ABINIT/m_symtk [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Low-level tools related to symmetries


  Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (RC, XG, GMR, MG, JWZ)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_symtk
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_errors
26  use m_abicore
28  use m_numeric_tools,  only : isinteger, wrap2_pmhalf
29  use m_hide_lapack,    only : matrginv
31  implicit none
33  private

m_symtk/chkgrp [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Checks that a set of input symmetries constitutes a group.


 nsym = number of symmetry operations
 symafm = (anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel = 3D matrix containg symmetry operations


  ierr=Status error.




286 subroutine chkgrp(nsym, symafm, symrel, ierr)
288 !Arguments ------------------------------------
289 !scalars
290  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
291  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
292 !arrays
293  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym)
295 !Local variables-------------------------------
296 !scalars
297  integer :: isym, jsym, ksym, symafmchk, testeq, print_warning
298  logical :: found_inv
299  character(len=500) :: msg
300 !arrays
301  integer :: chk(3,3)
303 ! *************************************************************************
305 !DEBUG
306 !write(std_out,*)' chkgrp : enter'
307 !write(std_out,*)'     isym         symrel            symafm '
308 !do isym=1,nsym
309 !write(std_out,'(i3,a,9i3,a,i3)' )isym,'   ',symrel(:,:,isym),'   ',symafm(isym)
310 !end do
313  ierr = 0
314  print_warning = 1
316  ! 1) Identity must be the first symmetry.
317  if (ANY(symrel(:,:,1) /= identity_3d .or. symafm(1)/=1 )) then
318    ABI_WARNING("First operation must be the identity operator")
319    ierr = ierr + 1
320  end if
322  ! 2) The inverse of each element must belong to the group.
323  do isym=1,nsym
324    call mati3inv(symrel(:,:,isym), chk)
325    chk = transpose(chk)
326    found_inv = .FALSE.
327    do jsym=1,nsym
328      if (all(symrel(:,:,jsym) == chk) .and. (symafm(jsym) * symafm(isym) == 1)) then
329        found_inv = .TRUE.; EXIT
330      end if
331    end do
333    if (.not. found_inv) then
334      write(msg,'(a,i0,2a)')&
335       "Cannot find the inverse of symmetry operation ",isym,ch10,&
336       "Input symmetries do not form a group!"
337      ABI_WARNING(msg)
338      ierr = ierr + 1
339    end if
340  end do
342  ! Check closure under composition.
343  do isym=1,nsym
344    do jsym=1,nsym
346      ! Compute the product of the two symmetries
347      chk = MATMUL(symrel(:,:,jsym), symrel(:,:,isym))
348      symafmchk = symafm(jsym) * symafm(isym)
350      ! Check that product array is one of the original symmetries.
351      do ksym=1,nsym
352        testeq = 1
353        if ( ANY(chk/=symrel(:,:,ksym) )) testeq = 0
354 #if 0
355        ! FIXME this check make v4/t26 and v4/t27 fails.
356        ! The rotational part is in the group but with different magnetic part!
357        if (symafmchk /= symafm(ksym)) testeq=0
358 #endif
359        if (testeq==1) exit ! The test is positive
360      end do
362      if (testeq == 0 .and. print_warning == 1) then
363        ! The test is negative
364        write(msg, '(a,2i3,a,9a)' )&
365         'Product of symmetries',isym,jsym,' is not in group.',ch10,&
366         'This indicates that the input symmetry elements',ch10,&
367         'do not possess closure under group composition.',ch10,&
368         'ABINIT might stop with an ERROR after trying to correct and making a few more checks.',ch10,&
369         'Action: check symrel, symafm and possibly atomic positions, and fix them.'
370        ABI_WARNING(msg)
371        ierr = ierr + 1
372        print_warning = 0
373      end if
375    end do ! jsym
376  end do ! isym
378 end subroutine chkgrp

m_symtk/chkorthsy [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Check the orthogonality of the symmetry operations
 (lengths and absolute values of scalar products should be preserved)


 gprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive transl. for reciprocal space (bohr**-1)
 rmet=Real space metric.
 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
 symrel(3,3,1:nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 tolsym=defines the tolerance on the orthogonality, after multiplication by 2.


 iexit= if 0 at input, will do the check, and stop if there is a problem, return 0 if no problem
        if 1 at input, will always output, return 0 if no problem, -1 if there is a problem,
                       also, suppresses printing of problem


744 subroutine chkorthsy(gprimd,iexit,nsym,rmet,rprimd,symrel,tolsym)
746 !Arguments ------------------------------------
747 !scalars
748  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
749  integer,intent(inout) :: iexit
750  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
751 !arrays
752  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
753  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
755 !Local variables-------------------------------
756 !scalars
757  integer :: ii,isym,jj
758  real(dp) :: residual,rmet2
759  character(len=500) :: msg
760 !arrays
761  real(dp) :: prods(3,3),rmet_sym(3,3),rprimd_sym(3,3)
763 ! *************************************************************************
765 !DEBUG
766 !write(std_out,'(a,i3)') ' chkorthsy : enter, iexit= ',iexit
767 !write(std_out,'(a,i3)') ' nsym=',nsym
768 !do isym=1,nsym
769 !  write(std_out,'(9i4)')symrel(:,:,isym)
770 !enddo
771 !write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rprimd :'
772 !do ii=1,3
773 !  write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rprimd(:,ii)
774 !enddo
775 !write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rmet :'
776 !do ii=1,3
777 !  write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rmet(:,ii)
778 !enddo
781  rmet2=zero
782  do ii=1,3
783    do jj=1,3
784      rmet2=rmet2+rmet(ii,jj)**2
785    end do
786  end do
788 !Loop over all symmetry operations
789  do isym=1,nsym
791 !DEBUG
792 !write(std_out,'(a,a,i4)') ch10,' Check for isym=',isym
795 !  Compute symmetric of primitive vectors under point symmetry operations
796    do ii=1,3
797      rprimd_sym(:,ii)=symrel(1,ii,isym)*rprimd(:,1)+&
798                       symrel(2,ii,isym)*rprimd(:,2)+&
799                       symrel(3,ii,isym)*rprimd(:,3)
800    end do
802 !  If the new lattice is the same as the original one,
803 !  the lengths and angles are preserved
804    do ii=1,3
805      rmet_sym(ii,:)=rprimd_sym(1,ii)*rprimd_sym(1,:)+&
806                     rprimd_sym(2,ii)*rprimd_sym(2,:)+&
807                     rprimd_sym(3,ii)*rprimd_sym(3,:)
808    end do
810    residual=zero
811    do ii=1,3
812      do jj=1,3
813        residual=residual+(rmet_sym(ii,jj)-rmet(ii,jj))**2
814      end do
815    end do
817    if(sqrt(residual) > four*tolsym*sqrt(rmet2))then
818      if(iexit==0)then
819        write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rprimd :'
820        do ii=1,3
821          write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rprimd(:,ii)
822        enddo
823        write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rmet :'
824        do ii=1,3
825          write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rmet(:,ii)
826        enddo
827        write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rprimd_sym :'
828        do ii=1,3
829          write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rprimd_sym(:,ii)
830        enddo
831        write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rmet_sym :'
832        do ii=1,3
833          write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')rmet_sym(:,ii)
834        enddo
835        write(std_out, '(a)') ' Matrix rmet_sym-rmet :'
836        do ii=1,3
837          write(std_out, '(3es16.8)')(rmet_sym(:,ii)-rmet(:,ii))
838        enddo
839        write(msg, '(a,i0,5a,es12.4,a,es12.4,6a)' )&
840         'The symmetry operation number ',isym,' does not preserve',ch10,&
841         'vector lengths and angles.',ch10,&
842         'The value of the square root of residual is: ',sqrt(residual),&
843 &       '  that is greater than threshold:', four*tolsym*sqrt(rmet2),ch10,&
844         'Action: modify rprim, acell and/or symrel so that',ch10,&
845         'vector lengths and angles are preserved.',ch10,&
846         'Beware, the tolerance on symmetry operations is very small.'
847        ABI_ERROR(msg)
848      else
849        iexit=-1
850      end if
851    end if
853 !  Also, the scalar product of rprimd_sym and gprimd must give integer numbers
854    do ii=1,3
855      prods(ii,:)=rprimd_sym(1,ii)*gprimd(1,:)+ &
856                  rprimd_sym(2,ii)*gprimd(2,:)+ &
857                  rprimd_sym(3,ii)*gprimd(3,:)
858    end do
860    do ii=1,3
861      do jj=1,3
862        residual=prods(ii,jj)-anint(prods(ii,jj))
863        if(abs(residual)>two*tolsym)then
864          if(iexit==0)then
865            write(msg, '(a,i0,5a,es12.4,a,es12.4,4a)' )&
866             'The symmetry operation number ',isym,' generates',ch10,&
867             'a different lattice.',ch10,&
868             'The value of the residual is: ',residual, 'that is greater than the threshold:', two*tolsym, ch10,&
869             'Action: modify rprim, acell and/or symrel so that',ch10,&
870             'the lattice is preserved.'
871            ABI_ERROR(msg)
872          else
873            iexit=-1
874          end if
875        end if
876      end do
877    end do
879    if(iexit==-1) exit
880  end do ! isym
882  if(iexit==1)iexit=0
884 !DEBUG
885 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' chkorthsy : exit '
888 end subroutine chkorthsy

m_symtk/chkprimit [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Check whether the cell is primitive or not.
 If chkprim/=0 and the cell is non-primitive, stops.


 chkprim= if non-zero, check that the unit cell is primitive.
 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 symafm(nsym)= (anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)= nsym symmetry operations in real space in terms
   of primitive translations


  multi=multiplicity of the unit cell
  translation(nsym)= (optional) set to 1 if the symetry operation is a pure translation


912 subroutine chkprimit(chkprim, multi, nsym, symafm, symrel, is_translation)
914 !Arguments ------------------------------------
915 !scalars
916  integer,intent(in) :: chkprim,nsym
917  integer,intent(out) :: multi
918 !arrays
919  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym)
920  integer,intent(out),optional :: is_translation(nsym)
922 !Local variables-------------------------------
923 !scalars
924  integer :: isym
925  character(len=500) :: msg
927 !**************************************************************************
929  if(present(is_translation))then
930    is_translation(:)=0
931  endif
933 !Loop over each symmetry operation of the Bravais lattice
934 !Find whether it is the identity, or a pure translation,
935 !without change of sign of the spin
936  multi=0
937  do isym=1,nsym
938    if( abs(symrel(1,1,isym)-1)+&
939 &   abs(symrel(2,2,isym)-1)+&
940 &   abs(symrel(3,3,isym)-1)+&
941 &   abs(symrel(1,2,isym))+abs(symrel(2,1,isym))+&
942 &   abs(symrel(2,3,isym))+abs(symrel(3,2,isym))+&
943 &   abs(symrel(3,1,isym))+abs(symrel(1,3,isym))+&
944 &   abs(symafm(isym)-1) == 0 )then
945      multi=multi+1
946      if(present(is_translation))then
947        is_translation(isym)=1
948      endif
949    end if
950  end do
952 !Check whether the cell is primitive
953  if(multi>1)then
954    if(chkprim>0)then
955      write(msg,'(a,a,a,i0,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a)')&
956      'According to the symmetry finder, the unit cell is',ch10,&
957      'NOT primitive. The multiplicity is ',multi,' .',ch10,&
958      'The use of non-primitive unit cells is allowed',ch10,&
959      'only when the current chkprim is 0.',ch10,&
960      'Action: either change your unit cell (rprim or angdeg),',ch10,&
961      'or set chkprim to 0.'
962      ABI_ERROR(msg)
963    else if(chkprim==0)then
964      write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,a,a)')&
965       'According to the symmetry finder, the unit cell is',ch10,&
966       'not primitive, with multiplicity= ',multi,'.',ch10,&
967       'This is allowed, as the current chkprim is 0.'
968      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
969    end if
970  end if
972 end subroutine chkprimit

m_symtk/holocell [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Examine whether the trial conventional cell described by cell_base
 is coherent with the required holohedral group.
 Possibly enforce the holohedry and modify the basis vectors.
 Note: for iholohedry=4, the tetragonal axis is not required to be along the C axis.


  enforce= if 0, only check; if =1, enforce exactly the holohedry
  iholohedry=required holohegral group (uses its absolute value, since when the multiplicity of the cell is
   more than one, the sign of iholohedry is changed).
  iholohedry=1   triclinic      1bar
  iholohedry=2   monoclinic     2/m
  iholohedry=3   orthorhombic   mmm
  iholohedry=4   tetragonal     4/mmm
  iholohedry=5   trigonal       3bar m
  iholohedry=6   hexagonal      6/mmm
  iholohedry=7   cubic          m3bar m
  tolsym=tolerance for the symmetry operations


  foundc=1 if the basis vectors supports the required holohedry ; =0 otherwise


  cell_base(3,3)=basis vectors of the conventional cell  (changed if enforce==1, otherwise unchanged)


