ABINIT/m_ewald [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  This module gathers routines to compute the Ewald energy and its derivatives


  Copyright (C) 2014-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, JJC, GMR)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_ewald
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_abicore
26  use m_errors
27  use m_splines
28  use m_time
29  use m_xmpi
31  use m_gtermcutoff,    only : termcutoff
32  use m_special_funcs,  only : abi_derfc
33  use m_symtk,          only : matr3inv
35  implicit none
37  private
39  public :: ewald    ! Compute Ewald energy and derivatives with respect to xred
40  public :: ewald2   ! Derivative of the Ewald energy with respect to strain.
41  public :: ewald9   ! Compute ewald contribution to the dynamical matrix, at a given
42                     ! q wavevector, including anisotropic dielectric tensor and effective charges
44 contains

m_ewald/ewald [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ewald ] [ Functions ]




 Compute Ewald energy and derivatives with respect to dimensionless
 reduced atom coordinates xred.


 gmet(3,3)=metric tensor in reciprocal space (bohr^-2)
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 ntypat=numbe of type of atoms
 rmet(3,3)=metric tensor in real space (bohr^2)
 typat(natom)=integer label of each type of atom (1,2,...)
 ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3)
 xred(3,natom)=relative coords of atoms in unit cell (dimensionless)
 zion(ntypat)=charge on each type of atom (real number)


 eew=final ewald energy in hartrees
 grewtn(3,natom)=grads of eew wrt xred(3,natom), hartrees.


