ABINIT/m_berry_curvature [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]





  Copyright (C) 2008-2024 ABINIT group (MG, MMignolet)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


15 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 #include "config.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "abi_common.h"
21 module m_berry_curvature
23  use defs_basis
24  use m_abicore
25  use m_xmpi
26  use m_errors
27  use m_crystal
28  use m_dtset
29  use m_dtfil
30  use netcdf
31  use m_nctk
33  use m_time,            only : cwtime, cwtime_report
34  use m_fstrings,        only : strcat, sjoin, ktoa
35  use defs_datatypes,    only : ebands_t
36  use m_kpts,            only : kpts_timrev_from_kptopt, kpts_map, smpbz
37  use m_ddb_hdr,         only : ddb_hdr_type, BLKTYP_d2E_mbc
38  use m_ddb,             only : ddb_type
39  use m_ifc,             only : ifc_type
40  use m_gstore,          only : gstore_t, gqk_t
41  use m_dynmat,          only : massmult_and_breaksym_cplx
43  implicit none
45  private
47  public :: berry_curvature

m_berry_curvature/berry_curvature [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_berry_curvature ] [ Functions ]




 Computes the molecular Berry curvature and writes the reulst to a new ddb
 Ref: see D. Saparov PRB 105, 064303 (2022)


 gstore<type(gstore_t)> = gstore object with el-ph matrix element computed
   the whole BZ
 dtset<type(dataset_type)> even though its listed as inout, its not modified
 ! in_ddb<type(ddb_type)>
 dielt(3,3)=dielectric tensor.
 zeff(3,3,natom)=effective charge on each atom, versus electric field and atomic displacement
 qdrp_cart(3,3,3,natom)=Quadrupole tensor on each atom in cartesian cordinates