1371 subroutine holocell(cell_base,enforce,foundc,iholohedry,tolsym)
1373 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1374 !scalars
1375  integer,intent(in) :: enforce,iholohedry
1376  integer,intent(out) :: foundc
1377  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
1378 !arrays
1379  real(dp),intent(inout) :: cell_base(3,3)
1381 !Local variables ------------------------------
1382 !scalars
1383  integer :: allequal,ii,orth
1384  real(dp):: aa,scprod1
1385  character(len=500) :: msg
1386 !arrays
1387  integer :: ang90(3),equal(3)
1388  real(dp) :: length(3),metric(3,3),norm(3),rbasis(3,3),rconv(3,3),rconv_new(3,3)
1389  real(dp) :: rnormalized(3,3),symmetrized_length(3)
1391 !**************************************************************************
1393  if(abs(iholohedry)<1 .or. abs(iholohedry)>7)then
1394    write(msg, '(a,i0)' )&
1395 &    'Abs(iholohedry) should be between 1 and 7, while iholohedry=',iholohedry
1396    ABI_BUG(msg)
1397  end if
1399  do ii=1,3
1400    metric(:,ii)=cell_base(1,:)*cell_base(1,ii)+&
1401 &   cell_base(2,:)*cell_base(2,ii)+&
1402 &   cell_base(3,:)*cell_base(3,ii)
1403  end do
1405 !Examine the angles and vector lengths
1406  ang90(:)=0
1407  if(metric(1,2)**2<tolsym**2*metric(1,1)*metric(2,2))ang90(3)=1
1408  if(metric(1,3)**2<tolsym**2*metric(1,1)*metric(3,3))ang90(2)=1
1409  if(metric(2,3)**2<tolsym**2*metric(2,2)*metric(3,3))ang90(1)=1
1410  orth=0
1411  if(ang90(1)==1 .and. ang90(2)==1 .and. ang90(3)==1) orth=1
1412  equal(:)=0
1413  if(abs(metric(1,1)-metric(2,2))<tolsym*half*(metric(1,1)+metric(2,2)))equal(3)=1
1414  if(abs(metric(1,1)-metric(3,3))<tolsym*half*(metric(1,1)+metric(3,3)))equal(2)=1
1415  if(abs(metric(2,2)-metric(3,3))<tolsym*half*(metric(2,2)+metric(3,3)))equal(1)=1
1416  allequal=0
1417  if(equal(1)==1 .and. equal(2)==1 .and. equal(3)==1) allequal=1
1419 !DEBUG
1420 !write(std_out,*)' holocell : enforce, iholohedry=',enforce, iholohedry
1421 !write(std_out,*)' holocell : ang90=',ang90
1422 !write(std_out,*)' holocell : equal=',equal
1423 !!write(std_out,*)' holocell : tolsym=',tolsym
1424 !!write(std_out,*)' holocell : metric(1,1)=',metric(1,1)
1425 !!write(std_out,*)' holocell : metric(1,2)=',metric(1,2)
1428  foundc=0
1429  if(abs(iholohedry)==1)                                      foundc=1
1430  if(abs(iholohedry)==2 .and. ang90(1)+ang90(3)==2 )          foundc=1
1431  if(abs(iholohedry)==3 .and. orth==1)                        foundc=1
1432  if(abs(iholohedry)==4 .and. orth==1 .and.          &
1433 &  (equal(3)==1 .or. equal(2)==1 .or. equal(1)==1) ) foundc=1
1434  if(abs(iholohedry)==5 .and. allequal==1 .and. &
1435 &  (abs(metric(1,2)-metric(2,3))<tolsym*metric(2,2)) .and. &
1436 &  (abs(metric(1,2)-metric(1,3))<tolsym*metric(1,1))         )      foundc=1
1437  if(abs(iholohedry)==6 .and. equal(3)==1 .and. &
1438 &   ang90(1)==1 .and. ang90(2)==1 .and. &
1439 &   abs(2*metric(1,2)+metric(1,1))<tolsym*metric(1,1) )      foundc=1
1440  if(abs(iholohedry)==7 .and. orth==1 .and. allequal==1)      foundc=1
1442 !DEBUG
1443 !write(std_out, '(a,2i4)' )' holocell : foundc, enforce=',foundc,enforce
1446 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1447 !Possibly enforce the holohedry (if it is to be enforced !)
1449  if(foundc==0.and.enforce==1.and.abs(iholohedry)/=1)then
1451 !  Copy the cell_base vectors, and possibly fix the tetragonal axis to be the c-axis
1452 !  XG20201016 WARNING : in principle, one should NOT use the 'equal' information, since precisely this enforcement
1453 !  has the aim to reinstall the symmetries while they are broken !!
1454    if(abs(iholohedry)==4.and.equal(1)==1)then
1455      rconv(:,3)=cell_base(:,1) ; rconv(:,1)=cell_base(:,2) ; rconv(:,2)=cell_base(:,3)
1456    else if (abs(iholohedry)==4.and.equal(2)==1)then
1457      rconv(:,3)=cell_base(:,2) ; rconv(:,2)=cell_base(:,1) ; rconv(:,1)=cell_base(:,3)
1458    else
1459      rconv(:,:)=cell_base(:,:)
1460    end if
1462 !  Compute the length of the three conventional vectors
1463    length(1)=sqrt(sum(rconv(:,1)**2))
1464    length(2)=sqrt(sum(rconv(:,2)**2))
1465    length(3)=sqrt(sum(rconv(:,3)**2))
1467 !  Take care of the first conventional vector aligned with rbasis(:,3) (or aligned with the trigonal axis if rhombohedral)
1468 !  and choice of the first normalized direction
1469    if(abs(iholohedry)==5)then
1470      rbasis(:,3)=third*(rconv(:,1)+rconv(:,2)+rconv(:,3))
1471    else
1472      rbasis(:,3)=rconv(:,3)
1473    end if
1474    norm(3)=sqrt(sum(rbasis(:,3)**2))
1475    rnormalized(:,3)=rbasis(:,3)/norm(3)
1477 !  Projection of the first conventional vector perpendicular to rbasis(:,3)
1478 !  and choice of the first normalized direction
1479    scprod1=sum(rnormalized(:,3)*rconv(:,1))
1480    rbasis(:,1)=rconv(:,1)-rnormalized(:,3)*scprod1
1481    norm(1)=sqrt(sum(rbasis(:,1)**2))
1482    rnormalized(:,1)=rbasis(:,1)/norm(1)
1484 !  Generation of the second vector, perpendicular to the third and first
1485    rnormalized(1,2)=rnormalized(2,3)*rnormalized(3,1)-rnormalized(3,3)*rnormalized(2,1)
1486    rnormalized(2,2)=rnormalized(3,3)*rnormalized(1,1)-rnormalized(1,3)*rnormalized(3,1)
1487    rnormalized(3,2)=rnormalized(1,3)*rnormalized(2,1)-rnormalized(2,3)*rnormalized(1,1)
1489 !  Compute the vectors of the conventional cell, on the basis of iholohedry
1490    if(abs(iholohedry)==2)then
1491      rconv_new(:,3)=rconv(:,3)
1492      rconv_new(:,1)=rconv(:,1)
1493      rconv_new(:,2)=rnormalized(:,2)*length(2) ! Now, the y axis is perpendicular to the two others, that have not been changed
1494    else if(abs(iholohedry)==3.or.abs(iholohedry)==4.or.abs(iholohedry)==7)then
1495      if(abs(iholohedry)==7)then
1496        symmetrized_length(1:3)=sum(length(:))*third
1497      else if(abs(iholohedry)==4)then
1498        symmetrized_length(3)=length(3)
1499        symmetrized_length(1:2)=half*(length(1)+length(2))
1500      else if(abs(iholohedry)==3)then
1501        symmetrized_length(:)=length(:)
1502      end if
1503      do ii=1,3
1504        rconv_new(:,ii)=rnormalized(:,ii)*symmetrized_length(ii)
1505      end do
1506    else if(abs(iholohedry)==5)then
1507 !    In the normalized basis, they have coordinates (a,0,c), and (-a/2,+-sqrt(3)/2*a,c)
1508 !    c is known, but a is computed from the knowledge of the average length of the initial vectors
1509      aa=sqrt(sum(length(:)**2)*third-norm(3)**2)
1510      rconv_new(:,1)=aa*rnormalized(:,1)+rbasis(:,3)
1511      rconv_new(:,2)=aa*half*(-rnormalized(:,1)+sqrt(three)*rnormalized(:,2))+rbasis(:,3)
1512      rconv_new(:,3)=aa*half*(-rnormalized(:,1)-sqrt(three)*rnormalized(:,2))+rbasis(:,3)
1513    else if(abs(iholohedry)==6)then
1515 !    In the normalized basis, they have coordinates (a,0,0), (-a/2,+-sqrt(3)/2*a,0), and (0,0,c)
1516 !    c is known, but a is computed from the knowledge of the average length of the initial vectors
1517      aa=half*(length(1)+length(2))
1518      rconv_new(:,1)=aa*rnormalized(:,1)
1519      rconv_new(:,2)=aa*half*(-rnormalized(:,1)+sqrt(three)*rnormalized(:,2))
1520      rconv_new(:,3)=rconv(:,3)
1521    end if
1523 !  Copy back the cell_base vectors
1524    if(abs(iholohedry)==4.and.equal(1)==1)then
1525      cell_base(:,3)=rconv_new(:,2) ; cell_base(:,2)=rconv_new(:,1) ; cell_base(:,1)=rconv_new(:,3)
1526    else if (abs(iholohedry)==4.and.equal(2)==1)then
1527      cell_base(:,3)=rconv_new(:,1) ; cell_base(:,1)=rconv_new(:,2) ; cell_base(:,2)=rconv_new(:,3)
1528    else
1529      cell_base(:,:)=rconv_new(:,:)
1530    end if
1532  end if
1534 end subroutine holocell

m_symtk/littlegroup_q [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Determines the symmetry operations by which reciprocal vector q is preserved,
 modulo a primitive reciprocal lattice vector, and the time-reversal symmetry.


 nsym=number of space group symmetries
 qpt(3)= vector in reciprocal space
 symrec(3,3,nsym)=3x3 matrices of the group symmetries (reciprocal space)
 [prtvol]=integer flag defining the verbosity of output. =0 if no output is provided.
 prtgkk= integer flag. If 1 provide output of electron-phonon "gkk" matrix elements, for further
     treatment by mrggkk utility or anaddb utility. If 0 no output is provided.


 symq(4,2,nsym)= three first numbers define the G vector;
     fourth number is zero if the q-vector is not preserved, 1 otherwise
     second index is one without time-reversal symmetry, two with time-reversal symmetry
 timrev=1 if the time-reversal symmetry preserves the wavevector,
   modulo a reciprocal lattice vector (in principle, see below).


 The condition is:

    $q =  O  S(q) - G$

 with O being either the identity or the time reversal symmetry (= inversion in reciprocal space)
 and G being a primitive vector of the reciprocal lattice.
 If the time-reversal (alone) also preserves q, modulo a lattice vector, then timrev is set to 1, otherwise 0.


 timrev is put to 1 only for Gamma.
 Better handling should be provided in further version.


1123 subroutine littlegroup_q(nsym,qpt,symq,symrec,symafm,timrev,prtvol,use_sym)
1125 !Arguments -------------------------------
1126 !scalars
1127  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
1128  integer,intent(in),optional :: prtvol,use_sym
1129  integer,intent(out) :: timrev
1130 !arrays
1131  integer,intent(in) :: symrec(3,3,nsym), symafm(nsym)
1132  integer,intent(out) :: symq(4,2,nsym)
1133  real(dp),intent(in) :: qpt(3)
1135 !Local variables -------------------------
1136 !scalars
1137  integer :: ii,isign,isym,itirev,my_prtvol
1138  real(dp),parameter :: tol=2.d-8
1139  real(dp) :: reduce
1140  character(len=500) :: msg
1141 !arrays
1142  real(dp) :: difq(3),qsym(3),shift(3)
1144 ! *********************************************************************
1146  my_prtvol=0; if (PRESENT(prtvol)) my_prtvol=prtvol
1148 ! Initialise the array symq
1149  symq = 0
1151  isym = symafm(1) ! just to fool abirules and use symafm for the moment
1153  do isym=1,nsym
1154    !   if (symafm(isym) /= 1) cycle ! skip afm symops
1155    ! TODO: check how much of the afm syms are coded in the rf part of the code. cf
1156    ! test v3 / 12
1157    do itirev=1,2
1158      isign=3-2*itirev  ! isign is 1 without time-reversal, -1 with time-reversal
1160      ! Get the symmetric of the vector
1161      do ii=1,3
1162        qsym(ii)=qpt(1)*isign*symrec(ii,1,isym)&
1163          +qpt(2)*isign*symrec(ii,2,isym)&
1164          +qpt(3)*isign*symrec(ii,3,isym)
1165      end do
1167      ! Get the difference between the symmetric and the original vector
1168      symq(4,itirev,isym)=1
1169      do ii=1,3
1170        difq(ii)=qsym(ii)-qpt(ii)
1171        ! Project modulo 1 in the interval ]-1/2,1/2] such that difq = reduce + shift
1172        call wrap2_pmhalf(difq(ii),reduce,shift(ii))
1173        if(abs(reduce)>tol)symq(4,itirev,isym)=0
1174      end do
1176      ! SP: When prtgkk is asked (GKK matrix element will be output), one has to
1177      ! disable symmetries. There is otherwise a gauge problem with the unperturbed
1178      ! and the perturbed wavefunctions. This leads to a +- 5% increase in computational
1179      ! cost but provide the correct GKKs (i.e. the same as without the use of symmetries.)
1181      if (PRESENT(use_sym)) then
1182        if (use_sym == 0) then
1183          symq(4,itirev,isym)=0
1184          symq(4,itirev,1)=1
1185        end if
1186      end if
1188      ! If the operation succeded, change shift from real(dp) to integer, then exit loop
1189      if(symq(4,itirev,isym)/=0)then
1190        if (my_prtvol>0) then
1191          if(itirev==1)write(msg,'(a,i4,a)')' littlegroup_q : found symmetry',isym,' preserves q '
1192          if(itirev==2)write(msg,'(a,i4,a)')' littlegroup_q : found symmetry ',isym,' + TimeReversal preserves q '
1193          call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1194        end if
1195        ! Uses the mathematical function NINT = nearest integer
1196        do ii=1,3
1197          symq(ii,itirev,isym)=nint(shift(ii))
1198        end do
1199      end if
1201    end do !itirev
1202  end do !isym
1204  ! Test time-reversal symmetry
1205  timrev=1
1206  do ii=1,3
1207    ! Unfortunately, this version does not work yet ...
1208    ! call wrap2_pmhalf(2*qpt(ii),reduce,shift(ii))
1209    ! if(abs(reduce)>tol)timrev=0
1210    ! So, this is left ...
1211    if(abs(qpt(ii))>tol)timrev=0
1212  end do
1214  if(timrev==1.and.my_prtvol>0)then
1215    write(msg, '(3a)' )&
1216    ' littlegroup_q: able to use time-reversal symmetry. ',ch10,&
1217    '  (except for gamma, not yet able to use time-reversal symmetry)'
1218    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1219  end if
1221 end subroutine littlegroup_q

m_symtk/mati3det [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Compute the determinant of a 3x3 matrix of INTEGER elements.


 mm = integer matrix


 det = determinant of the matrix


144 subroutine mati3det(mm, det)
146 !Arguments ------------------------------------
147 !arrays
148  integer,intent(in) :: mm(3,3)
149  integer,intent(out) :: det
151 ! *************************************************************************
152  det=mm(1,1)*(mm(2,2) * mm(3,3) - mm(3,2) * mm(2,3)) &
153    + mm(2,1)*(mm(3,2) * mm(1,3) - mm(1,2) * mm(3,3)) &
154    + mm(3,1)*(mm(1,2) * mm(2,3) - mm(2,2) * mm(1,3))
156 end subroutine mati3det

m_symtk/mati3inv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Invert and transpose orthogonal 3x3 matrix of INTEGER elements.


 mm = integer matrix to be inverted


 mit = inverse of mm input matrix


 Used for symmetry operations.
 This routine applies to ORTHOGONAL matrices only.
 Since these form a group, inverses are also integer arrays.
 Returned array is TRANSPOSE of inverse, as needed.
 Note use of integer arithmetic.


 85 subroutine mati3inv(mm, mit)
 87 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 88 !arrays
 89  integer,intent(in) :: mm(3,3)
 90  integer,intent(out) :: mit(3,3)
 92 !Local variables-------------------------------
 93 !scalars
 94  integer :: dd
 95  character(len=500) :: msg
 96 !arrays
 97  integer :: tt(3,3)
 99 ! *************************************************************************
101  tt(1,1) = mm(2,2) * mm(3,3) - mm(3,2) * mm(2,3)
102  tt(2,1) = mm(3,2) * mm(1,3) - mm(1,2) * mm(3,3)
103  tt(3,1) = mm(1,2) * mm(2,3) - mm(2,2) * mm(1,3)
104  tt(1,2) = mm(3,1) * mm(2,3) - mm(2,1) * mm(3,3)
105  tt(2,2) = mm(1,1) * mm(3,3) - mm(3,1) * mm(1,3)
106  tt(3,2) = mm(2,1) * mm(1,3) - mm(1,1) * mm(2,3)
107  tt(1,3) = mm(2,1) * mm(3,2) - mm(3,1) * mm(2,2)
108  tt(2,3) = mm(3,1) * mm(1,2) - mm(1,1) * mm(3,2)
109  tt(3,3) = mm(1,1) * mm(2,2) - mm(2,1) * mm(1,2)
110  dd = mm(1,1) * tt(1,1) + mm(2,1) * tt(2,1) + mm(3,1) * tt(3,1)
112  ! Make sure matrix is not singular
113  if (dd /= 0) then
114    mit(:,:)=tt(:,:)/dd
115  else
116    write(msg, '(2a,2x,9(i0,1x),a)' )'Attempting to invert integer array',ch10,mm,' ==> determinant is zero.'
117    ABI_ERROR(msg)
118  end if
120  ! If matrix is orthogonal, determinant must be 1 or -1
121  if (abs(dd) /= 1) then
122    write(msg, '(3a,i0)' )'Absolute value of determinant should be one',ch10,'but determinant= ',dd
123    ABI_ERROR(msg)
124  end if
126 end subroutine mati3inv

m_symtk/matpointsym [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 For given order of point group, symmetrizes a 3x3 input matrix using the
 point symmetry of the input atom


 iatom=index of atom to symmetrize around
 natom=number of atoms in cell
 nsym=order of group
 rprimd(3,3)= real space primitive vectors
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operators in terms of action on primitive translations
 tnons(3,nsym) = nonsymmorphic translations
 xred(3,natom)=locations of atoms in reduced coordinates



 mat3(3,3) = matrix to be symmetrized, in cartesian frame


1248 subroutine matpointsym(iatom,mat3,natom,nsym,rprimd,symrel,tnons,xred)
1250  use m_linalg_interfaces
1252 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1253 !scalars
1254  integer,intent(in) :: iatom,natom,nsym
1255 !arrays
1256  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
1257  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),tnons(3,nsym),xred(3,natom)
1258  real(dp),intent(inout) :: mat3(3,3)
1260 !Local variables-------------------------------
1261 !scalars
1262  integer :: cell_index,cell_indexp,ii,isym,nsym_point
1263  real(dp) :: xreddiff
1264 !arrays
1265  integer :: symrel_it(3,3)
1266  real(dp) :: mat3_tri(3,3),mat3_tri_sym(3,3),rprimd_inv(3,3),tmp_mat(3,3)
1267  real(dp) :: xredp(3)
1269 !**************************************************************************
1271 !copy rprimd input and construct inverse
1272  rprimd_inv = rprimd
1273  call matrginv(rprimd_inv,3,3)
1275 !transform input mat3 to triclinic frame with rprimd^{-1} * mat3 * rprimd
1276  call dgemm('N','N',3,3,3,one,rprimd_inv,3,mat3,3,zero,tmp_mat,3)
1277  call dgemm('N','N',3,3,3,one,tmp_mat,3,rprimd,3,zero,mat3_tri,3)
1279 !loop over symmetry elements to obtain symmetrized input matrix
1280  mat3_tri_sym = zero
1281  nsym_point = 0
1282  do isym = 1, nsym
1284 ! skip any nonsymmorphic symmetry elements, want to consider point elements only
1285    if(dot_product(tnons(:,isym),tnons(:,isym))>tol8) cycle
1287 ! for current symmetry element, find transformed reduced coordinates of target atom
1288 ! via xredp = symrel * xred
1289    call dgemv('N',3,3,one,dble(symrel(:,:,isym)),3,xred(:,iatom),1,zero,xredp,1)
1292 ! shift xredp into the same unit cell as xred, for comparison
1293 ! label cells as 0..1:0 1..2:1 2..3:2 and -1..0:-1 -2..-1:-2 and so forth
1294    do ii = 1, 3
1296      cell_index = int(xred(ii,iatom))
1297      if(xred(ii,iatom) < zero) cell_index = cell_index - 1
1298      cell_indexp = int(xredp(ii))
1299      if(xredp(ii) < zero) cell_indexp = cell_indexp - 1
1301      do while (cell_indexp < cell_index)
1302        xredp(ii) = xredp(ii)+one
1303        cell_indexp = cell_indexp + 1
1304      end do
1305      do while (cell_indexp > cell_index)
1306        xredp(ii) = xredp(ii)-one
1307        cell_indexp = cell_indexp - 1
1308      end do
1310    end do
1312 ! now compare xredp to xred
1313    xreddiff = dot_product(xredp-xred(:,iatom),xredp-xred(:,iatom))
1315    if (xreddiff < tol8) then
1317 !  accumulate symrel^{-1}*mat3_tri*symrel into mat3_tri_sym iff xredp = xred + L,
1318 !  where is a lattice vector, so symrel leaves the target atom invariant
1320 !  mati3inv gives the inverse transpose of symrel
1321      call mati3inv(symrel(:,:,isym),symrel_it)
1322      call dgemm('N','N',3,3,3,one,mat3_tri,3,dble(symrel(:,:,isym)),3,zero,tmp_mat,3)
1323      call dgemm('T','N',3,3,3,one,dble(symrel_it),3,tmp_mat,3,one,mat3_tri_sym,3)
1324      nsym_point = nsym_point + 1
1325    end if
1327  end do
1329 !normalize by number of point symmetry operations
1330  mat3_tri_sym = mat3_tri_sym/dble(nsym_point)
1332 !transform mat3_tri_sym to cartesian frame with rprimd * mat3_tri_sym * rprimd^{-1}
1334  call dgemm('N','N',3,3,3,one,mat3_tri_sym,3,rprimd_inv,3,zero,tmp_mat,3)
1335  call dgemm('N','N',3,3,3,one,rprimd,3,tmp_mat,3,zero,mat3,3)
1337 end subroutine matpointsym

m_symtk/matr3inv [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Invert and transpose general 3x3 matrix of real*8 elements.


 aa = 3x3 matrix to be inverted


 ait = inverse of aa input matrix


 Returned array is TRANSPOSE of inverse, as needed to get g from r.