 72 subroutine ewald(eew,gmet,grewtn,gsqcut,icutcoul,natom,ngfft,nkpt,ntypat,rcut,rmet,rprimd,typat,ucvol,vcutgeo,xred,zion)
 74 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 75 !scalars
 76  integer,intent(in) :: icutcoul,natom,nkpt,ntypat
 77  real(dp),intent(in) :: gsqcut,rcut,ucvol
 78  real(dp),intent(out) :: eew
 79 !arrays
 80  integer,intent(in) :: ngfft(18),typat(natom)
 81  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom),vcutgeo(3),zion(ntypat)
 82  real(dp),intent(out) :: grewtn(3,natom)
 84 !Local variables-------------------------------
 85 !scalars
 86  integer  :: ia,ib,ig1,ig2,ig3,ig23,ii,ir1,ir2,ir3,newg,newr,ng,nr
 87  real(dp) :: arg,c1i,ch,chsq,derfc_arg,direct,drdta1,drdta2,drdta3,eta,fac
 88  real(dp) :: fraca1,fraca2,fraca3,fracb1,fracb2,fracb3,gsq,gsum,phi,phr,r1
 89  real(dp) :: minexparg
 90  real(dp) :: r1a1d,r2,r2a2d,r3,r3a3d,recip,reta,rmagn,rsq,sumg,summi,summr,sumr
 91  real(dp) :: t1,term ,zcut !, gcart_para, gcart_perp
 92  !character(len=500) :: msg
 93 !arrays
 94  real(dp),allocatable :: gcutoff(:)
 96 ! *************************************************************************
 98 !This is the minimum argument of an exponential, with some safety
 99  minexparg=log(tiny(0._dp))+five
101 !Add up total charge and sum of $charge^2$ in cell
103  chsq=0._dp
104  ch=0._dp
105  do ia=1,natom
106    ch=ch+zion(typat(ia))
107    chsq=chsq+zion(typat(ia))**2
108  end do
110 !Compute eta, the Ewald summation convergence parameter,
111 !for approximately optimized summations:
112  direct=rmet(1,1)+rmet(1,2)+rmet(1,3)+rmet(2,1)+&
113 & rmet(2,2)+rmet(2,3)+rmet(3,1)+rmet(3,2)+rmet(3,3)
114  recip=gmet(1,1)+gmet(1,2)+gmet(1,3)+gmet(2,1)+&
115 & gmet(2,2)+gmet(2,3)+gmet(3,1)+gmet(3,2)+gmet(3,3)
116 !A bias is introduced, because G-space summation scales
117 !better than r space summation ! Note : debugging is the most
118 !easier at fixed eta.
119 zcut=SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,3),rprimd(:,3)))/2.0_dp
120 if(icutcoul.eq.1) then
121    eta=SQRT(16.0_dp/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,1),rprimd(:,1))))
122 ! else if (icutcoul.eq.2) then
123 !   zcut=SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,3),rprimd(:,3)))/2.0_dp
124 !   eta=217.6_dp/zcut**2.0_dp
125 !   eta=1.0_dp/zcut**2.0_dp
126 !   eta=SQRT(16.0_dp/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,1),rprimd(:,1))))
127 ! else if (icutcoul.eq.2) then
128 !   zcut=SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,3),rprimd(:,3)))/2.0_dp
129 !   eta=SQRT(8.0_dp/zcut)
130 !   eta=SQRT(16.0_dp/SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,1),rprimd(:,1))))
131 ! else if (icutcoul.eq.2) then
132 !   zcut=SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rprimd(:,3),rprimd(:,3)))/2.0_dp
133 !   eta=SQRT(8.0_dp/zcut)
134  else
135    eta=pi*200.0_dp/33.0_dp*sqrt(1.69_dp*recip/direct)
136  end if
138 !Conduct reciprocal space summations
139  fac=pi**2/eta
140  gsum=0._dp
141  grewtn(:,:)=0.0_dp
143  !Initialize Gcut-off array from m_gtermcutoff
144  !ABI_MALLOC(gcutoff,(ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)))
145  call termcutoff(gcutoff,gsqcut,icutcoul,ngfft,nkpt,rcut,rprimd,vcutgeo)
147 !if (icutcoul.eq.3) then
148 !Sum over G space, done shell after shell until all
149 !contributions are too small.
150  ng=0
151  do
152    ng=ng+1
153    newg=0
154 !   Instead of this warning that most normal users do not understand (because they are doing GS calculations, and not RF calculations),
155 !   one should optimize this routine. But usually this is a very small fraction of any ABINIT run.
156 !   if (ng > 20 .and. mod(ng,10)==0) then
157 !      write (msg,'(3a,I10)') "Very large box of G neighbors in ewald: you probably do not want to do this.", ch10,&
158 !&       " If you have a metal consider setting dipdip 0.  ng = ", ng
159 !      ABI_WARNING(msg)
160 !   end if
161    ii=1
162    do ig3=-ng,ng
163      do ig2=-ng,ng
164        do ig1=-ng,ng
165 !        Exclude shells previously summed over
166          if(abs(ig1)==ng .or. abs(ig2)==ng .or. abs(ig3)==ng .or. ng==1 ) then
168 !          gsq is G dot G = |G|^2
169            gsq=gmet(1,1)*dble(ig1*ig1)+gmet(2,2)*dble(ig2*ig2)+&
170 &           gmet(3,3)*dble(ig3*ig3)+2._dp*(gmet(2,1)*dble(ig1*ig2)+&
171 &           gmet(3,1)*dble(ig1*ig3)+gmet(3,2)*dble(ig3*ig2))
173 !          Skip g=0:
174            if (gsq>1.0d-20) then
175              arg=fac*gsq
177 !            Larger arg gives 0 contribution because of exp(-arg)
178              if (arg <= -minexparg ) then
179 !              When any term contributes then include next shell
180                newg=1
182                if((abs(ig1).lt.ngfft(1)).and.&
183                  &(abs(ig2).lt.ngfft(2)).and.&
184                  &(abs(ig3).lt.ngfft(3))) then
185                   ig23=ngfft(1)*(abs(ig2)+ngfft(2)*(abs(ig3)))
186                   ii=abs(ig1)+ig23+1
187                   !term= ( exp(-arg) + gcutoff(ii) - 1.0_dp )/gsq
188                   !term=exp(-arg)/gsq*gcutoff(ii)
189                   !term= ( exp(-arg) + gcutoff(ii) - 1.0_dp)/gsq
190                   term=exp(-arg)/gsq*gcutoff(ii)
191                else if ( then
192                   term=zero !exp(-arg)/gsq
193                else
194                   term=exp(-arg)/gsq
195                endif
197                summr = 0.0_dp
198                summi = 0.0_dp
201 !              XG 20180531  : the two do-loops on ia should be merged, in order to spare
202 !              the waste of computing twice the sin and cos.
204 !              Note that if reduced atomic coordinates xred drift outside
205 !              of unit cell (outside [0,1)) it is irrelevant in the following
206 !              term, which only computes a phase.
207                do ia=1,natom
208                  arg=two_pi*(ig1*xred(1,ia)+ig2*xred(2,ia)+ig3*xred(3,ia))
209 !                Sum real and imaginary parts (avoid complex variables)
210                  summr=summr+zion(typat(ia))*cos(arg)
211                  summi=summi+zion(typat(ia))*sin(arg)
212                end do
214 !              The following two checks avoid an annoying underflow error msg
215                if (abs(summr)<1.d-16) summr=0.0_dp
216                if (abs(summi)<1.d-16) summi=0.0_dp
218 !              The product of term and summr**2 or summi**2 below
219 !              can underflow if not for checks above
220                t1=term*(summr*summr+summi*summi)
221                gsum=gsum+t1