 Generates a new ddb file with the molecular Berry curvature: *_BERRY_DDB


 79 subroutine berry_curvature(gstore, dtset, dtfil)
 81 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 82 !scalars
 83  type(gstore_t),target,intent(inout) :: gstore
 84  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
 85  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
 87 !Local variables-------------------------------
 88 !scalars
 89  integer,parameter :: master = 0, LOG_MODQ = 5
 90  integer :: nproc, my_rank, ierr, comm, mpert, msize
 91  integer :: my_is, spin, nsppol, ntypat, natom, natom3, ib1, ib2, band1, band2, nb, ebands_timrev
 92  integer :: ik_ibz, isym_k, trev_k, tsign_k, g0_k(3)
 93  integer :: ikq_ibz, isym_kq, trev_kq, tsign_kq, g0_kq(3)
 94  integer :: iq_ibz, isym_q, trev_q, tsign_q, g0_q(3)
 95  integer :: my_iq, iq_glob, my_ik, ik_glob
 96  integer :: my_ip1, my_ip2, ipc1, ipc2, ipert1, ipert2, nblock, idir1, idir2
 97  logical :: isirr_k, isirr_q, isirr_kq, print_qtime
 98  real(dp) :: e_b1_k, e_b2_k, e_b1_kq, e_b2_kq, f_b1_k, f_b1_kq, f_b2_k, f_b2_kq, dene, spin_occ, fact(2)
 99  real(dp) :: cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all, cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q
100  complex(dp) :: tmp, tmp1, tmp2
101  character(len=5000) :: msg
102  character(len=fnlen) :: berry_ddb_filepath
103  class(crystal_t),pointer :: cryst
104  class(ebands_t),pointer :: ebands
105  type(gqk_t),pointer :: gqk
106  type(crystal_t) :: in_ddb_crystal
107  type(ddb_type) :: in_ddb, berry_ddb
108  type(ddb_hdr_type) :: in_ddb_hdr, berry_ddb_hdr
109 !arrays
110  integer :: units(2)
111  integer,allocatable :: blkflg(:,:,:,:)
112  integer,allocatable :: my_kqmap(:,:)
113  real(dp) :: qphon(3)
114  real(dp) :: qq_ibz(3)
115  real(dp),allocatable :: tmp_mat(:,:,:,:,:)
116  complex(dp),allocatable :: gmat(:,:,:)
117 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
119  comm = gstore%comm; nproc = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
120  units = [std_out, ab_out]
121  call cwtime(cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all, "start")
123  cryst => gstore%cryst; ebands => gstore%ebands
124  natom = cryst%natom; ntypat = cryst%ntypat
125  natom3 = 3 * cryst%natom; nsppol = ebands%nsppol
126  spin_occ = one; if (nsppol == 1 .and. dtset%nspinor == 1) spin_occ = two
127  ebands_timrev = kpts_timrev_from_kptopt(ebands%kptopt)
129  if (my_rank == master) then
130    call wrtout(std_out, " Computing berry curvature", pre_newlines=2)
131    call gstore%print(std_out, header="Gstore", prtvol=dtset%prtvol)
132  end if
134  ! Consistency check
135  ierr = 0
136  ABI_CHECK_NOSTOP(gstore%qzone == "ibz", "qzone == 'ibz' is required", ierr)
137  ABI_CHECK_NOSTOP(gstore%kzone == "bz", "kzone == 'bz' is required", ierr)
138  ABI_CHECK_NOSTOP(gstore%gqk(1)%cplex == 2, "cplex == 2 is required", ierr)
139  ! Need all perts on the same procs as we have to take the outer product (ipc1, ipc2)
140  ABI_CHECK_NOSTOP(gstore%gqk(1)%pert_comm%nproc == 1, "berry_curvature is not compatible with pert_parallelism", ierr)
141  ABI_CHECK(ierr == 0, "Wrong gstore object for berry_curvature. See messages above")
143  ABI_CALLOC(gmat, (natom3, natom3, gstore%nqibz))
145  ! Loop over collinear spins (if any)
146  do spin=1,gstore%nsppol
147    my_is = gstore%spin2my_is(spin); if (my_is == 0) cycle
148    gqk => gstore%gqk(my_is)
149    nb = gqk%nb
150    ABI_MALLOC(my_kqmap, (6, gqk%my_nk))
152    ! For each q-point in the IBZ treated by me.
153    do my_iq=1,gqk%my_nq
154      print_qtime = (my_iq <= LOG_MODQ .or. mod(my_iq, LOG_MODQ) == 0)
155      if (print_qtime) call cwtime(cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q, "start")
156      iq_ibz = gqk%my_q2ibz(1, my_iq); isym_q = gqk%my_q2ibz(2, my_iq)
157      trev_q = gqk%my_q2ibz(6, my_iq); g0_q = gqk%my_q2ibz(3:5, my_iq)
158      isirr_q = (isym_q == 1 .and. trev_q == 0 .and. all(g0_q == 0))
159      tsign_q = 1; if (trev_q == 1) tsign_q = -1
160      qq_ibz = gstore%qibz(:, iq_ibz)
161      iq_glob = my_iq + gqk%my_qstart - 1
163      ! Find k+q in the IBZ for all my k-points.
164      if (kpts_map("symrel", ebands_timrev, cryst, gstore%krank_ibz, gqk%my_nk, gqk%my_kpts, my_kqmap, qpt=qq_ibz) /= 0) then