177 subroutine matr3inv(aa, ait)
179 !Arguments ------------------------------------
180 !arrays
181  real(dp),intent(in) :: aa(3,3)
182  real(dp),intent(out) :: ait(3,3)
184 !Local variables-------------------------------
185 !scalars
186  real(dp) :: dd,det,t1,t2,t3
187  character(len=500) :: msg
189 ! *************************************************************************
191  t1 = aa(2,2) * aa(3,3) - aa(3,2) * aa(2,3)
192  t2 = aa(3,2) * aa(1,3) - aa(1,2) * aa(3,3)
193  t3 = aa(1,2) * aa(2,3) - aa(2,2) * aa(1,3)
194  det  = aa(1,1) * t1 + aa(2,1) * t2 + aa(3,1) * t3
196 !Make sure matrix is not singular
197  if (abs(det)>tol16) then
198    dd=one/det
199  else
200    write(msg, '(2a,2x,9es16.8,a,a,es16.8,a)' )&
201      'Attempting to invert real(8) 3x3 array',ch10,aa(:,:),ch10,'   ==> determinant=',det,' is zero.'
202    ABI_BUG(msg)
203  end if
205  ait(1,1) = t1 * dd
206  ait(2,1) = t2 * dd
207  ait(3,1) = t3 * dd
208  ait(1,2) = (aa(3,1)*aa(2,3)-aa(2,1)*aa(3,3)) * dd
209  ait(2,2) = (aa(1,1)*aa(3,3)-aa(3,1)*aa(1,3)) * dd
210  ait(3,2) = (aa(2,1)*aa(1,3)-aa(1,1)*aa(2,3)) * dd
211  ait(1,3) = (aa(2,1)*aa(3,2)-aa(3,1)*aa(2,2)) * dd
212  ait(2,3) = (aa(3,1)*aa(1,2)-aa(1,1)*aa(3,2)) * dd
213  ait(3,3) = (aa(1,1)*aa(2,2)-aa(2,1)*aa(1,2)) * dd
215 end subroutine matr3inv

m_symtk/print_symmetries [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




  Helper function to print the set of symmetries.




3421 subroutine print_symmetries(nsym, symrel, tnons, symafm, unit, mode_paral)
3423 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3424 !scalars
3425  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
3426  integer,optional,intent(in) :: unit
3427  character(len=4),optional,intent(in) :: mode_paral
3428 !arrays
3429  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym),symafm(nsym)
3430  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym)
3432 !Local variables-------------------------------
3433  integer :: my_unt,isym,isymin,isymend,ii,jj
3434  character(len=500) :: msg
3435  character(len=4) :: my_mode
3436 ! *********************************************************************
3438  my_unt =std_out; if (PRESENT(unit      )) my_unt =unit
3439  my_mode='COLL' ; if (PRESENT(mode_paral)) my_mode=mode_paral
3441  !write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Rotations                           Translations     Symafm '
3442  !do isym=1,nsym
3443  ! write(msg,'(1x,3(3i3,1x),4x,3(f11.7,1x),6x,i2)')symrel(:,:,isym),tnons(:,isym),symafm(isym)
3444  ! call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
3445  !end do
3447  write(msg,'(2a)')ch10,' Symmetry operations in real space (Rotation tnons AFM)'
3448  call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
3449  do isymin=1,nsym,4
3450    isymend=isymin+3
3451    if (isymend>nsym) isymend=nsym
3452    do ii=1,3
3453      write(msg,'(4(3i3,f11.6,i3,3x))')((symrel(ii,jj,isym),jj=1,3),tnons(ii,isym),symafm(isym),isym=isymin,isymend)
3454      call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
3455    end do
3456    write(msg,'(a)')ch10
3457    call wrtout(my_unt,msg,my_mode)
3458  end do
3460 end subroutine print_symmetries

m_symtk/sg_multable [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Checks that a set of input symmetries constitutes a group.
 Treat reasonably well large set of symmetries, where pure translations are present.
 The translations are optional. This allows to test symrec.


 nsym=number of symmetry operations
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space.
 tnons(3,nsym) [optional]=Fractional translations.
 tnons_tol [optional]= tolerance on the match for tnons


  ierr=Status error. A non-zero value signals failure.
  [multable(4,nsym,nsym)]= Optional output.
    multable(1,sym1,sym2) gives the index of the symmetry product S1 * S2 in the symrel array. 0 if not found.
    multable(2:4,sym1,sym2)= the lattice vector that has to added to the fractional translation
      of the operation of index multable(1,sym1,sym2) to obtain the fractional translation of the product S1 * S2.
  [toinv(4,nsym)]= Optional output.
    toinv(1,sym1)=Gives the index of the inverse of the symmetry operation.
     S1 * S1^{-1} = {E, L} with E the identity and L a real-space lattice vector.
    toinv(2:4,sym1)=The lattice vector L
      Note that toinv can be easily obtained from multable but sometimes we do not need the full table.


  This improved version should replace chkgrp.


414  subroutine sg_multable(nsym, symafm, symrel, ierr, &
415 &  tnons, tnons_tol, multable, toinv)    ! optional
417 !Arguments ------------------------------------
418 !scalars
419  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
420  integer,intent(out) :: ierr
421  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: tnons_tol
422 !arrays
423  integer,intent(in) :: symafm(nsym),symrel(3,3,nsym)
424  integer,optional,intent(out) :: multable(4,nsym,nsym), toinv(4,nsym)
425  real(dp),optional,intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym)
427 !Local variables-------------------------------
428 !scalars
429  integer :: echo,found,ilist_symrel,nptsymm,prd_symafm,prd_ptsymm,ptsymm1,ptsymm2,ptsymm3
430  integer :: sym1,sym2,sym3
431  !integer :: isym
432  real(dp) :: tnons_tol_
433  logical :: found_inv,iseq
434  character(len=500) :: msg
435 !arrays
436  integer :: nlist_symrel(48),prd_symrel(3,3),ptmultable(48,48),ptsymrel(3,3,48)
437  integer,allocatable :: ptsymm(:),list_symrel(:,:)
438  real(dp) :: prd_tnons(3)
439  real(dp),allocatable :: tnons_(:,:)
441 ! *************************************************************************
443 !DEBUG
444 !write(std_out,*)' m_symtk%sg_multable : enter, nsym= ',nsym
447  ierr = 0
449  ABI_MALLOC(tnons_,(3,nsym))
450  if(present(tnons))then
451    tnons_=tnons
452  else
453    tnons_=zero
454  endif
455  if(present(tnons_tol))then
456    tnons_tol_=tnons_tol
457  else
458    tnons_tol_=tol5
459  endif
461  ! 1) Identity must be the first symmetry. Do not check if tnons_ == 0 as cell might not be primitive.
462  if (any(symrel(:,:,1) /= identity_3d .or. symafm(1) /= 1)) then
463    ABI_WARNING("First operation must be the identity operator")
464    ierr = ierr + 1
465  end if
467  ! 2) The inverse of each element must belong to the group.
468  echo = 1
469  do sym1=1,nsym
470    found_inv = .FALSE.
471    do sym2=1,nsym
472      prd_symrel = matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), symrel(:,:,sym2))
473      prd_tnons = tnons_(:,sym1) + matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), tnons_(:,sym2))
474      prd_symafm = symafm(sym1)*symafm(sym2)
475      if ( all(prd_symrel == identity_3d) .and. isinteger(prd_tnons, tnons_tol_) .and. prd_symafm == 1 ) then
476        found_inv = .TRUE.
477        if (present(toinv)) then
478          toinv(1, sym1) = sym2; toinv(2:4, sym1) = nint(prd_tnons)
479        end if
480        exit
481      end if
482    end do
484    if (.not. found_inv) then
485      if(echo == 1) then
486        write(msg,'(a,i0,2a)')&
487         "Cannot find the inverse of symmetry operation ",sym1,ch10,&
488         "Input symmetries do not form a group "
489        ABI_WARNING(msg)
490        echo = 0
491      endif
492      ierr = ierr + 1
493      exit
494    end if
495  end do
497  ! 3)
498  !In order to avoid potential cubic scaling with number of atoms, in exotic cases, with large prefactor,
499  !set up lookup table for the point symmetry part of the symmetry operations.
500  !Still cubic, but with a reduced prefactor. To fully eliminate cubic scaling, should
501  !set up lookup table for the tnons_ as well.
503  ABI_MALLOC(list_symrel,(nsym,48))
504  ABI_MALLOC(ptsymm,(nsym))
506  nlist_symrel(:)=0
507  ! Initialize with the first symmetry operation
508  ptsymrel(1:3,1:3,1)=symrel(:,:,1)
509  ptsymm(1)=1
510  nptsymm=1
511  list_symrel(1,1)=1
512  nlist_symrel(1)=1
513  !If more than one symmetry operation, then loop on the other ones, find whether the ptsymm has already been found,
514  !or create one new item in the list
515  if(nsym/=1)then
516    do sym1=2,nsym
517      found=0
518      do ptsymm2=1,nptsymm
519        if(all(symrel(:,:,list_symrel(1,ptsymm2)) == symrel(:,:,sym1)))then
520          ptsymm(sym1)=ptsymm2 ; found=1
521          nlist_symrel(ptsymm2)=nlist_symrel(ptsymm2)+1
522          list_symrel(nlist_symrel(ptsymm2),ptsymm2)=sym1
523          cycle
524        endif
525      enddo
526      if(found==0)then
527        nptsymm=nptsymm+1
528 !DEBUG
529 !      write(std_out,*)' current value of nptsymm, sym1=',nptsymm, sym1
531        ptsymrel(1:3,1:3,nptsymm)=symrel(:,:,sym1)
532        ptsymm(sym1)=nptsymm
533        nlist_symrel(nptsymm)=1
534        list_symrel(1,nptsymm)=sym1
535      endif
536    enddo
537  endif
539  !Check that each point symmetry is associated to the same number of translations
540  if(nptsymm/=1)then
541    do ptsymm1=1,nptsymm
542      if(nlist_symrel(ptsymm1)/=nlist_symrel(1))then
543        write(msg, '(9a)' )&
544 &        'The number of translations (and possibly symafm) associated to the same symrel',ch10,&
545 &        'is not the same for all point symmetries',ch10,&
546 &        'This indicates that the input symmetry elements',ch10,&
547 &        'do not possess closure under group composition.',ch10,&
548 &        'Action: check symrel, symafm and fix them.'
549        ABI_WARNING(msg)
550        echo = 0
551        ierr = ierr + 1
552        if (present(multable)) then
553          multable(1,:,:) = 0; multable(2:4,:,:) = huge(0)
554        end if
555        exit
556      endif
557    enddo
558  endif
560 !DEBUG
561 !  write(std_out,*)' final value of nptsymm=',nptsymm
564  ! 4)
565  !Check closure under composition and construct multiplication table of ptsymrel
566  echo = 1
567  do ptsymm1=1,nptsymm
568    sym1=list_symrel(1,ptsymm1)
569    do ptsymm2=1,nptsymm
570      sym2=list_symrel(1,ptsymm2)
571      ! Compute the product of the two symmetries.
572      prd_symrel = matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), symrel(:,:,sym2))
573      ! Check that product array is one of the original point symmetries.
574      iseq= .false.
575      do ptsymm3=1,nptsymm
576        iseq=  all(prd_symrel == symrel(:,:,list_symrel(1,ptsymm3) ))
577        if(iseq)then
578          ptmultable(ptsymm1,ptsymm2) = ptsymm3
579          exit
580        endif
581      end do
582      if (.not. iseq .and. echo == 1) then
583        if (echo == 1)then
584          ! The test is negative
585          prd_symafm = symafm(sym1) * symafm(sym2)
586          prd_tnons = tnons_(:, sym1) + matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), tnons_(:,sym2))
587          write(msg, '(a,2(i0,1x),2a,3i3,f11.6,i3,a,2(3i3,f11.6,a),5a)' )&
588            'Product of symmetries:',sym1,sym2,' is not in group.',ch10,&
589            prd_symrel(1,1:3),prd_tnons(1),prd_symafm,ch10,&
590            prd_symrel(2,1:3),prd_tnons(2),ch10,&
591            prd_symrel(3,1:3),prd_tnons(3),ch10,&
592            'This indicates that the input symmetry elements',ch10,&
593            'do not possess closure under group composition.',ch10,&
594            'Action: check symrel, symafm and fix them.'
595          ABI_WARNING(msg)
596          echo = 0
597        endif
598        ierr = ierr + 1
599        if (present(multable)) then
600          multable(1, sym1, sym2) = 0; multable(2:4, sym1, sym2) = huge(0)
601        end if
602        exit
603      end if
605    end do ! ptsymm2
607 !DEBUG
608 !  write(std_out,*)' ptmultable for ptsymm1=',ptsymm1,' by batch of 16 values '
609 !  write(std_out,'(16i3)')ptmultable(ptsymm1,1:16)
610 !  write(std_out,'(16i3)')ptmultable(ptsymm1,17:32)
611 !  write(std_out,'(16i3)')ptmultable(ptsymm1,33:48)
614    if (echo == 0) exit
615  end do ! ptsymm1
617  ! 5)
618  ! Check closure under composition and construct multiplication table.
619  ! However, does this only if the ptgroup has been successfull.
620  if(echo/=0 .and. ierr==0)then
621    do sym1=1,nsym
622      ptsymm1=ptsymm(sym1)
623      do sym2=1,nsym
624        ptsymm2=ptsymm(sym2)
626        !The equal number of translations for each point symmetry has been checked earlier.
627        !If the full table is not requested, it is now sufficient to check that
628        !the product of all symmetry operations sym1 with a pure translation (ptsymm=1), or with one of the instances
629        !for each point symmetries is indeed present in the table.
630        !This is done to save CPU time when the number of symmetry operations is bigger than 384.
632        if (nsym>384 .and. .not.(present(multable))) then
633          if(ptsymm2/=1 .and. sym2/=list_symrel(1,ptsymm2))then
634            cycle
635          endif
636        end if
638        !DEBUG
639        !if(ptsymm2<1 .or. ptsymm2>48)then
640        !write(std_out,*)' sym1,sym2,ptsymm1,ptsymm2=',sym1,sym2,ptsymm1,ptsymm2
641        !endif
642        !ENDDEBUG
644        ! Compute the product of the two symmetries. Convention {A,a} {B,b} = {AB, a + Ab}
645 !      prd_symrel = matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), symrel(:,:,sym2))
646        prd_ptsymm=ptmultable(ptsymm1,ptsymm2)
647        prd_symrel=ptsymrel(:,:,prd_ptsymm)
648        prd_symafm = symafm(sym1) * symafm(sym2)
649        prd_tnons = tnons_(:, sym1) + matmul(symrel(:,:,sym1), tnons_(:,sym2))
650        !DEBUG
651        !write(std_out,*)' prd_ptsymm,prdsymrel=',prd_ptsymm,prd_symrel
652        !DEBUG
654        ! Check that product array is one of the original symmetries.
655        ! Only explore those symmetries that have a symrel that is the product of the two symrel of sym1 and sym2.
656        iseq = .False.
657        do ilist_symrel=1,nlist_symrel(prd_ptsymm)
658          sym3=list_symrel(ilist_symrel,prd_ptsymm)
659          iseq = isinteger(prd_tnons(1) - tnons_(1,sym3), tnons_tol_)
660          if(iseq)then
661            iseq = isinteger(prd_tnons(2) - tnons_(2,sym3), tnons_tol_)
662            if(iseq)then
663              iseq = isinteger(prd_tnons(3) - tnons_(3,sym3), tnons_tol_)
664              if(iseq)then
665                iseq = (prd_symafm == symafm(sym3))
666                if(iseq)then
667                  ! The test is positive
668                  if (present(multable)) then
669                    multable(1,sym1,sym2) = sym3; multable(2:4,sym1,sym2) = nint(prd_tnons - tnons_(:,sym3))
670                  end if
671                  exit
672                endif
673              endif
674            endif
675          endif
676        end do
677        if (.not. iseq .and. echo == 1) then
678          if (echo == 1)then
679            ! The test is negative
680            write(msg, '(a,2(i0,1x),2a,3i3,f11.6,i3,a,2(3i3,f11.6,a),5a)' )&
681              'Product of symmetries:',sym1,sym2,' is not in group.',ch10,&
682              prd_symrel(1,1:3),prd_tnons(1),prd_symafm,ch10,&
683              prd_symrel(2,1:3),prd_tnons(2),ch10,&
684              prd_symrel(3,1:3),prd_tnons(3),ch10,&
685              'This indicates that the input symmetry elements',ch10,&
686              'do not possess closure under group composition.',ch10,&
687              'Action: check symrel, symafm and fix them.'
688            ABI_WARNING(msg)
689            echo = 0
690          endif
691          ierr = ierr + 1
692          if (present(multable)) then
693            multable(1, sym1, sym2) = 0; multable(2:4, sym1, sym2) = huge(0)
694          end if
695          exit
696        end if
697      end do ! sym2
698      if (echo == 0) exit
699    end do ! sym1
700  else
701    if (present(multable)) then
702      do sym1=1,nsym
703        do sym2=1,nsym
704          multable(1, sym1, sym2) = 0; multable(2:4, sym1, sym2) = huge(0)
705        enddo
706      enddo
707    endif
708  endif
710  ABI_FREE(list_symrel)
711  ABI_FREE(ptsymm)
712  ABI_FREE(tnons_)
714 !DEBUG
715 !write(std_out,*)' m_symtk%sg_multable : exit '
718  end subroutine sg_multable