223                do ia=1,natom
224 !                Again only phase is computed so xred may fall outside [0,1).
225                  arg=two_pi*(ig1*xred(1,ia)+ig2*xred(2,ia)+ig3*xred(3,ia))
226                  phr= cos(arg)
227                  phi=-sin(arg)
228 !                (note: do not need real part, commented out)
229 !                c1r=(phr*summr-phi*summi)*(term*zion(typat(ia)))
230                  c1i=(phi*summr+phr*summi)*(term*zion(typat(ia)))
231 !                compute coordinate gradients
232                  grewtn(1,ia)=grewtn(1,ia)-c1i*ig1
233                  grewtn(2,ia)=grewtn(2,ia)-c1i*ig2
234                  grewtn(3,ia)=grewtn(3,ia)-c1i*ig3
235                end do
237              end if ! End condition of not larger than -minexparg
238            end if ! End skip g=0
239          end if ! End triple loop over G s and associated new shell condition
241        end do
242      end do
243    end do
245 !  Check if new shell must be calculated
246    if (newg==0) exit
248  end do !  End the loop on ng (new shells). Note that there is one exit from this loop.
249 !endif
251  sumg=gsum/(two_pi*ucvol)
253 !Stress tensor is now computed elsewhere (ewald2) hence do not need
254 !length scale gradients (used to compute them here).
256 !normalize coordinate gradients by unit cell volume ucvol
257  term=-2._dp/ucvol
258  grewtn(:,:)=grewtn(:,:)*term
259 !call DSCAL(3*natom,term,grewtn,1)
261 !Conduct real space summations
262  reta=sqrt(eta)
263  fac=2._dp*sqrt(eta/pi)
264  sumr=0.0_dp
266 !In the following a summation is being conducted over all
267 !unit cells (ir1, ir2, ir3) so it is appropriate to map all
268 !reduced coordinates xred back into [0,1).
269 !
270 !Loop on shells in r-space as was done in g-space
271  nr=0
272  do
273    nr=nr+1
274    newr=0
275 !   Instead of this warning that most normal users do not understand (because they are doing GS calculations, and not RF calculations),
276 !   one should optimize this routine. But usually this is a very small fraction of any ABINIT run.
277 !   if (nr > 20 .and. mod(nr,10)==0) then
278 !      write (msg,'(3a,I10)') "Very large box of R neighbors in ewald: you probably do not want to do this.", ch10,&
279 !&       " If you have a metal consider setting dipdip 0.  nr = ", nr
280 !      ABI_WARNING(msg)
281 !   end if
282 !
283    do ir3=-nr,nr
284      do ir2=-nr,nr
285        do ir1=-nr,nr
286          if( abs(ir3)==nr .or. abs(ir2)==nr .or. abs(ir1)==nr .or. nr==1 )then
288            do ia=1,natom
289 !            Map reduced coordinate xred(mu,ia) into [0,1)
290              fraca1=xred(1,ia)-aint(xred(1,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(1,ia))
291              fraca2=xred(2,ia)-aint(xred(2,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(2,ia))
292              fraca3=xred(3,ia)-aint(xred(3,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(3,ia))
293              drdta1=0.0_dp
294              drdta2=0.0_dp
295              drdta3=0.0_dp
297              do ib=1,natom
298 !              fraca and fracb should be precomputedi and become arrays with natom dimension.
299 !              Also the combination with dble(ir1), dble(ir2), dble(ir3) or fraca should be done outside of the ib loop.
300                fracb1=xred(1,ib)-aint(xred(1,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(1,ib))
301                fracb2=xred(2,ib)-aint(xred(2,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(2,ib))
302                fracb3=xred(3,ib)-aint(xred(3,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(3,ib))
303                r1=dble(ir1)+fracb1-fraca1
304                r2=dble(ir2)+fracb2-fraca2
305                r3=dble(ir3)+fracb3-fraca3
306                rsq=rmet(1,1)*r1*r1+rmet(2,2)*r2*r2+rmet(3,3)*r3*r3+&
307 &               2.0_dp*(rmet(2,1)*r2*r1+rmet(3,2)*r3*r2+rmet(3,1)*r1*r3)
309 !              Avoid zero denominators in 'term':
310                if (rsq>=1.0d-24) then
312 !                Note: erfc(8) is about 1.1e-29, so do not bother with larger arg.
313 !                Also: exp(-64) is about 1.6e-28, so do not bother with larger arg**2 in exp.
314                  term=0._dp
315                  if (eta*rsq<64.0_dp) then
316                    newr=1
317                    rmagn=sqrt(rsq)
318                    arg=reta*rmagn
319 !                  derfc is the real(dp) complementary error function
320                    derfc_arg = abi_derfc(arg)
321                    term=derfc_arg/rmagn
322                    sumr=sumr+zion(typat(ia))*zion(typat(ib))*term
323                    term=zion(typat(ia))*zion(typat(ib))*&
324 &                   (term+fac*exp(-eta*rsq))/rsq
325 !                  Length scale grads now handled with stress tensor in ewald2
326                    r1a1d=rmet(1,1)*r1+rmet(1,2)*r2+rmet(1,3)*r3
327                    r2a2d=rmet(2,1)*r1+rmet(2,2)*r2+rmet(2,3)*r3
328                    r3a3d=rmet(3,1)*r1+rmet(3,2)*r2+rmet(3,3)*r3
329 !                  Compute terms related to coordinate gradients
330                    drdta1=drdta1+term*r1a1d
331                    drdta2=drdta2+term*r2a2d
332                    drdta3=drdta3+term*r3a3d
333                  end if
334                end if ! End avoid zero denominators in'term'
335              end do ! end loop over ib:
337              grewtn(1,ia)=grewtn(1,ia)+drdta1
338              grewtn(2,ia)=grewtn(2,ia)+drdta2
339              grewtn(3,ia)=grewtn(3,ia)+drdta3
340            end do ! end loop over ia:
341          end if
342        end do ! end triple loop over real space points and associated condition of new shell
343      end do
344    end do
346 !  Check if new shell must be calculated
347    if(newr==0) exit
348  end do ! End loop on nr (new shells). Note that there is an exit within the loop
349 !
350  sumr=0.5_dp*sumr
351  fac=pi*ch**2.0_dp/(2.0_dp*eta*ucvol)
353 !Finally assemble Ewald energy, eew
354  if( then
355     !eew=sumg+sumr-chsq*reta/sqrt(pi)-fac
356     eew=sumg+sumr-chsq*reta/sqrt(pi)
357  else
358    eew=sumg+sumr-chsq*reta/sqrt(pi)-fac
359  end if
361  ABI_FREE(gcutoff)
363 !DEBUG
364 !write(std_out,*)'eew=sumg+sumr-chsq*reta/sqrt(pi)-fac'
365 !write(std_out,*)eew,sumg,sumr,chsq*reta/sqrt(pi),fac
368 !Length scale grads handled with stress tensor, ewald2
370 !Output the final values of ng and nr
371 ! write(msg, '(a,a,i4,a,i4)' )ch10,' ewald : nr and ng are ',nr,' and ',ng
372 ! call wrtout(std_out,msg,'COLL')
374 end subroutine ewald