165        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot map k+q to IBZ with qpt:", ktoa(qq_ibz)))
166      end if
168      ! Integration over my k-points in the BZ
169      do my_ik=1,gqk%my_nk
170        ik_glob = my_ik + gqk%my_kstart - 1
172        ik_ibz = gqk%my_k2ibz(1, my_ik); isym_k = gqk%my_k2ibz(2, my_ik)
173        trev_k = gqk%my_k2ibz(6, my_ik); g0_k = gqk%my_k2ibz(3:5, my_ik)
174        isirr_k = (isym_k == 1 .and. trev_k == 0 .and. all(g0_k == 0))
175        tsign_k = 1; if (trev_k == 1) tsign_k = -1
177        ikq_ibz = my_kqmap(1, my_ik); isym_kq = my_kqmap(2, my_ik)
178        trev_kq = my_kqmap(6, my_ik); g0_kq = my_kqmap(3:5, my_ik)
179        isirr_kq = (isym_kq == 1 .and. trev_kq == 0 .and. all(g0_kq == 0))
180        tsign_kq = 1; if (trev_kq == 1) tsign_kq = -1
182        ! Summation over the two band indices. NB: occupancies f are rescaled in [0, 1] when nsppol 2.
183        ! Here we accumulate:
184        !
185        ! + <b1,k|D_{-q,p1}|b2,k+q> <b2,k+q|D_{q,p2}|b1,k> / (e_{b1,k} - e_{b2,k+q})^2  <<< term 1
186        ! - <b2,k|D_{-q,p1}|b1,k+q> <b1,k+q|D_{q,p2}|b2,k> / (e_{b2,k} - e_{b1,k+q})^2  <<< term 2
187        !
188        ! where b1 is the initial band and b2 the final band, p1, p2 are atomic perturbations in reduced coords
189        ! and we're summing over k in the BZ at fixed q.
190        do ib2=1,nb
191          band2 = ib2 + gqk%bstart - 1
192          e_b2_k = ebands%eig(band2, ik_ibz, spin)
193          f_b2_k = ebands%occ(band2, ik_ibz, spin) / spin_occ
194          e_b2_kq = ebands%eig(band2, ikq_ibz, spin)
195          f_b2_kq = ebands%occ(band2, ikq_ibz, spin) / spin_occ
197          do ib1=1,nb
198            band1 = ib1 + gqk%bstart - 1
199            e_b1_kq = ebands%eig(band1, ikq_ibz, spin)
200            f_b1_kq = ebands%occ(band1, ikq_ibz, spin) / spin_occ
201            e_b1_k = ebands%eig(band1, ik_ibz, spin)
202            f_b1_k = ebands%occ(band1, ik_ibz, spin) / spin_occ
204            ! following the formula: m = b1 and mprime = b2
205            fact(1) = f_b1_k  * (one - f_b2_kq)
206            fact(2) = f_b1_kq * (one - f_b2_k)
208            if (all(abs(fact) < tol20)) cycle
210            dene = e_b1_k - e_b2_kq
211            if (abs(dene) > tol12) then
212            ! the tolerance here might need some tweaking
213              fact(1) = fact(1) / dene**2
214            else
215              ! TODO: add finite delta or do Taylor series expansion of numerator + denominator?
216              fact(1) = zero
217            end if
219            dene = e_b2_k - e_b1_kq
220            if (abs(dene) > tol12) then
221            ! the tolerance here might need some tweaking
222              fact(2) = fact(2) / dene**2
223            else
224              ! TODO: add finite delta or do Taylor series expansion of numerator + denominator?
225              fact(2) = zero
226            end if
228            ! Loop over perturbations and accumulate.
229            do my_ip1=1,gqk%my_npert
230              ipc1 = gqk%my_iperts(my_ip1)
231              do my_ip2=1,gqk%my_npert
232                ipc2 = gqk%my_iperts(my_ip2)
233                ! my_g(my_npert, nb, my_nq, nb, my_nk)
235                ! 1st term
236                ! <k, b1| D_{-q,p1}H |k+q, b2> * <k+q, b2| D_{q,p2}H |k, b1>
237                tmp1 = fact(1) * conjg(gqk%my_g(my_ip1,ib2,my_iq,ib1,my_ik)) * gqk%my_g(my_ip2,ib2,my_iq,ib1,my_ik)
239                ! 2nd term
240                ! <k, b2| D_{-q,p1}H |k+q, b1> * <k+q, b1| D_{q,p2}H |k, b2>
241                tmp2 = fact(2) * conjg(gqk%my_g(my_ip1,ib1,my_iq,ib2,my_ik)) * gqk%my_g(my_ip2,ib1,my_iq,ib2,my_ik)
243                tmp = tmp1 - tmp2
244                gmat(ipc1, ipc2, iq_ibz) = gmat(ipc1, ipc2, iq_ibz) + tmp
245              end do
246            end do
248          end do ! ib1
249        end do ! ib2
250      end do ! my_ik
252      if (print_qtime) then
253        write(msg,'(4x,3(a,i0),a)')"my_iq [", my_iq, "/", gqk%my_nq, "] (tot: ", gstore%nqibz, ")"
254        call cwtime_report(msg, cpu_q, wall_q, gflops_q); if (my_iq == LOG_MODQ) call wrtout(std_out, " ...")
255      end if
256    end do ! my_iq