m_symtk/smallprim [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Find the smallest possible primitive vectors for an input lattice
 This algorithm is not as restrictive as the conditions mentioned at p.740
 of the international tables for crystallography (1983).
 The final vectors form a right-handed basis, while their
 sign and ordering is chosen such as to maximize the overlap
 with the original vectors in order.


  rprimd(3,3)=primitive vectors


  metmin(3,3)=metric for the new (minimal) primitive vectors
  minim(3,3)=minimal primitive translations


 The routine might as well be defined without
 metmin as argument, but it is more convenient to have it


3153 subroutine smallprim(metmin,minim,rprimd)
3155 !Arguments ------------------------------------
3156 !arrays
3157  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3)
3158  real(dp),intent(out) :: metmin(3,3),minim(3,3)
3160 !Local variables-------------------------------
3161 !scalars
3162  integer :: ia,ib,ii,ilong,itrial,minimal
3163  integer :: iiter, maxiter = 100000
3164  real(dp) :: determinant,length2,metsum
3165  character(len=500) :: msg
3166 !arrays
3167  integer :: nvecta(3),nvectb(3)
3168  real(dp) :: rmet(3,3),scprod(3),tmpvect(3)
3170 !**************************************************************************
3172  !call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
3173  rmet = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(rprimd),rprimd)
3175  nvecta(1)=2 ; nvectb(1)=3
3176  nvecta(2)=1 ; nvectb(2)=3
3177  nvecta(3)=1 ; nvectb(3)=2
3179  minim(:,:)=rprimd(:,:)
3180  metmin(:,:)=rmet(:,:)
3182 !DEBUG
3183 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : starting values, rprim '
3184 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rprimd(:,1)
3185 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rprimd(:,2)
3186 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rprimd(:,3)
3187 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : starting values, rmet '
3188 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rmet(:,1)
3189 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rmet(:,2)
3190 !write(std_out,'(3f16.8)' )rmet(:,3)
3191 !call flush(std_out)
3194 !Note this loop without index
3195  do iiter = 1, maxiter
3197 !  Will exit if minimal=1 is still valid after a trial
3198 !  to reduce the vectors of each of the three pairs
3199    minimal=1
3201    do itrial=1,3
3203      ia=nvecta(itrial) ; ib=nvectb(itrial)
3204 !    Make sure the scalar product is negative
3205      if(metmin(ia,ib)>tol8)then
3206        minim(:,ia)=-minim(:,ia)
3207        metmin(ia,ib)=-metmin(ia,ib) ; metmin(ib,ia)=-metmin(ib,ia)
3208        metmin(ia,itrial)=-metmin(ia,itrial)
3209        metmin(itrial,ia)=-metmin(itrial,ia)
3210      end if
3211 !    Compute the length of the sum vector
3212      length2=metmin(ia,ia)+2*metmin(ia,ib)+metmin(ib,ib)
3213 !    Replace the first vector by the sum vector if the latter is smaller
3214      if(length2/metmin(ia,ia) < one-tol8)then
3215        minim(:,ia)=minim(:,ia)+minim(:,ib)
3216        metmin(ia,ia)=length2
3217        metmin(ia,ib)=metmin(ia,ib)+metmin(ib,ib)
3218        metmin(ia,itrial)=metmin(ia,itrial)+metmin(ib,itrial)
3219        metmin(ib,ia)=metmin(ia,ib)
3220        metmin(itrial,ia)=metmin(ia,itrial)
3221        minimal=0
3222 !      Replace the second vector by the sum vector if the latter is smaller
3223      else if(length2/metmin(ib,ib) < one-tol8)then
3224        minim(:,ib)=minim(:,ia)+minim(:,ib)
3225        metmin(ib,ib)=length2
3226        metmin(ia,ib)=metmin(ia,ib)+metmin(ia,ia)
3227        metmin(itrial,ib)=metmin(itrial,ib)+metmin(itrial,ia)
3228        metmin(ib,ia)=metmin(ia,ib)
3229        metmin(ib,itrial)=metmin(itrial,ib)
3230        minimal=0
3231      end if
3233    end do
3235    if(minimal==1)exit
3236  end do
3238  if (iiter >= maxiter) then
3239    write(msg,'(a,i0,a)') 'the loop has failed to find a set of minimal vectors in ',maxiter,' iterations.'
3240    ABI_BUG(msg)
3241  end if
3243 !DEBUG
3244 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : after pair optimization '
3245 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' minim =',ch10,minim(:,1),ch10,minim(:,2),ch10,minim(:,3)
3246 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' metmin =',ch10,metmin(:,1),ch10,metmin(:,2),ch10,metmin(:,3)
3247 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : will start triplet optimization ',ch10
3248 !call flush(std_out)
3251 !At this stage, the three vectors have angles between each other that are
3252 !comprised between 90 and 120 degrees. It might still be that minus the vector
3253 !that is the sum of the three vectors is smaller than the longest of these vectors
3254  do iiter = 1, maxiter
3256 !  Will exit if minimal=1 is still valid after a trial
3257 !  to replace the longest of the three vectors by one of the triplet sum of the three vectors, with plus or minus sign
3259 !  Find longest of the three vectors
3260    ilong=1
3261    if( metmin(2,2)/metmin(1,1) > one + tol8 )ilong=2
3262    if( metmin(3,3)/metmin(ilong,ilong) > one + tol8)ilong=3
3264 !  Try combination with all same signs
3265    minimal=1
3266    metsum=sum(metmin(:,:))
3267    itrial=0
3268    if( metsum/metmin(ilong,ilong) <  one - tol8)then
3269 !    Better combination indeed ...
3270      minim(:,ilong)=minim(:,1)+minim(:,2)+minim(:,3)
3271      metmin=MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(minim),minim)
3272      minimal=0
3273    else
3274 !    Try combinations with sign of itrial different from others
3275      metsum=two*(metmin(1,1)+metmin(2,2)+metmin(3,3))-metsum
3276      do itrial=1,3
3277        ia=nvecta(itrial) ; ib=nvectb(itrial)
3278        if( (metsum+four*metmin(ia,ib))/metmin(ilong,ilong) <  one - tol8)then
3279 !        Better combination indeed ...
3280          metsum=metsum+four*metmin(ia,ib)
3281          minim(:,ilong)=-minim(:,itrial)+minim(:,ia)+minim(:,ib)
3282          metmin=MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(minim),minim)
3283          minimal=0
3284          exit
3285        endif
3286      enddo
3287    endif
3289 !DEBUG
3290 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : triplet optimization, iiter,ilong,itrial= ',iiter,ilong,itrial
3291 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : predict met for the new vector=',metsum
3292 !call flush(std_out)
3295 !  do itrial=1,3
3296 !    ia=nvecta(itrial) ; ib=nvectb(itrial)
3297 !    if(metmin(ia,ia)/metsum > one + tol8)then
3298 !      minim(:,ia)=-minim(:,1)-minim(:,2)-minim(:,3)
3299 !      metmin(ia,ib)=-sum(metmin(:,ib))
3300 !      metmin(ia,itrial)=-sum(metmin(:,itrial))
3301 !      metmin(ia,ia)=metsum
3302 !      metmin(ib,ia)=metmin(ia,ib)
3303 !      metmin(itrial,ia)=metmin(ia,itrial)
3304 !      minimal=0
3305 !    end if
3306 !  end do
3308 !DEBUG
3309 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : found better primitive vector using triplets, itrial= ',itrial
3310 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' minim =',ch10,minim(:,1),ch10,minim(:,2),ch10,minim(:,3)
3311 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' metmin =',ch10,metmin(:,1),ch10,metmin(:,2),ch10,metmin(:,3)
3312 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim : will continue triplet optimization ',ch10
3313 !call flush(std_out)
3316    if(minimal==1)exit
3318  end do
3320  if (iiter >= maxiter) then
3321    write(msg, '(a,i0,a)') 'the second loop has failed to find a set of minimal vectors in ',maxiter, 'iterations.'
3322    ABI_BUG(msg)
3323  end if
3325 !DEBUG
3326 !write(std_out,'(a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6)')' rprimd=',rprimd(:,1),ch10,rprimd(:,2),ch10,rprimd(:,3)
3327 !write(std_out,'(a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6)')' minim =',minim(:,1),ch10,minim(:,2),ch10,minim(:,3)
3330 !DEBUG
3331 !Change sign of the third vector if not right-handed basis
3332 !determinant=minim(1,1)*(minim(2,2)*minim(3,3)-minim(3,2)*minim(2,3))+&
3333 !&            minim(2,1)*(minim(3,2)*minim(1,3)-minim(1,2)*minim(3,3))+&
3334 !&            minim(3,1)*(minim(1,2)*minim(2,3)-minim(2,2)*minim(1,3))
3335 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim: determinant=',determinant
3338 !Choose the first vector
3339 !Compute the scalar product of the three minimal vectors with the first original vector
3340  scprod(:)=zero
3341  do ii=1,3
3342    scprod(:)=scprod(:)+minim(ii,:)*rprimd(ii,1)
3343  end do
3344 !Determine the vector with the maximal absolute overlap
3345  itrial=1
3346  if(abs(scprod(2))>abs(scprod(1))+tol8)itrial=2
3347  if(abs(scprod(3))>abs(scprod(itrial))+tol8)itrial=3
3348 !Switch the vectors if needed
3349  if(itrial/=1)then
3350    tmpvect(:)=minim(:,1)
3351    minim(:,1)=minim(:,itrial)
3352    minim(:,itrial)=tmpvect(:)
3353  end if
3354 !Choose the sign
3355  if(scprod(itrial)<tol8)minim(:,1)=-minim(:,1)
3357 !DEBUG
3358 !Change sign of the third vector if not right-handed basis
3359 !determinant=minim(1,1)*(minim(2,2)*minim(3,3)-minim(3,2)*minim(2,3))+&
3360 !&            minim(2,1)*(minim(3,2)*minim(1,3)-minim(1,2)*minim(3,3))+&
3361 !&            minim(3,1)*(minim(1,2)*minim(2,3)-minim(2,2)*minim(1,3))
3362 !write(std_out,*)' smallprim: determinant=',determinant
3365 !Choose the second vector
3366 !Compute the scalar product of the second and third minimal vectors with the second original vector
3367  scprod(2:3)=zero
3368  do ii=1,3
3369    scprod(2:3)=scprod(2:3)+minim(ii,2:3)*rprimd(ii,2)
3370  end do
3371 !Determine the vector with the maximal absolute overlap
3372  itrial=2
3373  if(abs(scprod(3))>abs(scprod(2))+tol8)itrial=3
3374 !Switch the vectors if needed
3375  if(itrial/=2)then
3376    tmpvect(:)=minim(:,2)
3377    minim(:,2)=minim(:,itrial)
3378    minim(:,itrial)=tmpvect(:)
3379  end if
3380 !Choose the sign
3381  if(scprod(itrial)<tol8)minim(:,2)=-minim(:,2)
3383 !Change sign of the third vector if not right-handed basis
3384  determinant=minim(1,1)*(minim(2,2)*minim(3,3)-minim(3,2)*minim(2,3))+&
3385 & minim(2,1)*(minim(3,2)*minim(1,3)-minim(1,2)*minim(3,3))+&
3386 & minim(3,1)*(minim(1,2)*minim(2,3)-minim(2,2)*minim(1,3))
3387  if(determinant<-tol8)minim(:,3)=-minim(:,3)
3388  if(abs(determinant)<tol8)then
3389    ABI_BUG('minim gives vanishing unit cell volume.')
3390  end if
3392 !Final computation of metmin
3393  do ii=1,3
3394    metmin(ii,:)=minim(1,ii)*minim(1,:)+ minim(2,ii)*minim(2,:)+ minim(3,ii)*minim(3,:)
3395  end do
3397 !DEBUG
3398 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6,a,3es14.6)')' rprimd=',ch10,rprimd(:,1),ch10,rprimd(:,2),ch10,rprimd(:,3)
3399 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' minim =',ch10,minim(:,1),ch10,minim(:,2),ch10,minim(:,3)
3400 !write(std_out,'(2a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8,a,3es16.8)')' metmin =',ch10,metmin(:,1),ch10,metmin(:,2),ch10,metmin(:,3)
3401 !write(std_out,'(a)')' smallprim : exit '
3402 !call flush(std_out)
3405 end subroutine smallprim

m_symtk/symatm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 For each symmetry operation, find the number of the position to
 which each atom is sent in the unit cell by the INVERSE of the
 symmetry operation inv(symrel); i.e. this is the atom which, when acted
 upon by the given symmetry element isym, gets transformed into atom iatom.

 This routine uses the fact that inv(symrel)=trans(symrec),
 the inverse of the symmetry operation expressed in the basis of real
 space primitive translations equals the transpose of the same symmetry
 operation expressed in the basis of reciprocal space primitive transl:

      $ xred(nu,indsym(4,isym,ia)) = symrec(mu,nu,isym)*(xred(mu,ia)-tnons(mu,isym)) - transl(mu)$

 where $transl$ is also a set of integers and
 where translation transl places coordinates within unit cell (note sign).
 Note that symrec is the set of arrays which are actually input here.
 These arrays have integer elements.
 tnons is the nonsymmorphic translation or else is zero.
 If nsym=1 (i.e. only the identity symmetry is present) then
 indsym merely takes each atom into itself.
 The array of integer translations "transl" gets included within array "indsym" as seen below.
 This routine has been improved using ideas of p. 649 of notes,
 implementing suggestion of Andrew Horsfield: replace search for
 equivalent atoms using direct primitive cell translations by
 use of dot product relation which must produce an integer.

      $[inv(S(i)) * (x(a)-tnons(i)) - x(inv(S)(i,a))] = integer$

 where S(i)  is the symmetry matrix in real space, tnons=nonsymmorphic translation
 (may be 0 0 0), and $x(inv(S)(i,a))$ is sought atom into which $x(a)$ gets
 rotated by $inv(S)$.  Integer gives primitive translation coordinates to get
 back to original unit cell.
 Equivalent to $S*t(b)+tnons-x(a)=another$ $integer$ for $x(b)=x(inv(S))$.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2024 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 natom=number of atoms in cell.
 nsym=number of space group symmetries.
 symrec(3,3,nsym)=symmetries expressed in terms of their action on
                  reciprocal space primitive translations (integer).
 tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for each symmetry (would
               be 0 0 0 each for a symmorphic space group)
 typat(natom)=integer identifying type of atom.
 xred(3,natom)=reduced coordinates of atoms in terms of real space
               primitive translations
 tolsym=tolerance for the symmetries
 [print_indsym]: Print indsym table to std_out if the number of atoms is smaller that print_indsym
  Default: -1 i.e. no output is provided.


 indsym(4,nsym,natom)=indirect indexing array described above: for each
                      isym,iatom, fourth element is label of atom into
                      which iatom is sent by INVERSE of symmetry operation
                      isym; first three elements are the primitive
                      translations which must be subtracted after the
                      transformation to get back to the original unit cell.