m_ewald/ewald2 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ewald ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the part of the stress tensor coming from the Ewald energy
 which is calculated by derivating the Ewald energy with respect to strain.
 See Nielsen and Martin, Phys. Rev. B 32, 3792 (1985) [[cite:Nielsen1985a]].
 Definition of stress tensor is $(1/ucvol)*d(Etot)/d(strain(a,b))$.


 gmet(3,3)=metric tensor in reciprocal space (bohr^-2)
 natom=number of atoms in umit cell
 ntypat=number of type of atoms
 rmet(3,3)=metric tensor in real space (bohr^2) (inverse transpose of gmet)
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations in real space (bohr)
 typat(natom)=integer label of each type of atom (1,2,...)
 ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3)
 xred(3,natom)=relative coords of atoms in unit cell (dimensionless)
 zion(ntypat)=charge on each type of atom (real number)


 $stress(6)=(1/ucvol)*gradient$ of Ewald energy with respect to strain,
      in hartrees/bohr^3
 Cartesian components of stress are provided for this symmetric
 tensor in the order 11 22 33 32 31 21.


409 subroutine ewald2(gmet,natom,ntypat,rmet,rprimd,stress,typat,ucvol,xred,zion)
411 !Arguments ------------------------------------
412 !scalars
413  integer,intent(in) :: natom,ntypat
414  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
415 !arrays
416  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
417  real(dp),intent(in) :: gmet(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3),xred(3,natom)
418  real(dp),intent(in) :: zion(ntypat)
419  real(dp),intent(out) :: stress(6)
421 !Local variables-------------------------------
422 !scalars
423  integer :: ia,ib,ig1,ig2,ig3,ir1,ir2,ir3,newg,newr,ng,nr
424  real(dp) :: arg1,arg2,arg3,ch,dderfc,derfc_arg,direct,eta,fac,fraca1
425  real(dp) :: fraca2,fraca3,fracb1,fracb2,fracb3,g1,g2,g3,gsq,r1,r1c,r2,r2c
426  real(dp) :: minexparg
427  real(dp) :: r3,r3c,recip,reta,rmagn,rsq,summi,summr,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,term1
428  real(dp) :: term2,term3,term4
429 !arrays
430  real(dp) :: gprimd(3,3),strg(6),strr(6)
432 ! *************************************************************************
434 !Define dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations gprimd
435 !(inverse transpose of rprimd)
436  call matr3inv(rprimd,gprimd)
438 !This is the minimum argument of an exponential, with some safety
439  minexparg=log(tiny(0._dp))+five
441 !Add up total charge and sum of charge^2 in cell
442  ch=0._dp
443  do ia=1,natom
444    ch=ch+zion(typat(ia))
445  end do
447 !Compute eta, the Ewald summation convergence parameter,
448 !for approximately optimized summations:
449  direct=rmet(1,1)+rmet(1,2)+rmet(1,3)+rmet(2,1)+&
450 & rmet(2,2)+rmet(2,3)+rmet(3,1)+rmet(3,2)+rmet(3,3)
451  recip=gmet(1,1)+gmet(1,2)+gmet(1,3)+gmet(2,1)+&
452 & gmet(2,2)+gmet(2,3)+gmet(3,1)+gmet(3,2)+gmet(3,3)
453 !Here, a bias is introduced, because G-space summation scales
454 !better than r space summation !
455  eta=pi*200.0_dp/33.0_dp*sqrt(1.69_dp*recip/direct)
457  fac=pi**2/eta
459 !Conduct reciprocal space summations
460  strg(1:6)=0.0_dp
462 !Sum over G space, done shell after shell until all
463 !contributions are too small
464  ng=0
465  do
466    ng=ng+1
467    newg=0
469    do ig3=-ng,ng
470      do ig2=-ng,ng
471        do ig1=-ng,ng
473 !        Exclude shells previously summed over
474          if(abs(ig1)==ng .or. abs(ig2)==ng .or. abs(ig3)==ng .or. ng==1 ) then
476 !          Compute Cartesian components of each G
477            g1=gprimd(1,1)*ig1+gprimd(1,2)*ig2+gprimd(1,3)*ig3
478            g2=gprimd(2,1)*ig1+gprimd(2,2)*ig2+gprimd(2,3)*ig3
479            g3=gprimd(3,1)*ig1+gprimd(3,2)*ig2+gprimd(3,3)*ig3
480 !          Compute |G|^2 (no pi factors)
481            gsq=(g1**2+g2**2+g3**2)
483 !          skip g=0:
484            if (gsq>1.0d-20) then
485              arg1=fac*gsq
487 !            larger arg1 gives 0 contribution because of exp(-arg1)
488              if (arg1<= -minexparg) then
489 !              When any term contributes then include next shell
490                newg=1
491                term1=exp(-arg1)/arg1
492                summr = 0.0_dp
493                summi = 0.0_dp
494                do ia=1,natom
495                  arg2=two_pi*(ig1*xred(1,ia)+ig2*xred(2,ia)+ig3*xred(3,ia))
496 !                Sum real and imaginary parts (avoid complex variables)
497                  summr=summr+zion(typat(ia))*cos(arg2)
498                  summi=summi+zion(typat(ia))*sin(arg2)
499                end do
501 !              Avoid underflow error messages
502                if (abs(summr)<1.d-16) summr=0.0_dp
503                if (abs(summi)<1.d-16) summi=0.0_dp
505                term2=(2._dp/gsq)*(1._dp+arg1)
506                t1=term2*g1*g1-1._dp
507                t2=term2*g2*g2-1._dp
508                t3=term2*g3*g3-1._dp
509                t4=term2*g2*g3
510                t5=term2*g1*g3
511                t6=term2*g1*g2
512                term3=term1*(summr*summr+summi*summi)
513                strg(1)=strg(1)+t1*term3
514                strg(2)=strg(2)+t2*term3
515                strg(3)=strg(3)+t3*term3
516                strg(4)=strg(4)+t4*term3
517                strg(5)=strg(5)+t5*term3
518                strg(6)=strg(6)+t6*term3
520              end if ! End condition not being larger than -minexparg
521            end if ! End skip g=0
523          end if ! End triple loop and condition of new shell
524        end do
525      end do
526    end do
528 !  Check if new shell must be calculated
529    if (newg==0) exit
530  end do ! End loop on new shell. Note that there is an "exit" instruction within the loop
533 !Conduct real space summations
534  reta=sqrt(eta)
535  strr(1:6)=0.0_dp
537 !Loop on shells in r-space as was done in g-space
538  nr=0
539  do
540    nr=nr+1
541    newr=0
543    do ir3=-nr,nr
544      do ir2=-nr,nr
545        do ir1=-nr,nr
546          if( abs(ir3)==nr .or. abs(ir2)==nr .or. abs(ir1)==nr .or. nr==1 )then
548            do ia=1,natom
549 !            Convert reduced atomic coordinates to [0,1)
550              fraca1=xred(1,ia)-aint(xred(1,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(1,ia))
551              fraca2=xred(2,ia)-aint(xred(2,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(2,ia))
552              fraca3=xred(3,ia)-aint(xred(3,ia))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(3,ia))
553              do ib=1,natom
554                fracb1=xred(1,ib)-aint(xred(1,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(1,ib))
555                fracb2=xred(2,ib)-aint(xred(2,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(2,ib))
556                fracb3=xred(3,ib)-aint(xred(3,ib))+0.5_dp-sign(0.5_dp,xred(3,ib))
557                r1=ir1+fracb1-fraca1
558                r2=ir2+fracb2-fraca2
559                r3=ir3+fracb3-fraca3
560 !              Convert from reduced to cartesian coordinates
561                r1c=rprimd(1,1)*r1+rprimd(1,2)*r2+rprimd(1,3)*r3
562                r2c=rprimd(2,1)*r1+rprimd(2,2)*r2+rprimd(2,3)*r3
563                r3c=rprimd(3,1)*r1+rprimd(3,2)*r2+rprimd(3,3)*r3
564 !              Compute |r|^2
565                rsq=r1c**2+r2c**2+r3c**2
566                rmagn=sqrt(rsq)
568 !              Avoid zero denominators in 'term':
569                if (rmagn>=1.0d-12) then
571 !                Note: erfc(8) is about 1.1e-29, so do not bother with larger arg.
572 !                Also: exp(-64) is about 1.6e-28, so do not bother with larger arg**2 in exp.
573                  arg3=reta*rmagn
574                  if (arg3<8.0_dp) then
575                    newr=1
576 !                  derfc computes the complementary error function
577 !                  dderfc is the derivative of the complementary error function
578                    dderfc=(-2/sqrt(pi))*exp(-eta*rsq)
579                    derfc_arg = abi_derfc(arg3)
580                    term3=dderfc-derfc_arg/arg3
581                    term4=zion(typat(ia))*zion(typat(ib))*term3
582                    strr(1)=strr(1)+term4*r1c*r1c/rsq
583                    strr(2)=strr(2)+term4*r2c*r2c/rsq
584                    strr(3)=strr(3)+term4*r3c*r3c/rsq
585                    strr(4)=strr(4)+term4*r2c*r3c/rsq
586                    strr(5)=strr(5)+term4*r1c*r3c/rsq
587                    strr(6)=strr(6)+term4*r1c*r2c/rsq
588                  end if ! End the condition of not being to large
589                end if ! End avoid zero denominator
591              end do ! End loop over ib:
592            end do  ! End loop over ia:
594          end if ! End triple loop overs real space points, and associated new shell condition
595        end do
596      end do
597    end do
599 !  Check if new shell must be calculated
600    if(newr==0) exit
601  end do ! End loop on new shells
603 !Finally assemble stress tensor coming from Ewald energy, stress
604 !(note division by unit cell volume in accordance with definition
605 !found in Nielsen and Martin, Phys. Rev. B 32, 3792 (1985) [[cite:Nielsen1985a]]
607  fac = pi/(2._dp*ucvol*eta)
608  stress(1)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(1)+fac*(strg(1)+(ch**2)))/ucvol
609  stress(2)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(2)+fac*(strg(2)+(ch**2)))/ucvol
610  stress(3)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(3)+fac*(strg(3)+(ch**2)))/ucvol
611  stress(4)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(4)+fac*strg(4))/ucvol
612  stress(5)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(5)+fac*strg(5))/ucvol
613  stress(6)=(0.5_dp*reta*strr(6)+fac*strg(6))/ucvol
615 end subroutine ewald2

m_ewald/ewald9 [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_ewald ] [ Functions ]




 Compute ewald contribution to the dynamical matrix, at a given
 q wavevector, including anisotropic dielectric tensor and effective charges
 See Phys. Rev. B 55, 10355 (1997) [[cite:Gonze1997a]], equations (72) to (75).
 This has been generalized to quadrupoles.
 Delivers the left hand side of Eq.(72), possibly generalized.


