
315  if(.not. use_psolver) then
316 !  T.Rangel:
317 !  Use this approach for PAW and sometimes for NC since
318 !  in psolver() the core density is not added.
319 !
320 !  PAW case:
321 !  It is important to call H_potential before XC_potential:
322 !  In XC_potential, if test_nhat, we do:
323 !  1) rhor=rhor-rhohat,
324 !  2) makepositive(rhor,tol20)
325 !  3) after Psolver, we do rhor=rhor+rhohat,
326 !  I found that rhor at input and output are slightly different,
327 !  These differences lead to a difference of ~0.01 hartree in V_hartree.
328 !  If PAW, substract compensation density from effective density:
329 !  - if GGA, because nhat gradients are computed separately
330 !  - if nhat does not have to be included in XC
332 !  save rhor in rhonow to avoid modifying it.
333    ABI_MALLOC(rhonow,(nfft,nspden))
334 !  copy rhor into rhonow:
335 !  ABINIT convention is followed: (ispin=1: for spin up + spin down)
336    do ispin=1,nspden
337      do ifft=1,nfft
338        rhonow(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhor(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
339      end do
340    end do
342    if(usewvl==1) then
343      call H_potential(datacode,&
344 &     kernel,rhonow,pot_ion,enhartr,&
345 &     zero,sumpion)
346    else
347 !    Vxc is passed as a dummy argument
348      call H_potential(datacode,&
349 &     kernel,rhonow,vxc,enhartr,&
350 &     zero,sumpion)
351    end if
352 !
353    do ifft=1,nfft
354      vhartr(ifft)=rhonow(ifft,1)
355    end do
356 !  write(*,*)'erase me psolver_rhohxc l350, set vhartr=0'
357 !  vhartr=zero ; enhartr=zero
358 !
359 !  Since rhonow was modified inside H_potential:
360 !  copy rhor again into rhonow following the BigDFT convention:
361    call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,rhor,rhonow)
363 !  Add n_c here:
364    if(n3xccc>0 .and. add_n_c_here) then
365      do ispin=1,nspden
366        do ifft=1,nfft
367          rhonow(ifft,ispin)=rhonow(ifft,ispin)+xccc3d(ifft)
368        end do
369      end do
370    end if
371 !  Remove \hat{n} here:
372    if(test_nhat .and. rest_hat_n_here) then
373      do ispin=1,nspden
374        do ifft=1,nfft
375          rhonow(ifft,ispin)=rhonow(ifft,ispin)-nhat(ifft,ispin)
376        end do
377      end do
378    end if
380 !  Make the density positive everywhere (but do not care about gradients)
381    iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
382    call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhonow, xc_denpos)
383 !  do ispin=1,nspden
384 !  do ifft=1,nfft
385 !  rhonow(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhonow(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
386 !  end do
387 !  end do
389 !  If PAW, substract compensation density from effective density:
390 !  - if GGA, because nhat gradients are computed separately
391 !  - if nhat does not have to be included in XC
392    if (test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
394      call XC_potential(bndcode,datacode,me,nproc,comm,&
395 &     n1i,n2i,n3i,&
396 &     wvl_den%denspot%xc,hgrid(1),hgrid(2),hgrid(3),&
397 &     rhonow,enxc,envxc,nspden,rhocore,&
398 &     vxc,xcstr,rhohat=rhohat)
400    else
402      call XC_potential(bndcode,datacode,me,nproc,comm,&
403 &     n1i,n2i,n3i,&
404 &     wvl_den%denspot%xc,hgrid(1),hgrid(2),hgrid(3),&
405 &     rhonow,enxc,envxc,nspden,rhocore,&
406 &     vxc,xcstr)
408    end if
410 !  write(*,*)'psolver_rhohxc: erase me, set vxc=0'
411 !  vxc=zero
412 !  enxc=zero
413 !  envxc=zero
415 !  deallocate temporary array
416    ABI_FREE(rhonow)
418  else
419 !  NC case: here we optimize memory, and we reuse vhartree to store rhor:
421 !  We save total rhor in vhartr
422    do ifft=1,nfft
423      vhartr(ifft)  = rhor(ifft, 1)
424    end do
426 !  In non-wavelet case, we change the rhor values.
427    if (nspden == 2) then
428      do ifft = 1, nfft
429 !      We change rhor for psolver call.
430        tmpDown = rhor(ifft, 1) - rhonow(ifft, 2)
431        tmpUp   = rhor(ifft, 2)
432        rhor(ifft, 1) = tmpUp
433        rhor(ifft, 2) = tmpDown
434      end do
435    end if
436 !  Make the density positive everywhere (but do not care about gradients)
437    iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
438    call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhor, xc_denpos)
439 !  do ispin=1,nspden
440 !  do ifft=1,nfft
441 !  rhor(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhor(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
442 !  end do
443 !  end do
445 !  Call Poisson solver, here rhor(:,1) will contain Vhartree at output
446 !  This does not compile, check mklocl_realspace where it do work.
447 !   call psolver(bndcode, datacode, me, nproc, n1i, &
448 !&   n2i,n3i, ixc, hgrid(1), hgrid(2), hgrid(3), &
449 !&   rhor, kernel, vxc, enhartr, enxc, envxc, 0.d0, .false., nspden)
451 !  PSolver work in place, we set back the rhor values.
452    do ifft = 1, nfft, 1
453      tmpPot     = rhor(ifft, 1)
454 !    Rhor total was saved in vhartr and current rhor(:,2) is down spin
455      rhor(ifft, 1) = vhartr(ifft)
456      if (nspden == 2) rhor(ifft, 2) = rhor(ifft, 1) - rhor(ifft, 2)
457      vhartr(ifft)  = tmpPot
458    end do
459  end if
461 !Pass vhartr and vxc to BigDFT objects (useless?)
462 !if(usewvl==1) then
463 !  write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10, ' rhotoxc_wvlpaw : but why are you copying me :..o('
464 ! call wvl_vhartr_abi2big(1,vhartr,wvl_den)
465 !  (this can be commented out, since we do not use denspot%v_xc
466 ! call wvl_vxc_abi2big(1,vxc,wvl_den)
467 !end if
469 !Compute vxcavg
470  call mean_fftr(vxc, vxcmean, nfft, nfftot, nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=comm)
471  vxcavg = vxcmean(1)
473 !Pass energies to wvl object:
474  if(usewvl==1) then
475    wvl_e%energs%eh  = enhartr
476    wvl_e%energs%exc = enxc
477    wvl_e%energs%evxc= envxc
478  end if
480 !Nullify pointers and deallocate arrays
481  if(test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
482 !  if(nspden==2) ABI_FREE(rhohat)
483    ABI_FREE(rhohat)
484    if(associated(rhohat)) nullify(rhohat)
485  end if
486  if( n3xccc>0 .and. .not. add_n_c_here) then
487    if(usepaw==1) then
488      ABI_FREE(rhocore)
489    end if
490  end if
491  if(associated(rhocore))  nullify(rhocore)
492  if(associated(pot_ion)) nullify(pot_ion)
494 #else
496  if (.false.) write(std_out,*) nhatdim,nspden,n3xccc,nfft,icoulomb,ixc,nscforder,usewvl,&
497 & usexcnhat,usepaw,xclevel,rprimd(1,1),xc_denpos,enxc,envxc,enhartr,vxcavg,mpi_enreg%nproc,&
498 & wvl%h(1),wvl_den%symObj,wvl_e%energs,ngfft(1),xccc3d(1),nhat(1,1),rhor(1,1),vhartr(1),vxc(1,1)
499 #endif
503 end subroutine psolver_rhohxc