2179 subroutine symatm(indsym, natom, nsym, symrec, tnons, tolsym, typat, xred, print_indsym)
2181 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2182 !scalars
2183  integer,intent(in) :: natom,nsym
2184  integer,optional,intent(in) :: print_indsym
2185  real(dp), intent(in) :: tolsym
2186 !arrays
2187  integer,intent(in) :: symrec(3,3,nsym),typat(natom)
2188  integer,intent(out) :: indsym(4,nsym,natom)
2189  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym),xred(3,natom)
2191 !Local variables-------------------------------
2192 !scalars
2193  integer :: eatom,errout,iatom,ii,isym,mu,print_indsym_
2194  real(dp) :: difmax,err
2195  character(len=500) :: msg
2196 !arrays
2197  integer :: transl(3)
2198  real(dp) :: difmin(3),tratom(3)
2200 ! *************************************************************************
2202 !DEBUG
2203 !write(std_out,'(a,i4,es12.4)')' symatm : enter, nsym,tolsym=',nsym,tolsym
2204 !write(std_out,'(a,es12.4)')' symatm : xred='
2205 !do ii=1,natom
2206 !  write(std_out,'(i4,3es18.10)')ii,xred(1:3,ii)
2207 !enddo
2208 !write(std_out,'(a,es12.4)')' symatm : isym,symrec,tnons='
2209 !do isym=1,nsym
2210 !  write(std_out,'(i6,9i4,3es18.10)')isym,symrec(:,:,isym),tnons(1:3,isym)
2211 !enddo
2214  err=zero
2215  errout=0
2217  do isym=1,nsym
2218    do iatom=1,natom
2220      do mu=1,3 ! Apply inverse transformation to original coordinates. Note transpose of symrec.
2221        tratom(mu) = dble(symrec(1,mu,isym))*(xred(1,iatom)-tnons(1,isym))&
2222 &       +dble(symrec(2,mu,isym))*(xred(2,iatom)-tnons(2,isym))&
2223 &       +dble(symrec(3,mu,isym))*(xred(3,iatom)-tnons(3,isym))
2224      end do
2225 !
2226 !    Find symmetrically equivalent atom
2227      call symchk(difmin,eatom,natom,tratom,transl,typat(iatom),typat,xred)
2228 !
2229 !    Put information into array indsym: translations and label
2230      indsym(1,isym,iatom)=transl(1)
2231      indsym(2,isym,iatom)=transl(2)
2232      indsym(3,isym,iatom)=transl(3)
2233      indsym(4,isym,iatom)=eatom
2234 !
2235 !    Keep track of maximum difference between transformed coordinates and
2236 !    nearest "target" coordinate
2237      difmax=max(abs(difmin(1)),abs(difmin(2)),abs(difmin(3)))
2238      err=max(err,difmax)
2240      if(errout==3)then
2241        write(msg, '(a)' )&
2242        ' Suppress warning about finding symmetrically equivalent atoms, as mentioned already three times.'
2243        ABI_WARNING(msg)
2244        errout=errout+1
2245      endif
2247      if (difmax>tolsym .and. errout<3) then ! Print warnings if differences exceed tolerance
2248        write(msg, '(3a,i3,a,i6,a,i3,a,a,3f18.12,3a,es12.4)' )&
2249        ' Trouble finding symmetrically equivalent atoms',ch10,&
2250        ' Applying inv of symm number',isym,' to atom number',iatom,'  of typat',typat(iatom),ch10,&
2251        ' gives tratom=',tratom(1:3),'.',ch10,&
2252        ' This is further away from every atom in crystal than the allowed tolerance, tolsym=',tolsym
2253        ABI_WARNING(msg)
2255        write(msg, '(a,3i3,a,a,3i3,a,a,3i3)' ) &
2256        '  The inverse symmetry matrix is',symrec(1,1:3,isym),ch10,&
2257        '                                ',symrec(2,1:3,isym),ch10,&
2258        '                                ',symrec(3,1:3,isym)
2259        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2260        write(msg, '(a,3f18.12)' )'  and the nonsymmorphic transl. tnons =',(tnons(mu,isym),mu=1,3)
2262        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2263        write(msg, '(a,1p,3es12.4,a,a,i5)' ) &
2264         '  The nearest coordinate differs by',difmin(1:3),ch10,&
2265         '  for indsym(nearest atom)=',indsym(4,isym,iatom)
2266        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2267 !
2268 !      Use errout to reduce volume of error diagnostic output
2269        if (errout==0) then
2270          write(msg,'(6a)') ch10,&
2271           '  This indicates that when symatm attempts to find atoms symmetrically',ch10, &
2272           '  related to a given atom, the nearest candidate is further away than some',ch10,&
2273           '  tolerance.  Should check atomic coordinates and symmetry group input data.'
2274          call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2275        end if
2276        errout=errout+1
2278      end if !difmax>tol
2279    end do !iatom
2280  end do !isym
2282  ! MG: Do not change this behaviour. symatm is called many times in the EPH code in which we have tons of q-points
2283  ! and it's really annoying to see this output repeated over and over again.
2284  ! If you need to print the indsym table at the beginning of the calculation, find the call to symatm
2285  ! and pass the optional argument print_indsym_ or use `abitk crystal_print FILE --prtvol 1`
2286  print_indsym_ = -1; if (present(print_indsym)) print_indsym_ = print_indsym
2287  if (natom <= print_indsym_) then
2288    do iatom=1,natom
2289      write(msg, '(a,i0,a)' )' symatm: atom number ',iatom,' is reached starting at atom'
2290      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2291      do ii=1,(nsym-1)/24+1
2292        if(natom<100)then
2293          write(msg, '(1x,24i3)' ) (indsym(4,isym,iatom),isym=1+(ii-1)*24,min(nsym,ii*24))
2294        else
2295          write(msg, '(1x,24i6)' ) (indsym(4,isym,iatom),isym=1+(ii-1)*24,min(nsym,ii*24))
2296        end if
2297        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2298      end do
2299    end do
2300  end if
2302  if (err>tolsym) then
2303    write(msg, '(1x,a,1p,e14.5,a,e12.4)' )'symatm: maximum (delta t)=',err,' is larger than tol=',tolsym
2304    ABI_WARNING(msg)
2305  end if
2307 !Stop execution if error is really big
2308  if (err>0.01d0) then
2309    write(msg,'(5a)')&
2310     'Largest error (above) is so large (0.01) that either input atomic coordinates (xred)',ch10,&
2311     'are wrong or space group symmetry data is wrong.',ch10,&
2312     'Action: correct your input file.'
2313    ABI_ERROR(msg)
2314  end if
2316 end subroutine symatm

m_symtk/symaxes [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Determines the type of symmetry operation, for
 the proper symmetries 2,2_1,3,3_1,3_2,4,4_1,4_2,4_3,6,6_1,...6_5


 center=type of bravais lattice centering
        center=0        no centering
        center=-1       body-centered
        center=-3       face-centered
        center=1        A-face centered
        center=2        B-face centered
        center=3        C-face centered
 iholohedry=type of holohedry
            iholohedry=1   triclinic      1bar
            iholohedry=2   monoclinic     2/m
            iholohedry=3   orthorhombic   mmm
            iholohedry=4   tetragonal     4/mmm
            iholohedry=5   trigonal       3bar m  (rhombohedral Bravais latt)
            iholohedry=6   hexagonal      6/mmm
            iholohedry=7   cubic          m3bar m
 isym=number of the symmetry operation that is currently analyzed
 isymrelconv=symrel matrix for the particular operation, in conv. axes
 ordersym=order of the symmetry operation
 tnons_order=order of the screw translation
 trialt(3)=screw translation associated with the symmetry operation
           in conventional axes (all components in the range ]-1/2,1/2] )


 label=a user friendly label for the rotation
 type_axis=type of the symmetry operation


 It is assumed that the symmetry operations will be entered in the
 symrel tnonsconv arrays, for the CONVENTIONAL cell.
 For proper symmetries (rotations), the
 associated translation is determined.

 There is a subtlety with translations associated with rotations :
 all the rotations with axis
 parallel to the one analysed do not all have the
 same translation characteristics. This is clearly seen
 in the extended Hermann-Mauguin symbols, see the international
 table for crystallography, chapter 4.
 In the treatment that we adopt, one will distinguish
 the cases of primitive Bravais lattices, and centered
 bravais lattices. In the latter case, in the present routine,
 at the exception of the trigonal axis for the
 cubic system, we explicitely generate the correct ratio of different
 translations, so that their type can be explicitely assigned,
 without confusion. By contrast, for primitive lattices,
 the "tnons" that has been transmitted to the present routine
 might be one of the few possible translations vectors,
 nearly at random. We deal with this case by the explicit
 examination of the system classes, and the identification
 of such a possibility. In particular:
 (1) for the trigonal axis in the rhombohedral Bravais lattice,
 or in the cubic system, there is an equal number of 3, 3_1,
 and 3_2 axes parallel to each other, in a cell that
 is primitive (as well as conventional). In this particular case,
 in the present
 routine, all 3, 3_1 and 3_2 axes are assigned to be 3 axes,
 independently of the centering.
 (2) for the 4- or 6- axes, no confusion is possible :
 in the primitive cell, there is only one possible translation,
 while in the centered cells, the correct ratio of translation
 vectors will be generated
 (3) for the binary axes, there is no problem when the cell
 is centered, but there are problems
 (3a) for the tP Bravais lattice, for an axis in a tertiary direction,
 (see the description of the lattice symmetry directions
  table 2.4.1 of the international tables for crystallography),
  where the family of axes is made equally of 2 and 2_1 axis.
  In this case, we attribute the binary axis to the specific class
  of "tertiary 2-axis". We keep track of the 2 or 2_1
  characteristics of all other binary axes
 (3b) for the tI Bravais lattice, in all the directions,
  there is an equal number of 2 and 2_1 axes. We distinguish
  the primary and secondary family from the tertiary family.
 (3c) for the hP Bravais lattice, each binary axis can present
  no translation or be a screw axis (in the same direction).
  For primary axes, one need the "2" and "2_1" classification,
  while for secondary and tertiary axes, the associated
  translation vector will have not importance.
  However, one will need to distinguish secondary from
  tertiary, and these from primary axes.
  So, this is the most complicated case, for binary axes,
  with the following sets of binary axes : "2", "2_1",
  "secondary 2" and "tertiary 2".
 (3d) for the hR Bravais lattice, each binary axis can present
  no translation or be a screw axis (in the same direction).
  There is no distinction between tertiary axes and other, so that
  we simply assign a binary axis to "2-axis"
 (3e) for the cP lattice, the binary axes along tertiary directions
  can also have different translation vectors, while for the primary
  direction, there is no such ambiguity. So, we will attribute
  tertiary 2 axis to the "tertiary 2-axis" set (there are always 6),
  and attribute 2 and 2_1 primary axes to the corresponding sets.


2597 subroutine symaxes(center,iholohedry,isym,isymrelconv,label,ordersym,tnons_order,trialt,type_axis)
2599 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2600 !scalars
2601  integer,intent(in) :: center,iholohedry,isym,ordersym,tnons_order
2602  integer,intent(out) :: type_axis
2603  character(len=128),intent(out) :: label
2604 !arrays
2605  integer,intent(in) :: isymrelconv(3,3)
2606  real(dp),intent(in) :: trialt(3)
2608 !Local variables-------------------------------
2609 !scalars
2610  logical,parameter :: verbose=.FALSE.
2611  character(len=500) :: msg
2612  integer :: direction,directiontype
2613  real(dp),parameter :: nzero=1.0d-6
2615 !**************************************************************************
2617 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : enter, isym=',isym
2618 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : iholohedry, ',iholohedry
2619 !write(std_out,*)' symaxes : center, ',center
2621  select case(ordersym)
2623  case(2)                       ! point symmetry 2
2624 !    Must characterize directiontype for cP, tP, tI, and hP Bravais lattices
2625    directiontype=1
2626    if( iholohedry==4 .or. iholohedry==7) then ! tP or cP Bravais lattices
2627      if(abs(isymrelconv(1,1))+ &
2628 &     abs(isymrelconv(2,2))+ &
2629 &     abs(isymrelconv(3,3))  ==1) directiontype=3
2630    else if(iholohedry==6)then   ! hP Bravais lattice
2631      if(sum(isymrelconv(:,:))/=-1 )directiontype=2
2632      if(sum(isymrelconv(:,:))==0 .or. sum(isymrelconv(:,:))==-3 )&
2633 &     directiontype=3
2634 !      directiontype=1 corresponds to a primary axis
2635 !      directiontype=2 corresponds to a tertiary axis
2636 !      directiontype=3 corresponds to a secondary axis
2637    end if
2639 !    DEBUG
2640 !    write(std_out,*)' directiontype=',directiontype
2641 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(1:3)=',isymrelconv(:,1)
2642 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(4:6)=',isymrelconv(:,2)
2643 !    write(std_out,'(a,3i6)' )' isymrelconv(7:9)=',isymrelconv(:,3)
2644 !    write(std_out,'(a,i)' )' tnons_order=',tnons_order
2645 !    ENDDEBUG
2647 !    Now, classify the 2 axes
2648    if(directiontype==2)then
2649      type_axis=4                 ! secondary 2  (only in the hP Bravais latt case)
2650      write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary 2-axis '
2652    else if(directiontype==3 .and. iholohedry==4)then
2653      type_axis=21                ! tertiary 2
2654      write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary 2-axis '
2655    else if(directiontype==3 .and. &
2656 &     center==0 .and. (iholohedry==6.or.iholohedry==7) )then
2657      type_axis=21                ! tertiary 2
2658      write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary 2-axis '
2659    else if(tnons_order==1 .or. (iholohedry==4 .and. center==-1) .or. &
2660 &     iholohedry==5)then
2661      type_axis=9                 ! 2
2662      write(label,'(a)') 'a 2-axis '
2663    else
2664      type_axis=20                ! 2_1
2665      write(label,'(a)') 'a 2_1-axis '
2666    end if
2668  case(3)                       ! point symmetry 3
2669    if(tnons_order==1)then
2670      type_axis=10                ! 3
2671      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3-axis '
2672    else if(iholohedry==5 .or. iholohedry==7)then
2673 !      This is a special situation : in the same family of parallel 3-axis,
2674 !      one will have an equal number of 3, 3_1 and 3_2 axes, so that
2675 !      it is non-sense to try to classify one of them.
2676      type_axis=10                ! 3, 3_1 or 3_2, undistinguishable
2677      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3, 3_1 or 3_2 axis '
2678    else
2679 !      DEBUG
2680 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
2681 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
2682 !      ENDDEBUG
2683 !      Must recognize 3_1 or 3_2
2684      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 3+
2685        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=22   ! 3_1
2686        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=23   ! 3_2
2687      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==-1)then  ! 3-
2688        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=23   ! 3_2
2689        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=22   ! 3_1
2690      end if
2691      write(label,'(a)') 'a 3_1 or 3_2-axis '
2692    end if
2694  case(4)                       ! point symmetry 4
2695    if(tnons_order==1)then
2696      type_axis=12                ! 4
2697      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4-axis '
2698    else if(tnons_order==2)then
2699      type_axis=25                ! 4_2
2700      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_2-axis '
2701    else if(center/=0)then
2702      type_axis=24                ! 4_1 or 4_3
2703      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_1 or 4_3-axis '
2704    else
2705 !      DEBUG
2706 !      write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
2707 !      write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
2708 !      ENDDEBUG
2709 !      Must recognize 4_1 or 4_3, along the three primary directions
2710      do direction=1,3
2711        if(isymrelconv(direction,direction)==1)then  !
2712          if( (direction==1 .and. isymrelconv(2,3)==-1) .or. &
2713 &         (direction==2 .and. isymrelconv(3,1)==-1) .or. &
2714 &         (direction==3 .and. isymrelconv(1,2)==-1)       )then ! 4+
2715            if(abs(trialt(direction)-quarter)<nzero)type_axis=24    ! 4_1
2716            if(abs(trialt(direction)+quarter)<nzero)type_axis=26    ! 4_3
2717          else if( (direction==1 .and. isymrelconv(2,3)==1) .or. &
2718 &           (direction==2 .and. isymrelconv(3,1)==1) .or. &
2719 &           (direction==3 .and. isymrelconv(1,2)==1)       )then ! 4-
2720            if(abs(trialt(direction)-quarter)<nzero)type_axis=26    ! 4_3
2721            if(abs(trialt(direction)+quarter)<nzero)type_axis=24    ! 4_1
2722          end if
2723        end if
2724      end do
2725      write(label,'(a)') 'a 4_1 or 4_3-axis '
2726    end if
2728  case(6)                       ! point symmetry 6
2729    if(tnons_order==1)then
2730      type_axis=14                ! 6
2731      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6-axis '
2732    else if(tnons_order==2)then
2733      type_axis=29                ! 6_3
2734      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_3-axis '
2735    else if(tnons_order==3)then
2736      !write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
2737      !write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
2738      !Must recognize 6_2 or 6_4
2739      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==1)then  ! 6+
2740        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=28   ! 6_2
2741        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=30   ! 6_4
2742      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 6-
2743        if(abs(trialt(3)-third)<nzero)type_axis=30   ! 6_4
2744        if(abs(trialt(3)+third)<nzero)type_axis=28   ! 6_2
2745      end if
2746      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_2 or 6_4-axis '
2747    else
2748      !write(std_out,*)'isymrelconv=',isymrelconv(:,:)
2749      !write(std_out,*)'trialt=',trialt(:)
2750      !Must recognize 6_1 or 6_5
2751      if(isymrelconv(1,1)==1)then  ! 6+
2752        if(abs(trialt(3)-sixth)<nzero)type_axis=27   ! 6_1
2753        if(abs(trialt(3)+sixth)<nzero)type_axis=31   ! 6_5
2754      else if(isymrelconv(1,1)==0)then  ! 6-
2755        if(abs(trialt(3)-sixth)<nzero)type_axis=31   ! 6_5
2756        if(abs(trialt(3)+sixth)<nzero)type_axis=27   ! 6_1
2757      end if
2758      write(label,'(a)') 'a 6_1 or 6_5-axis '
2759    end if
2761  end select
2763  if (verbose) then
2764    write(msg,'(a,i3,a,a)')' symaxes : the symmetry operation no. ',isym,' is ', trim(label)
2765    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2766  end if
2768 end subroutine symaxes

m_symtk/symcharac [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Get the type of axis for the symmetry.