 acell = lengths by which lattice vectors are multiplied
 dielt(3,3)=dielectric tensor
 gmet(3,3) = metric in reciprocal space.
 gprim(3,3)=dimensionless primitive translations in reciprocal space
 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 qphon(3)=phonon wavevector (same system of coordinates as the reciprocal lattice vectors)
 rmet = metric in real space
 rprim(3,3)=dimensionless primitive translations in real space
 sumg0: if=1, the sum in reciprocal space must include g=0,
  if=0, this contribution must be skipped (q=0 singularity)
 ucvol=unit cell volume in (whatever length scale units)**3
 xred(3,natom)=relative coords of atoms in unit cell (dimensionless)
 zeff(3,3,natom)=effective charge on each atom, versus electric
  field and atomic displacement
 qdrp_cart(3,3,3,natom)=Quadrupole tensor on each atom in cartesian cordinates
 option= 0: use old implementation;
         1: reduce the smalest argument of the exponentials to be evaluated,
            set eta to 1 and skip real space sum, leads to a significant speedup
 [dipquad] = if 1, atmfrc has been build without dipole-quadrupole part
 [quadquad] = if 1, atmfrc has been build without quadrupole-quadrupole part


 dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)= Ewald part of the dynamical matrix,
  second energy derivative wrt xred(3,natom) in Hartrees
 Set to zero if all(zeff == zero)


 1. The q=0 part should be subtracted, by another call to
 the present routine, with q=0. The present routine correspond
 to the quantity written A-bar in the explanatory notes.
 If q=0 is asked, sumg0 should be put to 0. Otherwise, it should be put to 1.
 2. Because this routine can be used many times in the
 evaluation of phonons in ppddb9, it has been
 optimized carefully. There is still possibility
 for improvement, by using bloking on G and R!
 3. There can be small numerical variations due to the
 fact that the input dielectric tensor is usually
 not perfectly symmetric ....