257    ABI_FREE(my_kqmap)
258  end do ! spin
260  ! Here we ALL_REDUCE all partial integrals (sum over MPI-distributed dims i.e. spins and k-points in BZ).
261  ! Also, account for spin degeneracy as f in [0,1] if collinear.
262  gmat = j_dpc * gmat / gstore%nkbz
263  if (nsppol == 1 .and. dtset%nspinor == 1) gmat = two * gmat
264  call xmpi_sum(gmat, comm, ierr)
265  call massmult_and_breaksym_cplx(cryst%natom, cryst%ntypat, cryst%typat, gstore%ifc%amu, gmat, herm_opt=0)
266  call cwtime_report(" berry_curvature:", cpu_all, wall_all, gflops_all)
268  if (my_rank == master) then
269    ! Print some results to ab_out for testing purposes.
270    do iq_ibz=1,gstore%nqibz
271      write(msg, "(2a,2x,2a)")ch10, ch10, "G(q) matrix for qpt: ", trim(ktoa(gstore%qibz(:,iq_ibz)))
272      call wrtout(units, msg)
273      write(msg, "(2x,4(a6,2x), 2(a12,2x))")"idir1", "ipert1", "idir2", "ipert2", "Re(gmat)", "Im(gmat)"
274      call wrtout(units, msg)
275      do ipc2=1,natom3
276        idir2 = mod(ipc2-1, 3) + 1; ipert2 = (ipc2 - idir2) / 3 + 1
277        do ipc1=1,natom3
278          idir1 = mod(ipc1-1, 3) + 1; ipert1 = (ipc1 - idir1) / 3 + 1
279          write(msg, "(2x,4(i6,2x), 2(es12.5,2x))") &
280            idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2, real(gmat(ipc1, ipc2, iq_ibz)), aimag(gmat(ipc1, ipc2, iq_ibz))
281          call wrtout(units, msg)
282        end do
283      end do
284    end do ! iq_ibz
285  end if
286  !stop
288  ! Symmetry properties:
289  !  1) G(-q) = G(q)^*
290  !  2) In the presence of time reversal symmetry, the Berry curvature would be zero
291  call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading input DDB from file:", dtfil%filddbsin))
292  call in_ddb%from_file(dtfil%filddbsin, in_ddb_hdr, in_ddb_crystal, comm, dtset%prtvol)
293  call in_ddb_crystal%free()
295  ! Initialize ddb header object
296  call wrtout(units, "- Initialize berry_ddb_hdr:")
297  ! dirty trick otherwise ddb_hdr_init complains about not havinig kpt weights
298  ABI_MALLOC(dtset%wtk, (gstore%nkbz))
299  dtset%wtk(:) = one / (one * gstore%nkbz)
300  call berry_ddb_hdr%init(dtset,in_ddb_hdr%psps, in_ddb_hdr%pawtab, &
301                          dscrpt=' Molecular Berry curvature ', &
302                          nblok=gstore%nqibz, nkpt=gstore%ebands%nkpt, kpt=gstore%ebands%kptns, &
303                          occ=gstore%ebands%occ)
304  ABI_FREE(dtset%wtk)
305  call in_ddb_hdr%free()
306  call in_ddb%free()
308  !  Initialize ddb object
309  ! nblock = number of block -> number of qpt here
310  ! mpert = maximum number of perturbations (atom displacements + electric field + ...)
311  ! msize = maximum size of one block of the ddb e.g. 3*mpert * 3*mpert.
312  nblock = gstore%nqibz
313  mpert = natom+6 ! in principle we only need natom, but some portions of anaddb
314                          ! require at least natom+6
315  msize = 3*mpert * 3*mpert
316  call wrtout(units, "- Initialize berry_ddb:")
317  call berry_ddb%init(dtset, nblock, mpert=mpert, with_d2E=.true.)
319  ! Set the values for the 2nd order derivatives
320  ABI_CALLOC(blkflg, (3, mpert, 3, mpert))
321  ABI_CALLOC(tmp_mat, (2, 3, mpert, 3, mpert))
322  blkflg(:3,:natom,:3,:natom) = 1 ! all values have been computed
323  do iq_ibz=1,gstore%nqibz
324    tmp_mat(1,:3,:natom,:3,:natom) = reshape( real(gmat(:,:,iq_ibz)), (/3,natom,3,natom/))
325    tmp_mat(2,:3,:natom,:3,:natom) = reshape(aimag(gmat(:,:,iq_ibz)), (/3,natom,3,natom/))
326    qphon = gstore%qibz(:,iq_ibz)
327    call berry_ddb%set_qpt(iq_ibz, qphon)
328    call berry_ddb%set_typ(iq_ibz, BLKTYP_d2E_mbc)
329    call berry_ddb%set_d2matr(iq_ibz, tmp_mat, blkflg)
330  end do
332  ! Output Berry ddb
333  if (my_rank == master) then
334    berry_ddb_filepath = strcat(dtfil%filnam_ds(4), "_BERRY_DDB")
335    call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Writing DDB file with Berry curvature to: ", berry_ddb_filepath), pre_newlines=2)
336    call berry_ddb%write(berry_ddb_hdr, berry_ddb_filepath)
337  end if
339  ! Deallocate ddb object
340  call berry_ddb_hdr%free()
341  call berry_ddb%free()
342  ABI_FREE(gmat)
343  ABI_FREE(blkflg)
344  ABI_FREE(tmp_mat)
346 end subroutine berry_curvature