 determinant=the value of the determinant of sym
 isym=number of the symmetry operation that is currently analyzed
 order=the order of the symmetry
 symrel(3,3)= the symmetry matrix
 tnons(3)=nonsymmorphic translations


 label=a human readable text for the characteristic of the symmetry
 type_axis=an identifier for the type of symmetry


2341 subroutine symcharac(center, determinant, iholohedry, isym, label, symrel, tnons, type_axis)
2343 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2344 !scalars
2345  integer, intent(in) :: determinant, center, iholohedry, isym
2346  integer, intent(out) :: type_axis
2347  character(len = 128), intent(out) :: label
2348  !arrays
2349  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3)
2350  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3)
2352  !Local variables-------------------------------
2353  !scalars
2354  logical,parameter :: verbose=.FALSE.
2355  integer :: tnons_order, identified, ii, order, iorder
2356  character(len=500) :: msg
2357  !arrays
2358  integer :: identity(3,3),matrix(3,3),trial(3,3)
2359  real(dp) :: reduced(3),trialt(3)
2361  !**************************************************************************
2363  identity(:,:)=0
2364  identity(1,1)=1 ; identity(2,2)=1 ; identity(3,3)=1
2365  trial(:,:)=identity(:,:)
2366  matrix(:,:)=symrel(:,:)
2368  order=0
2369  do iorder=1,6
2370    trial=matmul(matrix,trial)
2371    if(sum((trial-identity)**2)==0)then
2372      order=iorder
2373      exit
2374    end if
2375    if(sum((trial+identity)**2)==0)then
2376      order=iorder
2377      exit
2378    end if
2379  end do
2381  if(order==0)then
2382    type_axis = -2
2383    return
2384  end if
2386 !Determination of the characteristics of proper symmetries (rotations)
2387  if(determinant==1)then
2389 !  Determine the translation vector associated to the rotations
2390 !  and its order : apply the symmetry operation
2391 !  then analyse the resulting vector.
2392    identified=0
2393    trialt(:)=zero
2394    do ii=1,order
2395      trialt(:)=matmul(symrel(:,:),trialt(:))+tnons(:)
2396    end do
2397 !  Gives the associated translation, with components in the
2398 !  interval [-0.5,0.5] .
2399    reduced(:)=trialt(:)-nint(trialt(:)-tol6)
2401    if(sum(abs(reduced(:)))<tol6)identified=1
2402    if( (center==1 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2403 &   sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/zero,half,half/)))<tol6 )identified=2
2404    if( (center==2 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2405 &   sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,zero,half/)))<tol6 )identified=3
2406    if( (center==3 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2407 &   sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,half,zero/)))<tol6 )identified=4
2408    if(center==-1.and. sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,half,half/)))<tol6 )identified=5
2410 !  If the symmetry operation has not been identified, there is a problem ...
2411    if(identified==0) then
2412      type_axis = -1
2413      return
2414    end if
2416 !  Compute the translation vector associated with one rotation
2417    trialt(:)=trialt(:)/order
2418    trialt(:)=trialt(:)-nint(trialt(:)-tol6)
2420 !  Analyse the resulting vector.
2421    identified=0
2422    do ii=1,order
2423      reduced(:)=ii*trialt(:)-nint(ii*trialt(:)-tol6)
2424      if(sum(abs(reduced(:)))<tol6)identified=1
2425      if( (center==1 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2426 &     sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/zero,half,half/)))<tol6 )identified=2
2427      if( (center==2 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2428 &     sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,zero,half/)))<tol6 )identified=3
2429      if( (center==3 .or. center==-3) .and. &
2430 &     sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,half,zero/)))<tol6 )identified=4
2431      if(center==-1.and. sum(abs(reduced(:)-(/half,half,half/)))<tol6 )identified=5
2433      if(identified/=0)then
2434        tnons_order=ii
2435        exit
2436      end if
2437    end do ! ii
2439 !  Determinant (here=+1, as we are dealing with proper symmetry operations),
2440 !  order, tnons_order and identified are enough to
2441 !  determine the kind of symmetry operation
2443    select case(order)
2444    case(1)                       ! point symmetry 1
2445      if(identified==1) then
2446        type_axis=8                 ! 1
2447        write(label,'(a)') 'the identity'
2448      else
2449        type_axis=7                 ! t
2450        write(label,'(a)') 'a pure translation '
2451      end if
2453      if (verbose) then
2454        write(msg,'(a,i3,2a)')' symspgr : the symmetry operation no. ',isym,' is ',trim(label)
2455        call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2456      end if
2458    case(2,3,4,6)                 ! point symmetry 2,3,4,6 - rotations
2459      call symaxes(center,iholohedry,isym,symrel,label,order,tnons_order,trialt,type_axis)
2460    end select
2462  else if (determinant==-1)then
2464 !  Now, take care of the improper symmetry operations.
2465 !  Their treatment is relatively easy, except for the mirror planes
2466    select case(order)
2467    case(1)                       ! point symmetry 1
2468      type_axis=5                  ! -1
2469      write(label,'(a)') 'an inversion'
2470    case(2)                       ! point symmetry 2 - planes
2471      call symplanes(center,iholohedry,isym,symrel,tnons,label,type_axis)
2472    case(3)                       ! point symmetry 3
2473      type_axis=3                  ! -3
2474      write(label,'(a)') 'a -3 axis '
2475    case(4)                       ! point symmetry 1
2476      type_axis=2                  ! -4
2477      write(label,'(a)') 'a -4 axis '
2478    case(6)                       ! point symmetry 1
2479      type_axis=1                  ! -6
2480      write(label,'(a)') 'a -6 axis '
2481    end select
2483    if (order /= 2 .and. verbose) then
2484      write(msg,'(a,i3,2a)')' symspgr : the symmetry operation no. ',isym,' is ',trim(label)
2485      call wrtout(std_out,msg)
2486    end if
2488  end if ! determinant==1 or -1
2490 end subroutine symcharac

m_symtk/symchk [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Symmetry checker for atomic coordinates.
 Checks for translated atomic coordinate tratom(3) to agree
 with some coordinate xred(3,iatom) where atomic types agree too.
 All coordinates are "reduced", i.e. given in terms of primitive
 reciprocal translations.


 natom=number of atoms in unit cell
 tratom(3)=reduced coordinates for a single atom which presumably
   result from the application of a symmetry operation to an atomic
 trtypat=type of atom (integer) translated to tratom
 typat(natom)=types of all atoms in unit cell (integer)
 xred(3,natom)=reduced coordinates for all atoms in unit cell


 difmin(3)=minimum difference between apparently equivalent atoms
   (give value separately for each coordinate)--note that value
   may be NEGATIVE so take abs later if needed
 eatom=atom label of atom which is SAME as tratom to within a primitive
   cell translation ("equivalent atom")
 transl(3)=primitive cell translation to make iatom same as tratom (integers)


2030 subroutine symchk(difmin,eatom,natom,tratom,transl,trtypat,typat,xred)
2032 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2033 !scalars
2034  integer,intent(in) :: natom,trtypat
2035  integer,intent(out) :: eatom
2036 !arrays
2037  integer,intent(in) :: typat(natom)
2038  integer,intent(out) :: transl(3)
2039  real(dp),intent(in) :: tratom(3),xred(3,natom)
2040  real(dp),intent(out) :: difmin(3)
2042 !Local variables-------------------------------
2043 !scalars
2044  integer :: iatom,jatom,trans1,trans2,trans3
2045  real(dp) :: test,test1,test2,test3,testmn
2047 ! *************************************************************************
2049 !DEBUG
2050 ! write(std_out,'(a,a,i4,3f18.12)') ch10,' symchk : enter, trtypat,tratom=',trtypat,tratom
2053 !Start testmn out at large value
2054  testmn=1000000.d0
2056 !Loop through atoms--
2057 !when types agree, check for agreement after primitive translation
2058  jatom=1
2059  do iatom=1,natom
2060    if (trtypat/=typat(iatom)) cycle
2062 !  Check all three components
2063    test1=tratom(1)-xred(1,iatom)
2064    test2=tratom(2)-xred(2,iatom)
2065    test3=tratom(3)-xred(3,iatom)
2066 !  Find nearest integer part of difference
2067    trans1=nint(test1)
2068    trans2=nint(test2)
2069    trans3=nint(test3)
2070 !  Check whether, after translation, they agree
2071    test1=test1-dble(trans1)
2072    test2=test2-dble(trans2)
2073    test3=test3-dble(trans3)
2074    test=abs(test1)+abs(test2)+abs(test3)
2075    if (test<tol10) then
2076 !    Note that abs() is not taken here
2077      difmin(1)=test1
2078      difmin(2)=test2
2079      difmin(3)=test3
2080      jatom=iatom
2081      transl(1)=trans1
2082      transl(2)=trans2
2083      transl(3)=trans3
2084 !    Break out of loop when agreement is within tolerance
2085      exit
2086    else
2087 !    Keep track of smallest difference if greater than tol10
2088      if (test<testmn) then
2089        testmn=test
2090 !      Note that abs() is not taken here
2091        difmin(1)=test1
2092        difmin(2)=test2
2093        difmin(3)=test3
2094        jatom=iatom
2095        transl(1)=trans1
2096        transl(2)=trans2
2097        transl(3)=trans3
2098      end if
2099    end if
2101 !  End loop over iatom. Note a "cycle" and an "exit" inside the loop
2102  end do
2104  eatom=jatom
2106 end subroutine symchk

m_symtk/symdet [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Compute determinant of each input symmetry matrix sym(3,3,i)
 and check that the determinant is always +/- 1. Integer arithmetic.


 nsym=number of symmetry operations
 sym(3,3,nsym)=integer symmetry array


 determinant(nsym)=determinant of each symmetry operation


235 subroutine symdet(determinant, nsym, sym)
237 !Arguments ------------------------------------
238 !scalars
239  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
240 !arrays
241  integer,intent(in) :: sym(3,3,nsym)
242  integer,intent(out) :: determinant(nsym)
244 !Local variables-------------------------------
245 !scalars
246  integer :: det,isym
247  character(len=500) :: msg
249 ! *************************************************************************
251  do isym=1,nsym
252    call mati3det(sym(:,:,isym),det)
253    determinant(isym)=det
254    if (abs(det)/=1) then
255      write(msg,'(2(a,i0), 5a)')&
256       'Abs(determinant) for symmetry number ',isym,' is ',det,' .',ch10,&
257       'For a legitimate symmetry, abs(determinant) must be 1.',ch10,&
258       'Action: check your symmetry operations (symrel) in input file.'
259      ABI_ERROR(msg)
260    end if
261  end do
263 end subroutine symdet

m_symtk/symmetrize_rprimd [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Supposing the input rprimd does not preserve the length and angles
 following the symmetries, will generates a new set rprimd,
 on the basis of the expected characteristics of the conventional cell, as specified in bravais(:)


 bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
              bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprimd in the axes
              of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 symrel(3,3,1:nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 tolsym=tolerance for the symmetry operations (only for checking purposes, the new set rprimd will
     be coherent with the symmetry operations at a much accurate level).


 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)


1561 subroutine symmetrize_rprimd(bravais,nsym,rprimd,symrel,tolsym)
1563 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1564 !scalars
1565  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
1566  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
1567 !arrays
1568  integer,intent(in) :: bravais(11),symrel(3,3,nsym)
1569  real(dp),intent(inout) :: rprimd(3,3)
1571 !Local variables-------------------------------
1572 !scalars
1573  integer :: foundc,iexit,ii,jj
1574  real(dp):: rprimd_maxabs
1575 !character(len=500) :: msg
1576 !arrays
1577  real(dp):: aa(3,3),ait(3,3),cell_base(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd_new(3,3)
1579 ! *************************************************************************
1581 !DEBUG
1582 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' symmetrize_rprimd : enter '
1585 !Build the conventional cell basis vectors in cartesian coordinates
1586  aa(:,1)=bravais(3:5)
1587  aa(:,2)=bravais(6:8)
1588  aa(:,3)=bravais(9:11)
1589 !Inverse transpose
1590  call matr3inv(aa,ait)
1591  do ii=1,3
1592    cell_base(:,ii)=ait(ii,1)*rprimd(:,1)+ait(ii,2)*rprimd(:,2)+ait(ii,3)*rprimd(:,3)
1593  end do
1595 !DEBUG
1596 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' before holocell, cell_base ='
1597 !do ii=1,3
1598 !  write(std_out,'(3es16.8)') cell_base(:,ii)
1599 !enddo
1602 !Enforce the proper holohedry on the conventional cell vectors.
1603  call holocell(cell_base,1,foundc,bravais(1),tolsym)
1605 !DEBUG
1606 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' after holocell, cell_base ='
1607 !do ii=1,3
1608 !  write(std_out,'(3es16.8)') cell_base(:,ii)
1609 !enddo
1612 !Reconstruct the dimensional primitive vectors
1613  do ii=1,3
1614    rprimd_new(:,ii)=aa(1,ii)*cell_base(:,1)+aa(2,ii)*cell_base(:,2)+aa(3,ii)*cell_base(:,3)
1615  end do
1617 !Suppress meaningless values
1618  rprimd_maxabs=maxval(abs(rprimd_new))
1619  do ii=1,3
1620    do jj=1,3
1621      if(abs(rprimd(ii,jj))<tol12*rprimd_maxabs)rprimd(ii,jj)=zero
1622    enddo
1623  enddo
1625  rprimd(:,:)=rprimd_new(:,:)
1627 !Check whether the symmetry operations are consistent with the lattice vectors
1628  rmet = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(rprimd), rprimd)
1629  call matr3inv(rprimd, gprimd)
1630  !call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
1631  iexit=0
1633  call chkorthsy(gprimd,iexit,nsym,rmet,rprimd,symrel,tolsym)
1635 !DEBUG
1636 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' symmetrize_rprimd : exit '
1639 end subroutine symmetrize_rprimd

m_symtk/symmetrize_tnons [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Given the order of a symmetry operation, make sure that tnons is
 such that applying "order" times the symmetry operation
 generate the unity operation, accurately.