 671 subroutine ewald9(acell,dielt,dyew,gmet,gprim,natom,qphon,rmet,rprim,sumg0,ucvol,xred,zeff, qdrp_cart, &
 672                   option, dipquad, quadquad)  ! optional
 674 !Arguments -------------------------------
 675 !scalars
 676  integer,intent(in) :: natom,sumg0
 677  integer,optional,intent(in) :: option, dipquad, quadquad
 678  real(dp),intent(in) :: ucvol
 679 !arrays
 680  real(dp),intent(in) :: acell(3),dielt(3,3),gmet(3,3),gprim(3,3),qphon(3)
 681  real(dp),intent(in) :: rmet(3,3),rprim(3,3),xred(3,natom),zeff(3,3,natom)
 682  real(dp),intent(in) :: qdrp_cart(3,3,3,natom)
 683  real(dp),intent(out) :: dyew(2,3,natom,3,natom)
 685 !Local variables -------------------------
 686 !scalars
 687  integer,parameter :: mr=10000
 688  integer :: ia,ib,ig1,ig2,ig3,ii,ll,kk,ir,ir1,ir2,ir3,jj
 689  integer :: info,lwork,mu,newg,newr,ng,nr,nu,ng_expxq
 690  integer :: ewald_option
 691  integer :: dipquad_,quadquad_
 692  logical :: do_quadrupole
 693  logical, save :: firstcall = .TRUE.
 694  real(dp),parameter :: fac=4.0_dp/3.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
 695  real(dp),parameter :: fact2=2.0_dp/sqrt(pi)
 696  real(dp),parameter :: y2max=64.0_dp, y2min=1.0d-24
 697  real(dp) :: cddi,cddr,cqdi,cqdr,cqqi,cqqr,g3,g4
 698  real(dp) :: arg1,arg2,arg3,arga,c123r,c123i,c23i,c23r,detdlt,inv_detdlt
 699  real(dp) :: direct,eta,fact1,fact3,gsq,recip,reta,reta3,inv4eta
 700  real(dp) :: minexparg,sigma_max
 701  real(dp) :: term1,term2,term3,term4,term5,y2,yy,invy,invy2,derfc_yy
 702  character(len=700) :: msg
 703 !arrays
 704  real(dp) :: c1i(2*mr+1),c1r(2*mr+1),c2i(2*mr+1),c2r(2*mr+1),c3i(2*mr+1)
 705  real(dp) :: c3r(2*mr+1),cosqxred(natom),wdielt(3,3),eig_dielt(3),gpq(3),gpqfac(3,3),gpqgpq(3,3)
 706  real(dp) :: invdlt(3,3),ircar(3),ircax(3),rr(3),sinqxred(natom)
 707  real(dp) :: xredcar(3,natom),xredcax(3,natom),xredicar(3),xredicax(3),xx(3)
 708  real(dp) :: gprimbyacell(3,3) !,tsec(2)
 709  real(dp),allocatable :: dyddt(:,:,:,:,:), dydqt(:,:,:,:,:,:), dyqqt(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
 710  real(dp),allocatable :: work(:)
 711  complex(dpc) :: exp2piqx(natom)
 712  complex(dpc),allocatable :: expx1(:,:), expx2(:,:), expx3(:,:)
 714 ! *********************************************************************
 716  ! This routine is expensive so skip the calculation and return zeros if zeff == zero.
 717  ! Typically this happens when the DDB file does not contains zeff but dipdip = 1 is used (default).
 718  if (all(zeff == zero).and.all(qdrp_cart == zero)) then
 719    dyew = zero; return
 720  end if
 721  do_quadrupole = any(qdrp_cart /= zero)
 723  ! Keep track of total time spent.
 724  !call timab(1749, 1, tsec)
 726  ! Initialize dipquad and quadquad options
 727  dipquad_=0; if(present(dipquad)) dipquad_=dipquad
 728  quadquad_=0; if(present(quadquad)) quadquad_=quadquad
 730  ! Deactivate real space sums for quadrupolar fields or for dipdip = -1
 731  ewald_option = 0; if (present(option)) ewald_option = option
 732  if (do_quadrupole.and.(dipquad_==1.or.quadquad_==1)) ewald_option = 1
 733  !ewald_option = 0
 735 !This is the minimum argument of an exponential, with some safety
 736  minexparg=log(tiny(0._dp))+five
 737  if (ewald_option == 1) minexparg=-20.0_dp
 739 ! initialize complex phase factors
 740  do ia = 1, natom
 741    arga = two_pi*( (qphon(1))*xred(1,ia)&
 742                   +(qphon(2))*xred(2,ia)&
 743                   +(qphon(3))*xred(3,ia) )
 744    exp2piqx(ia) = exp(arga*j_dpc)
 745  end do
 746  ng_expxq = 1000
 747  ABI_MALLOC(expx1, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 748  ABI_MALLOC(expx2, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 749  ABI_MALLOC(expx3, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 750  do ia = 1, natom
 751    do ig1 = -ng_expxq, ng_expxq
 752      expx1(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(1,ia)*j_dpc)
 753      expx2(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(2,ia)*j_dpc)
 754      expx3(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(3,ia)*j_dpc)
 755    end do
 756  end do
 758  gprimbyacell = gprim
 759  gprimbyacell(:,1) = gprimbyacell(:,1) / acell(1)
 760  gprimbyacell(:,2) = gprimbyacell(:,2) / acell(2)
 761  gprimbyacell(:,3) = gprimbyacell(:,3) / acell(3)
 763 !compute eta for approximately optimized summations:
 764  direct=rmet(1,1)+rmet(1,2)+rmet(1,3)+rmet(2,1)+&
 765 & rmet(2,2)+rmet(2,3)+rmet(3,1)+rmet(3,2)+rmet(3,3)
 766  recip=gmet(1,1)+gmet(1,2)+gmet(1,3)+gmet(2,1)+&
 767 & gmet(2,2)+gmet(2,3)+gmet(3,1)+gmet(3,2)+gmet(3,3)
 768  eta=pi*100.0_dp/33.0_dp*sqrt(1.69_dp*recip/direct)
 770  ! Compute a material-dependent width for the Gaussians that hopefully
 771  ! will make the Ewald real-space summation unnecessary.
 772  if (ewald_option == 1) then
 774    wdielt(:,:)=dielt(:,:)
 776    !Diagonalize dielectric matrix
 777    lwork=-1
 778    ABI_MALLOC(work,(10))
 779    call dsyev('N','U',3, wdielt, 3, eig_dielt, work, lwork,info)
 780    lwork=nint(work(1))
 781    ABI_FREE(work)
 783    ABI_MALLOC(work,(lwork))
 784    call dsyev('V','U',3, wdielt, 3, eig_dielt, work, lwork,info)
 785    ABI_FREE(work)
 787    !This is a tentative maximum value for the gaussian width in real space
 788    sigma_max=three
 790    !Set eta taking into account that the eps_inf is used as a metric in
 791    !reciprocal space
 792    eta=sqrt(maxval(eig_dielt))/sigma_max
 794    if (firstcall) then
 795      firstcall = .FALSE.
 796      write(msg, '(4a,f9.4,9a)' ) ch10,&
 797     ' Warning : due to the use of quadrupolar fields, the width of the reciprocal space gaussians', ch10, &
 798     ' in ewald9 has been set to eta= ', eta, ' 1/bohr and the real-space sums have been neglected.', ch10, &
 799     ' One should check whether this choice leads to correct results for the specific system under study', &
 800     ' and q-point grid.',ch10, &
 801     ' It is recommended to check that calculations with dipdip=1 and -1 (both with dipquad=0 and quadquad=0)', ch10, &
 802     ' lead to identical results. Otherwise increase the resolution of the q-point grid and repeat this test.', ch10
 803      call wrtout([ab_out,std_out], msg)
 804    end if
 806    !Internally eta is the square of the gaussians width
 807    eta=eta*eta
 808  end if
 810  inv4eta = one / four / eta
 812  ABI_MALLOC(dyddt,(2,3,natom,3,natom))
 813  ABI_MALLOC(dydqt,(2,3,natom,3,natom,3))
 814  ABI_MALLOC(dyqqt,(2,3,natom,3,natom,3,3))
 816  dyddt = zero
 817  dydqt = zero
 818  dyqqt = zero
 820 !Sum terms over g space:
 821  ng=0
 822  do
 823    ng=ng+1
 825 ! if needed, update the complex phases for larger G vectors
 826    if (ng > ng_expxq) then
 827      !write(std_out,*)"have to realloc"
 828      ABI_FREE(expx1)
 829      ABI_FREE(expx2)
 830      ABI_FREE(expx3)
 832      ng_expxq = ng_expxq*2
 833 ! TODO: half of this space is not needed, as it contains the complex conjugate of the other half.
 834 ! present duplication avoids if statements inside the loop, however
 835      ABI_MALLOC(expx1, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 836      ABI_MALLOC(expx2, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 837      ABI_MALLOC(expx3, (-ng_expxq:ng_expxq, natom))
 838      do ia = 1, natom
 839        do ig1 = -ng_expxq, ng_expxq
 840          expx1(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(1,ia)*j_dpc)
 841          expx2(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(2,ia)*j_dpc)
 842          expx3(ig1, ia) = exp(ig1*two_pi*xred(3,ia)*j_dpc)
 843        end do
 844      end do
 845    end if
 847    newg=0
 848    do ig3=-ng,ng
 849      do ig2=-ng,ng
 850        do ig1=-ng,ng
 851          if(abs(ig1)==ng .or. abs(ig2)==ng .or. abs(ig3)==ng .or. ng==1 )then
 853            gpq(1)=(ig1+qphon(1))*gprimbyacell(1,1)+(ig2+qphon(2))*&
 854 &           gprimbyacell(1,2)+(ig3+qphon(3))*gprimbyacell(1,3)
 855            gpq(2)=(ig1+qphon(1))*gprimbyacell(2,1)+(ig2+qphon(2))*&
 856 &           gprimbyacell(2,2)+(ig3+qphon(3))*gprimbyacell(2,3)
 857            gpq(3)=(ig1+qphon(1))*gprimbyacell(3,1)+(ig2+qphon(2))*&
 858 &           gprimbyacell(3,2)+(ig3+qphon(3))*gprimbyacell(3,3)
 859            gsq=zero
 860            do jj=1,3
 861              do ii=1,3
 862                gpqgpq(ii,jj)=gpq(ii)*gpq(jj)
 863                gsq=gsq+gpqgpq(ii,jj)*dielt(ii,jj)
 864              end do
 865            end do
 867 !          Skip q=0:
 868            if (gsq<1.0d-20) then
 869              if (sumg0==1) then
 870                write(msg,'(a,a,a,a,a)' )&
 871                'The phonon wavelength should not be zero :',ch10,&
 872                'there are non-analytical terms that cannot be treated.',ch10,&
 873                'Action: subtract this wavelength from the input file.'
 874                ABI_ERROR(msg)
 875              end if
 877            else
 879              arg1=(two_pi**2)*gsq* inv4eta
 881 !            Larger arg gives 0 contribution:
 882              if (arg1<= -minexparg ) then
 883                newg=1
 885 !              Here calculate the term
 886                term1=exp(-arg1)/gsq
 887                do jj=1,3
 888                  do ii=1,3
 889                    gpqfac(ii,jj)=gpqgpq(ii,jj)*term1
 890                  end do
 891                end do
 893 ! MJV: replaced old calls to cos and sin. Checked for 10 tests in v2 that max error is about 6.e-15, usually < 2.e-15
 894                do ia=1,natom
 895                  cosqxred(ia)= real(exp2piqx(ia)*expx1(ig1, ia)*expx2(ig2, ia)*expx3(ig3, ia))
 896                  sinqxred(ia)=aimag(exp2piqx(ia)*expx1(ig1, ia)*expx2(ig2, ia)*expx3(ig3, ia))
 897                end do
 899 !              First, the diagonal terms
 900                do nu=1,3
 901                  do ia=1,natom
 902                    do mu=nu,3
 903                      dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ia)=dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ia)+gpqfac(mu,nu)
 904                    end do
 905                  end do
 906                end do
 908 !              Then, the non-diagonal ones
 909                do ib=2,natom
 910                  do ia=1,ib-1
 911                    ! phase factor dipole-dipole
 912                    cddr=cosqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)+sinqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)
 913                    cddi=sinqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)-cosqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)
 915                    ! Dipole-dipole contribution
 916                    do nu=1,3
 917                      do mu=nu,3
 918                        dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)+gpqfac(mu,nu)*cddr
 919                        dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)+gpqfac(mu,nu)*cddi
 920                      end do
 921                    end do
 922                  end do
 923                end do
 925                if (do_quadrupole) then
 926                  do ib=1,natom
 927                    do ia=1,natom
 929                      ! phase factor for dipole-quadrupole
 930                      cqdr=cosqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)-sinqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)
 931                      cqdi=cosqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)+sinqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)
 933                      ! phase factor quadrupole-quadrupole
 934                      cqqr=cosqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)+sinqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)
 935                      cqqi=sinqxred(ia)*cosqxred(ib)-cosqxred(ia)*sinqxred(ib)
 937                      ! Dipole-quadrupole contribution
 938                      do ii=1,3
 939                        do jj=1,3
 940                          do kk=1,3
 941                            g3=gpq(ii)*gpq(jj)*gpq(kk)
 942                            dydqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)=dydqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)+g3*term1*cqdr
 943                            dydqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)=dydqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)+g3*term1*cqdi
 944                          end do ! kk
 945                        end do ! jj
 946                      end do ! ii
 948                      ! Quadrupole-quadrupole contribution
 949                      do ii=1,3
 950                        do jj=1,3
 951                          do kk=1,3
 952                            do ll=1,3
 953                              g4 = gpq(ii)*gpq(jj)*gpq(kk)*gpq(ll)
 954                              dyqqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)=dyqqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)+g4*term1*cqqr
 955                              dyqqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)=dyqqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)+g4*term1*cqqi
 956                            end do
 957                          end do ! kk
 958                        end do ! jj
 959                      end do ! ii
 960                    end do ! ia
 961                  end do ! ib
 962                end if
 964              end if ! endif exp() argument is smaller than -minexparg
 965            end if ! Endif g/=0 :
 966          end if ! End triple summation over Gs:
 967        end do
 968      end do
 969    end do
 971 !  Check if new shell must be calculated
 972    if(newg==0)exit
 973  end do
 975 !Multiplies by common factor
 976  fact1=4.0_dp*pi/ucvol
 977  do ib=1,natom
 978    do ia=1,ib
 979      do nu=1,3
 980        do mu=nu,3
 981          dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)*fact1
 982          dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)*fact1
 983        end do
 984      end do
 985    end do
 986  end do
 987  if (do_quadrupole) then
 988    dydqt=dydqt*fact1/two  * two_pi
 989    dyqqt=dyqqt*fact1/four * two_pi ** 2
 990  end if
 992  reta=sqrt(eta)
 993  reta3=-eta*reta
 995 !Calculating the inverse (transpose) of the dielectric tensor
 996  call matr3inv(dielt,invdlt)
 997 !Calculating the determinant of the dielectric tensor
 998  detdlt=dielt(1,1)*dielt(2,2)*dielt(3,3)+dielt(1,3)*dielt(2,1)*&
 999 & dielt(3,2)+dielt(1,2)*dielt(2,3)*dielt(3,1)-dielt(1,3)*&
1000 & dielt(2,2)*dielt(3,1)-dielt(1,1)*dielt(2,3)*dielt(3,2)-&
1001 & dielt(1,2)*dielt(2,1)*dielt(3,3)
1003  if(detdlt<tol6)then
1004    write(msg, '(a,es16.6,11a)' )&
1005    'The determinant of the dielectrix matrix, detdlt=',detdlt,' is smaller than 1.0d-6.',ch10,&
1006    'The use of the dipole-dipole model for interatomic force constants is not possible.',ch10,&
1007    'It is likely that you have not treated the electric field perturbations,',ch10,&
1008    'because you not are dealing with an insulator, so that',ch10,&
1009    'your dielectric matrix was simply set to zero in the Derivative DataBase.',ch10,&
1010    'Action: set the input variable dipdip to 0 .'
1011    ABI_ERROR(msg)
1012  end if
1014  inv_detdlt = one / sqrt(detdlt)
1015  fact3=reta3 * inv_detdlt
1017  if (ewald_option /= 1) then
1018  ! Preparing the loop on real space
1019  do ia=1,natom
1020    do ii=1,3
1021      xredcar(ii,ia)=(xred(1,ia)*acell(1)*rprim(ii,1)+&
1022                      xred(2,ia)*acell(2)*rprim(ii,2)+&
1023                      xred(3,ia)*acell(3)*rprim(ii,3) )*reta
1024    end do
1025  end do
1026  do ia=1,natom
1027    do ii=1,3
1028      xredcax(ii,ia)= invdlt(1,ii)*xredcar(ii,ia)+&
1029                      invdlt(2,ii)*xredcar(ii,ia)+&
1030                      invdlt(3,ii)*xredcar(ii,ia)
1031    end do
1032  end do
1034  ! Prepare the evaluation of exp(iq*R)
1035  do ir=-mr,mr
1036    arg1=-two_pi*qphon(1)*ir
1037    arg2=-two_pi*qphon(2)*ir
1038    arg3=-two_pi*qphon(3)*ir