 nsym=actual number of symmetries
 symrel(3,3,1:nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 tolsym=tolerance that was used to determine the symmetry operations


 tnons(3,1:nsym)= non-symmorphic translation vectors


1661 subroutine symmetrize_tnons(nsym,symrel,tnons,tolsym)
1663 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1664 !scalars
1665  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
1666  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
1667 !arrays
1668  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
1669  real(dp),intent(inout) :: tnons(3,nsym)
1671 !Local variables-------------------------------
1672 !scalars
1673  integer :: iorder,isym,order
1674 !character(len=500) :: msg
1675 !arrays
1676  integer :: symrel_mult(3,3)
1677  integer :: unitmat(3,3)
1678  real(dp):: tnons_mult(3)
1680 ! *************************************************************************
1682 !DEBUG
1683 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' symmetrize_tnons : enter '
1686  unitmat=0
1687  unitmat(1,1)=1 ; unitmat(2,2)=1 ; unitmat(3,3)=1
1689  do isym=1,nsym
1691 !DEBUG
1692 !write(std_out,'(a,i4,9i3,3es16.6)') ' isym,symrel,tnons=',isym,symrel(:,:,isym),tnons(:,isym)
1695    symrel_mult(:,:)=symrel(:,:,isym) ; tnons_mult(:)=tnons(:,isym)
1696    order=0
1697    !Determine the order of the operation
1698    do iorder=1,48
1699      symrel_mult(:,:)=matmul(symrel(:,:,isym),symrel_mult(:,:))
1700      tnons_mult(:)=matmul(symrel(:,:,isym),tnons_mult(:))+tnons(:,isym)
1701      if(sum(abs(symrel_mult-unitmat))==0)then
1702        if(abs(tnons_mult(1)-nint(tnons_mult(1)))<tolsym*iorder .and. &
1703 &         abs(tnons_mult(2)-nint(tnons_mult(2)))<tolsym*iorder .and. &
1704 &         abs(tnons_mult(3)-nint(tnons_mult(3)))<tolsym*iorder)then
1705          !The order has been found
1706          order=iorder+1
1707          !Now, adjust the tnons vector, in order to obtain the exact identity
1708          !operation at order "order"
1709          tnons_mult(:)=(tnons_mult(:)-nint(tnons_mult(:)))/(dble(order))
1710          if(abs(tnons_mult(1))>1.00001e-8) tnons(1,isym)=tnons(1,isym)-tnons_mult(1)
1711          if(abs(tnons_mult(2))>1.00001e-8) tnons(2,isym)=tnons(2,isym)-tnons_mult(2)
1712          if(abs(tnons_mult(3))>1.00001e-8) tnons(3,isym)=tnons(3,isym)-tnons_mult(3)
1713          exit
1714        endif
1715      endif
1717    enddo ! iorder
1719    if(order==0)then
1720      ABI_BUG("Was unable to find order of operation")
1721    endif
1722  enddo
1724 !DEBUG
1725 !write(std_out,'(a)') ' symmetrize_tnons : exit '
1728 end subroutine symmetrize_tnons

m_symtk/symmetrize_xred [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Symmetrize atomic coordinates.
 Two tasks can be executed :
 A. If optional argument indsym is present.
 Using input symmetry matrices symrel
 which are expressed in terms of the basis of real space primitive
 translations (array elements are integers), use indsym to make all corresponding atoms coordinate
 fullfil exactly symmetry operations.
 Input array indsym(4,isym,iatom) gives label of atom into which iatom
 is rotated by INVERSE of symmetry element isym and also gives primitive
 translation to get back to unit cell.
 This version uses improvement in algorithm suggested by Andrew
 Horsfield (see symatm.f).
 B. If optional argument tolsym AND tnons_new are defined.
 Might also adjust xred in order for tnons to be aligned with the FFT grids.
 This will deliver new tnons_new.
 NOTE : Actually, should make two separate routines !


 indsym(4,nsym,natom)=(optional) indirect indexing array giving label of atom
   into which iatom is rotated by symmetry element isym
 natom=number of atoms
 nsym=number of symmetries in group
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry matrices in terms of real space
   primitive translations
 tnons(3,nsym)=nonsymmorphic translations for symmetries
 tolsym=(optional) tolerance on symmetries. When defined, one will try to align the symmetry operations with the FFT grid,
   if the modification is less than tolsym. Take tolsym equal to 1 to deliver possibly large changes of xred,
   giving suggestions of xred modifications, to be proposed to users.


 tnons_new(3,nsym)=(optional)nonsymmorphic translations for symmetries


  (input) atomic coordinates in terms of real space translations
  (output) symmetrized atomic coordinates in terms
    of real space translations
 fixed_mismatch=(optional) At input, needs to be present for tnons_new to be computed
    At output : 1 if there is a mismatch and this mismatch has been fixed, 0 otherwise
 mismatch_fft_tnons=(optional) At input, needs to be present for tnons_new to be computed
    Atd output : non-zero if there is a mismatch between the fft grid and the tnons, gives the number
   of the first symmetry operation for which there is such a mismatch. Zero otherwise.


1783 subroutine symmetrize_xred(natom,nsym,symrel,tnons,xred,fixed_mismatch,indsym,mismatch_fft_tnons,tnons_new,tolsym)
1785 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1786 !scalars
1787  integer,intent(in) :: natom,nsym
1788  integer,intent(out),optional :: fixed_mismatch,mismatch_fft_tnons
1789 !arrays
1790  integer,intent(in),optional :: indsym(4,nsym,natom)
1791  integer,intent(in) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
1792  real(dp),intent(in) :: tnons(3,nsym)
1793  real(dp),intent(in),optional :: tolsym
1794  real(dp),intent(out),optional :: tnons_new(3,nsym)
1795  real(dp),intent(inout) :: xred(3,natom)
1797 !Local variables-------------------------------
1798 !scalars
1799  integer  :: iatom,ib,ii,info,irank,isym,isym2
1800  integer  :: jj,mismatch_fft_tnons_current
1801  real(dp) :: diff
1802  logical  :: dissimilar
1803 !arrays
1804  real(dp) :: delta(4),fc(3),mat(3,3),mult(4)=(/eight,nine,ten,three*four/)
1805  real(dp) :: sgval(3),tsum(3),tt(3),work(15),xredshift(3,1)
1806  real(dp),allocatable :: xredsym(:,:)
1807  real(dp) :: transl(3) ! translation vector
1809 ! *************************************************************************
1810 !
1811 !Check whether group contains more than identity;
1812 !if not then simply return after possible copying
1813  if(present(tnons_new))then
1814    tnons_new(:,1:nsym)=tnons(:,1:nsym)
1815  endif
1816  if(present(fixed_mismatch))fixed_mismatch=0
1817  if(present(mismatch_fft_tnons))mismatch_fft_tnons=0
1819  if (nsym>1) then
1821 !DEBUG
1822 ! write(std_out,*)
1823 ! write(std_out,'(a,i4)') 'symmetrize_xred: enter, nsym=',nsym
1824 ! do iatom=1,natom
1825 !   write(std_out,'(a,i4,3es16.6)') 'iatom,xred=',iatom,xred(:,iatom)
1826 ! enddo
1827 ! do isym=1,nsym
1828 !   write(std_out,'(a,i4,9i3,3es16.6)') 'isym,symrel,tnons',isym,symrel(:,:,isym),tnons(:,isym)
1829 ! enddo
1830 ! write(std_out,*)' present(tnons_new),present(tolsym)=',present(tnons_new),present(tolsym)
1831 ! write(std_out,*)
1834    ABI_MALLOC(xredsym,(3,natom))
1835    xredsym(:,:)=xred(:,1:natom)
1837    if(present(indsym))then
1839 !    Loop over atoms to determine new, symmetrized positions.
1840      do iatom=1,natom
1841        tsum(:)=0.0d0
1842 !
1843 !      Loop over symmetries
1844        do isym=1,nsym
1845 !        atom ib is atom into which iatom is rotated by inverse of
1846 !        symmetry isym (inverse of symrel(mu,nu,isym))
1847          ib=indsym(4,isym,iatom)
1848 !        Find the reduced coordinates after translation=t(indsym)+transl
1849          fc(:)=xred(:,ib)+dble(indsym(1:3,isym,iatom))
1850 !        Compute [S * (x(indsym)+transl) ] + tnonsymmorphic
1851          tt(:)=dble(symrel(:,1,isym))*fc(1)+&
1852 &         dble(symrel(:,2,isym))*fc(2)+&
1853 &         dble(symrel(:,3,isym))*fc(3)+ tnons(:,isym)
1855 !        Average over nominally equivalent atomic positions
1856          tsum(:)=tsum(:)+tt(:)
1857        end do ! isym
1858 !
1859 !      Set symmetrized result to sum over number of terms
1860        xredsym(:,iatom)=tsum(:)/dble(nsym)
1862      end do ! iatom
1863    endif ! present(indsym)
1865 !DEBUG
1866 !do iatom=1,natom
1867 !  write(std_out,'(a,i4,3es20.10)') 'iatom,xredsym=',iatom,xredsym(:,iatom)
1868 !enddo
1871 !  Loop over symmetry operations to determine possibly new tnons, as well as symmetrized positions.
1872    if(present(tolsym) .and. present(tnons_new) .and. present(fixed_mismatch) .and. present(mismatch_fft_tnons))then
1873      fixed_mismatch=0
1874      mismatch_fft_tnons=0
1875      !The use of tolsym here is only to favor 0.5 over -0.5
1876      tnons_new(:,:)=tnons(:,:)-nint(tnons(:,:)-tolsym)
1877      do isym=1,nsym
1878        mismatch_fft_tnons_current=0
1879        do ii=1,3
1880          delta(:)=tnons(ii,isym)*mult(:)
1881          delta(:)=delta(:)-nint(delta(:))
1882          ! Is there is a mismatch between FFT and isym for all multipliers ?
1883          if( all(abs(delta(:))>tol8*mult(:)) ) mismatch_fft_tnons_current=1
1884        enddo
1885        !Declare the first symmetry operation that induces a problem
1886        if(mismatch_fft_tnons_current>0 .and. (mismatch_fft_tnons==0)) mismatch_fft_tnons=isym
1888        ! However, also try to propose a solution.
1889        if(mismatch_fft_tnons_current==1)then
1890          ! Compute the pseudo-inverse of symrel-1, then multiply tnons
1891          mat(:,:)=zero; mat(1,1)=one; mat(2,2)=one; mat(3,3)=one
1892          ! This is symrel-1
1893          mat(:,:)=symrel(:,:,isym)-mat(:,:)
1894          do ii=1,3
1895            !Select the smallest modification tnons
1896            delta(:)=tnons(ii,isym)*mult(:)
1897            delta(:)=(delta(:)-nint(delta(:)))/mult(:)
1898            xredshift(ii,1)=delta(1)
1899            do jj=2,4
1900              if(abs(delta(jj))<abs(xredshift(ii,1)))xredshift(ii,1)=delta(jj)
1901            enddo
1902          enddo
1903          call dgelss(3,3,1,mat,3,xredshift(:,1),3,sgval,tol5,irank,work,15,info)
1905          ! xredshift(:,1) is now the tentative shift, to be tested for all symmetries
1906          if( all(abs(xredshift(:,1))<tolsym) )then
1907            fixed_mismatch=1
1908            do isym2=1, nsym
1909              tnons_new(:,isym2)=tnons(:,isym2)+xredshift(:,1)-matmul(symrel(:,:,isym2),xredshift(:,1))
1910              do ii=1,3
1911                !tnons might now be slighly non-zero. Set to zero such values
1912                if(abs(tnons_new(ii,isym2))<tol6**2)tnons_new(ii,isym2)=zero
1913                delta(:)=tnons_new(ii,isym2)*mult(:)
1914                delta(:)=delta(:)-nint(delta(:))
1915                ! Is the mismatch between FFT and symmetries still present for all the multipliers ??
1916                if( all(abs(delta(:))>tol8*mult(:)) ) fixed_mismatch=0
1917              enddo
1918              if(fixed_mismatch==0)exit
1919            enddo
1920          endif
1921          if(fixed_mismatch==1)exit
1922        endif ! mismatch_fft_tnons_current==1
1923      end do ! isym
1924      if(mismatch_fft_tnons/=0)then
1925        if(fixed_mismatch==1)then
1926          do iatom=1,natom
1927            xredsym(:,iatom)=xredsym(:,iatom)+xredshift(:,1)
1928          enddo
1929        endif
1930      endif
1932 !DEBUG
1933 !   write(std_out,*) ' '
1934 !   write(std_out,*) ' mismatch_fft_tnons, fixed_mismatch=',mismatch_fft_tnons, fixed_mismatch
1935 !   do iatom=1,natom
1936 !     write(std_out,'(a,i4,3es20.10)') ' iatom,xredsym=',iatom,xredsym(:,iatom)
1937 !   enddo
1940    endif ! present(tolsym) .and. present(tnons_new)
1942 ! --------------------------------------------------------------
1943 !  Will update the atomic positions only if it is worth to do so.
1945    transl(:)=xredsym(:,1)-nint(xredsym(:,1))
1947 !  Compute the smallest translation to an integer
1948    do jj=2,natom
1949      do ii=1,3
1950        diff=xredsym(ii,jj)-nint(xredsym(ii,jj))
1951        if (diff<transl(ii)) transl(ii)=diff
1952      end do
1953    end do
1955 !  Test if the translation on each direction is small
1956 !  Tolerance 1E-13
1957    do ii=1,3
1958      if (abs(transl(ii))>1e-13) transl(ii)=0.0
1959    end do
1961 !  Execute translation
1962    do jj=1,natom
1963      do ii=1,3
1964        xredsym(ii,jj)=xredsym(ii,jj)-transl(ii)
1965      end do
1966    end do
1968 !  Test if xredsym is too similar to xred
1969 !  Tolerance 1E-15
1970    dissimilar=.FALSE.
1971    do jj=1,natom
1972      do ii=1,3
1973        if (abs(xredsym(ii,jj)-xred(ii,jj))>1E-15) dissimilar=.TRUE.
1974      end do
1975    end do
1977    if (dissimilar) xred(:,:)=xredsym(:,:)
1978    ABI_FREE(xredsym)
1980 !  End condition of nsym/=1
1981  end if
1983 !DEBUG
1984 !write(std_out,*)
1985 !write(std_out,'(a)') 'symmetrize_xred : exit'
1986 !do iatom=1,natom
1987 !  write(std_out,'(a,i4,3es20.10)') 'iatom,xred=',iatom,xred(:,iatom)
1988 !enddo
1989 !if(present(tnons_new))then
1990 !  do isym=1,nsym
1991 !    write(std_out,'(a,i4,9i3,3es20.10)') 'isym,symrel,tnons_new',isym,symrel(:,:,isym),tnons_new(:,isym)
1992 !  enddo
1993 !endif
1994 !write(std_out,*)
1997 end subroutine symmetrize_xred

m_symtk/symplanes [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Determines the type of symmetry mirror planes: m,a,b,c,d,n,g.
 This is used (see symlist.f) to identify the space group.


 center=type of bravais lattice centering
   center=0        no centering
   center=-1       body-centered
   center=-3       face-centered
   center=1        A-face centered
   center=2        B-face centered
   center=3        C-face centered
 iholohedry=type of holohedry
   iholohedry=1   triclinic      1bar
   iholohedry=2   monoclinic     2/m
   iholohedry=3   orthorhombic   mmm
   iholohedry=4   tetragonal     4/mmm
   iholohedry=5   trigonal       3bar m
   iholohedry=6   hexagonal      6/mmm
   iholohedry=7   cubic          m3bar m
 isym=number of the symmetry operation that is currently analyzed
 isymrelconv=symrel matrix for the particular operation, in conv. coord.
 itnonsconv=tnons vector for the particular operation, in conv. coord


 label=user friendly label of the plane
 type_axis=type of the symmetry operation


 One follows the
 conventions explained in table 1.3 of the international tables for
 crystallography. In the case of the rhombohedral system,
 one takes into account the first footnote of this table 1.3 .
 In general, we will assign the different symmetries to
 the following numbers :  m -> 15 , (a, b or c) -> 16,
  d -> 17, n -> 18 , g -> 19
 However, there is the same problem as for binary axes,
 namely, for parallel mirror planes, one can find different
 translation vectors, and these might be found at random,
 depending on the input tnons.
 (1) In the tP case, one will distinguish tertiary
  mirror plane, for which it is important to know whether they are
  m or c (for tertiary planes in tP, g is equivalent to m and n is equivalent to c).
  On the other hand, it is important to distinguish among
  primary and secondary mirror planes, those that are m,(a or b),c, or n.
  To summarize, the number of the symmetry will be :
  m (primary, secondary or tertiary) -> 15 ,
  secondary (a or b) -> 16, secondary c -> 17,
  primary or secondary n -> 18 , tertiary c -> 19
 (2) In the tI case, one will distinguish tertiary
  mirror plane, for which it is important to know whether they are
  m or d (for tertiary planes in tI, c is equivalent to m.
  On the other hand, it is important to distinguish among
  primary and secondary mirror planes, those that are m (equivalent to n),
  or a,b or c.
  To summarize, the number of the symmetry will be :
  m (primary, secondary, tertiary) -> 15 ,
  a,b or c (primary or secondary) -> 16, tertiary d -> 17
 (3) For hP and hR, a m plane is always coupled to a a or b plane,
  while a c plane is always coupled to an n plane. On the other
  hand, it is important to distinguish between primary or secondary
  mirror planes, and tertiary mirror planes. So we will keep the
  following sets : m non-tertiary (that includes a or b non-tertiary) -> 15,
  c non-tertiary (that includes n non-tertiary) -> 16,
  m tertiary (that includes a or b non-tertiary) -> 17,
  c tertiary (that includes n non-tertiary) -> 18.
  For hR, all mirror planes are secondary.
 (4) For the cP lattice, in the same spirit, one can see that
  the tertiary m and g mirror planes are to be classified as "m" -> 15,
  while n, a and c are to be classified as "n" -> 18. There is no need
  to distinguish between primary, secondary or tertiary axes.