1039    c1r(ir+mr+1)=cos(arg1)
1040    c1i(ir+mr+1)=sin(arg1)
1041    c2r(ir+mr+1)=cos(arg2)
1042    c2i(ir+mr+1)=sin(arg2)
1043    c3r(ir+mr+1)=cos(arg3)
1044    c3i(ir+mr+1)=sin(arg3)
1045  end do
1047  do nr=1,mr
1048    newr=0
1050    ! Begin big loop on real space vectors
1051    do ir3=-nr,nr
1052      do ir2=-nr,nr
1054        ! Here, construct the cosine and sine of q*R for components 2 and 3
1055        c23r = c2r(ir2+mr+1) * c3r(ir3+mr+1) - c2i(ir2+mr+1) * c3i(ir3+mr+1)
1056        c23i = c2i(ir2+mr+1) * c3r(ir3+mr+1) + c2r(ir2+mr+1) * c3i(ir3+mr+1)
1058        ! Also multiplies by fact3, because it is a rather economical place to do so
1059        c23r=c23r * fact3
1060        c23i=c23i * fact3
1062        do ir1=-nr,nr
1063          if( abs(ir3)==nr .or. abs(ir2)==nr .or. abs(ir1)==nr .or. nr==1 )then
1065            ! This is the real part and imaginary part of the phase factor exp(iq*R)
1066            c123r = c1r(ir1+mr+1) * c23r - c1i(ir1+mr+1) * c23i
1067            c123i = c1i(ir1+mr+1) * c23r + c1r(ir1+mr+1) * c23i
1069            do ii=1,3
1070              ircar(ii)= ( ir1*acell(1)*rprim(ii,1)+&
1071                           ir2*acell(2)*rprim(ii,2)+&
1072                           ir3*acell(3)*rprim(ii,3) ) * reta
1073            end do
1074            do ii=1,3
1075              ircax(ii)= invdlt(1,ii)*ircar(ii)+&
1076                         invdlt(2,ii)*ircar(ii)+&
1077                         invdlt(3,ii)*ircar(ii)
1078            end do
1080            ! Here loops on atoms
1081            do ib=1,natom
1082              do ii=1,3
1083                xredicar(ii)=ircar(ii)-xredcar(ii,ib)
1084                xredicax(ii)=ircax(ii)-xredcax(ii,ib)
1085              end do
1086              do ia=1,ib
1087                do ii=1,3
1088                  rr(ii)=xredicar(ii)+xredcar(ii,ia)
1089                  xx(ii)=xredicax(ii)+xredcax(ii,ia)
1090                end do
1092                y2=rr(1)*xx(1)+rr(2)*xx(2)+rr(3)*xx(3)
1094                ! The atoms should not be too far of each other
1095                if (y2 < y2max) then
1096                ! Note: erfc(8) is about 1.1e-29, so dont bother with larger y.
1097                ! Also: exp(-64) is about 1.6e-28, do dont bother with larger y**2 in exp.
1099                  ! Avoid zero denominators in term:
1100                  if (y2 >= y2min) then
1101                    newr=1
1102                    yy=sqrt(y2)
1103                    invy=1.0_dp/yy
1104                    invy2=invy**2
1105                    derfc_yy = abi_derfc(yy)
1106                    term2=derfc_yy*invy*invy2
1107                    term3=fact2*exp(-y2)*invy2
1108                    term4=-(term2+term3)
1109                    term5=(3.0_dp*term2+term3*(3.0_dp+2.0_dp*y2))*invy2
1110                    do nu=1,3
1111                      do mu=nu,3
1112                        dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)+c123r*(xx(nu)*xx(mu)*term5+term4*invdlt(nu,mu))
1113                        dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)+c123i*(xx(nu)*xx(mu)*term5+term4*invdlt(nu,mu))
1114                      end do
1115                    end do
1116                  else
1117                    ! If zero denominator, the atoms should be identical
1118                    if (ia/=ib)then
1119                      write(msg, '(5a,i0,a,i0,a)' )&
1120                        'The distance between two atoms seem to vanish.',ch10,&
1121                        'This is not allowed.',ch10,&
1122                        'Action: check the input for the atoms number',ia,' and',ib,'.'
1123                      ABI_ERROR(msg)
1124                    else
1125                      ! This is the correction when the atoms are identical
1126                      do nu=1,3
1127                        do mu=1,3
1128                          dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)+&
1129                                   fac*reta3*invdlt(nu,mu) * inv_detdlt
1130                        end do
1131                      end do
1132                    end if
1133                  end if ! End the condition for avoiding zero denominators
1134                end if ! End the condition of too large distance between atoms
1135              end do
1136            end do ! End loop over ia and ib :
1137          end if ! End triple loop over real space points:
1138        end do ! ir1
1139      end do ! ir2
1140    end do ! ir3
1142    ! Check if new shell must be calculated
1143    if(newr==0)exit
1144    if(newr==1 .and. nr==mr) ABI_BUG('mr is too small')
1145  end do
1146  end if ! check if should compute real part
1148 !Now, symmetrizes
1149  do ib=1,natom-1
1150    do nu=1,3
1151      do ia=ib+1,natom
1152        do mu=nu,3
1153          dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)= dyddt(1,mu,ib,nu,ia)
1154          dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=-dyddt(2,mu,ib,nu,ia)
1155        end do
1156      end do
1157    end do
1158  end do
1160  do ib=1,natom
1161    do nu=2,3
1162      do ia=1,natom
1163        do mu=1,nu-1
1164          dyddt(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(1,nu,ia,mu,ib)
1165          dyddt(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyddt(2,nu,ia,mu,ib)
1166        end do
1167      end do
1168    end do
1169  end do
1171 !Tests
1172 !write(std_out,*)' ewald9 : take into account the effective charges '
1173  dyew = zero
1174  do ib=1,natom
1175    do nu=1,3
1176      do ia=1,natom
1177        do mu=1,3
1178          do ii=1,3
1179            do jj=1,3
1180              ! dipole-dipole correction
1181              dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1182               zeff(ii,mu,ia)*zeff(jj,nu,ib)*dyddt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib)
1183              dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1184               zeff(ii,mu,ia)*zeff(jj,nu,ib)*dyddt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib)
1185              if (do_quadrupole) then
1186                do kk=1,3
1187                  if (dipquad_==1) then
1188                    ! dipole-quadrupole correction
1189                    dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1190                      (zeff(ii,nu,ib)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,mu,ia) - &
1191                       zeff(ii,mu,ia)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,nu,ib)) * dydqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)
1192                    dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1193                      (zeff(ii,nu,ib)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,mu,ia) - &
1194                       zeff(ii,mu,ia)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,nu,ib)) * dydqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk)
1195                  end if
1197                  ! quadrupole-quadrupole correction
1198                  if (quadquad_==1) then
1199                    do ll=1,3
1200                      dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(1,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1201                      (qdrp_cart(ll,ii,mu,ia)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,nu,ib)) * dyqqt(1,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)
1202                      dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib)=dyew(2,mu,ia,nu,ib) + &
1203                      (qdrp_cart(ll,ii,mu,ia)*qdrp_cart(kk,jj,nu,ib)) * dyqqt(2,ii,ia,jj,ib,kk,ll)
1204                    end do
1205                  end if
1206                end do
1207              end if
1209            end do
1210          end do
1211        end do
1212      end do
1213    end do
1214  end do
1216  ABI_FREE(expx1)
1217  ABI_FREE(expx2)
1218  ABI_FREE(expx3)
1219  ABI_FREE(dyddt)
1220  ABI_FREE(dydqt)
1221  ABI_FREE(dyqqt)
1223  !call timab(1749, 2, tsec)
1225 end subroutine ewald9