2849 subroutine symplanes(center,iholohedry,isym,isymrelconv,itnonsconv,label,type_axis)
2851 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2852 !scalars
2853  integer,intent(in) :: center,iholohedry,isym
2854  integer,intent(out) :: type_axis
2855  character(len = 128), intent(out) :: label
2856 !arrays
2857  integer,intent(in) :: isymrelconv(3,3)
2858  real(dp),intent(in) :: itnonsconv(3)
2860 !Local variables-------------------------------
2861 !scalars
2862  logical,parameter :: verbose=.FALSE.
2863  character(len=500) :: msg
2864  integer :: directiontype,sum_elements
2865  real(dp),parameter :: nzero=1.0d-6
2866 !arrays
2867  integer :: identity(3,3),mirrormxy(3,3),mirrormyz(3,3),mirrormzx(3,3)
2868  integer :: mirrorx(3,3),mirrorxy(3,3),mirrory(3,3),mirroryz(3,3),mirrorz(3,3)
2869  integer :: mirrorzx(3,3)
2870  real(dp) :: trialt(3)
2871 ! real(dp) :: itnonsconv2(3),trialt2(3)
2873 !**************************************************************************
2875 !write(std_out,*)' symplanes : enter'
2876 !write(std_out,*)' center,iholohedry,isym,isymrelconv,itnonsconv=',center,iholohedry,isym,isymrelconv,itnonsconv
2878  identity(:,:)=0
2879  identity(1,1)=1 ; identity(2,2)=1 ; identity(3,3)=1
2881 !Will be a mirror plane, but one must characterize
2882 !(1) the type of plane (primary, secondary or tertiary)
2883 !(2) the gliding vector. One now defines a few matrices.
2884  mirrorx(:,:)=identity(:,:) ; mirrorx(1,1)=-1
2885  mirrory(:,:)=identity(:,:) ; mirrory(2,2)=-1
2886  mirrorz(:,:)=identity(:,:) ; mirrorz(3,3)=-1
2887  mirrorxy(:,:)=0 ; mirrorxy(1,2)=1 ; mirrorxy(2,1)=1 ; mirrorxy(3,3)=1
2888  mirrorzx(:,:)=0 ; mirrorzx(1,3)=1 ; mirrorzx(3,1)=1 ; mirrorzx(2,2)=1
2889  mirroryz(:,:)=0 ; mirroryz(2,3)=1 ; mirroryz(3,2)=1 ; mirroryz(1,1)=1
2890  mirrormxy(:,:)=0 ; mirrormxy(1,2)=-1 ; mirrormxy(2,1)=-1 ; mirrormxy(3,3)=1
2891  mirrormzx(:,:)=0 ; mirrormzx(1,3)=-1 ; mirrormzx(3,1)=-1 ; mirrormzx(2,2)=1
2892  mirrormyz(:,:)=0 ; mirrormyz(2,3)=-1 ; mirrormyz(3,2)=-1 ; mirrormyz(1,1)=1
2894 !Determine the type of plane. At the end,
2895 !directiontype=1 will correspond to a primary axis (or equivalent
2896 !axes for orthorhombic)
2897 !directiontype=2 will correspond to a secondary axis
2898 !directiontype=3 will correspond to a tertiary axis
2899 !See table 2.4.1, 11.2 and 11.3 of the international tables for crystallography
2900  directiontype=0
2901 !The sum of elements of the matrices allow to characterize them
2902  sum_elements=sum(isymrelconv(:,:))
2904  if(sum_elements==1)then
2905 !  The mirror plane perpendicular to the c axis is always primary
2906    if( sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrorz(:,:)))==0 )then
2907      directiontype=1
2908 !    All the other planes with a symrel matrix whose sum of elements is 1
2909 !    are a or b planes. They are primary or
2910 !    secondary planes, depending the holohedry.
2911    else if(sum(isymrelconv(:,:))==1)then
2912      if( iholohedry==2 .or. iholohedry==3 .or. iholohedry==7 )then
2913        directiontype=1
2914      else if(iholohedry==4 .or. iholohedry==6)then
2915        directiontype=2
2916      end if
2917    end if
2918  end if
2920 !All the planes with a symrel matrix whose sum of elements
2921 !is 2 are secondary planes (table 11.3).
2922  if( sum_elements==2 ) directiontype=2
2924 !The planes with a symrel matrix whose sum of elements
2925 !is 3 or 0 are tertiary planes
2926  if( sum_elements==3 .or. sum_elements==0 )directiontype=3
2928 !One is left with sum_elements=-1, tertiary for tetragonal
2929 !or cubic, secondary for hexagonal
2930  if( sum_elements==-1)then
2931    if(iholohedry==4 .or. iholohedry==7)directiontype=3
2932    if(iholohedry==6)directiontype=2
2933  end if
2936 !Now, determine the gliding vector
2937 !First, apply the symmetry operation
2938 !to itnonsconv, in order to get the translation vector
2939 !under the application of twice the symmetry operation
2940  trialt(:)=matmul(isymrelconv(:,:),itnonsconv(:)) +itnonsconv(:)
2941 !Get the translation associated with one application,
2942 !and force its components to be in the interval ]-0.5,0.5] .
2943  trialt(:)=trialt(:)*half
2944  trialt(:)=trialt(:)-nint(trialt(:)-nzero)
2946 !If there is a glide vector for the initial choice of itnonsconv,
2947 !it might be that it disappears if itnonsconv is translated by a
2948 !lattice vector of the conventional cell
2949 !if(trialt(1)**2+trialt(2)**2+trialt(3)**2>tol5)then
2950 !do ii=1,3
2951 !itnonsconv2(:)=itnonsconv(:)
2952 !itnonsconv2(ii)=itnonsconv(ii)+one
2953 !trialt2(:)=matmul(isymrelconv(:,:),itnonsconv2(:)) +itnonsconv2(:)
2954 !trialt2(:)=trialt2(:)*half
2955 !trialt2(:)=trialt2(:)-nint(trialt2(:)-nzero)
2956 !if(trialt2(1)**2+trialt2(2)**2+trialt2(3)**2<tol5)then
2957 !trialt(:)=trialt2(:)
2958 !endif
2959 !enddo
2960 !endif
2962  write(msg,'(a)') ' symplanes...'
2964 !Must use the convention of table 1.3 of the international
2965 !tables for crystallography, see also pp 788 and 789.
2966 !Often, one needs to specialize the selection according
2967 !to the Bravais lattice or the system.
2969  if(sum(abs(trialt(:)))<nzero .and. iholohedry/=6)then
2970    type_axis=15  ! m
2971    write(label,'(a)') 'a mirror plane'
2972  else if(iholohedry==4 .and. center==0)then    ! primitive tetragonal
2974    if(directiontype==1)then
2975      type_axis=18  ! primary n
2976      write(label,'(a)') 'a primary n plane'
2977    else if(directiontype==2)then
2978      if(sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,zero,zero/)))<nzero .or. sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,half,zero/)))<nzero)then
2979        type_axis=16  ! secondary a or b
2980        write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary a or b plane'
2981      else if(sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,zero,half/)))<nzero)then
2982        type_axis=17    ! secondary c
2983        write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary c plane'
2984      else
2985        type_axis=18    ! secondary n
2986        write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary n plane'
2987      end if ! directiontype==2
2988    else if(directiontype==3)then
2989      if( abs(trialt(3))<nzero )then
2990        type_axis=15    ! tertiary m
2991        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary m plane'
2992      else if( abs(trialt(3)-half)<nzero )then
2993        type_axis=19    ! tertiary c
2994        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary c plane'
2995      end if
2996    end if
2998  else if(iholohedry==4 .and. center==-1)then    ! inner tetragonal
3000    if(directiontype==1 .or. directiontype==2)then
3001      if(sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,zero,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3002         sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,half,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3003         sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,zero,half/)))<nzero      )then
3004        type_axis=16    ! a, b, or c
3005        write(label,'(a)') 'an a, b or c plane'
3006      else if(sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,half,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3007              sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,half,half/)))<nzero .or. &
3008              sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,zero,half/)))<nzero       )then
3009        type_axis=15    ! n plane, equivalent to m
3010        write(label,'(a)') 'a m plane'
3011      end if ! directiontype==1 or 2
3012    else if(directiontype==3)then
3013      if( abs(trialt(3))<nzero .or. abs(trialt(3)-half)<nzero )then
3014        type_axis=15    ! tertiary c, equivalent to m
3015        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary m plane'
3016      else
3017        type_axis=17    ! tertiary d
3018        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary d plane'
3019      end if
3020    end if
3022  else if(iholohedry==5)then    ! hR
3024    if( abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-one) < nzero) then
3025      type_axis=15    ! secondary m
3026      write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary m plane'
3027    else if( abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-half) < nzero .or. abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-three*half) < nzero )then
3028      type_axis=16    ! secondary c
3029      write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary c plane'
3030    end if
3032  else if(iholohedry==6)then    ! hP
3034    if(directiontype==1)then
3035      if( abs(trialt(3)) <nzero )then
3036        type_axis=15    ! primary m
3037        write(label,'(a)') 'a primary m plane'
3038      end if
3039    else if(directiontype==2)then
3040      if( abs(trialt(3)) <nzero )then
3041        type_axis=15    ! secondary m
3042        write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary m plane'
3043      else if( abs(trialt(3)-half) < nzero ) then
3044        type_axis=16    ! secondary c
3045        write(label,'(a)') 'a secondary c plane'
3046      end if
3047    else if(directiontype==3)then
3048      if( abs(trialt(3)) <nzero )then
3049        type_axis=17    ! tertiary m
3050        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary m plane'
3051      else if( abs(trialt(3)-half) < nzero ) then
3052        type_axis=18    ! tertiary c
3053        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary c plane'
3054      end if
3055    end if ! directiontype
3057 !  else if(iholohedry==7 .and. center==0)then    ! cP
3058  else if(iholohedry==7)then    ! cP
3060    if(directiontype==1)then
3061      if((sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrorx(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3062          sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/zero,half,half/)))<nzero   ).or. &
3063          (sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrory(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3064          sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,zero,half/)))<nzero   ).or. &
3065          (sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrorz(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3066          sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,half,zero/)))<nzero   )    ) then
3067        type_axis=17     ! d
3068        write(label,'(a)') 'a d plane'
3069      else
3070        type_axis=18    ! primary n
3071        write(label,'(a)') 'a primary n plane'
3072      end if
3073    else if(directiontype==3)then
3074      if(sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,half,half/)))<nzero       )then
3075        type_axis=17     ! d
3076        write(label,'(a)') 'a d plane'
3077      else if( abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-half) < nzero .or. abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-three*half) < nzero ) then
3078        type_axis=18    ! tertiary n
3079        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary n plane'
3080      else if( abs(sum(abs(trialt(:)))-one) < nzero )then
3081        type_axis=15    ! tertiary m
3082        write(label,'(a)') 'a tertiary m plane'
3083      end if
3084    end if
3086 !  Now, treat all other cases (including other centered Bravais lattices)
3087  else if(sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,zero,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3088          sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,half,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3089          sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,zero,half/)))<nzero       )then
3090    type_axis=16     ! a, b or c
3091    write(label,'(a)') 'an a,b, or c plane'
3092  else if( (directiontype==1 .or. directiontype==2) .and. &
3093           (sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,half,zero/)))<nzero .or. &
3094            sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/zero,half,half/)))<nzero .or. &
3095            sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,zero,half/)))<nzero     ) )then
3096    type_axis=18     ! n
3097    write(label,'(a)') 'an n plane'
3098  else if( directiontype==3 .and. sum(abs(trialt(:)-(/half,half,half/)))<nzero )then
3099    type_axis=18     ! n
3100    write(label,'(a)') 'an n plane'
3101  else if((sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrorx(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3102           sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/zero,half,half/)))<nzero   ).or. &
3103           (sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrory(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3104           sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,zero,half/)))<nzero   ).or. &
3105           (sum(abs(isymrelconv(:,:)-mirrorz(:,:)))==0 .and.  &
3106           sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,half,zero/)))<nzero   )    ) then
3107    type_axis=17     ! d
3108    write(label,'(a)') 'a d plane'
3109  else if( directiontype==3 .and. sum(abs(two*abs(trialt(:))-(/half,half,half/)))<nzero)then
3110    type_axis=17     ! d
3111    write(label,'(a)') 'a d plane'
3112  else
3113    type_axis=19     ! g (all other planes with
3114 !  unconventional glide vector)
3115    write(label,'(a)') 'a g plane'
3116  end if
3118  if (verbose) then
3119    write(msg,'(a,i3,a,a)')' symplanes : the symmetry operation no. ',isym,' is ', trim(label)
3120    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
3121  end if
3123 end subroutine symplanes

m_symtk/symrelrot [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_symtk ] [ Functions ]




 Transform the symmetry matrices symrel expressed in the coordinate system rprimd,
 to symmetry matrices symrel expressed in the new coordinate system rprimd_new


 nsym=number of symmetries
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)
 rprimd_new(3,3)=new dimensional primitive translations for real space (bohr)


  (see side effects)


 ierr= (at input) if present, will deal with error code outside of the routine. 
       (at output) return 0 if no problem, 1 otherwise
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms
 of primitive translations rprimd at input and rprimd_new at output


1000 subroutine symrelrot(nsym, rprimd, rprimd_new, symrel, tolsym, ierr)
1002 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1003 !scalars
1004  integer,intent(in) :: nsym
1005  integer,intent(inout),optional :: ierr
1006  real(dp),intent(in) :: tolsym
1007 !arrays
1008  integer,intent(inout) :: symrel(3,3,nsym)
1009  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),rprimd_new(3,3)
1011 !Local variables-------------------------------
1012 !scalars
1013  integer :: ierr_,ii,isym,jj
1014  real(dp) :: val
1015  character(len=500) :: msg
1016 !arrays
1017  integer :: symrel_tmp(3,3,nsym)
1018  real(dp) :: coord(3,3),coordinvt(3,3),matr1(3,3),matr2(3,3),rprimd_invt(3,3)
1020 !**************************************************************************
1022  ierr_=0
1024 !Compute the coordinates of rprimd_new in the system defined by rprimd(:,:)
1025  call matr3inv(rprimd,rprimd_invt)
1026  do ii=1,3
1027    coord(:,ii)=rprimd_new(1,ii)*rprimd_invt(1,:)+ &
1028 &   rprimd_new(2,ii)*rprimd_invt(2,:)+ &
1029 &   rprimd_new(3,ii)*rprimd_invt(3,:)
1030  end do
1032 !Transform symmetry matrices in the system defined by rprimd_new
1033  call matr3inv(coord,coordinvt)
1034  do isym=1,nsym
1035    do ii=1,3
1036      matr1(:,ii)=symrel(:,1,isym)*coord(1,ii)+&
1037 &     symrel(:,2,isym)*coord(2,ii)+&
1038 &     symrel(:,3,isym)*coord(3,ii)
1039    end do
1040    do ii=1,3
1041      matr2(:,ii)=coordinvt(1,:)*matr1(1,ii)+&
1042 &     coordinvt(2,:)*matr1(2,ii)+&
1043 &     coordinvt(3,:)*matr1(3,ii)
1044    end do
1046 !DEBUG
1047 !  write(std_out, '(a,10i4)')' symrelrot : isym, symrel=',isym,symrel(:,:,isym)
1048 !  write(std_out, '(a,9es16.6)')' transformed to ', matr2(:,:)
1051 !  Check that the new symmetry matrices are made of integers, and store them
1052    do ii=1,3
1053      do jj=1,3
1054        val=matr2(ii,jj)
1055 !      Need to allow for ten times tolsym, in case of centered Bravais lattices (but do it for all lattices ...)
1056        if(abs(val-nint(val))>ten*tolsym)then
1057          ierr_=1
1058          if(.not.(present(ierr))) then
1059            write(msg,'(2a,a,i3,a,a,3es14.6,a,a,3es14.6,a,a,3es14.6)')&
1060             'One of the components of symrel is non-integer within 10*tolsym,',ch10,&
1061             '  for isym=',isym,ch10,&
1062             '  symrel=',matr2(:,1),ch10,&
1063             '         ',matr2(:,2),ch10,&
1064             '         ',matr2(:,3)
1065            ABI_ERROR_CLASS(msg, "TolSymError")
1066          endif
1067        end if
1068        symrel_tmp(ii,jj,isym)=nint(val)
1069      end do
1070    end do
1071  end do ! isym
1073  if(ierr_==0)then
1074 !  Upgrade symrel only if there is no error
1075    symrel(:,:,:)=symrel_tmp(:,:,:)
1076  endif
1078  if(present(ierr))then
1079    ierr=ierr_
1080  endif
1082 end subroutine symrelrot